#which could describe sawyer as well
skatiet · 1 year
sawyer is the shelby goodkind of lost
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slashersidewhore · 10 months
Slashers! HC how you first meet them pt.2
Slashers x f!reader
Includes Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Art The Clown, Stu Macher
Warnings: mentions of murder/violence, some stalking/harassment (not by slashers), ill intentions, pre-relationships, reader is a bit self deprecating, shitty friends
Bubba Sawyer
Of course you’d been dragged on a girls trip, and of course the minute the engine blew in you were shoved from the back seat onto the side of the dusty, gravel road, laughed at and told, “go find a mechanic”
God forbid your so called friends, which now you were rethinking the decision to even be here and with them, chose somewhere to travel where there was actual cell service
So here you now were, standing on an old porch that you weren’t even sure was properly attached to the house barely kept upright and covered in chipped paint
A few more knocks on the creaky front door echoed out before your patience ran out, turning the handle and finding it to be unlocked
“Uh, hello? If I’m breaking and entering just let me know but this place seems abandoned”
You cupped your mouth and spoke, just to cover all your bases in case you were actually entering someone’s home, although the cobwebbed walls and moth bitten carpet spoke otherwise
“This isn’t creepy at all…”
Wandering aimlessly through the houses threshold, you searched for something that you help back on the road where all your friends were waiting
Or maybe you were just hoping this would buy you time before you had to walk 4 miles back to tell them you came up with nothing, no mechanic, no help
Your eyes glanced across the room, taking in all the items scattered about, some miscellaneous and some meticulously placed
Then your curious gaze landed on an ash tray sitting beside a moldy plate of what looked like some kind of meat
Although the fluffy possibly-poultry wasn’t what alarmed you, the smoke filtering from the end of a half smoked cigarette resting on it did
“Boys, we’ve got a fresh one”
A deep voice hollered, a rough palmed and smelly hand slapping over your mouth to muffle the hale scream that had popped from your lungs due to shock
Before you could even think to fight against the obviously strong body pinned to yours, you were being dragged towards an open basement door and thrown down the narrow, wooden staircase like a rag doll
“Take care of er’ will ya?”
The voice of your captor yelled down from the top step, slamming the door behind himself and surely locking it in the process
Disoriented and nurses a now slight headache, you mustered the energy to prop yourself up, hazy eyes bouncing about the room before they landed on what could only be described as a large, terrifying figure standing a few yards away
He wore a stained and tattered apron, brown stains you were hoping were dirt and not dried old blood
One hand gripped a cleaver, whatever he was chopping up before you entered the basement sat mutilated on a work bench, the stench of iron heavy in the air
Despite all that, the man seemed frozen, staring back at you through the eye holes in a poorly sew together mask
“I didn’t even wanna be here,”
You started before you I could stop yourself
“My so called friends dragged me out of my room a few days ago for a last minute road trip, and of course when one of them decided to bring their fuck ass car without checking it out first, it literally gave up on itself and then I get sent out to look for help but guess what! We’re in the middle of nowhere so I found this house and well it’s your house so that’s just my luck”
The man only blinked, body language clearly taken aback that you weren’t screaming bloody murder
“Just, if you’re gonna kill me, can you at least knock me out first so it doesn’t hurt?”
A loud knock at the door startled the two of you, followed by the man from earlier noisily coming down the stairs
“Why haven’t you taken care of er’ yet bubba?”
The man didn’t yell but he definitely sounded upset by this turn of events
The other man, who you now knew was called Bubba, shuffled awkwardly in his spot, rubbing the back of his head before robotically motioning to you, still sat on the floor
“You like er’ huh?
You watched the exchange quietly, although unable to contain the confusion set on you’d features
“Fine, but she’s yours to deal with, you remember what happened last time we took in a stray”
At that you pointedly turned around, staring up at the man that regarded you in terms like you were a dog
“Well I’m not a stray, technically you kidnapped me-“
Bo Sinclair
You weren’t entirely sure how you ended up in this seemingly abandoned town, one minute you were checking the map for your exit and then you missed it
Now you were here, coming to a stop as you realized you needed gas and weren’t anywhere near the hotel you had booked for the night
You definitely weren’t getting the rooms deposit back
Pulling into an empty parking lot, you pulled your phone from the passenger seat only to come up dry when the cell service was next to nothing
Then, before you could warn your heart not to jump out of your chest, a knock on your side window pulled a startled yelp from your throat
A man, not too old but not young either, stood on the other side of the car door, neutral expression morphing into a cheesy smile when your gaze met his and exchanged a few seconds of awkward, panicked staring
Brows raising in realization that the stranger, while sketchy and probably holstering a gun, could maybe help you figure out where you were and where to go
Opening the creaking door to your vehicle you pocketed your pepper spray just in case before hoping out of your seat and into the chilly night air
“You lost?”
“No, I intentionally ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere”
The man chuckled, albeit seeming taken aback by the brash sarcasm about your current situation
“Well good thing you ran into me, little lady”
The man who still carried about like this predicament was the most normal in the world smiled wider when your face pinched up in confusion, placing an open palm out to you
“I’m Bo, and you are, darlin?”
“Someone who knows not to shake hands with a complete stranger”
“Oh, I’m getting there”
Despite the night breeze tickling the hairs on the back of your neck, you couldn’t help but enjoy the slight banter you were getting into
Although probably dangerous and wildly crazy to be out so late just walking around, this Bo character as charming, and something about his stare was growing increasingly comforting
“You know people don’t usually show up here, especially at night, all alone”
“But do they at least have gas in their tank? Because that’s already one up on me”
Bo threw his head back, whipping his hat off to push back the hair that fell towards his forehead in the fit of deep chuckles
“I’m normally not too inclined towards outsiders, but if you’d like a room for the night, I’d be happy to oblige little lady”
Art the clown
You strode through an alleyway, hands in your jacket pockets as you made your way back home
It was just your luck that the last night plans your friends picked for Halloween happened to be a party at the house of a guy you don’t even know
Especially your luck when only 20 minutes in you were all already abandoned, you’d ride gone and with it your phone charger
Thus, you nursed a bruised ego in a pirate costume, clutching your phone with one hand even though the battery was lost past dead
“Hey you!”
