#but also everyday we discuss such vast things we’re so cool
iammissingautumn · 2 years
i love you healthy conversations about judaism i love you checking your resources to make sure your being respectful i love you changing an aspect in an idea not bc it’s inherently bad but just because it’s better to be safe and certain. i love you putting effort into empathizing and understanding different life experiences and looking our brothers and sisters in the eyes and saying I’ll learn everything I can on my own and I’ll listen to you talk about it for hours if you want. i love you healthy conversations between cultures you are not in and putting in grace while allowing yourself to have an individual opinion based on being informed.
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minosey-desirerose · 2 years
Dear Shy Masturbator, 
First of all, can I tell you how cool it is that you’re taking steps to work through this? Masturbation is absolutely a form of self-care, but for many (probably most) of us, the message we received as kids was that masturbation was dirty, shameful, or embarrassing. Great news: it’s not! 
I’m thinking there’s a psychological component to your question, but I’m also going to talk you through some sensory steps to help make masturbation as fun as possible. Lastly, I want to thank you for asking this! I’m sure there are a lot of people who experience this discomfort and are embarrassed (in the opposite direction) that they can’t seem to “do” solo sex. For you and anyone else out there experiencing this, I want to assure you that it’s a totally normal step in the pleasure process.
1. Normalize solo sex.
Before you crawl under the sheets / into the shower / etc., I’m going to first recommend that you surround yourself with positive examples of masturbation. Why? So that your mind can dispense with any “ew” around masturbation, and start replacing it with a “HELL YES.”
If you’re not already listening to the Sex With Emily podcast, try signing up for that and other sex education shows that openly discuss solo sex. We regularly talk about overcoming masturbation blocks! You can also hack your Instagram, and follow sex positive accounts that take masturbation out of the shadows and into everyday discourse. Next, check out my friend Justin Lehmiller’s fantastic site, sexandpsychology.com, for research-based thoughts on solo sex and, well, every other type of sex.
I find that many vulva owners were never given a real education around masturbation, so it can be a confusing world to enter. Conversely, many penis owners were more or less expected to masturbate from puberty on, but there was often a sense of ickiness associated with it. By bringing positive examples into your life, you can start evolving your neural pathways, creating new (hot) associations with the act itself.
2. Hack your cycle. 
Vulva owners have a monthly cycle that makes arousal more or less obvious. Take ovulation: you know that glorious window of one or two days mid-cycle, when you want sex so badly you get turned on by a blade of grass? That is an ideal time for masturbation. Your hormones are ready and willing to help you achieve orgasm, thanks to a surge of estrogen and testosterone. By week three, that feeling wanes, and then right before your period, it’s back, thanks to increased blood circulation in your genitals.
3. Turn YOURSELF on.
Before masturbating, try activities that get your endorphins flowing. That could include exercise (the guys at MindPump have some great thoughts on this), a dance party for one, or even having a stimulating conversation with someone. Getting “turned on” isn’t always directly sexual – it’s simply heightening your body’s excitement, encouraging feel-good chemicals to flood your system.
But turn on’s definitely can be sexual. Try experimenting with audio porn apps, erotica, or ethical porn, such as the vast archives on Bellesa Plus (aka the Netflix of Porn) to see what stuff stimulates you. Bellesa Plus is fantastic because there’s an emphasis on story and legitimate chemistry between performers – so the pleasure you’re viewing is authentic. We’ve got these cool things in our brains called mirror neurons, which help us learn and internalize specific behaviors. And when we watch ethical porn, we process the pleasure we’re seeing and learn how to make it our own. (Wink wink.)
4. Eliminate distractions.
One of the biggest mental blocks with masturbation is worrying you’ll get “caught.” So if you can, choose a time and place to masturbate where you’re gloriously alone, and not preoccupied with the thought that someone might walk in. There’s lots of research to suggest that noises you make while masturbating help bring about orgasm, so don’t be afraid to breathe heavy, sigh or moan as sensations arise: Pamela Madsen, founder of Back to the Body, talks all about this in our recent convo.
5. Try different toys.
Whether you’ve got a vulva or a penis, there’s a pleasure toy out there with your name on it. Let’s talk options:
Vibratorsare the most popular option for vulva owners, and varieties abound. I’m a particular fan of Dame’s Pom, which is a flexible vibrator that’s also waterproof…so you can take it into the bath or shower. But I love that you can “personalize” the Pom to your anatomy, since it’s pliable.
Air-suction sex toys are getting more “buzz” (har har) these days, and are just the ticket for many vulva owners who don’t readily orgasm with vibrators. They’re designed to mimic oral sex, stimulating both the nerves in the clitoris and nearby nerves for some serious OMG feels.
Penis rings, aka cock rings, are getting more sophisticated, and my favorites fit on the shaft of the penis, with a vibrator that stimulates your perineum. If you’ve never experienced thatvibe before…now’s your chance: We-Vibe’s new Bond toy is a great stimulating toy that delivers powerful sensations. You can even control with a remote, making “the tease” all the more exciting.
Masturbation sleevesallow for penis insertion and a ton of sensory options: vibration, suction, grooves, and ridges. When it comes to physical stimulation on the penis itself, sleeves are fantastic and, thankfully, abundant. Why not try a few, and become a sex toy connoisseur?
Experiment with different areas of your body.
My final thought here is to avoid going straight for the genitals during your next masturbation sesh, and instead, let the anticipation build up all over your body. Run a hand over your chest, tease your inner thighs, squeeze your nipples…regard yourself as a lover, someone whose body deserves pleasure, and is ripe to receive it.
In that vein, you can also try exploring some booty action. If this is new to you (but piques your curiosity), here are some excellent anal play tips, and here is the go-to anal training kit from b-Vibe that I recommend to everyone. It’s adorable, comprehensive, and sets you up for anal orgasms. Yup, they’re real! But anal isn’t a zero to sixty game, which is why the b-Vibe kit is so smart: it teaches you how to prepare your sphincter, and gives you beginner-friendly, vibrating butt plugs. (Bonus? It’s on sale right now.)
There are so many health benefits to masturbation, from better sleep, to better mood, to better partnered sex—so once again, I applaud you for writing in and asking this question. When we reframe masturbation by regarding it as one of many self-care activities, we can start to explore it more deeply. Kudos for pleasuring the #1 lover in your life (you), and have fun on the journey!
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planetarduino · 5 years
Get started with machine learning on Arduino
This post was originally published by Sandeep Mistry and Dominic Pajak on the TensorFlow blog.
Arduino is on a mission to make machine learning simple enough for anyone to use. We’ve been working with the TensorFlow Lite team over the past few months and are excited to show you what we’ve been up to together: bringing TensorFlow Lite Micro to the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. In this article, we’ll show you how to install and run several new TensorFlow Lite Micro examples that are now available in the Arduino Library Manager.
The first tutorial below shows you how to install a neural network on your Arduino board to recognize simple voice commands.
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Example 1: Running the pre-trained micro_speech inference example.
Next, we’ll introduce a more in-depth tutorial you can use to train your own custom gesture recognition model for Arduino using TensorFlow in Colab. This material is based on a practical workshop held by Sandeep Mistry and Dan Coleman, an updated version of which is now online. 
If you have previous experience with Arduino, you may be able to get these tutorials working within a couple of hours. If you’re entirely new to microcontrollers, it may take a bit longer. 
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Example 2: Training your own gesture classification model.
We’re excited to share some of the first examples and tutorials, and to see what you will build from here. Let’s get started!
Note: The following projects are based on TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers which is currently experimental within the TensorFlow repo. This is still a new and emerging field!
Microcontrollers and TinyML
Microcontrollers, such as those used on Arduino boards, are low-cost, single chip, self-contained computer systems. They’re the invisible computers embedded inside billions of everyday gadgets like wearables, drones, 3D printers, toys, rice cookers, smart plugs, e-scooters, washing machines. The trend to connect these devices is part of what is referred to as the Internet of Things.
Arduino is an open-source platform and community focused on making microcontroller application development accessible to everyone. The board we’re using here has an Arm Cortex-M4 microcontroller running at 64 MHz with 1MB Flash memory and 256 KB of RAM. This is tiny in comparison to Cloud, PC, or mobile but reasonable by microcontroller standards.
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Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board is smaller than a stick of gum.
There are practical reasons you might want to squeeze ML on microcontrollers, including: 
Function – wanting a smart device to act quickly and locally (independent of the Internet).
Cost – accomplishing this with simple, lower cost hardware.
Privacy – not wanting to share all sensor data externally.
Efficiency – smaller device form-factor, energy-harvesting or longer battery life.
There’s a final goal which we’re building towards that is very important:
Machine learning can make microcontrollers accessible to developers who don’t have a background in embedded development 
On the machine learning side, there are techniques you can use to fit neural network models into memory constrained devices like microcontrollers. One of the key steps is the quantization of the weights from floating point to 8-bit integers. This also has the effect of making inference quicker to calculate and more applicable to lower clock-rate devices. 
TinyML is an emerging field and there is still work to do – but what’s exciting is there’s a vast unexplored application space out there. Billions of microcontrollers combined with all sorts of sensors in all sorts of places which can lead to some seriously creative and valuable TinyML applications in the future.
What you need to get started
An Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board
A Micro USB cable to connect the Arduino board to your desktop machine
To program your board, you can use the Arduino Web Editor or install the Arduino IDE. We’ll give you more details on how to set these up in the following sections
The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense has a variety of onboard sensors meaning potential for some cool TinyML applications:
Voice – digital microphone
Motion – 9-axis IMU (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer)
Environmental – temperature, humidity and pressure
Light – brightness, color and object proximity
Unlike classic Arduino Uno, the board combines a microcontroller with onboard sensors which means you can address many use cases without additional hardware or wiring. The board is also small enough to be used in end applications like wearables. As the name suggests it has Bluetooth LE connectivity so you can send data (or inference results) to a laptop, mobile app or other BLE boards and peripherals.
Tip: Sensors on a USB stick – Connecting the BLE Sense board over USB is an easy way to capture data and add multiple sensors to single board computers without the need for additional wiring or hardware – a nice addition to a Raspberry Pi, for example.
TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers examples
The inference examples for TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers are now packaged and available through the Arduino Library manager making it possible to include and run them on Arduino in a few clicks. In this section we’ll show you how to run them. The examples are:
micro_speech – speech recognition using the onboard microphone
magic_wand – gesture recognition using the onboard IMU
person_detection – person detection using an external ArduCam camera
For more background on the examples you can take a look at the source in the TensorFlow repository. The models in these examples were previously trained. The tutorials below show you how to deploy and run them on an Arduino. In the next section, we’ll discuss training.
How to run the examples using Arduino Create web editor
Once you connect your Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense to your desktop machine with a USB cable you will be able to compile and run the following TensorFlow examples on the board by using the Arduino Create web editor:
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Compiling an example from the Arduino_TensorFlowLite library.
Focus on the speech recognition example: micro_speech
One of the first steps with an Arduino board is getting the LED to flash. Here, we’ll do it with a twist by using TensorFlow Lite Micro to recognise voice keywords. It has a simple vocabulary of “yes” and “no”. Remember this model is running locally on a microcontroller with only 256KB of RAM, so don’t expect commercial ‘voice assistant’ level accuracy – it has no Internet connection and on the order of 2000x less local RAM available.
Note the board can be battery powered as well. As the Arduino can be connected to motors, actuators and more this offers the potential for voice-controlled projects.
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Running the micro_speech example.
How to run the examples using the Arduino IDE
Alternatively you can use try the same inference examples using Arduino IDE application.
First, follow the instructions in the next section Setting up the Arduino IDE. In the Arduino IDE, you will see the examples available via the File > Examples > Arduino_TensorFlowLite menu in the ArduinoIDE.
Select an example and the sketch will open. To compile, upload and run the examples on the board, and click the arrow icon:
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For advanced users who prefer a command line, there is also the arduino-cli.
Training a TensorFlow Lite Micro model for Arduino
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Gesture classification on Arduino BLE 33 Nano Sense, output as emojis.
Next we will use ML to enable the Arduino board to recognise gestures. We’ll capture motion data from the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board, import it into TensorFlow to train a model, and deploy the resulting classifier onto the board.
The idea for this tutorial was based on Charlie Gerard’s awesome Play Street Fighter with body movements using Arduino and Tensorflow.js. In Charlie’s example, the board is streaming all sensor data from the Arduino to another machine which performs the gesture classification in Tensorflow.js. We take this further and “TinyML-ifiy” it by performing gesture classification on the Arduino board itself. This is made easier in our case as the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board we’re using has a more powerful Arm Cortex-M4 processor, and an on-board IMU.
We’ve adapted the tutorial below, so no additional hardware is needed – the sampling starts on detecting movement of the board. The original version of the tutorial adds a breadboard and a hardware button to press to trigger sampling. If you want to get into a little hardware, you can follow that version instead.
Setting up the Arduino IDE
Following the steps below sets up the Arduino IDE application used to both upload inference models to your board and download training data from it in the next section. There are a few more steps involved than using Arduino Create web editor because we will need to download and install the specific board and libraries in the Arduino IDE.
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Download and install the Arduino IDE from: https://arduino.cc/downloads
Open the Arduino application you just installed
In the Arduino IDE menu select Tools > Board > Boards Manager…
Search for “Nano BLE” and press install on the board 
It will take several minutes to install
When it’s done close the Boards Manager window
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Now go to the Library Manager Tools > Manage Libraries…
Search for and install the Arduino_TensorFlowLite library
Next search for and install the Arduino_LSM9DS1 library:
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Finally, plug the micro USB cable into the board and your computer
Choose the board Tools > Board > Arduino Nano 33 BLE
Choose the port Tools > Port > COM5 (Arduino Nano 33 BLE) 
Note that the actual port name may be different on your computer
There are more detailed Getting Started and Troubleshooting guides on the Arduino site if you need help.
Streaming sensor data from the Arduino board
First, we need to capture some training data. You can capture sensor data logs from the Arduino board over the same USB cable you use to program the board with your laptop or PC.
Arduino boards run small applications (also called sketches) which are compiled from .ino format Arduino source code, and programmed onto the board using the Arduino IDE or Arduino Create. 
We’ll be using a pre-made sketch IMU_Capture.ino which does the following:
Monitor the board’s accelerometer and gyroscope 
Trigger a sample window on detecting significant linear acceleration of the board 
Sample for one second at 119Hz, outputting CSV format data over USB 
Loop back and monitor for the next gesture
The sensors we choose to read from the board, the sample rate, the trigger threshold, and whether we stream data output as CSV, JSON, binary or some other format are all customizable in the sketch running on the Arduino. There is also scope to perform signal preprocessing and filtering on the device before the data is output to the log – this we can cover in another blog. For now, you can just upload the sketch and get sampling.
To program the board with this sketch in the Arduino IDE:
Download IMU_Capture.ino and open it in the Arduino IDE
Compile and upload it to the board with Sketch > Upload
Visualizing live sensor data log from the Arduino board
With that done we can now visualize the data coming off the board. We’re not capturing data yet this is just to give you a feel for how the sensor data capture is triggered and how long a sample window is. This will help when it comes to collecting training samples.
In the Arduino IDE, open the Serial Plotter Tools > Serial Plotter
If you get an error that the board is not available, reselect the port:
Tools > Port > portname (Arduino Nano 33 BLE) 
Pick up the board and practice your punch and flex gestures
You’ll see it only sample for a one second window, then wait for the next gesture
You should see a live graph of the sensor data capture (see GIF below)
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Arduino IDE Serial Plotter will show a live graph of CSV data output from your board.
When you’re done be sure to close the Serial Plotter window – this is important as the next step won’t work otherwise.
Capturing gesture training data 
To capture data as a CSV log to upload to TensorFlow, you can use Arduino IDE > Tools > Serial Monitor to view the data and export it to your desktop machine:
Reset the board by pressing the small white button on the top
Pick up the board in one hand (picking it up later will trigger sampling)
In the Arduino IDE, open the Serial Monitor Tools > Serial Monitor
If you get an error that the board is not available, reselect the port:
Tools > Port > portname (Arduino Nano 33 BLE) 
Make a punch gesture with the board in your hand (Be careful whilst doing this!)
Make the outward punch quickly enough to trigger the capture
Return to a neutral position slowly so as not to trigger the capture again 
Repeat the gesture capture step 10 or more times to gather more data
Copy and paste the data from the Serial Console to new text file called punch.csv 
Clear the console window output and repeat all the steps above, this time with a flex gesture in a file called flex.csv 
Make the inward flex fast enough to trigger capture returning slowly each time
Note the first line of your two csv files should contain the fields aX,aY,aZ,gX,gY,gZ.
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Linux tip: If you prefer you can redirect the sensor log output from the Arduino straight to a .csv file on the command line. With the Serial Plotter / Serial Monitor windows closed use:
 $ cat /dev/cu.usbmodem[nnnnn] > sensorlog.csv
Training in TensorFlow
We’re going to use Google Colab to train our machine learning model using the data we collected from the Arduino board in the previous section. Colab provides a Jupyter notebook that allows us to run our TensorFlow training in a web browser.
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Arduino gesture recognition training colab.
The colab will step you through the following:
Set up Python environment
Upload the punch.csv and flex.csv data 
Parse and prepare the data
Build and train the model
Convert the trained model to TensorFlow Lite
Encode the model in an Arduino header file
The final step of the colab is generates the model.h file to download and include in our Arduino IDE gesture classifier project in the next section:
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Let’s open the notebook in Colab and run through the steps in the cells – arduino_tinyml_workshop.ipynb
Classifying IMU Data
Next we will use model.h file we just trained and downloaded from Colab in the previous section in our Arduino IDE project:
Open IMU_Classifier.ino in the Arduino IDE.
Create a new tab in the IDE. When asked name it model.h
Open the model.h tab and paste in the version you downloaded from Colab
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Upload the sketch: Sketch > Upload
Open the Serial Monitor: Tools > Serial Monitor
Perform some gestures
The confidence of each gesture will be printed to the Serial Monitor (0 = low confidence, 1 =  high confidence)
Congratulations you’ve just trained your first ML application for Arduino!
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For added fun the Emoji_Button.ino example shows how to create a USB keyboard that prints an emoji character in Linux and macOS. Try combining the Emoji_Button.ino example with the IMU_Classifier.ino sketch to create a gesture controlled emoji keyboard ?.
It’s an exciting time with a lot to learn and explore in TinyML. We hope this blog has given you some idea of the potential and a starting point to start applying it in your own projects. Be sure to let us know what you build and share it with the Arduino community.
For a comprehensive background on TinyML and the example applications in this article, we recommend Pete Warden and Daniel Situnayake’s new O’Reilly book “TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Arduino and Ultra-Low Power Microcontrollers.”
Get started with machine learning on Arduino was originally published on PlanetArduino
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Things We Want Answered In The Disney+ Phineas And Ferb Movie
Phineas and Ferb was the monster hit show from Disney that ran for nearly a decade and left an indelible impression on fans. Ever since it went off the air, there have been pleas to have the show back, and Disney has finally listened. A Phineas and Ferb movie will be released on Disney+ called Phineas And Ferb: Candace Against The Universe.
RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Disney+ Could Easily Beat Netflix (And 5 Why It Never Can)
The movie will reportedly be set in the time during the show's original run, so we may not get any hints as to what the gang from the series is up to in the future. But here are 10 questions we want the movie to provide answers for:
10 How Do The Brothers Fund Their Projects?
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Almost every episode in the show had the tiny prodigy brothers create one impossibly giant construction after another. Yet, it is never made clear how exactly Phineas and Ferb get the money to fund their projects.
In the first episode, we see Phineas remark to Ferb that they should have charged more for a ride on their roller coaster, implying they might be monetizing their inventions. That said, the duo never appears to charge people for their inventions in later episodes.
9 Why Doesn't OWCA Arrest Doofenshmirtz?
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Doofenshmirtz is a self-proclaimed evil scientist with dreams of taking over the Tri-State area. And yet, despite spending practically every episode making a new device to take over the Tri-State, he goes back to square one at the end of the day, after Perry the Platypus has foiled his scheme, plotting a new rise to power.
So why doesn't OWCA, the organization Perry works for, knock on Doofenshmirtz's door and carry him off to jail? They know where he lives. They know he is a threat. How about neutralizing him before he finally succeeds in his evil mission?
8 Where Does Perry Keep His Fedora?
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Perry's secret agent disguise consists of a Fedora. The hat comes on, secret agent! The hat comes off, a normal everyday platypus who doesn't do much. We never learn where Perry keeps this magic hat that immediately grants him an unbreachable disguise.
RELATED: 7 Movies/Shows Making a Comeback on Disney+ (And 3 We Want Revived)
We only ever see him whip out the hat from behind his back and put it on. So does that mean he... keeps it inside his butt? Is that why he has difficulty moving quickly while in innocent pet mode?
7 How did Phineas And Ferb Never Discover Perry's Hideout?
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Perry has a giant secret hideout underneath the house where he lives as a pet. That means that Phineas and Ferb, arguably the two smartest humans on the planet, are unaware that there is a vast underground cavern beneath their house containing all manners of sophisticated gadgets.
You would think the brothers would have noticed the hideout while carrying out the many, many detailed constructions in their backyard in every episode. Or maybe they do know, and in fact, have been helping themselves to Perry's best government-issued tools and weapons to create their own stuff?
6 Don't The Parents Ever Discuss The Boys' Inventions?
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Candace is always trying to convince her mother that the boy's inventions are real and as outlandish as she claims. Her mother Linda never believes her, and the one time she saw them herself, she freaked out and sent the boys to a reeducation camp.
Conversely, Linda's husband Kurt is perfectly aware of Phineas and Ferb's inventions. Hasn't Kurt ever even casually mentioned to his wife the fact that he spent the afternoon driving on a monster truck racecourse the boys created in one afternoon? Seems like a somewhat conversation-worthy topic to us.
5 What Job Does Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc Do?
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Whenever we cut to a scene showing Doofenshmirtz's lair, we hear the jingle "Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc" play in the background. Clearly, the building is an office of some kind, with Perry even speaking to Doofenshmitiz's secretary at one point.
RELATED: 20 Things You Never Noticed In Phineas And Ferb
So what exactly would a professional organization like Evil Inc. do? We never find out. We might think Doofenshmirtz would be using his genius to create all kinds of gadgets that people would want to use, but considering how clumsy and full of flaws his 'Inators' usually are, something tells us that's not it.
4 Why Did Phineas Change After Episode One?
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The Phineas we see in the first episode of the series charges his friends for allowing them to ride the rollercoaster he and Ferb built. He also feels no remorse in lying to Candace about doing homework so she wouldn't discover what the brothers were actually up to.
Phineas never intentionally lies to Candace again throughout the series, never tries to hide what he and his brothers are doing nor charges his friends for using his cool contraptions. So what happened to present Phineas to bring about such a dramatic change of heart?
3 Do The Boys Ever Use Their Inventions To Help Anyone Out?
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Phineas and Ferb have proven themselves to be much more ingenious than Doofenshmirtz, an adult scientist when it comes to inventions. However, we rarely see them using their gadgets to help others, beyond occasionally helping to repel an army invasion from another dimension or Isabella to lose her hiccups.
Just once we'd like to see the boys use their natural genius to help rid the world of any of the dozen global-level issues plaguing the planet currently. We're pretty sure the two could solve global warming in an afternoon if they set their mind to it.
2 What Was Up With The Giant Floating Baby Head?
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The giant floating baby head remains the most enigmatic thing in the series. It was originally thought to have been created by Phineas, Ferb or perhaps even Doofenshmirtz, but that is not the case. It just... is.
Eternally floating with a glazed smile plastered across its face, the baby head is seemingly animated by a conscious and sentient will that draws it towards the tri-state area. There are whole levels of creepy left to be explored regarding the Giant Floating Baby Head.
1 Did Baljeet Ever Make A Move On Isabella?
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Baljeet is one of the closest friends that Phineas and Ferb have, and is shown to chiefly lead a life of the mind, completely wrapped up in his grades and assignments. But there was a rare occasion when Baljeet revealed he is not above experiencing the softer emotions when he hinted that he likes Isabella.
We'd like to see more of this side of Baljeet. Even though we know Isabella gets together with Phineas after the series ends, it would be fun to see her exploring her options with Baljeet, perhaps on a date or two.
NEXT: 8 Reasons To Get Excited For Disney’s New Streaming Service (And 2 That Have Us Worried)
source https://screenrant.com/disney-plus-phineas-ferb-movie-questions-need-answered/
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Vol. 4 track 1
Drama “Romeo and Juliet”
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Translation index || Track 2
Interviewer: Well then, let’s begin the interview. SolidS members, pleased to work with you.
All: Pleased to work with you!
Interviewer: Let’s get straight to the point. You were elected to provide the theme song for the movie Romeo and Juliet –Follow your heart– even though you’re a new unit who just debuted, so first of all, congratulations!
Shiki: Thank you very much.
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: Thank you very much.
Interviewer: After reading the proposal and listening to your sound, I got the feeling the movie’s concept about “re-interpreting a classic work” and SolidS’ freshness match really well. Do you think that was also what motivated your selection?
Shiki: I hope that is the case. As you say, this movie’s production team, the director and the staff, are an assortment of veterans who have created many works and won very famous awards. If we, SolidS, can add some freshness to that, it would be interesting as a dual concept.
Interviewer: How did you feel when it was decided?
Shiki: When I first heard it I was incredibly surprised, but I didn’t have a single doubt. Since we got the chance, we should do our best.
Interviewer: How about the rest of you?
Tsubasa: Eh, I… Ah, can I go next?
Rikka: Of course!
Dai: Go ahead.
Tsubasa: Well then, again. *clears throat* I was super excited when I knew it was the theme song for a movie that’s getting a lot of attention! How are we going to convey Romeo and Juliet in our own way, I’m already thrilled!
Interviewer: You’re very motivated! Ah, now that you mention it, it was written in the proposal too… In the album’s limited edition there will be included a PV with a story…?
Tsubasa: That’s right! Not related to the movie’s plot, it’s a PV about expressing SolidS’ individual Romeo and Juliet! The contents… Ah, can I say this?
Shiki: It’s being revealed in this interview. The day of the announcement is written in the proposal too. Haven’t you read it?
Tsubasa: Ah, was it??
Shiki: Good grief. Now that I think about it, did you already read the Romeo and Juliet book I gave you the other day?
Tsubasa: Ah, um… I read until they confess their love in a balcony at night, more or less…
Shiki: I’ll ask just in case, but you know what’s Romeo and Juliet about, right?
Tsubasa: Roughly… it’s about two people who love each other but were born in families that are mutual enemies, and in the end both die!
Dai: Roughly indeed, but it’s not wrong.
Interviewer: *laughs*
Shiki: *sigh*
Rikka: Certainly, there are a lot of people who know about that much of the story. Even though I’m saying it myself, it was because of this project that I read the book for the first time and knew the whole story.
Tsubasa: Right!! I know right!! See, Shiki, even our conscience, Rikka, is saying that!
Shiki: Now you’re suddenly confident about it.
Interviewer: *laughs* I see, so Rikka-san is SolidS’ conscience.
Rikka: You don’t need to write that.
Tsubasa: Since we got the job, I really do want to read it, I just haven’t read it until the end yet! Because you know, that book is translated to Japanese, but isn’t it super difficult?? Like, the wording is sluggish, like it’s hard to read on purpose!
Rikka: Shakespeare is one special kind of classical literature. If the translation is very literal, the expressions become difficult to understand.
Tsubasa: Yes, yes!! It’s full of words you’d never use in your everyday life!
Dai: Well, the book Shiki gave us is pretty faithful to the original text… If you read it thinking it’s a novel, it might be hard.
Interviewer: From the way you’re saying that, it means you’re well-informed about it, Dai-san?
Dai: Eh, well… I’ve read about Shakespeare in general. I liked classical music from the start, and it uses it as a theme, so because of that.
Rikka: Getting into it because of music and reading the books that are used as a theme, that’s very like you. You’re the type who investigates thoroughly anything you’re interested in.
Dai: I don’t think it’s that great though…
Interviewer: I see… that’s an unexpected… maybe it’s rude if I say that? But a very nice episode about Dai-san.
Dai: You don’t need to write about that either.
Rikka: *laughs*
Dai: By the way, Tsubasa, if the words are so difficult to read, why don’t you start with a movie or something? I think that’ll be easier for you.
Tsubasa: Aaah, there’s that way too!! I’ll watch it!!
Rikka: Oh! I want to watch it too.
Shiki: Yeah, yeah, we get it. While we’re at it, why don’t we all do a viewing party?
Dai: That’d be nice. Then I’ll choose one and rent it. I think I owned one too, though…
Tsubasa: Eh, are there that many??
Dai: Yeah. Movies too, but if you add stage plays and all, there really are a lot. Also, depending on the work, the interpretations are different. This movie, too, based on the synopsis, it’s considerably altered.
Interviewer: Well, they’re even selling it as a “new interpretation”. Judging from the era setting, it’s around modern times or near future.
Dai: Capulet and Montague’s confrontational structure, the character’s positions and such are written very faithful to the original story, though.
Interviewer: That’s true. Each character’s personalities and actions are noticeably different.
Tsubasa: Oooh!!! Dai-chan is talking a lot!!
Dai: Shut up. I said I liked it.
Rikka: There are a lot of derivative works, too.
Dai: Yep. West Side for example, the music is very cool.
Shiki: Leonard Bernstein, huh?
Tsubasa: Eh, no way… suddenly everyone knows a lot about it!!
Dai: I think you have probably heard that song once too.
Tsubasa: Is it that famous?
Dai: Super famous.
Tsubasa: Shiki, this is bad… the feeling that I’m the only one being left behind is terrible!!
Shiki: This is why I told you to read the documents. Based on a difficult original work like this, the theme is searching for a new Romeo and Juliet to hook the new generation. Even if reluctantly, it seems it was a good match.
Tsubasa: Well, excuse me!! But if we’re positive, since I, as a representative of that new generation, am in SolidS and we’re doing the song, along with the movie, it’d be really nice if it made people become familiar with classic literature!!
Interviewer: That’s really nice! I also feel this is one of the reasons you were chosen, too. After the viewing party of related works, you might as well hold an “emergency SolidS discussion”!
Tsubasa: Ah, that would be great!
Rikka: “I like the production here”, or things like this, it would be fun.
Shiki: Dear readers, please send requests to the editorial department.
Dai: As expected, he’s doing business without losing even a second.
Tsubasa: And we could also add a column where Dai-chan tells us about his vast knowledge!
Dai: Don’t decide that by yourself.
Rikka: *laughs* I’d love to read that!
Interviewer: On the occasion the project gets decided, please do! Well then, let’s move onto the next topic. Rikka-san?
Rikka: Ah, yes?
Interviewer: We talked a little about it earlier, but could you give us more details about the PV?
Rikka: Eh? Is it okay if I do that?
Dai: You are the one who’s more suitable. Things related to the video’s contents are moving around you.
Shiki: Definitely.
Tsubasa: Yep, yep!
Interviewer: Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. Specifically, what kind of things?
Rikka: Um… In the PV’s production, costumes and so on. In decorative and visual matters, I’m giving a hand behind the scenes so I can draw out everyone’s individuality.
Interviewer: Rikka-san is doing the styling!! “Model Rikka”’s fans will really need to check this!
Rikka: I never thought I’d be involved in something other than singing, so I’m surprised. It’s a big responsibility, but I’ll make use of all my experience until now. I’m very happy.
Shiki: Maybe it’s also because we’re always together, but Rikka looks at each one of us very closely, so it seems he’s giving a very precise advice. The production is going smoothly.
Rikka: Trial and error is also fun, and it’s worth doing. The staff people are very kind too, so I think the final product will be something really nice. Also, besides the appearance, there’s also the content… it’s difficult…
Interviewer: Which means…?
Shiki: This PV is about “if you were Romeo, how would you confess?” It’ll show each one’s love confession scene… The lines and production are also discussed individually with the staff.
Interviewer: That will be irresistible for the fans!!
Tsubasa: I know right!! I’m of course very excited for the songs, but I want to be particular about the PV too!
Rikka: He’s so lively. This is your specialty, right, Tsubasa? You might as well have produced everything, the content too.
Dai: I get it.
Tsubasa: That’s nice!! I’d have loved to try it~
Shiki: You two there. Don’t say something so careless. If you made Tsubasa do it, who knows what kind of things he would make us say. In any case, it would be “demand it more intensely”.
Rikka: Ahh, that’s true… No matter how many lines he prepares for us, if I can’t say them properly it’s no good…
Tsubasa: There you go saying that again! Even though you become a different person once you stand in front of a camera!
Interviewer: Become a different person… Like an on/off switch?
Dai: Something like that.
Rikka: Hmm… I don’t really understand it myself, but since long ago, when I’m in front of a camera I go blank.
Dai: In short, that’s your element.
Rikka: What should I say… being a model means you’re transmitting a fashion image, the protagonists are the clothes, so I should rather be a blank canvas.
Shiki: The polar opposite from idols, who are demanded to be self-expressive.
Rikka: Exactly. That’s why my mind is going blank in another sense, lately. I don’t really know what I should do…
Tsubasa: Which means, that’s your individuality after all, right?
Interviewer: Then, we’ll be able to see that Rikka-san who looks to be so precisely calculated, but is actually incredibly natural, in the PV?
Rikka: Thank you for summarizing it so nicely. Although I also feel it got more difficult…
Tsubasa: Actually, hey, Dai.
Dai: What?
Tsubasa: What are you going to do in the PV?
Dai: Don’t throw the ball at me.
Tsubasa: It’s because since we started this topic, you got so blatantly silent! Mr. Shy!
Dai: Shut up!
Rikka: *laughs* I understand how you feel, Dai.
Shiki: Well, since we’re here… Dai, say something too.
Interviewer: And that’s what the producer commands. Dai-san, how about it?
Dai: About the PV, I really haven’t put my thoughts together at all. But they said it would be the same director as the movie, and that made me really happy. I like how his works match with the music, so I wonder how it will go.
Tsubasa: Oh, really?!
Dai: I own most of the soundtracks.
Interviewer: Same with Shakespeare, you have very strong preferences.
Dai: Ah no, it’s by chance…
Shiki: Dai’s hobbies are, in a good sense, not those of young people.
Dai: But you own the soundtracks too!
Shiki: In my case it’s also for research purposes.
Rikka: Dai, you’re also participating in the song’s arrange, was it?
Dai: It’s not that much, but they’re showing me a few things.
Shiki: He has a promising future, so I’m trying to train him little by little, and I’m bringing him around here and there.
Dai: Yep.
Interviewer: I see. Originally, I got the impression SolidS was an idol group that made very different individualities match really well. Moreover, this time you’re also participating as creators in the production itself, like with the songs and PV, to set forth those characteristics.
Shiki: If we can contribute to the work, we’ll challenge anything. That’s how I approached the director. I’m very grateful he accepted it favourably.
Interviewer: This work could become like a climax, or rather, a turning point to SolidS.
Rikka: I get the feeling the concept of “idol” it’s changing little by little inside me.
Tsubasa: The fact we’re making it from scratch with the staff is really fun!
Dai: The other party are professionals in this field, so I sometimes think if it’s okay for us to speak out, too.
Rikka: Ah, I get that. But of course, it’s not like all of our ideas are accepted.
Dai: Yeah. I know they will stop us if it’s not good, so that makes it easier to say it.
Tsubasa: Yep, yep! The staffs are all very competent!
Shiki: They made it so it’s easier for us to enter.
Interviewer: We can see the good atmosphere of the work scene. I get the feeling that the fact you are also friends outside work is becoming a plus too.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Friends, huh~
Shiki: Don’t look at me.
Tsubasa: Well! We fight too, but we properly make up later.
Interviewer: I see! Shiki-san and Tsubasa-san get along well enough to fight.
Shiki: Fight, or rather, differences in opinion… Mainly it’s just that a certain person goes on a rampage, and flares u- teases me.
Tsubasa: Don’t blame others!
Shiki: I haven’t said any name.
Tsubasa: This is what I mean.
Shiki: This is it.
Dai: Yep, this is it.
Interviewer: *laughs* I get it.
Rikka: We, SolidS started from the moment when we casually met each other. It started from scratch. That’s why, we were fumbling in a lot of ways, but we’re really balanced lately.
Dai: He summed it up.
Tsubasa: Wonderful! *claps* Didn’t expect any less.
Interviewer: Well then! To finish, can we get a message for the fans, from each one of you?
Shiki: We, SolidS, are challenging this united and with the intention to give it our all. As well as for the movie, Romeo and Juliet –Follow your heart–, and SolidS, we greatly appreciate your support.
Tsubasa: Oh, it suddenly ended.
Rikka: It did end…
Dai: Shiki should’ve been the last…
Shiki: Next.
Tsubasa: And we’re continuing anyway?! Er… This time, of course we’ll do our best to liven up the movie, but if you could get to know our charms even better, I’d be really happy! Thank you for your support~
Rikka: I hope I can support the work with my utmost expression. Please look forward to it!
Dai: Um… Everyone else already said all the good things so… Like that, I’ll do my best too. Thanks for your support.
Tsubasa: Too short!!
Dai: There’s nothing I can do.
Shiki: So, is this good enough?
Interviewer: Yes! Thank you very much!
Shiki: I’m sorry we were so restless.
Interviewer: Ah no, it was fun!! I’m glad it was something the fans will be happy with.
Shiki: Likewise, we’re grateful you got a page for us. Ah, when is it coming back to us?
Interviewer: I’ll give it back around next week.
Shiki: Then, please address it to our manager.
Interviewer: Understood. Well then, thank you very much for today!
All: Good work!
Translation index || Track 2
TL notes:
Hello everyone I’m back!!! Finally the last volume of season one!!!
This track was very long and difficult because it’s slightly more formal than usual and some phrases were pretty complex... but hope it makes sense! Thanks to my proofreader for helping as always ;_;
For those interested, the interviewer is voiced by Nakajima Yoshiki!!
Thanks for reading!
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goingforpicture · 8 years
Location! Location! Location!
Picture it: Austin, 2016. 
The setting is deep in the “backyard” of a ranch location out in the motherfucking nowhere land of the hill country. It’s about as Texas as you can imagine. Prickly plants. Cows. Confederate flags. Dudes with guns. Dirt roads. Bad cell reception. Terrible studded designer jeans bought at the dollar store. This “backyard” is a 20 minute van drive from basecamp, which is at the main house next door. Walkies barely reach. Cellphones are in and out. The quickest way through was in a land rover through a very dangerous path through the woods. 
