#i hate the monk clothes on the body type though so i might just make it look like camp clothes
mokeonn · 8 months
Anyways im just very peeved that my problems with honor mode so far haven't been the fights because I'm very good with cheesing them. It's been with the consequences of failing certain story events.
Like I haven't touched my game with Poetry, my adorable little pink tiefling bardlock, because despite almost being done with act 2, I foolishly decided to talk to Isobel because I thought I could handle the fight. I didn't need to talk to her! I didn't need Selune's blessing! I had the pixie's bell! Yet, for some reason, I decided to tempt fate anyway with an encounter that took me at least 8 tries to get right on my first playthrough. Now I'm too bummed to play the world's cutest bard because I ended up condemning tons of wonderful characters to their death with my hubris. It doesn't matter that I was technically already continuing the run with dishonor (the phase spider matriarch), no reloading allowed ever I suppose.
So I'm gonna probably make an even more wholesome run with a halfling, and I will simply not take any risks that happen to take out an entire village if you fail.
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viridianstarlight · 4 years
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Time to share some of my D&D characters! As I said in an earlier post, these were made in Reroll, a browser program designed for making pixel art of D&D characters, and it works like a doll maker kinda.
Above are the characters from the first campaign I played in very briefly. I never actually played Elri though. He was just a planned backup character that I started before the first session, after realizing how likely it was that Tarloc would die (we had an accidental test session where I realised he loved taking risks, like deliberately activating traps, although I toned down that side of his personality quite a bit when we started playing).
Long post ahead, there’s like 20 characters. Won’t go deep into explaining all of them though.
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Next is Nemesis, a tiefling Wizard (Necromancy school) that I played briefly in a different campaign. I had some really great ideas for how her Necromancy skills could play into her story and morals, and some of that came to fruition during the campaign. She had a really interesting personality too, starting off as a bitter woman who hates everyone, meeting a super smiley bard, and gradually deciding ‘I would die for this one and this one only’, but still giving the ‘I hate you’ attitude when the friend nicknames her Nemmie (especially when the party member she hates starts using it).
Unfortunately though, those are the only characters I’ve really played.
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And now, because tumblr thinks it’s a great idea to not allow people to have multiple images together throughout a post (like I have at the top of the post), every portrait needs to be full-size. Guess this is gonna be a long post.
This is Seymour Aran. When making the portrait, I forgot to give him an eyepatch. His first name is a pun, since I thought it’d be fun to give a man named ‘see more’ one eye.
He’s an NPC planned for the first session of my campaign, a member of the local temple, and he’s partly to blame for the villain of the first session.
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And this is said villain. She thinks the town of Crast (a mountain town built around a coal mine, where the campaign starts) is dismissive and disrespectful towards the dead. So hey, why not change that, by force?
Oh, and she used to be Seymour’s apprentice too.
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Tobias is a friendly face the party meets in the first session. He’s the son of another NPC, but because of lore reasons, he doesn’t know that. Oh, and he’s also a bit of a conspiracist
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A name some of y’all might be familiar with (it was my first URL on this account), this is my Dragonborn ranger that I wanna play eventually, one of my favourite unplayed characters (although I could say that for a lot of them). He was banished from his clan for not taking orders and killing a pretty important character from the clan. His name translates to ‘stubborn and honourable betrayer who does not belong’.
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Another of my Dragonborn, this one’s a Bard. His name translates to ‘traveller who belongs to the keepers’. His clan are keepers of knowledge. He also found another of my favourite characters, Waking Sky, when she was very young, feeling lonely, angry, and afraid, and took her to a monk monestary he knew, who helped raise her and teach her to deal with those feelings.
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She’s 19 now, and still hasn’t entirely learned to deal with those feelings.
Yup, blue hair. In world, her hair is actually a mix of blue, white, and its natural blonde, and she has tattoos of waves on her left arm, but there wasn’t a way to show either of those in Reroll, so I settled for this.
Oh, and she’s a Monk too.
Sky is one of my characters that was originally created for an old fan-fiction project with some friends, which ended up being abandoned, and I translated some of the characters I made for that to D&D.