A distinctly male baritone called out from behind, you sped up not bothering to turn and face whatever stranger wanted a late night chat in the middle of an empty, dark alley
“Well that’s not very nice!”
The man responded to himself, deep chuckle furrowing worry lines between your brows
Just your luck, just your damn luck
Turning the corner to what could be described as more favorable to due the abundance of street lights and open space, the lack of people still has your nerves on overdrive
That was until you nearly ran smack into a body around the corner
Although expecting a gasp in surprise or shout in anger, all you received was a shocked expression, one such as a mime would use
Whoever this man was, was clearly wearing a very intricate costume, clown makeup done to the 9’s and a fully tailored suit to match, with a hefty, tan bag slung over one shoulder
All of your courage of wanting to leave this awful situation, and fear of what would happen if you didn’t took hold, before you knew it you were panicked and leaning forward, watching with just as much curiosity as the clown eyed you
“Listen you don’t know me, but there’s this guy following me and if you could just pretend to be, I don’t know, a friend, I would appreciate it”
The clown seemed to understand immediately, bright grin tossed on his features as the stranger that had previously had your full attention came to a stuttering halt
“Lady, I was talking to you back there”
“Oh! Sorry I just was meeting with someone and well, here they are!”
You laughed nervously, awkwardly leaning into the clown and patting at his shoulder, gazing at the stranger, you saw a look of terror cross his face right as he stumbled back a bit
“Yeah, got it”
And then he was high tailing it back the way he came
Glancing back at the costumed man you stood alone with, you caught how his face held a look of something utterly terrifying before he caught your eye, cheesy grin returning
You questioned for his name, grinning softly at the way realization of your ask spread across his face
Hand motions went left and up, down and right, then he paused, pulling the bag from his shoulder to rummage through it, pulling out what could only be described as junk, metal and rusty and junk none the less
Although the way he motioned to the item, placed it in your open palms and played a scene before you, you took to guessing
He moved his fingers like a painter would stroke a canvas
That single word had the clown clapping his hands, tucking his body with a faux bow like you’d discovered something only a genius could
Laughing something genuine for the first time that night, you pondered if you should just take your chances and leave for home, or stick around a bit more with this concerning but most definitely interesting person
“So.. what else do you have in that bag?”
Stu Macher
Being the new student in a town where everyone already had friends, or at least those they only socialized with, was difficult
You’d only been here a week or so and you already wanted to move again, alas, that wasn’t exactly up to you
All you could do was hold your head high, and suck up the annoying situation you’d been tossed into
Now, a new school was bad enough, imagine your surprise would you found out there had recently been a string of grisly murders, unsolved and rampaging
Which is why you’d been an outcast since you’d appeared, like they all assumed it must be you, the murders starting, you arriving, it all was too much of a coincidence, despite the fact that it was
“Look at her, I’m telling you that girl gives off crazy”
Off handed comments like those weren’t unusual, yet today, after switching to a new class because of this exact issue, you’d had enough
“I bet she’s the killer”
“Oh yeah? And what’s your evidence?”
The girl gossiping with her friend abruptly stopped her ‘private’ conversation when she heard your quip
“Excuse me?”
You stood, in fact you stood so fast it made the chair screech across the floor, catching the attention of the rest of class
Luckily the teacher had stepped out and you could finally say what you needed without worry of authority looming over
“You know, if I’m supposedly killing students, like you say I am, why so proudly speak about it around me?”
You strode up to her desk, arms crossed with a look of disdain
She seemed taken aback, lips moving like a fish and head bobbing as she glanced between you and her friend
“Well, I-“
“If you really think I’m doing all this, why would you piss me off?”
The girl was at a loss, face paling as you simply said what you needed, before turning and grabbing your bag right as the bell went off, students funneling out behind you
Opening your locker, you startled when a body came crashing into the locker beside yours, arms crossed and looking at you with squinted eyes yet a wide grin
“So you’re the new girl?”
He wasn’t half bad looking, in fact, you found yourself heating up the longer he gazed down at you
He had this odd air about him, like someone holding too many secrets and hiding them far too out in the open, something that only seemed to allure you further
“And a murderer, haven’t you heard?”
You joked, taking out your next classes books before shutting the locker, the look on this guys face was utter curiosity, something you hadn’t received yet while being here
“Of course, just let me know what days you spree so I can avoid staying in”
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Not gonna lie to y’all, I was so focused on getting this posted I haven’t spell checked or done a once over, there will and most likely are errors!
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evewasheretoday · 9 months
Veronica was friends with Heather.
Well, friends wouldn't exactly be the word she would use to describe their relationship. Acquaintances, maybe? No— It was more like they were business partners.
But recently, Veronica felt like something changed between them and she didn't know what exactly.
Heather was still Heather. She was almighty, bitchy and demonic same as ever.
But something about the way Heather looked at her lately made her feel off. Like someone had replaced her friend (if you could even call them that) with a stranger.
Because not only had Veronica felt something change between them, Heather hasn't been acting exactly like herself for weeks now.
She hadn't shouted at Heather Duke for the smallest of things. She hadn't mocked any of Heather McNamara's lovey-dovey thoughts about Ram. And hell, she hadn't complained that much about Martha or JD for a few days now!
And while it would seem like a blessing or a miracle for most - like maybe a sign of Heather fucking Chandler having an actual beating human heart inside of her or so.
Veronica did not believe any of that.
No, something was definitely up.
I mean, It was almost as if Heather had become... someone else.
Which comes to this very moment right now.
“Okay, Heather.” Veronica took a deep breath before continuing. “Did you hit your head on a croquet mallet or have you genuinely decided to join the ranks of the decent human beings? I need answers.”
“If this is a ploy to annoy me before breakfast, congratulations, it's working.“ Heather sighed.
“Did your evil twin take a vacation? Did you get abducted by aliens?” Okay, Veronica knows she shouldn't be questioning these types of things but she wouldn't know anything if she didn't ask about it. Besides that, what if SOMETHING did happen to Heather? “Because as far as I know, the Heather I know doesn't do nice.” Veronica added.
“I don't know what game you're playing, Veronica.” Heather glared at her. “But I'm not in the mood for it.”
“So fuck off.”
Heather shut the door before the brunette could say anything else.
“Did she read a self-help book or did she finally realize that being a jerk isn't a sustainable life strategy?”
