#but Jamie never actually showed that it helped him bc. they made it a joke.
becoach-a · 10 months
them having a therapist on richmond grounds for an entire season but………a lot of people who needed therapy…didn’t get it?
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sakuatsutingz · 3 years
hi can you possibly do osamu, atsumu and tsukishima when they see someone hitting on their crush (not s/o,yet)? thank youu!!
ofc !! i love this req tho omg,, enjoy !! — jamie
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osamu, atsumu & tsukishima when their crush is being hit on
masterlist here
request here
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so osamu has been your best friend since you guys were basically in diapers gn
and you were always attending his games in inarizaki, cheering him on !!
little did you know, samu has had a crush on you for the longest time
his heart would always go ➡️↘️↙️⬅️↗️⬇️⬆️⬇️↖️↙️ whenever you attend his games and cheer the loudest for him
well ure not just a big ass crush to him
youre his best friend and he doesnt wanna ruin your precious friendship <//3
cue years of mutual pining between u two because of that sighs
even aTSUMUS growing impatient
the line between being friends and something more is coming more to a blur every time you guys see each other
like people would think you guys are a couple already because of how close you two act towards each other <//3
but on one fateful day before his vball match started u were already in the hallways, making ur way to the gym where osamus game takes place
and it just so happened a man, who is only slightly taller than you, walked up to u and rested his arm around ur sHOULDER.
u were basically panicking bc u didnt know what to do
“heya doll, what are you doing looking all pretty here ? i say i should take you out.”
your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you heard him, and before you could shove him away from u, you were already caged between the wall
and the lord rlly said ‘let osamu witness all of this’ and boom osamu was there making his way to the water fountain with atsumu and he basically just dropped his water bottle at the sight of you uncomfortably between a wall and a stranger
as soon as he locked eyes with your quivering ones he speedwalked towards the two of u and pushed the guy away from you
“you should know, ya’ shouldn’t mess with what’s not yours.”
said osamu, bringing you closer to his chest with his left arm wrapped around your waist AAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
the man took the hint and awkwardly walked away as soon as he heard those words
the two of you then made ur way back to the gym, his hand never leaving ur side
well, maybe when you started teasing him
“‘what’s not yours’ ? are you implying that someone owns me, ‘samu-samu ?”
he stopped walking, making you flinch a little at the sudden halt of movement
“you were always mine, got it ?”
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you've known him since the beginning of high school
and you've always stood out to him !!
you always took his flirting just as a joke
friendly thing to say </3
even though he was being dead serious the whole time
but at the same time he would literally shy away from every opportunity in asking u out
u knew him well and so does he !!
just like osamu, u attended every one of atsumus vball games, cheering him on in his passion !!
honestly he would always do his best to impress u whenever you watch him practice with the inarizaki vbc
heck he would even use 1OO% of his power just !! for u !! to notice !!
whenever he flirts w u the entire team just leaves the two of u alone
bc atsumu has probably spilled about his ever growing crush on u to them
by accident
or maybe osamu was the one to spill the tea
before a match started you visited him on the bench just to check up on him real quick
but someone from the opposite team ran up to you before atsumu noticed your presence
“i’d never thought i’d meet someone so gorgeous like you here, why not you go sit there and cheer for me, yeah?”
meanwhile osamu notices the player go dangerously close to your face, and your eyes plead for help to his own
osamu points it out to his brother and iMMEDIATELY ATSUMU SPIKES A BALL TO THE GUY’S FACE
his aura is TERRIFYING
like do you know that weird yellow smoke thing that shows when the twins did their quick attack
but like you go bby <33
the guy runs back to his own team with a bruised face as tsumu spRINTS TOWARDS YOU
911 i need an emergency my heart stopped beating
“sorry, just had to. i wanted to let ev’rybody know that miss y/n is mine and mine only, ‘kay?”
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you, him, and yams have been a trio since elementary school
it was always you three in your own little world
he doesn't remember when he first started to form a crush on you
just like ?? since forever ??
but he's rlly good at hiding his feels sOBS
basically only yamaguchi knows
but it's not too hard to figure out he has some sort of feels for you <33
he's a lot nicer to you then he is to most people oops
also is always offering to help you !!
like if your struggling with a class
mans is there to tutor you IM DYING
you don't often go to their games
and if you do it's usually cause yams invited you
he invited you to a game !!
and you knew it was important if he invited you so you agreed to it <33
you ended up going on the bus with karasuno to get to the arena cause you didn't have a way to get there
and as your loading the bus or wtv ,,
someone from karasuno comes up to you
wayyy too close tho </3
it was clear your uncomfortable with their advances
but they didn't seem to care
clearly it was getting tsukki pissed gn
yamaguchi was trying to calm him down
it wasn't working SJSJDJ
he ended up basically glaring at the person flirting with you
before walking behind you
and pulling you into a back hug !!
kinda just looks at the other guy then to you
"is there a problem here babe? this person annoying you?"
grumpy dino can be v intimidating and this was one of those moments </3
the other guy backs off and ya'll get on the bus
and the only open seats happen to be next to each other for you and tsukki COUGH COUGH
"so, babe huh?"
he just lowkey rolls his eyes and is like
"don't act like you didn't already know, you're mine, okay?"
and the otp of y/n x tsukki came true
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neko-rogers · 4 years
hey!! I’m not sure if your inbox is still open but I thought I’d send this just in case! what would you think abt a dark!peter who’s obsessed w s/o and offers to have her stay with him during like the stay-at-home pet of covid so she’s not alone then when it’s lifted he’s like lol you’re not leaving. sorry that’s kinda long and super specific. i absolutely love your writing though!!💗
Jamie All Over
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words: 2,040 (no, i should be sorry bc this was chaotic)
tags: didn’t expect it to be this LONG, manipulative!peter parker, grooming, overprotectiveness, slight mentions of sex, don’t expect too much lmao its a headcanon
a/n: hi babe! i wasn’t entirely sure if you wanted this as a one shot (but if u do let me know!)
so you’re pretty unaware of every move peter is trying to do with you, you know? you were not really sure if it was a kind gesture, as the gentleman he seemed to be, or was it just a special treatment
ever since second year and until now as both of you were on your fourth year, he was consistent with his efforts
these moves were moments like when he would carry your books to your next class or confidently invite you to a study ‘date’ at the library after – often times he tells that his friends were invited, but would never show up later on
sometimes he would bring you lunch. you tried to turn it down kindly, but he insists that it was purposely packed as an extra for when he stays late around the university.
it was a lie though. anyone could tell by the way it was prepared looking very appetizing and tasted just as amazing at it was presented. 
and as peter had mentioned that he lived alone, you also assumed he was the one to make his meals. you were so sure he doesn’t pack for an extra and intentionally wants to impress you with his skills.
