#but like holy fucking shit why would you do that to me google let me live my life in peace without knowing that not one
biscuits-tragic-diner · 10 months
currently weeping cause like
it is currently 2:13 and i’m sobbing over the fact that other people have ocs of natsuo kirino, which in theory is fine, but to ME it’s the end of the world cause like. nuh uh.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Heavyweight: Chaggie
Buckle up, Buttercups! This is a bit long. Google translate will be your friend.
Charlie: (exiting her office after a 72 hour video meeting and bee-lining towards the bar) UggGHhghhhHHh!!!! I need a DRINK!!!
Alastor: (whirling in out of nowhere) I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Charlie: (jumps) Holy Shit!!! Fuck! Alastor, can you not do that, please? You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Alastor: So sorry, dear. I'm just warning you before you go anywhere that the bar is in quite the unsavory state right now.
Charlie: What do you mean? Did Cherri invite her biker friends again?
Alastor: Oh, heavens, no! That little manager of yours would never allow that to happen again.
Charlie: Alastor, we've talked about this. Her name is Vaggie. But why is the bar in an unsavory state?
Alastor: (grins wider) Oh, I suppose you'll just have to see it to believe it, I'm afraid. (opens the door to the bar and latin music blares through the hotel)
Charlie: Alastor, I really don't have the mental fortitude to deal with your bipolar-
-Record Screech-
Hazbins: GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!! GO!!!
Husker: (counting off Vaggie's reps) Forty-eight! Forty-nine! FIFTY!!!! That's it! Vaggie wins!!!
Vaggie: HA!!! (flips the pool table off to the side and stands up victoriously while speaking Spanish) ¡Toda la razón! ¡Paga, Ángel!
Hazbins: (half cheering and half groaning as money exchanges hands and a few lift Vaggie up like a champion)
Angel: (drunkenly slurring in Italian)
Charlie: And WHY are they speaking like that?!
Alastor: (cleaning his monocle) Ms. Vagatha found out that Angel took a video of your drunken stupor last week and demanded he give all copies to her. He said he would only do it if she out drank him.
Charlie: Again. Not her name. And WHAT?!?!?!?!
Alastor: Needless to say, that woman would do anything for you, so they went shot for shot on something called "tequila". Quite the show, if I say so myself. Angel ended up vomiting in the trash can. They've been arguing in Spanish and Italian ever since. It's almost friendly at this point.
Alastor: (obviously disgusted by the display but keeping his smile) She didn't want to rip her uniform.
Vaggie: (spots Charlie from her elevated position)
¡Charlie, mi amor!
Charlie: (arrow to the heart as she watches Vaggie hop down and strut over to her, eyes zeroed in on the sway of her girlfriend's hips) Oh, fuck..... I'm in trouble....
Vaggie: (hugs Charlie tight before taking her hand and kissing it) ¿Cómo estuvo tu reunión?
Charlie: (gets goosebumps and blushes) UuuUuUhhhHHHhhh.... V-Vaggie, babe, y-you know I'm not good with my Spanish yet.
Vaggie: Lo sé. (chuckles deeply and looks at Charlie through her long lashes as she snakes her arm around Charlie's waist while the other hand strokes her thumb over Charlie's pulse on her wrist) También sé que te gusta cuando te hablo así en español.
Charlie: (blushing deeper as she wiggles out of her suit jacket and wraps it around Vaggie's shoulders) L-Let's get you covered up.
Vaggie: (smirking as she traces her fingers around the waistband of Charlie's trousers and gently untucks her shirt so she can drag her fingers across the pale skin underneath) Eres tan dulce… y tan sexy cuando te sonrojas.
Charlie: (feels her tail and horns spring up as Vaggie's nails drag across the skin of her hip and tries to corral Vaggie towards the door) OH-KAY!!! L-Let's get you upstairs to bed!
Vaggie: (maneuvers herself so she's escorting Charlie up the stairs leading to their room and uses her wings so that she can hover right next to Charlie's ear from behind) Only if you join me~
Charlie: (thighs pinch together as a spark of electricity jolts through her body and whines) ...oh fuck....
Vaggie: Now, you're catching on~
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Finished heaven official’s blessing and I really enjoyed writing an analysis on helluva boss I want to make this a regular thing because it’s fun so here’s my thoughts on
Heaven Official’s Blessing
Spoilers (duh)
I think it’s incredibly impressive when someone can make an overarching narrative in which different seemingly disjointed events are significant without A) putting a giant exclamation mark on top saying “REMEMBER THIS IT WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER” and B) Significantly over or under emphasizing the importance of the scene in the moment. Each event stood on its own and I liked that.
There were several janky sentences and word choices but that’s a translation issue, this writer clearly knows what she’s doing.
Characters were a lot of fun and distinct, my favorites were Feng Xin, Pei Ming, Qi Ying, and Ling Wen whenever they were on the page I was like Ah yes, these pages are gonna be enjoyable and I was right, they’re all delightful (cept the brocade immortal stuff, but like I don’t care, Google assistant is fun) Xie Lian and San Lang are delightful, love them, and San Lang is so effed in the head it’s enjoyable to try and imagine what unhinged thing he’ll do next
Tbh there isn’t much plot breakdown I want to do with this series because it knows what it is, it’s a fanfic ass book with good times, trauma, gay fluff, and fights. Need I say more? That’s not a detractor, it’s a strength. Be what you are and own it because a house with a house’s foundation is a great house but slap a building on that house’s foundation and it fails in both regards.
The only aspect I’m going to analyze is the narrative voice the books are written in because holy crap is it super impressive. Xie Lian is a super mature (or ditzy, depending on your point of view) character, he doesn’t dwell on things, doesn’t hold grudges, doesn’t really care that much about people’s histories or even their present, doesn’t focus much on externals and it comes through in the way the book is written. I noticed this when throughout the books San Lang would do fucked up stuff like make it rain blood and kill a pit’s worth of people and Xie Lian kinda didn’t really seem to care and at first it pissed me off, why isn’t the author letting consequences occur because of these peoples’ actions, but then as it held consistently throughout the book and other people kept being super concerned about stuff, like Pei Constantly asking after Shi Qingxuan (I don’t know how to spell their name, it’s so hard to keep track I’m so sorry) or people bringing up Banue, I realized this is just Xie Lian, other people in the book are regular people like me, this one guy is just experiencing things, going “Well, ain’t that something” and then just moving on. Honestly iconic, but also I was halfway through book six when I realized. Especially since whenever they do flashbacks Xie Lian does all normal stuff. He describes settings he’s in, he mentions events that happened a few pages ago, he tells the reader how he feels, it’s after he experiences all his shit he goes through that this all kinda slips away. In “present” scenes he’ll reference things as they come up but like in the flashback after Mu Qing leaves they talk about it a few times and I find that aspect of acknowledgment to be noticeably absent in the “present” scenes. After the black water arc there is a complete lack of discussion about the frankly trauma inducing event that just transpired but sure Cie Lian, you and San Lang have to not hold hands for the billionth time. At first I thought is this author high but then I realized what shes doing is characterizing through prose which is IMPRESSIVE AS HELL. This may be a point I noticed and am now misremembering the entire series just to bolster my take and if that’s the case then I shall sheepishly shrug and say I’m sorry. I’m not rereading 8 books to write a tumblr review. Maybe if I ever start a YouTube channel
I don’t know, I just find it to be an incredible feat of actually good writing when a story is being told through the lens of the main character and you can characterize that character by simply reading the story and seeing how it’s written, not even through dialogue and action. It’s kinda like the Great Gatsby or a Separate Peace, and it’s super cool that a book like this can accomplish the same thing that makes those classics great. There isn’t as much symbolism or analytical potential but those books wouldn’t be nearly as impactful as they were without great execution, which this book pulled off in spades.
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vandalyssm · 3 months
Theory: Merlin's Recent Publicity and its Correlation to a Possible Sequel/Revival/Reboot (+Eoin Macken's Pseudo Merlin Project)
'Ello. Fancied sharing my thoughts on recent developments regarding BBC's Merlin.
Fair, firm warning: I'm only sharing speculations and my personal opinions on the matter, and I do not advertise them as fact whatsoever. Consider them musings (or delusions, your choice). You can use this to further fuel your hope of the slim chance that this beloved show will see the light of day once again or maybe make theories of your own. Dispelling it is also an option, as I cannot assure my arguments would be free from flaws.
Right. Without further ado...
Revival of the Official Merlin Twitter Account
Let's put this into scenario.
Imagine a dated piece of media, previously well-known worldwide and had its own golden age for a time. This media launched the last of its contents over a decade ago, yet it gained a loyal, devoted following that persisted to grow and continued the legacy of the franchise over the years. Though there were highs and lows, the community remained alive for an impressive amount of time, steadily producing art, fiction, and creations dedicated to the media, despite not having anything new to work with. This devotion is acknowledged by those from an outsider's perspective, including the creators of this media (cast, staff, and distributors alike).
To put into context, the community was left unsatisfied with how the media ended, and many wished for the media to return. Articles were written, petitions were signed, comments left on the cast' social media accounts, and even questions were asked directly to them. Although different in wording, the inquired notion remained the same: Will there be a possibility of a sequel/revival/return/reboot? The answers range from a neutral, vague reply to a more resounding no.