“I heard that, Sawyer!!”
And with that, Veronica started to run as far as she could away from Heather's house.
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ofthehands · 7 months
I think another, often overlooked aspect of Drayton’s parenting that would have been detrimental to his brothers and formative for them is his inconsistency. It’s probably less discussed because it’s more subtle and inconsistent parenting isn’t necessarily abusive, but I think it is worth considering/ exploring with these characters. 
Heads up for discussion of abuse/ unhealthy family dynamics. 
Drayton is shown to be a very inconsistent man, primarily in the first film but in the second as well. He’s sadistic in the scene where he has Sally in the truck with him, stabbing her with the broom handle for fun, and in the dinner scene at points, where he seems to be enjoying his brother’s antics- then he abruptly turns and snaps at them, telling them not to “torture the poor girl”. He’s fine with the family living in filth- he doesn’t complain about things like the room with the chicken in it being covered in feathers or the rotting flesh and taxidermy around them or the corpses they keep in the house- until he turns and snaps at Bubba for not having pride in his home and beats him for breaking the door. He talks on and on about how family comes first, and insists his brothers live by this- with their near worship of Grandpa and lack of outside connections and his anger at Bubba for his perceived relationship with Stretch, but at the same time he isn’t supportive of his brothers and only very rarely indulges them in their interests or listens to them. And while it’s a goofy scene, because of the nature of TCM2, Drayton does ultimately commit murder-suicide, taking out nearly his entire family with him- without any visible concern as to whether or not Chop Top will be present when it happens, leaving him behind. 
All of this makes sense with what we know about Drayton’s character- he’s inconsistent because he’s in conflict with himself. Drayton goes back and forth about being sadistic towards Sally because he likes it, but feels ashamed about that. In Chainsaw Confidential, Gunnar Hansen said that Hooper wanted to get across that, “[Drayton] seems to enjoy torturing her and, at the same time, to be afraid that the torture will produce some terrible reaction with which he will be unable to cope” in the dinner scene, and Hansen describes him as afraid of his own sadistic desires. He also probably cares and doesn’t care about the house because of his own waxing and waning lucidity. He’s also shown to be the most lucid of the Sawyers- running multiple businesses and interacting mostly normally with strangers, but at the same time his priorities and perceptions of the world are shown to be skewed in odd ways. He runs back in to turn the lights off with a hostage in his truck, he misunderstands Bubba’s infatuation with Stretch as her coming on to his little brother, and he thinks Lefty was sent by another catering business and could be payed off despite witnessing evidence of dozens of murders and witnessing their attempted murder of Stretch right at that moment. 
But, no matter what’s going on in his head, his inconsistency is going to create a very confusing and disorienting environment for his little brothers to grow up in. Consistency is very important in parenting- especially in children’s formative years. The younger Sawyers would have, in this time, dealt with both whatever changes took their parents out of the picture, and Drayton’s erratic behavior. Children with inconsistent parents are often more easily agitated, more anxious, and struggle more with regulating their emotions and behaviors than their peers. They have also been shown to have difficulty with self-doubt, self-esteem issues, and inconsistency in extreme cases can even impact a young person’s development of their identity.  Which, when coupled with the physical and verbal abuse they clearly endured, really didn’t give the younger Sawyers much of a chance. Much of this is very evident in the twins- they’re both easily agitated and seem to struggle with emotional and behavioral regulation. Bubba shows it too, but in different ways. He’s often anxious and seems to doubt himself when he’s left alone- as shown in the scene after he kills Jerry when he’s panicking and unsure of what to do. Bubba also, very famously, has identity issues that are explained in depth in Chainsaw Confidential and brought up in interviews. 
Of course there are aspects of these characters that explain these traits and behaviors- the brothers’ different disabilities coming to mind quickly- but I think even in situations where the primary reasoning for the behavior is something else, the impacts of Drayton’s inconsistent parenting style could come into play by exacerbating their existing issues. It also undoubtedly causes and worsens tension between Drayton and his brothers. With how inconsistent Drayton is, his brothers likely don’t know what behaviors will get them punished and what won’t- because it varies. Of course, there are some sure-fire ways to get punished, like disobeying something Drayton tells them directly- for instance Nubbins leaving behind Bubba and going to the graveyard. But other things, like Bubba cutting through the door in pursuit of Sally are more variable. Clearly Drayton wanted Bubba to catch all the kids no matter what- Bubba only manages to escape a beating after convincing Drayton he did. But, then in spite of the importance of letting no one get away, and Drayton’s general lack of care for their home- Drayton gets angry with Bubba for not taking pride in his home and starts berating him for that instead. This seems to be frustrating for Nubbins, who snaps at Drayton when he tries to stop them from tormenting Sally- saying he never lets them have any fun- and it seems to be frightening for Bubba- who cowers and tries to explain himself almost the moment Drayton walks through the door.Ultimately, Drayton’s inconsistent parenting style compounds on the problems the Sawyers have, entrenching them further and further in unhealthy behaviors and worsening the effects of his abuse. 
It’s sad, really, and more likely than not a manifestation of the cycle of abuse continuing its way down the Sawyer line. I don’t think its much of a reach to conclude that Drayton parents the way he does because that’s what he knows/ what he experienced to some degree. I’m not sure where to end this exactly. I wanna do some properly sourced and in depth analysis of them in the future, but tonight is not that night. I just had this idea in my head and needed to write it all down before it escaped me. I just think it’s sorrowful and fascinating the way that they never even had a chance.  
Source below is a study/ analysis of the effects of consistency in parenting I found useful when writing this. There’s a lot more literature on this, but this one condenses it pretty well. 
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shroudandsands · 19 days
Prompt #3: Tempest
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Her wings swirled around them both. They cut through the air with ease. Each of them as a limb that she’d been born with. Each of them as a part of her in a way that nothing else could be. Which is why it was particularly frustrating to lower them into Sawyer’s grasp for the third time today.
“Now, Heartlight,” Came that ever-steady, ever-rolling voice beside her horn. She was bent slightly so that she might both bear her wings and steer her thoughts. Her hand was on the small of Amesha’s back. The tickle of electricity that curled the tip of her tail was a small consolation for the frustration. “Try again.”
