#but also kate's toni because i hc kate as being very comfortable in her (bi)sexuality from a young age
skatiet · 1 year
sawyer is the shelby goodkind of lost
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NCIS LGBTQ+ Headcanons
I’ve complied a list of main NCIS characters and how I HC they identify within the LGBTQ+ community. I’ve listed them by when they appear in the show. Feel free to add your own headcanons or comments!
Season 1
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Leroy Jethro Gibbs- I HC Gibbs as bi*. He heavily leans toward women, especially redheads, but he’s still attracted to men. If someone forced him to percent it out, it’d be 90% to 10%, but that doesn’t make him any less bi.
He’s a cis dude.
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Tony Dinozzo- I think Tony would identify as polysexual*. Personally, I’m a Tiva shipper (though I was on board with him and Jeanne, too) so I think he and Ziva belong together. However, while he’s seen as a total womanizing sleeze-bag a lot of the time, it’s just because he doesn’t really talk about some of the other people he dates and overplays the women. That case (1x19 “Dead Man Talking”) where he and Amanda Reed— a trans woman— kissed, really shook him and his shown discomfort is not about kissing a trans woman, but the fact that everyone around him keep calling her a man.
I also see Tony as cis.
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Abby Sciuto- Aro-Ace. I recently saw a post from @searchingforartemis about this and I’m all about it. Abby is a fun-loving woman that LOVES everyone— platonically. She’s not sex repulsed, because she and McGee #confirmed had sex in her coffin, but it’s because she’s willing to do so for her partner. She doesn’t get a whole lot out of it and doesn’t like to do it often, but she will. This would make her “dating rules” make sense, in my opinion.
I also think that Abby would be nonbinary or feminine agender. She’s fine with she/her and they/them pronouns, though loves it when there are no pronouns at all. Gibbs’ loving nickname of “Abbs” is her favorite. Tony occasionally calls her “Triple A” standing for aro, ace, and agender. She thinks it’s hilarious.
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Ducky- Pan*. He’s been all around the world and seen a lot of different cultures. There’s no way he’d see everything he’s seen and not be open to possibilities. Though, as we all know, Maggie was truly his one and only.
Ducky is cis, but for his age he’s very respectful of pronouns for others.
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Kate Todd- She identifies as bi* though is more attracted to men/masculinity.
Kate is a trans woman.
Post 1x19, she poked fun at Tony for kissing a trans woman, because she’s not out at work. Trying to protect herself, she sadly used transphobia against a fellow sister.
Tony assumed she was upset about him being in the bathroom with her at the same time in “Terminal Leave” because she’s a bit of a prude, but the truth is she’s still slightly self-conscious about her body.
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Tobias Fornell- He identifies as bi*. Due to his age, he was mostly in relationships with women, but he is definitely also attracted to men. We’ve all seen him and Gibbs together, no? ;)
On a personal note, Gibbs and Fornell are basically my dads, so that’s how I feel about that lol.
Fornell is cis. ✢
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Timothy McGee- He’s pan* which works out very well, since Delilah is genderqueer. He didn’t really work it out until later in life because his home life was pretty rigid, but he’s comfortable with who he is now.
He identifies as a demiguy. He sometimes just feels a little disconnected from being a man, though he’s very comfortable with he/him pronouns.
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Jimmy Palmer- He’s bi*. He definitely had a boyfriend in high school. He leans slightly more toward women/femininity, but that doesn’t invalidate his love and appreciation of men/masculinity. He and Breena have a list of celebrities that they’d have in a three-some.
He’s cis and occasionally enjoys corsets, much to Breena’s pleasure.
Season 3
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Ziva David- She’s bi*. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Her first time in the back of weapons carrier? Another woman. That’s my guess. ;) We all know she has a sexual aura that she uses to her advantage, but she’s actually a very romantic person.
Ziva is androgyne and she frequently enjoys dipping into more masculine styles and body language.
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Jenny Shepard- She’s bi*. Gibbs was really the one for her, but her longest relationship was with a woman during her final year at college and a few years after.
She identifies as cis, but enjoys the rush of adrenaline that the title “sir” comes with.
Season 5
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Leon Vance-  He identifies as heteroflexible. He’s never dated a man in his entire life and isn’t particularly attracted to anyone but women, but he has never been adverse to the idea.
Vance is cis.
Season 11
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Delilah Fielding- They prefer the bi* label. A lot of people try to argue with them, asking how they can be genderqueer and be bi, but they define bisexual as “the capacity to love two or more genders”. Don’t argue with them. Seriously. They’ll crush you.
They use they/them pronouns, but the government job doesn’t really afford its employees any choice other than binary  pronouns on the job. ✢
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Ellie Bishop- Asexual biromantic. Divorce is already hard, but it’s especially hard for Ellie, because she and Jake had to have many conversations about her being ace and what it would mean to them in a relationship. Ellie also isn’t completely sex repulsed, but there are very few times that she feels comfortable doing it. This is something that Qasim understood very well before asking her to marry him and even started talking about adoption (because Ellie very much does not wish to be pregnant).
I think Ellie would identify as a demiwoman, using she/her and they/them pronouns. She’s fine with being a woman, it just doesn’t always fit.
Season 14
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Clayton Reeves- Clayton is gay. He’s not very open about it, but he and Ellie confided in each other about their LGBTQIA+ connections. This is one of the reasons they were so close. He never had very many solid relationships, but he learned something about himself in all of them.
Clayton is cis.
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Nick Torres- Doesn’t strike me as anything but cishet.
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Alex Quinn- She’s bi* and cis.
Season 15
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Jack Sloane- Jack Sloane is a lesbian. She doesn’t consider herself better for being a “goldstar” but she’s never been in a relationship with a man and never wants to. She’s known from around fifteen-years-old when her friends started dating and she realized that she had to pretend that she thought her best friend’s white-bread basic boyfriend was attractive.
Jack is genderfluid. This is one of the reasons she prefers “Jack” or “Sloane” as opposed to “Jacqueline”.
*I’m aware all of these sexualities are very similar and some people even see them as the same, but these are the labels I think fit best with each character.
✢Denotes a non-main character that I deem important to this list.
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