This cycle persisted, but the people were immovable; they were visionaries and their dream lived on in their hearts. And this did not go unnoticed.
So it continued... until one of the media's social accounts made a sudden return. Out of nowhere, without a warning. They're back for good, the account announced. It sent the community into a frenzy. But if you took a step back from the excitement, you'd notice that it's strange. Why would a media ended over a decade ago suddenly be promoted again?
Now, I'm going to explore two possibilities; pragmatic and idealistic. The previous hypothetical scenario lays the general principal of Merlin's relevance (duh).
I'll make the pragmatic perspective brief. FremantleMedia saw the opportunity to make some bucks from Merlin because of the loyal fanbase, using a no-cost yet effective method to keep us tuned in; hoping. OMG, what does this mean? Does this mean they're going make a sequel?! Holy shit, they're teasing us, aren't they? I can't believe this is happening, it's a dream come true! And so on and so forth. Evidently, it works and numbers are growing. The official Merlin twitter account is racking up more followers and likes with each post. In this possibility, there's no such thing as a sequel/whatever it is the fanbase hopes for; just a reanimated corpse doing the same silly tap dance while we holler at it, dumbly hoping that they bust out new moves.
Now, the fun part. The idealistic version!
I'm going to use a real life example for my theory: the upcoming release of Dragon's Dogma 2. With a quick Google search, you can learn that Dragon's Dogma 2 is the highly awaited sequel for its well-liked predecessor, Dragon's Dogma.
For some time, Dragon's Dogma was on sale on Steam (with a decent cut too). This was done to gain the attention of...
1. those who haven't previously dived into the franchise. It's to make them think 'Wow! This game's so good. Oh, there's a sequel of it that's gonna be released soon? With even better graphics and gameplay? Sign me the fuck up!'. You liked Blueberry Cheesecake, so it'd make sense that you'd be more open to buying Double Blueberry Cheesecake, Premium Ingredients Addition, with 2 additional paid toppings.
2. Veterans and nostalgic fans. 'They're promoting the game I liked years ago... Oh, well, it won't hurt to play it again, just for the nostalgia. It never really left my mind anyway."
In other words: hype! hype! hype!
If using this principle, then the possibility of a sequel/revival/reboot/new content exists. It's either being processed (wishful thinking, not as likely) or being considered (more likely). If it's the latter, then they're testing the waters to see how much people still care/how much money they'll make. The more attention and hype it gets, the higher the likelihood.
P (old media pushed for publicity) -> Q (hype built)
Q (hype built) -> R (new content)
Eoin Macken's Pseudo Merlin Project
If I recall correctly, Eoin Macken first announced a pseudo Merlin project in late 2020. It's first teased to be released in 2021, but nothing came out of it so far (at the time of writing this) except if you count the small handful of times Macken hinted it over the ongoing four year period.
Now, I understand his position. First and foremost, he needs the legal rights to actually produce anything and it's no easy feat when you're dealing with a massive company. Then there's the issue of costumes, props, sets, and equipment. A lot to consider. To put it simply, he must offer the company something worth more than the show itself or contribute in their favor in some way. Macken seems like a charming and capable guy, so he can make it work. Probably.
I lean towards the spin-off theory because a cast reunion would not take four years. As far as I know, Macken is close with the knights and they could get together at any convenient time. If the project was a zoom call or a recorded get-together, it would've been released already. To compare, by using the average of 385,000 babies born each day during the last three years, we have 421,575,000 newborns before the Pseudo Merlin Project.
I want to tie this in with the previous theory, but eh. It can connect, but not really. I don't have any further explanation or evidence since Macken hasn't given any news.
Anyways. That's enough of this. I hope it made sense, at least it did to me. I'm entering my third year in the fandom, so I'm relatively new and still hopeful. (Though I try hard to keep my feet on the ground while I stare up at the clouds.)
To end this post, I'd like to say: keep hoping. Hope is such a stupidly beautiful thing, and it should be nurtured. Turn that feeling into art, into efforts.
There are franchises revived 2-3 decades after, and Merlin is no exception.
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mysticficti0n · 10 months
All my attention Part 9
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warnings- swearing
words- 887
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... oh well
(hey I know this is shitty but I swear it'll get better I just felt like writing something so I could carry on the story, I'm so sorry I haven't updated this since 27th June I honestly didn't realise how Long I'd not updated its but love you all and thank you for being so patient♥︎
I hate hate hate part 9 of all my attention and for the likes it's getting I can see not many people are keen with but I PROMISE YOU it's just a part so I can link the next of the series!
thank you and I am sososoososososososos sorry ♥︎)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
I woke up with the sun shining into my bedroom making my walls glow and glimmer "morning babe" I looked next to me where Tom was lay smiling to me
"good morning" I grinned moving to be closer to him even though his arm was still under my head "sleep okay?" I asked pressing a kiss to his lips
"best sleep of my life, your bed is so much comfier than mine" we laughed, his hand moved to draw lazy shapes on my skin "you feeling okay?" he spoke and I just nodded while still watching his features "good" he hummed kissing my forehead
"this is all so crazy" I giggled staring to the ceiling "like who'd a thought? Tom and Y/n" I sighed "I'm not annoyed its happened though- are you?" he scratched his head trying to hide a smile forming on his face "piss off Kaulitz!" I shoved sitting up and crawling off the bed and standing by the window staring at the back yard where the sun was making the grass shine
"god you're so pretty" he breathed getting up too and hooking his arms around my neck and resting next to my head "what do you want to drink?" he asked letting go and grabbing his shirt from my desk
"erm.. my peach ice tea thing, should be in the fridge and I'll make us some breakfast in two seconds I need to wash my face" he nodded taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it before walking down the hallway.
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10 minuets later I made my way to the kitchen were I saw his frame leant against the counter watching the tv "babe were on the news" my heart dropped- why? why would we be on the news? I quickened my pace and stood by him and watched as our performance was shown on the tv 'Tokio Hotel are the 5th band who have been put forward for the best band in Germany' I turned to Tom who's jaw had dropped like mine
'HOLY SHIT!" I screamed jumping onto him and cheering "WHAT THE FUCK WERE IN FOR AN AWARD!" he nodded jumping us about until hurried knocking came at my front door and we stopped
'"Y/N!" it was Bill, Tom looked to me and I pointed for him to hide in the cabinet under the stairs "Y/N OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR QUICK!" sprinting I shoved Tom into the tiny room and fled to the door whipping it open "have you seen the news?"
"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" I squealed grabbing the boys shoulder "I'm shaking right now like holy shit"
"its crazy! and we've been put on news papers and things already! we might actually win!" Bill laughed coming inside and walking to the kitchen "oh is Tom not with you?" he asked and I panicked remembering that his brother was in the cabinet
"erm no unless he's hiding somewhere, I haven't seen him" the black haired boy laughed shaking his head
"what like he's in here?" his hand went to the door knob of the cabinet and pulled it open 'oh shit' "Tom what the fuck are you doing!" Bill nearly screamed "Y/n you said- what the fuck is going on?" Tom stepped out looking to me but I just stood stunned "did you guys fuck?" I felt my cheeks light up red
"Bill thats enough-" I herd a screech come from the singer and then many loud laughs "man just shut up"
"you guys fucked! oh my god- you slept with Y/n!" I stared at Tom who grabbed his brother and tried to shove him out the house "WAIT NO I'M SORRY DUDE! I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED" Tom finally let go with a huff and walked back into the kitchen to the living room and fell to the sofa covering his face "so tell me what happened yesterday then" Bill cooed sitting himself across from his brother who looked to me and motioned me to sit with him
"so we went on a date yesterday- our first date and then I brought Y/n home and you know it just all happened from there" Tom breathed grabbing my hand which I gave him squeeze "I'm not even embarrassed or anything I just didn't want to fucking tell you this early after it happened" I nodded understanding what he was trying to get over
"don't tell the others" I began "I know we'll be picked on or something and we really don't need that for when we start our next shows okay and if I find out you've told them I swear to god Bill I'll rip out your eyebrow piercing and shove it up your arse" the boy laughed saying his lips were locked
"I mean us three knew it would happen at some point I mean Georg won the bet" he almost whispered looking away from us with a grin
"you bet on us?" Tom asked with a laugh "fucking weirdos" we all began to giggle and the idea of being betted on like fucking horses
"so what are you guys now?"