“hey, y/n!,” he calls, “look this eggroll has a cute design!”
he honestly was an epitome of a walking sunshine. his smile seemed so pure and you never felt any ill-intent for every gesture he had done for you
his friends seemed very welcoming the moment he introduced you to his group
you got along with ned who seemed to be just as joyful and funny as peter. meanwhile mj was a bit more of a tough cookie, nevertheless you both eventually got a long better than you expected
however, it came to one point wherein your own group of friends started being disheartened with your lack of communication
“you’ve been spending more time with that parker boy, huh?” “yeah, kinda?” “are you two like... dating?” “oh no! no... no... nooo!”
the moment they frowned at you was then that you realized and felt a little more guilty. you always remembered that friends were supposed to be friends despite the lack of time and effort, right?
somehow you tried to compensate for the lack of time with your friends. but every minute you spend felt more awkward than before
they weren’t sharing the same vibe with you and you were starting to question if it had been always like it – were you only adjusting to them?
you reached out for peter, considering that he became one of the closest and trusted people around the university. plus, he seemed to have genuinely great friends
“do you feel happy when you’re spending time with them?”
“well i used to but recently–”
“then you should stop being friends with them.”
you were upset for a second. the way he instantly told you that cutting ties with them would be the (only) option
he sounded serious on the other end of the line and you were just speechless for a moment. the dead air between lines was evident, but you didn’t know what to say
“sorry,” peter makes up, “i didn’t mean to sound too serious. i just don’t like people who are rude, especially to you.”
“oh, it’s fine. i totally get it.” you felt a batch of butterflies around your stomach. someone actually cared for you!!!
the moment you didn’t hesitate on losing your friendship with your past friends and moved on with joining peter’s group, things felt lighter.
somehow you felt more expressive than you realized. they were open to your ideas and thoughts, just as you were with them. you felt super comfortable and realized that you weren’t holding back on anything anymore
that’s why you had expected your winter break to be better than your past ones
everyone agreed to skate around the ice rink in rockefeller for christmas. along with it, also spending new year’s eve at the time square
news flash: you finally had the cliche new year’s eve kiss, with none other than peter parker!!! hooray!!!
for anyone who had common sense, your feelings for peter had accentuated. you weren’t denying it either, and the boy wasn’t oblivious to it too
he was just so irresistible and kind to you, like, all the time – to surreal, honestly
you felt and KNEW you were spoiled with peter (and his friends, who liked to spend time with you outside too, just not as much as him)
just as you were planning your spring break activities, it had to be postponed for another time
a lockdown had to be implemented around the country as it was under the state of a pandemic
mj and ned told the group that they’ll be with their families since lectures had to be concluded for the mean time
you planned to do the same, but you expected that this situation wouldn’t last long. so you chose to stay in your dorm rather than return to your hometown
completely sucks since you not only don’t get to hang out with your friends, but you weren’t able to see anyone in person...
until you got a text from peter
he was literally inviting you over his apartment since he explained that he wasn’t returning home either
you practically rushed to pack a small amount of clothes for a sleepover whilst not forgetting to wear a mask (bc it’s fucking important ok)
you arrived at his address and a big warm hug ensues 
his unit was so tidy and you were convinced he did it to impress you
peter was so happy to see you, acknowledging that you’re also spending a few nights with him
the nights mostly consisted of eating snacks and binge watching movies
however during one of those nights, both of you got a bonus – making out on his couch and further, completely forgetting the television
making out with peter wasn’t awkward at all. most of the time he was the one in control, which you didn’t mind
his hands treated you so gently but the way he teased you made you crave for more than what he was offering
a lot of whining, swearing, and begging – you weren’t aware but he was enjoying it a lot
on his side, he did praise you from time to time, but most of it consisted of raw tension and actions. the room was full of grunts and short breaths 
just want to include how sexy peter would be while he moans all over you. like his whole sunshine personality just drained away the moment he places his hands on either sides of your waist
the next day you felt like a princess even though you know it shouldn’t be???
apparently peter prepared breakfast for you and you felt embarrassed walking around his place only in the shirt you wore yesterday and underwear
just when you thought the extra lunch he packs for you was already amazing, the breakfast he prepared whilst being fresh and hot was just incredible
“you really like it?”
“of course! you really have to teach me to cook sometimes”
peter laughs and jokes, “yeah, don’t worry. i feel like we’ve got a lot of time ahead.”
ok fast forward to a few more days when you were beginning to feel like a freeloader. he lets you borrow a few of his clothes as yours were in the laundry
by the time you wanted to stop by your place, peter started to be more... clingy
at first he didn’t want you to go but after a few more debates, he felt defeated and instead insisted on going with you
eventually you caved and let him. it wasn’t that bad either, he talked to you about a lot of things on the way leaving you entertained the whole walk without realizing how far it had been
he helped you ‘pack’ more stuff so you wouldn’t be going back and forth from his place and yours. you felt like you were going out of town for a month with the amount of clothes and products
both of you returned to his place around late afternoon. you felt pretty tired and didn’t hesitate to pass out on the living room couch
when you woke up you sensed that you were in peter’s bedroom, meaning he carried and tucked you during the night
plus! an arm was wrapped around your midriff and you could feel peter’s breathing against your side
you closed your eyes and appreciated the moment. it was cute and made butterflies flutter around your stomach, and you tried not to move much to not wake him up
anyways apparently the pandemic lasted longer, and more serious, than expected (fuck the government and their incompetency) 
you spent more time with peter and was thankful that you didn’t spend this quarantine alone
within a blink of an eye, a month and a half already had passed. you couldn’t deny that most, or all, days have been unproductive
eat, cook, watch tv, cuddle, fuck, repeatedly get spoiled??? yeah sounds like the dream
weird though because you haven’t completely brought up to peter if you’re actually in a relationship with him. oh no were you just friends with (a lot) of benefits??
but you also felt like it wasn’t the time to bring it up. neither of you were saying anything so it was best to let it be for the fear that things might go downhill from there
anyways this continued for more weeks, especially since the ‘stay-at-home’ policy was deemed necessary
you started to help him do errands around the apartment just to feel like you weren’t an actual freeloader – but it wasn’t a surprise when he kept insisting that you should relax
more cute moments
more sexy times
and more cuddles during night (peter’s grip became tighter every night, but you shrugged it off assuming that it was just you getting homesick and overthinking)
ok but when you brought up being homesick and mentioned that you planned peter wasn’t entirely happy about it
the way he acted wasn’t just clingy. he insisted that he’d be the one to go and that you were staying
“ok but i’m not a dog, peter?” “i know, honey, but it’s too dangerous outside. i wouldn’t want you to be at risk.” “i wear a mask?? i follow health protocols?? i’ll be fine??” “you don’t understand–”
oh god he was becoming controlling
you tried not to argue anymore, rather ignoring and pushing past him to proceed to the door
and peter instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist and prevented you from walking further
there was a lot of struggling, but you didn’t know he was this strong. literally what the hell.
