one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Someone asked me if I was the guy whose gallbladder was in his hand.
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bonefall · 3 months
How would the cats get rid of the bile to prepare a prey item for food? The liver is one of the best items to use for gravy--my family uses our roasted Turkey's liver as a gravy base every year and to have to throw it out cause someone fucked up while on kitchen duty would suck.
Not all animals will actually have gallbladders, but removing one from the liver is as easy as just chopping it off when you get to the processing part. It'll be down on the bottom of the liver, usually pear-shaped, and a dark greenish color. Sorreltail, a sapient cat with her great sense of smell, could tell it apart from the surrounding meat with her eyes closed.
I do have to stress, though, you CAN eat bile. You don't have to have the cats toss that, that is a thing they can eat. Again it's not nail polish remover like the Erins think it is. It's bitter, but it's used in human food. You just balance out the bitterness with spice and sweetness.
This is papaitan, from the Philippines, made with tripe and bile,
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Bile is also said to have anti-inflammatory effects and be a generally healthy food, too. I can see ShadowClan in particular really liking to cook with this, especially for a sick cat. They like bitter and spicy tastes a lot more than other Clans. Their version of chicken noodle soup.
Also; a lot of animals do not have gallbladders. Here's a short list of common prey animals and their gallbladder status;
Rabbits = No
Rats = No
Mouse = Yes
Shrew = Yes
Deer = No
Pigeon = No
Quail = Yes
Carp = Yes BUT DO NOT EAT THESE CARP GALL BLADDERS CAUSE FOOD POISONING. ALL species, everywhere. This includes goldfish. Your cat will live if they swallow a goldfish or eat a gallbladder once or twice, but it will make them sick. Process this fish before a Clan cat eats it.
(Side note: It's actually kind of funny how carp keeps coming up as The "Fuck You" Animal in all of these. They're full of seizure-causing anti-nutrients, their gallbladders are poison, what am I going to find next?)
The gallbladder in fish is really easy to find btw, they're usually massive, round, and dark green. If you gut fish regularly it's like... right in the "chest." Also you can poke it open and soak little paper squares in it and then they spin around in water, it's very cool
Bile is for the breakdown of fats, and a gallbladder is for the storage and concentration of bile. Generally, herbivores are more likely to lack gallbladders, because their liver just dumps the weak bile they have directly into their intestines. The mystery of why rats don't have gallbladders has actually vexxed scientists for like 100 years, btw.
Some herbivores (deer especially) have a very tiny "pouch" for bile called a diverticulum. But unlike the gallbladder, it doesn't concentrate it, just stores a little extra. Some hunters will nick this and think they tore open a gallbladder, but they did not.
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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fleshwizard · 11 days
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Gallbladder (buds and gallstones)
Examples of gallstones under the cut, based on observation :
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Gallbladders are my favorite organs to dissect because you'll v-never know what you will find when you open it (and i've put the wrong color for the biggest gallstone oops)
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Dealing with Chronic Gastro Pain
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Explaining Pain Levels
The pain scale actually has standard explanations which divides pain into three categories ranging from mild for lower numbers, moderate to cover the middle numbers, and severe for numbers above seven. Even this isn’t very clear, however, because as previously stated mild or moderate pain means different things to different people. Most of us need a way to break down those categories a little further:
⚠️ Mild Pain. On the pain scale, this level of pain ranges between numbers one and three, and can be categorized as nagging or annoying. You are aware that it’s there, but it doesn’t necessarily interfere with life on a daily basis and you are able to carry on with most of the activities you enjoy. Pain at the level of 1 is barely noticeable, at level 2 it’s a little stronger and can be annoying, Level 3 pain can be distracting but you can adapt and manage despite it.
✴️ Moderate Pain. At this level, pain starts to interfere with daily life. At level 4, it’s distracting but you can ignore it when you are very interested in something else. At level 5, it’s hard to ignore and takes a lot of effort to work or mix socially with friends. With level 6 pains, you have difficulty concentrating and it stops you getting on with normal daily activities.
🚨 Severe Pain. Severe pain is that which is disabling, preventing you from performing normal activities during the day or night. At level 7, pain stops you sleeping. Either you can’t get to sleep at all or it will wake you during the night, and keeping up with social relationships is very difficult. When it intensifies to level 8, pain makes even holding a conversation extremely difficult and your physical activity is severely impaired. Pain is said to be at level 9 when it is excruciating, prevents you speaking and may even make you moan or cry out. Level 10 pain is unbearable. You will be bedridden and possibly even delirious.
[ SOURCE: https://ercare24.com/understanding-pain-levels/?amp=1 ]
When To Use The Emergency Room
🚨 Signs Of An Emergency
How quickly do you need care? If a person or unborn baby could die or be permanently disabled, it is an emergency.
