#as for envy that could manifest in many different ways
grimgummies · 10 months
Sooo since the baddies being based off the seven deadly sins was confirmed, and you've already given your thoughts to who is supposed to be who of the current villains, do you have any theories for who's supposed to be Envy, Pride, and Sloth?
Ooohhh hehehe actually I do have some ideas,,
Well Evermore is lookin like he'll be pride but until he's confirmed to be an actual antag/villain it's a very big maybe,, But I'm still holding onto that thought because I mean look at him,,, His first name is literally Narciso (aka narcissist) and he has an insane ego (Despite all this I absolutely think he will play a big role and be a future antag :3)
As for sloth and envy I can't connect them to a character (yet) so they'll most likely be presented in characters saved for future episodes :)
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sakurapandadreams · 2 months
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
And here's my masterlist
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☀️ Neptune trine Pluto can also have exceptional psychic abilities [except they keep dismissing their abilities as mere coincidence]
☀️ Most dancers in many kpop groups tend to have Aries Sun or prominent Aries placement in their chart.
☀️ Pisces Moons tend to overdo their confidence, trying to hide the insecurities they have deep down.
☀️ Pisces Sun's are also good at manifesting provided they know that their good at it.
☀️ In many cases if you and your siblings have opposite rising signs you may look completely different from each other.
For example : If your a Taurus rising and your siblings is a Scorpio rising you both will look so different people can doubt your even siblings
☀️ Debilitated moons can signify unhealthy attachments towards the mother.
☀️ During your birth if your Moon left its previous sign and just entered its next sign, again you guys could also share the qualities of both those signs.
For example : Moon left Capricorn and just entered Aquarius you can have the traits of both Capricorn as well as Aquarius.
☀️ Check where you have Aquarius in your chart you feel like an outcast more in that place.
☀️ Capricorn risings are so much interested in crime documentaries, murder mysteries, solving criminal cases.
☀️ Pluto in the 3rd house can get bullied when young, being bullied for your intelligence, people considering you dumb hence they can also have trouble communicating their feelings with others most will keep to themselves.
☀️ Mars in the 7th house [men] tend to like women who are ultra feminine.
☀️ Venus in Leo in 8th house tend to get in laws that have a higher social status than them.
☀️ Leo Moons look up or learn from their mothers more than their fathers. Their mothers are also quite controlling and dominating towards the child as well as the natives father.
☀️ Mercury - Pluto aspects have a harsh way of talking sometimes they don't want to come off as rude but they still do. Often times whatever they say is incorrectly interpret or misunderstood by people.
☀️ Same goes for Mercury Square Saturn except these people have mastered sarcasm, they aren't blunt like Pluto rather sarcastic.
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☀️ A person having Rahu in Bharani nakshatra may end up evoking a desire in the opposite gender unintentionally.
☀️ 3rd house Ketu 🤝 never running out of hard cash.
☀️ Also if your 1st house lord sits in the 7th house then that can at times give you a low self esteem same goes for Sun in the 7th house.
☀️ Purva Phalguni moons tend to have a good childhood but they have to adjust and sacrifice alot in their married life.
☀️ Also Purva phalguni moons [women] tend to love their spouse more, but that love isn't much reciprocate.
☀️ Purva Ashada Nakshatras are so good at teaching and also at research work. In group projects they end up giving excellent ideas. They also get the due recognition for the work they do.
☀️ Many a times if you have a Nakshatra that shares itself with two signs you can have qualities of both those signs in you [Chitra Nakshatra shares itself with both Virgo and Libra].
☀️ [Now this is my opinion and it can be wrong but still ☺️] I feel all signs attract envy in their own way, Scorpio and Leo's attract alot because their ruled by such fiery planets like Mars and Sun.
☀️ If Mars is aspected by Rahu or in conjunction with Rahu it can also give a person tendencies to doubt their own strengths and talents.
☀️ Hasta Moons or Rising both are soo good at drawing, mehndi, creating best out of waste, handicrafts, hand embroidery. More than cooking their good at cutting vegetables and decorating dishes. Also great at hairstyling. However they can be great dentists and surgeons as well [They get less credit for this]
☀️ Shravan Nakshatra is one of the most intuitive nakshatras, their another walking lie detectors.
☀️ Uttara Bhadrapada gives you blessings for the good karma you did in your past life.
☀️ Sun as your darakaraka can also give you a husband who would often show you off to others.
☀️ Ketu in the 7th house doesn't mean one won't get married they can get married but they will stay away from each other, like having jobs in two different places [long distance marriages].
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners.
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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Hi Maya I was one of your first anons back in March and I manifested my dream life. i just wanted to share some things that helped me, and hope we can all pass some knowledge so we all get our desires life. I did, you did, and everyone reading this can and will so let’s all try to help out by sharing a little of our journey. I’ll never create a blog because tumblr is a mess, so I’ll just share them here bc I trust you as a creator and I hope you agree with what I’m saying. Even if you don’t these are my assumptions and my truth
il get into my methods in one second but users of tumblr there are only 4 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LAW (Inspired heavily by you bc I used your blog religiously) I will say you’re kind of too nice and I wish I had someone to yell at me like this, and tell me to stop being a victim!!! So if it sounds aggressive it’s because it is in the best loving way possible.OKAY SO.
★you need to understand that you want to fulfill yourself in imagination because you don’t care about the desires only how you feel about it. Bare with me it sounds stupid I know. But I don’t care about men or how they feel about me. I just want to feel worshiped and love, and I could fulfill that in my imagination. I don’t care about money??? It’s fucking paper !!! I just want to feel secure and financially free and want the feeling of buying my favorite clothes without looking at the tag. I GOT THE SAME FEELING FROM PINTREST EVEN WHEN I WAS POOR GODDAMNIT. I didn’t care about getting all As in school when I’ve always believed school is not a representation of intelligence. I wanted to feel recognized adored and respected which I had to feel for myself in my mind before it projected. I don’t care about looking skinny, I just wanted to feel snatched, I wanted to be envied, and feel pretty. And in my mind everyone wanted to be me even when I was ugly and fat. BUT I DIDNT FEEL FAT. Even with no change in the 3D I had my desires. This applies to all your desires, and you really need to understand that.
★you can affirm,visualize, understand states, understand non dualism, use the Bible or Torah m, wall twerk and say “I AM THAT BITXH,” use sats YADADAA . No one cares it doesn’t matter. you don’t have to feel anything or, even believe in wth you’re doing. As long as you think that having it in imagination means it’s yours that’s all that matter. I’ve read so many teachers, Neville, Abraham, Abdullah, Edward art, paid coaches, and they all do different things but say the same thing. FAITH IS KEY. That’s all that matters. Don’t let anyone you otherwise or tell you what you have to do. All teachers were once students, all success stories were once struggled failures, all masters were once lost okay. You are god so have some faith in yourself.
★YOU ARE GOD. You know what a god is, you know how a god works, you know god can do anything with a snap of a finger, kill anyone with a thought, look anyway it wants, have anything everything and create whatever. You are an omnipotent loving creator so create and give yourself everything.
★you can’t over consume, you can think from lack of whatever, and doubt can’t hinder you unless you think it does. Having a desire does not mean you’re lacking or else having the wanting for it would mean that too no? When creators say that I want to slam my head against the wall. Even now I have all my desires and I still think about them constantly. Thinking of new clothes to buy with MY WEALTH, I think of new food to eat that won’t even affect my SNATCHED BODY, i find new places to try and explore bc MY SOCIAL CIRCLE IS HUGE AND IM SO LOVED, I think of new makeup up to try to enhance my GORGEOUS PRINCESS FACE. I think of it in the same way from when I didn’t have my desired (I always had them in imagination but you know what I mean.) so there is no thinking from lack, or else you’re always lacking it lmfao the fuck. Anyways I doubted my abilities up until I manifested my dream life. I was okay with it in imagination and whether it reflected or not it was my escape I was content with. DID YOU SEE THAT. I had doubts up until the very end, and it doesn’t mean shit unless you think it does. Just affirm having doubts and obsessions only speed up your results. That’s really all it is.
