#but also he WILL give you clothes and they WILL be the plainest socks
inundatae · 9 months
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calling back to an old post i made about neuvillette not being one to often accept gifts as it can compromise his reputation as the impartial iudex.
for that very same reason, neuvillette does not often give gifts either. for important officials a signed card from the office of the chief justice might be sent. otherwise a select number of individuals can perhaps expect something sent to them via courier. only a very, very select handful can expect something personally delivered.
his gifts are often practical and if one didn't know neuvillette then perceived as cold and utilitarian. pens, sheaves of expensive paper, organizers.
paradoxically, while to the outsider neuvillette only has a sparse number of people to gift give to, his shopping list also numbers close to the upper hundreds.
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unit-zero-two · 5 years
Fate/Stay Night and the Functions of Character Design Part 3
*Warning: includes Spoilers for Fate/Stay Night*
Part 1: https://unit-zero-two.tumblr.com/post/186311458382/fatestay-night-and-the-functions-of-character
Part 2: https://unit-zero-two.tumblr.com/post/186311459447/fatestay-night-and-the-functions-of-character
Part 3: Archer, Lancer and Rider
And now we get to the third and final batch of Fate/Stay Night Servants. Are you ready for me to tear into them? No more glowing praise from this point on, strap in.
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This man is Archer, and I love him and his design. He is a sexy hunk and 100% badass. His color scheme, a simple red, black and white, clash very nicely with Saber’s, who he is at frequent odds with. He also has the benefit of matching that of his Master’s, meaning he fits right in as a Servant. I love his red hip cloth; it looks very cool swirling around him. He has molded battle armor, which is super extra but also clearly functional, so it gets a pass. If I have a complaint, it’s that weird red arm coat thing that doesn’t actually go down further than halfway down his torso or cover his back. It’s just two pieces of cloth clipped together, but it doesn’t actively distract, just causes a head scratcher when you think about it. Archer’s weapons are a pair of complementary yin-yang short swords, which is strange for an Archer, but he does have a bow he can pull out when things get intense, so he’s fine. Neatly cropped white hair, a piercing golden gaze, this man means business.
Now, you might be expecting me to poo poo this design because it doesn’t fit his character or hint at who he is, but that would be a lie on my part, because it does. Archer is actually the future version of the protagonist Shirou Emiya from a future alternate timeline. So, Archer’s strange looks that don’t match with that of the other heroes older looking clothes and designs is actually to his advantage. This guy is supposed to stand out narratively, as that gives a hint to his True Name. This makes his design very effective.
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…Or at least it would if this shmuck didn’t exist. Lancer is…well look at this space suit dork. What time period is this from? I like the blue and silver color scheme, makes him seem really calm, at least until his red eyes start to glow and he pulls out his deadly blood red spear. His hair style is cool but doesn’t stand out too much. It’s a funny looking design outside of 2004, but in the right series could work well. Fate/Stay Night is not that series. Compare Lancer’s design to that of the heroes in Part 1 and 2. All those heroes looked like they belonged to their era, but not this guy. His True Name is Cu Chulainn, basically the Irish Heracles in terms of strength and fame. Despite the fact that two separate characters figure out his identity within five minutes of meeting him (on separate occasions), there’s really nothing here that shouts, ‘Celtic Hero’, except maybe his spear. But just the spear as the only good design aspect to hint at his identity isn’t quite great for conveying who this guy is. He stands out of the crowd. And the real problem is that because he looks like a future spaceman, it means he detracts from Archer’s design. They are the first two Servants we meet in the series when they fight, before we ever meet Saber. That means they set the wrong precedent for what the Heroic Spirits fighting in the Holy Grail will, and should, look like. If he had looked more like a true Celtic Warrior (and there’s plenty of official designs that show him like that) then his and Archer’s designs would’ve clashed immediately and helped clue into Archer’s True Name, while also helping poor Cu’s own identity.