The set itself is a beautiful dreamy little pond buried in clay cliffs decorated with cedar trees. The sun creates a golden glow at certain points in the day. Perfect for the camera. The rest of us, however... 
At first, no bathrooms except back at basecamp (20 minutes from set) (they later got portas delievered).Food on the set, like crafty, was difficult because the fields near the pond were infested with bees. Like, actually infested. Not an understatement. Figuring out where to eat lunch everyday was a misery. If an emergency happened, we were in the middle of nowhere. Basecamp could barely hear us and there were only two vans making trips so if you didn’t get on the van, it could be 40 minutes until you’re back on set. Not only that, the neighbors were weird about the road the worktrucks were parked on and one guy got in our faces with a video camera threatening us. 
As a result, this beautiful set cost us a LOT of shots. Like a LOT. 
One more example. Dallas, 2016. The set is in a beautiful floor to ceiling plate glass 6th floor high rise, overpriced apartment in uptown. Full cinematic views of downtown Dallas. Tenants of the building did not want us there. The building restricted our abilities to get equipment in quickly by eliminating the elevators we could use and the entrances we could use. Loading was too steep for the trucks so they had to park in an alley nearby. We had constant supervision and constant complaints, including yet another guy threatening us (this time physically). We couldn’t talk normally in the halls, we couldn’t park near the building, and we had to lay down layout board on carpets designed for high density traffic and heavy loads. Again lost a lot of time and shots didn’t work. 
When we plan production, we spend a lot of time on blocking and the script and what camera to use and lighting and casting. We discuss costume design and what crew to bring in. But we often skip one of the most important parts of the filmmaking process: seriously weighing the pros and cons of our locations.  On indie films, our budgets are limited and we try to have producers or directors do the jobs of production managers and location managers. This is not good. Directors & producers should not be in charge of locations.
I don’t care if the budget is tight. Bad locations management cost indie films thousands more than if they had just designated someone to do the job of locations manager. Locations aren’t just cool places to film your project, they have to accommodate the entire production. This means parking for cast, crew, & work trucks, power (or a place for the generators), running water, working bathrooms (or a place for honeywagons or portas), changing areas & actor holding areas (or a place for trailers), a production office, space for catering, space for DIT, space for crafty, staging areas for equipment, extras holding if there’s extras involved, signs to show where everything is so crews don’t get lost/confused/wander into no-access rooms, etc. That’s all that needs to happen to justify having the actual set at the location. That’s a lot of shit to handle. 
And this isn’t just in pre-production, locations need to be maintained throughout the shoot and even during wrap out. They need to be cleaned (and something has to happen with the trash), they need to be prepped like putting down mats and layout board, they need paperwork and permits signed, the neighbors need to be warned of anything weird happening at what times. Filming on a street at the location? You need to make sure there’s a street permit, that the cops are aware (and show up to redirect traffic during filming). What about that neighbor with the lawnmower during takes? What about that car in the driveway in the background of the shot that now looks like it’s pulling out and ruining continuity? Who’s going to talk to the guy next door about keeping his porch lights on for the night exterior?
These are all things we don’t think about in pre-production as directors and producers. The grown-ups have their hands full with casting and equipment rentals and crewing. If they’ve got a location, they’re not worrying about the daily minutia. Nor are they thinking about permits and contracts and warning the neighbors. No, these things are all under the title of the Location Manager and may whatever god you’re into help you if you don’t have one. 
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LOCATION MANAGERS ARE THE BACKBONE OF PRODUCTION. As an AD, it’s incredibly hard for me to do my job properly without a locations person doing theirs. Location issues and poor management cost productions lots of time and money, no matter how big or small the production is, and if I have to stop what I’m doing on set to figure out a solution to a location problem, we’re losing shots, which makes no one happy. 
What the hell does a location manager actually do?
Fuck, what don’t they do? A lot of their job is undercover ninja style work. A vast majority of it comes from proper pre-production where they attend the location scouts and address the pros and cons of locations while still in the decision phase. A good locations person has no problem telling a director or producer that a place won’t work if it won’t work. If a location is agreed upon, the manager makes sure the proper paperwork like contracts with the owner and permits for parking, street closure, etc. are signed and filed. They also will notify the neighboring areas about filming so businesses and neighbors aren’t surprised and can plan accordingly. When locations are “locked”, managers then make sure each of these locations can accommodate the production by planning basecamps, parking, bathrooms, catering, and other areas at the location. 
During production, the manager will utilize either their own location PAs or the set PAs to help with daily management of the location such as trash sweeps, setting up tents when needed, putting down layout board, wrangling the neighbors, landing worktrucks, putting up signage, etc. 
What makes a location a bad location?
Bad locations manifest themselves in different ways and have different levels of bad from a mild inconvenience to a total clusterfuck. Sometimes we deal with the mild inconveniences of a location if that location really works for the set. But there are some things that really rank a location in the clusterfuck territory:
No interior infrastructure accessible. Say you’re filming in a field out in the country. There’s no power. There’s no bathrooms. There’s no shade. Now say your budget does not have the room for a generator, gas for that genny, trailers, or a honeywagon. Now also say there’s no neighbors that will let you use their building nearby for those things. If you’re spending more than an hour at this field and have more than 5 people on your crew, don’t film there. Find another field.
Near construction, an airport, seaport, active music venues, or just anywhere uncontrollably noisy. Unless you have the budget for, and plan to, ADR... OR... your project is MOS. Don’t do this. There’s only so many sound blankets you can put up to muffle the sound of a jet engine.
Live businesses and public spaces. Your ADs will try to schedule scenes that need to film at these locations during dead times, like when the store is closed, or when the park is the least populated. A location manager will budget out a way to “own” the space during filming, such as having police to lock down a public area with signage and barricades, or buying out the store for a certain amount of hours so that’s it’s closed. If you don’t have this budget, you’re gonna have a bad time. Trying to film in a business when the business is open means sound is fucked, lockups are fucked, and a whole lot of annoyed customers around your equipment. And actually, this can be more expensive than just buying out the hours, especially when the shoot gets shut down because the owner is complaining that you’re disrupting business too much. 
Lack of accessible worktruck parking. Dirt roads are only good on camera. Using them to get equipment to set is harsh and even worse if the location has any sort of weight limit bridges or low clearance crossings. Worktrucks/production vehicles can’t park around the corner for loading and unloading, they need to be at the set. If you can’t do that, you’re going to lose a lot of time with load-in and wrap. 
No adjacent working bathrooms.  It is a requirement that a work site has a working bathroom. This is a law whether the show is union or not. Portas are acceptable but the location needs to have a space for them so they can be delivered easily and they need to be cleaned and dumped if you are filming at the location for a long period of time. No bathrooms or space for honeywagon or portas? No shoot. 
Any locations with a lot of restrictions that essentially makes the production unable to operate. Look, if you���re finding yourself fighting the location just to bring essential equipment and crew in, or if the restrictions on the location are so much that you’re hemorrhaging time, the location is not fucking worth it.  
But I still want to shoot in the Grand Canyon anyway!
Cool. No one’s stopping you. Except for permits, money, and accessible roadways. Look, productions film in “bad” locations all the time, but the bigger productions have the time and money to handle the problems of locations like these. If you can get your hands on a permit to film in an iconic but problematic location, that’s wonderful. But your work is not done. Now you need to figure out a game plan for production. It’s an even bigger case to hire a location manager who can help you make sure the shoot happens properly and safely.
The director or producer locked in a very bad location. What do we do?
Happens more than you think. Directors and producers get their hearts set on a certain location for whatever reason and won’t let go. Some have locked in locations before the rest of the production staff have even been hired. There’s ways to deal with problematic locations that don’t screw over your shooting days. Think about going to a smaller crew at these locations. Pairing down to only essential crew if necessary. Script rewrites so that big scenes don’t happen in these locations. If that doesn’t work, lots of meetings and location scouts with department heads to come up with a good game plan for the location. Deal with the problematic locations first. Give yourself the time to come up with solid plans for them. Don’t wait until the night of the shoot to discuss where basecamp is going. Hit that shit in pre-pro. 
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I could keep going on and on about the importance of a location manager and a good location department. I could do posts just about the importance of budgeting location PAs and what they do separately from set PAs, but experience really can spell that all out for you. Plus, this isn’t a locations blog. 
What we really need to understand that when dealing with locations and people who own these properties, they don’t understand film production. They don’t understand what it means when you say you’re just gonna have a few vehicles, or it’s just a couple scenes. Films need equipment and accessible accommodations to work properly and most of us aren’t that great at talking to non-film folks about what a shoot actually looks like. If I had a dollar for every time an owner got upset at the sheer amount of bullshit we bring to a location on every given day, I’d be on a beach right now paying someone to inject me with margaritas. For real. We’re terrible at talking to civilians and this is honestly your location manager’s number one job: they know how to talk to the public without being completely terrifying, overwhelming, condescending, or fake. They know exactly how to lay down the truth and get the owner to sign the dotted line. And if they can’t do that, they know how to tell you to move onto another location.
Next time you’re budgeting for a production, make sure you, at the very fucking least, throw a line item in there for a dedicated location manager. You’ll be glad you did. 
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templeofgeek · 4 years
Light Side? Dark Side? Which side will you join? That’s the question every Star Wars fan must answer. Personally, we’re swearing our allegiance to the Galactic Coven.
This group of stylish, Star Wars-loving social media friends met on Instagram and formed a group chat to discuss the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian. Their conversations evolved to include Star Wars in general, theories about the fandom, and even subjects not related to Star Wars.
Eventually, there were so many members and so many discussions going, they had to move the chat to the Slack app, member Tina Estrella said. The Coven began as a safe space for women and nonbinary individuals to talk Star Wars and became a welcome source of support and solidarity when the coronavirus pandemic hit.
“We have like seven to nine channels on (Slack) because we all have so much we want to talk about,” Estrella said.
“Especially during this unnerving time where many are either struggling mentally, personally, or otherwise, we have this group of amazing people who are ready to defend, support, and cheer up anyone that needs it.”
The group organized a meetup in February at Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge. Several members gathered in Batuu. They created a stir when they showed up wearing bold, red outfits inspired by the Nightsisters from The Clone Wars animated series.
“We’re not all bounders, but wanted something fun to wear as a group without getting too complicated,” group founder Solanah Hernandez recalled.
“When we all got to Batuu, we realized just how much we stood out, a group decked out in red against the sandy architecture. We would’ve had fun regardless, but the outfits got such a positive reception, from travelers and cast members alike. It was a completely unreal experience, but the highlight was really just hanging out together.”
“Truly, it was such an incredible day,” Estrella agreed. “I’m so glad that we all had that weekend with each other before the pandemic took over.”
Estrella said the Galactic Coven’s day out in Batuu included lots of laughter, an encounter with a skeptical Kylo Ren, attention from Stormtroopers, an arrest by Chewbacca, and reservations at Oga’s Cantina.
Shortly after the meetup, epic photos of the group’s vibrant, witchy bounds began circulating on social media, garnering buzz and catapulting the Coven to Star Wars fashion icon status.
Their status was further cemented when, a few weeks later, the group participated in the #passthebrush challenge on TikTok. Members showed off their best Dark Side looks in “Don’t Rush the Dark Side,” a video edited by Epi Erichsen. Lightsabers, force pulls, a dyad pass, and a force choke were involved.
“This challenge was so fun to do because each of us brought our own style and personality to our ‘reveal,’” Estrella said.
“So many people commented and messaged us about how they loved it and were inspired to make their own and it truly warms me up just thinking about how so many people enjoyed it! … We truly tried to sprinkle in so many little details we hoped Star Wars fans would appreciate, so it was great to see the video be so well received.”
“It was a really fun thing to do during isolation that made us feel more connected, and I think that came through,” Hernandez agreed.
The name Galactic Coven was coined by member Nina Penalosa. The group’s original title was “Mandalorian Bitches.”
“We were all like, ‘Wow,’” Estrella said. “That sounded so much better fitting for us, as The Mandalorian was already over and we had moved on to discussing so many other aspects of Star Wars, such as the novels, movies, and animated series.”
The Coven made a major impression on social media while rocking some serious Star Wars style. It’s not surprising, considering many members of the group make fashion based on the fandom and run geek fashion businesses. Other members are artists and/or work in creative fields.
Hernandez began hand-painting leather jackets for herself and a friend to wear to Star Wars Nite and the May the 4th celebration at Disneyland in 2018.
“A year later, I took a chance and asked if any of my followers would like a Star Wars-themed jacket and, unexpectedly, orders poured in,” she said. “It’s really fun working with people and discovering what Star Wars means to them, because it’s so different for everyone, and I’ve really learned a lot.”
Estrella hand-paints purses, inspired by Eliza Sidney and Hernandez. Members of Galactic Coven include a film stylist and designer, a zine maker, an illustrator, a hair stylist, several writers, lots of vintage fashion enthusiasts, and cosplayers and makers of all kinds.
“I think (the group is) really just artistically oriented,” Hernandez said.
“Each of us loves Star Wars-inspired style, music, visual art, writing. We all bring something different to the table. It’s such a vast and varied universe, there’s a little something for everyone, and so many ways to be inspired and bring that into everyday life.”
Fashion is a natural fit when it comes to Star Wars, Estrella said.
“With Star Wars, some of the most prominent and iconic features of the films are the fashion and styling. From the sleek lines of a general’s uniform to dramatic statements, such as Padme’s entire wardrobe, Star Wars iconography is very fashion-based. Being able to create our own interpretations of Star Wars fashion is what makes our group very unique and I appreciate the talent of the many members.”
More than the killer fashion they’re putting out into the world, the Coven members say they appreciate the group’s “respectful and supportive” vibe.
“One thing I’ve heard over and over from, mainly, young women is that our openness and positive take on the subject has inspired them to delve more into Star Wars,” Hernandez said.
“It’s an incredibly intimidating fandom from the outside, but creating a small space to freely discuss one of the most divisive movie sagas there is, without judgement or gatekeeping, is the reason I still love Star Wars. Without a positive community, it wouldn’t have the same appeal.”
According to Estrella, the Coven planned to meet up in person this summer at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim (which will likely be postponed) and will gather at some point for another group bound in Batuu.
“Truly, I want to stress that we are a coven, not a club,” she said.
“We are friends who have bonded for months over Star Wars and we want to encourage everyone and anyone to find their own ‘galactic coven.’ We saw a void in the community where diversity and inclusion of non-male fans was missing and so we harbored a space to fill that gap. This is just the beginning!”
In honor of May the 4th (known as Star Wars Day), Temple of Geek Chic spoke to members of the Galactic Coven about Star Wars fashion. Read on for their favorite fandom fashion icons, Star Wars style inspo, and more. You can follow the group on Instagram, @galactic_coven.
Solanah Hernandez
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I vaguely remember my family watching the originals but I wasn’t too interested as a kid. But then Anakin Skywalker comes outta nowhere in my early teens and suddenly his poster is on my wall. I became interested again after The Force Awakens, but obsessed after The Last Jedi.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
No one can compare to Padmé Amidala.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I love finding old prequel tees secondhand. They’re something I can enjoy daily!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I find so much vintage wear I love that I haven’t experienced too many geek or Star Wars-based brands, but I love the pins Rather Keen releases and the tees Super Yaki does!
Tina Estrella
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I had casually seen the films growing up, but I did not start to become a true fan until high school. Being a foolish kid that wanted to maintain my “cool” appearance, I suppressed my love of fandoms like Star Wars and Harry Potter because I did not want to be seen as a geek (mind you, I was an honors student and helped stage our production of Little Shop of Horrors, so I was def a geek whether I wanted to accept it or not, lol).
Then after high school, I was kind of like, “Who even cares?!” and I fully embraced my fandom love by wearing merch and attending fan events at my local AMC theater. Now I’ve attended two Star Wars celebration events (Anaheim and London) and am looking forward to continuing to immerse myself into this community of fans!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I love me some baddies! So I am all for the dark side fashion. Darth Vader will always be the most iconic to me (maybe because I love wearing black so much). So definitely Darth Vader, he might not have the range of Padme but he definitely is the most iconic character that I think many instantly recognize.
Even just seeing the character at Disneyland, something about that giant suit exudes power and I can’t help but gush over it!
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite item that I own is an item that I’ve kept for seven years. Again, because of my love of Vader, it’s an old H&M knit sweater with Darth Vader’s helmet prominently in the middle. It’s simple but I love it. Even though it fits a bit snug these days, I don’t think I will ever part with it.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
While she may not be a “brand,” I think Solanah is doing things that haven’t been done before. She truly has a way of incorporating the most brilliant designs into her jackets. As a fellow painter of clothing items, I am in awe of her every time!
I think that Super Yaki is also a brand that stays so current to geek and pop culture. Their shirts are so fun and many are those “if you know you know” type of designs and I think that it’s awesome when you can have a bit of fun with shirts like that.
I also think that Hot Topic is a brand that is so easily accessible and continuously makes amazing Star Wars and other “geek” collaborations. I especially love their artist’s tees. It’s where I go shop every Christmas because they have something for everyone.
Curstie Prater
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
The prequels. My father is a big Star Wars fan and when I was younger, he introduced me to the character Queen Amidala and from there on I was obsessed with Star Wars. I had this really amazing Queen Amidala paper doll book growing up and I remember playing dress-up quite often, trying to recreate her iconic looks.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Oh, that is a tough question because there are quite a few characters that inspire me but if it isn’t my own version of a Sith look, I would say Leia Organa and Padmé Amidala. Leia has a lot of looks I can see myself wearing in my everyday life, especially her Endor look. I love that cape. I also wouldn’t mind owning Jyn Erso’s outfit. I really loved that look.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I LOVE my Kylo Ren Hooded Capelet. I bought it for my first trip to Batuu and I wear them all the time. Even for looks that are not Star Wars-inspired.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I would say Her Universe because they have released some amazing t-shirts featuring lesser-known Star Wars characters and I really appreciate that. I also really enjoy thrifting at vintage stores or small businesses that carry simple pieces to create my own Star Wars inspired looks.
Ren Rice
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My introduction to Star Wars was when I was a kid and my babysitter at the time tried to get me to watch it and I absolutely made a fuss about it. I didn’t care. Then, it came again in my early 20s when a friend at the time was incredibly obsessed with Han Solo and I didn’t get it, so she sat me down to watch one of the original trilogy films, couldn’t tell you which, and again I was just like, “What is this? This is boring!”
What really got me was the trailer for The Force Awakens. I remember when it was announced and everyone was so excited about it and I couldn’t figure out why. To say I was annoyed was an understatement. Looking back, it was definitely one of those, “I am not in on it and because I’m not I’m pissed everyone else is excited” situations.
So when the trailer came out and we see John Boyega’s head pop up, that’s when it hit me. I knew him from Attack the Block, so seeing him in a franchise where my only introduction was to a bunch of non-POC characters, I was just … immediately attached to him. That ended up being my first Star Wars theater experience and I’ll never forget it. Once I saw the trailer, I went back and watched all the previous six films by myself and the rest is history.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
It’s funny because I feel like if you asked anyone they’d have a clear-cut answer. I could say Padmé but honestly, while iconic, she’s not my favorite. I honestly don’t think I have a favorite? I think for me, because I am moreso on the back end of fashion, meaning I’m a designer. It’s my job.