Call 911 or the local emergency number to have the emergency team come to you right away if you cannot wait, such as for:
Stopped breathing
Head injury with passing out, fainting, or confusion
Injury to neck or spine, particularly if there is loss of feeling or inability to move
Electric shock or lightning strike
Severe burn
Severe chest pain or pressure
Seizure that lasted more than 1 minute or from which the person does not rapidly awaken
Go to an emergency department or call 911 or the local emergency number for help for problems such as:
Trouble breathing
Passing out, fainting
Pain in the arm or jaw
Unusual or bad headache, particularly if it started suddenly
Suddenly not able to speak, see, walk, or move
Suddenly weak or drooping on one side of the body
Dizziness or weakness that does not go away
Inhaled smoke or poisonous fumes
Sudden confusion
Heavy bleeding
Possible broken bone, loss of movement, particularly if the bone is pushing through the skin
Deep wound
Serious burn
Coughing or throwing up blood
Severe pain anywhere on the body
Severe allergic reaction with trouble breathing, swelling, hives
High fever with headache and stiff neck
High fever that does not get better with medicine
Throwing up or loose stools that does not stop
Poisoning or overdose of drug or alcohol
If you are thinking about hurting yourself or others, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. You can also call 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential support 24/7, anytime day or night.
You can also call 911 or the local emergency number or go to the hospital emergency room. DO NOT delay.
If someone you know has attempted suicide, call 911 or the local emergency number right away. DO NOT leave the person alone, even after you have called for help.
✴️ When To Go To An Urgent Care Clinic
When you have a problem, do not wait too long to get medical care. If your problem is not life threatening or risking disability, but you are concerned and you cannot see your provider soon enough, go to an urgent care clinic.
The kinds of problems an urgent care clinic can deal with include:
Common mild illnesses, such as colds, the flu, earaches, sore throats, migraines, low-grade fevers, and limited rashes
Minor injuries, such as sprains, back pain, minor cuts and burns, minor broken bones, or minor eye injuries
⚠️ If You Are Not Sure, Talk To Someone
If you are not sure what to do, and you don't have one of the serious conditions listed above, call your provider. If the office is not open, your phone call may be forwarded to someone. Describe your symptoms to the provider who answers your call, and find out what you should do.
Your provider or health insurance company may also offer a nurse telephone advice hotline. Call this number and tell the nurse your symptoms for advice on what to do.
✅ Prepare Now
Before you have a medical problem, learn what your choices are. Check the website of your health insurance company. Put these telephone numbers in the memory of your phone:
Your provider
The closest emergency department
Nurse telephone advice line
Urgent care clinic
Walk-in clinic
[ SOURCE: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000593.htm ]
Visiting the ER for Chronic Pain
How to reduce stress and suspicion when seeking chronic pain medications.
1. Make sure that you have a regular physician who treats your chronic pain.
That’s a relationship that all chronic pain patients should establish before they ever set foot in an emergency room, Blumstein says. But many people don’t have a doctor, he says, “and it looks really bad from a doctor’s point of view when a patient comes in and says, ‘Oh, I have this terrible chronic pain,’ and the doctor says, ‘Who’s taking care of this terrible chronic pain?’ and the patient says, ‘Oh, I don’t have a doctor.’”
“Before you get into a situation where there’s an exacerbation of your condition, make sure you have a regular doctor treating you,” he says.
2. Show that you’ve tried to contact your regular doctor before you go to the ER.
If you’ve been in pain for five days and have not alerted your doctor, the ER staff will question how bad your pain really is, Blumstein says. Even if the pain struck just that day, make an effort to contact your regular doctor first, he suggests.
ER staff will be more sympathetic to patients who have called their doctors and been told to go to the emergency room because the doctor was unable to see them, Blumstein says. “At least you’re showing you made an effort. You’re using the emergency room as your treatment of last resort, as opposed to the primary place you go for pain medication.”
3. Bring a letter from your doctor.
“A letter from your physician, with a diagnosis and current treatment regimen, is a reasonable thing to carry with you,” Fraifeld says. “Particularly if you’re on chronic opioids in today’s atmosphere, I would highly recommend that to patients.”
Make sure the letter has your doctor’s name and phone number, Blumstein says. That way, if ER doctors want to contact your physicians, they can. A letter is especially useful if you’re traveling or going to a hospital that you’ve never visited before.
It’s fine to bring medical records, too, Fraifeld says. But don’t overdo it, Blumstein says. “I’ve had patients come in with tons of records -- I mean, you could measure the stack in inches. It just looks like you’re going overboard.”
4. Bring a list of medications.
Bring a list of your medications, instead of relying on memory, Blumstein says.