Her brow furrowed, her heels twisted and dug into the dirt. She felt the indentations of her sandals mark themselves like they might just form the roots she’d prefer she had. Perhaps to anchor herself. Perhaps to weather the sheer storm of annoyance that came with this moment and territory. She really did mean well. Her wings were the most extraordinary gift she’d ever received. Better than life. Better than all its joys. The sudden freedom they gave her. The changes they wrought in her being. The way she went from “was” to “is” in her own mind could hardly be described in anything but the most esoteric and abstract poetry. It’s a good thing she was the exact woman for that sort of thing, then. Less of a good thing that this meant the love of her newly lived life was encouraged to find more and more ways to enhance that piece of her. Sawyer’s penchant for creation was a wonderful thing. A beautiful thing. A fantastic thing that left her without sleep for suns on end and oftentimes leaving random cups of tea on whatever surface she happened to be near when an idea struck her and she couldn’t do anything but follow its whims back to her workbench. Or dinner table. Or the floor, given the way her fixations often went. And so it was this newest thing was born. Her new wings. Amesha sighed. Her new wings. Fine.
To say they soared to her side would be a poetic nicety that she wasn’t entirely willing to make. These weren’t light, crystal feathers that were meant to be a part of her body and soul. These were… Her heartlight called them Practical. They rocketed from their distance away as the wayward edges of her soul hooked onto them like weights. She could feel them hum, sing, reverberate back in response as they came to life. As they hung onto her senses and weighed down her thoughts while they came to a hesitating halt around them both. She let them move as she would let her arms rest by her side- They spiraled about her in jittering, jilting flight. They sunk for a moment, rose, too high now- then came to an unsteady circle in rest. She felt like she had a sweater wrapped around her head. But Sawyer whispered her encouragement as she watched these new wings float. Remarks falling from her lips about their motion, the status of their cores, how she seemed to be getting along with their new additions. She tried to listen to all that her heart spoke.
“Okay,” Sawyer’s voice in sharp clarity beside her head again. Her hands on her waist. “Try out the-” The four wings slammed into the ground. Amesha felt heat burn across her face, under her scales. Sawyer’s hands lifted. “…Maybe try now, Heartlight.” She almost couldn’t stand how pleased Sawyer sounded. That slight undercurrent of suppressed laughter. The love that drew out the beginning of their name together. The surety of it as she stepped around to pick up the dropped wings. The wings hummed back to life as she took them back into her soul’s grasp; as Sawyer released them to the air.
She just had to funnel her magicks through them. Just like the normal wings. It was so natural with them. It should be the same with these. Sawyer had made them, and changed them, to be especially suited for it. Amesha held her breath, pointed the four of them, and dug in her heels.
She hadn’t quite known what the intended result was. Something about increasing their conductivity- Improving her connection. Amplifying the output of her magic. Going by the fact that she was now being held by Sawyer, who was laughing in a glee that was generally reserved for sudden thunderstorms, and the reality that she was fairly certain she’d blown herself off her feet… She was probably going to be using these wings more in the future.
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pathetichimbos · 1 year
So I like Thomas better than I like Bubba, but I prefer Drayton and Nubbins to Hoyt and Luda Mae. I was wondering how Thomas might be with Drayton and Nubbins as his blood-related brothers (and grandpa, of course)?
Whew, man, this is a good question, one that I've actually never thought of myself, but by god I gave myself the title of Thomas Hewitt Expert and I intend to live up to it.
So, after blowing the dust off my original TCM disc and, unfortunately, packing away The Beginning (I've seen it probably ten times in the last week), I'm here to put my knowledge to the test.
Here we go!
So, first things first, one of the things that set Thomas apart from Bubba, and in general the Hewitt family from the Sawyer family, is that Thomas, as a character, has depth.
Bubba is pretty two dimensional, as far as we know he really only starts killing because his family bullies him into it, or, much more realistically, they just want him to, and he's a people pleaser. Most likely a mix of both.
Now, I could start theorizing and coming up with headcanons all day that brings a new aspect and POV over the Sawyer family and why they do what they do, but from the first two movies, and a few articles and theories I've read on them, the basic motive is rather simple.
The Sawyer family has a long line of being in the meat industry and working at the slaughterhouse, particularly in the slaughter room, as Franklin describes it, and when they introduced the air gun into the factory as a more humane way of killing cattle, it put a lot of people out of jobs, and in order to survive, the family starts killing and cannibalizing people.
I read an article last year that I've long lost, but this movie was made in a time where political tensions were high and the economy sucked. It's really a big "how far are people willing to go just to survive" type of horror movie that makes the viewer question how far they'd be willing to go if they were in a similar situation. For once, not only were they putting people in the victims shoes, but they were putting them in the murderers shoes as well.
The Hewitt family follows a really similar storyline, with the added depth of being shunned from their own town and community due to Thomas' deformities and disabilities.
But their families are a lot different.
There's a clear counterpart for a few characters, the most obvious being Bubba and Thomas, but the less obvious ones actually being two characters stemmed from one.
Drayton has a few personality traits that were split off into Luda Mae and Hoyt, sort of spreading his character out into two different people.
Whether that was their intention or not, I have no idea, but that's just what I noticed.
Drayton actively plays two separate roles in the movie: the kind gas station attendant that "can't take no pleasure in killin'", who actively checks on Sally after they kidnap her, and refuses to let Nubbins and Bubba "play" with Sally.
These are similar qualities we can find in Luda Mae, who cleans Bailey up, sings her a lullaby, and tells Thomas to 'set her free'.
But, he's also the man who beats her with a broom (which was one of the best parts of the movie imo), kidnaps her, and orders them to murder her, and cheers his grandfather on when Bubba tries to help him kill Sally.
These are traits we can find in Hoyt, who takes clear pleasure in torturing his victims and mocking them.
But, obviously, they have plenty of differences too.
While Hoyt is never outright abusive to his family (including Thomas), Drayton actively looks for reasons to abuse his brothers.
When he comes home with Sally, he gets out of the truck to beat Nubbins for grave robbing and leaving his brother alone, and when he gets to Bubba, he ignores all the "good" he did (i.e. Not letting anyone escape) in favor of beating him for messing up the door.