I design and wardrobe style for film and for fun and I don’t really dress myself up. I’m really casual with hints of nerd in my day-to-day. But if I’m designing and creating for fun and I look to Star Wars, a lot of my inspiration comes from things like the tech, the helmet designs, the one dress a background character wore, the planet Crait … things like that.
If I do a round-up of things I’ve designed, I’d say a lot come from the First Order or the Siths. Currently, my obsession is translating Padmé gowns to scarves. In short, I’m all over the place. My own personal style, I suppose, is like that tomboy next door who is obsessed with Darth Vader.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Probably my denim jacket. I used to work for Levi’s at their cooperate office in San Francisco. I bought a black denim jacket and had it embroidered to say “First Order” and then there was a shop in the lobby where you could buy clothes and I bought up all the Dark Side Star Wars patches to have them put those on for me too. Now it’s just decked out in First Order/Sith/Dark Side pins too. It’s fun to wear.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t think I have a favorite one. I tend to shop all over the place. Currently, I’m obsessed with Super Yaki stuff though. They have a bunch of cool tees inspired by film and their Star Wars ones are great. I own the “The Prequels Were Great” tee.
Janey Ellis
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
Sadly, I can’t remember my first viewing of Star Wars. It was kind of just always present in my house. My brother and sister are 14 and 16 years older than me, respectively, and so they were children when the first films came out. At some point, I saw it and started playing with my brother’s original action figures. I remember when the re-releases came out, followed by the prequels, which continued my passion for the universe as a child.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Even though I’m not a fan of the prequels, there is no denying the style of Padme. And even though she may only appear for a brief moment and in one outfit, General Holdo’s ensemble is one of my all-time favorite looks in the saga.
What is your favorite Star Wars fashion item you own?
Far and above, my Han/Lando jacket that Solanah made me. Lando is my favorite character, followed by Han, and I have always loved their relationship, so I wanted a jacket that showcased that relationship. I also recently made a dress using my brother’s old Return of the Jedi sheets. In terms of accessories though, I would say the Poe X-Wing fascinator I made from one of the Revell model kits is one of my favorite pieces.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Geek fashion brands are something I need to explore more. Sadly, there are only a handful out there, and I’m personally not a huge fan of any of them. I buy most of my clothing secondhand, and try to piece together Star Wars-inspired outfits using regular pieces of clothing. Or I like to sew my own stuff.
I do own a handful of Her Universe items, however, I have always struggled with fit with their stuff. While their items are cute, often the bust-waist-hip ratio is off, and the waist far above my natural waistline.
Alyssa Bradley
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
One of my earliest memories was watching A New Hope with my dad when I was 4 or 5. I have loved Star Wars ever since.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
It’s a tie between Padme and her grandson Kylo, the best fashion icons in the galaxy.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
A gorgeous custom bag inspired by Queen Amidala, hand-painted by Solanah.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I honestly have so many brands and creators I love that I can’t list them all. Jordandene is responsible for getting me into geek fashion and I love all her stuff so much. Also, so many members of this coven make the most beautiful clothes and accessories, like Ren, Solanah, and Janey, just to name a few! I love supporting independent artists when adding to my geek wardrobe.
Allison Erland
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I found a Leia figure in the dirt in my back yard. I asked my dad about her and saw the original trilogy then at 6 or 7. I liked them but my dad wasn’t much of a fan so I didn’t really have the opportunity to delve back into the films until the prequels came out. I had a huge crush on Hayden Christensen and I instantly wanted to be Padme so it definitely instilled the love for Star Wars that came back full-fledged with this new trilogy, dressing up at Disneyland, and wanting to bring these strong, wonderful women to life.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I don’t think there’s anyone in the galaxy who can hold a candle to Padme as far as I’m concerned. But I do have a soft spot for Qi’ra and find her style just a little easier to attain out in the real world.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
That’s a toss-up between my Japor snippet necklace, like the one Anakin made for Padme (I wanted one for so long, I was ecstatic when Disneyland sold one) and my custom jacket, painted by our founder Solanah.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I always try to find vintage or secondhand items first, when I can, since I find it brings a more unique, interesting story and obviously is great for sustainability. I definitely have a weakness for custom clothes. One of my favorite small shops is 1138 Clothing. (I was lucky to have a chance to model a Star Wars wedding party look for them a few years ago.) On top of that, many of our Coven members sew and I hope to guilt them into letting me commission some pieces soon.
Brittany Alyse
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was very young, probably around 4 years old. My parents had the original trilogy VHS box set on display in our living room and I was always fascinated by the cover art. The original trilogy was always playing on TV in our house. I have these various vivid memories of my cousin Jessica and I always watching Return of the Jedi and pausing the (original) scene in Jabba’s palace just before the Max Rebo Band came on.
Jessica and I would run from the living room to the bathroom to put our hair in high pigtails and slap some lipstick on and then rush back to the living room to resume the film. We would then dance our hearts out and sing along with Sy Snootles. I really wish our parents had caught that on video. It was a bizarre and special little thing we did.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
In terms of fashion, it’s always Padmé for me. Her range was truly incredible. I really, really hope we get to see characters in future Star Wars projects that follow in Padmé’s footsteps when it comes to her iconic wardrobe.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
It definitely has to be the breathtaking Padmé leather jacket that Solanah designed for me. It’s a work of art. I knew I wanted something Padmé, because she has so little merchandise available and I wanted to represent her adequately. I let Solanah design it free range and she blew me away with the end result. It’s definitely the Star Wars jacket of my dreams!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I really love Jordandené’s unique slogan shirts. I wear my “This is the Way” top so often. The fabric is so soft and the quality of her shirts is incredible.
Obviously, Solanah’s designs are out-of-this-world good. I am SO happy to see her thrive within the community and witness her craft evolve. I also really love fellow coven member Ren’s Star Wars-inspired hoods. Ren is so talented and their attention to detail is exquisite and precise. Right now, they are creating a double Padmé hood design and I absolutely cannot wait to see how they come out!
When it comes to Star Wars fashion, I really love taking subtle pieces and using accessories to make a “normal” outfit more of a galactic fashion statement. Shopping from small brands that aren’t at all affiliated with Star Wars has really been fun for me.
For example, I recently commissioned a piece from a shop called Sacred Crystal Co because Solanah had a beautiful red crystal necklace made that looked like a kyber crystal, so I commissioned a white crystal piece inspired by Ahsoka Tano and now it’s my favorite piece of jewelry that I own.
For my Nightsisters outfit, I wore this incredibly badass waist belt made by AELYSE and it really pulled my outfit from being just a normal, everyday thing to looking more like a Nightsister.
Madeline Grace
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
When I was 9, Episode I just came out and my dad took us to see it. I remember sitting in a packed theater with people carrying lightsabers and having no idea what was happening. I remembered thinking how amazing Padme was. I had little to no idea that there were other Star Wars movies! I actually watched them chronological because of it!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Fashion-wise, Padme always. However, my favorite character is Hera Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels. She is who I relate to the most and feel the deepest connection to. A woman in the galaxy just trying to do what is right.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Purchased, my Godspeed Rebels jacket from Solanah. But my favorite me-made item is my Clone Wars dress that I designed and made for May the 4th last year!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Oh, this is hard. Her Universe is one of my favorite major labels. I own so many pieces from their collections over the years. I also love Elhoffer Design and Jordandené.
Angie Coronado
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was introduced to Star Wars by my older brother when I was a kid. The first scene I ever saw was one of the final scenes of Return of the Jedi, when Luke is burning Vader’s body, so I guess you could say I got spoiled, haha!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Favorite fashion icon is for sure Padmé. That’s really the only right answer. My favorite characters are definitely Obi Wan, Han, Leia, Poe and Rey.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
One of my most prized Star Wars fashion items is definitely my Solanah original jacket. We worked together to find the perfect design for a Poe Dameron jacket and I love it.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Super Yaki makes one of my favorite Star Wars tees and they’ve been putting out so many cool geeky tees recently.
Also I mentioned Solanah original jackets earlier. She’s been pumping out jacket after amazing jacket with so many unique designs. She really makes the design unique to the wearer.
Catherine Fanchiang
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My introduction to Star Wars would have to be the Star Wars-themed Muppet Babies episodes. I think I always knew about Star Wars as a child from random images I’d see of C3PO and R2-D2, Jabba the Hutt and, of course, Darth Vader, but I don’t think I ever really knew what they were or where they were from. I remember watching Muppet Babies a lot as a child and the Star Wars episodes were fascinating to me. I can still see Kermit Luke and Miss Piggy Leia so vividly in my mind.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite Star Wars fashion Icon isn’t necessarily a specific person. It’s basically the entire Dark Side. I just feel like the Dark Side has all the great looks that are flattering and never go out of style. But as I’ve gotten older, I do have say that Padme and all Naboo Queens really have some amazing looks.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite Star Wars fashion item that I own has to be my leather jacket done by Solanah. I just have so many things to say about Solanah and I don’t even know how to express them. Solanah is just so extremely talented and really puts in a lot of thought into her designs. She might not know the references you give her but you wouldn’t even be able to tell once she’s done with something.
She really cares about what you want and is open to all ideas you might have. I trusted her 1000% throughout the whole process and I got an amazing one-of-a-kind piece. Like, my jacket glows in the dark! How cool is that?
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t really have a favorite geek fashion brand. I kind of just randomly search for my geek clothing based off of characters I like and go from there. But, one brand that I’ve always loved just for its simplicity and comfort is Jordandene. I love that they’re more subtle in their geekiness so you can wear it anywhere.
Courtney J. Nelson
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
Star Wars has always had a presence of some sort in my life, as it is in most, but I wasn’t drawn to it given the toxic fandom that was around it. I got the “not for you” message loud and clear. The Force Awakens is when it finally clicked for me, and I’ve dived into the fandom since then, and I love all of it so much.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite character is Ahsoka Tano, her character development has struck me the most. I really appreciate and relate to a lot of her personality traits, especially her loyalty and grit. But most of all, that she has come to represent thinking for yourself and really being your own person.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
The one I wear the most is my Japor snippet, but the most special piece is my fringe leather jacket painted by Solanah, another one of the coven members. It’s dark vs. light themed, and has a glitter rebel symbol on it. It’s the best.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t particularly have a favorite brand. I pick up pieces here and there, but the best outfits are from a mix of that, thrifting, and supporting small shops/artists who make one-of-a-kind pieces.
Alice Fanchiang
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I honestly didn’t sit down and watch a Star Wars through until high school, but I knew about it since I was a kid. I remember seeing parts of Star Wars movies on TV and parody forms of it in cartoons. Star Tours was also an early experience of the galaxy far, far away.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I have to say Padme for fashion. Every single one of her outfits is different and beautiful. My favorite character is Obi-Wan Kenobi though, and I do appreciate the earth-toned Jedi aesthetic and boots. I’m about the boots.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorites are all from small shops/creators. I have to mention the Jedi Fallen Order jacket I commissioned my friend Solanah to custom paint for me. Her work is so detailed and beautiful. Before that, it was two necklaces made by and gifted to me by my friend, @sparklingrampage on Instagram. One is a simple Rebel Starbird pendant; the other is a Lothcat.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t know if I have a favorite Star Wars specific brand, but my go-tos have been Jordandene, BlackMilk, and Elhoffer Design. More recently though, I’ve been looking at small shops that aren’t geek specific, but they have clothing styles that are great for styling in geeky outfits — like Church of Sanctus and Nuit Clothing Atelier.
Liz Lund
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was introduced to Star Wars by my father. He had been a fan for a long time and couldn’t wait to show me and my three brothers the original trilogy during family movie nights.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
When I was growing up, my favorite Star Wars character was actually Oola from Return of the Jedi. Although she was only in a small portion of the movie, her brief arc completely transfixed me.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My custom-painted leather jacket by Solanah is my absolute favorite piece I own. She was able to take my love of so many elements of Naboo, including both Queens Amidala and Soruna, the N-1 Starfighters, and the architecture of Theed, and design a gorgeous work of wearable art!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Some of my favorite geek fashion brands that have done fantastic Star Wars lines are RockLove Jewelry and Han Cholo.
Epi Erichsen
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I inherited love for Star Wars from my mother. I remember as a young girl, sitting down with my very excited mother to watch the prequels. I still remember to this day when she saw Anakin building up C-3PO, she jumped off the couch and yelled, “That’s C-3PO! He’s my favorite!“ Ever since then, she’s always indulged my Star Wars whims. She even made me a Queen Amidala costume from scratch for Halloween once. And she’s no seamstress, but it looked great.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
This is such a hard question. It kind of feels like you’re asking me if I would rather dress like a Hobbit or an elf for the rest of my life. I think, more than characters, the fashion of this Galaxy far, far away is what inspires me. Whenever I put together a Star Wars look, I just try to tell the story of the character through my clothes, and it really depends what character I’m trying to portray.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I don’t really own many Star Wars fashion items. I did just purchase a beautiful hooded scarf from Ren. They made it with such love and such quality, it’s amazing! I’ll be wearing it for all sorts of looks, you can count on that.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t really buy from many “geek brands.“ I’ve recently been trying to lower my environmental footprint, and I’m trying my hand at plus size thrifting or ordering handmade custom items I know will fit me for a long time and just right. I can’t imagine Queen Amidala going to a mainstream mall, so should I?
Nina Penalosa
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My proper introduction to Star Wars was when my aunt took my sister and I to watch the original trilogy’s theatrical re-release in ‘97. Before that, I vividly remember — around the age of 4 or 5 — walking into the living room at the part in The Empire Strikes Back where Darth Vader dismembers Luke’s hand. I was traumatized for quite some time but, ironically, Empire ended up becoming my favorite among the Star Wars films!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Padme Amidala and Lando Calrissian, without a doubt! I’m enamored with both of their styles. I mean, how can you not?! But I can’t help but gravitate towards the Dark Side when it comes to my own sartorial choices. From the clean lines, tailored coats, mock necks, and overall color scheme, the Empire and the First Order is a smorgasbord of style inspo.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I have an incredible Admiral Ackbar statement necklace that I purchased from Jennifer Landa a few years ago. She upcycled an old Micro Machines toy and it’s by far the most extravagant piece of Star Wars jewelry I own!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Her Universe really helped pave the way for geek fashion — a lot of my Star Wars clothes came from them at first, but I really love smaller brands like Jordandené for their subtly geeky hand-lettered tees, Utinni Bikini for their fun skater dresses and enamel pins, Po-Zu for their comfy-stylish-eco friendly Star Wars shoes, RockLove for their beautifully detailed jewelry, and Lantern Pins and BB-CRE8 for enamel pins. I love finding geeky t-shirts on RedBubble, TeePublic, and TeeTurtle as well.
Britney Waite
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
To be honest, I don’t remember a time when Star Wars wasn’t in my life. Growing up, I watched the Original Trilogy with my family. Then, as I got older, I went opening night or weekend to see the prequels come out. My sister always loved Star Wars too, so marathoning all six movies was something we would do regularly!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Even though it could be seen as the obvious answer, I HAVE to say Padmé. All her looks are so incredible with all the textures and details. Her hair and makeup are phenomenal as well and super inspiring to me as a hairstylist. In one of the Star Wars books, they even explain how her looks aren’t frivolous, they have cultural symbolism and even feature things to keep her safer. I do have to say that my favorite character overall is R2-D2! I always love the droids but I especially love R2 for his sass.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Last Christmas, I got one of the CoachxStar Wars purses and it is my favorite for sure, I use it every day! I had been on the hunt for a certain size of purse for my new everyday bag and the fact I got it 70% off AND it shows off my love for Star Wars, it’s an all-around win. Plus, it’s sparkly and the strap is super extra!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
This one is hard to answer because I love sewing and making my own clothing as much as I can. I do love Loungefly and Danielle Nicole handbags, I love novelty purses so much. A lot of the time though, because I am always looking for sewing inspiration, I love looking at designers like @adria.renee, who makes some of the greatest couture gowns. Her Star Wars collecting is SO GOOD! Such amazing inspiration for how to add special fandom details to my every day clothing!
Sylvia Clarino
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I first saw Star Wars on the big screen in 1977
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite Star Wars fashion icon is, of course, Padme Amidala, but my favorite characters are Jyn Erso and Ashoka Tano
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite Star Wars fashion items I own are my two original painted leather jackets I commissioned from Solanah!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
My favorite geek brand is Jordandene — she’s the original — but I love supporting all my creative indie friends, like Solanah and @stvchcraft!
Other Members of Galactic Coven:
@ravenzahara, @sacredsomethingbykara, @vexxing, @k.in.your.book.
For More Star Wars fashion see:
Temple of Geek Chic: Star Wars Geek Gear from Musterbrand
Temple of Geek Chic: Galactic Apparel by Elhoffer Design
Temple of Geek Chic: Galactic Coven forges fashionable bond of Star Wars sisterhood @galactic_coven #galacticcoven #starwars #maythe4th Light Side? Dark Side? Which side will you join? That’s the question every Star Wars fan must answer.