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
Type null is my best fucking friend. Its a sweet little angel puppy baby sweet thing the size of a horse and i love it so much. Sniffles. I want to feed it tasty treat from the palm of my hand
i've been seeing this sentiment from a lot of folks. honestly i can see it now, after everyone's talked about it like this—it really is just a weird fucked up dog thing that loves to eat floppy disks. and honestly, aren't we all?
take some more asks now i cast curse of asks
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that's two asks excited for dhelmise now..! not a pokémon i imagined a lot of people would enjoy but holy shit have i been proven wrong so many times by now
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y. yeah. you're kinda right. i should probably be a little more positive about pokémon. i always end up looking back on my commentary when pokémon get posted and being like "wtf was i so negative for" and i think it's because i queue these guys up so early in the morning. literally it's one of the first things i do during the day and i guess that lends itself to me being generally pissy and not wanting to do anything. bc i just woke up syndrome. i hope that's it and that i'm not just a generally negative individual
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now. i have to let you guys know that before you see this next ask, it is perhaps one of the most unfortunate things that anyone has ever said in my ask box. ok? like genuinely i'm giving you a disclaimer here. it is gross and if you believe it will change how you feel about pyukumuku. that's a genuine disclaimer and warning. i wish i could put this under a second cut, but here
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this really sucks. the concept of this sucks. i have to HOPE that this is not true and that this isn't what tpc was going for or whoever designed this. lemme just google this real quick to see if it's EVEN true
okay now that i've done a bit of reading, i have to provide a solid HUH??? their intestines are CONNECTED to the anus how the mother fuck do you expect me to believe they're BLASTING their intestines out of their ass. for what purpose??? why would they do that?? i can see on wikipedia that they breathe through their anus, and fine, whatever, but it doesn't say anything about them just casting intestine beam on the nearest predator. i'm going to choose to believe that this is just a rumor about pyukumuku and leave it at that
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Parings; Jason Todd x Female Reader (1) Pride and Prejudice and Hair (2) Seven-Eleven Karens and Pinky Promises at 3 AM (3) Google and Hand Holding (4)Cookies and The Butler and The Girlfriend (5)Push-Ups and Hoodies A/N; Another chapter is incoming right after this!! Love you guys xoxo
6- Slushies and Happiness and Pizza
Jason had a shit two weeks, to say the least. Everything that could go wrong did, but, now, it was over. He hadn’t seen or talked to you for that time, other than a few texts telling you that he was okay. You would respond by telling him to be safe, and, at the end of the two weeks, you’d stop responding to his texts. Maybe it was his habit of overthinking, but he couldn’t help but think you were mad that he couldn’t see you. In those moments, he’d text you again that he would come by as soon as he could, that he looked forward to seeing you. 
The moment his work was done, with Batman and every other single fuck that had screwed him over, he was at your front door. Coming in as Red Hood wouldn’t be a good idea since it was the reason for his two-week absence. So, he would do the gentlemanly thing and show up at your door. He had swung by 7-Eleven for your favorite slushie and your favorite local pizzeria. As he knocked, Jason felt surprised when he realized that his heart was pounding. 
It wasn’t a big deal, he told himself. There had been long periods of him not being around and you weren’t mad then, so why would you be now? Despite this reasoning, the apprehension sat hot in his chest. After knocking again, you finally answered. 
You looked as beautiful as you did the day he met you. And every day since. 
“Oh hey!” You smiled and stepped aside so he could come in. 
Jason set the pizza down in the kitchen before joining you in the living room where it looked like you had been sleeping. Moving aside some pillows, you motioned for him to sit.
“How have you been?” You asked, taking the slushie from him. 
Jason chewed on his bottom lip as he thought about his answer, a habit you had noticed early on. He only did it when he was anxious. 
“Busy. To say the least.” You started to say something, to ask what kept him busy, but he continued. “Sorry for being gone so long.”
“Nothing to apologize for, Jason,” You shook the slushie in your hand at him. “You also don’t need to bribe me if you think I’m upset. I was never mad, so what made you think that?”
Blushing, he looked down at his lap. “I just-- You stopped responding to my texts.”
Suddenly, you realized why Jason had kept texting despite putting your phone on do not disturb. As you spoke, you reached for your phone, “Oh, goodness, I texted you to let you know I would be studying for finals. Holy shit, I didn’t even send the text.”
You showed him the screen with the text still typed out in the text box. Relief hit Jason like a splash of cold water after a hot summer day. Just by the way you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, you had noticed it on his face. “Honey, if I’m upset about something I’m going to tell you. I don’t want to be bribed, either. I want to talk with you about it.”
Jason nodded, looking down at your hands. His voice was quiet when he spoke, “I’ll remember that…I feel like I still don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Wanna know a secret?” Jason nodded so you leaned in. “Neither do I. Jay, baby, one step at a time, that’s how we’ll learn.”
“You make me happy,” He confessed, not knowing why he said it but knowing it was right.
Pressing a kiss to your entangled hands, you grinned. “You make me happy, too.”
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
53 and 55 for d/azai and ch/uuya (the sick one 👁👁) perhaps please if you would like… <3
Thank you so much for the ask/request!! These have been so fun hahaha~~ I did get just a touch angsty/fever heavy towards the end, so hopefully that's alright, I promise it's not super serious! I also did want to include a little french, and while I did take it in school, I remember less than nothing, soooo this is all thanks to google, therefore I apologize for anything inconsistent/incorrect! [ Putain de merde = Holy shit ] [ À tes souhaits = Bless you ] [ Merde = Shit ] [ Je dois = I've got to ] 2.1k words, prompts 53 and 55, story under the cut! ~Part Two/Continuation Post Here~ 53. "Bless you?" 55. "You sound awful." (References to mild violence, high fevers, and swearing just in case anyone doesn't like any of those!)
Dazai is nothing if not observant. There is hardly a single detail in any given encounter he hasn’t seen, or predicted. Which is why he finds it almost insulting that people always insist on ‘hiding things’ from him. Especially his former partner. 
‘Chuuya still seems to believe, incorrectly and against all odds, that I won’t notice if somethings wrong. Something such as the cough he was suppressing that was shaking his frail little form. Or the pink tint around his nose. The nose he couldn’t stop touching throughout our encounter.’
This is how Dazai came to be leaning against a wall outside a pharmacy. And if it just so happens to be the pharmacy a certain hat-adorned Mafioso frequents, wouldn’t that be a strange coincidence. ‘Any minute now, don’t keep me waiting- Ah. Here we go~.’
Chuuya steps out of the store, a gloved hand pinching his rapidly trembling nose. ‘He must have been trying not to sneeze the whole time he was in the store. Aw~! That’s just adorable. It’s practically famous within the Port Mafia that our dear Chibi can’t hold back to save his little, tiny, life. Well, time to announce myself!’ Dazai smirks, pushing off the wall and stepping into Chuuya’s line of sight. 
“Chuuuuuya~! What a surprise, running into you here!”
“heH’EK- fuck!”
“Uh, bless you?”
“Damn it you idiot, you scared it away.” 
Dazai lets his mouth twitch, a smile threatening to break through at the look of annoyance on Chuuya’s face, nose practically twitching with unreleased tickles. He snapped his hand away from his face the second he saw Dazai, but they both know he’s just itching to bring it back up, pun intended. ‘Oh this will be even more fun then I’d foreseen.’
“S- scared away the sneeze..? Is even Chuuya’s nose easily startled?”
“Eh?! I- You- oh whatever. What the fuck ar- hahEHhh… hePT-!huhh… Damn it- What are you doing here, Dazai?”
It’s practically a growl, and Dazai doesn’t miss the way Chuuya’s hand twitches as he presses it firmly into a fist against his side. ‘You wanna rub so badly, don’t you? I wonder how long you’ll be able to hold out. Judging by that glaze coating your eyes, I’d say not long, but hey, I out of anyone know how stubborn you can be. Shall we test your resolve, Chuuya~?’ 
“I was just passing through this part of town, and happened to notice the sky starting to look a tad cloudy, so I figured I’d duck under a nice dry roof! Just so happens to be of a pharmacy- say, what is Chuuya doing in a pharmacy anyways?”
“Wow, you bought a bag just for nothing? Seems a bit of a waste.”
Chuuya’s eyes roll, teeth clenching as he snarls, both of them knowing that any other time, he would have aimed a punch at Dazai for that. 'And we both know why you didn't. Little preoccupied there, Chuuya?' Dazai studies him carefully, noticing the way his mouth is starting to twitch right along with his nose, the itch seemingly spreading across his whole face.
“I bought some pain medication, alright? I get hurt a lot in this job, and I was running low.” 
“Doesn’t the Port Mafia supply the good stuff? Why settle for cheap store bought?”
“I- I jus- Why do you even care! Doesn’t the ‘great Dazai’ have better things to do?”
“Awe~ You think I’m great? Chuuya~ you flatter me!” 
Chuuya opens his mouth to retort, but what falls out instead of a cough that he quickly attempts to suppress, ducking into his hand and spinning on his heel, away from Dazai. ‘It’s a futile effort, I can still clearly see your body shaking. I think you know that.’
“Oh Chuuya, are you not feeling well?”
“Sh- huHh-! Really? Of all the times to come bahhHh- back… hePT’NNSHH’oo-! hAh’IZZSHHAA-! heHh… AhHH-! ahH’YZZSHH’iuh-!”
“Bless you.”
“Shut up, bandage factory. J- just leave me alone, I have things to do.” 
Dazai notices the roughness of Chuuya’s voice as he lowers it, adding a growl in an attempt to make it seem intentional. ‘You must be feeling worse than I thought, a couple sneezes and a cough shouldn’t be enough to wreck your throat. Unless, of course, you’ve been doing it non-stop for days.’
“Well my schedule is completely clear, so I think I’ll just hang out with Chuuya for awhile! Where are we going next?”
“There is absolutely not a ‘we’. I am going back to my apartment. Alone.”
“Aw- come on, don’t be like that!”
“Ge- hehHh… get lost… hH’KZZZSHH’iuh-! Fucking… Ehh’knGSHH’aa-!” 
“Double blessings for the double sneeze! Keep up the doubles and you’ll start sounding like me.”
“A fate worse than death, truly.”