Hoyt never lays a hand (or even raises one) against Thomas, and has even gone out of his way to protect him when he was a child. (They planned on adding a scene in TCM: The Beginning where Thomas was being beat up by bullies and Hoyt jumped in to save him, but it was later scrapped due to time restrictions, but there is a deleted scene showing "Hoyt" (Charlie) practically jumping out the car about to swing on some kids).
So, we can see why Bubba and Thomas are so different despite them being in pretty similar timelines.
Bubba shows all of his anxiety and excitement on the outside, and he's very vocal and sort of more... interactive. He's actively participating in the movies, taking joy and getting excited from the killing, and doing it on his own. He's also quicker to apologize than he is to get angry.
Thomas on the other hand, tends to mask his emotions more, showing his anxiety through twitching hands and nervous glances, really only showing any real emotions when he's being physically hurt or he's in a stressful environment. (i.e. When Erin wakes up in the Hewitt house and begins screaming while Hoyt taunts her and Luda Mae chastises her, we can see Thomas sitting in the hallway rocking back and forth and covering his ears). He also really only ever kills when he's told. When Monty bangs his cane against the floor, or Hoyt brings him new victims. He never really just does it.
A large part of this is because of their environments and families. We can assume that the Sawyers were either never really 'in' a local community or town like the Hewitt's were, or rather that they were never shunned from them. Or we can't. It's pretty open for interpretation.
But, for the sake of this argument, we'll just say they either A. Were never really apart of a town or community, or B. Were never shunned from one. If we take into consideration the extra man working at the gas station, and the state fair Drayton won a ribbon at for best chili, it's safe to assume they hide their practices rather well.
The Hewitts don't really have to worry about this, as the only people that really come through their town are the occasional biker gang and their actual victims.
We'll also go ahead and jump in to say that it's pretty clear that the Sawyers never expected Bubba to 'mask' his differences, aka, his neurodivergency.
Thomas, on the other hand, while we can't be sure if Hoyt and Monty played this role, or if it just came from the social influences of the short time he was in school, was expected to mask and be 'normal'. This is why he hides his emotions so much better and is a lot more mute than Bubba.
So, that pretty much covers the gist of why the two are so different. Bubba was allowed to be himself in a place that accepted him, while also being abused by his older brother, while Thomas was forced to hide himself and was shunned by a place that didn't want him, but he wasn't particularly abused by his family.
So, now for the real question: Would Thomas just be Bubba 2.0 if he grew up in that situation?
The answer is No! (Ha, you thought I was going to say Yes and No, didn't you?)
Thomas still has a skin disease and facial deformities. As far as we know, Bubba does not.
This is a huge factor in Thomas' personality and behavior, and that wouldn't change if he were in Bubba's situation.
It's hard to say if Drayton would torment Thomas for his looks, I don't believe Nubbins would, obviously due to his birthmark, and I can't recall Drayton ever out-right bullying Nubbins for his face.
So, after some consideration, I'd have to say Drayton most likely wouldn't pick on Thomas for his looks.
After all, they are still a family and Drayton is much more likely to call him a savage or a brute or an idiot than he is to pick on his physical appearance.
But, Thomas still wouldn't thrive in that environment. He'd probably be a lot more anxious and scared, and a lot more willing to abandon his family and betray them.
In my other post, I mentioned that Thomas is a very loyal man, and he wouldn't betray his family for anything, but if we put him in this new situation, I can absolutely see him betraying them for someone that cared and loved for him.
He thrives on that positive affirmation and feedback, and if he doesn't get it, instead only being met with negative remarks and beatings, he'd have a lot more meltdowns and would leave given the chance.
So, while Bubba wouldn't abandon his family for the reader, if Thomas were to be raised in that situation, I absolutely believe if the reader showed him love and kindness, he'd abandon all of them to follow the reader's lead.
But, why is that? Hoyt isn't abusive, sure, but he's still cruel and mean, so why would Thomas refuse to betray him, but not Drayton?
...It's hard to explain.
Thomas isn't really a "smart" man, in most peoples eyes. Because to a lot of people, being smart is more than being just book-smart or street-smart, it's that ability to take initiative and have a problem solving attitude.
Thomas is a rule follower, through and through. He doesn't take that step to fix a problem he may notice, he does as he's told and doesn't go above and beyond otherwise.
But that doesn't really make him stupid. Testing a fish on climbing a tree and all that. Thomas is smart in his own way.
And no one ever really tells him otherwise. The focus of his abuse and bullying is his looks, and his behaviors to a certain extent.
But, Drayton really tends to focus on the 'idiot' part of his abuse. He likes to paint himself on a higher horse than his brothers, acting like he's smarter and more dignified for not killing anyone himself, and trying to make his brothers feel lesser for it.
So, not only would Thomas be dealing with the effects of his skin disease and deformities, but Drayton would actively add onto it by making him feel stupid and beating him.
Hoyt never makes fun of Thomas for his smarts, or anything really. Sure, he calls the newborn "the ugliest damn thing" he ever saw, and he tells Tommy that "it's okay, (Tommy), you don't have to be pretty to work down at the slaughterhouse", but he never outright bullies or degrades him for it.
Thomas has a safe space at his home, and his family treats him right, and if you take that away, he's much more likely to snap and betray them.
I don't think he'd leave on his own, there would have to be some outside force that pushes him to do it, but he absolutely would leave them, and he'd be extremely unhappy there.
Personality wise, he probably would be more similar to Bubba, as in showing his emotions more and being more vocal and active in the killings, but I believe it'd just be out of fear of abuse and insults.
...And I think that's all there is to it. Thanks for sending in the ask and please feel free to send in more! I love love love making these. <3
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siberian-xanadu · 2 months
To this day, Moving Pictures is Rush's most commercially successful album, with classic rock radio staples like "Limelight" and "Tom Saywer". This also marks the fact I am now 8 albums into my Rushathon, and thus making pretty decent time this year! 1. "Tom Sawyer" - The synth opening might be one of the most epic in all of music, and then with the strong drums supporting the backbone of the song with literary references--- wooo. I mean, what could I possibly say about this song that hasn't been said already? It's one of the most commercially successful songs to feature a 7/8 section in the solo breakdown. 2. "Red Barchetta"- This little ditty based on a short story by Richard S. Thompson about a time where cars were outlawed is one of the most fun and inventive songs Rush has come up with. From the opening harmonics to the riffs to the delivery of the lyrics, this song is a Rush fan favorite for a reason. It's also such a fun song to drive to, with the vivid imagery of wind in ones hair and the thrill of the chase pairs perfectly with a joyride on a summer's day. 3. "YYZ"- I mean. The opening to this song literally spells out "YYZ" in Morse code, in 10/8. It's an instrumental all about travel--- the idea for it was conceived in an airplane, and it's Toronto's landing code. The riff itself, other than being ridiculously fast, is essentially a sped up rundown of the minor pentatonic scale, and it sounds like during his solos, Alex is using some variation of the Phrygian scale. Still, the speed is so hard to capture and play perfectly that being able to cover it is a test of skill for any rock musician. This also has a special meaning to me, because this was the first song I ever heard, and the first time I realized instrumental music existed outside of classical.