you tried to scream too but he pretty much threatened you to your core
“let’s talk this out,” he grunts as he secures his grip around you
“the hell? let me go!”
things got more complicated. he did convince you to talk with him (by means of tying your arms and legs to incapacitate you from running and righting)
it was a nightmare. he was really soft and sweet with you, even getting teary eyed after stating, “i only want what’s best for you... for us”
however you could sense the manipulativeness through it despite being making everything else look convincing
“trust me, sweetie, i wouldn’t want to hurt you. it would crush me” “please don’t cry. i’m only protecting you” “people are disgusting, they don’t deserve an angel like you” “don’t worry, i can protect you”
it terrified you to your nerves, sending shivers across your spine
at first you didn’t realize it, but eventually after days of being trapped, you figured he had been grooming you the whole time
he tried to make you dependent of him and somehow he did a fine job. just not enough to completely exploit you
though, it made you question what would have been better in your situation: being conscious of his sly nature with the hope of escaping or being unaware and completely wrapped around his finger whereas letting him continue how greatly he had been caring for you?
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chuckclayton · 5 years
what are all the teens shows youve seen and your thoguhts on them?
that’s an extremely long list that i cannot remember in its entirety, but i will try for you. i forgot some but i remember a lot that i’m sure most people forget or didn’t know existed. 
awkward: entertaining at first but slowly got boring, by the halfway point of season 3 i was so over it that i stopped watching and never cared enough to find out what happened in the final 2 seasons.
faking it: i actually loved it even with the yikes premise. i think it deserved another season or two to really flesh out the characters and give them a proper send-off.
riverdale: we all know what i think about riverdale. i really don’t want a season 4 but i’m still gonna watch it.
pll: i surprisingly didn’t give up on it… i even liveblogged it for a season or two (you’re a trooper if you remember me doing 3 liveblogs a week and 2 on the same day back to back). i think it i didn’t deserve 7 seasons and that it was terribly written esp the last 2 season because it felt like they just pulled random ideas out of a hat and there was so many plot holes… whew. i’ve seen both spinoffs and ravenswood was… um… interesting. that’s all i’ll say about it. the perfectionists was absolutely a mistake… like why did freeform think giving marlene another show was a good idea. i’m over the all-knowing anonymous stalker/killer thing so it’s not my favorite thing.
famous in love: laughably bad but it had potential. also keith was great in to it. i will never get over how bella found out that it got canceled on twitter gjhghjgjh.
glee: the source of all my problems. i don’t know if it was always bad and i didn’t notice but god… some of the stuff ryan murphy made them do should’ve gotten him sent to prison.
scream queens: not sure what that was but i know for a fact that it didn’t need a season 2.
gossip girl: i lived for those messy bitches. i don’t think it needs a reboot at all. i didn’t like every plot but it is a show i like to revisit. i do think the ending was terrible and i’ll never stop thinking that. i did think for a new york setting it was all too white and way too straight even though it was supposed to be upper class or whatever it was still too white and straight. like dan lived in brooklyn for fucksake… i get that gentrification is a big issue there but how did he only know one black person? how in 6 seasons did they only encounter like 4 or 5 black people? and one asian person?
one tree hill: a show that i’ll always adore for many reasons. it put me through emotional peril but i really loved it. i know everyone loves brooke, and don’t get me wrong i do too, but i always liked peyton just a little more just because i related to her more. i saw a lot more of myself in her than i had any business doing. the superior scott is jamie and that’s that on that. overall great even though they underutilized skills and mouth.  
the 100: yeah i only made it to the episode before l/xa was killed… i think i’ll revisit it because it was something me and my best friend watched weekly before he spent all his time in the hospital and unfortunately passed. i really stopped feeling it after like 3x02… it just became too much and i also just didn’t like the showrunner so that made me not want to watch more than the actual plot.
skam: i had to stop watching bc vilde pissed me off whenever she spoke hhfkjdhfjd… i’ve seen the american remake and her american counterpart pisses me off too. otherwise, i did enjoy it even though it was slow for me bc i’m used to shows with crackhead energy. i liked sana the most but i never finished her season bc i couldn’t get the google drive video to work.
skins: honestly a classic. i do revisit it from time to time because of all the teen shows i’ve seen it’s the most realistic and i like that about it. i’ve seen the american remake, and i liked one character because we have the same name hkjhfkjsh
misfits: a great show with a very fun concept but when the original cast except on of them it just wasn’t as good.
some girls: UNDERRATED AS HELL! i fucking love it… it was hilarious.
sex education: i love it. i adore maeve and jackson as a couple and seperately. i hate that the show is doing the uncool guy/cool girl thing as their potential engame because maeve x jackson is great and otis x ola deserves a chance. i also love amy.
end of the fucking world: the whitest white people shit to ever exist.
the get down: this show was soooooo fucking good and i’m not saying that because i love jaden smith. i genuinely thing everything about it except fat annie was great.
my mad fat diary: absolutely perfect. would not change a single thing about it except maybe add a black character… or 3.
teen wolf: fell off after the 3rd season. the darkest show i’ve ever seen… like i literally could not see a thing. wish that they let scott be single for at least half a season, he didn’t need a love interest all the time. overall has a special place in my heart but JEFF DAVIS CAN CHOKE.
recovery road: i don’t think it should’ve been canceled. it was good and deserved more opportunity to thrive. could’ve done without the phony jamaican though. she should’ve been written out…
the vampire diaries: i liked it for the first 3 seasons but after that i was watching it out of habit, even doing that i only made it to season 6. i just don’t think it made season without elena. i like bonnie deserved better. i watched the finale and the only moment i liked was the moment with all the bennet witches… that was dope.
chilling adventures of sabrina: SOOOO GOOD. i don’t know how ras managed to get me to like it but i genuinely love it. hkily (harvey kinkle i love you). i hope ambrose and prudence get to kill father blackwood next season… it’s what they deserve.
degrassi: i’ve seen the entire franchise and i revisit it a lot when i feel nostalgic. my favorites in the franchise are degrassi high and the next generation. i like the first 6 seasons and season 12 the most. i think next class tried a little too hard to be socially aware. it’s something that i associate most with my pre teen and teen years.
elite: an interesting mash of a lot of american teen shows i’ve seen but in spanish.
the oc: way too white. i thrived off of marrissa’s wild behavior but i didn’t care for anything else. i think the storyline with alex was out of place and rushed as hell.
secret life: world’s worst show. like seriously should not have existed.
legacies: i like it so much right now, but i think landon is as interesting as a piece of white bread.
grownish: the plot and characters leave little to be desired but the clothes… oh my god… the clothes. wow. that is worth watching the show for.
cloak and dagger: i would give my firstborn for another season. it’s so good.
runaways: can’t wait to see my babies this winter. i love everything about this show.
dead of summer: i can’t remember anything that happened but eli goree was absolutely gorgeous in it.
the lying game: the plot confuses me to this day. i can’t remember if i liked it.