Dazai clutches his chest, an arm draping across his face in mock hurt, making sure to keep one eye trained on the shorter man. ‘He’s practically trembling. It’s chilly out, but not enough for that reaction, especially not for someone like him. It’s most likely a fever, but it could just be exhaustion. I’ll need an excuse to get in close to check.’
“You wound me!”
“I’d certainly like to. hah’gNNShh’aa-! hh’ETZZSHH’iuh-!”
“Quite a threat, if only you could back it up. Alas, I fear this illness has reduced you to the level of a mere goon. Certainly not an executive in the elite Port Mafia.” 
The words work exactly how he’d planned, a closed fist hitting Dazai squarely in the chest as the shorter man lunges at him, giving Dazai every opportunity to let his hand brush against Chuuya’s forehead. ‘He’s burning up. With the clouds gathering faster than I’d foreseen, I’d better get him off the street and fast, otherwise we’re looking at an outcome I’d rather avoid.’ A grunt breaks free from Dazai’s throat as Chuuya finishes the attack with a kick right to his gut. 
“That feel like a sick man’s blow? Didn’t think so. D- damn it… hAhhHh-!” 
Dazai pauses, leaning back against the wall to watch the show unfold. Chuuya has a gloved hand gripping his nose once more, eyes starting to gloss over as they lose focus. His hand is trembling, eyes starting to water. ‘Tsk tsk. We both know you can’t hold this back, are you really going to break your nose in an attempt to? Sorry, I just can’t have that.’ 
“Even Akutagawa can punch harder than that, Chuuya.” 
Chuuya’s eyes snap to him, his hand wavers, and just like that, Dazai knows he’s won. The loss in focus, even for a second, is enough to give Chuuya’s nose the upper hand, its twitching visible from between the cracks in his fingers. ‘Checkmate.’ 
Dazai bites back a wince at the way the stifle seems to scrape at Chuuya’s throat, a hiss escaping through his clenched teeth as his breath catches once more. ‘Bad idea, Chuuya. You know that’s just gonna make you-’ 
“eH’KnGT’chhh-! inGT’chh-! GNT’chh-! heHh… dTnxxgt’chhh-! hH’KNgT’choo-! hEH’INGSHH’AA-!”
‘And there it is.’
“You gon-”
“-gonna live, Chuuya?”
“hNGGSHH’OO-! Shut- nnMMGSHHH’AA-! Shut up- hH’INMSHHH’IUH-! S- slug… heAhh-!”
A deep chest soaked cough starts pouring out between the sneezes, rattling Chuuya to his bones, and sending chills down Dazai’s back. He nearly flinches as Chuuya falls against the wall, using it to study him as the wet coughs shake through his lungs. He manages to catch his breath, tears freely flowing down his cheeks, just to have it sucked out of him again as another round of sneezing starts up.
“hEH’NNGSHH’AA-! eh’KETSCHhh’iuh-! heP’TZZSHH’aa-! Putain de merde!”
“Doing french, are we? Well then, À tes souhaits, Chibi.” 
The hoarse quality of Chuuya’s voice, barely above a whisper causes them both to pause, a wince escaping across Dazai’s features before he can mask it. Chuuya’s eyes widen, the panic in them seeming to seep into Dazai’s very soul. They stand for a minute, eyes locked, before Chuuya straightens his into a glare once more.
“You sound awful.”
“I’m just saying. You should really have taken some medicine for that.”
“That.. was the plan.. before you.. interrupted me..” 
Dazai can’t help but grimace at the harsh whisper, Chuuya attempting to lower his voice to a growl to make it sound intentional, but they both know no one’s buying it. ‘I really need to get him home and get him to take some medication. If he gets caught in the rain like this, it’ll be bad.’
Making sure to catch Chuuya’s eye, Dazai lets his hand slip into his pocket, pulling a dose of medication out, the kind you won’t find at any pharmacy. He smirks at the flash of desire that Chuuya doesn’t manage to hide.
“Whoops, guess that one’s my bad. In that case, this will just have to go to waste, I suppose. Since you have your own, and I was so rudely uninvited to your apartment.” 
“You.. can’t be uninvited.. to something you.. weren’t invited to.. in the first place.. hH’RSHH’AA-! oww…” 
They both flinch at the sneeze, Dazai letting his concentration slip for just a second. However, a second is all Chuuya needs, planting a roundhouse kick on Dazai’s arm as he snatches the vial, taking a swig before sticking it in his own pocket. Dazai raises an eyebrow at this, cheshire smile painted across his face, but a hint of something much more genuine in his eyes.
“What aggression Chuuya! You should really try some anger management classes to get that rage under control.” 
“I didn’t have.. anger issues.. until I had the misfortune.. of meeting you..” 
“Oh yes~. You were just a ray of sunshine when I first met you! Definitely no thinly repressed rage bubbling just below the surface that boiled over every time anything happened.”
“Oi.. are you trying.. to get punched again.. jackass..? eH’KtSHH’iuh-! Christ.. hASHHH’AA-!”
“Save your energy, you’ll need it. And besides, I’ve taken quite enough of a beating today.” 
Chuuya doesn’t respond, ‘Electing to save your voice too, are you? Smart, given how quickly it’s fading’ but he does give Dazai a nasty look, raising his hand to scrub at his nose once more. Dazai feels a swell of concern in his chest at how unashamed his former partner has grown about his rapidly increasing symptoms. ‘The medicine should kick in within the hour… but I doubt you’ll make it home on your own before then.’ 
“huh’KKSHH’AA-! hEIYYSHHH’iuh-! nNGT’chh-! eh’INGT’chhh-! M- merde… Je d- dois… ehH’hEZZSHH’aihh-!”
A hand is casually raised as Chuuya attempts to cover, aiming for his shoulder with a hazy look that isn’t like him. ‘Damn it, I was hoping to avoid this outcome-’ Dazai manages to think, getting cut off, just as he foresaw, as Chuuya collapses into himself. A strong grasp catches the smaller man, Dazai letting out a huff at the weight suddenly in his arms. 
“Easy there, still with me?”
A weak nod is his response, the glassy nature of Chuuya’s eyes suggesting the fever has grown worse. Touching his forehead, Dazai winces again at the heat, ‘Definitely gotten worse. The game is over, I’m taking you home now.’ Without a word, he lifts Chuuya into his arms, not missing the grunt he gets in response.
“You can fight me, and risk falling on your face, or you can just let me help you.”
Chuuya growls, but lets his eyes flutter shut, ducking away from Dazai and into his shoulder as another set of exhausted sneezes tears out of him. 
“heh’nNKjschh’uhh-! ah’mmKNschh’uhh-! hehHhh-! hEH’IZZSHH’iuhh-! Guhh..”
“Bless you. Can you stand, or shall I carry you?”
Dazai easily dodges the fist aimed his way, but doesn’t miss the way Chuuya shakes at the force of his own weight. Without a word, he moves Chuuya’s arm back over his shoulders, letting the man lean against him. There’s a certain level of unease when someone’s relying on you to walk, and yet, with the two of them, this is an all-too-familiar sensation.
“Let’s get you home, partner. The medication will kick in soon.”
“Not.. your partn-”
“Save your voice, it’s physically painful for me to listen to you. I can feel my own throat starting to ache.”
A dirty look is shot his way before Chuuya’s eyes flutter shut once more, not even bothering to turn his head away, instead aiming the sneezes towards the ground in front of them. Dazai grimaces, not from the possibility of germs, instead, entirely from the concern that washes through him at the lack of shame.
“heH’DTZSHH’AA-! AIISHH’oo-! ehh’gnSHHH’iuh-!”
“Bless you.”
“Save.. your breath.. stupid Dazai..”
“Hey, at least you still have that temper! I’d be really worried if that was gone.” 
“Just.. take me home..”
Dazai lets a smile wash over his face, a warmth replacing the panic in his chest as Chuuya leans into his touch as they start the journey. ‘I’ll keep you safe, partner. Leave it to me.’
Without a word spoken between them, he knows he was heard and understood, just as he understands the response. 
‘I trust you.’
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
Back at it again with my dropping Ficlet propts/question/thingies in you ask booooox~
But! Here we are! And consider~ what do you get when you combine Tim Puss (delightful) with Bat independence and paranoia(not delightful) AND that good, good Wayne CEO type money?
A "streamlined" sex process! "Efficiency", if you will! Letting OTHER PEOPLE? See him NAKED and VULNERABLE? Not in THIS good Bat household! They could be diseased! Or reporters! Or BOTH! Might even be some convoluted scheme to knock him up by Ra's, who STILL has not let that idea go and is STILL being weird about it!
Hmmmm, yeah, no thank you! He has vigilante ass kicking to do.
Yet? He also would like The Orgasms. He USED to have Trusted Teammates for that. USED too. Things are still weird with Kon and Bart. And Cassie? No. Things are to complicated. He wants fun not FEELINGS.
So he makes do at first. Usual things. But THEN? He saves this really sweet dominatrix from the Riddler and takes her home while the others put Nygma back in jail... and??? What are THOSE? He spends like... an HOUR learning about ALL the Interesting Options that exsist out there because apparently? Her Sub works for a retailer! They get a discount.
Which? He, Timothy Drake-Wayne, will not need~
But that Sybian? Oh hell yes he will. If it works out, he might buy one for every safe house. He's a Wayne. They DO have "Fuck You" money, after all, why NOT go big? But of course... "unusual purchases" a thing that is Forever Flagged on all cards of the monetary kind~
Bruce is paranoid and also pathologically incapable of just TALKING to his kids unless someone has nearly died recently. So really... how ELSE is he supposed to feel like a part of their lives and know what they're up too? Support them?