Now to my story if anyone cares. I won’t make a blog for reason number 2 and 3 listed above. That’s all you need but if you want more info for curiosity go for it. I know I was curious and that didn’t stop me from getting my dream life. Anyways I have the same story as about everyone else here. My life sucked, I found the law, and it worked! HOORAY!!! But how did I do it???? Easy peasy, in a couple of steps.
☞ I tattooed my four rules above in my mind. When fear and doubt emerged I sunk that shit like the titanic and went with my laws that I created. It’s literally called the law of assumption like come on, stop fighting with yourself when you assume and create reality.
☞I ignored anything that I didn’t agree with. Sometimes I’d get so mad and be like WHAT NO WHY WOULD THAT BLOGGER OR COACH OR ANON or whoever say that?? But am I dumb ??? each of us have our own reality our own bubbles. The fact that it works for them and not for me started to only motivate me more. It doesn’t work bc I assume sooo… sooo why not just assume the opposite and focus on my rules like they did. The law is always in effect and working. Either it’s in your favor or it’s not. It’s up to you
☞I used affirmations bc repetition is the only thing that works for my logical brain. Anything can change with repetition. It’s basic science. So in the morning and night time I would affirm. ONCE. Repetition meant for me doing it everyday and not wanting. The rest of my day was lived in my imaginations. And the affirmation was to remind me in my vulnerable state that I already have my desires. That’s why my affirmation was “I have my desires no matter what, and everything I do brings them to me faster than the speed of light” it was kind of funny and made me chuckle but I accepted it as facts. Look guys…
☞I didn’t repress myself. If I cried or yelled or told myself “FUCK YOU” it wasn’t me tf. It was the devil or something. Be like those Christian fuckers who when their child comes out as gay…it’s the devil within them or whatever. I would talk to myself, yell when doubt emerged and when my thoughts weren’t the ones I wanted. It wasn’t fucking me so get the fuck out I have my desires so who tf are you ??? It will feel weird but you’ll get used to it trust me. If you’re uncomfortable it’s working. Getting rid of bad habits and your comfort in dwelling in bad thoughts is uncomfortable but it’s worth it.
I manifested my dream life back in March. I LITERALLY WOKE WITH MY DREAM LIFE. A complete 180. I won’t talk about my past life bc I completely revised it and I’m the only one who remembers so for the most part it feels like a long nightmare that has past. I’ll just talk about what I changed instead because that’s the stuff we all want to hear. Anyways I’ll just post some of my list here.
♥ my life feels like the song rich kids by freak ocean
♥I’m a pretty spoiled princess who gets everything I want but I’m still kind
♥I revised my entire family from looks to personality to zodiac to religion and etc. i rewrote my story which included my family
♥I have natural admired intelligent
♥my family has a net worth of 500 million dollars, and my entire family stems from old money. (Think aristocrats not slave or colonization money)
♥I can play many instruments and speak many languages
♥ I am 5’2, 100 pounds, I have natural stunning vixen beauty, and the most desires body in the world. I’m the beauty standard and people either want to be me or date me. I am naturally skinny and have no worries about my weight, I have clear skin that only gets clearer with my skincare routine, and I have my desired personality where I’m kind but also don’t put up with any shit from anyone because I know I’m that bitch. I also have great style and embody a princess !
♥my life is a combination of my favorite watpadd stories, Gilmore girls, gossip girl, and mean girls.
♥ too many people pursue me I have too many options
♥I have a perfect school life, social life, family life, friend life, and people always wonder what I did to be “so lucky it’s unfair”
♥my family has multiple mansions in America, monoco,Australia, france, and China.
♥I’m a daddies and mommies money girl
♥everyone’s purpose it to make my life easier and make me happier
♥I’m spoiled and privileged in every aspect of my life
♥I’m a master shifter, and manifester
♥I revised my age to 14. I was 18 and graduating but I wanted to redo high school how I had envisioned it all my life
♥I have a “cool mom” people are always jealous how lucky I am
♥I have my main estate in Hollywood hills with my family that’s in a gated, gorgeous, gate kept neighborhood. It is 30,000 sq feet with my dreams decor, dream cars, dream pets, dream house help, dream room with all my stuff saved on Pinterest including decor, furniture, clothes, shoes, makeup and skincare.
♥everything good in my life I have manifested and it’s too much to list. THERES NOT REASON FEAR OR WAIT. Do what you want and assume it still works and it will.
You honestly said it better than I could have. Literally every single one of these points are so valid :)!! I’m glad you think I inspired you love but all I did was allow you recognize your own godly abilities. I’m very proud of you, and have fun girl 🥹❤️
Also. “All teachers were once students, all success stories were once struggled failures, all masters were once lost okay. You are god so have some faith in yourself.” This one million times !!!!! Invest your faith into yourself more than anyone else and you’ll see how fast your reality conforms. I also adore your point about the state of lacking bc I never believed in that. If wanting your desires insinuates it’s not yours, we would have no thoughts since that’s where it all originates from. In fact Edward explains it pretty well.
When Edward looks at lack, he sees it as being something that is only brought about by the individual. He believes that your own actions, thoughts, and attitudes will bring about an artificial scarcity of resources. Edward says that this artificial lack of resources is not actually real—it exists only in our minds, as we focus on the things that we don’t have rather than the things that are available to us.
He believes that true lack only exists when someone has no access to resources—whether those resources be financial, physical, mental, or emotional. When someone has access to resources but they squander them or don’t use them to their advantage, it isn’t a lack of resources that is at fault—it is the individual’s personal choices and attitudes that create the feeling of lack. Same way we see attractive people feel ugly though they have women or men chasing them, modeling opportunities, and experience many examples of pretty privilege lol. You’re a hot girl.. you’re just not using it to your advantage, same way you have everything in imagination and access to anything yet… nothing bc of your own perceptions. That’s not lack. Simply inappropriate usage of recourse. A waste for better use of words.
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trapastrology · 2 months
Astro Observations W/ Aris
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7H Uranus in a solar return chart doesn't always mean that a romantic relationship will end. It can be a close friendship/best friend, business partner,etc.
1H Venus in solar return-putting more effort into your looks. This is considered to be a "glow up" year. This is the year where you find your signature style, makeup, scent, etc. I'd consider this to be the best dressed year. Could also change hair color or style. Cosmetic procedures happen here as well.
North Node in Pisces tend to benefit more from having an assistant or help in general. Pisces South Nodes tend to want/get too much help when they need to be more self-sufficient.
11H Liliths are HEAVLY prone to having ppl around them who hate them (esp friends) and don't realize. These are the ppl we see who usually get set up by their "friends" or someone close to them. Look to your lilith sign as well. If your Lilith is in an air sign, watch out for envy in air signs.
For my ppl with majority of their placements in the 2H & 3H tend to be "blind" to themselves. Whether it's their faults or great things about themselves, they can't seem to see it until someone else points it out and then they finally realize it.
2H Pluto/Scorpio 2H- shouldn't verbalize to anyone who much they make. Don't say whether you're doing bad or good financially either. A lot of jealousy and envy will arise from telling the wrong person which will affect your money and stability terribly.