10 things i hate about you: idk why freeform did that… it was so bad hkjhsjfkhs
kyle xy: i remember liking it a lot but i don’t remember but else. the lead guy has the cutest little family. he and his husband have a cute little youtube channel.
90210: the reboot was just a bunch of unnecessary drama but i did enjoy some of it. the plot where they made dixon, the only black guy and the nicest guy in the group, a villain was ugly and unnecessary. i liked ivy, raj, and dixon the most. it did lack the after school special feel of the original though.
13 reasons why: shouldn’t exist. period. but ross was good in it.
on my block: i absolutely love it and hope the cast negotiates a pay raise so they get what they deserve.
scream: i liked it but i don’t think it had the same appeal as the movie it spawned from. i think the recent revival had a fun twist and some funny one-liners and i loved that both final girls were black and so was the final boy.
hard times of rj burger: as dumb as it sounds with terrible jokes.
finding carter: i thought it was a good show and would have survived had it been on a network like freeform. mtv just wasn’t the best place for it
boy meets world: a show that’s very close to my heart that i will continue to love forever. shawn and angela deserved better. 
saved by the bell: my fav show to watch when i’m having a panic attack. it helps me calm down. also 90s mario and mark could GET IT ANY TIME, ANY DAY, ANYWHERE!
south of nowhere: i can’t remember much but i think i liked it.
gigantic: absolutely boring. that shit was boring as fuck.
open heart: boring.
smart guy: iconic.
sister, sister: LEGENDERIC.
one on one: hilarious and heartwarming.
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downstvged · 5 years
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“ oh. uh... you had your eye on that last laffy taffy, too ? ”   awkward. peyton reaches for the candy anyway. his fingertips close around the treat and nudge it closer to the person beside him. “ go for it. my favorite’s banana anyway. ”
or, alternatively : i have zero restraint & ‘tis i, linc, comin’ atchu w/ my third, peyton pellegrino !! resident senior class treasurer & lacrosse co-captain & theatre techie. he’s a wholesome boy but jeez... is new ham gonna break him. dun dun dunnnnNNNN .  ; )
✔ ┊❝ noah centineo. he/him &. cismale ) eighteen year old peyton pellegrino was listening to “no place like home” by marianas trench when the field trip buses turned around. rumor has it he’s on a missing children’s list in delaware & his dad is actually his childhood kidnapper, but who knows if that’s true? what we do know is that their friends describe them as suave & bona fide, even if they’re known to be a little restless & yielding from time to time.
i’m... not gonna do my long intro format for him bc ain’t nobody got time fo dat! and i’m lazy sfhiefh. but here we go !!
( tw: mentions of kidnapping, false death, anxiety, familial deceit )
spoiler alert : little jamie claverton never quite found his way home. with no witnesses to the kidnapping ( thanks to his mother’s ignorance... yikes ) ,  matthew pellegrino, age 30, was able to make an easy getaway with the child. in 2010, milton police closed jamie’s case. the clavertons, heavy-hearted, buried an empty casket for their lost boy, unaware that he was alive and well just two states away, living comfortably with his “ father ”  in west ham, connecticut.
peyton pellegrino’s mother abandoned her family shortly after peyton’s first birthday –– she’d struggled with postpartum depression & decided she wasn’t made out to be a mother. despite matthew’s pleas, his wife disappeared into the night. and just like that, it was just father and son. us two against the world, peyton’s father would say. they moved around frequently, spending almost each passing birthday in a different place. new york city, boston, miami, chicago, philly. it wasn’t until peyton’s seventh birthday that they finally settled somewhere long-term: phoenix, arizona. and, by the time his tenth birthday rolled around, they hopped across the country once more.
to west ham, connecticut. a dramatic change of pace. matthew had landed the position of fire chief, his record of improving local fire departments finally recognized. so ten-year-old peyton careened into fifth grade, then middle school. he fit right in. and west ham? west ham ate up the pellegrino family story. nobody suspects a thing.
in a hidden compartment locked under matthew’s desk lies the only record of peyton’s past. duplicated fingerprints. forged social security documents. fake passports, just in case. the key’s hidden somewhere in the house. but it’s the two of them, father and son, them two against the world.
and up until now? peyton hasn’t had the means to discover the truth.
peyton pellegrino, aspiring broadway set/lighting engineer:
inspired by “no place like home” by marianas trench.
peyton moved to west ham when he was 10, so i would love some long-term connections for him. his dad’s the fire chief, so he’s definitely... involvedˆin the smell stuff. more on that in the future.
he’s heavily involved in lacrosse, mock trial, theater, & student gov. he’s the senior class treasurer because freshman year, his pals on the lacrosse team joked he had the only face people wouldn’t be mad to hand class dues to. he’s been voted into position ever since.
will be attending eastern connecticut state university for a degree in theatre & theatre design !! he’s SUCH a techie and very unashamed about it, but he will get bashful if he gushes on too long about the importance of a crisp curtain or how much of a difference fading spots can make. he acts as well ( see his excellent performances in mock trial competitions ) but he’s got such a love for framing the stage, making his performers look good. making the visual effects an extension of the story.
works as a pizza delivery boi for one of the local faves — and you best bet this kid makes amazing tips. in the summers, he techs at a bunch of theatre camps and throws in a gig scooping ice cream just for some extra dough. it’s not that his dad doesn’t make good money as fire chief, but they struck a deal that peyton would foot at least half of the bill for college. so he’s trying to getting a jump on that.
one of those rare breeds that is hella involved and seems really relaxed about it? but... he does have anxiety & struggles with panic attacks from time to time. they were really bad when he was around 8 to 11, but they’ve calmed since being here. it’s one of the reasons why matthew looked for a position in such a small, calm town.
sike !!!!!  west ham ain’t calm no more !!!!