Get THERAPY? Talk to them on the PHONE? He'd give them AND himself a heart attack. Probably die. No thank you. No, no, boundaries stomping and stalking it is. I snoop because I caaaare~ now excuse me while I check your credit cards....
Which leads him to his current problem. He sits at his computer and cold sweats. Rereads the line. May.....maybe it's for an investigation? Surely. His stoic baby boy is not... not doing The Sex...
BUT WHAT IF HE IS??! With WHO? T..This would SUGGEST-... But can he be CERTAIN?! What if it's KINKY sex!? Oh god. Tim, no! This isn't like you! ( :T ya, let's go with that Bruce. That's DEFINITELY the truth as far as Tim wants You, his Mentor, to be aware off. What is this *checks medical text book* Pe Nis, you speak off? *Bats Bambi eyes while the teammates he has 1000% slept with look on incredulously*) Who is putting you up to this?!
Bat Gasp! What if they're PRESSURING him into this? Those BASTARDS. Bruce will BREAK them! *seethes in Bat Fury* But how can he get Tim to confide in him? *begins plotting*
And it SPIRALS. Because Bruce forgets to close his " research" (stalking) meaning? Who still lives with him? That's right! Damian wanders in, wondering why his father is Losing His Shit(tm). Snoops. Goes "ha, ha, Drake needs sex toys! Wait.... what IS a... *googles* *puts dots together* *was unaware but now is SO HYPER AWARE IT PHYSICALLY HURTS* Oh. Oh No."
Because now he CANT stop imagining it? It HAUNTS him. Not just the Thought of Tim ON the device... but the ways Damian could TORMENT him with it. Conquer him with it. Tie him up and watch him fall apart. See his defiant, mulish expression crumble to teary eyed begging. Make him suck Damian. Maybe leave him there ANYWAY! A...and he could... could- *genetic AL Ghul desire to defeat your greatest rival, fuck them, then preferably put a baby in them: Unlocked*
Now of course... TWO different Bats are acting Sus. Dick notices. Bruce? Meh, it's Tuesday. But Damian too? What has transpired here? He goes digging. Can't find anything. He should ask Tim. He swings by. Maybe this could be a could chance to mend some fences, unburn a few of those bridge...s..... *gets EYEFUL* OH.
And Tim? Holy shit the motors on this thing. The WORLD could end and he wouldn't notice right then. He's making noises he'll never admit too. It's his third time TODAY. He's a MESS. Does not notice Dick buffering in the doorway. Or backing out quietly.
Dick... goes home. Calmly takes a shower. Turns off his phone. Drags out the case from beneath his bed. And goes to TOWN on himself like he's trying to break something. It was one thing to know... intellectually... but? He has NEVER wanted to pound someone in half so badly in his LIFE.
And just? The shenanigans? Bruce confronting Tim. Him managing to convince JASON there is some creep out there pressuring "straight laced little Timmy" into depraved KINKY sex he's not comfortable with ("oh if only his big strong brother Jason would saaaave him" he's probably saying, crying into his pillows, as the imagined asshole boyfriend drinks cheap beer. "I'm so sad and scaaaared. He's hurting me and no one caaaares. He's gonna put a baby in me then skip town! Has fifteen other lovers on the side!") So of course *gun noises* No Today, Satan!
Them showing up while Tim is NAKED. Dick trying to head them off. Damian there because he's TOTALLY here to help and not oggle the puss, really. No one is letting Tim up to "storm off". That's not why he wants up! He's STILL ON THE SYBIAN YOU ASSHOLES! But they keep yelling over each other and interrupting HIM until? Oops! Nother orgasm~ this time with an AUDIENCE.
It's the best and worst day of Tim's life. He's had dreams like this. But NOW? Bruce is CONVINCED. Tim is baffled. Somehow even Dick has bought into it. Apparently the crappy kinky sex boyfriend that never was... has started conditioning his body for exhibitionism? General lewdness? Tim can't get a clear answer over the outrage.
But he is informed he Does Not Need the man. Must leave him at once. He isn't treating Tim properly and people who act like this don't TRUELY love him. Not like they do.
You know what? Fuck it, thinks Tim. Who's day has been weird, sexy, unsexy, and might be Really Awesome in just a few moments. Go big or go home. Witness Me. *teary Bambi eyes* "But... but he DOES love me~ and... and I would be So Alone with out him! He's right, no one could EVER want someone like meeee~~~"
And holy shit that actually works. Thank God they're pretty, because all these men are dumb as hell. He's gonna have to invent a fake scumbag ex. Maybe lead it back to Ra's. But first? His bed room is THAT way and he is but a poor waifish thing~ in need of love and fuckies~ pay attention to him.
tim being all 'im poor sad little slut 🥺 a poor sweet little boy that just needs attention 🥺 and love 🥺 and fuckies in my pussy 🥺🥺🥺' and using it to manipulate his family because they sabotage and ruin his other opportunities to get dick is so good 😭😭😭!!!!1
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"Hey guys, it's 8r19h7 eYE2 here. Welcome to my first boss battle - a woman."
If you ask Bright Eyes - which no one is doing nowadays. Or talk to. So rude. - their ultimate weakness has always been hot women. Now you might be asking "Oh, does that mean you're Bi?" or "What's your body count?" or even "Holy fuck, Bright Eyes! When did you get in the shower with me!?" but that's not important. What you should be asking is what type of women Bright's heart explodes for like a car crash.
The answer? Preferably boss-ass bitches that can crush them with a pair of fuck-me-heels with daddy issues of the Frank Ocean level. Google it.
Oh and look! There's one here in Wonderworld! Shoes? Check. A scowl that can only mean the barista got her Starbucks order wrong again? Check. And when she steps away from the shadows, we hit the bonus round.
She's tall and her crown is pure platinum blonde. But like every white woman, she's hard to read but fortunately, Bright Eyes can so they check their text on Whatsapp (boomer apps gave them the hives) for any goddesses that are supposed to be on shift tonight.
Actually, let's go back a bit. Back to this morning when Sam accomplished the impossible and made Bright Eyes go 🕶️outside🌳.
"You know, I was counting down the days when you would finally kill me. I bet sometime this year. Vincent now owes me one of his Lambos. You think he'll be mad if I put some Barbie-friendly decals on it?"
"Bright, I don't mean now. I meant tonight at Wonderworld. Vamps in the Solaire Clan take turns patrolling the area."
Frederick pops into their head like an adorably fat mole. The Bright Eyes in their mind palace (it's actually more of a crack den but whatever) whack it with away because they know the unspoken reason why Sam approached them instead of his Progeny. And why he did so when Frederick was asleep.
But anyway, back to the present!
No hot white women were written in the text. Just a bunch of Vampires who form an anti-Bright Eyes committee™ as soon as they arrive. They ignore Bright for the most part which eventually leads the not-so-Newborn-anymore to the farthest end of Wonderworld where a babe is just chilling beside the vegetation-conquered carousel. Score one for the plants.
And the first thing that escapes from Bright's mouth is, "Good evening. May I inquire if you're a quirked up white woman that can bust it down sexual style so that I can get lost in the sauce?"
The scowl vanishes instantly. Like a father who went out to buy milk.
"Excuse me?"
Giddiness blooms like a weed (you know which ones) in Bright Eyes. She even has a Karen-patent tone! Could this night get any better -
Nevermind. Please wait for Bright's brain to reboot as an impressive set of badonkas-donkas is thrust in their face.
"Are you one of Sam's Progeny?" She didn't ask so much as demands. Like Bright and the world owes her something, everything. They wondered if they started panting because that's seriously hawt.
"I'm what you call a bastard of the magical kind meets with death via Vampiric jumpscare. And that's not a sentence I thought was possible."
Bright has to give blondie some credit; she takes their nonsensical answer in stride and with an eyebrow raised.
"I'll take that as a yes. You fit the rumours at least."
"You heard of me but I don't know who you are. You're hot but... sus. Do I need to eject you?"
"No surprise there. I bet Sammy did everything he could to hide you from me. He thinks he's protecting you, but all he did was made me curious."
"Aww shit, did the clapping of my ass cheeks give me away?"
"...Are you fucking high?"
"Probably. I had a shot of vodka with my honey milk boba tea with extra pudding and 100% sugar before I left. Fuck coffee when you can just meet god, amirite?"
The woman closes her pretty gold-ruby eyes. She exhaled and Bright could literally hear her mentally counting down.
"You're unlike any creature that I ever have the misfortune to come across."
"Uh, correction: you found me. And I still don't know if you're a quirked up white woman that can - "
"Enough. I get it. Are you usually like this when it comes to women?"
"Hey, I thought I would be holding in my rizz 'till the heat death of the universe! So who are you o' beautiful sour cream?"
"Careful, I can't tell whether that's an insult or a compliment."
"Sounds like a you problem, chief."
Apparently, magic does exist because despite the non-stop verbal trainwreck that's coming out of Bright's mouth, the woman's lips nearly twitch a smile.
"You're ballsy and stupid. I like that. The name's Alexis. A pleasure for you to meet."
Yes! Bright made it to Phase 2, bitch!
