#but a necessary function for most complex organisms for some. reason.
masatos-wig · 2 years
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logicpng · 3 months
my friend and i have started collaborating on an ukagaka!!! full disclosure, i might be in your inbox way too often. i only have two questions today:
do you have any tips for inexperienced ghosters?
and is there a specific way you'd recommend organizing ideas / information?
thank you!!!! still obsessed with aster they're so lovely
if you're going to be asking about ukagaka development, I strongly suggest joining the ukagaka dream team server instead of coming to me on here. there's people far more experienced with ukagaka development than I am who are also very forthcoming with information. don't feel overwhelmed by the amount of people on there, very few are actually active, but the ones that are have a lot of experience.
I'm there too so I'll be able to help you there personally as well if I can, but pls don't use me as your only source!!! I've only finished one ghost and made the shell for another
as for your questions:
"Do you have any tips for inexperienced ghosters?"
this ended up wordy but I feel like this is a necessary warning, especially if you're using the Girl and Triangle template
Right now the most comprehensive guide/template for ghost creation is the one on ashido.com. I've personally found a lot of use for it and it covers the process of ghost creation very well! The template is likewise full of helpful functions and commentary. Far as I'm aware this is what a lot of people use for their first ghost, so I have to presume you're using it as well.
But the template the guide provides has an unfortunate side effect, and since Aster was built with it, it also may have contributed to it: it can make an impression that ALL ghosts, including ones you make, have to be just as complex or full of features.
Despite the comments saying that you don't have to fill out/even have a function, you may feel like throwing away anything sacrifices the quality of your ghost, or you may feel that it won't be complete that way.
Please don't fall into that trap!!!! This is something I've experienced making Aster, though lucky for me, most features make sense for them, their character being a literal virtual assistant. Not all functions may be fitting for your character!
Most features within that template are Completely Optional, and all your ghost needs to be a good ghost is just creative random talk and a decent shell. This is why Aster's page suggests using Simplicity template as base, it's what I'm using to make Terror Star! So that I can gradually add any functions I may need for it, instead of having an entire shopping list of things I feel like I Have to fill in, even if it may Say I don't have to.
But I feel like the g&t template is still good for studying how to use some functions for shiori events, if you use any! Since the creation of that guide there's also been an entire page of shiori events translated. So once you have some grasp on how the events work, you can just use whatever you need from there. you can also study other ghosts to see how they do things instead!
There's a saying that most developers never finish their first ghost, and I feel like this is a pretty big part of the reason why! Ultimately keep the scope of your ghost small, it doesn't have to be nowhere near as big or daunting of a project as it may seem.
"is there any way you recommend organising ideas/information?"
I've personally used Google keep for a todo list and dialogue drafts while making aster, and rn I'm trying out Obsidian, but literally anything works as long as it works for you! some folk also use Google docs for their planning. don't be afraid of playing around with different software tbh
I genuinely wish you luck on y'all's journey, and if you have any questions, please ask them on the server instead! My experience may not be enough to help you!!
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applesconez · 2 years
Modern Warfare 2 (2022) analysis & critique
I have some select thoughts on the most recent addition to the Call of Duty franchise. Since this is a blog pretty much dedicated to these games I felt it pretty imperative actually to also critically discuss the narrative that they advance.
Disclaimer: I do not want you to take away Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Bad, Do Not Consume from this review. Rather, the intention is to arrange the thoughts that the campaign sparked and to hopefully foster some conversation and thought on the franchise.
Obviously this review is not spoiler free and assumes some familiarity with the game.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is the awaited sequel for the 2019 reboot of the first title of the Modern Warfare (MW) franchise. Whereas the three original MW titles have receded into the fuzzy nostalgia of 2010s action-packed shooters with their predictable conflict scenarios and spectacular set-pieces, the reboot aims for a more accurate portrayal of modern conflict. Set in the context of the Global War on Terror (GWOT), the Modern Warfare 2 reboot (hereinafter MW2022) follows the actions of special operatives involved in covert operations to stop and apprehend the head of a terrorist organization, Al-Qatala (AQ). Following the killing of AQ head General Ghorbrani, whose actions the 2019 reboot focused on, major Hassan Zyani ascends to head AQ and acts as the main antagonist of the game. This initial setting works to ground the game as a loose and rather stereotypical allegory to the anti-terrorism efforts within the war on terror against Al-Qaeda, down to the similarities in name. Since its release on October 28, Modern Warfare 2 has become the fastest selling Call of Duty game, illustrating the series’ continued relevance and popularity.
The point of this review is to examine the main story or ‘campaign’ of MW2022 and its stance on the global war on terror. There are many possible foci in the overly complex campaign of MW2022, but focus on the essentials the game shirks or fails at provides a good starting point for critique. To begin to understand the jumbled mess of a campaign, a natural starting point is to ask what story the game is trying to tell. What is the setting, who are the heroes and who the antagonists? What do each of these factions stand for, what do they represent? Additionally, given that MW2022 is a war game, what is the central conflict? Are the positions of both sides explained to the player and who are we made to sympathize with? Answers to these questions will help to elucidate the themes the game is trying to engage with and its stance on the GWOT. It is necessary to acknowledge that gameplay often functions to fortify or complement the storytelling in an interactive medium, and for this reason lack of focus on the core gameplay loop and interactivity might mean overlooking emphasis on narrative elements that are underlined by the player character’s actions. Even with little to no attention to gameplay elements however, it is clear that the MW2022 campaign struggles to carry a meaningful message across to the player.
MW2 boasts a wide array of characters, the spotlight placed squarely on the British Task Force 141 (Cpt Price, Sgt Garrick, Lt Riley, Sgt MacTavish) working together with the CIA (Kate Laswell) and US Army (Gen Shepherd), in addition to Mexican special forces (Col Vargas, Sgt Parra) and the head of Shadow Company, a private military contractor (PMC), Phillip Graves. The cast of characters is complemented by a few more in supporting role, either as allies (e.g. Farah) or enemies (Valeria). The PMC and General Shepherd are revealed to be antagonists over midway to the campaign, when they turn on TF141 and the Mexican special forces to cover involvement in a failure to illegally transport nuclear missiles to US allies. This backstab, though to be anticipated for fans of the original game, works to completely muddle the setting and detracts attention from the initial conflict between the military as the good guys and the terrorist antagonists. For this reason, it makes sense to discuss the pacing and tension of the story divided into two acts, the first focusing on efforts to capture Zyani, and the second on the betrayal arc.
Despite being the main antagonist of the game, Hassan Zyani is given little to no attention in the campaign. The game already banks too much on the player remembering the forgettable story of the previous installment, and wastes no time killing the previous antagonist simply to replace him with another stereotypical terrorist. As far as goes to explaining the motivations of the antagonist faction, not a word is uttered. The death of General Ghorbrani is pointed to as something that Zyani vows to avenge, but with no effort extended to contextualizing the conflict, the player is left in a situation where the only conclusion to reach is that the reason actually matters very little. Zyani and Al-Qatala are not meant to be characters. They do not fulfil a purpose other than being shorthand for the idea of real-life terrorists. Sloppy storytelling aside, this is also dubious from a thematic and moral standpoint. By relying on vague conjecture about terrorism, the game’s starting point is already stacked in favor of portraying anti-terrorism efforts in the vernacular of the GWOT. Moreover, because it fails so spectacularly to engage with any of the ideology of its antagonists, it removes all possibility of lending a critical lens to the events of the story.
The effective absence of Zyani from the story means that it cannot ramp up tension by upping the stakes. All throughout roughly the first half of the campaign, the game strings the player along without answering the crucial question ‘Why care?’ When the actions of the characters are poorly motivated and the threat is abstract, a terrorist organization in possession of nuclear warheads manages to coax out only a shrug. The campaign is flat and its pacing is off. The most reaction invoking aspect is the wanton disregard for all rules and limits each of the heroes displays. It is also the most consistent message of the entire campaign: rules are only a hindrance. The higher-ups remind each other of the necessity of adhering to some of them, so as to not start a war and cause a publicity disaster, whereas the soldiers on the ground actively lose their temper when the law places limits on what they can and cannot do to a suspect they have captured. On the other side of the coin, the antagonists Zyani and Valeria taunt the heroes by relying on the rights afforded to them by the law. Zyani reminds the Task Force that the US is not at war with Iran, his country of nationality, and thus he cannot legally be treated as a(n unlawful) combatant, but must instead be granted wider protection. Valeria states that her actions matter little if it cannot be proven that she is responsible, again pointing to the fact that despite all the harm she has caused that the player and characters have witnessed, there is a chance she might still get away with it. The applicable law and its functioning is more complex, but the game cares little for the legal technicalities and so it makes little sense to delve into them here. The point remains, though.   