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This is one of my Paladins. She calls herself an ‘Emissary of the Light’. She grew up in a cavern settlement with her family, but they were forced to flee when it was invaded by goblins. Only a handful of the dark elves survived, including her mother. Her mother was killed when she tried to return a few months later though, and since then Ulstra has sworn to fight for the very light that blinds her (yeah, playing with the rule that makes dark elves have difficulty seeing in normal light conditions).
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Iolanthe is a human Fighter who ran away from her noble family with nothing but her horse, rapier, and the clothes on her back.
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Talvani is a half-orc Rogue who was raised by pirates. They found her as a baby (from an island village they raided), and the first mate thought she’d make for some great muscle for the crew as an adult. The captain didn’t like the idea at first, but let it happen.
Could you imagine pirates raising a half-orc child?
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Valo’s an interesting character. When I started making him, I wanted to make a Druid halfling, but I also wanted to mix in the charlatan background. Really curious how that mixes if and when I play him.
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Arutan’s an undead dwarf from the underground city of Arudel. The city’s dead now, with Arutan being the only ‘surviving’ member. With him being undead though, he’d be kinda complicated to play, so there’d be a lot of back and forth between me and the DM about how that works, if I do end up playing him.
I really badly wanna play a tempest Cleric someday though.
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Another character from that old fan fiction project. The next few are from there too. In the old project, Ghost was the best friend of my self-insert character, who became addicted to player-killing (the project was set in an MMO). I’m kinda thinking he might have a similar arc as a D&D character. Of course, being a criminal, I’d probably need to make sure the DM and players are ok with a party member like that.
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Another character from that fan-fiction project. Translating her to D&D, I decided to work with the Folk Hero background, which isn’t one I’d done before. I don’t really know much else about her though, aside from the traits I picked and a few ideas they’ve inspired.
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Yup, another character from that project. I decided on him being a Guild Artisan for his background, specifically a carpenter. I don’t know much else about him though.
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Sarah’s yet another character from that project. She’s a musician, but just as a hobby, rather than as a Bard class. Her brother ran away to join a circus band, but hasn’t been able to commit to one yet.
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Yup, another from the project. Skarlet’s a Monk, with the Entertainer background. Apparently I forgot both of those details when I made this portrait though, and thought she was a Rogue with the Assassin background. I might remake this, but I do quite like the portrait. Now I’m conflicted, dangit.
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Theriel went on an artifact recovery expedition a few years before present day as a guard to a super secret location. When he realised how dangerous the artifact was though, he made some very difficult decisions, believing them to be best for the safety of the world. And now he’s an Eldritch Knight.
Oh, and Theriel’s the last of the batch of characters from that old project. The character was originally inspired by Jack from Final Fantasy Type-0, particular the character’s ability to make horrible jokes (often at the worst time).
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Sunflower is a Barbarian. A few years back, he was fighting in a war as an infantry soldier, and ended up some super powerful magic dude. He has no memory of how the fight went down though. And now sometimes he gets angry, his memory lapses and he can’t remember what happens. He just knows that, when the memory lapse ends, it’s usually with his sword in a bloody body.
