#but act 3 is gonna be a pickle because i have yet to beat the game ever
mokeonn · 8 months
Anyways im just very peeved that my problems with honor mode so far haven't been the fights because I'm very good with cheesing them. It's been with the consequences of failing certain story events.
Like I haven't touched my game with Poetry, my adorable little pink tiefling bardlock, because despite almost being done with act 2, I foolishly decided to talk to Isobel because I thought I could handle the fight. I didn't need to talk to her! I didn't need Selune's blessing! I had the pixie's bell! Yet, for some reason, I decided to tempt fate anyway with an encounter that took me at least 8 tries to get right on my first playthrough. Now I'm too bummed to play the world's cutest bard because I ended up condemning tons of wonderful characters to their death with my hubris. It doesn't matter that I was technically already continuing the run with dishonor (the phase spider matriarch), no reloading allowed ever I suppose.
So I'm gonna probably make an even more wholesome run with a halfling, and I will simply not take any risks that happen to take out an entire village if you fail.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; Haunted Dark Bridal - Subaru Ecstasy [02]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway at school
*Flutter flutter flutter*
Yui: Thank you for letting me know!
*Flutter flutter*
Yui: ...Phew, I’m in a pickle. Our ride home just got cancelled.
( It’s a technical defect so it can’t be helped, but there’s a bunch of dark roads between the school and home. )
( It isn’t that long of a distance, but I’m a little hesitant to walk home by myself at this hour... )
ー Subaru approaches her
Subaru: ...Why are you standing around like that?
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun! Perfect timing, are you about to head home now?
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: The car broke down, so our ride home won’t come today.
That’s why I was thinking of going home on foot just now but...Can we maybe walk back together?
Subaru: ...Not my problem. Just go home on your own.
ー He walks away
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun!
( There he goes... But he’s probably heading home, right? If I pick up the pace, I might still be able to tag along. )
ーー Okay, I’ll follow him!
ー Yui runs after him
ー They arrive at the business district
Yui: ( I wonder if it’s because it’s the weekend but there’s still plenty of people even at this hour. I have to be careful not to lose Subaru-kun out of sight... )
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( Is it because of the crowd? I feel like Subaru-kun’s walking slower than usual, I might just be able to keep up until we’re home. )
( ...However, he usually chooses the paths without many people, right? )
( I wonder why he decided to take a crowded road today? )
( Thanks to that, I get to easily follow him though... )
ー A random woman approaches Subaru
Woman: ーー Hey there, lad~ (1)
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: ( ...Huh? Who is that woman? )
Woman: Oh my, someone’s a little grumpy~! Did your date get cancelled last minute?
If you’re free, won’t you hang out with me for a bit? I know a great place. (2)
Subaru: ...Annoying. Get out of my sight already.
Woman: Ufufu~ Are you acting tough...? You don’t have to be afraid. Onee-san (3 )will teach you plenty of things. 
Everything a youngster like yourself doesn’t know yet...Okay~?
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( Ah, the woman put her hand on Subaru-kun’s arm! )
( She’s so pretty...Completely different from me... )
ー Subaru grabs hold of the woman’s arm
Subaru: ...Come with me.
Woman: Ufufu~ Now we’re talking!
ー The two of them walk away together
Yui: They left...
( Is he gonna mess around with that woman? )
( What should I do? It’s not like I can’t get home from here by myself but... )
( No good, it bothers me! I’ll try following them! )
ー Yui runs off
ー She arrives in a back alley
Subaru: ...Yuck. Disgusting...
Yui: ...Ah...
Subaru: ...
Yui: Subaru-kun...That woman, don’t tell me...
Subaru: Hmph, you were watching, weren’t you? She was getting on my nerves a little too much...
...Hehe. So I sucked her blood.
Yui: !?
Subaru: I assume she was drawn in by my scent by chance. What a foolish woman.
Yui: ( By chance...So Subaru-kun drinks the blood from other people...From people he doesn’t know too. )
( From people besides me as well... )
Subaru: She was too persistent after all. I figured she’d pipe down if I sucked her blood, so I drank to my heart’s content.
...Hah, it has the taste of a weird medicine mixed in. It’s fuckin’ disgusting. It doesn’t fill me up at all.
Yui: ...
Subaru: ーー Oi, get over here.
ー He pulls her closer
Yui: Ah!
Subaru: When I wanna suck your blood, nothing beats yours.