On the flip side, despite the protagonists’ righteous anger at the illegal actions of the terrorists and drug traffickers that they run into, they themselves display such gross disregard for limits that rules start to look more like recommendations. The Geneva Suggestions, am I right? Where the command cannot authorize an official mission, they send a totally off the books one. Where the suspect flees across border and the operatives lack jurisdiction, they go anyway and the idiocy of the local police force who do have jurisdiction proves the operatives’ actions correct, even if not on paper. The game is hypocritical in its stance to the law but it is difficult to say whether it even realizes this. If it does, it sees no problem with it – it does after all encourage the player to run around a civilian neighborhood in full tactical gear, break into houses and ‘de-escalate’ the situation with the rightfully angry inhabitants by aiming a gun at them.
After the monotonous first half, the story suddenly takes a welcome twist as Graves and the Shadow Company turn against the people they so far were working with. The betrayal imbues the campaign with sorely needed tension and breaks away from the confused plot surrounding AQ. The player must navigate Sgt MacTavish through a maze of narrow streets and houses in what resembles a segment out of the horror genre. The stakes for the dealings with Shepherd and rescuing the imprisoned forces under Vargas’ command are clear and high. For a while, the narrative is compelling and it makes the player wonder whether this indeed was the part of the story the writers wanted most to tell. Unfortunately, it too runs into the same pacing problems and the anticlimactic final fight with Graves in a tank is the last nail in the coffin for the game. With very little grandeur in dealing with Graves, and Shepherd disappearing from the story, the plotline feels barely resolved. Instead the game jumps back to Zyani, in what feels like one of the most unsatisfactory narrative choices in the entire franchise. The final cutscene forebodes similar trouble for the next installment, as it leaves the promises to go after Valeria and Shepherd hanging in the air, instead focusing on Makarov as the next enemy.
The narrative comments on the GWOT by reinforcing the US position to describe it in terms of warfare to begin with. This has been the US position since the attacks on 9/11, after which relations to the Al-Qaeda have been described as a war. It is also a contested position, as it is not immediately obvious that Al-Qaeda as a non-state actor can be the other party to an international armed conflict. (This generally would be possible if the non-state actor is an insurgency group vying for state power, or a mass movement of a people united in a struggle for self-determination. (Engle 2013:141et seq)) The measures taken within this war on terror include clearly illegal (e.g. torture, extraordinary rendition) and contested acts (targeted killing, no knock raids). It bears mentioning these are acts that Modern Warfare 2019 also depicts and makes the player play out. The issue is not necessarily so much in including depictions of such events in a game, but in the tone and manner they are included in. To harken back to MW2019, gamifying torture tends to read poorly, whether the person being tortured is a friend or foe. MW2022 takes a step back in including such controversy in vivid detail, instead opting to reuse missions or aspects of them as if to remind the player that they do not particularly care about said controversy. It is all very tiring as a creative choice and denies the game the same impact that thought out inclusions of the brutality of war (to speak in the game’s terms) can evoke in the player. These are not impossible in war games, and the first MW game succeeded in delivery in a mission to rescue a shot-down helicopter crew, only for all, including the player character, to be killed by a nuclear blast. The most famous example of such delivery nonetheless remains in Spec Ops: The Line, in which the player mistakenly deploys white phosphorous on a large mass of seeming enemy combatants. They are revealed to have been civilians, now dead as a result of the player character’s actions, which the game goes on to condemn. MW2022 (and MW2019) refuse to capitalize on this possibility.        
Because MW2022 is interested in fleshing out its new characters as well as retaining fan-favorites from the previous installment, it devotes significant time to showing their cooperation and chemistry, both in cut-scenes and missions. This choice turns to its detriment, because on the one hand, the cast is so varied that devoting attention to the motivations and actions of each character is time consuming and risks taking away from the central plot, and because the more a game relies on cut-scenes to tell its story the more the tension and pacing of the game suffer. This is partly because cinematic storytelling detracts from player agency. The game does a good job of organically allowing the relationship between characters to develop, the prime example being the radio chatter between Sgt MacTavish and Lt Riley as the player navigates MacTavish through the streets of Las Almas whilst hiding from the Shadow Company contractors. But for every effective focus on team relations, it makes a choice that detracts from effectively advancing the plot. The capture and subsequent (quasi-)unofficial rescue of Kate Laswell by Cpt Price and Sgt Garrick with the help of allies Farah and Nikolai serves no plot point and is inserted for the sole reason of throwing the two supporting characters into the mix to make a gratuitous cameo. If the game so wanted to tell a story about the characters themselves, then one must ask why it chose to nonetheless use as its theater the GWOT and make Zyani its main antagonist.
This question is all the more pertinent because some of the most compelling narrative elements the campaign offers center around General Shepherd’s betrayal of the protagonists and their subsequent reliance on each other. The conflict between the PMC, and TF141 and the Mexican forces is better motivated and much more understandable to the player than the abstract evil of Zyani and AQ in the first half of the game. Because the player has spent the game controlling either MacTavish or Garrick, it also feels more personal. Shepherd and Graves are characters that the game has devoted attention to fleshing out, and the player is familiar with their motivations. Shepherd is portrayed as calculating hawk not afraid to get his hands dirty and to do what the job requires of him, whereas Graves resembles a trigger-happy errand boy, ready to do whatever is asked of him for payment. It is clear where Graves’ loyalty lies and it is equally clear why Shepherd turns on the protagonists considering his cover-up of the illegal nuclear weapons transport. The game hints at the expendability of the protagonists as pawns in a larger game unfolding on the global arena but never fully commits to it.
Moreover, the game staunchly refuses to make any meaningful distinction between the heroes and the now-traitors in the same faction. Instead of prompting any question on the justification for their actions, or the repercussions of the policy they are putting into effect, the only material dividing line between the good and the bad is that the heroes simply Know what is good and justified. The ends will justify the means because they are achieved by the good guys. Nothing underlies this point quite like the insistence of Cpt Price on the very same rhetoric in the previous installment of the game as spouted by Shepherd at the moment of confrontation. Shepherd’s line ‘I do what needs to be done and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape. I know what’s best for the cause’ carries the same message as Price’s ‘You draw the line where it needs to be, Sergeant’ from MW2019. It helps little that the CIA Chief Kate Laswell also characterizes the cover up of the illegal shipments as ‘worse than the crime’. All of this messaging works to convey that the problem exists on a personal, not institutional, level.
With the above-mentioned pacing problems, it is a shame that the writers of MW2022 did not write the game that they seem to have been more interested in writing. A clearer focus on the antagonism between the career-military and the private contractors would have the potential to examine the controversies and issues with the ever-growing use of the latter. PMC use in real life conflicts is met with problems of accountability and lack of transparency, tension between soldiers serving the army and private contractors who are subject to less stringent discipline, make higher pay, and lack knowledge on the rules of war (Dickinson 2010). Some of these issues are implied or acknowledged by the game, where Shepherd characterizes the rules of engagement of the Shadow Company employees as laxer and where Graves states he has ‘shed the skin’ of a soldier in favor of becoming a private contractor. They are unfortunately relegated to the second half of the game, where the player has already become bogged down in the thoroughly uninteresting first arc, and are hardly devoted the attention they deserve.
At this conjuncture it bears mentioning that Modern Warfare 2022 may not attempt to be an anti-war piece of media. Attempting to view it as such has been my attempt to be charitable to the scant ideas that might point at such interpretation, which was more easily lendable to the original Modern Warfare 2 (as well as the original Modern Warfare). It is the more charitable interpretation, because to accuse something of propagandism still carries with it negative baggage. It is abundantly clear that no matter how realistic MW2022 attempts to be, it does not vie for a documentary tone and is as disinterested in objectivity as Breitbart. It is a very real possibility that the issues identified above matter little or are not issues at all if MW2022 is treated as US military propaganda. It certainly functions as such.
cited works: Laura A. Dickinson, Military Lawyers, Private Contractors, and the Problem of International Law Compliance, 42 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 355 (2010). Eric Engle, Ideas in Conflict: International Law and the Global War on Terror (2013).
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hr-26 · 2 days
HR Outsourcing for the Retail Industry: A Strategic Approach to Managing People and Growth
The retail business environment is fast-paced, dynamic, and changes daily. Whether you have a small business selling goods at street stalls or run a large retail chain, managing human resources effectively is crucial for your success. Retail businesses experience the challenge of high employee turnover, seasonal fluctuation, recruitment, compliance, and employee management-dreams requiring dedicated resources. For most retailers, therefore, outsourcing HR functions presents an easy and strategic solution to the foregoing challenges.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
Why does HR outsourcing make sense for retail businesses?