3H Nessus- Usually experience intense trauma or bullying in elementary, with siblings and thru words. They usually write or speak about their pain that usually ends up helping other ppl tremendously. These are the type of ppl who make music or write poetry that helps other ppl get thru hard times. However, due to a lot of bullying and being spoken down to, communication ends up being one of their biggest issues and this can manifest in many different ways
When you get criticism or pushback from doing North Node things, that's how you know you're going into the right direction sometimes. For instance, a 4H NN may get told that they need to focus on their career path instead of creating a family. (Full post on this coming very soon!)
Use your moon on a bad day to help regulate your emotions. Look towards positive aspects
5H Aries Moon- make a creative art project alone.
Sextile 3H Chiron-write about what's bothering me.
Make a playlist with artists who have your NN sign as their dom personal placements & those whose plmts fall into the same house as ur NN. This will evoke that North Node energy out of you. (Something I've been doing for me and my clients for years)
The end! Look at my pinned post for info on my upcoming Patreon. Message me to book a reading! Most readings are only $25 until July 31st.
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allyriadayne · 6 months
some thoughts/livetweeting regarding my rereading of the hedge knight:
maekar as this desperate father is so compelling. fourth son trying to outshine his brother through his flop children even if it kills him, trying to live through them but finding them all too alien and making it up through sheer force of will.
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this over identification with his children is v interesting to me, because they are maekar's only way to be someone in a family with "too many heirs" but. BUT daeron is a drunk, too different to disciplined maekar. aegon is an unruly child, aemon is useless in the citadel, but aerion is able and fit capable of competing in tourneys probably with a much better ability and success than baelor's son valarr. it's aerion who is maekar's life raft in trying to raise himself above his brothers, esp baelor who seems to be perfect. imagine your best chance being AERION.
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then imagine being maekar thinking he might have a good chance to prove himself against a hedge knight (easy. plus he's fighting with his sons! and the kingsguard! for show!) who did so much harm to his family, and then fucking baelor sides with his rival. don't kick him, he's already down!!!
maekar is so pressed! his chance to fight for his family's honor has just being stomped by baelor's huge horse. i know he resents baelor really had to die because no one could measure up to him
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baelor is not a competition anymore but he'll still hear the whispers just like he says valarr will. and! interesting how maekar finally sends aerion away when he doesn't need him to one up baelor anymore. baelor's dead and valarr is no rival to him, even if he doesn't envy him like he did his father. maekar killed him but will not face the consequences directly in his reigns, /now/ he's glad he's the fourth son.
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hmmm imagine if aerion were the one to kill baelor accidentally instead of maekar vvv troubling for someone who projects himself so much on his son.
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dunk stop kicking him!! He's already grieving!!
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maekar: surely the conses won't quence when my unspoken intense rivalry with my perfect older brother manifests in the worst way possible during a trial set by the gods
maekar: and maybe if I kill my brother it doesn't mean anything at all
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sacredmads · 2 years
my own success, failure, and everything in between with the law of assumption.
i get so many asks every day wondering why i even began practicing the law of assumption in the first place, and every single time i read one, i can't help but think of how far i've come. i want to tell you guys from the very beginning why i even felt the need to want to start manifesting things into my life, because i really do feel it could help some people. even if this doesn't help you in an LOA sense, i do hope it helps you to know that things will always get better, no matter what things look like right now. you deserve nothing but love and light and happiness, and you will get that, no matter what.
(very small TW!)
i have been through a lot in my life. a LOT. i'll spare you guys the nitty gritty details of it all, don't worry. but to put it lightly, when i found the law of assumption, i was desperate for things in my life to start changing for the better. at the time, which was a year ago now, i was surrounded by bad people, in bad situationships, and had also just gotten diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder due to two extremely ab*sive relationships i was in. i hated my job, i hated how i looked, how i acted, how i talked, the things i was doing, the path i was going down. i longed for so much change.
i saw the law of assumption as my way out. however, my views on the law then are much different than my views on it now. i looked at manifestation as something i had to WORK for. i looked at LOA as a chore. this meant that trying to get my desires became a much more negative than a positive thing for me. i started to hate my life, and myself, even more, because i didn't know what i was doing wrong. every time i'd read a success story, i would feel nothing but envy and jealousy. i wanted to manifest my life being different SO bad that i began to feel as though it was something that i would never accomplish. these thoughts and assumptions buried me even deeper into the pit than i already was, and started a viscous cycle of me hating my life, myself, and starting to form a type of resentment against the law of assumption.
then, towards the end of 2021, the void state blew up on tumblr. i saw the void as my way out - my solution to all of this. (spoiler alert, it wasn't). i tried for MONTHS on end to get into the void. i would spend hours laying in my bed, affirming over and over and over, and getting nothing but angry at myself because yet again, the method wasn't working. more void success stories started coming to tumblr, and every time i'd read one, i'd genuinely feel sick to my stomach. i didn't understand what i wasn't doing right.
towards the beginning of this year i decided to just cut my losses and stop trying to get into the void, and focus on the things i already had, because i thought that was all i had going for me.
i can't remember where it started, but i can say that now, in this very moment, i am the happiest i have ever been.
i have manifested so many things i didn't even dream would be possible for me.
for ONCE in my life, i am so comfortable with my finances. i have financial freedom, and, not to gloat, but MORE than enough money in my bank account.
i have the most AMAZING group of friends... literally shit that feels like it's from a movie. i cannot fathom having any other group around me.
literally manifested an SP that doesn't feel real. fairy tale typa love.
i manifested a job that i love more than words, and not only that, but i manifested getting promoted to manager, and i start training next month.
i've manifested appearance changes as well, and i feel so beautiful in my skin, with AND without makeup, which again.. i didn't think would be possible.
my assumptions about myself, my life, finances, friends, people, relationships, ANYTHING you can think of have all changed for the better. i genuinely feel as though i am limitless and can manifest absolutely anything i desire, and not only that, i feel as though i deserve all of my desires. because i do! a year ago today i was a completely different person than i am now - and i'm so proud to say that i am living a comfortable, happy, and free life.
i know so many people on tumblr and on all platforms that hold an LOA community struggle with so many of the same things i struggled with, and i can promise you that if you truly just focus on what you already know and APPLY, nothing is impossible and nothing will stop you. i have been where you are - i have believed the law of assumption was bullshit at points. but now, i cannot imagine where i'd be if i hadn't started practicing the law. are there things i still want to manifest? absolutely! do i still have small struggles, or bad days? absolutely! the thing is though, i know now that none of that matters. what matters is the things i want - and that's it! there is nothing in this entire world that will stop my desires from coming to me.
when i finally realized that the only person who can stop my desires is ME, is when things finally started changing for the better. i am the only one who will ruin my success and also the only one who can give myself success. i'm choosing to give myself success.
you will get your success, too. you deserve to feel good, and love your life. you deserve to not have stresses or worries. you deserve nothing but all that life has to offer, and i believe you can give that to yourself.
please stop sabotaging your own desires, and stay focused on what you want. you WILL get it. you already have it! do you feel it? do you feel the life you're living right now, with all of your desires? that feeling is what's real. that feeling is what you're experiencing, right now.
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fras-redacted-shapes · 10 months
I finished The Final Draft - No spoiler ramblings:
Yes there are a few different things that would 100% make me want to try re-trace the game and maybe try to put the story loops in a visual chart or something.
But I'm exhausted of looking at so many details, theorizing and the like - and summer is starting to get itself felt, thanks +30°c! -, also I really feel like going back to drawing in full force.
But I just wanna say this:
It's easy to engage with this game's story and narrative in a world-building, lore-driven sense. That is, working exclusively with the text and clues given explicitly by the game, staying within universe.