My palate has become refined because of your blood...Take responsiblity.
→ I could say the same to you (♥)
Yui: ...Then, you should take responsibility as well...
Subaru: Ah? What do you mean?
Yui: You haven’t been drinking as much blood lately, right? Ever since you started drinking my blood, I’ve kind of...
I don’t like having my blood sucked, but when you barely do it at all, I get concerned as well...
Subaru: Haah?
Yui: E-Either way! Take responsibility! If you’re that thirsty you start drinking from others, have mine instead!
Subaru: ...Hehe, you weird woman. Have you finally fallen for my charms...?
Yui: !
Subaru: I don’t mind. I’ll take responsiblity. So...
→ It’s your responsibility
Yui: You’re the one who decided to suck my blood, so I think the responsiblity lies with you as well...
Subaru: ...Che. You really aren’t cute at all.
Yui: ! I-I’m fine with not being cute...!
Subaru: ...Come on, just let me suck...Nn.
Yui: ...!
Subaru: Nn...Haah...
Haha...Your blood really is...Nn...The best...
Yui: ...
( I’m not resisting at all. I don’t even feel like fighting back... )
( Instead...I’m starting to feel somewhat happy to have Subaru-kun suck my blood...? )
( ...Exactly. )
( I want to be the only one Subaru-kun drinks blood from... )
Subaru: Nn...Nn...Haah...
Yui: ( Was I feeling jealous of that woman from earlier...? )
( No way, I wouldn’t...! )
ー To be continued ー
Translation notes
(1) I struggled a lot translating this part, because 坊や or ‘bouya’ is this very flirty nickname you’d hear older women use towards younger men. It literally just means ‘young boy’, so I eventually settled on ‘lad’ for the translation.
(2) The word 店 or ‘mise’ can mean a million things in Japanese, from regular stores to even restaurants or cafés. In this case, she probably means some kind of club or bar.
(3) Most of you will probably know ‘onee-san’ as ‘older sister’, but it isn’t uncommon for an older woman to refer herself as ‘onee-san’ when talking to a younger person. In this case, it also has a very flirty undertone since she wants to seem more ‘experienced’ than him, if you get what I mean. *cough*
<– [ Ecstacy 01 ] [ Ecstacy 03 ] –>
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 7 years
Pathfinder Campaign weeks 3, 4, and 5! Partly as one post to keep one dungeon run in one place, partly because I’m lazy and kept putting it off. Once again we had:
@theta-thoughts​ The Benevolent GM (^^)
@actnonsense​ The Kitsune Magus, Yamato Nobuyuki/Akira Kuruso (++)
@babebot​ The Ratfolk Alchemist, Durn (–)
@tobiyond​ The Tengu Rogue, Cial (~~)
and me, The Kval Barbarian, Blink Tehnk (==)
(Those little bits in the parentheses are for when I’m typing out quotes, so y’all know who’s talking. 1 for in character, 2 for OOC. Also, to my gaymers, feel free to reblog with the stuff you remember, or you liked better, or stuff I missed. It’s our game and I like seeing your thoughts too. Since these are from my perspective they get a little Blink centric.)
Week 3
  ^^ “Okay, Tobi wasn’t here last week, anyone wanna give him the summary of everything you found out shopping?”   == “*quick and dirty rundown of everything I remembered, which I’m impressed with remembering as much as I did cause dissociation.* Plus the big stuff got added to the story tab in discord Theta left for us. I’m pretty sure I forgot something though.”   ~~ ”Alright, cool.”   ^^ ”No, yeah, you got it. Wanna go over it again in voice where we can all hear you or are we all good with what they wrote?”   == “Uhhhhhh…..”   ~~ ”Nah, we good.”
Waking up Act again, this time with the ps messenger app, feeling a little bad about it cause I’m well versed in the ways of the fucked up sleep schedule.
  ^^ ”Alright, so Lady Origena has summoned you four to talk about the kobold clan that’s becoming a threat to the city.”   == “THAT’S what I forgot. Tobi, the kobolds are restless.”   ~~ ”Thanks, Momo.”
Theta giving us the rundown on the whole situation as the NPC, asking us if we have any questions, and getting a solid 10 seconds of “Uuhhhhhhhhhhh.” 
Getting to the quarry where the kobolds made their home and immediately getting into a fight. Akira/Yamato using magic match #1 to set a kobold on fire, and watching them jump off the cliff and into the lake 30 feet down.
