#but also hella safe too bc they’re heroes and so good and are just buying dinner for the night
theloveinc · 2 years
Nah here’s a little bit of shit that would happen in the short king bakugou house
Bakugou would be in the middle of a little meeting with a few other hero’s discussing the villain take down that just happened a few days ago and he keeps hearing his cell phone go off. He would ignore it and just put it on silent but it keeps lighting up and before he knows it his office phone is ringing. It has to be important if it’s wENT OFF 10 TIMES IN THE SPAN OF 5 minutes. When he looks down it’s his only boy callin his phone.
“What do you want son I’m in the middle of a meeting”
“Aye pops, ma and you got some good ass toliet paper in y’all’s bathroom-“
“- what did I tell you about saying ass, your ma gonna get mine and your ass if she catches-“
He would go silent for a second and then his face would do that ugly ahh scrunched up face parents do when they are getting on to you in public.
“If you don’t get your ugly ass out of my damn bathroom, now I done told you to stop going in there when I’m not home-“
“This shit nice tho fr pa, real comfortable and elegant. Ma did good decorating in here. Aye you think mama still got that good smelling shit she got you for Christmas- that perfume shit. We runnin a bit on the low side on the air freshener”
Then two would literally be arguing and deku and todoroki is just staring at him like what is going on.
Or stuff like bakugou in his at home office signing some papers and his son comes in with his phone on his forehead with the flash recording him and asking him dumb questions and bakugou has the “😒😔” expression like- “what the hell you want, son. I’m clearly busy”
“Damn pop you be smellin like you haven’t bathed why your ass smellin like that?? Ma gonna send you through a car wash if she smells you like that”
“You would know cause you use the same shit I do, brat. Always going through my shit- you act like you don’t got your own bathroom! Your own room!”
“I like your shit pops- you be getting all them women with that shit fr fr”
Y’all’s son and bakugou are like father like son fr fr cause they don’t know personal space. He will always be all up on bakugou 24/7 and your son takes after his mamas height so he’s taller and a bit heavier than bakugou. He’s always telling him to get his fatass off of him. They literally can be on the couch and next thing you know his son is leaning on him or bothering him in some type of way and bakugou just acts like everything’s fine.
He won’t ever do it to his mama tho, he knows she doesn’t play. None of the kids do it hell bakugou don’t do it. Surprisingly I see their mama being the strict one and bakugou kind of being the fun dad who is always throwing them around and talking so “MEAN” to them. Bakugou is always warning them he gonna tell their mama if they don’t leave him alone. If bakugou ever gets onto them they will immediately go back to their mama which makes you laugh but make bakugou SO FRUSTRATED LIKE DAMN WAS IT THAT SERIOUS??
Y’all’s house is so fucking big cause y’all have so many kids. Even if some of y’all’s kids go off to college they will always soME HOW be in the house eating out of y’all’s fridge. Bakugou will purposely make a bunch of food even if most of them move out cause he knows them little bastards come into the house when him and his wife are gone and just steal a bunch of food and will EVEN SHOW IT AND BRAG ON THE RING DOOR BELLS OR THE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE. the will get real close up to the camera and brag about how much shit they stole or that they gonna need some more of SOMETHINT cause they took it all or they will do a little dance HELL EVEN FART OR BURP IN THE CAMERA CAUSE THEY FIND JT SO FUNNY AND YOU JUST GLARE AT BAKUFOJ LIKE WHERE DID THESE KIDS GET THIS FROM
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(missing paragraph of me screaming)
Like son not just calling but FaceTiming him to SHOW him posing in your bathroom. Taking a tour of everything and using your hand soap on camera to make bakugo even angrier JRHSIDJKDBFKD. Propping the camera up to dance and shit and bakugo is incapable of hanging up😭😭😭 and having to hide his razors so his son doesn’t start breaking them when he doesn’t even need them. 
and bakugo not realizing his son and him are so alike🥺🥺😢😢 little old men together struggling to change the TV channel or something, sitting buttcheek to buttcheek together all confused w the exact same expression on and needing to call one of the girls to help them figure it out. They fight so much but deep down they’re really so similar and they’re touchy YESSS. Together and with you. get mad about the same things, like when a hero messes up on TV or the store is out of their fave brand of rice dhfjaskdjf🥺
AND I LOVE STRICT MOM AND FUN DAD BAKUGO… like he tries so hard to keep things in order but he’s so bad at it bc he doesn’t feel like his own mom. he just can’t. Mitsuki is so glad ur around to keep her grandkids in check but ajfhskjdj it fits so perfectly to think about him being the lazy dad with all your kids surrounding him watching tv and eating your special mom snacks cuz he’s already mean to villains all day.
(He’s like: “everyone gets one handful. One.” And then the whole bag is gone CLOWNNNNN) rjjfkfk and him being nervous when they snitch on him even tho WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO LIKE ???. Like you said, you’re just laughing and bakugo is honestly surprised like. You’re not gonna bust his butt for getting snappy? NO
(tho seriously king, why are u letting ur own children turn u into a child???) 
ARGHSGSHEHIDGEJEBR THO everything here took me out AND I just wanna eat this. I’m sorry my thoughts are so incoherent but this literally deserved it’s own post FR LIKE IM JUST SO GIGGLY OVER THIS this household is such a PARTY LOL but it seems so nice, too. Probably even end up with 2-3 kids you didn’t actually birth too. Kids friends in rough circumstances or something and bakugo hardly even notices. Just yells at them to clean the spilt soda (he’s long since given up on trying to stop them from drinking) in the fridge too $5$2@4$&3&4)28475&: I LOVED THIS THANK YOU ANONNNNNNN❤️🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚
(Also how much money are we putting on one of your kids flashing their bare butt to the camera? Seems like a bakugo activity to me LMAOOO and you know he’s constantly checking the tape too🥺😩😩)
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