However, to all my dear artists friends and followers, and all those of you that have a creative hobby or "thing":
I hope this game has to hit you hard.
Scratch is a deeply sad and miserable character. He wants attention and approval desperately, and gets violent if he doesn't get it, he will tear the world apart and change it to fit this petty need.
How many times did you feel envy or jealousy for your fellow creatives? How many times did you get angry or blame it on the algorithm?
How humiliated, sad and angry did you feel when you didn't get the the attention from that one specific person or group of people you were so absolutely sure would give you such, because this new piece you did? This new piece you tailored specifically with them in mind?
How many times did you not want to admit to yourself that you could feel and think in such a miserable way?
Yeah, same.
Oh and, did you notice that?
The Dark Place and all its loops and spirals and non linear, non-causal events? So many people trying to make sense of it, is it parallel realities, is it a literary Ouroboros, is it the substrate of the collective consciousness that permeates existence itself and collects and manifests nightmares, etc etc?
How many of your projects did you start from the very beginning, and followed in a straight line, start to end, with no interruptions, revisions or corrections?
Yeah, same.
Sometimes you change the beginning or start over because you discovered something very neat in the middle or near the end of the project. Sometimes the end does change the beginning, sometimes a detail in the middle changes both the beginning and the end. Sometimes you do an entire piece because of one single detail or story point you want to do.
Sometimes you add a whole new character or modify an existing event because you met someone or went through an event that left an impact on you.
So on and so forth.
It's not so much a matter of time, of what came before or after. It's a matter of experience and picking the ones you want to add to your present, past or future project.
And sometimes, you get trapped in your own mind feeding fears that stop you from even trying, believing you're alone in such a struggle.
But hey, it's alright to forget that every artists and creative person goes through this. Just remember you're not alone in that path.
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orenji-iro-no-sora · 13 days
Thoughts on TGCF Vol 3
Vol 1 | Vol 2| Vol 3| Vol 4| Vol 5| Vol 6| Vol 7| Vol 8
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Arc 2: Heart as gentle as a flower
I didn't talk much about the second arc in the last post because most of everything happened in the third volume and I wanted to keep it all together.
To me, this arc was the hardest to read up till now. I was wishing for it all to end which was a sentiment that took over Xie Lian as well as his confidence in what it means to do the right thing waned with the progression of Xianle-Yongan conflict. While in the beginning, he believed wholeheartedly that saving someone, doing something was still better than nothing at all, by the end of it, it was clear that much of his suffering had been futile.
It truly was a hopeless conflict, I reflected a lot on what could be done, what really is the right thing to do and in the end there were no answers. In the face of destiny, there's not much anyone can do and as the state preceptor said: when humans ascend, they're still humans. Gods are still humans, they don't know better and they can't save anyone. Only people believed that Xie Lian should be invincible. He wasn't and could never be.
I applaud MXTX for her depiction of the events as something genuinely unstoppable with so many factors that it becomes paralysing to take any decisions. Having kindness and compassion for all means that making 'necessary' sacrifices is unacceptable as there's nothing, no act in this world that's wholly beneficial, it'll harm someone or something. There's no pure goodness.
Xie Lian did his best though, all his decisions were deliberate, rooted in his virtue, kindness and his desire to save people. He walked the walk, it just didn't make any difference. He was too young to have faced it all and by the end of it, the exhaustion and the inadequacy of his powers caught up to him.
Death isn't something that is deserved/undeserved, it's not punishment that the innocents must be protected from. It simply is and that I think is the most important lesson here.
Qi Rong and the Human Face Disease
Qi Rong was a nuisance from the start. He really brings out the worst in Xie Lian (sibling effect). Out of everyone, he believed too much in Xie Lian's indestructibility and it's not shocking that he ended up hating him so, commissioning those disrespectful statues, inciting the populace to blame him for it all, burning his mother's corpse and possessing Guzi's father. Hua Cheng's hate for him makes complete sense. Xie Lian feeding him his deathly congee was hilarious though.
I didn't realise the severity of Human Face Disease when it was first mentioned in Vol 1. But arc 2 really presented it as one of the creepiest fictional diseases I've ever read. It's the most horrific manifestation of unjust death and I'm just glad it's not a real life thing.
Mu Qing, Feng Xin and The Three Tumors
Seeing the relationship the Xianle trio shared with each other, I finally understood the awkwardness in their interactions during the first volume. While Feng Xin is fairly easy to understand (loyal, faithful, straightforward), I think Mu Qing is one of the most interesting characters. He's insecure but decisive, he respects Xie Lian but also envies him. To him, the end justifies the means which is in complete contradiction to Xie Lian who wants justice at all levels. There are so many complicated emotions between them and the way they go about it is entertaining to read. I hope they can clear out the misunderstanding as we progress further in the story.
The interactions between the Heavenly Officials, especially the Three Tumors, were unexpectedly funny. Every official is multi-dimensional and has a unique personality. It really offered the much needed light-heartedness after the misery of the second arc. I also really like the Wind Master. He's friendly, even when he messes up in shielding Xie Lian from others (poor guy has bad timings). I am looking forward to how they'll deal with the Reverend.
Side note- Ming Yi focused only on the feast is so me lol.
Hua Cheng's unwavering devotion, first kiss, Ruoye vs eming
I didn't expect them to have met so many times. They really were connected throughout their lives. Out of everyone, I think he was the only one who reciprocated Xie Lian's kindness and consideration.
In my heart, you are god! You are the only god, the one true god! Do you hear me?!”
He fulfilled his promise of building the most extravagant temple for Xie Lian and celebrating him with plays and three thousand lanterns. (XL is the light of his life after all). They're so cute and they finally kissed!! Underwater too!! It was still weird though. Just as weird as Xie Lian's heat from the Land of the Tenders. I don't know what I think about it all except for it reminded me of the awkwardness of Mo Dao Zu Shi.
Another cute thing was Ruoye showing off in front of Eming as he cut vegetables for Xie Lian's poisonous soup (?). Them competing against each other and puffing out when Xie Lian praised them was the highlight for me.
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ultrainfinitepit · 4 months
Pen and 12
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Art Fight piece by @gadjetomyart, thank you again for the lovely artwork!
12. Does/did your OC ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it’s in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
Pen is one of those angels that will never be 100% comfortable in his human form, and it has made his many mortal lives challenging.
Back when he had full range of his powers, Pen enjoyed spending a bit of time here and there in forms of all different types. He was secure in the knowledge he could always return to his preferred form. If some silly human was a little ignorant, mis-gendered him for example, he wouldn't mind - they didn't know anything anyway, and were just looking at some temporary physical manifestation. They could never perceive Pen's true form in all its glory.
Then Pen became "human" and now was stuck in one body. And he found himself becoming more particular about it, hating parts of it for how they could not be changed to what he wanted; or how others would perceive it.
Pen had never felt such discomfort and hatred for his own body before. He could no longer be what he preferred on a whim and it made his preferences stronger. People misunderstood who and what he was all the time. He got angry at the silly mis-gendering humans, they made him feel bad! To be affected at all by the words of a human while being a glorious angel, Pen had never felt like more of a failure.
To his shame, it made Pen lash out at some of his peers. He envied how easily they seemed to adapt to their human bodies, how they didn't care about the humans' words - while Pen felt more and more strangled by them.
Eventually Pen found ways to be more comfortable in his mortal forms. If needed he would take medicines or potions to shape them in subtle ways. Pen has a fear of surgery, it reminds him too much of past lives where he was stabbed to death, so that was off the table. Instead he would carefully tailor his clothing to hide or shape his form. He would do his best not to think too much about the body underneath that clothing.