speaking of his dad. they’re fuckin’ best friends, alright? saturday nights are reserved for the pellegrino boys. foosball. ping pong. b-rate game shows.
he’s the kind of dude to go out of his way to help you and say it was no sweat. even if it was all the sweat.
if he loves you, watch him lay out his jacket so you don’t have to step in mud.
has a bad habit of nipping at the edge of pens. it’s one of the anxious ticks he hasn’t quite been able to shake. sometimes his right leg bounces, if he’s forced to sit still in one place for too long.
will likely join the committee on going home, if something like that arises. leadership courses through his veins, but peyton’s not really one to pursue it very much. he’s more content to chip in and help everyone else than sit at the top. but if someone close to him ( cough cough, @cvssndra​, cough ) decides to take the reins, he’ll be right there to support.
he eats his pizza rolled around the crust, like an italian taquito.
notable fashion choices include : leather bracelets, cuffed jeans, lots of solid colored and colorblocked tees. when he dresses up for mock trial, the girls kinda swoon. boy looks dashing in a suit. has a glasses prescription but always wears contacts. his dad says he looks sharper that way ( but it’s actually because, with glasses, he looks too similar to the claverton family. )  beat up chuck taylors, kind of untied on purpose. he’s got that whole loosely kept together, sleep deprived look down pat.
in middle school, he did a social studies project on milk carton kids. his project partner said there was this sketch from delaware that kinda looked like him. they both just laughed it off. young peyton came home and told his dad all about it over dinner. his dad laughed. the next day, peyton tried to find the same webpage, and was met with a notice that it had been permanently disbanded.
catch him longboarding around town like an absolute boss.
his favorite gum flavor is juicyfruit. it reminds him of go kart racing with his dad in arizona.
has functional knowledge of asl. he began learning at his school in chicago, and pursued it a bit further in arizona when he learned their next-door neighbor, patricia, was deaf. young peyton would walk the nice lady’s mail up to her door and learn a few signs from her each day, then practice them at dinner with his dad.
i imagine his dad’s reputation makes him fairly well-known around town. it’s likely peyton knows the owners of most businesses around here, so he’s the dude you stick near if ya want free shit.
he knows his dad’s disappointed he’s not pursuing a career in law enforcement or medicine. but peyton barely survived one day of junior firefighter training.
he actually just went back on anti-anxiety meds recently. so that’s gonna be interesting, when that supply starts going bye-bye.
people always assume he’s from cali, because of his overall vibe. his dad says he was actually born in ohio. peyton did a whitepages search in ohio for kenna pellegrino. the search came up empty.
his pals have a running inside joke where they hand him bottles of san pellegrino mineral water. it’s hilarious. and he hates it.
aight cuttin’ it short so i can hop onto this dash!! as always hmu for plots, bants, and good times !!  xx
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pashpops · 4 years
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DTSY/Moon Bunny Girls
the Yeona-produced DTSY/dal tokki sonyeo/달토끼소녀/Moon Bunny Girls (SY instead of the usual SN bc Yeona wants to pronounce it as "ditzy" to everyone's grief). Their debut is dreamy and refreshing bossa nova-influenced pop that shows off their powerful vocals!
Members: Sakshi, Tukta (maknae), Ahjin (leader), Subi, Kyuyoung
Fandom Name: Earth Bunnies
Stage Name: Sakshi Birth Name: Sakshi Deshmukh Position: Honey Vocals, Dancer Birthday: 1995 Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 170cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Blue Favourite Food: Mango Least Favourite Food: Durian Hobbies: Singing, dancing, swimming
 Facts: - Originally from Mumbai, Yeona personally invited her after seeing one of her R1CH cover videos. - Naturally sexy and confident, but with a cute fangirly side. - Very creative and musical, always singing and dancing whether it’s on or off the stage. - Ideal type is someone strong-willed and respectful of her culture.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - A little uncomfortable with her sexy image, not because she’s not naturally sexy and flirtatious, but because people attribute it to her being an “exotic” Indian woman and fetishising her culture. - Gets slutshamed a LOT, and rebuts with simple “you’re just jealous” comments, which lead to her having somewhat of a bitchy, self-absorbed image with the public. CiCi has personally spoken to her about deflecting racist/sexist comments and taking them to make her own image stronger, but it’s a little hard.
Stage Name: Tukta Birth Name: Teeyapar Tukta Paksukcharoen Position: Fairy Vocals, Maknae Birthday: 1997 Zodiac: Leo Height: 157cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Pink Favourite Food: Durian Least Favourite Food: Anything that isn’t durian (joke after finding out all the other members listed durian as their least favourite food) Hobbies: Playing rhythm games, teasing/pranking the other members
 Facts: - Originally from Pattaya, but has been a kpop fan since she was about 10, and learned to speak Korean at a very young age, so her Korean is basically flawless. - People often assume she’s putting on a fake voice, but no, her voice really is that high and cute! - Popular as an advertising model due to her petite figure but her proportionally long legs. - Very quick on the uptake and has talked circles around even legendary variety hosts. - Doesn’t have an ideal type.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Completed a BA in psychology while DTSY were promoting their debut single and is currently enrolled in a doctorate program. Doesn’t make her studying public, but given her looks and her Thai name sticks out a lot, there are a lot of leaks. She is a model student who is consistently at the top of the class. - Like Saskhi, she faces a lot of racism/xenophobia, but it’s less sexually-charged and more about how SEA girls are ugly. She’s taken to just agreeing with comments about her being ugly in a joking way, but her fans are worried that she’s taking it to heart.
Stage Name: Ahjin Birth Name: Han Ahjin Position: Husky Vocals, Main Dancer, Leader Birthday: 1993 Zodiac: Taurus Height: 172cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Bright colours Favourite Food: Cream puff Least Favourite Food: Durian Hobbies: Old school break dancing, acrobatics, playing sport
Facts: - Doesn't mind if you call her unnie or oppa or noona or hyung, as long as you do it with a smile. - Her boyish image is not just a concept, she has always dressed like that since she was little. - Ex-leader of a popular dance crew, so there are a lot of predebut videos of her online, as well as the few times she was a backup dancer for R1CH years before DTSY would come into existence. - Doesn’t have an ideal type. Says gender doesn’t matter when it comes to love.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - She says gender doesn’t matter, but she hasn’t met a man she actually wants to sleep with, while she’s constantly crushing on girls. Probably a lesbian who just likes looking at prettyboys. - One woman she has a persistent crush on is Lion, so it’s kind of weird for her when people tell her they look similar, especially seeing as the only real similarity between them is short hair. - She also gets compared to Jamie a lot, but as “the more manly version”. Neither she or Jamie know how to take that.