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And the final Servant we come to is Rider. Holy hell, her hair is long. That shit hits the floor and I’m surprised she doesn’t ever trip on it. I like her color scheme, and it hints at a twist in the series on who she really serves. Besides her hair, the only really defining feature she has is her blindfold, which looks pretty cool. Otherwise she’s just got some arm gloves with some straps decorating it, a very tall pair of boots and a sock dress meant to show off her ass and breasts. It’s not great. Without her blindfold, her eyes look like crystals, which is neat, and the forehead tattoo stands out a bit, but she is probably the plainest looking of all the Servant designs. Her weapons are nail looking daggers attached to chains, which are kind of neat if again plain. To fit the Rider Class though she can cut her own neck and summon a Pegasus, which is cool and at a juxtaposition with her otherwise dark and kind of moody design. Her design has a similar problem to Lancer’s in that it detracts from Archer’s by looking like modern-day clothes instead of something era appropriate to her myth. There is nothing in her attire to allude at her True Name, with the only real hints in here being the blindfold and that her hair is very impressive. Rider’s True Name is that of Medusa, the monster of the Shapeless Isle, from Greek mythology. One of the three Gorgon sisters, Medusa is possibly one of the most famous monsters from mythology in the world. Not that you would ever get that from this design. There is absolutely nothing monstrous in this design, and yeah sure, her hair in impressive, but it’s still not a head of snakes. Her design is more like they wanted to make an attractive character than they wanted to make a notable monster. It’s fine to have attractive characters in your story, but not if you sacrifice good design to make someone cute. Plus, it’s not like they were starving for attractive characters, they should’ve gone closer to the Heracles route as a monster and found a compromise to make her stand out. As is, she fits her role of the first Servant defeated in every route of the game. Don’t worry though, in the third route she gets better. Her design is still boring and bad though.
And that’s the last design. I’m not going to discuss the Masters, they’re all fine designs and show just what they’re supposed to be. Sometimes they don’t know how to design Sakura’s clothes around her breasts, but that’s basically the only problem I have. I love all these characters, and I’m harsh on them because of that. I think it’s important to discuss what doesn’t work in a design, because only then can we move forward to a better design. Good design can inform and help enhance our experience of a character and the media they’re in, while a bad design can harm and detract from an otherwise great piece of media. And a design can look good, while still being bad for the series it’s in if it stands out from the presented aesthetic and fails to inform the viewer about the character in question. There’s a lot of Fate media and I have plenty to say about other entries and characters, but this is where this short series is going to end for now. I hope everyone enjoyed and found it informative. Until next time, thank you.
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aokardosarchive · 6 years
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Trident Task # 5: 
Basic Character Questions
First name? Nael Thiago Surname? De La Fuente Middle names? Alvarez Nicknames? Nael, the Disney prince, el inocente Date of birth? February 21, 1988 Age? 30
Physical / Appearance
Height? 6′2″ Weight? 176 lb Build? Muscular, athletic built. Hair color? Brown. Hair style? Short, black locks (tends to be wavy when long). Eye color? Chocolate brown. Eye shape? Close set eyes. Glasses or contact lenses? Requires reading glasses (but hasn’t had one since arriving on the island). Distinguishing facial features? Which facial feature is most prominent? Eye crinkling when extremely happy. Which bodily feature is most prominent? His round, perky ass. Other distinguishing features? Does a six (6) pack count? Skin? Tanned, smooth Hands? The left and the right - complete set Make up? For photo shoots and royal functions: concealer. Lip balm and sunscreen for daily use. On the island: sunscreen (whenever he can get some). Scars? One by his lower right back (sword-fighting accident), and numerous cuts up and down his left and right arms (post-torture) Birthmarks? One on right knee and one on left eye Tattoos? Two -- a coloured ‘sweet’ cherry tattoo on his right buttock cheek, and a white ink arrow tattoo on his right rib cage Physical handicaps? None Type of clothes? Suits, slacks, ankle boots, leather shoes, long-sleeved polos. // on the island: plain t-shirts, khaki shorts, swim shorts, sandals How do they wear their clothes? Tailor-fit, tight clothes to emphasise form. What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) Clean, nails cut as much as possible, wears sandals on the island, or barefoot. Race / ethnicity? White (of Spanish descent) Mannerisms? Subscribes to traditional royal mannerisms (such as bowing and hand-kissing), fidgeting fingers, anxious swallowing. Are they in good health? Yes, Nael is health-conscious. He eats right as much as possible, and works out daily. Do they have any disabilities? Post-torture: Nael is currently suffering from anxiety.