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin To $100K By The End Of 2022 | A Macro Perspective
What’s going on, everyone? My name is Nicholas Martin here, a day to Dasch and today is April 7th of 2020. Well, folks, I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are in entity’s video. We’ve got a lot of topics to discuss. We’ll be talking about the short term strength in crypto markets as prices are rising about a month out and to have an event and along with that as well, we’ll be discussing the longer term perspective and crypto markets and discuss what we can see consistently with each and every cycle throughout cryptocurrency history. The key term is expanding cycles and outside of that as well. In regards to traditional markets, I want to spend some time to talk about the continued stimulus, both physically as well as through monetary policy that we’re seeing that are going to keep markets afloat in the short term and how we can expect that to play out in the long term. So you can obviously see I’ll get a mouthful today. Guys are going to be talking about a lot. So let’s just go ahead and dive right into it. So take a look here across the board for crypto currency markets. We can see there’s been a lot of strength throughout the market, a lot of plays pushing up towards upper single digit territory or pushing towards double digit territory. And a lot of those having to be some of our plays. Chain link up nearly almost 20 percent here, up eighteen point five percent. We can see here as well another DFI place play synthetic except twelve point seventy percent, a theorem one of the largest plays, the second largest crypto up. Twelve percent, Kibre Network up eleven percent here and even down here is well-based contention togain up 9 percent. So a lot of good cryptocurrencies across the board. Some of these some of the larger cap plays anywhere from the top 10, top 20 doing very well and regaining a lot of market capitalization. The key thing that I would say here to give in mine is we’re about anywhere for about $10 billion short from where we were back before, again, the beginning of a dramatic sell off that we had in crypto markets. So, you know, in a matter of a couple of weeks, we’ve been able to recover back these levels. And I’m confident that in the next seven days, basically a month from this point on, we’ll be able to get back to where we were originally. Now, again, in the sense of overall all coins, we’re seeing a big rebound here of network finding supported a similar range it found back here in late March. And again, on a key level here, that was resistance before we had the continued breakout. This is a common pattern that we see. It’s exactly what I want to see after again, having this stark breakout here, guys, a decent correction holding the vast majority. The gains, though, a continuing forward here. Again, it’s going to take a few days to see this support. But again, this is what I want to see here. Chainlink generally hold another line of support here on the logarithmic chart. We can see back above the line resistance here. Want to see this breakout continue? I want to see volume pouring in here. This is again, good price action to see. But I want to see follow through here in order to get really confident a long term nonetheless against some of the better performing all points in the market. Here are some of our top portfolio picks at last. We’ll take a look at here. We’ll take a look at tomorrow. Take a look at Wren. Wren still holding higher lows. In this case, I want to start seeing more higher highs. But it’s gonna be hard to be out where we were back here in March before the crazy sell off. And then outside of that as well. I don’t know if I’m, like, blind right now, but looking for basic attention, token on my list. And I have no idea why I’m not saying it. There is bad. It was up there. Missed it. So holding on the critical support, we talked about our newsletter here. This is a key support level that it’s been held in the past year. You can see here around two thousand one hundred Satoshi is there was a previous low here, here here is previous resistance over here and also previous support. So, again, good to see that it’s holding here. I want to see momentum pouring in on this one as well. But all in all, that is taking a look here at the short term performance. Bitcoin has really been, I think, a reason for a lot of these all coins picking up here as we break through an ascending triangle here on the chart. You can see here the prices of broke through and we’re pushing towards around seventy four hundred dollars for bitcoin. The short term, again, getting back up near just a few hundred bucks away from the day we had the dramatic sell off in crypto. Again, one thing I want to emphasize here before we dive into the long term perspective, guys, is I know there were a lot of people, a lot of people who were going out and buying Bitcoin at thirty eight hundred four thousand four thousand five hundred. And a lot of people were thinking, oh, my God, the retail investor, the average everyday Joe is buying at these prices must be a bad time to buy Bitcoin. Right. Because it tends to be that the retail investors always wrong. Well, turns out so far, guys, again, who knows? Prices could go down a little bit. I guess I’m predicting the rally were going to keep this momentum going up into the having event and then we’ll pullback only to six or seven thousand if anything, afterwards. The other day, guys, retail investor made a good choice. If you were one of the many out there, if you were, take the time and the comments to mention what price you got, guys. And I’m interested to hear where you got it. But in that 24, 48 hour period, it provided an optimal opportunity to buy it. Sadly, I didn’t have much cash at the time I was travelling in New York, so I can’t say the same. But for those who did. Bravo to you. I did hold through, though, and to those you held true as well. I hope you’re benefiting from it. I hope at the other day, guys, that it’s been a net benefit for you to hold to the spirit of Tomic’s. Now, small coins are actually higher than where they were back here. So, again, very exciting stuff. Guys, glad to see that if you held out, I would assume most you who are here on the channel probably did so. So let’s go out and talk about expanding cycles, taking a look at the longer term timeframe. You know, one thing that I always emphasize, guys, which is so cool that it’s such a blessing not to see it into the day that we have this kind of data just like readily available to everyone. I think it’s it’s so cool. And this is not how it used to be. You know, before the Internet, you know, you just couldn’t get access to data like this. But I want to go ahead and talk a little bit about the expanding cycles for cryptocurrencies. Now, if we take a look at the previous three clear cycles that we had here in cryptocurrency markets, we can generally take into note that we’ve seen an expansion of about a year added to each and every cycle. So if we take a look at the first one here, give or take, the first cycle is around eleven to twelve months in this case for bitcoin. We can see from the Bialek’s indicator going from a whopping, you know, few cents upwards towards, you know, 30 to 40 dollars here, depending on what exchange you’re looking at. And we could see that this was generally around eleven bars here on the chart, again, about a year. We could see afterwards from the bottom to the high, just like we did with this previous cycle, 24 months again, that two years here in this case, from top to bottom, going from around $2 per bitcoin all the way up to around eleven hundred in this case around eleven twelve hundred dollar peak. And we can also see with the third cycle that we had a thirty five month period from bottom to top roughly give or take almost three years. So if you were looking at the five or 10 minute chart, you’d probably have little to no understanding as to how long these cycles are and what we can expect from the long term horizon once we’ve found a significant low after a bear market has gone through. Well, luckily, we take a look at the long term cycles here, guys. I know many of you do same as well either because you’ve just generally done that before or we’ve emphasized that a lot here on the channel. And now we can get a good understanding here of when we can expect the top for the next cycle. Again, there’s no guarantee that history is going to repeat itself. Exactly. There might be some big disruption discrepancies this time around with the macro environment. Having event might play out differently. But if you take a look here, the logarithmic growth curves here. Right. And taking them out of the significant lows here and the significant resistance bad, we actually get a line up quite nicely here to a top of around a hundred thousand dollars. Right. Give or take could be around that range. It might not be exactly. Even sometime in 2022. And I think that this is a very conservative estimate here. I think this is much better than a lot of people who think by the end of this year we’re going to reach 100K or by the end of 2021, we’re going to reach 100K. Look, we kept our large price target even after the sell off, guys, because prices have recovered quite substantially and we haven’t even seen the economic ramifications of the having of it and the continued macro environment going into a higher state of fear. Right. These are the things that can drive bitcoin to that valuation. But what we did is we expanded our time horizon. We looked at the longer term timeframe. We’re taking in substantial consistency here with each cycle. And I believe, you know, pretty consciously in this case that 100 K is quite reasonable. Bitcoin at over trillion dollar market cap is going to be relatively reasonable in an environment where there’s money fleeting from global bonds, from local currencies, from equities or property markets. As we enter into a longer drawn out bear market through a potential depression, that’s a very, very conservative ask, in my opinion, for a new emerging digital gold for millennials and genze. Right. So anyways, again, just a key point here is again to focus on these longer term timeframes, to be patient guys. This is going to be a long journey, but it’s going to be a fun one. I really think that we not only have this potential for markets to multiply many times over, even after Bitcoin, it’s been around for so long. But along with that as well, I think that there’s going to be a lot of exciting innovation here. This is going to really be the technology for the time. And I’m excited to see the economic ramifications of the having event as well as the macro environment in the sense of the reflection of price. But I’m also excited just to see what kind of cool technologies come out during this time period. There’s just not the kind of innovation that we’re seeing in cryptocurrency markets, in other markets. Play it simple. I mean, this is just a really exciting time. So if you guys are excited about it too, I hope you’ll stick with me here on the channel over the next coming months, the next few years. And if you haven’t already definate consider subscribing. Definitely love having more people join the family here on the channel. Now I want to go ahead. We’ve talked to get him out of the long term perspective on crypto markets, short term perspective. I talked about some of the plays that I’m in currently and want to go ahead and talk a little bit about this macro environment that I’ve been hinting, as we’ve discussed about Bitcoin and talk about what we can expect from equity markets here in the short term. Now a lot of people. A lot of people talk about a V shaped rebound. This has been probably the term that’s been tossed around by most market traders and market experts in regards to mainstream media about how Koven 19 and the whole general scare that we’ve had here over the last couple of weeks and months is basically going to spawn into a V-shaped rebound once it’s all over. And we’ll come right back up to the highs where we were beforehand. And I’ve really drilled to the point that I don’t think this is the case here, but I will go ahead and be a little bit more specific to talking about how I expect this to really play out. And about that, again, one of my favorite data Web sites are constantly putting awesome stuff out on their blog for free. For all of you out there, I really recommend you check them out and if you want, consider subscribing. But they’ve been coming over these great charts and they compared the S&P 500. Now, again, bear in mind, with much different valuations, but in an equitable ratio, the S&P 500 from 1929 to the current S&P five hundred and twenty twenty and the pullback that we saw between these two markets. Now, this is really it’s interesting here. It’s an exciting correlation between two significant periods of some of the worst sell side action we’ve ever seen in history in the sense of the severity of the downward pressure on price. And interestingly enough, we can see a lot of similarities and not only regards to the downturn, but possibly to the rebound as well. Now, of course, this is going to take time. And I have no doubt that we are going to see a definite difference in price action here. It’s going to depend a lot on, you know, whether or not there’s talks of vaccines, whether there’s talks of continued quarantining periods where people are staying inside, especially if they’re not essential and generally just a general slowdown in the optimism and the business environment and consumer confidence that might lead to some discrepancies. But I do believe here, as we’re, you know, injecting lots of stimulus across the board, that’s going be the key topic today. I think that there’s a very good likelihood that we get a continued rebound in equities and then a roll over a longer term dead cat bounce where valuations eventually roll back over again like they did in 1929 and 1930 and continue back downward. Right. And draw down even further. That’s where I think would be very, very reasonable to expect here. I think in this case, again, that’s the discrepancy we’re going to get here. Whereas again, in 1930, in this case rate, we held a quite steady in this case for a while. I think that we’re actually going to roll back down to the lows and continue down and get a full 50 percent correction at a minimum. All right. That’s the bare minimum here. So, again, let’s just go ahead and talk about why markets would rebound in the short term. Well, the Federal Reserve has made that very clear. U.S. government has made that very clear through its physical and monetary policy. We’ve injected over six trillion dollars of buyside pressure to or I would say pretty much positive pressure on the markets as we’ve been putting in six trillion dollars liquidity, four trillion in regards to the Federal Reserve status of injecting new cash in the system, buying up treasuries, buying mortgage backed securities. And as we’ll be talking about, hinting the idea of equity purchases. But if we want to talk about equity purchases and excessive central bank monetary policy, look no further than not only the ECB, which has been increasing during this time period to new all time highs, but the Bank of Japan, which never even pulled back in the first place, like the US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the ECB had done in the past. If you might miss it here, it’s it’s easy to miss. But we’ll go ahead. Well, Zuma, just to make sure people see it, the Bank of Japan leading the way as a central bank across the world, more than any stimulus from the People’s Bank of China than the US and the ECB. They are the leader in this case, adding a couple of hundred billion dollars extra in stimulus or trillions of China, a Japanese yuan in this case, as they declare an emergency package of a trillion dollars in regards to the stimulus package that Japan has condemned together in response to the Konar coronavirus. So we can read through the details here of this case coming through, unveiling a stimulus package you describes as among one of the world’s biggest to soften the economic blow. And Japan has had to take on excessive stimulus because Japan’s economy, interestingly enough, from the severity of the 1980s bull market that it experienced, that saw valuations at ridiculous levels. The property market, most, most especially, but in this case, also in equity markets. But I digress. Japan has been the leader in the sense of the steps of monetary policy that the world is all going to experience as a whole. Everyone is becoming Japan, as many people quote. A lot of people like Rand Paul, a lot of people in the economic sector mentioned this fact that we’re going to become like Japan. And that does mean culturally persay. It means and in the sense of the status of its monetary policy, the cycle of history of a currency and debt. And basically, Japan has experienced what’s known as deflation. Right. Japan has been at the cornerstone of deflation. This case, it’s had a very big issue trying to stimulate its economy. To get the economy going and actually get real economic growth, GDP growth. And because of that, they’ve tried excessively to stimulate the economy through the central bank. And they’ve actually gone as far as not only just repurchasing their government bonds, repurchasing maybe toxic assets like mortgage backed securities that were getting played a role in 2008. But in this case, they actually have gone through over the last decade and been one of the largest stock purchasers. So to put it simple, how much is Japan stimulating the underlying economy? More specifically, let’s get real here. The equity markets, while we can take a look here at this Bloomberg article here, again discussing not only the excessive degrees that Japan has gone to in stimulating the economy through quantitative easing and negative interest rates, but going into direct stock and ETF purchases, we can see here the bank, Japan’s monthly ETF buying program has had its record setting month of over fifteen trillion yen. To put that in perspective. Right. We’re talking about one hundred twenty $30 billion plus in stimulus. We can see here that over 12 trillion yen. Right. This was the original figure before the updated data here was registering in over $130 billion, a buyside pressure for equity markets, a record set for a monthly basis. If they were to keep up this pace for a year, this would be a trillion dollars in buyside pressure for equity markets coming from the central bank. Not real world investors, not even not even the government in this case, the central bank just printing money out of nowhere, devaluating the purchasing power of the yen. But we could see more consecutively here. Right. That the buy programs usually peak out somewhere on a monthly basis, around 8 to 9 trillion yen. Dida Agresto At the end of the day, this is still huge. This is anywhere from 80 to 100 billion dollars a buyside pressure. This is the equivalent of stock buybacks in the United States on a monthly recurring basis. So this is huge. I mean, this showcases where the Fed is going to be sometime in the next year to what sounds like a fantasy pipe dream is going to become reality because equity markets will not be able to sustain themselves in an environment where there is mass layoffs, where there is a lot of people claiming unemployment, there is going to be a general downward pressure even as we go back to work here in the next coming weeks. It’s eventually going to have a general downward pressure, a general negative sentiment that this is going to slump the economy, slump corporate earnings, slump consumer spending, and eventually equities are going to start selling off even more. Stock buybacks will not be enough because there will not be the corporate earnings to supplement them. The central bank, much like it had to do back during the mortgage bank, the mortgage backed security crisis and the housing crisis is going to have to step in and take the position of the net buyer of equities. So we have no one else to blame the Japan to showcase that it can provide as a buyer to equity markets. It can supplement buyside pressure for some time, especially during this period of time where buyers are coming in. But inevitably in this case, this is going to lead towards a much larger issue. And that is going to be the purchasing power of your currency because the S&P 500 and other equities are like individual stocks, ETF or whatever it may be. They can go up in valuation. We can see their values go up on a chart and they heck, you know, again. Guess I’m going to go ahead at all golf web here. I could be completely wrong in the S.P. 500 could set new all time highs with this kind of stimulus. But I would ask you all to do one thing for me. And when that day comes, evaluations to get that high or even if they’re rolling over and I’m right in the sense of evaluations going down, I would ask that you all do a simple thing and that’s to look at the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation, because you don’t see that here. We don’t get to see the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation. And if you take the time to look at the longer term timeframe here, even back here in 2009, in 2002. Interestingly enough, if you adjust for inflation, these valuations are actually starkly different, the lows and the highs, your showcase that we generally were setting lower lows and higher lows excuse me, lower highs in this case. And I have no doubt that by the time the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and the People’s Bank of China, all the major central banks the world are done running through this game of analysts infinite QE, which is really the last thing we have to do now that rates are so low, at least for the vast majority central banks that say China is the exception. At the end of the day, valuations might look good on paper, but in reality, the purchasing power that you have inevitably still having your money in equities, global currencies will be down. So anyways, that’s the point I want to drill here, guys, and get in the short term, there could very well be some value here in equities, right? Some trading opportunities. The market had a nice rally yesterday, 7 percent. Futures are looking like they’re going to be up another, I think, 3 or 4 percent this morning. I don’t bet against QE stimulus in the short term. It can be a fun ride, right? But at the end of the day. We’re doing great in crypto currency markets. We’re hedging for the longer term in this case. And I’ll let you guys know if I do any kind of, you know, crazy short term positions here in equity markets. No doubt there’s value, right? There’s value here in the short term and the long term. I wouldn’t want to be caught with a basket of different stocks when it comes to the point where central bank stimulus no longer works. So anyways, that’s my key point here, guys, overall enjoyed this video, if you like the trouble like we didn’t have as far as a related video, but if you guys want to support me, I’ve got my startup company appears sometime in May. We’ve had DeLay the launch here with Cauvin 19. So you guys want to keep up to date with it. There is a Web site back for the 21st century dot where you guys can sign up for an e-mail system which will alert you when the startup launches. So you guys don’t miss it. We’ve already got about twenty five hundred people asked how I check that have signed up for it. So definitely consider signing up for it. I really appreciate it, guys, and we’ll let you guys know when it comes out. I’m real excited to reveal it to you. Guys at EOL are going to love it. It’s built for an audience like yourselves that’s built for people who are everyday excited about cryptocurrencies, excited about, you know, challenging the traditional financial system. Again, I think it’s really going to like it. So anyways. That’s it for today’s video. Hope you all enjoyed my rambling. And I’ll see you off in the next video. Stay tuned.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-to-100k-by-the-end-of-2022/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-to-100k-by-the-end-of-2022-a-macro-perspective
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scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin To $100K By The End Of 2022 | A Macro Perspective