"They call me Bright Eyes, my IQ is the highest among the Redditors on the 'Am I The Asshole' subpage - "
"That isn't saying much."
" - And welcome to the ruins of Vincent's hopes and dreams."
Now that made Alexis burst out a gut. Seriously, she's clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. It boosts Bright's confidence as a future stand-up comedian. Their 'flirting?' went well but Bright didn't sense the spark of interest within the older Vampire. Boo.
"Right. I've decided to kidnap you now. How accurately can you predict your... Grandmaker's reaction?"
"As accurate as my opinion on the Internet."
"Wonderful. I hope you like shopping and breaking the fabric of time and space on the highway."
And that, readers, is how Bright Eyes won against Alexis Getty-Solaire without getting Miyazaki'd.
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enbyhyena · 9 months
Okay Amazon what the FUCK.
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The hurricane will literally be here AT 1-2pm.
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I was hoping it was just some sort of automated push message that had been scheduled for the expected delivery time, and that the deliveries had in actuality been delayed. But no, they're Actually Serious.
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Apparently this is a Known Thing. But nobody has tried to do anything about it???
A quick Google search informed me that an Amazon delivery driver in Florida got really angry last year when he had to deliver packages during the middle of Hurricane Ian (which if you don't remember, was absolutely devastating for Florida!). Although I will say he got mad at the wrong people; at the customers rather than the employer, who could have EASILY put out an email or push notifcation notifying customers their deliveries would be delayed, saving their employees from unnecessary danger and allowing them to take shelter. And this may be why nothing happened. The blame and outrage was left with the wrong people.
But still, if I had known my package would be arriving during the middle of a fucking hurricane, I wouldn't have placed the order yet. It said it was going to arrive in September.
I don't even want to open my door to collect the package because the conditions are so bad but like. I'm not just gonna let my package get ruined or blown away?? So I'm Also being put at a sort of risk here.
These guys had better be getting some SERIOUS hazard pay at the very least. But even if they are, no amount of money is worth risking your life. Holy shit GO HOME.
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Oh my God.
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astraltrickster · 9 months
Honestly though between AI discourse, fearmongering about basically every TOS change on every website ever, people noticing how alarming various levels of datamining are but not realizing how widespread it is and blaming all those things on singular websites, and so much more...holy fucking shit the level of computer and internet illiteracy in a population that is now so dependent on the internet is absolutely unconscionable and needs to be recognized as a MASSIVE societal failing.
"Did you know this website's TOS says they can use images you upload for ANY commercial purpose FOREVER? omg take all your stuff down NOW and stay safe!" They NEED to claim that right to display your work on a commercial website that intends to build new features over time in the first place. Fortunately for you, they know they'd lose a LOT of consumer trust if they suddenly opened up a marketplace that gave no money back to creators or otherwise started selling it and claiming all the money for themselves, because yeah, in this corporate hellscape, they probably WOULD if they could!
"I didn't consent to you scraping my image data for the 'more like this' function!" Yes you did, that's in the TOS that you didn't read, and even if you didn't Google would be doing it anyway as long as it's publicly available because legally no one can stop them.
"I can't believe they're not letting us block search engines from indexing our profiles now, only letting us discourage them, what an evil thing of this website to do!" That's all you were able to do in the first place. If it is publicly available, there is no way to block it from being indexed. Most search engines respect do-not-index requests - in fact, it's in their own best interest to do so for both consumer trust AND saving computing power - but legally and technologically there is no way to stop a webcrawler from just looking at those flags and going "how about I do anyway?" short of login-walling it or otherwise making it unavailable to the general public.
"Oh wow these geoguessr guys are impressive!" And terrifying. They should serve as a very valuable reminder to be extremely careful with what shows up in the backgrounds of your photos. You don't want to get doxxed just because someone thought it'd be cool to show off their nifty skills, especially if you're a marginalized person in any way.
"This website's TOS says they'll turn you over to the cops, never work with these evil bootlickers!" They are actually required to comply with warrants and subpoenas or else face the consequences for what YOU do themselves, and they don't know you from Adam, so why would they??? Don't use public commercial websites to talk about doing illegal shit if you don't want to get caught??? Some platforms can protect themselves by not keeping logs TO turn over in the first place (many of the better VPNs, for instance, have this as a selling point), but those have their own unique risks and it STILL doesn't protect you from people recognizing your photos or cross-platform username or other info and tracing it to platforms that DO keep logs. Yes, there are some companies that are worse than others - Facebook, for example, is notorious for volunteering info to the cops even when no one asked and the crime committed was to save a life, because they're fucking awful - but this is something you should EXPECT.
"Look at all these permissions that this platform demands! What are they doing with that!?" Yeah, it IS horrifying, now realize that none of that is unique to that platform. No, none of it is unique to Twitter, or Threads, or Bluesky, or TikTok - and the latter of which is ESPECIALLY not an excuse to pull out some racist conspiracy theories about Evil Chinamen Spying On Us Through Our Poor Innocent Youths. It is the result of 20+ years of boiling the frog when it comes to end user data protection. It's why the word "spyware" went from being a description of something we widely knew was bad to a word that old farts (like me I fucking GUESS) yell at clouds because it describes the majority of the modern internet and hardly anyone fucking notices or cares. It's only likely to get worse if shit like KOSA passes. You SHOULD be mad - but not at any one specific platform...except maybe Facebook. Arguably. Not necessarily because they're worse than any other (though they are worse than average), but because they are the one that normalized this shit.
Genuinely, I want to take this moment to call for anyone who has been disturbed by something like this to please, PLEASE, take a brief break from Posting until you take a moment to read up just a LITTLE bit on internet safety and infosec, because this entire situation with these kinds of expectations being so widespread is...not good.
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thessalian · 17 days
Thess vs First Forge
Forbidden West-blogging returns! The last few days have mostly been using the interactive map I found to go trawling for data points. Not enough spoons to do much hunting, besides a Stormbird and Dreadwing combo up in the mountains, which was depressing because I was looking for Apex and did not find Apex. But today, I sort of multitasked my hyperfocus between a text RP scene and noodling around the Forbidden West.
Okay. I have a lot of data points. I think I can save some of the rest for whenever I'm supposed to trip over them in quests. Now. Time for hunting.
Google-fu tells me thaaaaat ... well, that you stand a better chance of getting an Apex machine during the in-game night. Well, there's supposedly a shiny new Dreadwing spawn point right at a campfire I passed when I was finding firegleam as per Sylens' bloody orders. So as it's in-game night, let's try there.
...And there it is AND IT SAYS APEX!
......And its scrambler field is basically right on top of the spawn point and now I am discovered. Fuuuuuuuck.
Okay. Okay. Back to campfire. Over to Thornmarsh. I have my shiny salvage and all is good.
Now, lemme upgraaaaaaaaade ... and I need more Apex Dreadwing bits. Well, night isn't over and shit respawns fast.
Lemme see if I can dodge around the perimeter of that scrambler field.
Huh. It ... was hanging upside down there, just like an actual bat. That's really cool. Or would be, if it wasn't trying to EAT MY FACE.
There. Okay. That should do. Back to campfire, find a shelter, upgrade.
Aaaaaaaaaand now I need Slitherfang bits. Fuck Slitherfangs right in the ear. I guess I should probably start the whole AETHER deal.
...Lemme do First Forge first. Maybe I'll get lucky. Lemme talk to Erend.
Oh, good, you found coordinates-- wait. You're coming too?!? Okay, you have very good reasons for wanting to, so sure. But if you fuck up my stealth I am going to be very disappointed in you.
Huh. I had the nearest campfire, even. Good. See, this is why I go all over the place getting campfires. Makes getting to actual spots for quests so much easier when the time comes.
Okay, Erend. They've got door guards and--
Wait. EREND wants to pull a SUBTERFUGE?!? Oh, this is going to be hilarious.
.........On one level, it's kind of nice that the door guards are smart enough not to buy that. On the other hand ... well, fuck. We're in, anyway.
Why is there nothing that's going to give me some damn cover in this cave?!? Fuck you, Asera. Right in the ear.
Yes, Erend. I am still actually really damn good at this. Get better every day, in fact. Sorry I'm not letting you get all that much use out of your hammer.
Did ... did you just hand me precision ammo? You are now my hero.
Okay, so she ran off aaaaaaaand ... there's another door.
Which ... shut ominously behind us. Hope I got everything worth getting in there.
Why do you just happen to have explodo barrels on that bridge? More to the point, why didn't you wait until we were on it to blow it up, if you want us dead so badly?
Thanks, Erend. To you and to your hammer.
Lady, if you want tripwires, try to have them be a little less obvious, okay? That kind of shit works on machines, not people.
Outside? Okay-- aaaaaaaaand that's the cave mouth blocked. What've you got for us, Asera?
...Clawstrider? That's it? Fuck off, Clawstrider. POONK.
And Asera has ... quite the health bar. But I'll just be over here. POONK. POONK. POONK.
And that's the end of you. Yeah, head on back to the Base, Erend. I have looting to do.
Huh. Asera keeps a diary. "Dear Diary, my culture is sexist and my dad's a jerk and so I want everybody to burn". Also, Sylens, you are a shitheel.
Now, there's supposed to be another data point up here. Since I'm in the area...
Got it. Now ... there's that settlement that's been outright taunting me. And it's ... way below me. I wonder...