What words or phrases do they overuse? He says “si” a lot. Do they have a catchphrase? No. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted. Do they ever put on airs? Unfortunately, yes. What bad habits do they have? Smoking, binge-drinking, over-indulgence. What makes them laugh out loud? The simplest of things (even the most plainest of jokes) can make him laugh. How do they display affection? Hand-holding, hugs -- he isn't shy to show affection. Mental handicaps? Anxiety. How do they want to be seen by others? He wants the best and the goodness in him to always be seen. How do they see themselves? He sees himself as unreal, sometimes. How are they seen by others? He is often seen as the 'epitome' of a prince. Strongest character trait? Comforting other people, being their rock. Weakest character trait? Opinion can easily be swayed or influenced. How competitive are they? Not quite. Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? He prefers to think things through rather than act hastily. How do they react to praise? Bashful smiling, blushing. How do they react to criticism? Anxious gazes, fear (sometimes). What is their greatest fear? To be seen as as waste of a human being. What are their biggest secrets? His bisexuality, his rotation of hook-ups, his incapability to settle in one relationship. What is their philosophy of life? “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” When was the last time they cried? To Aaron @aaronherzog, after opening up about his torture. What haunts them? The voices in his head telling him that he will never be good enough and that he's only trying hard but people can see right through him. What are their political views? Quite liberal. What will they stand up for? For his constituents, for the people. Who do they quote? Whoever captures his interest, his essence. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Indoorsy. What is their sinful little habit? His hook-up rotation. What sense do they most rely on? Sense of sight. How do they treat people better than them? With utmost care. How do they treat people worse than them? With excessive understanding. What quality do they most value in a friend? Trustworthiness. What do they consider an overrated virtue? Honesty. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? The need to be liked. What is their obsession? To be liked by as many people as possible. What are their pet peeves? Arrogant, violent people. What are their idiosyncrasies? Gets attached way too easily to people, easily impressed.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? The royal family of the de la Fuentes is quite small. King Matias runs the country, Queen Lucia oversees most philantrophic works, Nael is the successor of throne, Principe Vasco @vascoxdexlaxfuente and Princesa Paula @delafuentepaula are still taking their lessons and have yet to take up their official tasks. What is their perception of family? Family is everything to Nael. His parents had raised all of them to value family and love in the best way possible. He is nothing without his strong familial ties. Do they have siblings? Older or younger? He has siblings younger than him -- Vasco and Paula. Describe their best friend. Nael's best friend in Argentina is a man named Philippe. He is his childhood best friend growing up, a bond maintained and sustained to grow up until today. Philippe is an architect who is always thrown off with Nael's royal stature, and keeps him humble. Ideal best friend? Preferably a fellow royal who understands what it means to be on a position that benefits and harms you at the same time. Someone whom he can spend hours upon hours end just talking. Describe their other friends. Principe Luka @luka-rossi is a fellow royal whom he has practically grown up with, as well as Princesa Laela @laprincipessalaela and Princesa Maddalena @maddalenaofitaly. The two Italian princesas are practically family. Principe August @augustofmonaco is a dear friend from his reckless days, but he still manages to keep in touch. Principe Aaron @aaronherzog is someone whom he can confide in, and constantly seeks for companionship. Princesa Lola @lola-gutierrez holds a special place in his heart despite their past. Emily @emily-windsor is a pirata whom he adores dearly and has develop a steady mentor-mentee relation with. Describe their acquaintances. Nael likes to make fast friends of nearly everyone he can. And by everyone, he means everyone. Do they have any pets? Yes. His shih-tzu, Kaia, is a royal dog, cared for and pampered by the de la Fuentes and the royal household. Who are their natural allies? Primarily, the Italian Rossis. He is also natural allies with royal families from nearby Hispanic and Latino countries. Who are their surprising allies? At the moment, Principe Niklas @niklas--johansson​ of Sweden.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? As a baby, Nael was a doted on first heir. He was quite fussy, and was demanding of attention from either his parents or the nannies. As a child, however, he had learned by then to command the attention of nearly everyone in the room, by simply being his angelic, well-mannered self. Did they grow up rich or poor? Rich. Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured and loved. What is the most offensive thing they ever said? In the heat of the moment, he had fired a staff member and called them a bitch after they had rudely berated and chastised his own guest in the palace. What is their greatest achievement? Proposed and opened up his first school with a specialised, improved curriculum. His school is a free-for-all education program for the underprivileged youth. He firmly believes in education being power. What was their first kiss like? Shy and chaste. What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? They didn't realise that they were in love with them at that time. What are their ambitions? To prove himself as a king worthy and capable of leading his people, that he not be detested as a monarch. What advice would they give their younger self? Stop trying to get validation from others. What smells remind them of their childhood? Freshly printed books, freshly baked banana bread, vanilla. What was their childhood ambition? To be a doctor. What is their best childhood memory? The lavish balls thrown for festivities' sake. What is their worst childhood memory? Realising the severity and gravity of his title. Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When he was taken and tortured by the piratas. What past act are they most ashamed of? Allowing he and Princesa Lola @lola-gutierrez​ to be caught by the paparazzi. What past act are they most proud of? Representing Argentina in the UN 2017 summit in lieu of his father. Has anyone ever saved their life? Yes, many times by his guards. Strongest childhood memory? One day, in particular, stands out the most as it was the day when they spent a day out in the park and went for ice cream without their guards. Nael did not know that the guards had merely kept their distance from them that day. To him, it was the first time they could go out as simply mother and son, and not as royals.
Do they believe in love at first sight? No. Are they in a relationship? No. How do they behave in a relationship? Nael feels strangled when in a relationship. He is loyal, but feels like he is limited. When did you character last have sex? With Aaron, just before the fire. What sort of sex do they have? Vanilla, passionate sex. He performs for the pleasure of his partner, above all else. He prefers light BDSM, but anything too harsh turns him off. Would bend over backwards just to make sure that his partner is satisfied. Has your character ever been in love? Yes. Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes.
How do they respond to a threat? Unkindly. Will resort to violence if necessary. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue. Fists are last resort. What is your character’s kryptonite? Brightly-coloured hues, blue eyes. If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Save the dog. How do they perceive strangers? With openness. What do they love to hate? Nael is a sucker for trash celeb magazines. He hates them, but will buy them still just to see what they have written about. What are their phobias? Spiders. Being alone. Disappointing his family. What is their choice of weapon? His words. What living person do they most despise? Nazis. Have they ever been bullied or teased? Teased about his sexuality, yes. Where do they go when they’re angry? To their room, or the garden. Or to a coffee shop. Who are their enemies and why? His enemies are mainly the bigots who trash his name because of his sexuality.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? Crown prince of Argentina What do they think about their current job? Having been trained and taught all his life, he feels as if he should be ready to be king. He does not have a say in the matter, so he merely accepts it as it is. What are some of their past jobs? Nael once worked part-time in the university library in the UK. What are their hobbies? Reading, swimming, researching on various topics, watching the news. Educational background? Nael studied in the University College London and graduated with a degree in Politics and International Relations. Intelligence level? Quite knowledgeable. Unfortunately, his intelligence takes a backseat in favour of kindness. Do they have any specialist training? Mostly for royal training. Do they have a natural talent for something? Socialising with others. He's practically a great host on his own. Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Nael plays soccer, but he's only alright as a player since he cannot train as much. Nael has played rugby before, but once his parents found out, he was practically banned from playing the vicious sport. What is their socioeconomic status? Royalty.
What is their favorite animal? Cats, oddly enough. Which animal to they dislike the most? Insects. What place would they most like to visit? Antarctica. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The Tango Buenos Aires Festival 2016. What is their favorite song? La Vie En Rose by Daniela Andrade Music, art, reading preferred? Reading. What is their favorite color? Black. What is their password? Pr1nc1p3Th1ag022 Favorite food: Dulce de leche on helados. What is their favorite work of art? Fuente de las nereidas (Lola Mora) statue in Av. Dr. Tristán Achával Rodríguez Who is their favorite artist? Banksy. What is their favorite day of the week? Saturday.