  = “Oh god durn it.” (After Durn walked out into the open, prompting that fight.)   ~~ “Goddammit Momo.”   == “I’m hilarious.”
Theta showing off the benefits of his newly acquired roll20 premium account and all the neato lighting effects that came with it.
  ++ “Okay, I cast color spray on these guys.”   ^^ “Blink is standing right there.”   ++ “What? He’s tiny, he should be able to duck under it. I’m casting.”   ^^ “Momo, roll a will save…. Okay, you took the blast, but shake the effects off easily.”   == “Oh good.”
Cial also getting a nat 20 on seeing through the “No I’m not a kitsune, we’re two different people” thing that Act has going for Yamato/Akira, but all of us agreeing to go with it anyway.
  ^^ “Guys, don’t split the party.”
Immediately splitting the party when Akira/Yamato takes off after a kobold that bolted but the rest of us stay to loot the ones we beat, then follow a different tunnel.
Nothing especially eventful for most of the route that Blink, Durn, and Cial took except avoiding a small pitfall trap.
Yamato/Akira’s route, on the other hand, had an ambush of like a dozen kobolds.
Switching between us and Act doing our things like some kind of action comedy sequence as we’re talking to a newly found NPC, Nighttail.
  ^ “Help me kill the Chief and let me take over, the rest of these guys will fall in line. You don’t need to kill everyone.” *Hard cut to Akira/Yamato literally setting fire to a group of kobolds with  magic match #2.*   ^ “I can get you around the traps in this area with almost no trouble.” *Cue failed stealth check as he walks into the line of fire for yet another group of kobolds* And so on and so forth.
Getting her out of the trash heap, giving her stuff back, then helping her get her pet velociraptor thing, Hack, back.
  ^^ “Roll knowledge nature.” *two nat 1s from Blink and Durn.*   - “The fuck is a lizard?”   = “Well, I think it has two legs.”
Everyone taking a moment to pet Hack.
  ^^ “Roll perception guys.”   ~~ “Uh oh.”   ^^ “You all notice you haven’t seen Akira in a while.”   ++ “You don’t say.”   = “Shit, we lost Fluffy.”
Hearing Act’s big fight down the tunnel fork we didn’t take before, which was a much shorter, easier trip than he had.
  ^ “Wait, your friend is in there? That’s the room we use to trick stupid adventurers into walking into a crossfire. It’s a complete dead end.”
The group snickering while we help wrap up the fight because the npc (and by extension, Theta) basically just called Akira/Yamato an idiot.
The repeated interaction:     - “I’m gonna throw a bomb!”   + “Try not to throw it at me again.”   - “That was one time! I panicked! I got shot!”   + “Yeah, you don’t see me with the friendly fire.”   = “No, because you tried to blind me with it.”   + “Listen, that is not the same.”   - “Maybe I’m still dazzled by color spray, but I don’t actually see much difference.”
Seriously, some variation of that argument was had at least 3 times each session between David, Act, and me.
  ^ “I’m sure you’re here to free the slaves my clan has taken as well.” Yes, we are absolutely here to do that. Definitely the main reason why we came.
Getting into a fight with the kobolds keeping the human slaves penned up and killing them all. (The kobolds, not the hostages, although we did have a brief scare with a missed shot.) Blink being deeply bothered by killing the one about to surrender because that’s what happens when you’re Good.
Durn and Akira/Yamato demolishing a group of rats that came up behind us as we were getting ready to lead the people back to town. Neither Cial or Blink even had a chance to react before they were all dead.
Week 4
Going deeper into the cave system and literally dropping in on a kobold while he’s fishing. Blink charging in and hitting him in the kneecap so hard he passes out. 
Cial touching things with his little crow feet. Standing on dead bodies and squishing his toes, dipping his feet into the water in the caves, at one point using his foot to save a teammate from falling into a pit, that sort of thing.
Foiling an ambush that would have dropped us into water traps with snapping turtles. Accidentally knocking one of the dead kobolds into the water and finding out that they were most definitely carnivorous snapping turtles.
Theta talking to himself to make NPCs interact. (That one is pretty much a given in every campaign.)
  = “I won’t argue with y’all about killing these guys since they were grabbing slaves, but since they’ll fall in line when we get Nighttail here put in charge, I’m sticking with nonlethal until we get to Chief Dicksplat.”   ^ “Hah! Yes, Chief Dicksplat!”