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553butterfly553 · 6 years
The Adventures of Arcadia and Hendrickson - 13
“Well hello there, little one. Trying to escape me, are you?” Ludociel, who was now possessing Margaret spoke to the terrified Arcadia. Instantly, the two men looked back at her. She had her back against the wall and she was shaking. “N-No, sir... I was...” “Hush, I won't kill you. I can see from this woman's memories that you and I are on the same side... this time. I have no reason to harm you, currently.” “Arcadia? Are you alright?!” Dreyfus went to the girl's side and put a hand on her shoulder. “I was once nearly killed by him... back when I was still on the side of the demons...” Arcadia's voice was low and shaky. Ludociel just smiled at the scared girl. “As I said, I have no reason to hurt you. Now, moving onto this girl's wish.” Ludociel began to call forth his power as he ranted on. “During the time of the Holy War, 3,000 years ago... All out military might was supposed to be in a state of equilibrium, but the goddess clan who suddenly found themselves holding the heavier end of power were forced to make a very bitter decision... To sacrifice our own bodies to seal the demon clan... Becoming spirit form, we dwelled within relics of the time and awaited the moment of our revival.” “She can't be a real goddess of the goddess clan?!” Dreyfus questioned Hendrickson as he approached the man again. “This sacred power... There's no doubt about it!” Hendrickson responded as they watched the Archangel do something with his magical power. “...Of course, we knew. That sealing them was simply delaying the inevitable...” Ludociel pulled out Margaret's sword and did a cross in the air, causing a huge portal type thing to open. “The only way to truly settle this is for one of us to ultimately be destroyed.” Ludociel then stabbed something with the sword as he walked through the portal. Instantly Hendrickson and Dreyfus walked through, with the brown-haired man pulling along Arcadia. She was too afraid to move, so he'd taken her hand and led her along with them. “I've kept my promise. I've saved your lover  and subdued the witch whom you hate.” While Ludociel talked with Gil and Margaret, Dreyfus went to Vivian's side. She was bleeding out and dying. Hendrickson was just looking around in awe. “This is cruel... It's just too much! Hendy, Arc, help me! Lend me your strength!” Dreyfus yelled out but was only met with the response from Gil. “Holy Knight Captain, Dreyfus! Wait, no, you! You're one of the Ten Commandments! It was you who did this to Margaret, wasn't it!?” “Gilthunder! W-W-W-Wait a sec! It's me! The real Dreyfus! But more important, Hendy, Arc, Hurry!” “Liar!” “You've gotta trust me, it's really me! Right Hendy, Arc! Hendy!” However, Hendrickson was walking over to the goddess. As Arcadia just looked after her lover. She was eventually yanked down by Dreyfus. “Tell Gil, it's really me!” “Gilthunder, it really is Dreyfus,” Arcadia spoke after she was shocked out of it. “Fraudrin is dead now... And Dreyfus, I'm sorry, but Vivian is too close to being dead. I can't heal her.” Suddenly, after some chatting between Hendrickson and Ludociel, the goddess pointed his sword and shot off some power in a direction. That power ended up hitting Zeldris, head on. “Please, accept this gift. It is but a welcoming present. Hmm, as I thought, this vessel is truly magnificent. But I still require more time before I have full control over it...” “Margaret...?” Gilthunder questioned as horror was written all over his face. “That was incredible... Did you see that power?! It was like the very light of God! With this on our side, the people will no longer have to fear the threat of the demon clan!” Hendrickson was caught up in awe of the goddess, much to Dreyfus's and Arcadia's dismay. “Hendrickson... Calm yourself and focus!” Dreyfus scolded, causing the white-haired man to look down at him. “What's wrong? What do you two look so scared for?” “You truly plan to make those two sacrifice even more?” Dreyfus spoke as he looked over at Gilthunder, who was yelling at the Archangel. “Why?! Why did you have to choose Margaret?!” “It was heroic, was it not? That this girl would offer herself up to save you.” Ludociel simply responded with a smirk on Margaret's face. “P...Please just return her back to normal! Margaret, you can hear me, can't you?! Please... Answer me! Why?!” Before the poor man could keep yelling, a powerful blast began to head their way. “Margaret, look out!” “Lady Margaret!” Dreyfus yelled out in panic. “Lord Ludociel!” “He'll be fine...” Arcadia muttered as the attack drew closer. Sure enough, the Archangel just countered the attack and then turned around as if nothing had happened. “Come, let's return to