What is in their fridge: his personal mini-fridge has yogurt, chocolate bars, and milk in it. What is on their bedside table? Glass of water, rings, iPhone, iMac laptop, iPad. What is in their car? Change of clothes for casual, semi-formal, and formal occasions. A stash of emergency food and water. What is in their bin? Receipts. What is in their purse or wallet? Cash, ID cards, three (3) credit cards. What is in their pockets? Lip balm, iPhone, wallet. What is their most treasured possession? His dog.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? Nael's guardian angel is most likely a white butterfly, whispering in his ear or something. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes What are their religious views? He is a Christian. Although if anything, he isn't as practicing. The religion is mainly to be seen as a model in amongst the conservatives. What do they think heaven is? Just another place to go to. What do they think hell is? A place to go to, as well. Are they superstitious? Yes. What would they like to be reincarnated as? A puppy. How would they like to die? In his sleep, peaceful. What is your character’s spirit animal? He does not have one. What is their zodiac sign? Pisces.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? To treat a person like they are trash. What is their view of ‘freedom’? Freedom is to soar and be yourself, with no limits. When did they last lie? He last tried to lie to Laela @laprincipessalaela​ about his injuries and disappearance. What’s their view of lying? It is only allowed if it is to protect the ones you love most. When did they last make a promise? To himself, that he was to survive and get out of the dungeons alive and sane. Did they keep or break their last promise? Kept it.
Daily life
What are their eating habits? Nael is mindful of his choices. He prefers his protein and potatoes a lot. Craves for carbs constantly. He often indulges in sweets or treats though. He likes to keep eating every now and then. Do they have any allergies? None. Describe their home. Nael's room in the argentinian palace has a minimalist, black and white look. The furnitures are quite modern compared to the rest of the household. In there is a huge flat screen TV, a love-seat, his vanity dresser, his work table, and his king-sized bed. A wall in his spacious room is a top-to-bottom shelf filled with books and awards. His walk-in-closet is connected to the next room filled with his clothes, shoes, and accessories. His bathroom has a soaking tub, a waterfall shower, and a double sink. He has his own balcony, with two loungers on it and a view of the gardens. Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist, as much as possible. He sorts through his things on a monthly basis with a staff member to clean through. What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Breakfast in the dining room. It's a daily tradition to see each other regularly on week day mornings for the de la Fuentes. What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? If there is no function to attend to, he will be at his father's office, conferring about the week's news and happenings. What do they do on a Friday night? Nael will most likely be at his condo complex, spending the night with his hook-up rotation until the next day, unless he has a function. What is the soft drink of choice? Root beer. What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Champagne
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) hero. Who is their hero? His parents. What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? A Greek god, most likely. Are they comfortable with technology? Yes, incredibly so. He has Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. He also has quite the following there. If they could save one person, who would it be? Vasco. Heaven knows he might not be able to save himself. If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Paula. She knows exactly how to help him. What is their favorite proverb? The classic “Don't judge a book by its cover.” What is their greatest extravagance? In his youth, he made a purchase of two (2) luxury yachts in one night. The next morning, his father made him return them. What is their greatest regret? Not having had pursued medicine. What is their perception of redemption? Redemption is achievable, attainable, so long as one makes the effort. What would they do if they won the lottery? Invest half in the schools he plans to put up and invest half in stocks and bonds. What is their favorite fairytale? Tangled. What fairytale do they hate? Snow white. Do they believe in happy endings? Si. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being in a luxurious paradise with the one/s you love and cherish. What would they ask a fortune teller? Would my life actually make an impact to the world? If your character could travel through time, where would they go? To the past. To be specific, the day his parents met. What sport do they excel at? Table tennis. What sport do they suck at? Soccer. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Teleportation.
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cari373 · 7 years
1866 - A Kaylor Fanfic
Summary: It's 1866, and right after the American Civil War. Austin Swift has just returned to Boston to fetch his sister Taylor after fighting for the North and becoming engaged to a woman in the south (but a northern supporter). When her sister meets his sister, sparks fly for everyone.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and is in no way intended to be perceived as fact. It is for entertainment purposes only.
Rating: Currently PG, could change to PG-13 later.
Chapter 1
The day that I met the sunshine is a day that is forever branded in my mind. At the time, I had been living in Boston, and I had only recently learned of my younger brother Austin's engagement to a war widow with two sons in Texas.
"I'm going to be a farmer Taylor!" He had declared, embracing me before we approached the carriage I was going to take on the journey.
"I'm sure you will be a fine farmer Austin!" I encouraged him, stepping up to get into the carriage.