Blink is Tiny and can therefore occupy the same space as other creatures and it is in fact the only way he can land a melee attack. However, when using a sling, it is not recommended. For example, he might miss and accidentally almost break Durn’s kneecap. That is not hypothetical. He felt terrible.
  - “It’s okay, it’ll heal. (–) And I’d be a real jerk if I kept bringing it up.”   ++ “Listen.”
The party briefly splitting up again to check the room, thankfully not going very far this time.
Cial apparently being Blink’s lucky charm when it comes to finding sweet sweet loot. Or vice versa. Either way, they found the armory.
  ~ “The rest of you guys can take what you like, but I’m keeping the masterwork longsword and selling it.”   = “I could use it, but that’s cool. Dibs on the sling bullets though. All 120 of them. Plus a backup sling cause there’s 4.”
Cial dejectedly passing the sword off to Blink cause he can use it and it’s also better than his mace, plus Cold Iron is good against demons. Blink has a thing about demons.
Returning to Yamato/Akira and Durn to find an ancient kobold on his deathbed with long-term storyline info.
Theta playing the audio for said info, someone’s mic picking it up on discord, and creating an echo which made the foreboding exposition about 10000% more fuckin foreboding. Couldn’t have planned that shit. Unfortunately it made him basically impossible to understand, but Theta kindly transcribed it into the chat too.
Durn checking a closed but unlocked room ahead of us while stealthed and finding a dead-end room full of gigantic dire rats. Immediately needing them as pets.
  + “Does he see these rats at like… puppies or something?”   = “Probably more like how humans see monkeys.”   + “… How the hell do humans see monkeys? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a monkey. Pretty sure any monkey back home would have been made lunch immediately.”   = “Well I’ve gotten compared to little ones with mixed reactions. My guess is they usually think they’re cute judging by the fact they called me "freaky bald blue monkey thing.”   + “That… doesn’t seem like a sign of affection. But I can see your point, sorta.”   = “Well y'know, if they had to specify "freaky thing” they are not usually… blue and bald. With horns. And huge teeth. My impression is they’re supposed to be cute and funny. And before you get smart with me, I know that I’m very much not cute or funny.“   + "Did… did anyone else here an explosion?” (Durn was using some of his alchemy bombs.)
Half an hour later, Durn walking out with one drugged, slightly dazed, but loyal dire rat, now named Pickles. (Blink’s suggestion, made at random.)
Almost immediately walking into another crossfire booby trap.
  ^ “Did he just hit me with one of our bullets?”
  ~ “Lemme just straddle Blink here so I can line up my shot.”   == “Kinky. Or it would be, if there was anything to straddle.”
Having the party drag me along by my tail after that fight so I can set up macros for my new sword in roll20 and immediately coming up against a miniboss. Who summoned skeletons. That have high resistance to piercing and slashing damage. Like a sword would do. But are weak against bludgeoning damage. Like a mace would do. Like the mace that I had just unequipped and put in my bag.
  ^^ “Akira, you recognize the spell she just used as a protect spell that increases her AC against good-aligned characters.”   + “She cast protect good, not realizing that half of this party doesn’t give a shit and are just here for the money/adventure.”   - “Hah!”   ~ “Shit.”   = “Oh goddammit.”
“Nighttail” reminding us that since skeletons are undead, healing hurts them. Blink using one of his potions and finally damaging the skeleton he was up against.
  ^^ “The sorceress uses a spell and restores the hp of her minions.”   = “Well that just wasted my damn potion.”
Blink standing there basically just taking a beating so his skeleton doesn’t try and go after someone squishier.
  ++ “I’m gonna use my last match on her.”   ^^ “Alright. Aaand…. She made the save. She pats out the fire easily and gives you a dirty look.”   ++ “Well, fuck.”
The fight looking pretty grim until Nighttail and Hack charge in a second time (they missed the first time) and fucking skewer the sorceress beating our asses.
Blink basically immediately falling in love with her right there and being deeply confused and perturbed by this because this is a New Feeling he has no name for. When you spontaneously manifest fully formed and live for over a century and a half, you think you’ve got yourself figured out. New is nerve-wracking.
Cial getting dibs on her cloak of resistance, which Akira points out should have a big hole in it. GM rolls a d1 and says “nah dude, magic.”
  ^^ “Alright it’s late enough I’m not gonna add up all your experience for this run, but I know you all were really close to leveling so go ahead and start working on that and if you guys want we can roll for your next magic items.”