4. "Limelight"- Another fantastic song off this album, with an opening in 7/4, and a guitar solo that Alex has claimed as one of his favorites, touching upon the inhumanity of which celebrities are treated. It's a bit ironic then that it has become such a rock station classic--- a song about the very dangers of fame itself, and against parasocial celebrity relationships. 5. "The Camera Eye"- This song is interesting to me because it compares two different cities and the way that each place they have been as been unique in some way. For a long time, I couldn't figure out why New York and London were chosen specifically, but my current working theory is that they were both cities historically important to the music scene. Not to mention, I just love the use of synthesizers in this song; they sound so clean cut and lazer-like. I also just love how New York is described in the song, as someone from the tri-state area, they really captured what Manhattan is like. 6. "Witch Hunt" - As many Rush fans would know, this is the third part of the "Fear" trilogy, which were released backwards, and has to do with societal fear being used to persecute others. It shows the outcomes of fear being used to manipulate, and how that leads to very destructive results.
7. "Vital Signs"- Like "The Twilight Zones", this is another one of Rush's last-minute album additions, and it might one of my favorites on the whole record. To me, it's all about being different and fluctuations in life. I also just love the little ostinato the bass plays during the verses--- outlining C minor. It's a real joy to play on bass as well!
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themuse-if · 5 months
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Ro Sawyer
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have the dynamic Ro Sawyer with us, the frontperson of The Rebel Rejects. Ro, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue music?
Ro: Hey, thanks for having me! Music has always been my way of expressing myself, you know? First I started out just playing the guitar at about 7, I had a lot of energy as a kid and my parent’s thought that music would be a good way to channel it. Then slowly as I got older and had more experiences I started writing lyrics and discovering my voice. The Rebel Rejects came together at just the right time, like fate or something. We clicked instantly, and making music with these guys is everything I've ever wanted.
Interviewer: That's awesome! How would you describe your art, both musically and personally?
Ro: Our music is raw, unapologetic, and full of energy. It's a mix of old school punk, pop punk, and alternative rock with a touch of poetry. Personally, I see myself as a storyteller. I like to paint pictures with words and melodies, creating something that isn’t just full of abstractions, something that people can actually relate to.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others, both on and off the stage?
Ro: I want people to see me as authentic and fearless, both in my music and in my life. I’m brimming with confidence and I’ve never been afraid of going after what I want. I hope to inspire others to be unapologetically themselves.
Interviewer: And how do you want your art to be seen by others?
Ro: I want our music to be a form of liberation, a soundtrack for those who feel unheard or misunderstood. Our music sets out to make people feel like they can take on the world and tackle all the pleasure and pain that life throws their way.
Interviewer: What's your latest obsession, musical or otherwise?
Ro: Lately, I've been obsessed with creating logos and merch for the band. T-shirts, pins, stickers, tote bags. I’ve just been trying to really solidify our image, and good merch is a great way to do that.
Interviewer: Describe your best friend(s).
Ro: I have two of the best friends anyone could ask for, and we all balance each other out so well. They’re fun and loyal, and we share such a great passion for music, which lets us fully support each other's dreams. We share everything, from music to clothes to late-night adventures. They're my rock, and I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Interviewer: How would you describe your ideal partner?
Ro: I want whoever’s by my side to be able to understand that wild, crazy, sexy Ro Sawyer is just who I truly am, that it’s not just a façade. I need someone who can understand me and isn’t afraid of being with someone who craves the spotlight. I need someone wild enough to crowd surf at my show, someone who wants to dance in the rain. Just passion, a lust for life! I can’t be with someone who is completely vanilla, I need more.
Interviewer: What was your first kiss like?
Ro: Honestly my first kiss couldn’t have gone better. I had a crush on my friend Leo and we started going out in our sophomore year of high school. On our third date we went to the movies, and let’s just say our hormones were ragging and the movie quickly faded into the background. Good thing we were in the back row. *sly wink* That first peck rapidly went to third base. *cheeky grin*
Interviewer: Always so hot and heavy with you. *playful eye roll* Moving on, have you ever been in love?
Ro: Yeah... I think maybe I’ve been in love. *long thoughtful pause* Or maybe just infatuated, I’ve never felt real heartache so I’m not sure I can really say I’ve been deeply in love.
Interviewer: When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Ro: I haven’t had another exclusive relationship since Leo. He was great and we were great together, but I’m extremely open and fluid. When I mentioned opening up our relationship, he was understanding but it wasn’t something he wanted.
Interviewer: I see does that mean you only do open or polyamorous relationships?
Ro: I think that every relationship is different. Depending on what feels right I think that I could be completely monogamous. I will say that I do really enjoy being in more open relationships though. I have a lot to give, and I'm open to giving and receiving from one or multiple partners.
Interviewer: Very interesting. What's your ideal Friday night?
Ro: Playing a gig with The Rebel Rejects, of course! There's nothing like the energy of a live show. After that, maybe going over to De’s place just to hang out, and eat some of their dad’s amazing food.
Interviewer: What's the last song you listened to?
Ro: "Rebel Girl" by Bikini Kill. It's a classic that always gets me pumped up and ready to rock.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Ro: I think that I'm pretty consistent in all of my relationships. I really love to build my partner up and make sure that they know exactly how I feel about them. I'm also super needy like I neeeed physical touch. *winks at the camera*
Interviewer: Do you approach those you're interested in or let them come to you?