What’s going on, everyone? My name is Nicholas Martin here, a day to Dasch and today is April 7th of 2020. Well, folks, I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are in entity’s video. We’ve got a lot of topics to discuss. We’ll be talking about the short term strength in crypto markets as prices are rising about a month out and to have an event and along with that as well, we’ll be discussing the longer term perspective and crypto markets and discuss what we can see consistently with each and every cycle throughout cryptocurrency history. The key term is expanding cycles and outside of that as well. In regards to traditional markets, I want to spend some time to talk about the continued stimulus, both physically as well as through monetary policy that we’re seeing that are going to keep markets afloat in the short term and how we can expect that to play out in the long term. So you can obviously see I’ll get a mouthful today. Guys are going to be talking about a lot. So let’s just go ahead and dive right into it. So take a look here across the board for crypto currency markets. We can see there’s been a lot of strength throughout the market, a lot of plays pushing up towards upper single digit territory or pushing towards double digit territory. And a lot of those having to be some of our plays. Chain link up nearly almost 20 percent here, up eighteen point five percent. We can see here as well another DFI place play synthetic except twelve point seventy percent, a theorem one of the largest plays, the second largest crypto up. Twelve percent, Kibre Network up eleven percent here and even down here is well-based contention togain up 9 percent. So a lot of good cryptocurrencies across the board. Some of these some of the larger cap plays anywhere from the top 10, top 20 doing very well and regaining a lot of market capitalization. The key thing that I would say here to give in mine is we’re about anywhere for about $10 billion short from where we were back before, again, the beginning of a dramatic sell off that we had in crypto markets. So, you know, in a matter of a couple of weeks, we’ve been able to recover back these levels. And I’m confident that in the next seven days, basically a month from this point on, we’ll be able to get back to where we were originally. Now, again, in the sense of overall all coins, we’re seeing a big rebound here of network finding supported a similar range it found back here in late March. And again, on a key level here, that was resistance before we had the continued breakout. This is a common pattern that we see. It’s exactly what I want to see after again, having this stark breakout here, guys, a decent correction holding the vast majority. The gains, though, a continuing forward here. Again, it’s going to take a few days to see this support. But again, this is what I want to see here. Chainlink generally hold another line of support here on the logarithmic chart. We can see back above the line resistance here. Want to see this breakout continue? I want to see volume pouring in here. This is again, good price action to see. But I want to see follow through here in order to get really confident a long term nonetheless against some of the better performing all points in the market. Here are some of our top portfolio picks at last. We’ll take a look at here. We’ll take a look at tomorrow. Take a look at Wren. Wren still holding higher lows. In this case, I want to start seeing more higher highs. But it’s gonna be hard to be out where we were back here in March before the crazy sell off. And then outside of that as well. I don’t know if I’m, like, blind right now, but looking for basic attention, token on my list. And I have no idea why I’m not saying it. There is bad. It was up there. Missed it. So holding on the critical support, we talked about our newsletter here. This is a key support level that it’s been held in the past year. You can see here around two thousand one hundred Satoshi is there was a previous low here, here here is previous resistance over here and also previous support. So, again, good to see that it’s holding here. I want to see momentum pouring in on this one as well. But all in all, that is taking a look here at the short term performance. Bitcoin has really been, I think, a reason for a lot of these all coins picking up here as we break through an ascending triangle here on the chart. You can see here the prices of broke through and we’re pushing towards around seventy four hundred dollars for bitcoin. The short term, again, getting back up near just a few hundred bucks away from the day we had the dramatic sell off in crypto. Again, one thing I want to emphasize here before we dive into the long term perspective, guys, is I know there were a lot of people, a lot of people who were going out and buying Bitcoin at thirty eight hundred four thousand four thousand five hundred. And a lot of people were thinking, oh, my God, the retail investor, the average everyday Joe is buying at these prices must be a bad time to buy Bitcoin. Right. Because it tends to be that the retail investors always wrong. Well, turns out so far, guys, again, who knows? Prices could go down a little bit. I guess I’m predicting the rally were going to keep this momentum going up into the having event and then we’ll pullback only to six or seven thousand if anything, afterwards. The other day, guys, retail investor made a good choice. If you were one of the many out there, if you were, take the time and the comments to mention what price you got, guys. And I’m interested to hear where you got it. But in that 24, 48 hour period, it provided an optimal opportunity to buy it. Sadly, I didn’t have much cash at the time I was travelling in New York, so I can’t say the same. But for those who did. Bravo to you. I did hold through, though, and to those you held true as well. I hope you’re benefiting from it. I hope at the other day, guys, that it’s been a net benefit for you to hold to the spirit of Tomic’s. Now, small coins are actually higher than where they were back here. So, again, very exciting stuff. Guys, glad to see that if you held out, I would assume most you who are here on the channel probably did so. So let’s go out and talk about expanding cycles, taking a look at the longer term timeframe. You know, one thing that I always emphasize, guys, which is so cool that it’s such a blessing not to see it into the day that we have this kind of data just like readily available to everyone. I think it’s it’s so cool. And this is not how it used to be. You know, before the Internet, you know, you just couldn’t get access to data like this. But I want to go ahead and talk a little bit about the expanding cycles for cryptocurrencies. Now, if we take a look at the previous three clear cycles that we had here in cryptocurrency markets, we can generally take into note that we’ve seen an expansion of about a year added to each and every cycle. So if we take a look at the first one here, give or take, the first cycle is around eleven to twelve months in this case for bitcoin. We can see from the Bialek’s indicator going from a whopping, you know, few cents upwards towards, you know, 30 to 40 dollars here, depending on what exchange you’re looking at. And we could see that this was generally around eleven bars here on the chart, again, about a year. We could see afterwards from the bottom to the high, just like we did with this previous cycle, 24 months again, that two years here in this case, from top to bottom, going from around $2 per bitcoin all the way up to around eleven hundred in this case around eleven twelve hundred dollar peak. And we can also see with the third cycle that we had a thirty five month period from bottom to top roughly give or take almost three years. So if you were looking at the five or 10 minute chart, you’d probably have little to no understanding as to how long these cycles are and what we can expect from the long term horizon once we’ve found a significant low after a bear market has gone through. Well, luckily, we take a look at the long term cycles here, guys. I know many of you do same as well either because you’ve just generally done that before or we’ve emphasized that a lot here on the channel. And now we can get a good understanding here of when we can expect the top for the next cycle. Again, there’s no guarantee that history is going to repeat itself. Exactly. There might be some big disruption discrepancies this time around with the macro environment. Having event might play out differently. But if you take a look here, the logarithmic growth curves here. Right. And taking them out of the significant lows here and the significant resistance bad, we actually get a line up quite nicely here to a top of around a hundred thousand dollars. Right. Give or take could be around that range. It might not be exactly. Even sometime in 2022. And I think that this is a very conservative estimate here. I think this is much better than a lot of people who think by the end of this year we’re going to reach 100K or by the end of 2021, we’re going to reach 100K. Look, we kept our large price target even after the sell off, guys, because prices have recovered quite substantially and we haven’t even seen the economic ramifications of the having of it and the continued macro environment going into a higher state of fear. Right. These are the things that can drive bitcoin to that valuation. But what we did is we expanded our time horizon. We looked at the longer term timeframe. We’re taking in substantial consistency here with each cycle. And I believe, you know, pretty consciously in this case that 100 K is quite reasonable. Bitcoin at over trillion dollar market cap is going to be relatively reasonable in an environment where there’s money fleeting from global bonds, from local currencies, from equities or property markets. As we enter into a longer drawn out bear market through a potential depression, that’s a very, very conservative ask, in my opinion, for a new emerging digital gold for millennials and genze. Right. So anyways, again, just a key point here is again to focus on these longer term timeframes, to be patient guys. This is going to be a long journey, but it’s going to be a fun one. I really think that we not only have this potential for markets to multiply many times over, even after Bitcoin, it’s been around for so long. But along with that as well, I think that there’s going to be a lot of exciting innovation here. This is going to really be the technology for the time. And I’m excited to see the economic ramifications of the having event as well as the macro environment in the sense of the reflection of price. But I’m also excited just to see what kind of cool technologies come out during this time period. There’s just not the kind of innovation that we’re seeing in cryptocurrency markets, in other markets. Play it simple. I mean, this is just a really exciting time. So if you guys are excited about it too, I hope you’ll stick with me here on the channel over the next coming months, the next few years. And if you haven’t already definate consider subscribing. Definitely love having more people join the family here on the channel. Now I want to go ahead. We’ve talked to get him out of the long term perspective on crypto markets, short term perspective. I talked about some of the plays that I’m in currently and want to go ahead and talk a little bit about this macro environment that I’ve been hinting, as we’ve discussed about Bitcoin and talk about what we can expect from equity markets here in the short term. Now a lot of people. A lot of people talk about a V shaped rebound. This has been probably the term that’s been tossed around by most market traders and market experts in regards to mainstream media about how Koven 19 and the whole general scare that we’ve had here over the last couple of weeks and months is basically going to spawn into a V-shaped rebound once it’s all over. And we’ll come right back up to the highs where we were beforehand. And I’ve really drilled to the point that I don’t think this is the case here, but I will go ahead and be a little bit more specific to talking about how I expect this to really play out. And about that, again, one of my favorite data Web sites are constantly putting awesome stuff out on their blog for free. For all of you out there, I really recommend you check them out and if you want, consider subscribing. But they’ve been coming over these great charts and they compared the S&P 500. Now, again, bear in mind, with much different valuations, but in an equitable ratio, the S&P 500 from 1929 to the current S&P five hundred and twenty twenty and the pullback that we saw between these two markets. Now, this is really it’s interesting here. It’s an exciting correlation between two significant periods of some of the worst sell side action we’ve ever seen in history in the sense of the severity of the downward pressure on price. And interestingly enough, we can see a lot of similarities and not only regards to the downturn, but possibly to the rebound as well. Now, of course, this is going to take time. And I have no doubt that we are going to see a definite difference in price action here. It’s going to depend a lot on, you know, whether or not there’s talks of vaccines, whether there’s talks of continued quarantining periods where people are staying inside, especially if they’re not essential and generally just a general slowdown in the optimism and the business environment and consumer confidence that might lead to some discrepancies. But I do believe here, as we’re, you know, injecting lots of stimulus across the board, that’s going be the key topic today. I think that there’s a very good likelihood that we get a continued rebound in equities and then a roll over a longer term dead cat bounce where valuations eventually roll back over again like they did in 1929 and 1930 and continue back downward. Right. And draw down even further. That’s where I think would be very, very reasonable to expect here. I think in this case, again, that’s the discrepancy we’re going to get here. Whereas again, in 1930, in this case rate, we held a quite steady in this case for a while. I think that we’re actually going to roll back down to the lows and continue down and get a full 50 percent correction at a minimum. All right. That’s the bare minimum here. So, again, let’s just go ahead and talk about why markets would rebound in the short term. Well, the Federal Reserve has made that very clear. U.S. government has made that very clear through its physical and monetary policy. We’ve injected over six trillion dollars of buyside pressure to or I would say pretty much positive pressure on the markets as we’ve been putting in six trillion dollars liquidity, four trillion in regards to the Federal Reserve status of injecting new cash in the system, buying up treasuries, buying mortgage backed securities. And as we’ll be talking about, hinting the idea of equity purchases. But if we want to talk about equity purchases and excessive central bank monetary policy, look no further than not only the ECB, which has been increasing during this time period to new all time highs, but the Bank of Japan, which never even pulled back in the first place, like the US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the ECB had done in the past. If you might miss it here, it’s it’s easy to miss. But we’ll go ahead. Well, Zuma, just to make sure people see it, the Bank of Japan leading the way as a central bank across the world, more than any stimulus from the People’s Bank of China than the US and the ECB. They are the leader in this case, adding a couple of hundred billion dollars extra in stimulus or trillions of China, a Japanese yuan in this case, as they declare an emergency package of a trillion dollars in regards to the stimulus package that Japan has condemned together in response to the Konar coronavirus. So we can read through the details here of this case coming through, unveiling a stimulus package you describes as among one of the world’s biggest to soften the economic blow. And Japan has had to take on excessive stimulus because Japan’s economy, interestingly enough, from the severity of the 1980s bull market that it experienced, that saw valuations at ridiculous levels. The property market, most, most especially, but in this case, also in equity markets. But I digress. Japan has been the leader in the sense of the steps of monetary policy that the world is all going to experience as a whole. Everyone is becoming Japan, as many people quote. A lot of people like Rand Paul, a lot of people in the economic sector mentioned this fact that we’re going to become like Japan. And that does mean culturally persay. It means and in the sense of the status of its monetary policy, the cycle of history of a currency and debt. And basically, Japan has experienced what’s known as deflation. Right. Japan has been at the cornerstone of deflation. This case, it’s had a very big issue trying to stimulate its economy. To get the economy going and actually get real economic growth, GDP growth. And because of that, they’ve tried excessively to stimulate the economy through the central bank. And they’ve actually gone as far as not only just repurchasing their government bonds, repurchasing maybe toxic assets like mortgage backed securities that were getting played a role in 2008. But in this case, they actually have gone through over the last decade and been one of the largest stock purchasers. So to put it simple, how much is Japan stimulating the underlying economy? More specifically, let’s get real here. The equity markets, while we can take a look here at this Bloomberg article here, again discussing not only the excessive degrees that Japan has gone to in stimulating the economy through quantitative easing and negative interest rates, but going into direct stock and ETF purchases, we can see here the bank, Japan’s monthly ETF buying program has had its record setting month of over fifteen trillion yen. To put that in perspective. Right. We’re talking about one hundred twenty $30 billion plus in stimulus. We can see here that over 12 trillion yen. Right. This was the original figure before the updated data here was registering in over $130 billion, a buyside pressure for equity markets, a record set for a monthly basis. If they were to keep up this pace for a year, this would be a trillion dollars in buyside pressure for equity markets coming from the central bank. Not real world investors, not even not even the government in this case, the central bank just printing money out of nowhere, devaluating the purchasing power of the yen. But we could see more consecutively here. Right. That the buy programs usually peak out somewhere on a monthly basis, around 8 to 9 trillion yen. Dida Agresto At the end of the day, this is still huge. This is anywhere from 80 to 100 billion dollars a buyside pressure. This is the equivalent of stock buybacks in the United States on a monthly recurring basis. So this is huge. I mean, this showcases where the Fed is going to be sometime in the next year to what sounds like a fantasy pipe dream is going to become reality because equity markets will not be able to sustain themselves in an environment where there is mass layoffs, where there is a lot of people claiming unemployment, there is going to be a general downward pressure even as we go back to work here in the next coming weeks. It’s eventually going to have a general downward pressure, a general negative sentiment that this is going to slump the economy, slump corporate earnings, slump consumer spending, and eventually equities are going to start selling off even more. Stock buybacks will not be enough because there will not be the corporate earnings to supplement them. The central bank, much like it had to do back during the mortgage bank, the mortgage backed security crisis and the housing crisis is going to have to step in and take the position of the net buyer of equities. So we have no one else to blame the Japan to showcase that it can provide as a buyer to equity markets. It can supplement buyside pressure for some time, especially during this period of time where buyers are coming in. But inevitably in this case, this is going to lead towards a much larger issue. And that is going to be the purchasing power of your currency because the S&P 500 and other equities are like individual stocks, ETF or whatever it may be. They can go up in valuation. We can see their values go up on a chart and they heck, you know, again. Guess I’m going to go ahead at all golf web here. I could be completely wrong in the S.P. 500 could set new all time highs with this kind of stimulus. But I would ask you all to do one thing for me. And when that day comes, evaluations to get that high or even if they’re rolling over and I’m right in the sense of evaluations going down, I would ask that you all do a simple thing and that’s to look at the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation, because you don’t see that here. We don’t get to see the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation. And if you take the time to look at the longer term timeframe here, even back here in 2009, in 2002. Interestingly enough, if you adjust for inflation, these valuations are actually starkly different, the lows and the highs, your showcase that we generally were setting lower lows and higher lows excuse me, lower highs in this case. And I have no doubt that by the time the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and the People’s Bank of China, all the major central banks the world are done running through this game of analysts infinite QE, which is really the last thing we have to do now that rates are so low, at least for the vast majority central banks that say China is the exception. At the end of the day, valuations might look good on paper, but in reality, the purchasing power that you have inevitably still having your money in equities, global currencies will be down. So anyways, that’s the point I want to drill here, guys, and get in the short term, there could very well be some value here in equities, right? Some trading opportunities. The market had a nice rally yesterday, 7 percent. Futures are looking like they’re going to be up another, I think, 3 or 4 percent this morning. I don’t bet against QE stimulus in the short term. It can be a fun ride, right? But at the end of the day. We’re doing great in crypto currency markets. We’re hedging for the longer term in this case. And I’ll let you guys know if I do any kind of, you know, crazy short term positions here in equity markets. No doubt there’s value, right? There’s value here in the short term and the long term. I wouldn’t want to be caught with a basket of different stocks when it comes to the point where central bank stimulus no longer works. So anyways, that’s my key point here, guys, overall enjoyed this video, if you like the trouble like we didn’t have as far as a related video, but if you guys want to support me, I’ve got my startup company appears sometime in May. We’ve had DeLay the launch here with Cauvin 19. So you guys want to keep up to date with it. There is a Web site back for the 21st century dot where you guys can sign up for an e-mail system which will alert you when the startup launches. So you guys don’t miss it. We’ve already got about twenty five hundred people asked how I check that have signed up for it. So definitely consider signing up for it. I really appreciate it, guys, and we’ll let you guys know when it comes out. I’m real excited to reveal it to you. Guys at EOL are going to love it. It’s built for an audience like yourselves that’s built for people who are everyday excited about cryptocurrencies, excited about, you know, challenging the traditional financial system. Again, I think it’s really going to like it. So anyways. That’s it for today’s video. Hope you all enjoyed my rambling. And I’ll see you off in the next video. Stay tuned.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-to-100k-by-the-end-of-2022/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-to-100k-by-end-of-2022-macro.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin To $100K By The End Of 2022 | A Macro Perspective
What’s going on, everyone? My name is Nicholas Martin here, a day to Dasch and today is April 7th of 2020. Well, folks, I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are in entity’s video. We’ve got a lot of topics to discuss. We’ll be talking about the short term strength in crypto markets as prices are rising about a month out and to have an event and along with that as well, we’ll be discussing the longer term perspective and crypto markets and discuss what we can see consistently with each and every cycle throughout cryptocurrency history. The key term is expanding cycles and outside of that as well. In regards to traditional markets, I want to spend some time to talk about the continued stimulus, both physically as well as through monetary policy that we’re seeing that are going to keep markets afloat in the short term and how we can expect that to play out in the long term. So you can obviously see I’ll get a mouthful today. Guys are going to be talking about a lot. So let’s just go ahead and dive right into it. So take a look here across the board for crypto currency markets. We can see there’s been a lot of strength throughout the market, a lot of plays pushing up towards upper single digit territory or pushing towards double digit territory. And a lot of those having to be some of our plays. Chain link up nearly almost 20 percent here, up eighteen point five percent. We can see here as well another DFI place play synthetic except twelve point seventy percent, a theorem one of the largest plays, the second largest crypto up. Twelve percent, Kibre Network up eleven percent here and even down here is well-based contention togain up 9 percent. So a lot of good cryptocurrencies across the board. Some of these some of the larger cap plays anywhere from the top 10, top 20 doing very well and regaining a lot of market capitalization. The key thing that I would say here to give in mine is we’re about anywhere for about $10 billion short from where we were back before, again, the beginning of a dramatic sell off that we had in crypto markets. So, you know, in a matter of a couple of weeks, we’ve been able to recover back these levels. And I’m confident that in the next seven days, basically a month from this point on, we’ll be able to get back to where we were originally. Now, again, in the sense of overall all coins, we’re seeing a big rebound here of network finding supported a similar range it found back here in late March. And again, on a key level here, that was resistance before we had the continued breakout. This is a common pattern that we see. It’s exactly what I want to see after again, having this stark breakout here, guys, a decent correction holding the vast majority. The gains, though, a continuing forward here. Again, it’s going to take a few days to see this support. But again, this is what I want to see here. Chainlink generally hold another line of support here on the logarithmic chart. We can see back above the line resistance here. Want to see this breakout continue? I want to see volume pouring in here. This is again, good price action to see. But I want to see follow through here in order to get really confident a long term nonetheless against some of the better performing all points in the market. Here are some of our top portfolio picks at last. We’ll take a look at here. We’ll take a look at tomorrow. Take a look at Wren. Wren still holding higher lows. In this case, I want to start seeing more higher highs. But it’s gonna be hard to be out where we were back here in March before the crazy sell off. And then outside of that as well. I don’t know if I’m, like, blind right now, but looking for basic attention, token on my list. And I have no idea why I’m not saying it. There is bad. It was up there. Missed it. So holding on the critical support, we talked about our newsletter here. This is a key support level that it’s been held in the past year. You can see here around two thousand one hundred Satoshi is there was a previous low here, here here is previous resistance over here and also previous support. So, again, good to see that it’s holding here. I want to see momentum pouring in on this one as well. But all in all, that is taking a look here at the short term performance. Bitcoin has really been, I think, a reason for a lot of these all coins picking up here as we break through an ascending triangle here on the chart. You can see here the prices of broke through and we’re pushing towards around seventy four hundred dollars for bitcoin. The short term, again, getting back up near just a few hundred bucks away from the day we had the dramatic sell off in