biscuits-tragic-diner · 10 months
currently weeping cause like
it is currently 2:13 and i’m sobbing over the fact that other people have ocs of natsuo kirino, which in theory is fine, but to ME it’s the end of the world cause like. nuh uh.
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akirawrites24 · 1 year
Love will always exists
Villain!Todoroki x oc
Fandom: my hero academia
Warnings: gaslighting, kissing scene
Perhaps it was just fate. Perhaps it was just meant to be. No one really knew. They did know: if that day only didn’t happen, things would have turned out very differently.
When was it the last time she heard of him anyway? 5 years? Or was it 7? She doesn’t remember. And she doesn’t want to either. She remembered everything. How the two of them would find comfort in each other, how they wouldn’t judge each other. How he confessed his love for her and vice versa.
It wasn’t until his brother died. Not talking about Natsuo, but about Touya. Well, he would ho by the name ‘Dabi’ now. Instead of trying to kill him, Dabi went to see Shoto himself and reveal his true identity. No one really knows what he said to his brother, but it was good enough to set him on the path of the villain.
“T-Todoroki…”, the telekinesis hero, Sapphire Witch said. She never expected for him to ever show up ever again. Why did she stop in her tracks right then and there? She couldn’t believe what she saw.
The boy in front of her could only smile. It wasn’t an evil one, far from it even. He was just so happy he could see his love again, even if they were now complete opposites of one other.
“I'm happy to see you again, my love”, he said softly as he walked up to her. Tammin couldn’t even process what was going on right now. She was so busy with what happened these last few years and the hero work, she totally forgot about the changed man in front of her.
She hasn’t seen him ever since the war ended. Both have changed a lot, and not only by appearance.
“Why are you here… How did you get in here?”, she mumbled. She had this urge to hug him, even after all the evil that he has done.
“I wanted to see you. Wanting to know how you’re doing”, he said as he walked closer to the woman in front of him. She still looks so beautiful as he remembers.
“How I am? What about you? What went through your head when you decided to kill your father? What went through your head when you killed all those innocent people? What went through your head when you left all of us…”, the woman mumbled, being close to tears.
“You won’t understand it, my love. My father was an awful man. My siblings and I are the living proof of that. Thanks to Touya, I finally had the courage to end Endeavor myself. Know that he abused every single one of us, and he would’ve done it again too had his goal not been achieved”, Shoto said.
“I can understand that he was an asshole and deserved worse, I’m not denying that. But what about the bystanders? Why were they killed? They were just innocent people!”, Tammin said as her voice raised.
He sighed. “The thrill of killing, it’s… Addicting if that’s the right word. Knowing that you finally can control what you are doing in your life and what you want to do with it, it’s an amazing feeling”, he whispered as he pulled the girl closer to him, grabbing her hand.
‘Come on, why don’t you turn him in yet? He is one of the most wanted villains, and yet you are here doing nothing!’, Tammin thought. She just couldn’t attack the man she once fell in love with.
“You don’t think I’m a monster, right? You can understand why I did those things now, do you? Don’t turn me in. I’m still Shoto Todoroki, your highschool sweetheart, right?”, he said as he caressed her cheek.
‘What am I doing?…’, she thought. Moments like this are the reason why she can’t do anything. Love is always going to be her weakness.
“I…”, she started, but a pair of lips softly kissed hers. She didn't know what to do, so she softly kissed him back as well. The kiss still feels like the first time she kissed him. Full of love and sweetness. It was clear he had no evil intent for her.
He separated the kiss and smiled again, but it looked more like a smirk. “See? It’s still me”, he whispered, only for a phone to start ringing.
“If it is your work, don’t tell them that I was here okay? I have to go now. I will see you again soon, my love”, Shoto said before he left.
Tammin wiped the tears away as he saw him leave and picked up the phone.
“Yo dumbass! The agency likes to know if you have seen or heard something from icy-hot! They got some new news of where he would be!”, her best friend’s voice came from the phone.
“Wish I did Kitty”, Tammin said, making the man behind the phone frown and pissed at the nickname.
“Either it’s Dynamight, or Katsuki! Don’t ‘Kitty’ me!”, Katsuki Bakugou, also known as Pro Hero Dynamight said.
After a few seconds, they hung up. Tammin felt ashamed of herself, she is betraying every hero in existence. And she knows she will continue to do so.
Cause she knows, she will always love Shoto Todoroki.
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shuuenmei · 3 years
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Warmup doodle and I miss Riku after so long since I last talked about her. (With a little change to Riku’s hair)
For the OC on the left... here’s a little story:
When I first made Riku, there were two versions of her that I had in mind.
The finalized Riku is Midoriya Riku.
The second version is where Riku is a Todoroki instead of Izuku’s little sister and her story would bring the biggest Canon Divergence ever with two words: Todoroki Touya.
Also known as Dabi (Yes I’ve somewhat caught up to the latest of Boku no Hero Academia)
Some differences with the finalized Riku (Their shared similarities is that they’re little sisters and born with a weak and sickly constitution), and her backstory being (Put under the cut due to being potentially long. You have been warned):
She was nearly 2 years younger than Shouto and was conceived as a back-up by Endeavor. That failed since she was born with a weakly constitution. Endeavor fixated on Shouto instead when he learned of this and gets even more so when Shouto finally got the perfect mix of his and his wife’s quirk.
Riku isn’t her birth name, her real name is Shuuna (Kanji: 秋菜).