Retail is a business of people. Sometimes, an employee can also become your human face, and the management of your staff will immediately impact the experience that your product or service will be having on the customers as well as sales. Yet, internal work with HR can be very time and money consuming, especially in the case of retail business companies, which are less likely to have necessary resources to create an in-house HR department.
HR outsourcing allows retail firms to leverage professional services in human resources without funding a whole in-house team that has to be supported continuously. These are some of the reasons why it is a smart choice for retailers.
1. Managing High Employee Turnover
Turnover rates in retail are one of the highest. It is seasonal, part-time, and often entry-level as well. These factors make it extremely challenging for an internal HR team to keep up with constant hiring, training, and onboarding.
Such a service provider would focus on recruitment, which can do the hiring process completely for you-from sourcing candidates through interviews, proper background checking, and even on-boarding and training. It ensures that on-boarding and training take place hassle-free and without hassle points to minimize turnaround time and resources.
2. Seasonal Workforce Management
There are always holiday weekends, sales, and back-to-school periods where the retail businesses peak, and there is a sudden surge in demand, necessitating the employment of temporary or seasonal workers during such times. This can sometimes be very trying in managing payroll and scheduling and complying with legal matters regarding fluctuating demands for a workforce.
The flexible solutions of HR outsourcing providers manage the variable seasonal nature of retail, thereby they can create a more manageable demand for labor during specific business times. What is more important, however, is that security contracts, benefits, and compliance are secured down or up according to the needs of their businesses.
3. Cost Efficiency
Running an HR department within the organization is expensive for retailers, in particular, SMEs. Recruiting an HR person, acquiring HR technology, and managing and maintaining benefits carry high costs. The retailers will save their administrative overheads and operational cost if the HR functions are outsourced.
Some services provided include a whole range of HR services-for example recruiting, payroll handling, benefits administration, and even compliance-while not necessarily being employed through full-time HR staff. That saves money and also is efficient.
4. Compliance with Labor Laws
There is no such term as simplified labor laws for retail businesses that can encompass everything under the sun of wage and hour laws to workplace safety. Non-compliance with these can bring along fines and lawsuits and also reputational damage. The multi-location retailer faces the complexities as this would need compliance in regions or countries.
HR outsourcing providers always have their finger on the pulse of the latest changes in labor law and stay abreast of local, state, and federal regulations that might impact your business. The organization will make sure that all calculations involved in overtime are done correctly and classified employees properly, saving you from costly and time-consuming lawsuits.
5. Streamlined Payroll and Benefits Administration
Payroll stands out as one of the most labor intensive HR functions in diversified retail businesses that host various kinds of employees, be it full-time, part-time, or seasonal employment. This can flood an in-house payroll team during peak seasons, with complicated pay calculations, tax withholdings, and application for benefits.
It enables the payroll and benefits administration to be outsourced, making the employees get paid correctly and on time with regard to payroll taxes, deductions, and compliance within the wage laws. The HR outsourcing providers deal with the automation of payroll through payroll processes that are streamlined, leaving ample time for retail managers to focus on business growth.
6. Improvement in Employee Retention and Engagement
Thus, retail jobs also become considered as stepping stones, which are again temporary jobs. In such a scenario, the employees become unenthusiastic. However, only with enthusiastic and motivated staff could great customer services be delivered, which might lead to business success. Outsourced HR providers can support retailers by initiating employee engagement strategies to improve job satisfaction and therefore also to decrease turnover.
Offering competitive pay, benefits and, of course, employee development programs, is an advantage of HR outsourcing to retailers. This will help bring the best candidates on board, but also hold onto the few diamonds in the rough that seem always to slip away during turnover.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
Specific HR Challenges Facing Retailers
There are specific retail HR challenges that find outsourcing so appealing. Below are the most common HR challenges presented specifically to the retail sector:
1. Working in a Multicultural Workforce
Generally, a retail business uses a highly diversified workforce comprising full-time employees, part-time workers, seasonal employees, and temporary employees. The kind of HR approaches regarding scheduling, payroll, and benefits compliance would vary for such a diverse workforce. In addition to this, employee relations and training become a more critical focus area considering the diversity of employees’ background.
HR outsourcing companies are quite well-equipped to handle such complexities. They carry technologies to deal with the management of the workforce in terms of scheduling software, time-tracking systems, employee relations solutions to deal with different kinds of workforces.
2. Acquisition of appropriate talent
Right employees make any retail business successful. Sales associates, store managers, and customer service representatives stand right on the front lines of any company. These are the employees who work with customers and ultimately represent the company and its brand. Finding people who fit into your company’s established culture and values can be tough, especially when trying to keep up with today’s competitive labor market.
HR outsourcing companies are very professional at recruitment and have an excellent network of talents. They make use of well-proven recruitment techniques such as behavioral assessments and focused job advertisements in order to allow access to candidates who would be the best fit for your business.
3. Performance Management
One of the challenges to be faced in managing multiple stores or locations would be uniform performance by the employees. A performance management system would enable the retail manager to ensure that sales are achieved, company policy is followed, and good quality customer services are deployed.
External providers may provide performance management systems that include continuous appraisal, feedback, and development plans. This allows the managers to appraise employees’ performances while ensuring that there are continuously running improvement programs to ensure that their staff members meet the set targets of the organization and meet the standards on performance.
4. Compliance with Workplace Health and Safety
Workplace safety is of paramount importance in the retailing environment. Methods of avoiding accidents in dealing with emergencies and dealing with customers must be trained to the staff members. In case of failure to observe health and safety rules, accidents have taken place. Lawsuits and fines occur in such instances, where serious deterioration takes place in the image of the organization.
HR outsourcing providers can handle the functions concerning safety training, workplace audits, and compliance management and ensure that the retail businesses would be expected to meet all the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA and any other industry-specific regulations.
How HR Outsourcing Can Change Retail Businesses
HR outsourcing has so many benefits that transform the operations in the retail business:
Less Administrative Baggage: TCOE HR outsourcing like payroll, recruitment, and compliance to outsource the human resource tasks enable retail managers to focus on the service towards the customer and expand the business.
Streamlined Efficiency: With the help of specialized talent and HR software, an HR outsourcing provider can streamline several different processes and ensure more accurate payroll, scheduling, and benefits management.
Scalable Solutions: With the growth of retail business companies, scaling up the outsourcing service of the HR department can also be done along with the growth of the organization to provide flexible solutions which bend according to the needs of the company.
Employee Experience: Better competitive benefits, career advancement opportunities, and engagement strategies through the outsourced HR service will increase the satisfaction and retention of employees at work.
Risk Management: These third-party HR providers keep abreast of labor acts that change in any way, thus managing the risk of non-compliance and ensuring that your business is legally compliant with the labor requirements.
HR management is one of the strongest business differentiators of a successful business from its peers in an extremely competitive retail industry, and the tools available through HR outsourcing: the lineup that will help retail businesses manage high turnover, seasonal variations of employees, payroll complexities, and compliance challenges-all while giving a strong role for enhancing employee engagement and retention.
HR functions can then be outsourced to allow retailers to focus on what they are good at-from their customers or growing business. The complexities of management are left to the specialists. Whether you are a small boutique or a retail chain, HR outsourcing is flexible and cost-effective for the attainment of sustained success in the retail sector.
Salahkaar Consultants offers these services in many global markets. Visit their website at http://www.salahkaarconsultants.com and contact them to see if they can help your company as well.
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Ensure your safety and efficiency with our professional electrical testing services
In today's fast-paced world, safety and efficiency are paramount in all aspects of business operations. One key area that requires particular attention is electrical safety. Electrical systems are the backbone of our infrastructure, powering everything from manufacturing plants to office complexes. With increasing complexity and usage, the need for reliable electrical testing services has never been more critical.
Professional electrical testing services play a critical role in assuring electrical safety and operational efficiency. These services are more than simply compliance; they ensure that your electrical systems perform properly while reducing the potential of mishaps. Businesses that invest in these services can prevent costly downtime while also providing a safe working environment.
Why Electrical Testing Services Matter
Every electrical system deteriorates over time owing to wear and tear, climatic conditions, and load stress. Regular electrical testing services can detect possible issues before they turn into costly breakdowns or safety hazards. Professionals can efficiently detect difficulties by using modern procedures and the most up-to-date electrical test equipment, ensuring that systems stay functional and safe to run.
Electrical testing services encompass a variety of specialized tests that deliver crucial information about the integrity and performance of electrical installations. These include:
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5. Routine Inspections and Compliance Testing: Compliance with local regulations is essential, not just for legal reasons but also for maintaining a high level of safety. Routine inspections help ensure that your systems meet all necessary standards.