But Pen found ways to accept his body too in the end. It helped him a lot when he began to date Ham - who while being experienced as an angel had not lived many human lives, and thus didn't have a head so clouded by human ideas. Ham has only ever seen Pen as a man without hesitation, to him Pen's body is a man's body because that's what Pen is and wants to be. It all seemed rather simple to Ham, it made Pen think it might really be simple.
Even once he gets his full angelic form back, all these thoughts about Pen's preferred gender and form stay with him. He is fairly certain there is no going back to how carefree he once was about his physical presentation, and that is one of his greatest sorrows.
He also regrets how critical he was of the others, but Pen is not a particularly nice person and will probably never apologize. He might simply be extra helpful next time they come to him asking for answers or a book recommendation, and enough of that is equal to an apology in his mind.
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disruptivevoib · 11 months
I am eternally thinking about how Whole is a concept of the fandom and not canonical at all.
Arguably, maybe someone would say the inclusion of Whole diminishes the original message of the album, to which I do not disagree but I do not agree either.
He changes the context of it, I suppose?
Because the original album, Whole is a concept to be strived for. He is not real, it is always just Heart, Mind, and Soul beneath the surface. They are manifested facilities of the way a person is, how they talk to themselves, the internal conversation. That "psychosocial envy" is the idea of the album. The effect that social standards have on someone who views themself as flawed beyond recognition without any idea how to fit into what the world wants of them.
Soul longs to be Whole because he longs to become what society deems is a person. All of what they are and what they want to be comes in many different forms. It could be any number of internalized ideals of what a man should be, or who you should love, or what you should strive for in life.
Two Wuv as a song is that realization that even after Mind and Heart are better, after they've been able to communicate and function "properly", there is no Whole coming. This is who they are, and that is fine. He is not perfect, he is not what society wants, but he IS a person, and to him, he is Whole.
It is a concept of self forgiveness and grace. The ability to have nuance that what society seeks of you is not so important as truth of the self, owning your flaws and seeming imperfections.
Ultimately, everyone's brain runs differently. Everyone talks to themselves differently, refers to and conceptualizes their inner-world in many ways, and none of it is definable. We have no capable way of putting the way somebody speaks to themself, refers to, and functions within themselves entirely into a box. We are a collection of lived experiences turning itself into informed reactions and responses. If that makes any sense at all.
Of course, the things we have put labels to are definable and are all a part of how we interact with ourself, and there are always commonalities and similarities. There is so much variety in it, being human is fluid...
Without Whole, the "end" of the album means they are in acceptance of one another, that there is a positive relationship with your inner dialogue for some time before something happens and causes a harsh reflection to shatter it all. With him, it is essentially the same, just that there is a more literal or tangible figure to represent that cohesive self-acceptance.
Whole being a tangible character doesn't change Soul, but as I said, informs him more. Whole and Soul are mirror images, they are had to separate and Soul is what Whole is without the interwoven Emotion and Thought.. I suppose. Soul strives for him, and without him, comes to accept this is how it is and who he is. With him, Soul may miss that aspect, or more so, get it only to discover Whole is real, and everything he did worked, but now he sacrifices himself for that.
The dynamic is interesting but incredibly devastating in that regard, especially because it is unlikely Whole's intention to ever split. Nobody wants to have a mental breakdown, y'know?
I could go on about this forever. Whole not being a real character (at least not in the way we often think of him) in the album but something very real and even achievable within the fandom space is.. I dunno, so unique? Its not often fans get to create something that while entirely uncanon to the project, is very important to it.
Side note, what I mean by not how we see him is that Whole is real because they have always been Whole. In album there is no separation. If anything, Concord is like leaving CJ's inner dialogue and witnessing just all of them in tandem being him.
Okay okay. I'm done.
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lacrimosathedark · 5 months
SOMEONE needs to get on Angel Dust & Vox content.
Not a ship, but just their whole dynamic could be so interesting.
Both Angel and Vox are connected to Valentino. Both of them, for lack of a better phrase, fuck with Valentino. But they have such different dynamics.
What they have in common (besides sex):
They're both used to Val's violent temper.
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Both are unafraid to stand up to him if necessary
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Since Vox is stronger and on more even footing, he sees Val less as a threat and more as an annoyance when he acts up.
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(I love that second scene Vox's face makes me laugh every time)
Vox has also learned non-violent ways to pacify Valentino where Angel...can't do that.
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Angel, however, has reason to be afraid. Val owns him and can do whatever he wants to him. For the most part he's less scared and more miserable, but there is fear.
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Angel's abuse has led him to inflating Val's strength in his own mind. This leads him to being protective of people who could feasibly kick Val's ass, putting himself in harms way to keep them safe from him.
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Vox doesn't have anyone to protect from Val, really. The only others we know he cares about are Velvette and Alastor. Velvette is part of their team and used to this shit, and Alastor could not give less of a fuck.
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Angel also has somewhat healthy relationships while Vox only has the Vees and his obsession with Alastor, which is also distinctly aggressive.
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I have so many questions though.
Is Vox jealous of Angel being Val's main carnal focus? Did Angel ever envy Vox because he got to see a nicer Val more often and wasn't bound to his will? What do they think of each other? Has Val hurt Vox? I mean we know he can swap his head out for different monitors, could Val have broken his face at some point? Does Angel know?
Could Vox and Angel have any kind of connection from the abuse Val puts them through? And how would that dynamic effect their other relationships?
The closest we have to an interaction between them is this in Poison
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Vox is holding Val's hand less like a handshake and more like kissing his hand. He sees Angel and stops whatever he's saying, and his smile drops. Then he gives Val an I'd almost call it a soft look, and then he zaps off.
There's also those lines on his face. Those aren't the same lines Vox has when he's worked up.
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It's the other side of his face.
But also if you notice, both Val and Angel have something coming out of their mouths in this scene too. (this gif is Angel having wiped it off on his hand, you can see the droplets)
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Seemingly, this is Val's saliva...ew.
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I've seen people theorize Val's spit works like an aphrodisiac or has some other kind of soporific effect. I've seen people suggest it's an ingredient in Velvette's love potions.
Point being, it's a physical manifestation of the "poison" Angel is "addicted to", "choking on", and "full of".
The implication on Vox being that he's being poisoned too.
And there's just...something about this that has me thinking.
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I just think they could be a fun dynamic to explore.
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Fic Preview
A sneak peek of the next chapter of Come Away, O Human Child, featuring a POV we've not yet seen in the story (care to guess who?)
The room is beautifully appointed, always furnished for whatever purpose was desired in the moment, dripping in fine art and tasteful decoration. One moment it is the most sinfully comfortable bedroom, a huge bed piled high with the softest pillows taking up most of the space. The next it is a pleasant living room, across which sprawled seating for intimate gatherings or gigantic parties. A kitchen outfitted with every possible gadget and utensil, pantries, shelves, and multiple refrigerators stocked with every imaginable food, snack, spirit, and liquor. A game room that would be the envy of any player of any persuasion in the world. Cozy. Opulent. Plain. Elaborate. Minimalist. Overflowing.
All versions of the room exist at all times, in all places. It is everywhere and nowhere, existing in the places in between the magic and the mundane. There are no doors to enter or leave. The only way to get to the room is to already be there.
Beneath the enormous windows that take up one whole wall of the room, the whole of Los Angeles stretches, so far below that the lights of the city blur together in a carpet of glittering color. It is one of his favorite views (when he is in this form, anyway), and he can and has spent countless hours just lounging before the windows, drinking it in.
Tonight, though, the vision in front of him is far more interesting.