Glidiiiiiiiiiing ... and in I go. I'm not really supposed to be in here yet, but fuck it. I want to read about the people who blew up Yosemite.
There is something WRONG with these CLIMBING POINTS.
*checks Google*
Oh. There'll be a quest here later. Hopefully I'll be able to do what I need to when the quest is active. Which it won't be until I do the quest for AETHER. Okay, okay, I go.
(I'll be given a Slitherfang to hunt anyway.)
Hi, Dekka. Look, I--
No, but--
Oh, fine, okay, I will go and talk to Hekarro. Also I will get these data points and--
Oooooooooh, this is the Ten. Joint Task Force 10. I guess that makes more sense, given that they wouldn't have had a clue about Zero Dawn, GAIA, or GAIA's subordinate functions. Still, I guess it works to an extent anyway. GAIA and her subordinate functions were what JTF-10 were fighting for. Also, coincidence to a point, but narratively speaking, even what seems like a coincidence in the story may not be a coincidence to the writer. Anyway. Sorry. I am a nerd.
Hi, Hekarro; I--
Wait. Wut.
So from being thrown into a fighting pit by the Carja, I have to protect one? Hoboy.
And you want me to play diplomat? Look, I remember Tekotteh was an asshole at your Embassy thing; why are you expecting me to--?
Look, all I want is to dig around your basement; that stuff's worth nothing to you but could help me save the world so-- waitWUT.
You ... know what's down there?
You ... don't know exactly what's down there. But at least you used what little you did see to some good use. Knowing how to fight machines is important, at least until we get HAEPHESTUS under control. So I do all this and you let me look in your basement?
...Okay, fine. I will meet your Kotallo. I will just pick up some campfires on the way--
Oh. Hi, Vetteh. You are currently on the receiving end of a Rollerback pummelling. Gotcha, fam. POONK.
Aaaand your friend Littay is in equal trouble. Off I go.
If you ran into Thunderjaw territory, lady--
Oh. No, okay. Just ... over to there somewhere. Let's go--
Spikesnouts, Burrowers, and an Apex Clawstrider. Lady, you did get yourself into a mess. Lemme see what I can do. POONK. POONK. POONK.
Okay. I have saved you and hopefully you've still got salvage worth the name. I gotta go yell at some Sky Clan, okay?
(Why can't I give these people some of my meat and plants? I am swimming in edible things! Why can't I give them to hungry people?!?)
Right. I think that's about enough of that for one day. Tomorrow, I will finish the quest for AETHER. Promise.
Honestly, I'm hoping I can go to sleep. But some of the downstairs neighbours are watching what I presume are sports of some kind because the cheering has been ... very, very loud. Ugh.
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avemstella · 1 year
Pantalone's Constellation Misinfo and Likely Influence
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Hello and welcome to Avem rambles where I'm about to take you guys down an insane rabbit hole I discovered at 1 am and stayed up until almost 4 trying to figure out what was going on and losing my mind. And the topic in question is the mystery that is the Constellation that is probably our anti-capitalist king Pantalone's, as shown above.
(However just as a disclaimer, this is not confirmed as of the writing of this in 3.3. Just putting that out there because harbinger con speculation has been going on from day one and anyone who ever claims they are 100% certain a con is for a certain harb, they are from my experience often proven wrong. only confirmed ones are Scara/childe/Sigs. Also just in general this is a theory post and I could be wrong about some stuff, so please let me know if you have evidence that contradicts my points etc. I would love to hear it, this post will go into (spoilers) unquestioned mis-info so I would be hypocritical otherwise)
But yes, if you've been around any Harbinger constellation speculation you have probably heard the claim that this Constellation we are discussing is a symbol for Heresy, and there was a lot of postulating about how it could be Dottore's based on his real name likely being Zandik which means heretic and just in general his whole deal. However as seen above its probably Pantalone's considering he's wearing it, which raises some questions but its not inconceivable for him to be associated with heresy. But ultimately it doesn't matter whose it is, because that's not actually what this post's about, so get ready.
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So, if you've seen anyone talking about this symbol meaning heresy, you've probably seen one of the above pictures, or some similar variation. Or maybe when you googled "heresy symbol" you saw these symbols in the results. That's what I did, and immediately alarm bells went off in my head.
Because, all these pictures have one thing in common, all their sources have one thing in common. They all link to stock image sites. ALL OF THEM. There were more examples, but every picture on google images of this symbol or a variation all linked to a stock image site, to these generic corporate simplified icons. And none of those sites had their source, they were often bundled with other generic religious symbols, some normal and others equally weird.
So I took a different angle, I looked up "heresy religion" and other derivatives to find some actual historical/religious sources. Maybe its just because we live in a corporate hell and these ones got sent to the front of the line. But I looked, and looked, and looked. No actual scholarly source has this symbol anywhere. Because the thing is, despite what these stock images say, Heresy is not an official region (or even a cult). Because by definition, heresy is just a derivative of a religion, an action that goes against religious doctrine. And even me looking into 'heretical' religions by other names gave me no results. None of their symbols are similar beyond maybe a cross motif which means nothing.
(side note If anyone can actually find a proper source that uses this symbol, I will love to see it. prove me wrong though I'll be honest as what I'm about to get into, I don't think u can)
So at this point I was pulling out my hair because what the fuck. Where did this symbol even come from!? Why is this symbol associated with heresy? It was a terrible hour of the night but I didn't care, I had to figure it out.
Which is when I saw something that clicked something into place and lit up a path to the future. That suddenly made me remember something else that had kept popping up in my searches but I just dismissed because obviously it has nothing to do with my search for heresy.
Warhammer 40,000
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I found it!
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Holy shit. Its not a cross its a SWORD
So yes, lets backtrack slightly. So in my journey to find the heresy, Warhammer 40k kept popping up. Both in the images and in the normal search linking to the wiki etc. But beyond a cursory glance to confirm I didn't see the symbol, I dismissed it because obviously it has nothing to do with this. It was just popping up because Heresy was a term used in the game, but the symbol for its was this:
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Which was not what I was looking for (also should mention I know basically nothing about warhammer, but from my googling this is also a symbol of a civil war not a religion). But then of course I saw the other symbol above, and went wait fuck and proceeded to do a deep dive.
Won't pretend I have actually learned anything about Warhammer, but thats fine this isn't really about Warhammer either, its about the internet.
Because you see the Warhammer community like any good community, has its memes. And what is one such meme from Warhammer: The Heresy meme
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When I googled "warhammer 40k heresy" the first sujestion was to add "meme" to it, and from what I've researched its a super popular old meme. And while not immedietly connected to the above symbol, it does show up. For example, in the "Heresy symbol" google search from earlier, there's this one:
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And hey look, there's a cross symbol with the wings. Also fun fact, in a lot of the "heresy symbol" designs theres an orb shape between the wings. Well look at this:
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Oh look at that, isn't that similar.
So yes, long story short I'm fairly certain the so-called "heresy symbol" is not in fact some ancient symbol, but in fact a reference to Warhammer that went through an extreme game of internet telephone resulting in stock media sites copying the symbol from each other and it bit by bit transforming it into something unrecognizable and then into obscurity (these things have no downloads on these sites). Only for one day a genshin theorist to accidentally google something super specific and find them and take it at face value and now I see people claiming its a heresy symbol all the time. I'm torn between laughing and crying. The power of misinformation.
So, what is this constellation supposed to be then, if it isn't a heresy symbol (we are assuming hoyo did proper research and didn't use a symbol for heresy that isn't actually a thing). Well fun fact, part of the reason I did research on this thing was that I already had a theory about it and was really confused why everyone was calling it a heresy symbol. And was like, I guess I'll look into it to see why everyone was saying that and well u know the rest.
But yes, this constellation. I'm fairly certain its actually supposed to be referencing a Globus cruciger. Aka one of these things:
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Hey, isn't that shape familar. It also much like the original constellation, the cross ends at the orb.
So what is this thing and how does it relate to Pantalone (we are assuming its his constellation, he's wearing it)
According to the wiki (which is properly sourced) its:
"known as 'the orb and cross', is an orb surmounted by a cross. It has been a Christian symbol of authority since the Middle Ages, used on coins, in iconography, and with a sceptre as royal regalia.
The cross represents Christ's dominion over the orb of the world, literally held in the hand of an earthly ruler. In the iconography of Western art, when Christ himself holds the globe, he is called Salvator Mundi (Latin for 'Saviour of the World')."
Huh, a symbol of royalty, power, and riches, how apt. Also fun fact here's one of the Russian ones because these are our fake Russian's after all.
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And if you weren't convinced by that, I have something else to tell you.
Also a quote from the wiki:
"The globus cruciger was used as the alchemical symbol (♁) for antimony. It was also used as an alchemical symbol for Lupus metallorum “the grey wolf” supposedly used to purify alloyed metals into pure gold."
An Alchemical symbol associated with the purification of GOLD. Genshin loves their alchemy and even disregarding that, this constellation is probably Pantalone's aka the Harbinger's money man.
Who has this quote from the Pale Flame set, "Money is the lifeblood of the world, and the pathways along which it flows are the world's arteries. Then, the center of the world is a heart made of gold."
Pantalone a man who desires to control the world through controlling money.
"We shall, by whatever means necessary, become the heart that pumps money around the world." "And, when the moment comes, that heart shall cease beating by our will alone."