Endeavor, despite neglecting her, at the least provides for most of the medical care she needed, her siblings dote on her and play with her as much as she could, and to Shouto, she’s the reason for his motivation because he wants to protect his little sister. Rei feels sad for her due to her condition but seeing the rest of her children dote on the littlest Todoroki gave her a sense of reprieve.
She was walking around the house at 3, looking for her mother when she witnessed the incident that fatally hurt Touya, before it could take a turn for worse, she almost instinctively motioned her hand and a flow of water dropped on him. Todoroki Shuuna awakened her quirk at age 3.
However, due to her being sickly, she is in near critical condition as she activated said quirk, and despite the event saving Touya from the worst of his burns, he still needs to get treated for the burns at the hospital.
Touya woke up in the hospital remembering the painful sensation of the burns all over him before he recalled how for a good moment, his body turned cool, almost like water was thrown his away. Then he took a good look beside him and see the littlest Todoroki, asleep and feverish. He connected the dots quickly. Shuuna nearly died trying to save him and that she had a water manipulation quirk.
Now Touya considered leaving the household because of the event with his father... but seeing Shuuna made his heart ache. If he left, what would happen to his youngest little sister? She’s already in such a fragile health as is, born weak, he doesn’t want Shuuna to get exposed to what he and the rest of her older siblings faced under their father’s hand.
So Touya, once he recovered and was sure that his little sister is health is stable, he brought a sleeping Shuuna with him and ran away from the Todoroki household. A part of him feels bad for Natsuo, Fuyumi and maybe Shouto, but he decided that the littlest Todoroki is his priority now.
By a stroke chance of luck, Touya wound up in Naruhata and after a few weeks drifting about the city with the money he managed to snatch from the house before running away, Touya got the help from an old bookstore manager who took the two in and with the old woman’s help, forged a new identity so on the event that Endeavor DOES come looking for him and Shuuna, he couldn’t bring them back to that hell house. Touya then opted to use permanent hair dye so his and Shuuna’s hair look less like their parents and so no one would recognize them.
Shuuna had since grown up with her new name, Hizumi Riku and her brother, Hizumi Shuuya. Due to her sickly health, she was homeschooled, taught by Granny who ran the bookstore. She was ten, old enough to understand when her brother answered why they didn’t have a mom and dad and why she vaguely remembered there being more than just the two of them. But only small bits of it.
As far as she is concerned, after getting her answers, Touya is both her brother and father figure, she doesn’t need to know about her father. She does want to know more about the siblings she couldn’t get to fully remember and about their mother but otherwise, don’t bother to dwell in What-if’s. Her brother couldn’t help everyone and they’re only normal people in the end. Since then though, Touya starts calling her by her real name again, but only in private. She’s grown up with most of the visible and recall-able memories involving her new name, so she finds the name a little strange yet nostalgic to hear.
Touya still takes the alias “Dabi”, but as a Vigilante. He got involved in the chain of events in the Vigilante Spin-off and took that alias. Riku and the granny is kept in the dark about his vigilantism.
Meanwhile, with the Todoroki family... Touya didn’t escape as smoothly as he thought. Shouto, at night, witnessed Touya bringing Shuuna away but he couldn’t catch up. He tried to tell Endeavor about it but is met with deaf ears. Shouto since made a goal to become a hero not only to spite Endeavor, but to find his missing sister and older brother.
Fuyumi and Natsuo are both glad to hear that Touya and Shuuna are still alive but Endeavor’s dismissal of Shuuna became a sour point to them.
Touya wound up involved with the League of Villians for different reasons. Shigaraki and Kurogiri tried to scout him when Giran mentioned a vigilante that might be able to help them and when he refused, they threatened Riku’s safety. 
So Shouto recognized Touya during the camp raid and later saw him in the hideout raid, while he got the confirmation that Touya is well and possibly, Shuuna as well, he still has little clue to where they actually are.
It took Natsuo going to a bookstore all the way at Naruhata because said bookstore has a book he needed when all other stores he knew don’t have it, for him to meet and reunite with Touya and Shuuna in short order.
Despite Endeavor’s change, neither Touya and Shuuna, rather, Shuuya and Riku, are interested in coming back since they have their own lives now, but they’re not saying no to impromptu reunions. Just keep it under the wraps from their parents.
And Riku is brought to Twisted Wonderland at age 16.
And that’s it!
In the end I opted for Riku being Izuku’s little sister instead of a Todoroki... but ultimately, I end up liking both backstories despite making Riku Izuku’s little sister as the finalized idea.
So Hizumi Riku (AKA Todoroki Shuuna) might as well be an AU counterpart of Riku.
I think another core difference would be how both Riku’s treat Twisted Wonderland: Midoriya Riku might want to come back home, but is in no hurry to do so and she got attached to the people in this new world.
Hizumi Riku (Todoroki Shuuna), on the other hand... she’ll miss her brother a lot, but otherwise, she was more likely to stay in Twisted Wonderland. She’s been homeschooled for so long because of her weak constitution that she welcomes the thought of going to an actual school.
On the event Touya finally arrived in Twisted Wonderland and come looking for her... he’d be more likely inclined to stay in Twisted Wonderland than to bring her back.
Things might be better for them now but... he’d rather that his sister lives without the fear of being found by Endeavor looming behind them. He doesn’t care if their old man’s changed, he still hasn’t forgiven him for most of the abuse on him and fear that he would have done the same to the littlest Todoroki.
All he cares about is that if his baby sister is happier in this new world, he doesn’t mind staying.
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