Blink got a Saddle of Transformation, which turns any creature you put it on into a horse, and the wearer can’t take it off by themself. Yes, it works on humanoids.
Durn got a Preservative Jar. “Anything placed in this jar enters stasis. Cannot hold anything bigger than a toad. Currently holds a toad.” 
Akira/Yamato got a Seed of Moon Ice. If dropped in a body of water, will “freeze” an area up to 20’ diameter. If swallowed, you die. If touched, save or die. Leaves awesomely frozen corpses that are not cold to the touch and never thaw.
Can’t remember for the life of me if Cial got one this run or what it was, but last time he got the Wand of Necromantic Cooking, which can enchant a corpse or cut of meat to cut, prepare, marinate, and cook itself. A slaughtered pig will seek out gravy to roll around in. Sausages will jump into the saucepan, and then seek out your plate when cooked. Which sounds awesome, I’d love that in real life.
Week 5
Late start by a few hours, partly due to scheduling, partly because I was the only good little cookie who actually did their dang leveling. (Admittedly I did that mostly because I didn’t wanna forget to do all the stuff I needed to switch over to the Titan Mauler archetype. When you’re Tiny, it pays to have bonuses against enemies bigger than you, because that’s pretty much everything we fight.)
While doing my changes, I double checked my weapon damage types. Apparently there were four slings for a reason. At least we know that for the next time we run into skeleleletons.
  == “I already did my character stuff, Theta, do I get a sticker?”   ^^ “Yes.”   == “Yaaayyyy, stickers!”
Akira/Yamato getting to level 3, meaning he gets his black blade, which is a sentient sword that’ll get more powerful and more full of itself as he levels. This took the form of a cane sword that he found in the base of the statue that the miniboss was praying at before she was so rudely impaled interrupted.
  ^^ “…And reflects the user’s personality.”   == “What? No, I’m a cane not a sword, that’s the other guy. Frankly I’m insulted you’d even insinuate such a thing.”   ++ “I… well shit. Yeah.”
Akira growing a second tail. The meaty crunching noise described was gross and disturbing.
  ~ “Should you be picking up the sword that came out of the statue that the evil sorceress was praying to?”   + “Pshh, it’ll be fine. It’s calling to me, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to have this.”   == “In pathfinder game, sword seduce you.”
Finding the Guards of the Future, which initially intrigued us because Durn failed his stealth check and they didn’t immediately attack us.
The literal squealing in delight from me, Tobi, and David when a kobold baby darted out from behind the guards and hugged Durn, making him very homesick for his own siblings. (Admittedly the squealing was mostly me, and I’m counting it all as “in character” especially cause babies are a novelty for Blink.)
The guards warning us about a nasty trap up ahead in return for us leaving the babies alone. Seriously, this trap would have shredded us in a ball of fiery death. Instead, Durn disarmed it and we each got 3 flasks of Alchemist’s Fire.
Promptly using that fire on a handful of guards between us and the dungeon boss and setting like 4 of them on fire. It was nice that we were the ones who got to make the dramatic entrance for once.
Another instance where Theta played dialog from a character and the echo made it super foreboding, but also almost completely unintelligible. Thankfully another transcription was provided.
  == “Alright, I’m gonna use my detect evil spell-like, cause I get bonuses against evil characters.”   ^^ “Every enemy in this room is Lawful Evil.”   == “Yessssss. I’m gonna rage too, these guys are fucked.
Killing the guards that were on fire before the fire actually had a chance to do any damage.
Cial squishing his toes in burnt corpse.
Chief Roaghaz making illusion clones of himself, and me having the idea to ask if my detect evil would still show him or if all of them counted. Didn’t work, but it was a solid plan.
Blink yelling his permission to Durn to throw another flask of Alchemist’s Fire at the swarm of boss. That Blink was standing directly under.
  - “You sure?”   = “Do it!”   ^^ “Roll a reflex save, Momo… You dodge it and take no damage.”   = “Fuck yeah!”   ^^ “And three of the illusions disappear.”
Blink having the time of his damn life because of the rage, killing evil, and dodging friendly fire entirely unscathed for the second time that day. Less pleased about missing all his attacks of opportunity. (And I didn’t make any jokes about missed opportunities. Which feels like exactly that.)
  ^^ “Roaghaz’s teeth grow to immense size and he tries to take a bite out of Nighttail. He really seems to have it in for her.”   - “He’s a vampire!”   ^^ “No, it was all his teeth that grew, not just the two.”   – “Oh.”