Utilizing Electrical Test Equipment Hire
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Investing in professional electrical testing services is a vital step for any organization reliant on electrical systems. By performing regular high voltage cable testing, undertaking circuit breaker maintenance, and utilizing sophisticated electrical test equipment, businesses can avoid accidents while enhancing overall efficiency.
Finally, prioritising electrical testing is more than simply a legislative need; it demonstrates a dedication to your employees' safety and well-being, asset protection, and operational continuity. Embrace the peace of mind that comes from knowing your electrical systems are safe and efficient. Ensure your safety and operational effectiveness with our expert electrical testing services today!
Whether you require routine inspections or specialised high voltage testing solutions, we are here to guide you through the complexity of electrical safety. Your safety is our top priority!
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payrollbd · 4 days
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govindhtech · 10 days
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The variety of NotebookLM applications amazes us. Since the product was built with writers, students, and educators, many early adopters have integrated it into research and writing processes. To research his upcoming book, best-selling novelist Walter Isaacson is using NotebookLM to examine Marie Curie’s writings.
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Documentary and podcast researchers who must wade through complicated archives for scripts or narrative ideas are also enthusiastic. However, Gemini 1.5 Pro’s sophisticated reasoning and NotebookLM’s source-grounding architecture have opened up many new applications:
Users save hours of manual analysis by using NotebookLM to summarize and modify interview transcripts to find patterns and themes. Consultant Victor Adefuye analyzes sales call transcripts for customized training and coaching using NotebookLM.
NotebookLM helps nonprofits discover neglected community needs and arrange grant requests. With the help of Google’s 14,000-member Discord community, they’ve found some unexpected and playful use cases, such as novelists and fan-fiction authors managing complex storylines using NotebookLM and Google’s favorite: role-playing game enthusiasts consulting detailed fantasy world descriptions for Dungeons and Dragons.
Getting started
NotebookLM beginners may start easily: You’ll create a notebook and upload project or deliverable materials when you first use NotebookLM. At that point, you may read, take notes, ask questions, organize your thoughts, or ask NotebookLM to automatically construct a study guide or table of contents from all your sources. NotebookLM does not train the model using uploaded inputs.
NotebookLM helps U.S. users make connections and get insights from enormous document collections, whether they’re building fictional worlds, writing bestseller biographies, or helping salespeople identify new consumers. They’re excited to see how others use it.
NotebookLM Audio Overview
Google’s new NotebookLM Audio Overview tool turns papers, presentations, charts, and more into lively conversations with one click. Google’s NotebookLM helps you understand complicated data. Once you submit your sources, it becomes an expert and bases its comments on citations and quotations. Personal data from your notebook is never used to train NotebookLM. Google’s most powerful model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, powers NotebookLM, your customized AI research helper.
Introducing Audio Overview, a new feature that allows you to create captivating audio talks right out of your documents. Two AI hosts use your sources to spark a fascinating “deep dive” discussion with only one click. They rephrase your content, draw links between ideas, and engage in lighthearted conversation. The chat can even be downloaded for portability.
Google NotebookLM
Remember that these produced debates are a reflection of your supplied materials, not a complete or impartial picture of a subject.
Follow these steps to try:
Open an existing notebook
Check your Notebook guide.
Click “Generate” to produce an Audio Overview.
NotebookLM Audio Overview is experimental and has limits. Creating an Audio Overview might take several minutes for big notebooks. Today’s AI hosts explain your sources in English, occasionally make mistakes, and you can’t stop them.
They’re delighted to include audio to NotebookLM since some individuals learn and recall better by listening to conversations. Share your input so they can improve Audio Overview for knowing what matters most to you.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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sun-technologies · 26 days
Code Migration and Modernization: Why Manual Tests are Necessary
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There are many reasons that motivate application owners to modernize the existing code base. Some of the objectives outlined by most of our top clients includes the following:
Making the codes safer to change in the future without breaking functionality
Ensuring the code becomes more container friendly and is easy to update
Moving to less expensive and easy-to-maintain application server
Moving off from a deprecated version of Java to the most updated version
Migrating from a hybrid codebase to traditional java code
Ensuring codes are testable and writing tests become faster, easier
Ensuring codes and configurations are more container friendly
For most of our clients, another key roadblock is finding the talent and skills to write manual test cases. When the state of the code undergoes many changes over the years, it can create problems in adding test coverage. Therefore, in many applications, it may also require manual creation of test cases.
In most cases, our clients come to us because their application teams have to deal with problems of legacy code modernization and testing. Legacy code is typically code that has been in use for a long time and may not have been well-documented, often-times lacking automated tests.
Here’s what makes preparation of manual test cases necessary:
Lack of Automated Tests
No Existing Test Coverage: Legacy code often lacks automated tests, which means that there is no existing suite of tests to rely on. Writing manual test cases helps ensure that the code behaves as expected before any changes are made.
Gradual Test Automation: While the long-term goal might be to automate testing, starting with manual test cases allows for immediate validation and helps in identifying critical areas for automated test development.
Understanding Complex and Untested Code
Code Complexity: Legacy systems can be complex and difficult to understand, especially if the code has evolved over time without proper refactoring. Manual testing allows testers to interact with the system in a way that automated tests may not easily facilitate, helping to uncover edge cases and unexpected behavior.
Exploratory Testing: Manual testing allows for exploratory testing, where testers can use their intuition and experience to find issues that are not covered by predefined test cases. This is particularly important in legacy systems where the code’s behavior might be unpredictable.
High Risk of Breaking Changes
Fragility of Legacy Systems: Legacy code is often fragile, and small changes can lead to significant issues elsewhere in the system. Manual test cases allow for careful and deliberate testing, reducing the risk of introducing breaking changes.
Regression Testing: Manual regression testing is often necessary to ensure that new changes do not negatively impact existing functionality, especially when automated regression tests are not available.
Lack of Documentation
Poor or Outdated Documentation: Legacy code is often poorly documented, if at all. Manual test cases can serve as a form of documentation, helping developers and testers understand the expected behavior of the system.
Knowledge Transfer: Manual test cases can also help in knowledge transfer, especially when working with code that was originally written by developers who are no longer with the organization.
Limited Tooling and Automation Compatibility
Incompatibility with Modern Tools: Legacy systems may not be compatible with modern testing frameworks and tools, making it difficult to implement automated testing without significant investment in refactoring or tool adaptation. In such cases, manual testing might be the most feasible option.
Custom or Proprietary Systems: If the legacy code is part of a custom or proprietary system, existing automated testing tools might not work out of the box, necessitating manual test case development.
Interdependencies with Other Legacy Systems
Complex Interactions: Legacy code often interacts with other legacy systems, and the complexity of these interactions may not be fully understood. Manual testing allows testers to observe and verify the behavior of the system as a whole, which can be difficult to achieve with automated tests alone.
End-to-End Testing: Manual end-to-end testing is often necessary in legacy environments to ensure that all components of the system work together as expected.
Identifying Test Scenarios for Automation
Test Case Identification: Writing manual test cases helps identify critical and high-value test scenarios that should be automated in the future. This can serve as a roadmap for gradually building an automated test suite.
Incremental Automation: Starting with manual tests allows teams to prioritize and incrementally automate the most important or frequently executed test cases.
Case Study: Executing Manual Regression Testing for a Legacy Collateral Management System of a Federal bank
A top Federal Bank had been using a legacy loan advances system for over a decade. The system was originally developed in COBOL and has undergone numerous small updates over the years. However, it lacked automated test coverage, and the codebase was complex, with many interdependencies. The system’s functionality was critical, as it handled the calculation of mortgages and distribution of loans.
A typical problem:
The bank’s application team decided to make a small but significant change to the system. This meant updating the tax calculation logic to comply with new government policy regulations. This change required modification in risk calculations of loan applicants.
Given the age and complexity of the system, there were concerns about the potential for unintended side effects. The loan advances system is tightly integrated with other legacy systems, used by auditors and risk compliance, and a bug could lead to incorrect calculations, which would be a serious issue.
The system had no automated test suite due to its age and the lack of modern testing practices when it was originally developed.
The codebase was poorly documented, making it difficult to fully understand the impact of the changes.
The potential risk of failure was high, as any error in tax calculations could lead to legal compliance issues and unhappy employees.
Due to the lack of automated tests and the critical nature of the loan ad system, it was decided that a manual regression test would be conducted. The regression test would focus on ensuring that the recent changes to the tax calculation logic did not break any existing functionality.
Steps Taken:
Testing team identified key test cases that covered the most critical functionalities of the payroll system, including:
Accurate calculation of collateral value for different types of assets
Correct application of federal and state taxes
Proper handling of risk and compliance
Accurate generation of loan disbursal stubs and financial reports
Creation of Test Data: The testers created a set of test data that included employees from different tax brackets, states, and employment categories. This data was designed to cover various scenarios that might be affected by the mortgage calculation changes.