Stage Name: Subi Birth Name: Park Subi Position: Siren Vocals Birthday: 1996 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 161cm Weight: kg Blood Type: B Favourite Colour: Pink Favourite Food: Lemon gelato Least Favourite Food: Durian Hobbies: Arguing with Tukta and Saskhi about 1st gen girl groups
Facts: - Although she has a dreamy and sweet look, she's actually quite sharp and witty and isn't afraid to let displeasure show. - A little infamous for her quick change expressions, where she goes from a cute idol smile to a cold glare and back again. She’s always cute and happy around female idols, though. - Has a near encyclopedic knowledge of girl group dances of all genres but the only boy group dances she knows are the really cutesy ones. - Was once voted the unofficial visual (DTSY doesn’t have an official one) and took it as an insult. - Ideal type is Justin from LVLMAX. He was delighted to hear that and bragged about it on variety, so she changed it to “someone cute and modest who doesn’t brag.”
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Full blown misandrist. She knows men ain’t shit and she will not take shit from them no matter how minor the shit is. Has a reputation for being rude and bitchy behind the scenes because of this. - When she chose Justin as her ideal type, it was just that he was the first famous male idol with a cute image that she could think of, she doesn’t have any particular interest in him or LVLMAX at all, and has said as much at fanmeets. However, some of Justin’s fans (the few of them that don’t ship him with men) ship her with him like crazy, and the rest hate her and consider her a filthy slut who became an idol just to sleep with their precious angel. The whole situation just made her hate men even more.
Stage Name: Kyuyoung Birth Name: Lee Kyuyoung Position: Fierce Vocals Birthday: 1993 Zodiac: Sagittarius Height: 165cm Weight: kg Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Favourite Food: Least Favourite Food: Durian Hobbies: Karaoke, playing video games, telling jokes
 Facts: - Often mistaken as one of the “foreigner line”, but she’s fully Korean and has never left Korea in her life. - Originally was training to become a comedian and variety host, but Yeona was so impressed with her vocals that she offered her a spot in her new gg. Of the members, she's the one most like Yeona herself, very goofy and not afraid of embarrassing herself. - Rising variety star. - Ideal type is someone with a good sense of humour.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Very insecure about her looks and her dancing ability, heavily doubted Yeona’s decision to cast her in her new gg, but she loves singing and the feeling of being on stage, so she soldiers on. - Luckily, her self-deprecating sense of humour comes across well on variety, and lets her talk through her issues in a way that is well-received and helps raise the group’s name.
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cometcrystal · 7 years
Okay, I officially want to get into the gorillaz because of all your reblogs. So, if you are not busy, please Tell. Me. Everything. I want to know history/best songs/fun facts/anything. Please and thank you.
im so excited!! i love that my reblogs made you wanna get into gorillaz that makes me so beyond happy
gorillaz is a virtual band, and the members are 2d (lead singer), murdoc (bass), noodle (guitar), and russel (drums). these are just characters, though, and the irl members of gorillaz are MANY. there’s been SO MANY people that have worked on gorillaz, and i wouldn’t be surprised if it was in the hundreds. but the main guys are damon albarn, who does the music, and jamie hewlett, who does the artwork!
the best songs from each phase are just my own opinion and all of their albums are definitely worth full listens, these are just the ones that i personally love the most!
5/4. i have no excuse for this one it’s just sick
clint eastwood, which is what a lot of ppl say but honestly? there’s a reason this one was the big single off this album
slow country, bc it is SO overlooked
demon days
o green world, i love the creepy horror movie noises in it
dirty harry, especially live performances, go look up the BRITS performance of this song and look how much fun the kids are having
don’t get lost in heaven/demon days. the first time i listened to this pair of songs, i was at an assembly for school and ignoring it with my ipod and it was an EXPERIENCE
plastic beach
welcome to the world of the plastic beach, you cannot go wrong with snoop dogg
rhinestone eyes, because it feels very classic gorillaz
on melancholy hill is beautiful and ethereal 
rockit is just a jam lets be honest
the soulchild remix of 19-2000, which i actually like better than the original
revolving doors (i count this one as other bc The Fall is such an anamoly of an album)
doyathing is just so much fun
let it out is shaping up to be my favorite song off of humanz we’ve seen so far but i am filing it under “others” because the album isnt out yet!
AND there is a certain order you should watch the music videos, since it goes with the story! phase 1 is ok to watch out of order imo but phase 2 and 3 need to stay in order.
Tomorrow Comes Today
Clint Eastwood
5/4 (Storyboard)
Rock the House
Dirty Harry
Feel Good Inc.
El Manana
Melancholy Hill
Broken (Live Visual)
Rhinestone Eyes (Storyboard)
and now ill do my best to summarize the entire lore! this will be under a cut because it is so so much already. the gorillaz wiki also does a really good job of explaining this story on each of the character’s pages if you want more detail!
pre-phase 1 and phase 1 (xxxx-2000)
murdoc is the oldest member, and he grew up in a shitty household where his father made him humiliate himself for money. his nose got broken in fights several times and permanently misshaped it
2d grew up in a good household with supportive parents, and his first job was in a record store. this is where murdoc crashed his car one day right into 2d’s face and put him in a coma, making one of his eyes pure black
murdoc was assigned to look after 2d as part of his probation, and ended up giving him MORE head trauma when he tried impressing some girls with car tricks w/ the comatose 2d in the car. 2d woke up with both his eyes black, and murdoc knew he had to be his dream band’s frontman. 2d’s paranoia and anxiety is made worse w/ murdoc around
russel’s backstory is the saddest i think, he grew up in america and had several close friends, but they were all killed in a drive-by shooting except him. their spirits inhabited his body and they come out sometimes to rap, like his best friend and soulmate Del does for clint eastwood and rock the house. but he also suffers really bad mental problems because of this
murdoc kidnapped russel to be the drummer for gorillaz after he secured 2d, and russel was going to leave until he heard the kind of music murdoc wanted to do, and liked it
all 3 of them stayed in a run-down music studio called kong studios
noodle was created as past of a japanese experiment about manufacturing superchildren for the military, and her specialty was music but her brain is programmed with knowledge on how to kill. after she and the other children turned 10, Mr. Kyuzo, who was in charge of the project, saved noodle after the government scrapped the project and killed all the other children.