Liones,” Ludociel muttered before going back through the portal, leaving everyone in shock. Gilthunder was the first to move and then Hendrickson. Then Dreyfus, leaving the body of Vivian there. He paused though when he noticed that Arcadia didn't move from her spot. “Arcadia?” Dreyfus questioned, as he reached out to the frozen girl. She just sadly turned around to face him. “Things will only get worse from here...” Arcadia muttered before walking passed Dreyfus and entering the portal. The man was left with no choice but to follow her quickly. “For a second there, I thought you weren't going to join us.” Ludociel cockily spoke to the girl after she appeared on the other side. “I will not leave Hendrickson's side.” Arcadia simply stated glaring at the man. “Oh? I see. You are this druid's lover... How disgusting. I truly pity you, Hendrickson. To have such a woman as a lover. If you were smart, you'd start distancing yourself from her. She will bring you nothing but sadness. After all, she was once the lover of a demon.” “Lord Ludociel...” Hendrickson looked between the Archangel and his lover, before ultimately, turning away from Arcadia. The girl bit her lip and tried hard to not show any more emotions. She just wrote Hendrickson's attitude off as still in shock over meeting an actual Archangel. The druid in him was probably geeking out, or something. Eventually, the group made it back to Liones. Everyone seemed so happy to see Gilthunder had returned. “Your majesty... I must apologize for the trouble and worry that I've caused you.” Gilthunder spoke to the king sadly. “Nonsense! I'm just glad you're safe!” Bartra responded before looking to his daughter. “Margaret... who are those people behind you? Are they new servants of yours?” Instantly, Elizabeth was right in front of her adoptive father. “No, father. That is not sister Margaret.” “Elizabeth? What are you saying?!” “To be more accurate, someone else is controlling Margaret's body...” “Well, well... It has been quite a long time, Elizabeth. It seems the curse of perpetual rebirth that Mother, the Supreme Deity cast upon you is still going strong.” “As I suspected, it is you...” “So... then that's not really Margaret?! If not, then... who are you?!” “The four Archangels of the goddess clan. Ludociel” Margaret responded. Then the monk behind him spoke up. “The same, Tarmiel.” “That goes for me too. Sariel.” Came the voice of seemingly a child. “W...What are you planning on doing with Margaret.... with my daughter?! Return her to me this instant!” “Margaret offered her body up to me on her own.... Will her father truly ignore his daughter's own decision?” Ludociel questioned as Hendrickson left Arcadia's side to approach the king and Archangel. “Your majesty! You needn't worry. As long as Lord Ludociel is inhabiting her, Margaret will, without a doubt be safe!” Hendrickson spoke to the king. “Yes... but...” “Even an attack from the likes of the Ten Commandments' Zeldris is mere child's play before Lord Ludociel! And most importantly!” As Hendrickson spoke like an insane man, Dreyfus darted towards him. “When the Holy Way begins once again, the power of the Archangels will be absolutely essential! So please, try to understan-OWWWW!” Dreyfus full on punched the back of Hendrickson's head. “Come with me, Hendy!” Dreyfus began to drag Hendrickson away, but both men were distracted by the lights appearing in the sky, proving the pact formed by Elizabeth and Ludociel. Hendrickson just smiled like he was in awe, while Dreyfus just looked a bit worried and shocked. Meanwhile, Arcadia was following after them, upset over the whole situation. After everything calmed down, Dreyfus dragged Hendrickson back to his place, with Arcadia following them again. “What the hell is wrong with you, Hendy? Why are you acting like this?” Dreyfus demanded, angry with his friend. “What are you talking about? I'm not acting any different than I usually am.” Hendrickson responded, only to be glared at by Arcadia. “You're acting like a crazed fanboy.” His lover responded bitterly. “This has been a really long day. Can we all just go to bed?” “I think I'm going to go talk with Lord Ludociel some more.” “Wait, you... you won't go to sleep with me?” The hurt was evident in Arcadia's voice and shown clearly on her face. However, Hendrickson was already out of the door and closing it. “Fine, you can find me in Dreyfus's bed then! Come on!” The girl then dragged Dreyfus away from the main room. However, she stopped in the hallway and leaned against the wall. “Arc...adia?” Dreyfus hesitantly questioned worriedly for his friend. “What is going to happen now? I thought everything was going to be fine again but Hendrickson...” “I understand. Let's go to bed.” Dreyfus put his hand on the girl's lower back and guided her to his bedroom. “You're okay with sleeping next to me?” “Of course, you can't sleep alone anymore, can you?” The girl just shook her head. “Alright then. Here.” Dreyfus handed the girl some of his clothing and sent her away to get changed. He got changed as well in the meantime and they met back up on