Manual Execution of Test Cases: The testing team manually executed the identified test cases. This involved:
Running the collateral calculations for different brackets as a separate test scenarios
Verifying that the calculations were correct according to the new regulations
Checking that no other parts of other interlinked process were affected by the changes (e.g., credit check, risk analysis, compliance)
Validation of Results: Testers cross-checked the results against expected outcomes. They manually calculated and validated results for each scenario and compared these with the outputs from the system.
Exploratory Testing: In addition to predefined test cases, testers performed exploratory testing to uncover any unexpected issues. This involved running the payroll process under various edge cases, such as unusual deduction combinations or high-income employees in multiple states.
The manual regression testing uncovered a few minor issues where the mortgage calculations were slightly off for specific edge cases. These issues were documented, fixed, and re-tested manually. The overall system was confirmed to be stable after the changes, with all critical functionalities working as expected.
The manual regression test provided confidence that the collateral system would function correctly in production. As a result, the company successfully updated the system to comply with the new tax regulations without any disruptions.
Lessons Learned:
Importance of Manual Testing: In environments where automated testing is not feasible, manual regression testing is essential to ensure that critical systems continue to function correctly after changes.
Documentation: The process highlighted the importance of documenting test cases and results, especially in legacy systems where knowledge is often scattered or lost over time.
Incremental Improvement: The Federal Bank recognized the need to gradually build an automated test suite for the collateral system to reduce reliance on manual testing in the future.
Need Expert Testing and Code Migration Services for Your COBOL-Based Applications?Schedule a call today!
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lompocwinefactory · 1 month
best web development company in india
KUS Software stands out as the best web development company in India. Known for its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach, KUS Software has established a strong reputation in the industry. In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses require robust and dynamic websites to stay competitive. India, known for its technological prowess, has emerged as a hub for web development services. Among the myriad of web development companies, KUS Software stands out as a beacon of excellence. With a commitment to quality and innovation, KUS Software has carved a niche as the best web development company in India. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the myriad reasons why KUS Software is the go-to choice for web development services.
Unmatched Expertise in Web Development
KUS Software boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced web developers. Our team is proficient in a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Ruby on Rails. This diverse expertise enables us to cater to various client needs, from simple websites to complex web applications.
Innovative Solutions for Diverse Industries
We understand that each industry has unique requirements. Whether it’s e-commerce, healthcare, finance, education, or entertainment, KUS Software provides tailored solutions that meet industry-specific needs. Our innovative approach ensures that each project we undertake is customized to align with the client’s business goals and objectives.
Client-Centric Approach
At KUS Software, we believe in putting the client at the center of everything we do. Our client-centric approach involves understanding the client’s vision, objectives, and challenges. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their ideas are translated into a functional and visually appealing website.
Transparent Communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of our client relationships. From the initial consultation to project delivery and beyond, we maintain transparent communication channels. This ensures that our clients are always in the loop regarding the progress of their projects.
Cutting-Edge Technologies
To stay ahead of the curve, KUS Software leverages the latest and most advanced technologies in web development. We continuously update our knowledge and skills to incorporate new trends and innovations. Some of the cutting-edge technologies we specialize in include:
Responsive Web Design: Ensuring websites are optimized for all devices.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Combining the best of web and mobile apps.
Single Page Applications (SPAs): Providing a seamless user experience.
Content Management Systems (CMS): Offering easy website management for clients.
Robust Project Management
Effective project management is crucial for the successful delivery of web development projects. At KUS Software, we follow a structured approach to project management, ensuring that every project is completed on time and within budget.
Agile Methodology
We adopt the Agile methodology for project management, which allows us to deliver projects in incremental stages. This iterative approach enables us to make necessary adjustments based on client feedback, ensuring the final product meets client expectations.
Quality Assurance
Quality is non-negotiable at KUS Software. Our rigorous quality assurance processes ensure that every website we develop is thoroughly tested for functionality, performance, and security. We adhere to best practices and industry standards to deliver high-quality web solutions.
SEO-Friendly Web Development
In today’s digital age, having a website is not enough. It needs to be visible to your target audience. KUS Software integrates search engine optimization (SEO) best practices into the web development process. Our SEO-friendly web development ensures that your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving organic traffic and increasing visibility.
Keyword Research and Integration
We conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. These keywords are strategically integrated into your website’s content, meta tags, and URLs to enhance search engine rankings.
Technical SEO
Our technical SEO services ensure that your website is optimized for search engines. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, implementing structured data, and improving site architecture.
Comprehensive Post-Launch Support
Our commitment to clients does not end with the launch of their websites. KUS Software provides comprehensive post-launch support to ensure that your website continues to perform optimally.
Maintenance and Updates
We offer ongoing maintenance and updates to keep your website secure and up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Our support team is always available to address any issues or make necessary improvements.
Performance Monitoring
We continuously monitor the performance of your website using advanced analytics tools. This allows us to identify and address any issues promptly, ensuring that your website delivers a seamless user experience.
Why Choose KUS Software?
Choosing the right web development company is a critical decision for any business. Here are some compelling reasons why KUS Software is the best choice for your web development needs:
Proven Track Record: We have a proven track record of delivering successful web development projects across various industries.
Skilled Team: Our team of experts is proficient in the latest technologies and committed to continuous learning.
Client Satisfaction: We prioritize client satisfaction and work diligently to exceed client expectations.
Competitive Pricing: We offer high-quality web development services at competitive prices, ensuring value for money.
Innovative Solutions: Our innovative approach ensures that we deliver unique and effective solutions tailored to your business needs.
KUS Software is undeniably the best web development company in India. Our commitment to excellence, client-centric approach, and expertise in cutting-edge technologies set us apart from the competition. We are dedicated to helping businesses succeed in the digital world by providing top-notch web development services.
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suparnachemical · 2 months
How Chemicals Are Revolutionizing Medicine And Healthcare
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Chemicals are making a huge impact in the field of medicine and healthcare due to the advancement and huge growth in chemical research and innovation. Actually you may think that chemicals are always only dangerous but your thinking is very wrong, it is a very big fact that chemicals are used in medicine and the healthcare sector as well. It is worth noting that chemicals play an important role in the development of new treatments, diagnostics and therapeutic solutions.
Keep in mind that chemicals play a role in everything from important medicines to advanced medical technologies. But our eyes always have a great fear of chemicals, surely you will too. If you want to get rid of your fear then read our blog completely and you will get full clarity about the benefits of chemicals, most importantly you should read the entire blog without skipping. Our blog will definitely be very interesting without being boring.
Role of Sodium Tert Butoxide in Pharmaceutical Synthesis
Sodium Tert Butoxide (STB) is an important player in the pharmaceutical industry for many usages. This chemical is doing its best to create various organic compounds that are the building blocks of many medicines. Sodium Tert Butoxide requirements are very important for the production of various drugs including cancer treatment and other complex therapies. 
(STB) has always been used most prominently in complex molecular synthesis. Its most important advantage is that it is very helpful in making medicines with minimal side effects then also it is widely used in the development of novel drugs. 
Potassium Tertiary Butoxide: Advancing Drug Development
It acts as a strong base like iron and is used in various reactions important for drug development. Actually Potassium Tertiary Butoxide has made another impact in the health chemical manufacturing industry and is establishing its important role. 
It is primarily used by all in the medical field as a base in the formulation of medicines
Facilitates reactions leading to the formation of important medicinal compounds
Potassium Tertiary Butoxide is highly needed to develop effective treatments for a wide range of health conditions
Its high reactivity and stability under various conditions make it an essential reagent for developing new drugs and improving existing therapeutic agents
This paves the way for effective treatment with fewer side effects
Innovations in the chemical synthesis of Potassium Tert Butoxide
Potassium Tert Butoxide, like its counterpart Potassium Tertiary Butoxide, is widely used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Actually Potassium Tert Butoxide is used in the manufacture of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Below are some important key points, read it and get full clarity about Potassium Tert Butoxide. 
Its role in promoting specific reactions is important
This is a major reason for the development of complex molecules required in modern medicine
Potassium Tert Butoxide is highly needed to develop effective treatments for a wide range of health conditions
This makes it an excellent choice for various chemical reactions involved in drug manufacturing
Potassium Tert Butoxide contributes to the advancement of personalized medicine by enabling synthesis of novel compounds
Drug research is used for the discovery of new drug candidates and therapeutic approaches
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Sodium Methoxide Powder Importance
Sodium methoxide powder is used in the production of biodiesel and various pharmaceutical products. Its applications include the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and the development of new therapeutics. In fact the function of sodium methoxide powder in pharmaceutical production is especially when it is used as a catalyst in chemical reactions. Now you know that this chemical is the source of the complex molecules and intermediate necessary for the production of high-quality drugs. If you feel that you need a sodium methoxide powder manufacturer and supplier, it is better to contact us as reliable chemical companies.