My brother had gone from wearing business suits to heavy riding pants over the course of a few months. Somehow, after returning from the war, he was changed. He was no longer the fair skinned young man he had been, but was a tan, masculine adult.
During our embrace, I had observed that the brown shirt that he was wearing was a kind of leather I had never seen before. Inwardly I wondered if he had been spending time with the men that were native to the land, but I dared not ask. I would always worry about him if that were the case. In all honesty, he could have purchased it from one of them.
"You're not going to want to wear that." Austin stated, popping his head through my carriage window.
I arched an eyebrow at him. "I beg your pardon?"
"Yeah," he shook his head. "No. That won't do. You will need something much plainer and easier to move around in." He nodded.
"I will not wear pants!" I protested.
"I didn't ask you too. There are comfortable ladies dresses that are also flattering." He informed me, getting on the back of his horse.
"And where would I buy one of these?" I inquired further.
"When we get closer to the ranch and trade in the carriage for a wagon, you can get it there. It's about three days from here." He was riding a Spanish Mustang that he had traded for after the war. He got him about the time he met Kimby as well.
Our driver, Hodges, had been an indentured servant to our family from England, and he had agreed to get us to Texas safely. My parents had paid his way to the US, but they had freed him after ten years of service. He had agreed to work for them now, to continue to live with us and work in our stables. It was a comfort to them and to us to know that he was with us.
On the back of the carriage sat Thomas, a boy that my brother had found in Texas to be both our guide and to relieve Hodges as he grew tired.
As night drew and I slept, we pulled off and rested, each man rotating who would keep a lookout. Austin had first watch, Hodges second, and Thomas third.
This was the first trip I had ever taken where I was the only lady, and as the three days to the trading post passed by quickly, I understood now more than ever that what Austin said was very true. My petticoat and all the long fabric and materials dragging around the campfire were completely uncomfortable and in the way.
As we approached the trading post, I saw a woman in the plainest dress I had ever seen. It was a light, drab, olive green with a white apron tied around it. She had her brown hair pulled back in two braids, and a baby in her arms.
I looked at her and had a twinge of jealousy that her dress looked so comfortable; like how a man looks in trousers. Natural. No giant rump on the back. Nothing dragging too much.
"I want an outfit like that!" I informed Austin, nodding my head towards the woman.
"The trading post is up here, and we will spend a fair amount of time there. Get two of them. Bathe as well, because this is going to be our last long stop before we get to the Kloss farm." He handed me a pile of coins and I nodded.
"Can I trade in this dress for a third?" I asked him.
"It's your dress." he shrugged.
Thomas put out the stool for me and I stepped out of the carriage. It felt good to finally be outside of it and walking.
"I'm looking for someone to take my measurements for a dress." I stood in front of the counter, where an older woman with white hair and glasses smiled at me.
"I would be more than glad to help you. Charles!" she shouted over to an older gentleman that had been organizing a shelf. "Take over the counter while I take this young lady over to the clothing area." she ordered him, walking rapidly ahead of me.
She stood me up on a chair and measured my waist as well as height. "What colors were you wanting?" she asked, pointing to her selection. "We have four in your size." She held up a pastel pink, a light blue, a light green and a yellow. I liked them all, and her price was less than the money Austin had given me. I asked if I could purchase three then trade my current dress, a navy dress with a petticoat under it, for the fourth. She agreed, seeing it as an even trade, and I inquired about the bath. She informed me it would be a nickel for thirty minutes and soap and warm water. I paid it, washed, and then stepped into the yellow dress. With the extra money, I purchased a shawl and two additional pairs of socks.
By the time I was done, Austin had purchased us a wagon and it was all loaded and ready. "Well look at you Sis!" he smiled at me and I twirled around.
"It's a lot less complicated than anything I've ever worn." I giggled. "But it's nice." He helped me into the back of the wagon, and we continued on.
As we sat around the campfire, I felt, for the first time been a child, like I could relax about how dirty my attire got. The dress was extremely comfortable and as I relaxed in it, I joined the boys telling stories. "She sings!" Austin announced about me.
"Oh no! You do not need to announce that to the whole world." I shook my head and blushed.
"But you're good!" He informed me.
"Sing something!" Thomas begged.