gorillaz was originally going to have 2d’s girlfriend at the time, paula cracker, as their guitarist, but she was booted after she and murdoc were caught fucking in one of the stalls at kong studios
so they needed a guitarist, so they put out an advertisement and literally moments later, a giant crate showed up at kong. noodle was inside, since mr. kyuzo had seen the ad and sent her to safety. the only word she could speak in english was “noodle”, so that’s how she got her name
the band released an album and toured and all that band stuff, you can see some of the slice of life stuff on youtube in videos called “bitez” but the Fancy Dress one is kinda tasteless on murdoc’s part, im just warning you. it was from 2000 and gorillaz has moved past jokes like that, even with murdoc
eventually, the band was allowed to make a movie, but due to arguing between everyone, they felt the tension was too high and decided to split up for a while
in-between phase 1 and phase 2 (2000-2005)
2d went back home and worked at his dad’s carnival, had a good time
murdoc lived in a brothel and then went to prison for a while but escaped
russel just wandered some but the grim reaper found him and took the souls of his dead friends from his body, leading to him having a massive breakdown. he lived in ike turner’s basement for a bit after that
noodle went to japan to learn about her past (since she didn’t remember anything about the project due to mind wiping) and the phrase “ocean bacon” triggered her brain to remember everything. she also remembered how to speak every language bc that was part of her programming
when noodle returned to kong by herself, she spent a while getting rid of the zombies while she wrote the first draft of the album demon days. she called the boys back when she was done because she needed them to help her finish it
phase 2 (2005)
after the album demon days was out for a while, noodle had been considering taking another break (lmao can they please chill out for two seconds) so she made a plan with murdoc to help her FAKE HER DEATH
he helped her make it look like the floating island in the feel good inc/el manana music videos crashed and she died in the wreckage, but she escaped
there’s SO many versions of this story, one of which noodle DID die and went to hell, but murdoc is unreliable and noodle said she faked her death in a recent phase 4 interview so i believe her
with noodle gone, the band saw nothing else to do but go their separate ways yet again, 2d and russel greatly saddened by noodle’s disappearance 
phase 3 (2010)
murdoc cannot go too long without attention, so he decided that gorillaz needed a 3rd album. he kidnapped 2d AGAIN and couldn’t find russel so he jsut created a drum machine to drum in his place. the only problem is, their guitarist was “dead”
murdoc went to the el manana wreckage and found some of noodle’s DNA, and using this, created cyborg noodle. cyborg noodle is modeled after her 15 year old self, and is equipped with several guns, some of them built into her. she never speaks
murdoc takes all of this to an island that is the furthest from any point on land that he has decked out; plastic beach. it is just an island of floating trash with a condo on it. he keeps 2d in the basement, which terrifies him since 2d is afraid of whales and they go by his window underwater every way
there is also a villain in this phase named the boogie man. i’m honestly not sure what his motivation is other than being evil
russel hears that murdoc is up to some fuck shit so he straight up just. walks into the ocean and starts swimming to find him. on the way he eats something radioactive, and this makes him grow to the size of a building 
noodle has also decided to come out of hiding for reasons unknown. she has the same idea as russel; she’s going after murdoc on a cruise line, when the boogie man’s pirates find out she is there, and attack the ship and sink it
noodle escapes on a lifeboat with only her guitar, and ends up finding russel in the ocean! she and her dad have both gotten bigger in different ways and she just sticks with him
they find plastic beach, which is being attacked by more pirates. noodle kills cyborg noodle after cyborg malfunctions and tries killing murdoc, but also? 2d said in a recent interview that cyborg noodle is still alive? so who knows
2d is swallowed by a whale (dont worry he ends up fine)
in between phase 3 and phase 4 (2010-2017)
the doyathing video does not fit with current canon so everyone in the fandom just agrees it was someone’s dream, probably 2d’s
murdoc escaped the plastic beach battle and lived in a submarine w/ cyborg for a bit until the government found him and threw him in jail again. they agreed to let him out if he created a 4th gorillaz album, so he works on trying to round everyone else up again
the whale that 2d was in died and washed up on a shore somewhere, and 2d crawled out. he lived as a castaway for a little bit until he figured out there was a town not far from where the whale washed up, and then he just spent peaceful time there. he voluntarily went back to the rest of the band after this
russel was harpooned in the ocean and taken to north korea, where he existed as an attraction for a while, cause he was still a giant. his lack of a food source made him shrink back to normal size, and he was let go. he went back to london and was eventually contacted by murdoc 
noodle woke up in a japanese fishing village after the pirate attack, and a family there helped her so she decided to work for them to repay them. while working for them, she accidentally released a demon, and spent years tracking him and finally killed him
after taking care of that, noodle packaged herself up and shipped herself to murdoc just like she did when she was 10 
and now everyones just having a good and fun time not kidnapping each other or trying to kill each other
and that’s pretty much it so far!! like i said, the gorillaz wiki has really good biographies for all the individual characters
that was so long but i tried condensing the story as much as possible! i hope this was helpful for you and if you have any more questions please ask, i love talking about gorillaz so much but it’s also a very confusing lore with contradictions 
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5/12/17, 11:11pm - gettin cucked up
me and a particular group of my melee friends have been using the word cuck a lot still and I never really thought about where it came from. Like 4chan probably repopularized the use of the word because I saw that cuckold porn became a really big trend on there, but the way we use it isn’t like cuckoldry exactly, it’s more like getting fucked over, or stood up, or most specifically teased with a promise of a good time and then having someone back out at the last minute.
More on that later I guess. This week’s been so hectic. Wtf it’s only been like 5 days it feels like it’s been weeks already. I’ve restrategized my Get Your Shit Together (4.0) list, and the big three things are 1. pass the RPSGT, 2. get moved out of my apartment, 3. get some surgeries. 
Tony actually wrote my letter for real, so I put in my application to take the test this week! My cpr aed certification is outdated so I got an online one and I’m not allowed, so I have to do a course this weekend and fix that, but otherwise I’m all set. Gotta study hard, I’m pretty fucking pumped to get a raise. Glad I’m not dying for the money rn though, the $500 to take the test and get a new cpr cert would have me stresssssed the fuck out, dude.  No progress on getting someone to take my room just yet, my room’s a fucking mess, I need to do laundry, I’m kinda putting all this shit off for now tbh. We’ll wait until I’ve taken the exam I’ve got vacation this week anyway. And I talked to my dad, who gave me his blessing so to speak to get a vasectomy. I fudged a number that I told him, said that it’s 90% reversible (most numbers say 95% or greater w/in 3 years, about 50% at 10), but with the potential for in vitro fertilization even if the reversal fails I’m sure that’s about right. He told me that my mom had told him that she wasn’t trying to get pregnant for a year or so and then ‘was practically pregnant the next day.’ coupled with how mom was talking about being pregnant at their wedding I can see that lol. He basically told me that he loves all of us a lot, but yeah I would’ve definitely done that because it’s worth it to not have that kind of surprise when you can’t make money for a kid. I definitely can’t make money for a kid right now lol that would kill me. So I’ve already called the doc to get a referral and I’m gonna get a vasectomy. Gotta figure out how much my septum surgery will be too, but that’ll be a lot more -_- Me and dad were catching up for a bit and I helped him get in touch with Dr. Bruce to fix a hernia so he’s gonna be giving me some more money so that’ll help with that too though. Plus I’ll FINALLY be making sleep tech money. I’m so fucking pumped.