Continuing to beat on Chief Dicksplat and wondering more than once how many hit points does this asshole have?
Theta talking to himself some more to make Nighttail and Roaghaz argue with each other while they fought.
Act (Akira/Yamato) using up his hero points to finally just fucking kill the bastard.
Finally just fucking killing the bastard.
The Guards of the Future coming in after the fight, relieved to find Chief Dicksplat dead and satisfied to put Nighttail in charge. Babby kobold happy to see Durn again.
  = “Well I was gonna butcher this guy here to add to my rations, but there’s guards and a kid here, so I don’t think I’m comfortable with that anymore.”   ^^ “The guards usher the child back to her room and Nighttail follows them to go and get things sorted out.”   == “Thank you.”   ~ “I can use my wand if you want, he’ll butcher himself.”   = “Nah, I’m good. This is my favorite part.” (Kval can eat pretty much anything and Evil is especially tasty.)
Getting like two rations’ worth of meat off of him while the others search his stuff, and finding dragon’s scales among his things. Definitely not foreshadowing.
Divvying up the Chief’s stuff between us, but Blink not really paying attention besides the cash because he didn’t really have anything he wanted. Akira/Yamato got a scroll to add to his permanent spellbook though, so that was cool. Basically an upgraded version of color spray, less thrilled about that.
Getting back to Lady Origena to explain the whole situation and ending up kinda babbling over each other. She’s not convinced until Cial steps in and explains in a concise manner that none of the rest of us were able to.
Akira/Yamato going back to talk with Bassy, the gnome woman from week 2 to regale her with the story, and the rest of us stocking up for our next adventure.
And that session wrapped up Chapter 1 of the long-term campaign. We did more for Week 5, but I’m gonna make that the beginning of next week’s post for the sake of keeping the next dungeon together.
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Dylan Strome imagine (part 2)
I kinda went a bit over the top with it but i hope it’s okay and that you can’t tell that i wrote this at 2am…
(part 1)
requested: yes
for: @scottish-kid , @astilinski24 , @miserablee–at–best , @langblr-eva & @nhlmcdavid
warnings: hangover
words: 1,4k words
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You felt like you were dying. Your head was throbbing and you could barely move.
“Good morning sunshine.”
His voice was too loud and made your head hurt even more, burying your head under your pillow didn’t help either. At least it was Dylan and not some stranger. You saw a pale hand offer you something that looked like painkillers and a bottle of water so you took them and immediately hid under your blanket again. The bed dipped down a bit and your blanket was lifted. A warm body slipped in next to you but at the moment you couldn’t care less and curled towards the warmth. You really hoped you’d fall asleep soon.
When you woke up the throbbing had become bearable but still painful. You didn’t want to open your eyes in case the brightness of the room would hurt your eyes again so you cuddled closer to Dylan with your eyes closed. In the last few months you had snuggled up with Dylan in front of the tv enough to know when he was next to you. His warm arms tightened around you and he sighed.
“You awake?”
You hummed in response, not feeling ready to talk yet.
“Does it still hurt when I talk?”
He whispered and it didn’t hurt so you shook your head a little.
“You really had me worried last night. You didn’t text or call only to come stumbling in at 3 in the morning sucking faces with some random asshole.”
His arms around you tightened some more. Dylan usually only became possessive when he was drunk or the Otters lost a game and he was blaming himself. You secretly prided yourself on the fact that you were the person that gave him comfort. Being roommates with a guy had its perks, but being roommates with a guy you liked… It wasn’t always easy.
“Did we…?”
“Yeah. Very loudly if I may add. He left around 9am said he had somewhere to be. His number is on the fridge if you want to call him.”
You groaned and buried your head further into Dylan’s shirt. By now you had no idea why there was still any room between you two.
“ ‘m not gonna do that. And I’m never going out ever again either.”
“Was he that bad?”
He started petting your hair and you wanted to cry. Why would he ask you about this.
“I can’t remember. And i really don’t want to to be honest.”
Dylan could feel your tears hit his shirt and pulled you fully into him. He curled up around you but in this moment you really didn’t want him to. He’s the reason this even happened.
“Are you hungry? Want to watch Netflix or something?”
“I think I’ve had enough of Netflix and chill.”
Dylan started laughing loudly. His chest shook and so did your head but it hurt less.
“Can I ask you something? Why did you go out last night?”