"You pick a tune and I will sing it." I told him. "But only one song!"
"I'm going to have to give it some thought!" He informed me.
The men all settled down after that. Eventually, everyone got their sleep in and the following day, we arrived in Texas.
"The Kloss farm is about an hour away." Thomas stated.
We went onward, and as we came up to the farm, we were greeted by the tallest woman I had ever seen. With a light blue dress similar in color and style to mine, and eyes that changed from forest green to ocean blue, she was most beautiful person I had ever seen.
She was hanging the wash, when a shorter blonde ran out of the house. "Austin!" She shouted. That must be Kimby.
He hopped off of his horse and embraced her, kissing her cheek as he did so."I've missed you!" they each said it over and over.
"And is this your sister?!" She asked, motioning at me.
"Yes she is." He nodded. "Taylor meet Kimby, Kimby meet Taylor."
"Hello." I smiled warmly but still shyly at her.
"And that's my sister Karlie." she motioned at the tall girl who had been hanging clothes.
Karlie only nodded my direction and wiped her hands on her apron. I wondered if I should be afraid, but she walked over and instead offered to assist me with getting out of the wagon.
"The ground here is high, so if you try to jump, you could break the shoe heel and possibly an ankle. Grab my inner wrist please." she instructed. I did so. "Good. Now please step first with your right foot." I did and the left followed.
"Thank you." I smiled at her.
"Anytime." She nodded at me and gave a quick smile, and then finished hanging laundry, humming while she did so.
"Let's go inside!" Kimby glowed. "Mama and Papa will want to meet you." I followed her into the house, where everyone had gathered for dinner.
The sitting area was arranged nicely, with a wooden floor that Dr. Kloss bragged about building himself. "I can build." he nodded. The house had a second floor to it where all the bedrooms were located.
"We've discussed it," Dr and Mrs Kloss began, both sitting at their places at the table. "After the loss of Samuel, who was a wonderful son in law, we feel that tonight, should the engaged couple wish to, they can stay under the same roof. This is not the same as laying together, but what it does mean is the couple gets their first experience at the house they will share, as parents to the boys."
Austin nodded."This will be my first night at Kimby's home."
She looked down shyly. "It makes it all so real." she stated. "We are getting married in three days!"
"I know it." Austin lit up with a big grin. "You will be mine forever." He took her hand in his.
Karlie and Taylor sat across from each other, both of them holding in giggles. Each time their eyes locked, Karlie looked down and bit her bottom lip. Taylor would take a deep breath and then look away as well. Their chemistry was clear.
"Which means that Taylor will have to share sleeping quarters with Karlie." Dr. Kloss stated, tearing both girls out of their deep eye lock. "And you can teach Taylor about what we do out here on the farm in the morning." He smiled at his daughter and she nodded, then looked back at Taylor.
Kariann walked in, baby boy on one hip, curly red haired toddler at her legs. "She's been acting up all day. Terrible twos." Mama Kloss took the baby, and Kariann scooped her little girl up. "And what have we here?" she eyed Taylor.
"My sister Taylor, Kimby's other sister Kariann." Austin introduced them, dishing up his plate.
"It's lovely to meet you." Kariann said.
"Likewise." Taylor beamed.
After dinner, it was early to bed. Taylor had been expecting a space to sleep that was at least hers, but the bed, a queen, took up the whole room except for a small set of drawers.
"I'm sorry it's so tight in here." Karlie shook her head. "Beds are expensive, and to get two smaller ones is more expensive than one large one."
"No need to apologize. I'm just grateful I'm not in the wagon anymore." Taylor had changed into her night dress; a long white ankle length dress that she swam in. Karlie's was slightly more fitting to her frame, but very similar in appearance.
"It gets extremely cold here at night." Karlie began, opening one of the drawers and getting a blanket out. She handed it to Tay and took a second one out for herself. She wrapped it around her shoulders and Taylor copied her.
"Perfect." Karlie nodded. "Have you ever slept next to someone?" she asked.
"No." Taylor replied.
Karlie nodded. "It's possible we might end up physically close both for comfort and the cold. Please don't panic if that happens. It's a habit from years of sharing a bed with a sister."
Taylor nodded. "Don't worry." She smiled, turning down her lantern. "It won't worry me."
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