crypto. Again, one thing I want to emphasize here before we dive into the long term perspective, guys, is I know there were a lot of people, a lot of people who were going out and buying Bitcoin at thirty eight hundred four thousand four thousand five hundred. And a lot of people were thinking, oh, my God, the retail investor, the average everyday Joe is buying at these prices must be a bad time to buy Bitcoin. Right. Because it tends to be that the retail investors always wrong. Well, turns out so far, guys, again, who knows? Prices could go down a little bit. I guess I’m predicting the rally were going to keep this momentum going up into the having event and then we’ll pullback only to six or seven thousand if anything, afterwards. The other day, guys, retail investor made a good choice. If you were one of the many out there, if you were, take the time and the comments to mention what price you got, guys. And I’m interested to hear where you got it. But in that 24, 48 hour period, it provided an optimal opportunity to buy it. Sadly, I didn’t have much cash at the time I was travelling in New York, so I can’t say the same. But for those who did. Bravo to you. I did hold through, though, and to those you held true as well. I hope you’re benefiting from it. I hope at the other day, guys, that it’s been a net benefit for you to hold to the spirit of Tomic’s. Now, small coins are actually higher than where they were back here. So, again, very exciting stuff. Guys, glad to see that if you held out, I would assume most you who are here on the channel probably did so. So let’s go out and talk about expanding cycles, taking a look at the longer term timeframe. You know, one thing that I always emphasize, guys, which is so cool that it’s such a blessing not to see it into the day that we have this kind of data just like readily available to everyone. I think it’s it’s so cool. And this is not how it used to be. You know, before the Internet, you know, you just couldn’t get access to data like this. But I want to go ahead and talk a little bit about the expanding cycles for cryptocurrencies. Now, if we take a look at the previous three clear cycles that we had here in cryptocurrency markets, we can generally take into note that we’ve seen an expansion of about a year added to each and every cycle. So if we take a look at the first one here, give or take, the first cycle is around eleven to twelve months in this case for bitcoin. We can see from the Bialek’s indicator going from a whopping, you know, few cents upwards towards, you know, 30 to 40 dollars here, depending on what exchange you’re looking at. And we could see that this was generally around eleven bars here on the chart, again, about a year. We could see afterwards from the bottom to the high, just like we did with this previous cycle, 24 months again, that two years here in this case, from top to bottom, going from around $2 per bitcoin all the way up to around eleven hundred in this case around eleven twelve hundred dollar peak. And we can also see with the third cycle that we had a thirty five month period from bottom to top roughly give or take almost three years. So if you were looking at the five or 10 minute chart, you’d probably have little to no understanding as to how long these cycles are and what we can expect from the long term horizon once we’ve found a significant low after a bear market has gone through. Well, luckily, we take a look at the long term cycles here, guys. I know many of you do same as well either because you’ve just generally done that before or we’ve emphasized that a lot here on the channel. And now we can get a good understanding here of when we can expect the top for the next cycle. Again, there’s no guarantee that history is going to repeat itself. Exactly. There might be some big disruption discrepancies this time around with the macro environment. Having event might play out differently. But if you take a look here, the logarithmic growth curves here. Right. And taking them out of the significant lows here and the significant resistance bad, we actually get a line up quite nicely here to a top of around a hundred thousand dollars. Right. Give or take could be around that range. It might not be exactly. Even sometime in 2022. And I think that this is a very conservative estimate here. I think this is much better than a lot of people who think by the end of this year we’re going to reach 100K or by the end of 2021, we’re going to reach 100K. Look, we kept our large price target even after the sell off, guys, because prices have recovered quite substantially and we haven’t even seen the economic ramifications of the having of it and the continued macro environment going into a higher state of fear. Right. These are the things that can drive bitcoin to that valuation. But what we did is we expanded our time horizon. We looked at the longer term timeframe. We’re taking in substantial consistency here with each cycle. And I believe, you know, pretty consciously in this case that 100 K is quite reasonable. Bitcoin at over trillion dollar market cap is going to be relatively reasonable in an environment where there’s money fleeting from global bonds, from local currencies, from equities or property markets. As we enter into a longer drawn out bear market through a potential depression, that’s a very, very conservative ask, in my opinion, for a new emerging digital gold for millennials and genze. Right. So anyways, again, just a key point here is again to focus on these longer term timeframes, to be patient guys. This is going to be a long journey, but it’s going to be a fun one. I really think that we not only have this potential for markets to multiply many times over, even after Bitcoin, it’s been around for so long. But along with that as well, I think that there’s going to be a lot of exciting innovation here. This is going to really be the technology for the time. And I’m excited to see the economic ramifications of the having event as well as the macro environment in the sense of the reflection of price. But I’m also excited just to see what kind of cool technologies come out during this time period. There’s just not the kind of innovation that we’re seeing in cryptocurrency markets, in other markets. Play it simple. I mean, this is just a really exciting time. So if you guys are excited about it too, I hope you’ll stick with me here on the channel over the next coming months, the next few years. And if you haven’t already definate consider subscribing. Definitely love having more people join the family here on the channel. Now I want to go ahead. We’ve talked to get him out of the long term perspective on crypto markets, short term perspective. I talked about some of the plays that I’m in currently and want to go ahead and talk a little bit about this macro environment that I’ve been hinting, as we’ve discussed about Bitcoin and talk about what we can expect from equity markets here in the short term. Now a lot of people. A lot of people talk about a V shaped rebound. This has been probably the term that’s been tossed around by most market traders and market experts in regards to mainstream media about how Koven 19 and the whole general scare that we’ve had here over the last couple of weeks and months is basically going to spawn into a V-shaped rebound once it’s all over. And we’ll come right back up to the highs where we were beforehand. And I’ve really drilled to the point that I don’t think this is the case here, but I will go ahead and be a little bit more specific to talking about how I expect this to really play out. And about that, again, one of my favorite data Web sites are constantly putting awesome stuff out on their blog for free. For all of you out there, I really recommend you check them out and if you want, consider subscribing. But they’ve been coming over these great charts and they compared the S&P 500. Now, again, bear in mind, with much different valuations, but in an equitable ratio, the S&P 500 from 1929 to the current S&P five hundred and twenty twenty and the pullback that we saw between these two markets. Now, this is really it’s interesting here. It’s an exciting correlation between two significant periods of some of the worst sell side action we’ve ever seen in history in the sense of the severity of the downward pressure on price. And interestingly enough, we can see a lot of similarities and not only regards to the downturn, but possibly to the rebound as well. Now, of course, this is going to take time. And I have no doubt that we are going to see a definite difference in price action here. It’s going to depend a lot on, you know, whether or not there’s talks of vaccines, whether there’s talks of continued quarantining periods where people are staying inside, especially if they’re not essential and generally just a general slowdown in the optimism and the business environment and consumer confidence that might lead to some discrepancies. But I do believe here, as we’re, you know, injecting lots of stimulus across the board, that’s going be the key topic today. I think that there’s a very good likelihood that we get a continued rebound in equities and then a roll over a longer term dead cat bounce where valuations eventually roll back over again like they did in 1929 and 1930 and continue back downward. Right. And draw down even further. That’s where I think would be very, very reasonable to expect here. I think in this case, again, that’s the discrepancy we’re going to get here. Whereas again, in 1930, in this case rate, we held a quite steady in this case for a while. I think that we’re actually going to roll back down to the lows and continue down and get a full 50 percent correction at a minimum. All right. That’s the bare minimum here. So, again, let’s just go ahead and talk about why markets would rebound in the short term. Well, the Federal Reserve has made that very clear. U.S. government has made that very clear through its physical and monetary policy. We’ve injected over six trillion dollars of buyside pressure to or I would say pretty much positive pressure on the markets as we’ve been putting in six trillion dollars liquidity, four trillion in regards to the Federal Reserve status of injecting new cash in the system, buying up treasuries, buying mortgage backed securities. And as we’ll be talking about, hinting the idea of equity purchases. But if we want to talk about equity purchases and excessive central bank monetary policy, look no further than not only the ECB, which has been increasing during this time period to new all time highs, but the Bank of Japan, which never even pulled back in the first place, like the US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the ECB had done in the past. If you might miss it here, it’s it’s easy to miss. But we’ll go ahead. Well, Zuma, just to make sure people see it, the Bank of Japan leading the way as a central bank across the world, more than any stimulus from the People’s Bank of China than the US and the ECB. They are the leader in this case, adding a couple of hundred billion dollars extra in stimulus or trillions of China, a Japanese yuan in this case, as they declare an emergency package of a trillion dollars in regards to the stimulus package that Japan has condemned together in response to the Konar coronavirus. So we can read through the details here of this case coming through, unveiling a stimulus package you describes as among one of the world’s biggest to soften the economic blow. And Japan has had to take on excessive stimulus because Japan’s economy, interestingly enough, from the severity of the 1980s bull market that it experienced, that saw valuations at ridiculous levels. The property market, most, most especially, but in this case, also in equity markets. But I digress. Japan has been the leader in the sense of the steps of monetary policy that the world is all going to experience as a whole. Everyone is becoming Japan, as many people quote. A lot of people like Rand Paul, a lot of people in the economic sector mentioned this fact that we’re going to become like Japan. And that does mean culturally persay. It means and in the sense of the status of its monetary policy, the cycle of history of a currency and debt. And basically, Japan has experienced what’s known as deflation. Right. Japan has been at the cornerstone of deflation. This case, it’s had a very big issue trying to stimulate its economy. To get the economy going and actually get real economic growth, GDP growth. And because of that, they’ve tried excessively to stimulate the economy through the central bank. And they’ve actually gone as far as not only just repurchasing their government bonds, repurchasing maybe toxic assets like mortgage backed securities that were getting played a role in 2008. But in this case, they actually have gone through over the last decade and been one of the largest stock purchasers. So to put it simple, how much is Japan stimulating the underlying economy? More specifically, let’s get real here. The equity markets, while we can take a look here at this Bloomberg article here, again discussing not only the excessive degrees that Japan has gone to in stimulating the economy through quantitative easing and negative interest rates, but going into direct stock and ETF purchases, we can see here the bank, Japan’s monthly ETF buying program has had its record setting month of over fifteen trillion yen. To put that in perspective. Right. We’re talking about one hundred twenty $30 billion plus in stimulus. We can see here that over 12 trillion yen. Right. This was the original figure before the updated data here was registering in over $130 billion, a buyside pressure for equity markets, a record set for a monthly basis. If they were to keep up this pace for a year, this would be a trillion dollars in buyside pressure for equity markets coming from the central bank. Not real world investors, not even not even the government in this case, the central bank just printing money out of nowhere, devaluating the purchasing power of the yen. But we could see more consecutively here. Right. That the buy programs usually peak out somewhere on a monthly basis, around 8 to 9 trillion yen. Dida Agresto At the end of the day, this is still huge. This is anywhere from 80 to 100 billion dollars a buyside pressure. This is the equivalent of stock buybacks in the United States on a monthly recurring basis. So this is huge. I mean, this showcases where the Fed is going to be sometime in the next year to what sounds like a fantasy pipe dream is going to become reality because equity markets will not be able to sustain themselves in an environment where there is mass layoffs, where there is a lot of people claiming unemployment, there is going to be a general downward pressure even as we go back to work here in the next coming weeks. It’s eventually going to have a general downward pressure, a general negative sentiment that this is going to slump the economy, slump corporate earnings, slump consumer spending, and eventually equities are going to start selling off even more. Stock buybacks will not be enough because there will not be the corporate earnings to supplement them. The central bank, much like it had to do back during the mortgage bank, the mortgage backed security crisis and the housing crisis is going to have to step in and take the position of the net buyer of equities. So we have no one else to blame the Japan to showcase that it can provide as a buyer to equity markets. It can supplement buyside pressure for some time, especially during this period of time where buyers are coming in. But inevitably in this case, this is going to lead towards a much larger issue. And that is going to be the purchasing power of your currency because the S&P 500 and other equities are like individual stocks, ETF or whatever it may be. They can go up in valuation. We can see their values go up on a chart and they heck, you know, again. Guess I’m going to go ahead at all golf web here. I could be completely wrong in the S.P. 500 could set new all time highs with this kind of stimulus. But I would ask you all to do one thing for me. And when that day comes, evaluations to get that high or even if they’re rolling over and I’m right in the sense of evaluations going down, I would ask that you all do a simple thing and that’s to look at the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation, because you don’t see that here. We don’t get to see the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation. And if you take the time to look at the longer term timeframe here, even back here in 2009, in 2002. Interestingly enough, if you adjust for inflation, these valuations are actually starkly different, the lows and the highs, your showcase that we generally were setting lower lows and higher lows excuse me, lower highs in this case. And I have no doubt that by the time the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and the People’s Bank of China, all the major central banks the world are done running through this game of analysts infinite QE, which is really the last thing we have to do now that rates are so low, at least for the vast majority central banks that say China is the exception. At the end of the day, valuations might look good on paper, but in reality, the purchasing power that you have inevitably still having your money in equities, global currencies will be down. So anyways, that’s the point I want to drill here, guys, and get in the short term, there could very well be some value here in equities, right? Some trading opportunities. The market had a nice rally yesterday, 7 percent. Futures are looking like they’re going to be up another, I think, 3 or 4 percent this morning. I don’t bet against QE stimulus in the short term. It can be a fun ride, right? But at the end of the day. We’re doing great in crypto currency markets. We’re hedging for the longer term in this case. And I’ll let you guys know if I do any kind of, you know, crazy short term positions here in equity markets. No doubt there’s value, right? There’s value here in the short term and the long term. I wouldn’t want to be caught with a basket of different stocks when it comes to the point where central bank stimulus no longer works. So anyways, that’s my key point here, guys, overall enjoyed this video, if you like the trouble like we didn’t have as far as a related video, but if you guys want to support me, I’ve got my startup company appears sometime in May. We’ve had DeLay the launch here with Cauvin 19. So you guys want to keep up to date with it. There is a Web site back for the 21st century dot where you guys can sign up for an e-mail system which will alert you when the startup launches. So you guys don’t miss it. We’ve already got about twenty five hundred people asked how I check that have signed up for it. So definitely consider signing up for it. I really appreciate it, guys, and we’ll let you guys know when it comes out. I’m real excited to reveal it to you. Guys at EOL are going to love it. It’s built for an audience like yourselves that’s built for people who are everyday excited about cryptocurrencies, excited about, you know, challenging the traditional financial system. Again, I think it’s really going to like it. So anyways. That’s it for today’s video. Hope you all enjoyed my rambling. And I’ll see you off in the next video. Stay tuned.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-to-100k-by-the-end-of-2022/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615122622467932160
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin To $100K By The End Of 2022 | A Macro Perspective
What’s going on, everyone? My name is Nicholas Martin here, a day to Dasch and today is April 7th of 2020. Well, folks, I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are in entity’s video. We’ve got a lot of topics to discuss. We’ll be talking about the short term strength in crypto markets as prices are rising about a month out and to have an event and along with that as well, we’ll be discussing the longer term perspective and crypto markets and discuss what we can see consistently with each and every cycle throughout cryptocurrency history. The key term is expanding cycles and outside of that as well. In regards to traditional markets, I want to spend some time to talk about the continued stimulus, both physically as well as through monetary policy that we’re seeing that are going to keep markets afloat in the short term and how we can expect that to play out in the long term. So you can obviously see I’ll get a mouthful today. Guys are going to be talking about a lot. So let’s just go ahead and dive right into it. So take a look here across the board for crypto currency markets. We can see there’s been a lot of strength throughout the market, a lot of plays pushing up towards upper single digit territory or pushing towards double digit territory. And a lot of those having to be some of our plays. Chain link up nearly almost 20 percent here, up eighteen point five percent. We can see here as well another DFI place play synthetic except twelve point seventy percent, a theorem one of the largest plays, the second largest crypto up. Twelve percent, Kibre Network up eleven percent here and even down here is well-based contention togain up 9 percent. So a lot of good cryptocurrencies across the board. Some of these some of the larger cap plays anywhere from the top 10, top 20 doing very well and regaining a lot of market capitalization. The key thing that I would say here to give in mine is we’re about anywhere for about $10 billion short from where we were back before, again, the beginning of a dramatic sell off that we had in crypto markets. So, you know, in a matter of a couple of weeks, we’ve been able to recover back these levels. And I’m confident that in the next seven days, basically a month from this point on, we’ll be able to get back to where we were originally. Now, again, in the sense of overall all coins, we’re seeing a big rebound here of network finding supported a similar range it found back here in late March. And again, on a key level here, that was resistance before we had the continued breakout. This is a common pattern that we see. It’s exactly what I want to see after again, having this stark breakout here, guys, a decent correction holding the vast majority. The gains, though, a continuing forward here. Again, it’s going to take a few days to see this support. But again, this is what I want to see here. Chainlink generally hold another line of support here on the logarithmic chart. We can see back above the line resistance here. Want to see this breakout continue? I want to see volume pouring in here. This is again, good price action to see. But I want to see follow through here in order to get really confident a long term nonetheless against some of the better performing all points in the market. Here are some of our top portfolio picks at last. We’ll take a look at here. We’ll take a look at tomorrow. Take a look at Wren. Wren still holding higher lows. In this case, I want to start seeing more higher highs. But it’s gonna be hard to be out where we were back here in March before the crazy sell off. And then outside of that as well. I don’t know if I’m, like, blind right now, but looking for basic attention, token on my list. And I have no idea why I’m not saying it. There is bad. It was up there. Missed it. So holding on the critical support, we talked about our newsletter here. This is a key support level that it’s been held in the past year. You can see here around two thousand one hundred Satoshi is there was a previous low here, here here is previous resistance over here and also previous support. So, again, good to see that it’s holding here. I want to see momentum pouring in on this one as well. But all in all, that is taking a look here at the short term performance. Bitcoin has really been, I think, a reason for a lot of these all coins picking up here as we break through an ascending triangle here on the chart. You can see here the prices of broke through and we’re pushing towards around seventy four hundred dollars for bitcoin. The short term, again, getting back up near just a few hundred bucks away from the day we had the dramatic sell off in crypto. Again, one thing I want to emphasize here before we dive into the long term perspective, guys, is I know there were a lot of people, a lot of people who were going out and buying Bitcoin at thirty eight hundred four thousand four thousand five hundred. And a lot of people were thinking, oh, my God, the retail investor, the average everyday Joe is buying at these prices must be a bad time to buy Bitcoin. Right. Because it tends to be that the retail investors always wrong. Well, turns out so far, guys, again, who knows? Prices could go down a little bit. I guess I’m predicting the rally were going to keep this momentum going up into the having event and then we’ll pullback only to six or seven thousand if anything, afterwards. The other day, guys, retail investor made a good choice. If you were one of the many out there, if you were, take the time and the comments to mention what price you got, guys. And I’m interested to hear where you got it. But in that 24, 48 hour period, it provided an optimal opportunity to buy it. Sadly, I didn’t have much cash at the time I was travelling in New York, so I can’t say the same. But for those who did. Bravo to you. I did hold through, though, and to those you held true as well. I hope you’re benefiting from it. I hope at the other day, guys, that it’s been a net benefit for you to hold to the spirit of Tomic’s. Now, small coins are actually higher than where they were back here. So, again, very exciting stuff. Guys, glad to see that if you held out, I would assume most you who are here on the channel probably did so. So let’s go out and talk about expanding cycles, taking a look at the longer term timeframe. You know, one thing that I always emphasize, guys, which is so cool that it’s such a blessing not to see it into the day that we have this kind of data just like readily available to everyone. I think it’s it’s so cool. And this is not how it used to be. You know, before the Internet, you know, you just couldn’t get access to data like this. But I want to go ahead and talk a little bit about the expanding cycles for cryptocurrencies. Now, if we take a look at the previous three clear cycles that we had here in cryptocurrency markets, we can generally take into note that we’ve seen an expansion of about a year added to each and every cycle. So if we take a look at the first one here, give or take, the first cycle is around eleven to twelve months in this