“To get over someone. I thought drinking and hooking up with a random guy would help but it didn’t and now I just feel like shit.”
Dylan took your head between his hands and lifted your head high enough to look him in the eyes.
“Do I need to punch someone? I can get the guys and we’ll go hurt whoever hurt you. Connor would kill me if you’d get hurt physically or emotionally.”
“Everything is okay, or at least it will be. Can you just cuddle me some more?”
The next morning Dylan made breakfast which in itself is a rarety but it was actually eateble. You were glad that it was Sunday so you didn’t have school. Dylan had planned to go out with some guys from the team today so you thought you had the afternoon to yourself until Dylan walked in with several plastic bags.
“I’ve got ice cream, some chick flicks, and chocolate. I also picked up groceries.”
Who the hell was that and what did he do to the real Dylan. He would never do the shopping. Or willingly watch anything romcom related. You must have looked at him weirdly because he continued.
“The guys’ girlfriends said it helps with broken hearts.”
If only he knew he was trying to fix the damage he left.
“Really, three weeks?”
Y/F/N looked at you like you were crazy while sipping on her coffee.
“I swear. No puckbunny, no random girl from a club, nothing. That’s completely unlike him.”
Dylan had been acting strange since your little breakdown. He hadn’t hooked up, always cleaned up after himself and made up a mandatory roommate movie night on Saturdays instead of going out with the boys. It’s like his personality flipped 180°.
“Maybe he’s feeling bad for me. All the things he’s doing are to make my life easier somehow. Do you think he knows and feels bad for me?”
“I don’t know honey. Maybe you should just talk to him, you know, communication and all that stuff.”
You thought about it but if it doesn’t work out you’d have to find another place to live and you simply couldn’t afford it.
Cursing you made your way through the arena. Dylan somehow got you a pass that lets you go nearly everywhere. You waved to some of the workers in the arena before making your way to the locker room. Dylan had forgotten his phone at home so you decided to bring it to him after practice in case he needed it after. You stopped in front of the door and knocked. Behind the door you could hear shuffling before it was opened and Alex DeBrincat stuck his head out. He saw you and ducked back inside.
“Everybody get decent! Captain’s girl coming through!”
He grabbed your arm and you had just time enough to close your eyes before he walked you through the room. He stopped and disappeared from your side but you could feel another hand on your arms.
“Is it safe to look?”
Dylan laughed but you kept your eyes shut.
“What are you doing here?”
“You forgot your phone at home.”
Searching through your bag with your eyes closed was a bit difficult but you managed to find it.
“Thank you.”
The team around you started to whisper as Dylan took your hand.
“I’ll walk you out.”
Once you were outside again Dylan squeezed your hand.
“It’s okay, you can open your eyes now.”
His face was right in front of yours.
“Thank you for coming here, really. I’ll see you tonight.”
His disappeared back inside leaving you to wonder if you imagined him kissing your cheek or if it really happened.
“Connor, bro, I’m fucked.”
You weren’t one to secretly listen to conversations but if Dylan was having problems… you stopped behind Dylan’s door. You had just wanted to say hi to Connor during his and Dylan’s Skype session.
“I like her. I really like her. I know you said you’d beat me up if I ever made a move on her but… I tried, I really tried to get over her but I can’t. The other night she brought home a guy and it just hurt so much man. I don’t know how I’m just supposed to be here and watch her pine after some asshole that doesn’t deserve her anyway.”
Behind the door you had to try real hard to keep your composure. Was this some kind of sick joke?
“Sorry to break it to you buddy but that asshole is you.”
Connor’s voice was muffled through the screen.
“She has been pining after you for months. I know she’s trying to hide it but we grew up together and I can see when she’s not being honest. I was scared that you would hurt her because I know how you are and I know how hockey players are but … I think this is only hurting both of you. So if you love her, and I mean love and not like, then tell her. And just so we’re clear I’m not giving you permission to do anything because I’m in no position to do so and she’s probably going to punch everyone that would even suggest it.”
Dylan was gaping at the screen and you couldn’t help but laugh. Classic Connor. Dylan whipped around and saw you standing in the doorway. His eyes went wide and you could see that they were red rimmed.
“You are an idiot.“
Dylan sadly smiled as if he had already given up.
“I know.“
“But for some stupid reason I love you so…”
“Thank god.”
He jumped up from his bed a sprinted across the room before pulling you into him and pressing his lips against yours.
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