They usually choose to manifest as a human man and woman, when they take a physical form. The faces he uses tend to change depending on where he is in the world at the time, but she is more creative. Like the room around them, though, she is always changing. From one moment to the next, her face and body are different. A statuesque Black woman with locs that fell to her waist, braided with dozens of charms and beads. An elderly Asian woman whose severe expression is belied by the deep laugh lines around her eyes and mouth. A middle-aged Latina whose eyes glittered with intelligence and humor. A tall, Indigenous woman with midnight-dark hair and elegant features. A plump, curly-haired white woman with a kind smile. Representations of all the people that have called her home for as long as she has existed.
The magic of the world tends to run deeper and stronger in the largest cities, power pooling in places where there are many people and creatures. He loves listening to people debate over whether high populations cause the collection of power, or if the collection of power draws high populations. He loves traveling through the cities, though. Interacting with so many of his children—even if only a handful of them ever recognize who and what he is—spending time with them. Not every city’s leylines have grown powerful enough to manifest a conscious spirit, but oh how he loves the ones who have. Los Angeles is one of his favorites.
There’s a reason he’s always trusted her with his most treasured children, since the day she first woke up; always tried to guide the ones in need of a safe home to her borders.
“You’re being awfully quiet tonight,” she remarks, studying the elegant, crystal chessboard on the table between them. She taps one finger against the table briefly, before moving her knight.
“Am I?” he says, all faux innocence. The look she levels him is thoroughly unimpressed. He ignores it, examining the board—damn it, his rook’s wide open and he’s sacrificed all the pawns he can afford to. One would think that as often as they play, he’d learn her tricks, but she always manages to surprise him. He makes his move, shaking his head. “You could at least pretend to follow normal strategies, you know.”
She smiles at him, not believing the grumpy tone of his voice for a moment. “Would that make you feel better or worse about walking into my traps every time?” She props her chin in one hand, tilting her head to stare at him with eyes that shift through a dizzying array of colors every few seconds. “You’ve been very on edge…and not that I don’t enjoy your company, but it’s been ages since you stayed in one place for so long.” He hums, staring fixedly at the chess board and waiting for her to make her next move. Instead, she reaches across the table and gently takes his hand. “You did everything you possibly could. Even if my solution doesn’t work, you’ve put the dear thing in the best position possible.”
“I know,” he sighs. “I’m just…concerned. That Fae’s anger was very outsized. I’m afraid he’s past the point of his own magic recovering if he stops stealing from changeling children. It’s bound to make him desperate.”
“Are you angry I did what I did?” she asks softly. Immediately, he shakes his head, turning their joined hands over to lay his other one on top of hers.
“A price had to be paid for the power to cut off that possibility. You chose a price that also gave my boy a solution that has a better chance of succeeding than I could. How could I be angry?”
She lifts her chin, regarding him steadily. “Ours,” she corrects. “He belongs to me, too.” Her face drops, after a moment, sadness flickering in her eyes. “I do wish I could have taken a less permanent sacrifice.”
“I’ll miss the connection,” he admits, thinking of the changeling child who has so thoroughly captured both their attention and care.
He always feels a bond with changelings. Their power draws his notice…and their circumstances get them his pity. He tries to nudge their paths through life into directions that will at least be a little gentle, a little merciful, casting through all the possibilities surrounding them to find the best chances for them to escape their curse. He so rarely succeeds…most changelings don’t even make it out of childhood, and he hates that it is their magic that kills them. What should be a gift twisted into a weapon. His interest in Evan Buckley had started like that—pity for yet another changeling child that would likely die before he ever got to experience even half of what life had to offer. Then it had been shock at just how powerful the changeling was growing—not many things shock him.
But it was the way the boy loved magic that eventually won his favor. The way he took such joy in all the lesser fae and creatures around him, the way the boy had every right to let his loneliness turn him bitter and he instead chose to be kind. Chose to try and use his power to do good in the world, chose to be gentle and protective, even of creatures that humans tended to dismiss or even fear. He loves all his children, all the people and creatures that are connected to magic. But he does have his favorites.
“I’ll miss the connection,” he says again. “It’s sad to think he won’t be a part of us anymore. But I’d be sadder if he never had the chance to really make a life for himself. Find some happiness, finally.”
Her eyes flare with a gentle, violet glow that quickly changes, flickering through a spectrum of green, blue, and gold light of the wisps, no doubt checking in with the little network of spies she’s had following their boy practically since he sent the changeling to her. Not that many creatures have to be asked to follow him around. Her lips tilt into a serene, beautiful smile.
“I don’t think he’ll have to look far for that,” she says. “Is it always the werewolf?” she asks curiously.
“They’re always important to each other, in any possibility where they meet,” he replies. “There’s a reason I pushed the werewolf here so hard. More often than not, they end up together—and it’s the best possibility for both of them. There are others, of course—there’s actually another werewolf in a few, someone who used to work at the fire station. Decent man, treats my boy good. But they don’t fit together as well and it’s not always the kind of love he needs. Deserves.”
Her smile turns knowing. “You’re such a romantic,” she laughs. He joins in, shrugging his acceptance of her teasing. It’s true, after all. “But you still haven’t explained what you’re still doing here…you’re not planning to stay here the whole two years until your favored is completely safe?”
He frowns at that, turning to look out the window at the city. “There’s…there’s one more possibility I’m worried about. It happens so rarely. The chances are—they’re astronomically small. So many things would have to fall just a certain way for it to be a problem. I’m probably worrying for nothing. But keep me company a little longer?”
He turns back to her in time to see a worried frown flash across her face. But then she smiles and redirects her attention to the chessboard. Her fingers hover over one of her pawns. “As long as you like,” she says graciously.
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heavensickness · 1 year
Also also, after staring at Leander's fatal flaw for 40 days and 40 nights I've come to the conclusion that
1: the letters are lower case on purpose and
2: it POSSIBLY has the lowercase letters "d" "b" "[L] l" "h" or even upper case "I [i]".
My theory is that Leander's fatal flaw has something to do with extreme attachment/abandonment issues.... and his monster might be a manifestation of his Insecurities about not matching up to the other LIs.
Inferiority complex possibly?
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Someone on twitter deleted the stratching & said that the text literally said "stratched out" 😭😭😭 idk if that was legit but if it is, it is sooo ANDIAKDJWIXIWI.
Honestly, everything about Leander points out to attachment/abandonment issues... He knows so many people but isn't actually close to anyone, not even to Kuras who has saved his life. He doesn't let anyone get close, or maybe he is simply not able to. Is there a single person who actually knows who and what he is? One of the qualities that drawn me into this game was the theme of being a monster, and the unique loneliness it brings. Let's be honest, each LI is utterly and desperately all alone in the world in their different ways. I think Leander's loneliness is the one that comes with being surrounded by dozens of people, always being the light in the room, having different bodies to warm his bed each night, yet being completely aware that there is not a single soul who knows him, the real him; and if they did, they would never offer him the warmth he is craving for. He is starved in his own way; he is "untouchable" too but in a different way than MC.
As I said in another post, I believe that the fact that he is "special" to MC, that he is the first and only one to know them on such an intimate level that nobody else could sparked or snapped something in him. The first time MC touched him, caressed and studied his skin so intently and with so many undescribable emotions was also a first to him. MC says that they have never touched someone like that before, but I believe that Leander has never been touched in that way before either. Even if he had countless escapades in the past, was there really a time he was touched as if he was a precious jewel, as if he was actually valued and cared for?