Fraifeld takes it one step further and suggests that patients bring the drugs. “Take all the pain prescriptions with you -- the actual bottles -- not just the list,” he says. “[Patients], I’m sad to say, highly contribute to their own problems by not even being able to tell physicians exactly what they’re getting and when they got it and whom they got it from.”
5. Work cooperatively with emergency room staff.
“It might not be fair, but if a patient comes in screaming and shouting that they need pain medication right away, the staff isn’t going to like it. It calls negative attention to yourself,” Blumstein says. “And it is unfair, because you might be having agonizing pain, and why shouldn’t you speak up for yourself, right? But a lot of staffs don’t like it and they don’t respond well to it. So rather than demand things, try to work cooperatively with the staff.”
[ SOURCE: https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/whats-causing-my-chest-pain ]
Stomach Pain
For mild abdominal pain, call your doctor first. If the pain is sudden, severe or does not ease within 30 minutes, seek emergency medical care.
Sudden abdominal pain is often an indicator of serious intra-abdominal disease, such as a perforated ulcer or a ruptured abdominal aneurysm, although it could also result from a benign disease, such as gallstones.
Continuous, severe abdominal pain—or abdominal pain accompanied by continuous vomiting—may indicate a serious or life-threatening condition, such as one of the types described below.
Symptoms of appendicitis may include severe pain (usually in the lower right abdomen, but may start anywhere in the abdomen), loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting or fever. Treatment generally requires urgent surgical removal of the appendix. Long delays in treatment can cause serious complications resulting from perforation (rupture) of the appendix, which can lead to a life-threatening infection.
Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg has implanted outside of the normal site in the “womb” or uterus, such as in the fallopian tubes.
Symptoms of acute pancreatitis usually include pain in the middle upper abdomen that may last for a few days. The pain may become severe and constant, or it may be sudden and intense. It may also begin as mild pain that gets worse when food is eaten. Other symptoms include nausea, a swollen and tender abdomen, fever and a rapid pulse.
[ SOURCE: https://www.emergencyphysicians.org/article/know-when-to-go/stomach-pain ]
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hypermobileheathen · 1 year
Losing Weight Due To A Disability is not a Good Thing
My gallbladder has been not working for over a month now.
I was almost 290lbs at the start of this, but my weight is not the reason for my disabilities. I have lost almost 20lbs... and my family is acting like its some sort of miracle that I am finally losing weight after years of steadily gaining.
Me losing 20lbs because I am starving from not being able to eat most foods is not the same as losing 20lbs because I started eating better and exercised.
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honeycombhank · 8 months
Okay, update time!
On the night of the 24th into the early morning of the 25th I was in horrendous pain I woke up my love and we drove to the ER
Well, I no longer have a gallbladder. They had to take out my gallbladder! I was shocked! I did not expect that to be the outcome! But it was and so now i am in recovery at home.. this is so painful! Wow! I have never had surgery before.
Please think good thoughts for me!
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reggiemess · 1 year
I think it's funny how many body parts have a "make rocks" malfunction.
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matronofthevoid · 1 year
this poll was inspired by a post from @tethered-heartstrings
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red-arrowe · 9 months
Most of you haven't ever experienced a chronic, multifaceted, life threatening, incurable illness and it shows.
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heardatmedschool · 11 months
Student 1: The liver is the best organ of the body.
Student 2: I’ll defend the gallbladder until I lose mine.
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jathis · 3 months
Everyone: After you have your gallbladder removed, you won’t feel like eating for days
Me, hours after waking up from anesthesia
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davekatzdefensesquad · 5 months
I swear I’m still working on my fic but as I’ve said, my gallbladder pain comes and goes and I’m exhausted all the time.
My consultation is Monday and that doesn’t even mean they’ll actually take the damn thing out. I live in America and apparently this will be an ELECTIVE surgery.
A gallbladder with gallstones that are so painful you pass out and throw up is ELECTIVE in America.
Let that sink in.
Anyway, I’m actually really happy with how chapter two is coming along so I’m hoping to post it in the next few days before my appointment.
Chapter one had tons of interest though so that was pretty cool for a first fic.
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stewpid-soup · 2 months
ayup, got surgery
removed my gallbladder and apparently that was the worst one the doctor has ever seen
anywyas, it hurts like a bigch and i won’t be on very often
love ya mooties <3
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ladyofdecember · 8 months
Saw a surgeon today so apparently I'm going to have to have my gallbladder out. Really scared about that. I've long been cmforted by the fact that I've never had anything major medical done to me or surgeries but this year alone makes two. 🤦‍♀️ And apparently they're having me come in on Friday morning. So that's... Soon. 🥺
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*starves* stomach hurts
*eats* stomach hurts
fr 😤
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