their respective sides of the bed. Arcadia was on the right side while Dreyfus was on the left. “You're sure about this?” “Just get in the bed, Arc.” Dreyfus climbed in the bed as Arcadia hesitated. She then gave up with feeling uncertain and got in and laid down next to Dreyfus. “I'm sorry.” “You aren't the one who needs to be sorry.” With that, Dreyfus and Arcadia drifted off to sleep. They didn't end up cuddling or anything, but just by being near him, kept the nightmares away from Arcadia and helped her sleep peacefully. She felt a little lonely though and wondered where in the hell Hendrickson was. The next day, Dreyfus and Arcadia were called into a war meeting with the Archangels and a few other people, including Merlin, Escanor, Griamore, Howzer, and Elizabeth. Arcadia sat next to Ludociel and Merlin. “We will now begin going over the battle strategy as well as the squad rosters and formation,” Merlin stated to the room. However, she was interrupted by the other goddesses mumbling. “I'm in shock... It really is Mael's grace.” Sariel muttered to Tarmiel. “I can't believe it,” Tarmiel responded in disbelief. They were looking at Escanor, and the large man turned to glare at them. “What?! I'll have you know I'm in a seriously bad mood right now!” Escanor snapped at the two Archangels. “Stop with the chit chat!” Merlin snapped, bringing order back to the room. “...Yes, ma'am.” “First, the defense force will be stationed here to protect our position at Liones to the bitter end. The search-and-destroy force will make their way south towards Camelot clashing with the demon clan's armies head-on, destroying any trace of them. We'll take the minimum amount of people possible to form the assault squad that will launch the direct attack on Camelot.” “The commanders of the defense force will be Dreyfus at the south gate, Griamore at the east gate and Hendrickson at the north gate,” Dreyfus spoke up next. “The search-and-destroy force will be the largest of our forces, so Gilthunder and I will take command for the Holy Knights,” Howzer explained next. “Tarmiel and Sariel will command the search-and-destroy force as well on behalf of the four Archangels... and now for some good news. It seems the giant village and fairy king's forest will be sending their own armies to join us in the fight.” Ludociel explained after Howzer. “The assault squad will be made up of three people – Escanor, Lord Ludociel, and myself. This is to lower casualties from Zeldris' piety commandment as well as attempt to prevent free-for-all bedlam.” Merlin finished off her explanation. “Lady Elizabeth... I had thought for sure you'd be joining the assault squad...” Ludociel smirked at the young goddess. “I will be joining the search-and-destroy force along with the Seven Deadly Sins.” Elizabeth calmly explained. “You can't bring yourself to see your lover-turned-evil slain before your very eyes?” “Stop it, Ludociel.” Sariel calmly stated to his leader. “What...?” “Stopping Meliodas from finding the remaining commandments is a vital role,” Tarmiel spoke followed by Sariel speaking. “That's right... besides, we need Lady Elizabeth's support.” “Thank you, Tarmiel, Sariel,” Elizabeth said to her past friends. “Hmph... Ah yes, I'd like to request a little change in the plans. I want Hendrickson assigned to me as a bodyguard.” To Ludociel's words, both Dreyfus and Arcadia stood up in shock. “D...Don't be ridiculous! You're going to take him with you into that mass of demonic energy... Straight into the enemy's stronghold at Camelot?!” Dreyfus yelled out enraged. “besides, Hendrickson's already one of the commanders of the defense force! You can't just go deciding that on your own! Surely you can take someone else instead?” “This is what Hendrickson himself wishes.” Hearing those words, broke Arcadia's heart. “That fool!” “I'm going too.” “Gil?!” Griamore questioned as he turned around. “Now you?!” Howzer also questioned in shock. “Ludociel... Hendrickson is going in order to protect you, isn't he? Well then, I'm going in order to protect Margaret.” “I'm going with you too! Someone needs to protect Hendrickson!” Arcadia yelled out next. She had a look of pure determination written all over her face. “...Of course, you're both more than welcome. After all, we are allies and allies should work together.” Ludociel spoke with a smirk on Margaret's face. After the meeting, Dreyfus pulled Arcadia away from the group. “What did you need, Dreyfus?” Arcadia questioned