One of the few things we can surely say about Leander is that he is greedy (which is hinted as the reason for his future downfall) and he is envious. Even his monster form is illustrated as himself, only with dark eyes - green with envy. I believe that this part of his will create a tension in other LIs' routes (especially with Ais because Leander has a visible, canon inferiority complex when it comes to Ais) & the true monstrosity you will face in Leander's route will be nothing but himself - simply his possessive, vulnerable, ugly side that he is so terrified/ashamed of showing others. This is why Leander is so interesting to me, because he stands for the fact that not all monsters are inhuman. Humans are capable of doing things much worse than an actual monster, after all.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
Who FASCINATES you? Find out which Sign you Just Can't Get Enough of
Ever wondered why you find someone so fascinating? Why can some people have you wrapped around their little finger while others who are more attractive can't? The answer might be in the stars.
Some Zodiac signs have the power to captivate natives of other signs. This is so because we subconsciously notice that they have qualities that we'd like to have ourselves. It can consciously manifest as envy or admiration. Without further ado, here are the signs that captivate you based on your own Zodiac sign:
Aries is Captivated by Sagittarius
Aries and Sagittarius are signs of the same element (Fire), so they tend to see eye to eye in most matters. Aries admires that Sagittarius doesn't seem to get emotional as often, without losing any of the fiery passion both signs possess.
Aries would love to be as relaxed as Sagittarius and admires their in-depth knowledge. Aries may struggle to know something in-depth as they are often fidgety and expect instant results. They'd love to be as self-disciplined as Sagittarius.
Taurus is Captivated by Cancer
Taurus and Cancer share some of the same core values. They are both staunchly loyal and they like to set up roots and have a routine. Taurus admires Cancer's talent for cooking, which can only compare to their own, as well as their cozy home.
They like how empathetic they are and how they can communicate in a softer way than they can. They love that they are kind but that they can also plot revenge together.
Their favorite part about Cancer, though, is their good memory. They love that they don't have to repeat themselves with Cancer and that they remember even the smallest of details.
Gemini is Captivated by Scorpio
It might be surprising to learn that Gemini is so entranced by a sign that's so different, but Geminis definitely have a soft spot for Scorpios. They are their intellectual equals, and they are pleasantly challenged by Scorpio's insistence to discuss controversial topics.
They admire their consistency and wish they could have Scorpio's commitment to their goals. They also look up to them because they can really go deep when they're interested in something, in contrast with Gemini, who always remains more on the surface when learning about a new topic.
Together, they are a little bit like the FBI – can find out whatever information they need to know.
Cancer is Captivated by Capricorn
Cancer and Capricorn are both absolutely devoted to their chosen families. They are both extremely protective over those they love and they would go to great lengths to prevent them from getting hurt.
Cancer admires Capricorn's self-sufficiency and work ethic. They wish they didn't care what people think, like Capricorn, while also preserving a respectable reputation when it matters.
Cancer also looks up to Capricorn as an example of responsible leadership and assertiveness. Whenever they interact with Capricorn, they try to gain as much wisdom as they can.
Leo is Captivated by Aries
Leo loves Aries's free spirit and spontaneity. They love how fun they are and how they can be in tune instantly. Aries can teach Leo about taking less things personally and not to depend so much on having the good opinion of others.
Leo also admires Aries because of their strong sense of self. Even though Leo may seem to have a strong sense of self as well, they often struggle with self-awareness. Leo looks up to Aries as an example of fortitude.
Virgo is Captivated by Gemini
Virgo finds their intellectual match in Gemini. They admire how many details they can retain and quickly recall about many topics. They also see them as examples of impeccable and efficient communication.
They appreciate the care they put into their words, and they love how it seems effortless to other people. They wish they could be as relaxed as Gemini is, and they enjoy their witty banter and their sense of humor.
Libra is Captivated by Virgo
While others may find Virgo neurotic and annoying know-it-alls, Libras see them in a more positive light. They admire their impeccable taste and they identify with their perfectionism. They appreciate how devoted they are to others despite their bluntness.
They wish they could be as honest as Virgos are without losing sight of the feelings of the other person. They admire how Virgo's selflessness is not a performance, but that it genuinely comes from the heart. They are often generous in a more conditional way: they are nice and kind because other people will like them if they are.
They understand that Virgo does it because they are genuinely happy to make others happy, even if they dislike them. They also love Virgo's humility and wish more people would be that way.
Scorpio is Captivated by Cancer
Scorpio finds a kindred spirit in Cancer. They love that Cancer is kinder and not as afraid to be vulnerable, though they totally understand them when they need to go inward to protect themselves. They love that Cancer can almost read their minds – in fact, they are suckers for it.
They love that Cancer doesn't judge them for holding grudges, and that they can even indulge in conversations about past wrongs. Cancer will understand holding on to anger and feelings of betrayal.
Sagittarius is Captivated by Libra
Sagittarius tends to see the best that the sign of Libra has to offer. Where other people see indecision, Sagittarius sees big-picture thinking and quickly considering multiple points of view before making a decision.
They love discussing intellectual topics with Libra, as Libra can not only keep up the pace but also play Devil's advocate in a way that Sagittarius finds both enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. They'll forgive Libra's indirect style of communication if it means interacting with somebody so clever and open-minded.
Capricorn is Captivated by Taurus
Capricorn finds someone like-minded in Taurus. They envy Taurus's work-life balance and how they never worry about their job outside of work hours without compromising at all on the quality of their work.
They love that they have the money to support their luxurious lifestyle and are not living beyond their means. They both think alike when it comes to saving and investing money, and Capricorn loves Taurus's insight on investments.
Aquarius is Captivated by Pisces
The only sign that might match (and even surpass) Aquarius's weirdness is Pisces, and Aquarius acknowledges it. They love Pisces's chaotic genius and their outrageous ideas that seem to come out of thin air. They are fascinated by Pisces unique personality and can't get enough of it.
They also admire Pisces's endless empathy and how genuinely they care about ending human suffering. Pisces is definitely a kindred spirit and Aquarius will protect them at all costs.
Pisces is Captivated by Leo
The only sign that loves the arts as much as Pisces is Leo. Pisces can't get enough of Leo's brilliant self-expression and their capacity to dream big. They wish they could be as assertive as Leo, and could certainly learn from them a thing or two about setting boundaries.
They even love Leo's more dramatic streak as they have one of their own. Pisces is Leo's biggest fan and will be among the most supportive people in Leo's life.
Do you agree? Have you ever been fascinated by someone of the sign we state here? Or do you find them annoying? Do you find yourself captivated by some other sign? Share your Sun Sign in the comments as well as your favorite sign.
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obeymycok · 1 year
MC acts...different in their demon form
Surprise surprise, MC has their own personality and doesn't necessarily act like the brothers when they take on their demon forms. Sins manifest themselves in many different ways so who's to say MC is the same way as the brothers? To make it a little interesting, here's an MC who's avatar demon forms differ VERY much from the actual Avatars of Sin.