Ro: I'm definitely more of a go-getter. If I see something I want, I go after it. Life's too short to wait around for things to happen.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Ro: People who are boring...I know it sounds harsh but it's true. I'm not saying someone has to be on 100% of the time but I can't really hang with someone who is completely dull.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Ro: I could lie and say something cute like their energy or their eyes....but truth be told it’s everything. If I notice them I give them a long once over, from head to toe. *gives the interviewer a long look up and down*
Interviewer: *hides behind notecards* Alright I have to ask the question on everyone's mind. Have you ever gotten involved with one of your band member... romantically of course?
Ro: *sly smirk* I bet you'd love to know exactly what we all get up to after practice. *runs hand through their hair* If you're asking me if we've dated each other then the answers no. If you're asking me about whether or not we've fooled around...well I don't kiss and tell. *shrugs*
Interviewer: *gives them a knowing look*
Ro: *bursts out laughing* Oh who am I kidding! Have you seen Jo and De! Have you seen me! None of us are tied down and we spend A LOT of time together, things were bound to get at least a little physical.
Interviewer: *clears throat* Alright final question, what did you dream about last night?
Ro: You know now that you mention it, Jo and De were there and they were waiting for me in a hot tub...
Interviewer: *blushing so intensely* Ok I think I know where this is going and I'm gonna stop you there. Thank you so much for coming in today Ro this interview has been very *deep sigh* enlightening.
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undeadcourier · 1 year
I have a headcanon that my courier is from a small Islamic town/community near shady sands. I'm not sure whether the ncr would consider them tribals, bc they have a distinct culture outside of that of the mainstream ncr citizens, but they aren't indigenous (iirc the great khans are similar, bc they came from vault dwellers, and I doubt the vault dwellers in question were actually turkic or mongolian given how small that diaspora is). Do you have any thoughts on what a tribal actually is or means in postwar america?
Canonically, Shady Sands was founded by one group of former inhabitants of Vault 15, and other groups from the vault became the Khans, Jackals, and Vipers.
As far as how the label "tribal" is applied in canon, it's not incredibly clear. When Caesar, House, or the NCR speak of "tribals" it's often perjorative, referring to groups they deem uncivilized; more broadly, it's frequently used to refer to any distinct cultural group that lacks formal government and is self-sufficient.
Anthropologically speaking, a tribe is a group linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect—which covers a range of post-war societies and could very well encompass the society you described. Of course, there are still certain connotations associated with the terms (especially "tribal") both irl and in the game that you may want to avoid, especially if you're incorporating Islam and potentially MENA/MENASA diaspora.
I don't mean to suggest you wouldn't do your due diligence, and you've obviously given this a lot of thought, but since we're talking about how it relates to canon and the precedents Fallout sets wrt its fictional tribes range from thoughtless to abhorrent, you may prefer to refer to your society by a different term than to adopt the baggage that canon has attached to tribe.
Josh Sawyer has explained that, in Honest Hearts at least, the tribes were meant to be made up of descendents of diverse ethnic backgrounds, and I imagine that was likely the intent in the other games. However (and to his credit, JS owns up to this in the linked post), the end result still played into a lot of Western stereotypes of Indigenous Peoples, particularly Indigenous Peoples of North America.
Of course the problems didn't begin or end with Honest Hearts—from New Vegas' Blackfoots of Arizona (not to be confused with the irl Blackfoot Nation, whose traditional lands comprise what is now Alberta, Canada, and Montana, U.S.) to the Whachutu tribals of Peoria (from Fallout Tactics), whose name is a reference to the fictional African tribe called the Wachootoo from Ace Ventura, there are a ton of examples of how not to handle a topic like this in a culturally sensitive/respectful way.
I'm glad that the dev team at Obsidian is taking criticism of these depictions to heart and involving more sensitivity readers, but unfortunately there's a lot of shit baked into the Fallout canon that anyone making derivative works has to navigate with extreme care.
(Also, I'd love to hear more about your courier and their community!)
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ophiuchussnek · 6 months
𝒮𝓊𝒷𝒿𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓈 𝓃𝒶𝓂𝑒: 𝒩𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓎 (𝐸𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝟣𝟣𝟧𝟥)
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[IMPORTANT: The Doctor Mentioned is not Harley Sawyer but just another employee who shall remain unknown.]
Birthdate: February 22, 1973 Age before HOJ: 22 Oddly Enough, It seems that the name has been scribbled out. How odd.
When [REDACTED] first worked at playtime, she was hired as an intern, Learning under a certain doctor who once worked at Playcare. She was an obedient and well-mannered young woman who was polite and eager to engage in any sorts of tasks. The hardest part for [REDACTED] when working at Playtime was getting along with her fellow interns/co-workers, She struggled greatly with any kind of social activity. Choosing to stick with one person she was solely comfortable with or staying out of sight, [REDACTED] did not hate anyone but it was clear she often struggled with social anxiety. She did get along pretty well with the doctor she was working alongside, she always took his advice and teachings to heart, always striving to make him proud. When not working alongside the doctor or having nothing to do, she’d check in with the kids in playcare.
Because [REDACTED] was an intern and learning under an important figure in the company, she was granted permission to see the kids and interact with them. Kids were always excited to see her since it wasn’t everyday they’d see a new face that wasn’t the daily employee’s or frequent couple coming to adopt, and definitely not because of the candy she would often sneak in for them or the wild and fun stories she’d tell them. [REDACTED] had a unique outlook to life that could be seen in the way she’d describe and tell her stories to the children, filling their heads with wonder and amazement. It’d be a strange sight she believes, seeing a co-worker that’s known to be the silent and ‘reclusive’ one to happily laughing and playing with the kids, a complete difference to what you normally see on a regular basis. When finally warming up to others, her personality really does comes out. Described by her family and close group of friends, [REDACTED] is a passionate, open-minded, Loyal, kind hearted and stubborn person. It was also jokingly added that she was quite honest and expressive with her emotions without even trying. It didn’t matter if you were close or not with [REDACTED], if she caught you doing the most craziest or rule breaking thing, She’d cross her arms and stare highly unamused and disappointed. Not to miss a single moment she’d scold those on what they were doing is against the rules or was dangerous to not only themselves but for anyone involved, She never threaten to report them or scold them for too long but just gets the point across as best she can that what they were doing isn’t okay and to not do it again. Sometimes people feel guilty and listen while others just scoff and brush off her words, but even then she does not report them while she knows that she should. Admittedly, [REDACTED] is a people pleaser without knowing it, She sees it as basic kindness while some may see it as her sucking up to people. Easily offended by their claims about her, [REDACTED] does defend herself before simply giving up. It’s their opinions to which she shouldn’t care to much about it, there’s more important things she can be doing than listening to rude words and getting into arguments.