The Globus cruciger is literally symbolic of a ruler holding the world in their hands. A symbol of gold and power, it suits Pantalone perfectly.
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ghost-the-silly · 5 months
Ghost Intro, what
Name: Ghost_Bean/Ghost
Age: Minor. I don't want any creepy people following or interacting w/ me, get out
Pronouns: They/them
Interests (In order of how much I focus on them): Murder Drones (current obsession, as you can probably tell...), Splatoon (not very educated on lore sadly...), Wings of Fire (wof discord servers), Nevermore (Webtoon), She-Ra, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Amphibia, KIPO
Uhh... There's probably more but whatever
Hobbies: Drawing traditional art, wondering if I'm doing the right thing on Tumblr, not getting enough sleep, reblogging Tumblr posts at 2 am, finding more Murder Drones blogs to follow, sleeping... Huh, ironic
What I Do: I reblog and like posts from my favorite blogs! I basically just lurk around, throwing love at people's art and posts. I hope that I can help people find cool blogs to follow :]
DNI: LGBTQ+ phobic, TERF, MAP, Zoo, etc, Proshipper. Don't be a bad person. That's all I fucking ask. Have common sense
Fun facts/Trivia/Whatever you wanna call this:
- I'm in a lot of WoF Army servers, so feel free to ask me about them!
- I draw traditional art of wof ocs, but I'm also trying to figure out digital art! I also dream of being able to draw Drones one day, but anatomy is... a struggle 😭 (feel free to send me tips/guides btw!!!)
- My favorite MD characters and ships are: Doll, Cyn, Lizzy, and Yeva (top 4 char.) | Ships: Dizzy (Doll/Lizzy), RussianDuet (Yeva/Yeva's Husband ((does he have a name??)), Oilrose (J/V), Juzi (J/Uzi), and some others that I literally can't remember because brain no work
- I don't have any strong opinion or preference on ships when it comes to some characters like Uzi, V, J, N, etc as long as it's not problematic. I like seeing other people's ideas and headcanons, either about the characters or ships! I also like Butler N and Maid V, they would be so silly together fr
HOWEVER, I do NOT ship N/Cyn, I see them as siblings. Please, for the love of God..
- I may stop being active on Tumblr for a while at times, but don't worry, I'll be back eventually! [Update: Tumblr takes up ~69% of my screentime so... If I'm gone, assume I'm somewhere without wifi or just trying to save my battery]
- I swear. Just- I swear. I try to keep it to a minimum tho dw... Shit- (haha whoops). Ok but tbf MD has gotten me to say things like "Holy hell!" more often lol
- I like the color periwinkle!! I also like any color from teal to dark purple, and sage green on the side
- Uh... I also don't exactly know my way around Tumblr. Like... Can I reblog something without tags? Does it show if I accidentally un-liked then re-liked a post?? How does tagging work??? Just general stuff too, cause I mostly/only like and reblog cool things
- I'm an English speaker only :/ (but Google translate, my beloved <3)
- I use tone tags a lot! It helps me get my message across correctly, and I hope it helps others understand what I'm trying to say!/gen
- I say things like Dawg, Fr, On god, Silly, Goober, and other things like that quite often, so apologies if it gets annoying/gen
- My timezone is CST! 'Murica !!! 🔥🦅🇺🇲 (Get me out of here)
- Murder Drones is so cool, what, I can't see colors correctly anymore, help me (/pos, MD brings me joy)
- I don't do actual posts often so don't expect that much actual Ghost Content
- guh.
- I love yuri. I need yuri. I wake up, yuri. I go to sleep, yuri. Always yuri. Robot yuri? Yes please. I wrote an essay on why I love Doomed/Toxic Yuri because yuri
- Other socials: ghost_bean on Discord, JustARandomGayPerson on toyhou.se
That's it! Feel free to ask me anything (as long as it's not NSFW, political, hateful, etc), or let me know if I might've forgotten something! I'd love to answer any questions you might have, and I want to get to know Tumblr's silly and amazing community!
Have a great rest of your day/night, and may your favorite show get another season and an (actually good) movie
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rlaehrwk-37 · 1 year
translation by @lee-hakhyun <33
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• This starting scene had me quaking in my boots even the first time i read it.
So, Han Sooyoung is now talking to the readers across the universe who read her story (ugh why not me?)
“her unlucky tone” ORV has a lot of ‘unlucky’ things if I put my mind to it. specially a certain reader’s unlucky smile. even thinking about it makes me want to punch a wall, so let’s forget about it.
So apparently Sooyoung sent a short story to the cloud. I wonder which side story it is? Bc this side story is totally not gonna be short, unless she’s comparing it with ORV or TWSA. Hm I wonder which one…? (It would be insane if it was the Mia side story)
So a “foreign war” (is it a war between universes eh????) is about to begin. We’ve no fucking clue what that means. But ty for this bomb Sooyoung, im totally not worried for Lee Hakhyun now…
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• A-Are you telling me Gilyoung has the capacity to eat locusts?? (Not that I doubt it, ofc)
And ofc Joonghyuk got his boots from Doc Marten’s (I’ve never shopped for boots so idfk what I’m talking about)
Protagonist swag 😔👊
Reading this passage makes me feel some type of way I can’t explain. So I can’t write for it. eugejdhwjekdjuduw.
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• One reader asks Han Sooyoung about Kim Dokja, the question that we’ve been dying to know the answer to. But in typical cliche fashion, the screen blanks before she can answer.
Hm it’s interesting how LHH compares his feelings to HSY’s. He claims that if she was real, she’d be feeling the same thing as him even though her mental health is probably far worse than ours atp. It’s gonna get worse bc HSY belittles any “self-proclaimed writer” she meets and calls them a faker bc they do not have the avatar skill. But LHH equates his emotions to her level. My boy…
• Anyway, the hosts have prepared a quiz for the readers. Just like how Kim Dokja received a “gift” from tls123? So fucking sus istg.
The readers answer some weird questions like “How many times did ◼️ appear in the story?” and “what’s the significance of the number 1863?”
Of course, both Lee Hakhyun, and me had no fucking clue what that meant but the readers did.
“1863 is the year the world’s first subway opened, and it symbolises Yoo Joonghyuk’s repeated return to the moving subway.” <- is the response by a reader.
Honestly I was dumbfounded when I googled it up and saw this :
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WHAT THE FUCK SINGNSONG???? I thought the answers didn’t matter and they just wanted to kidnap the readers but holy shit???? It’s actually real?!?
I love how SNS are actually dropping in little trivia abt the story and their thoughts thru this side story. I love all this new information. It’s so… mind blowing. They thought it out so well!!
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• Hmm Representative Kim Dokja’s analysis… this guy really did all that and is also a part of an organisation that kidnapped readers from a different worldline.
Also Lee Hakhyun immediately acting like he knew tf that was LMAOO 🤣 he’s such a prideful liar i love him,, what a little shit.
• LHH : “Can I say I love this story more than they do?”
Me, absolutely not crying : ugh shut the fuck up shutupshutupshutup
This story is making me more emotional than it should. I’m so sensitive…
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• Eventually Ji Eunyu, the editor, answers a question bc she doesn’t wanna be left behind (honestly so relatable…)
Readers crying :’))) bc the story has now ended. They can face reality now. At least they’ll get their prize..?
I’ll never get tired of thinking of LHH thinking deeply about KDJ… something about his attachment to KDJ, him thinking “what would Kim Dokja do?” to face a problem in the scenarios… looking around to find Dokja, bc he’s their shining star in the face of calamity, their saving grace.
And oof, the question asked to him, “Who is the heroine of ORV?”
Can I say Kim Dokja? XDD
Well seriously speaking, i could consider Han Sooyoung… but it is a trick question.
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• But LHH answers this. I’m a little conflicted? We know ORV is not supposed to be a romance novel. (which I love about it!!!! abolish romance!!! XD)
But ORV is a love letter from KimCom (and Han Sooyoung primarily) to all of Kim Dokja across the Universe.
“Compared to other main characters, the proportion of appearances was not high”. Uhh is he thinking about Sangah here? I’m honestly lost lmao but to me personally, I can’t see KDJ with any woman other than HSY. Alongside YJH, she’s the one who understands and forgives him. (Not to undermine the significance of his relations with the rest of KimCom bc that’s not the thing I’d do, but HSY plays a pivotal role even later in the side story!)
LHH apparently created this character for KDJ, and there’s… so much to unpack from this statement alone 🤐🤐
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(she or he or they idc I wanna know who’s his fav character)
Honestly I was clutching my phone so tightly at this point…
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• those seats are not going to be empty for too long…
I cant believe ORV has managed to even traumatise me with THEATRE SEATS.
readers collecting snow… bc it snows on Kim Dokja’s bday 🤧🥺🥺 ugh this part is so…
[The Fourth Wall] glimmering on the screen. The readers walked through this Fourth Wall from the Theatre to get into ORV and back to the Theatre they’ll return, although what Theatre it’ll be… we’ll see :)
• Lee Hakhyun’s nickname on the tag is [■■■] :)))
Lee Hakhyun wanting to write a story even for one person who’s left behind ToT I’ll need to make a separate post for this uwaaaa
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• and so, Lee Hakhyun is isekai’d into ORV, and this shitshow begins once more, folks.
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