Taglist: @trashlord-007 @asmos-slut @simpinginthecorner @thatoneweebsworld @q-ueue
TW: Substance abuse in 4th and 7th part
Promiscuous Pride
Ok but MC giving Asmo vibes while rocking Lucifer's demon form is in my head rent free
MC who looks good and fucking KNOWS it
Morning Star Avatar of Pride MC has every right to show off and takes every chance they get
Not only is it an absolute slay but the reactions of the characters is what made me write this
Lucifer's in a tight spot cuz that's MC but it'S HIS FORM😡😮‍💨
Anti Lucifer League especially thinks it's hilarious because it makes Lucifer so uncomfortable and it makes up for MC not using THEIR form
Pompous Greed
Better believe MC shows off every bit of Mammon's power whenever they get the chance to
As smart as they are agile, with the power to control electricity, MC remains undefeated in this form only😎
Mix a bit of Medusa's stare and Midas' touch and you get the ability to turn any living thing into gold by just looking into their eyes
Everyone's jaw is on the floor including Mammon's
That's MC?? With Mammon's power????? low key scared shitless
The brothers are shook
Selfish Envy
Twitch streamer energy I'm sorry
I'd say they give a little Asmo too but mainly the Mammon energy comes out
Streaming mid battle, tiktok dances in the infirmary, really just not good ideas all around
That power tho👀👀👀 devastating
As long as there's water, you basically win
The ability to conjure up storms and hurricanes from a pond AND being able to control the temperature of said water
2 in 1 water and ice power Elsa wishes💅
Besides the display of incredible power, everyone pretty much sees no difference which makes Levi sob in a hole (how DARE they compare him to Mammon✋😔)
Unquenchable Wrath CHANGE
The only thing keeping Nightbringer Satan at bay is being inexplicably stoned (same tho😔💅)
My MC got pissed off after a battle, smoked the devil's lettuce(haha funny) and found ✨THE✨ coping skill
Clever and cunning as ever, this MC is definitely terrifying but most of the time just lacks the will to cause chaos
More often than not, someone has walked in on MC and Solomon just bullshitting with each other and dying of laughter when they were "supposed to meet at the arena 10 minutes ago honestly you should know be-"🙄
No fucks to give because if you lecture the embodiment of wrath for too long...well....👀
When Satan first saw MC lose it in his demon form he was embarrassed of them until he got his head out of his ass and realized "oh shit that me" and offered some of his coping skills for when the anger takes over🥺
Jealous Lust
This one's just a call out to everyone reading this including you and especially me for writing it
Don't get me wrong, this MC is a force to be reckoned with
Asmo's charm spell on top of the agility and strength it takes to swing around with chain swords is absolutely terrifying
Nothing to scoff at just cringe sometimes; at least 1 manga on hand at all times, frequent tumblr user, many things posted on AO3🫠
The brothers burst into the infirmary, MC is sobbing
Could feel the disappointment in the air when MC said their waifu/husbando kissed someone in the latest episode
Please touch some grass, Asmo is begging
Lethargic Gluttony
Right up there with Mammon's form as far as intimidation goes
This MC is definitely a glutton but not necessarily to food like Beel is (sex, substances, sleep, games, whatever)
Probably the most similar to their avatar counterpart compared to the rest of the brothers
Imagine having the ability to rain down a storm of hellfire and just not doing it because it's nap time (oh to be that unbothered✋)
MC does still have a few issues controlling their temper when the gluttony gets the better of them
If MC is in a demon form, Beel's might be one of the scariest, but it's definitely the most chill besides its appearance
Infuriated Sloth
In MC's defense, I would also be constantly enraged if I was always tired and forced to do hardcore anime training
Feral attic gremlin energy all over again, definitely takes some sort of stimulant to stay awake and smokes to unwind
The bad attitude mixed with the stimulants is giving nightbringer Satan on crack
Does the literal bare minimum simply because their weapon does most of the work
Not scary from looks alone but a pissed off MC using their Sloth form is deadly
If MC and Belphie were on bad terms before he worships the ground they walk on now (out of fear😈)
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crystaljellie · 2 days
Having so many ORV AU thoughts but not having the time to write them all is so tragic
But I can't be the only one who knows of my ORV x MHA AU so I'm gonna ramble about what I have here!!
Before I start any proper ramblings about the AU here is a small intro that I wrote for the AU when I originally intended to make it a fanfic!!
Yoo Joonghyuk was a man I had always envied. I had spent my childhood years with him, the formative years in which had shaped me as a person. No, with him isn’t right. It’s more so I had spent those years watching him, the strongest kid in class, the most admired the most feared. Yoo Joonghyuk was a shining example of what all parents wished their kids would be, most could overlook his frosty attitude in favour of his quirk.
Yoo Joonghyuk’s quirk was, far from normal. There wasn’t any other quirk like it in recorded history. There were so many different facets to it, with so many skills and abilities he could unlock as he “levelled up” his quirk. It was uncanny, it was almost as if he was the protagonist of some sort of RPG. So that’s what they named his quirk, “Protagonist.”
There was only one other person who had a quirk even remotely similar to Yoo Joonghyuk. And unfortunately, it was me. I can’t say it helped with my envy of him. His “Protagonist” quirk versus my “Bookmark” quirk it was clear which one was superior. In this type of society, a quirk that could copy other people’s quirks was commonly looked down upon, and classified as a villain's quirk. So that was the way I was treated for most of my life, as the villain counterpart to Yoo Joonghyuk’s righteous hero. And because of that, I envied him.
Of course, bookmark itself wasn’t the only part of my quirk. But I hadn’t yet been aware of it myself, the fourth wall. My quirk was really a quirk that could only be utilised by a reader.
Okay!! So now with that out of the way let me get into explaining their quirks!
Joonghyuk's Quirk is basically how his skills function in ORV because I think he deserves to be overpowered, of course, he doesn't have his regression stigma nor does he have a sponsor constellation. He unlocks more of his skills the further he progresses in his training or during significant events during his life. The skills he has access too are accessible on a videogame screen just like in ORV it's like a skill tree
Dokja's Bookmark quirk though is slightly different, because Bookmark works the way it does in ORV as does fourth wall but bookmark isn't part of Fourthwall they are separate quirks, I still haven't decided how he got the second quirk I'm working on that (and if anyone has any ideas let me know).
Sooyoung's quirk is where I branch out from the ORV versions slightly more, basically she's really good at lying, that's not her quirk but it works with her quirk, in short its like anything she can convince other people is true manifests into reality!! It doesn't have to be spoken either, if she can convince someone a drawing is actually a photo or a fiction book is actually factual then that works too.
The drawbacks for most peoples (ORV) quirks are the probability effects, for example, the more outside the realm of reality Sooyoung's lies are the more she physically suffers from it to the point it could result in death.
I think Heewon deserves to be able to infuse all her weapons with fire and that's her quirk, but I also want the fire to be golden because I also think she deserves that
The kids are just beast and insect tamers respectively and I have no other ideas for them I'm sorry :(
Lee Jihye can control the ocean but with the rule that she can only do this while she is standing on a sea vessel, I like to imagine that she controls the ocean like shes puppeteering it, using strings and all that
Lee Hyunsung is kind of like TetsuTetsu which is kind of sad to me I think he deserves more, so I think he can not only reinforce himself with steel but anything he touches (and that he wills) so he's like the ultimate defense guy ever.
Mia's quirk I have actually pulled from another fanfic I'm writing for her which is ORV from her perspective- not the point anyways she has a bubble pop quirk as I like to call it forms a protective bubble around her and pops sending people flying when someone touches it. I also think she would have slight healing abilities shes Yoo Joonghyuks sister she can be overpowered too she deserves it.
(Still working on Sangah and Seolhwas quirks as long with some of the constellations they have me stumped :( )
In terms of plot I want it to be pretty different from the MHA plot, like I'd keep the LOV and AFO but class 1-A and maybe Aizawa too are all replaced with the ORV cast, so dynamics are really different leading to a lot of different events. And KDJ and YJH have a massive rivalry even though they both deny to anyone who asks that they have a rivalry (just like how deny they have crushes on each other but again not the point)
Was even thinking of maybe having a plot arc where Mia gets kidnapped and meets the other kids (Jihye, Gilyoung and Yoosung) and they don't have family so when either Mia breaks them out or the heroes come get them she just forces her brother to adopt them all or they get adopted by the school faculty.
Anyways that is all the thought I have on that AU so far :3 I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on it
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