Sodium Tertiary Butylate: Enhancing Drug Formulation
Sodium Tertiary Butylate is doing its job flawlessly in making drugs. It plays an important role in chemical reactions for the development of drugs with specific properties and functions, such as an anchor that is essential to every ship. Actually sodium tertiary butylate is used in various pharmaceutical formulations so you may be wondering why it is used in various pharmaceutical formulations. Why because it is used to alleviate certain diseases or conditions. Below are some important key points. 
sodium tertiary butylate helps achieve desired chemical properties In pharmaceuticals.
This is important to ensure that medicines are effective and safe for patients.
Its use in drug development is used in clinical research and development of healthcare solutions.
Future Directions in Chemical Research and Healthcare
The future of medicine and healthcare will undoubtedly be driven by the continuous flow of chemical research and the discovery of many new functions. It is worth noting that researchers have been very optimistic about chemical discoveries in the emerging fields of nanomedicine, personalized medicine and regenerative medicine. So there is not the slightest doubt that in the coming times chemistry will be very helpful in discovering drugs to cure many diseases. 
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Now we have come to the final part of the blog, we hope that our blog has left you with a good idea without the fear of chemicals. You will also now understand that chemicals are at the forefront of the revolution in medicine and healthcare. Contributions of these chemicals include drug synthesis, diagnostic tools, medical devices and overall patient care. Are you looking for the best chemical manufacturers and suppliers? If so then you have come to the right place, at Suparna Chemicals we manufacture and supply all the above mentioned chemicals and our company is also ISO certified, so contact us immediately and get what you need.
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diettoxsupplements · 4 months
Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi | Diettox
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Maintaining optimal health in today’s fast-paced world can be challenging, especially with the dietary gaps that often arise from our hectic lifestyles. Multivitamin supplements can play a crucial role in filling these gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. At Diettox, we aim to provide comprehensive information and access to the best Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi. This guide will also explore options for multivitamin supplements in Dubai, ensuring you have all the information you need to make the best choices for your health.
Why Take Multivitamin Supplements?
Multivitamins are designed to provide a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your diet. Here are some key reasons to consider adding them to your daily routine:
Fill Nutritional Gaps: Even with a balanced diet, it can be challenging to get all the necessary nutrients. Multivitamins help ensure you meet your daily requirements.
Boost Energy Levels: Vitamins and minerals play a critical role in energy production and metabolism.
Support Immune Health: Essential nutrients like vitamins C and D, along with zinc, are vital for maintaining a strong immune system.
Promote Overall Well-being: Multivitamins support various bodily functions, including heart health, brain function, and bone strength.
Choosing the Right Multivitamin
Selecting the right multivitamin supplements in Abu Dhabi involves understanding your specific nutritional needs and ensuring the quality of the products you choose.
Identify Your Nutritional Needs
Different individuals have varying nutritional needs based on factors like age, gender, lifestyle, and health conditions. Here are some tailored options:
For Men: Look for multivitamins with higher levels of vitamins C, E, and K, as well as zinc and selenium.
For Women: Choose multivitamins that include more iron, calcium, and folic acid to support reproductive health and bone strength.
For Seniors: Opt for formulas with higher levels of vitamin D, calcium, and B12 to support bone health and cognitive function.
Check the Ingredients
Ensure the multivitamin includes a comprehensive range of essential vitamins and minerals. Look for products with:
Vitamins: A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K.
Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, and iodine.
Avoid multivitamins with unnecessary fillers, artificial colors, or preservatives.
Consider Quality and Bioavailability
Choose multivitamins from reputable brands that adhere to high-quality standards. Look for products that have been tested by third-party organizations to ensure their purity and potency. Also, consider the bioavailability of the nutrients — how well your body can absorb and utilize them.
Where to Buy Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi
When searching for multivitamin supplements in Abu Dhabi, you have several options, both in-store and online.
Local Stores
Pharmacies: Visit reputable pharmacies such as Life Pharmacy and Boots for a wide selection of multivitamins.
Health Stores: Stores like GNC and Nutrition Zone offer various multivitamin products catering to different needs.
Online Retailers
E-commerce Websites: Platforms like Souq, Noon, and Amazon.ae offer a broad range of multivitamins with the convenience of home delivery.
Brand Websites: Purchasing directly from the brand’s official website ensures product authenticity and quality.
Exploring Multivitamin Supplements in Dubai
While focusing on Abu Dhabi, it’s beneficial to also consider multivitamin supplements in Dubai. Sometimes, products might be more readily available or offered at different prices.
Comparing Options
Availability: Dubai’s larger market may have a wider variety of multivitamin supplements.
Price Differences: Comparing prices between Abu Dhabi and Dubai can help you find the best deals.
Tips for Effective Use of Multivitamins
To get the most out of your multivitamin supplements, follow these tips:
Consistent Timing: Take your multivitamin at the same time each day to establish a routine.
Pair with Meals: Consuming multivitamins with meals can enhance nutrient absorption and reduce the risk of stomach upset.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps in the absorption and utilization of vitamins and minerals.
Follow Recommended Dosage: Stick to the recommended dosage on the label or as advised by your healthcare provider to avoid potential side effects.
Finding the best multivitamin supplements in Abu Dhabi involves understanding your nutritional needs, researching quality products, and exploring both local and online purchasing options. By also considering Multivitamin Supplements in Dubai, you can expand your choices and potentially find better deals. With the right multivitamin, you can support your overall health, fill nutritional gaps, and enhance your wellness journey. At Diettox, we are committed to helping you make informed decisions about your health and supplements.
Click here For more information:-https://diettox.com
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theiibms · 4 months
Reasons to Get an MBA
Top Reasons to get an MBA
Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) can be a transformative decision for many professionals. Whether you're considering a traditional MBA or an Executive MBA (EMBA), this advanced degree offers numerous benefits that can help you achieve your career goals. Here are some compelling reasons to get an MBA:
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Pivot in Your Career
An Executive MBA can serve as a powerful tool for those looking to make a significant career change. Whether you're moving into a new industry or taking on a different role within your current field, an Executive Master of Business Administration provides the skills and knowledge necessary to make a successful transition. The EMBA programs are designed to equip professionals with a broad understanding of business principles, making it easier to pivot into new areas with confidence. This flexibility can be particularly valuable for those looking to shift from technical roles to management positions, or for those seeking to enter emerging industries.
To Increase Your Salary
One of the most attractive benefits of an Executive MBA is the potential for a significant salary increase. Many EMBA graduates see substantial salary hikes post-graduation, thanks to the advanced skills and knowledge they acquire during the EMBA course. Employers often recognize the value of an MBA, rewarding graduates with higher compensation packages. This can lead to a quicker return on investment, making the decision to pursue an EMBA financially rewarding in the long run.
Strong Alumni Network
Another significant advantage of pursuing an Executive MBA is the access to a strong alumni network. EMBA programs often boast extensive and influential alumni networks that span various industries and regions. These connections can be invaluable for career advancement, business opportunities, and professional development. Networking with fellow alumni can open doors to new job opportunities, provide mentorship, and foster lifelong professional relationships that can support your career growth.
Work in a Different Function
If you’re looking to work in a different function within your current organization or industry, an Executive MBA can provide the necessary skills and credentials to make that shift. EMBA courses cover a wide range of business disciplines, from finance and marketing to operations and strategy. This comprehensive education allows you to gain a deeper understanding of various business functions, enabling you to transition smoothly into new roles and responsibilities. Whether you're aiming to move from a technical role to a strategic position or switch from operations to marketing, an EMBA can facilitate this career transition.
Interested in Leadership Roles
For those aspiring to take on leadership roles, an Executive MBA is an excellent stepping stone. The curriculum of EMBA programs is designed to develop critical leadership skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and team management. Through coursework, case studies, and real-world projects, you will learn how to lead effectively in complex business environments. An Executive Master of Business Administration also provides opportunities to practice these skills in a supportive setting, preparing you to assume leadership positions with confidence and competence.
Return on Investment (Top Tier Firms)
An EMBA offers a compelling return on investment, especially when considering top-tier firms. Graduates from reputable EMBA programs often find themselves recruited by leading companies that recognize the value of an advanced business education. These firms are willing to invest in professionals who have demonstrated a commitment to their personal and professional development through an EMBA. The combination of higher earning potential, increased job opportunities, and the prestige of a top-tier degree can provide a significant return on the time and money invested in an Executive MBA.