Plus basically the past 3 days I’ve Actually just been working. 3 patients a night for the first time this week was stressful as fuck. I mean not exactly. Just time consuming and pretty frustrating. As jimmy said “if you were still trying to get through Zelda you probably would be dying right now.” Made it through fine and that should sweeten up my paycheck just a smidgen.
Still haven’t eaten french fries, but definitely gave up on cigs. Practically like two days later. I was out drinking for Josh’s birthday and smoked a bunch. That shit was so fucking cash omg. I got blackout drunk for the first time in forevvver. Was hanging out with Jimmy, Josh, Ian, Jack, ran around with one of josh’s friends trying to pick up chicks at a bar after smashing beers into our head and shotgunning them. I have a video lol I’ll try to upload it once I have internet. Was trying to ‘flirt with all the ASA bitties’ but got too drunk and ended up boxing someone in Josh’s friend’s basement (w/ boxing gloves) lmfao. Reminded me of middle school boxing Cory Winters and having our little fight club ring lol. Drunk snapped a bunch of people, ian drove me home, it was a great fucking night. Oh and at Josh’s friend’s I ran into one of my asian friends who I could not remember for the life of me. I wasn’t sure if he was a league friend or one of brosciouss friends or a smash friend I was just so lost, but played it off really well (as always) and did jager shots with him. Fuck. Ing. Lit. First time I felt so happy and natural to be drinking in forever, too. Even got to see brett3 for a bit. Nice to be back in chapel hill. Especially when they’re good old drinking buddies like Jack. It’s so strange that I don’t really talk to anybody else from chapel hill, but then again it really isn’t. 
The date with Brianna went pretty meh. We met up and joked around a bunch and thrift shopped and I bought a whole fuckton of new pants to ease the process of spring cleaning and two new sweatshirts so I’m not wearing fuzzy shit all the time now that it’s getting warmer. Ate at Ms. Winner’s and it was some delicious ass cheap fried chicken, might be my new go to in gboro now. But she like barely wanted to kiss me at the end of the date idk what’s up with her, I’ve kinda bailed out since she’s all preoccupied with her family anyway.
Instead ive gone back to what I call my “harem strats” You see, by chatting up as many girls as possible (right now juggling 4-5) I divert my attention and stay aloof enough that I don’t seem like a crazy fuck. Instead I’m just an asshole who’s two timing girls, but yknow fuck you stop judging me.  This girl hit me up on snapchat saying I looked cute in my story and that we should smoke sometime. With the snapchat name Smokeahontas I could’ve sworn it was Kat, so I just go along with the convo. But then I see kat has a diff username and I was like wtfff who is this lol. I didn’t ask her though, just played along and eventually remembered when she asked for my insta that it was this girl I matched with on tinder months ago that I never followed up with (like most of them), probably because I got lazy lol.  Had a sort of date with Jamie, we got some food because she was getting off work, we smoked a bit, but she was like texting the whole time and fuckin bailed out after just an episode of south park to ‘go to the beach with her roommate.’ I still have been talking to her a bunch, but Idk what the fuck is up with that, kinda whack. Super cucked by how that went. Especially because when I walked her out to her car I didn’t even get a kiss goodnight it was this weird lasting embrace like she pressed her cheek into mine to make sure I didn’t try to kiss her I guess, but still held me tight for a really long time, I was like rubbing her lower back hoping she’d like loosen up and kiss me but hooooly shit it all felt super fucking awkward. I’m hoping she’s just really conservative about dudes since she’s such a cutie, but idk. it makes me actually not give a fuck about her. I have a date tomorrow night with the other textiles girl idr if I wrote about her, but she’s cute, going to ncsu. “allergic to smoke” lol I told her I quit. (I mean I had that day before but I lied and said I did two weeks ago hahah goddamn I’m kind of a twat maybe.) Also actually got cucked by smokeahontas. It was like a situation that was too good to be true though, to be fair. She didn’t have anything to do yesterday night and wanted to hang out; when I told her I was stuck at work and said she should just smoke with me in the morning she said she actually wanted to and would stay up all night to meet up with me when I got off. Ofc she fell asleep, and when she woke up she said she wanted to go back to bed, so I flippantly said “well you could always sleep over here.” and surprisingly enough she said she was actually game for that, so our smoke and horror movie date turned into a naptime date. But an hour passed while I was eating breakfast and in the shower so I was like ‘wtf is up’ and she said she got sick and threw up. Figured I was super cucked once more by another flaker, kind of a bummed out, but not as bummed as after the dates with Jaime and Bri both went so poorly lol. Just happily told her we can try again another time, and now she’s saying she wants to do the same plan for tomorrow morning. 
So There. Is. The potential for me to get laid twice tomorrow. Pretty exciting. I haven’t told anyone that I remade plans with her though. RIGHT after I told some friends about how the nap date got planned out she said she was sick. I FUCKING swear that every time I brag about one of my dates I have lined up it falls the fuck through the floor. So I’m gonna try to never do it again. 
Then there’s this other theatre major girl I started talking to yesterday. Talked about horoscopes and transitioned from talking feminism to her (woke as fuck teens smh) into asking if she ate ass (jokingly) into asking if she wanted to hang. Turns out she’s actually a really cool super geeky chick and I’m really excited to spend time with her since she wants to show me jurassic park for the first time and learn how to play melee. Kinda weird that she’s only 18 still though O.o oh you, tyler. 
SO yeah. That’s the sitch with that. Went from supppper fucking bummed a couple days ago about my dating situation into thinking that I’m the shit again. I think I want to establish that “i’m the best” mentality once again. Because I really am. I’m fucking amazing lmao. 
Ultimately though, I’m still getting cucked left and right and I have little to no faith that I’ll find anybody I actually care about ever again but we’ll see yknow. I think that’s the strats to how I fell in love last time anyway.
hmmm. what else is there... Work in burlington is still super shitty, my commute went from an hour to like an hour and forty minutes today bc people in NC can’t drive through a little bit of fucking drizzling. 
Idk that’s about all I’ve got. Next week’s lake week so gonna have to work again in a few days after some date shenanigans and hopefully I’ve got some more good stories and shit. 
0 notes