case for bitcoin. We can see from the Bialek’s indicator going from a whopping, you know, few cents upwards towards, you know, 30 to 40 dollars here, depending on what exchange you’re looking at. And we could see that this was generally around eleven bars here on the chart, again, about a year. We could see afterwards from the bottom to the high, just like we did with this previous cycle, 24 months again, that two years here in this case, from top to bottom, going from around $2 per bitcoin all the way up to around eleven hundred in this case around eleven twelve hundred dollar peak. And we can also see with the third cycle that we had a thirty five month period from bottom to top roughly give or take almost three years. So if you were looking at the five or 10 minute chart, you’d probably have little to no understanding as to how long these cycles are and what we can expect from the long term horizon once we’ve found a significant low after a bear market has gone through. Well, luckily, we take a look at the long term cycles here, guys. I know many of you do same as well either because you’ve just generally done that before or we’ve emphasized that a lot here on the channel. And now we can get a good understanding here of when we can expect the top for the next cycle. Again, there’s no guarantee that history is going to repeat itself. Exactly. There might be some big disruption discrepancies this time around with the macro environment. Having event might play out differently. But if you take a look here, the logarithmic growth curves here. Right. And taking them out of the significant lows here and the significant resistance bad, we actually get a line up quite nicely here to a top of around a hundred thousand dollars. Right. Give or take could be around that range. It might not be exactly. Even sometime in 2022. And I think that this is a very conservative estimate here. I think this is much better than a lot of people who think by the end of this year we’re going to reach 100K or by the end of 2021, we’re going to reach 100K. Look, we kept our large price target even after the sell off, guys, because prices have recovered quite substantially and we haven’t even seen the economic ramifications of the having of it and the continued macro environment going into a higher state of fear. Right. These are the things that can drive bitcoin to that valuation. But what we did is we expanded our time horizon. We looked at the longer term timeframe. We’re taking in substantial consistency here with each cycle. And I believe, you know, pretty consciously in this case that 100 K is quite reasonable. Bitcoin at over trillion dollar market cap is going to be relatively reasonable in an environment where there’s money fleeting from global bonds, from local currencies, from equities or property markets. As we enter into a longer drawn out bear market through a potential depression, that’s a very, very conservative ask, in my opinion, for a new emerging digital gold for millennials and genze. Right. So anyways, again, just a key point here is again to focus on these longer term timeframes, to be patient guys. This is going to be a long journey, but it’s going to be a fun one. I really think that we not only have this potential for markets to multiply many times over, even after Bitcoin, it’s been around for so long. But along with that as well, I think that there’s going to be a lot of exciting innovation here. This is going to really be the technology for the time. And I’m excited to see the economic ramifications of the having event as well as the macro environment in the sense of the reflection of price. But I’m also excited just to see what kind of cool technologies come out during this time period. There’s just not the kind of innovation that we’re seeing in cryptocurrency markets, in other markets. Play it simple. I mean, this is just a really exciting time. So if you guys are excited about it too, I hope you’ll stick with me here on the channel over the next coming months, the next few years. And if you haven’t already definate consider subscribing. Definitely love having more people join the family here on the channel. Now I want to go ahead. We’ve talked to get him out of the long term perspective on crypto markets, short term perspective. I talked about some of the plays that I’m in currently and want to go ahead and talk a little bit about this macro environment that I’ve been hinting, as we’ve discussed about Bitcoin and talk about what we can expect from equity markets here in the short term. Now a lot of people. A lot of people talk about a V shaped rebound. This has been probably the term that’s been tossed around by most market traders and market experts in regards to mainstream media about how Koven 19 and the whole general scare that we’ve had here over the last couple of weeks and months is basically going to spawn into a V-shaped rebound once it’s all over. And we’ll come right back up to the highs where we were beforehand. And I’ve really drilled to the point that I don’t think this is the case here, but I will go ahead and be a little bit more specific to talking about how I expect this to really play out. And about that, again, one of my favorite data Web sites are constantly putting awesome stuff out on their blog for free. For all of you out there, I really recommend you check them out and if you want, consider subscribing. But they’ve been coming over these great charts and they compared the S&P 500. Now, again, bear in mind, with much different valuations, but in an equitable ratio, the S&P 500 from 1929 to the current S&P five hundred and twenty twenty and the pullback that we saw between these two markets. Now, this is really it’s interesting here. It’s an exciting correlation between two significant periods of some of the worst sell side action we’ve ever seen in history in the sense of the severity of the downward pressure on price. And interestingly enough, we can see a lot of similarities and not only regards to the downturn, but possibly to the rebound as well. Now, of course, this is going to take time. And I have no doubt that we are going to see a definite difference in price action here. It’s going to depend a lot on, you know, whether or not there’s talks of vaccines, whether there’s talks of continued quarantining periods where people are staying inside, especially if they’re not essential and generally just a general slowdown in the optimism and the business environment and consumer confidence that might lead to some discrepancies. But I do believe here, as we’re, you know, injecting lots of stimulus across the board, that’s going be the key topic today. I think that there’s a very good likelihood that we get a continued rebound in equities and then a roll over a longer term dead cat bounce where valuations eventually roll back over again like they did in 1929 and 1930 and continue back downward. Right. And draw down even further. That’s where I think would be very, very reasonable to expect here. I think in this case, again, that’s the discrepancy we’re going to get here. Whereas again, in 1930, in this case rate, we held a quite steady in this case for a while. I think that we’re actually going to roll back down to the lows and continue down and get a full 50 percent correction at a minimum. All right. That’s the bare minimum here. So, again, let’s just go ahead and talk about why markets would rebound in the short term. Well, the Federal Reserve has made that very clear. U.S. government has made that very clear through its physical and monetary policy. We’ve injected over six trillion dollars of buyside pressure to or I would say pretty much positive pressure on the markets as we’ve been putting in six trillion dollars liquidity, four trillion in regards to the Federal Reserve status of injecting new cash in the system, buying up treasuries, buying mortgage backed securities. And as we’ll be talking about, hinting the idea of equity purchases. But if we want to talk about equity purchases and excessive central bank monetary policy, look no further than not only the ECB, which has been increasing during this time period to new all time highs, but the Bank of Japan, which never even pulled back in the first place, like the US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the ECB had done in the past. If you might miss it here, it’s it’s easy to miss. But we’ll go ahead. Well, Zuma, just to make sure people see it, the Bank of Japan leading the way as a central bank across the world, more than any stimulus from the People’s Bank of China than the US and the ECB. They are the leader in this case, adding a couple of hundred billion dollars extra in stimulus or trillions of China, a Japanese yuan in this case, as they declare an emergency package of a trillion dollars in regards to the stimulus package that Japan has condemned together in response to the Konar coronavirus. So we can read through the details here of this case coming through, unveiling a stimulus package you describes as among one of the world’s biggest to soften the economic blow. And Japan has had to take on excessive stimulus because Japan’s economy, interestingly enough, from the severity of the 1980s bull market that it experienced, that saw valuations at ridiculous levels. The property market, most, most especially, but in this case, also in equity markets. But I digress. Japan has been the leader in the sense of the steps of monetary policy that the world is all going to experience as a whole. Everyone is becoming Japan, as many people quote. A lot of people like Rand Paul, a lot of people in the economic sector mentioned this fact that we’re going to become like Japan. And that does mean culturally persay. It means and in the sense of the status of its monetary policy, the cycle of history of a currency and debt. And basically, Japan has experienced what’s known as deflation. Right. Japan has been at the cornerstone of deflation. This case, it’s had a very big issue trying to stimulate its economy. To get the economy going and actually get real economic growth, GDP growth. And because of that, they’ve tried excessively to stimulate the economy through the central bank. And they’ve actually gone as far as not only just repurchasing their government bonds, repurchasing maybe toxic assets like mortgage backed securities that were getting played a role in 2008. But in this case, they actually have gone through over the last decade and been one of the largest stock purchasers. So to put it simple, how much is Japan stimulating the underlying economy? More specifically, let’s get real here. The equity markets, while we can take a look here at this Bloomberg article here, again discussing not only the excessive degrees that Japan has gone to in stimulating the economy through quantitative easing and negative interest rates, but going into direct stock and ETF purchases, we can see here the bank, Japan’s monthly ETF buying program has had its record setting month of over fifteen trillion yen. To put that in perspective. Right. We’re talking about one hundred twenty $30 billion plus in stimulus. We can see here that over 12 trillion yen. Right. This was the original figure before the updated data here was registering in over $130 billion, a buyside pressure for equity markets, a record set for a monthly basis. If they were to keep up this pace for a year, this would be a trillion dollars in buyside pressure for equity markets coming from the central bank. Not real world investors, not even not even the government in this case, the central bank just printing money out of nowhere, devaluating the purchasing power of the yen. But we could see more consecutively here. Right. That the buy programs usually peak out somewhere on a monthly basis, around 8 to 9 trillion yen. Dida Agresto At the end of the day, this is still huge. This is anywhere from 80 to 100 billion dollars a buyside pressure. This is the equivalent of stock buybacks in the United States on a monthly recurring basis. So this is huge. I mean, this showcases where the Fed is going to be sometime in the next year to what sounds like a fantasy pipe dream is going to become reality because equity markets will not be able to sustain themselves in an environment where there is mass layoffs, where there is a lot of people claiming unemployment, there is going to be a general downward pressure even as we go back to work here in the next coming weeks. It’s eventually going to have a general downward pressure, a general negative sentiment that this is going to slump the economy, slump corporate earnings, slump consumer spending, and eventually equities are going to start selling off even more. Stock buybacks will not be enough because there will not be the corporate earnings to supplement them. The central bank, much like it had to do back during the mortgage bank, the mortgage backed security crisis and the housing crisis is going to have to step in and take the position of the net buyer of equities. So we have no one else to blame the Japan to showcase that it can provide as a buyer to equity markets. It can supplement buyside pressure for some time, especially during this period of time where buyers are coming in. But inevitably in this case, this is going to lead towards a much larger issue. And that is going to be the purchasing power of your currency because the S&P 500 and other equities are like individual stocks, ETF or whatever it may be. They can go up in valuation. We can see their values go up on a chart and they heck, you know, again. Guess I’m going to go ahead at all golf web here. I could be completely wrong in the S.P. 500 could set new all time highs with this kind of stimulus. But I would ask you all to do one thing for me. And when that day comes, evaluations to get that high or even if they’re rolling over and I’m right in the sense of evaluations going down, I would ask that you all do a simple thing and that’s to look at the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation, because you don’t see that here. We don’t get to see the S&P 500 adjusted for inflation. And if you take the time to look at the longer term timeframe here, even back here in 2009, in 2002. Interestingly enough, if you adjust for inflation, these valuations are actually starkly different, the lows and the highs, your showcase that we generally were setting lower lows and higher lows excuse me, lower highs in this case. And I have no doubt that by the time the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and the People’s Bank of China, all the major central banks the world are done running through this game of analysts infinite QE, which is really the last thing we have to do now that rates are so low, at least for the vast majority central banks that say China is the exception. At the end of the day, valuations might look good on paper, but in reality, the purchasing power that you have inevitably still having your money in equities, global currencies will be down. So anyways, that’s the point I want to drill here, guys, and get in the short term, there could very well be some value here in equities, right? Some trading opportunities. The market had a nice rally yesterday, 7 percent. Futures are looking like they’re going to be up another, I think, 3 or 4 percent this morning. I don’t bet against QE stimulus in the short term. It can be a fun ride, right? But at the end of the day. We’re doing great in crypto currency markets. We’re hedging for the longer term in this case. And I’ll let you guys know if I do any kind of, you know, crazy short term positions here in equity markets. No doubt there’s value, right? There’s value here in the short term and the long term. I wouldn’t want to be caught with a basket of different stocks when it comes to the point where central bank stimulus no longer works. So anyways, that’s my key point here, guys, overall enjoyed this video, if you like the trouble like we didn’t have as far as a related video, but if you guys want to support me, I’ve got my startup company appears sometime in May. We’ve had DeLay the launch here with Cauvin 19. So you guys want to keep up to date with it. There is a Web site back for the 21st century dot where you guys can sign up for an e-mail system which will alert you when the startup launches. So you guys don’t miss it. We’ve already got about twenty five hundred people asked how I check that have signed up for it. So definitely consider signing up for it. I really appreciate it, guys, and we’ll let you guys know when it comes out. I’m real excited to reveal it to you. Guys at EOL are going to love it. It’s built for an audience like yourselves that’s built for people who are everyday excited about cryptocurrencies, excited about, you know, challenging the traditional financial system. Again, I think it’s really going to like it. So anyways. That’s it for today’s video. Hope you all enjoyed my rambling. And I’ll see you off in the next video. Stay tuned.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-to-100k-by-the-end-of-2022/
0 notes
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All the Fortnite Battle Royale tips you need, plus Fortnite Android info, free V Cash, and Fortnite Server status updates. Fortnite is the best battle royale video competition of 2018. PUBG is a similar game, but their worth is much lower than Fortnite's. The chief matter remains whether or not the dancing used in Fortnite emotes are copyrightable material protected in US law. If not, then Epic Games' usage of the dances is not copyright infringement, and in-game deal on the specific dances may continue unfettered.
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Good news about V-Bucks being used to filter dollars is anything but surprising, since crooks are enjoying Fortnite to make money in a mind-boggling various ways. Similar to Snow in Period 7, Discovery awards any player that completes all seven weekly problem with a secret loading screen leading to a fight star or hidden banner. Doing all this is of effort, but for the most dedicated Fortnite players, this essential.
Using Vortex you can play Fortnite at every device. Play Fortnite about last PC, Mac, mobile plan or smart TV. Fortnite Battle Royale is the completely free 100-player PvP form in Fortnite. One big record. A combat bus. Fortnite building proficiency with destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins. Download now for FREE and leap into the case.
To get Fortnite on a MACHINE or Mac, you'll want a good Epic Games account. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem a frank way to block childen by acquiring details next to your own bank account, if they see your password, though we've asked Epic Games and will update this account when we consider back. The best Time Sound Option from the greatest soundboard for Fortnite. Use it in Lobby, with Activity or Behind Death! Create your best times with participating in online.
Flamemaster”, a tenth grader, says they are, Annoying, obnoxious, toxic, and infuriating.” What is now wrong? Of course, every sport has the catches, and I am not trying to prove how Fortnite is a bad game, just show how many people that engage in it take destroyed what could have been a decent game. You will obtain the e-mail alert if the estimate of Fortnite - 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks can decrease.
Motion blur: Go this at creates a shadow air after going. That a visual putting which many players have, except for a competing activity of Fortnite, it will make things harder to appreciate when attempt at speed. Flip it down is proposed. Track the stats for Fortnite battle royale, complete with global leaderboards for single, duo and squad gamemodes. Unlike the vast majority of multiplayer shooters, the object of Fortnite Battle Royale is to live, not to get kills. This is arguably the most important Fortnite suggestions to help remember: you can find 98 kills and still lose.
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That pattern needs to stop. This been successful here CS:GO because it would basically present the hitboxes larger, but in Fortnite, running on the new game engine, that clearly smushes the character model down. Any perceived effect it has on your ability to perform is a placebo. The designer might look at following in Fortnite's steps and combine new, limited-time game approaches to games with the BR formula, or perhaps map-changing aspects to maintain game environment green. Or Respawn could see PUBG then increase new, smaller maps with something else server measurements to associate things up.
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
First Aid Kit Essentials
Life on planet earth is hazardous to your health. Every breathing human being knows almost from the beginning that there will be owies big and small. So we begin with the sure knowledge that it is only a matter of time before we are going to need something from the first aid kit. Of course time has no respect for place or activity so we need to be always prepared. That’s one thing the Boy Scouts got right. Being prepared means having a kit that is close buy and stocked with the stuff you are going to need when the event does occur. We recommend that you have a kit for your home, vehicles and or portable kits that can be taken with you into the great outdoors should you be so inclined.
Essential First Aid Kit Items
The list of items that you could put in or find in a first aid kit is potentially endless so you need to focus on the basics and then build on that for life style variations and personal needs. We are happy to say that there are many quality first aid kits on the market that will more than do the job, there are also a lot of stuff out there that is, well junk from overseas.
So here’s what we suggest. Basic everyday first aid is based on the clean, treat and cover method. That covers the large part of everyday first aid, things like cuts and scrapes, abrasions, bumps and minor burns. The items you need to treat these common ailments are:
* Antiseptics( Clean): This could include our favorite the antiseptic wipe, a first aid spray or hydrogen peroxide at no time should you use alcohol as an antiseptic.
* Topicals(Treat): For cuts and scrapes you want to have some antibiotic ointment or first aid cream to put on the wound after it is cleaned. In the case of a minor burn you are going to want to treat them with a hydrogel burn gel.
* Bandage(Cover): Once you’ve cleaned and treated your wound now is the time to cover. Most cuts and scrapes can be covered with an assortment of adhesive bandages. (see our list below for some really exciting recommendations) Abrasions, larger injuries and burns need special attention so you are going to want to have on hand a good selection of gauze or non-stick sterile pads, rolled gauze bandages of various sizes, ace bandages or our preference Coban because it sticks to itself and you won’t need adhesive tape and of course several sized of the hydrogel burn dressings.
Beyond Basics
We hope that the vast majority of your first aid needs are handled by the basics but you need to give some thought about the possibility of a serious emergency. As this is a discussion about first aid we need to make sure that the definition is clear.
My Funk & Wagnall’s standard dictionary defines it this way. First aid “Treatment given in an emergency before full medical care can be obtained.”
And that’s what we’re going to talk about beyond the basics. There is no substitute for professional help when one is seriously hurt but there are things that you can and should do before the cavalry arrives. So you call or have someone else call 911.
* Number one is stopping the bleeding. The most common method is to apply pressure. You can do that with your hand if you need to but we would recommend that you have a selection of sterile gauze compresses that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can also use pressure point and elevation to slow down the bleeding. More serious or arterial bleeding may need the use of a tourniquet which can be made out of a belt, rope, garment or whatever else comes to hand. (There are new products on the market that address serious bleeding and we recommend them for your kits if you can reasonably expect that type of injury, see our list below for some good recommendations)
* Once you have the bleeding under control the next thing you want to do is make sure that the injured person is breathing. You may need to clear the airway or administer CPR.
Many kits include CPR devices and protective gloves or personal protective equipment for use in this type of emergency. We have them too but they aren’t much use if you haven’t been trained in CPR.
* With the bleeding under control and the breathing working then you want to make the victim comfortable and treat for shock. That means elevating the feet above the head level and keeping them warm until help arrives. The Mylar rescue blanket is a handy item to have in your first aid kits for this.
We like to say that first aid supplies are not rocket science and we like to keep things simple. We also like to accommodate our customers many of which have their own ideas of what should be in their first aid kits or are impelled by ubiquitous regulations. So you will find a great variety of quality first aid products at our website. We invite you to select one of our fine kits (which we build ourselves) or put one together yourself as we offer a good selection of empty first aid kit bags and boxes.
As mentioned earlier, there are a number of new exciting products that we’d like to bring to your attentions for consideration in your first aid kit. AEDs have become very reliable, easy to use and quite affordable, even for families. Entry level AEDs start at about $ 1,200.
Specialty adhesive bandages we’d recommend you take a look at include, Waterseal from American White Cross, LiquidSkin from Chemence Medical Products and Fingerwrap Extra-Long bandages from Hart Health. We’ve mentioned hydro gels for burns so check out Cool Blaze products for burns.
Finally and more exciting are the new stop bleeding products that have literally changed the landscape in first aid and save countless lives. We are proud to represent BloodStop, WoundSeal, BleedArrest and Celox at our website. There you have our not rocket science look into the thorny topic of first aid essentials. We’d love to hear from you and be pleased to be liked by you on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/firstaidsupplyonline.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/23/first-aid-kit-essentials/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/162157266990
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