Make Lifelong Qualitative Friends
Beyond the professional advantages, an Executive MBA also offers the opportunity to make lifelong qualitative friends. The cohort model of many EMBA programs fosters a close-knit community of like-minded professionals who share similar goals and aspirations. The collaborative nature of EMBA courses encourages strong bonds and friendships that extend beyond the classroom. These relationships can provide personal support, professional collaboration, and a network of friends who understand the unique challenges and rewards of pursuing an EMBA.
Having a Break from Corporate
Finally, an Executive MBA can serve as a valuable break from the corporate grind. While still being intellectually and professionally stimulating, an EMBA allows you to step back from your day-to-day responsibilities and focus on personal growth and development. This break can provide a fresh perspective on your career, new insights into business practices, and renewed motivation to achieve your professional goals. It can also be a time to reflect on your career path and make strategic decisions about your future.
In conclusion, an Executive MBA offers numerous benefits, from career pivots and salary increases to leadership development and strong alumni networks. It provides a comprehensive education that prepares professionals to take on new challenges and opportunities in the business world. Whether you're looking to advance in your current field, switch industries, or take on leadership roles, an Executive MBA can be a valuable investment in your future.
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can vpn lose browsing be traced
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can vpn lose browsing be traced
VPN encryption methods
VPN encryption methods play a crucial role in ensuring online security and privacy for users. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) use various encryption techniques to protect data transmitted over the internet from potential cyber threats and unauthorized access. Here are some common VPN encryption methods used by providers to safeguard user information:
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): AES is the most widely used encryption protocol in VPN services. It offers strong encryption with varying key lengths such as 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit, making it extremely difficult for hackers to decrypt data.
SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security): SSL and its successor TLS are protocols that establish secure connections between a user’s device and the VPN server. They use cryptographic algorithms to encrypt data during transmission, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.
OpenVPN: OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol known for its versatility and security features. It utilizes OpenSSL encryption library and provides support for various ciphers, key exchange protocols, and authentication methods.
IPsec (Internet Protocol Security): IPsec operates at the network layer and encrypts data packets for secure communication. It offers tunnel and transport modes for protecting VPN connections and supports different encryption algorithms like DES, 3DES, and AES.
L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol/Internet Protocol Security): L2TP/IPsec combines the advantages of L2TP and IPsec to create a secure VPN tunnel. While L2TP handles the tunneling process, IPsec provides encryption and authentication functions.
By employing robust encryption methods like AES, SSL/TLS, OpenVPN, IPsec, and L2TP/IPsec, VPN services aim to enhance data security and privacy, safeguarding users’ sensitive information against cyber threats and surveillance efforts. It is essential for individuals and organizations to choose VPN providers that implement strong encryption protocols to ensure their online activities remain confidential and protected.
Tracing VPN connections
When it comes to online security and privacy, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) play a crucial role in safeguarding our data and online activities. However, there may be instances where you need to trace VPN connections for various reasons.
Tracing VPN connections can be a challenging task due to the nature of VPNs designed to mask users' true IP addresses and encrypt internet traffic. But in some cases, such as investigating illegal activities or troubleshooting network issues, it becomes necessary to identify and trace VPN connections.
Network administrators and cybersecurity professionals use specialized tools and techniques to trace VPN connections. By analyzing network traffic logs, detecting abnormal behavior, and monitoring incoming and outgoing data packets, they can trace the origin of VPN connections.
Furthermore, cooperation with VPN service providers may be required to trace connections to specific users. Providers often keep logs of user activity for a certain period, which can help in identifying the source of a VPN connection.
It's essential to highlight that tracing VPN connections should only be done by authorized personnel and in compliance with privacy regulations. The data collected during the tracing process should be handled securely and used responsibly to protect user privacy rights.
In conclusion, tracing VPN connections is a complex process that requires expertise and proper tools. By following strict protocols and guidelines, cybersecurity professionals can effectively trace VPN connections when necessary.
DNS leaks and VPNs
Preventing DNS Leaks: A Crucial Aspect of VPN Security
When it comes to safeguarding your online privacy, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is often the go-to solution. However, many users are unaware of a potential vulnerability that can compromise their anonymity: DNS leaks.
DNS (Domain Name System) is the protocol responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites through their browsers. When you connect to the internet through a VPN, all your internet traffic is supposed to be routed through the VPN server, including DNS requests. This ensures that your browsing activity remains encrypted and anonymous.
However, in some cases, DNS requests may bypass the VPN tunnel and be sent to your Internet Service Provider's (ISP) DNS servers instead. This is known as a DNS leak, and it can expose your browsing history and other sensitive information to your ISP, government agencies, or malicious third parties.
There are several reasons why DNS leaks can occur, including misconfigurations in VPN software, operating system flaws, or issues with your network settings. Regardless of the cause, the consequences of a DNS leak can be severe, undermining the very purpose of using a VPN for privacy protection.
To mitigate the risk of DNS leaks, it's essential to choose a reliable VPN provider that offers built-in DNS leak protection. Additionally, users can manually configure their operating system or router to use secure DNS servers, such as those provided by reputable companies like Google ( and or Cloudflare (, further minimizing the likelihood of leaks.
Regularly testing your VPN connection for DNS leaks using online tools or dedicated software is also recommended to ensure that your privacy remains intact while browsing the web. By staying vigilant and implementing these preventive measures, users can enjoy the full benefits of VPN technology without compromising their online security and anonymity.
VPN logging policies
Title: Understanding VPN Logging Policies: What You Need to Know
In the realm of online security and privacy, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become indispensable tools for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring anonymous browsing. However, not all VPN services are created equal, especially when it comes to their logging policies. Understanding VPN logging policies is crucial for users who prioritize privacy and anonymity online.
Simply put, a VPN logging policy outlines what user information the VPN provider collects and retains while users are connected to their servers. There are generally three types of logging policies:
No-logs Policy: VPN providers with a strict no-logs policy do not collect any user data. This includes browsing history, IP addresses, timestamps, or any other identifying information. No-logs policies offer the highest level of privacy and anonymity.
Partial-logs Policy: Some VPNs may collect minimal data for operational purposes, such as connection timestamps or bandwidth usage, but they do not retain any information that could identify individual users. While not as privacy-centric as no-logs policies, partial-logs policies still offer a significant level of anonymity.
Logs Policy: VPNs with logs policies retain various user data, including IP addresses, browsing activity, connection timestamps, and more. While this data may be used for troubleshooting or optimizing the service, it also poses a risk to user privacy, as it could be subpoenaed or accessed by third parties.
When choosing a VPN service, it's essential to carefully review their logging policy to ensure it aligns with your privacy needs. Opting for a VPN with a strict no-logs policy is generally recommended for users who prioritize anonymity and data privacy. Additionally, transparency from the VPN provider regarding their logging practices is crucial for building trust with users.
In conclusion, understanding VPN logging policies is paramount for making informed decisions about online privacy and security. By opting for VPN services with stringent no-logs policies, users can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their online activities remain private and anonymous.
Forensic analysis of VPN traffic
Forensic analysis of VPN traffic is a crucial process used to investigate potential security breaches, unauthorized access, or illicit activities conducted over virtual private network connections. VPNs are popular tools for ensuring privacy and security online by encrypting internet traffic and masking users' IP addresses. However, criminals have also exploited VPNs for malicious purposes, making it essential for forensic analysts to examine VPN traffic in digital investigations.
During a forensic analysis of VPN traffic, experts utilize specialized tools to trace and monitor network activities, decrypt encrypted data, and reconstruct communication patterns. By examining packet captures and log files, analysts can identify any anomalies or suspicious behaviors within the VPN traffic. They also look for patterns of data exfiltration, malware infections, or unauthorized access attempts that could indicate a security incident.
Furthermore, forensic analysts may analyze VPN connection logs to determine the origin and destination of network traffic, the duration of connections, and the volume of data transmitted. This information can provide valuable insights into the activities of users connected to the VPN and help investigators reconstruct timelines of events.
In conclusion, forensic analysis of VPN traffic plays a critical role in identifying and mitigating cybersecurity incidents, ensuring the integrity of digital evidence, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. By meticulously examining VPN traffic, forensic analysts can uncover crucial evidence that may shed light on illicit activities and help strengthen cybersecurity measures to prevent future breaches.