as she allowed herself to be pulled along by the man. “Promise me, you will come back alive with Hendrickson.” The man seemingly begged as he grabbed a hold of the girl's shoulders. Arcadia just nodded her head. “I will Dreyfus. I swear on my life. I won't allow the man I love to die.” “You can't die either.” “...It definitely won't be my intention, but you never know what will happen. I'd rather die as long as Hendrickson can live.” Her determination was clear in her eyes, leaving Dreyfus to just nod. The man was about to leave, but Arcadia grabbed a hold of his hand. “You as well. Don't you die. You aren't allowed. Hendrickson and I didn't go through the trouble of saving you just for you to die.” Her last words were joking, but the point was there. “I'll come back alive. As long as you and Hendrickson do as well.” “We will.” With that, the two split up and headed to where they were supposed to. However, Arcadia was stopped once again. This time, by an even more familiar voice. “Arcadia, please wait a moment.” It was Elizabeth. Hesitantly, the girl turned around to face the young girl. “What is it?” “I remember everything now. I remember you, my daughter.” Elizabeth smiled at the girl, but she didn't return it. “Look, mother, we were never close in the first place, so whatever this is about...” “I just... I just wanted to see the woman my only child has become. That's all. Also, Hendrickson is a good man, you picked much better.” “Much better than the demon you hated, right?n I'm sure you were so glad that dad killed him, weren't you? The first man, demon, whatever, I loved.” “You're still taking it hard, that's to be expected...” “Enough, I've had it with his conversation. I'm not talking about my past or current relationships with you. You don't have the right to know about anything involving me.” With that, Arcadia turned away and left. It was time for everyone to get ready for battle anyway. Arcadia was already ready so she just decided to look around for Hendrickson. Of course, when she found him, he was walking with Ludociel. The girl wasn't sure why, but it bothered her. “Hendrickson!” Arcadia called out as she approached her lover. He turned around and halfway smiled at her, however, instantly the look was replaced by a frown and he looked back to Ludociel. “Hendy...” That hurt, her more than anything, but she still approached the two. “Hello, Arcadia, are you prepared?” Ludociel questioned with a smirk. “I am,” Arcadia responded as she glared at the Archangel. Ludociel then looked over at Hendrickson, who was now looking over at Dreyfus, who was actually looking over at the little group. “Are you sure you are alright with this... Hendrickson? You can go fight alongside him.” “This is the path we've both chosen. We won't have any regrets.” Hendrickson muttered sadly as he watched his best friend turn angrily away from him. “I see.” The Archangel seemed satisfied enough with that and then turned to Arcadia, who was just watching Dreyfus sadly. “And you, Arcadia? Will you have any regrets not fighting by his side?” “He'll be fine, I don't need to watch over him. Why are you asking about Dreyfus anyway? I only recently met him.” Arcadia questioned, a little confused and irritated. “Well, you did sleep with him last night, didn't you?” “Not in an inappropriate way! I can't sleep alone! Hendrickson ran off to be with you, so I was left with no choice!” That response just caused Ludociel to smirk.  Seeing the girl's anguish made him happy. He'd always had a distaste for the girl. “I see. I understand, but, does Hendrickson?” With those words, Ludociel just walked away leaving the girl to turn to look at her lover. He seemed to be slightly upset but then his face turned emotionless. He said nothing to the girl and quickly followed after the Archangel. “What is happening with us?” Arcadia muttered sadly as she looked longingly after her lover. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to look up at Gilthunder. “Lady Arcadia, are you alright?” “Don't call me lady, and I'm not sure anymore...” Even so, Arcadia and Gilthunder just made their way to Ludociel. There, the Archangel used his power to make the humans with him float as Arcadia used her wings to fly next to Gilthunder. “After the passing of 3,000 years, Holy War once again is about to begin! Ladies and gentlemen of Stigma! I promise victory in this. This guiding white hand shall sever the bloodlines of darkness, and with thine swords and spears, you shall save Britannia!” Ludociel yelled out to the entire army. Mostly everyone began to cheer after that speech. “Looks like that's the end for your self-satisfactory rejoicing,” Escanor speaks as he looks away from the Archangel. With that, the war begins.
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