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aven-data · 6 months
Navigating Technical Challenges in SAP Carve-Outs: Strategies for Success
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SAP carve-outs, while often necessary for strategic reasons, present unique technical challenges that organizations must overcome to ensure a seamless transition. From data migration complexities to system integration hurdles, navigating these technical obstacles requires careful planning and execution. Here's a closer look at some common technical challenges in SAP carve-outs and the solutions to address them:
Data Migration Complexity
One of the most significant technical challenges in SAP carve-outs is the complexity of data migration. Transferring data from the parent company's SAP system to the newly carved-out entity requires meticulous planning and execution to ensure data accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Organizations must develop robust data migration strategies, including data cleansing, mapping, and validation, to mitigate the risk of data loss or corruption during the transition.
System Integration and Compatibility
Integrating the carved-out entity's SAP system with existing systems and applications can pose significant challenges, particularly if there are compatibility issues or disparate technology platforms. Organizations must conduct thorough compatibility assessments and develop integration roadmaps to ensure seamless communication and data exchange between systems. This may involve custom development, middleware solutions, or leveraging SAP's integration tools to streamline the integration process.
Customization and Configuration Alignment
Aligning the customized configurations and business processes of the carved-out entity with the parent company's SAP system can be a daunting task. Organizations must assess the extent of customization in both systems and develop strategies to reconcile differences while preserving critical functionalities. This may involve conducting configuration audits, standardizing processes, and implementing configuration management tools to maintain consistency across systems.
Security and Compliance Considerations
Maintaining data security and compliance with regulatory requirements is paramount during SAP carve-outs, especially when sensitive information is being transferred between entities. Organizations must implement robust security measures, such as role-based access controls, encryption, and data masking, to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches. Additionally, compliance with industry-specific regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA, must be carefully evaluated and addressed to avoid legal and financial repercussions.
Successfully navigating the technical challenges of SAP carve-outs requires a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved and a strategic approach to overcome them. By addressing data migration complexity, system integration challenges, customization alignment, and security and compliance considerations, organizations can minimize risks and disruptions during the transition process. With careful planning, diligent execution, and the right expertise, organizations can achieve a seamless SAP carve-out that sets the stage for future growth and success.
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sswfashion · 7 months
Scaling Enterprise SEO: Navigating Unique Challenges for Maximum Impact
1. Lack of speed
Effective enterprise SEO requires speed. You’ll never hit your marketing KPIs if your SEO experts have to wait six to nine months to implement recommendations due to internal red tape and a lack of prioritization from the executive level.
2. Soft skills development
Getting something done in enterprise SEO often relies on soft skills, so much so that soft skills might even be more important than SEO skills and competency. Digital leaders and SEO channel owners spend more time identifying the best way to report on results, present insights to executives, and manage up than they do on technical implementation.
3. Lack of resources compounded by internal roadblocks to secure buy-in
Another major enterprise SEO mistake happens when the necessary resources are not provided or invested in. Some marketing teams at enterprise organizations only have one or two individuals owning the entire SEO strategy. Others may have a built-out team, including SEO generalists, technical SEOs, and an organic channel owner, but overlook the importance of hiring full-time content writers
4. Centralized vs. decentralized SEO and SEO governance
Centralized SEO is where one central team owns all strategic decision-making and operates as the channel owner.
Centralized vs. decentralized internal SEO structures also highlight the importance of developing an SEO governance strategy to safeguard your SEO performance. Governance strategies can get overlooked in enterprise organizations for different reasons. But when teams expand or are split across regions or countries, those governance policies protect current rankings, website performance, and user experience.
7. Ineffective use of SEO data or solutions
SEO data is notoriously difficult to access and compile. Depending on which SEO platforms or solutions they have access to, many SEOs and marketing leaders make the mistake of relying on the wrong metrics, misinterpreting data, or failing to maximize the functionality of the chosen solution.
8. Unable to procure the best SEO solution The enterprise tech procurement process is no joke. Enterprise companies want to ensure they get the most for their money, especially during an economic downturn.
Forrester’s 2023 B2B Summit North America highlighted how internal tech purchasing processes have grown exponentially more complex over the last 12 to 18 months. On average, there are now four separate departments involved, buying committees now include stakeholders throughout nearly all aspects of an organization, and the end-to-end process from outreach to onboarding is taking much longer. It’s easy for the voice and priorities of the SEO channel owner to get lost as decision-makers with more authority prioritize lower costs and shorter contract lengths over platform functionality.
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infoshakil260 · 8 months
SRM project practice project planning and implementation
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After we have completed the project approval report, we must carry out specific planning and implementation. So what can we do to improve work efficiency? The author of this article has conducted a detailed analysis on this issue and hopes to help you in your work.
The previous article focused on the two questions in the project report: "Why do it?" "The problem.
1. Overview of project process
Procurement digital project construction usually requires five stages: initiation , planning , implementation , delivery , and application . Project construction is generally divided into two situations: independent development or Party B's participation (that is, the introduction of SRM system suppliers).
Although there are differences in some HE Tuber links between the two methods, the core links are the same, and complete project management methods need to be followed as guidance during the project process to ensure the smooth progress of the project. The following are the main processes of the two methods:
2. Comprehensive project evaluation
Digital construction projects are all driven by enterprise needs, and subsequent applications can only generate value if they match the needs of enterprises, and the construction and management of procurement digitalization is no exception. Before advancing procurement digitization, the following points need to be clarified:
1. Current situation assessment
Clarify the basic digital background such as the procurement digital management strategy, the comprehensive development of enterprise digitalization, procurement-related and upstream and downstream system construction and application. Usually procurement belongs to the OTD (Order to Delivery) module of the enterprise (from order planning to product delivery) , involving the following systems:
2. Requirements sorting
If procurement digitization is initiated by the information technology department, then the information technology department needs to work with the procurement department to sort out the company's current procurement business processes, supplier management systems, and plans for the next 1-3 years, and identify existing problems and problems in the procurement management process. need.
In addition, it is also necessary to conduct research on the upstream and downstream departments of procurement such as production, administration, and quality, and even external suppliers, integrate existing problems and key links that need improvement in the coordination process of upstream and downstream links, and consider how to use new technologies and new technologies. Tools solve major problems.
Regardless of whether an enterprise's procurement process is simple or complex, it all evolves from the most basic procurement process. From a business perspective, the common basic procurement processes are as follows:
3. Output and input planning
Before the project is formally established, it is necessary to clarify the goals of procurement digitization, the human, financial and material costs that the company can invest, and potential risks. Once the strategic goals and business needs are clear, and there is sufficient human, financial and material investment, you can apply for project approval. The initially sorted out demand scenarios can be used as considerations in tool selection, blueprint planning, and function development.
3. Develop an implementation plan
The prerequisite for successful project implementation is to formulate a reasonable implementation plan based on the organization's needs, resources and time. Only good plans can effectively improve development efficiency, shorten the project cycle, and achieve the expected project goals.
When developing a project implementation plan, you usually need to consider the following key elements and steps:
1. Clarify the project scope
When an enterprise is large-scale and has many digital procurement needs, it is generally difficult to plan all the needs at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to plan multi-phase projects according to the priorities of different modules, giving priority to core processes and high digital value needs.
At this time, you can organize and adapt based on the "demand scenarios sorted out through research" and the "SRM functional module framework" to confirm the functional modules and business processes to be included in the project.
2. Determine the project team
Digital project construction generally involves collaboration between multiple organizations and departments. Only by determining the project manager and key team members before the start of the project, and dividing their respective responsibilities and roles, can subsequent projects be ensured to proceed smoothly.
Generally speaking, it can be divided into the following three categories:
Project team leader : Responsible for project management responsibilities such as project blueprint planning, project promotion, progress control, and cross-department resource coordination.
Informatization : Responsible for technical responsibilities such as technical review, development, system docking, and data management.
Business side : Responsible for business management responsibilities such as procurement business sorting, definition of requirements and scenarios, procurement process analysis, etc.
Of course, in order to ensure that the delivered products can truly be implemented in the business, information technology personnel need to have a good understanding of the enterprise's procurement business processes and needs.
3. Confirm blueprint plan
By sorting out the existing supplier management and procurement business needs, evaluate and confirm product solutions, and develop detailed solution process instructions, mainly including functional requirements, data requirements and technical requirements, etc.
4. Function development and integration
Carry out functional development and configuration based on blueprint solutions, integrate functions and data with upstream and downstream business systems, and conduct system testing to ensure closed-loop processes (including functional testing, performance testing and user acceptance testing)
5. Online and training
Before formal deployment and launch, the project team needs to output detailed operation manuals and conduct public training to train employees to use relevant systems and improve digital procurement awareness. At the same time, it is necessary to screen and recruit a group of interested and cooperative suppliers to conduct small-scale collaborative process testing.
After the launch is completed, a business feedback channel needs to be established to regularly collect feedback from relevant employees on the project. Based on the feedback and review issues, the system business process should be optimized and the user experience improved. At the same time, new functions need to be developed based on the development requirements of digital management. Iterate.
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