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johnhardinsawyer · 1 year
Rule of Life
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
9 / 3 / 23 – 14th Sunday After Pentecost / Proper 17
Psalm 105:1-6
Romans 12:9-21
“Rule of Life”
(An End of Summer Charge and Benediction)
As a child of the South, there are these rules that are so old and deeply ingrained in the minds and hearts of people that it could be said these rules are in the water – the water we drink, and in which we swim.  These aren’t rules that are written on any ancient tablets, but they might as well be – rules like, 1) never use soap on a cast iron skillet; 2) there’s no such thing as too much butter in your grits; 3) if the server at the restaurant asks if you want sweet tea, the only proper response is, ‘Sugar, I did not know there was any kind other than sweet.’; and 4) never wear seersucker after Labor Day.  These rules have just always been.  They in the water where I come from.  
The Bible is filled with a lot of rules that have been handed down to us – nothing about seersucker, per se (though there are rules about the types of fabric that our ancient Jewish spiritual ancestors recommend).[1]  Anyway, some of these rules from the Bible can be quite specific or seem quite strange to our twenty-first century ears.  Jesus does a good job summing up all of these rules, though,  when he tells us about greatest commandments:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”[2]  In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives a new commandment to his friends, the disciples, telling them, “. . . love one another as I have loved you. . .”[3]  If you spend enough time with Jesus, you’re going to hear about these rules – so much so that they might just become part of the water of the Christian life for you. 
Now, as nice as it is for Jesus to simplify things for us,it can also be nice from time to time for there to be some sort of expansion – explanation of what it might look like if we love one another as Jesus has loved us.  What does love of God and love of neighbor look like in the real world with real people? 
In today’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans, there is an expansion upon some of what we heard in last week’s reading from Romans.  Paul is trying to describe to the church in Rome –a church of people, some of whom he knows, and many of whom he doesn’t – what it means to be a “living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.” (Romans 12:1)  If the people in the church in Rome – and you and I who are part of the church in Bedford and beyond – are trying to live our lives in service to God, what might this look like?  What are the “do’s and don’ts” of such an enterprise?  
I’d like to think that the church in Rome was very interested in this subject.  Nowadays when you think of the city of Rome, you might think of a city of churches – big, fancy, ornate churches.  But when Paul was writing to the church in Rome, he was likely writing to the only church in Rome.  “Only,” as in, there was “only one” Christian congregation meeting in Rome at the time.  Christianity was still a relatively new thing.  Now, we do not know who brought Christianity to Rome, but by the time Paul was writing his letter, there was a group of people who gathered there who called themselves “Christians” or “The Way.”  At the time, the rest of Rome viewed this relatively small gathering as Jewish because the church believed in and followed the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus.  Since the church in Rome was small and was surrounded by all kinds of people who did not necessarily know any better, there was some religious misunderstanding that regularly took place.  In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul wants to give the people of the church some instructions on how to set themselves apart from everyone else.  He could have called this section of the letter, “So, this is what a Christian looks like. . .” or even, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”
Eugene Peterson translates Paul’s words in this way:
Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.  Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.  Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.  Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. . .[4]
If these rules sound familiar, we usually close every worship service at BPC with a Benediction that is based on this scripture reading:  “. . . have courage, hold on to what is good, return no one evil for evil, strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak and help the suffering, honor all people. . .”  This is quite a list, isn’t it?  It’s almost more than we can chew. . .  But if you hear words like these enough times – if these words wash over you enough – they might just sink into your mind and get written on your heart.  And, when it comes to a possible list of rules for how to live, these words kind of capture who we are called to be.  There are so many themes at play in this reading – themes of love, righteousness, friendship, humility, hope, perseverance, and hospitality.  The life, and teachings, and example of Jesus are filled with these things and if we, as Jesus tells us, are to “take up our cross and follow. . .” (Matthew 16:24) him, then there is this foundational spiritual imperative from Jesus for us to imitate and embody who Jesus is.  
Now, even if it is part of the water we drink and the air we breathe, this way of life is something that we will never get completely right.  There is joy and great reward, though, in practicing what Jesus teaches and preaches and lives.  And, just like anyone who picks up a sport or musical instrument for the first time and tries to it play perfectly, it becomes clear, right quick that there has to be some practice – daily practice – in order to get better at it.  It’s interesting, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus invites his disciples to “take up your cross,” but in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus invites his disciples to “take up your cross every day. . .” (Luke 9:23)[5]  Don’t just take it up once.  Practice taking it up every day.  
There are a variety of ways to practice this and in the coming weeks, we will be highlighting six practices of discipleship. Some of our Christian spiritual ancestors and cousins who are part of the Benedictine tradition have adopted a “rule of life” to help them practice.  The so-called “Rule of St. Benedict,” which has been in use in many monastic communities for 1500 years, seeks to outline daily practices of prayer, community, labor, and learning.[6]  People who follow the “Rule of St. Benedict” have these rules and regulations which not only to keep them in order but help them to get in a spiritual rhythm and keep them practicing their faith in authentic ways.
Now, while certain people are called to the monastic life, I am not suggesting that all of us go out and become monks and nuns.  I am suggesting, however, that if we were to adopt a rule of life – a rule for living – that we might begin with the life and example of Jesus and/or the distillation of what Jesus taught and how he lived that we find in places like today’s reading from the Letter to the Romans. 
One thing is clear to me as I read Paul’s words, here:  the only way we can put a rule of life into practice – the only way for us to even want to follow Jesus on a daily basis – is that the Holy Spirit has to be actively involved.  The Holy Spirit, which we receive in the waters of baptism, is the catalyst that starts the whole process of practicing and keeps us moving forward in faith and faithfulness.  When John Calvin writes about this, he says that our flesh can be a bit like a stubborn donkey (though he uses another word for donkey, here).  A stubborn donkey sometimes needs to be goaded [prodded] to move forward.  For Calvin, the Holy Spirit is like that prod and “it is only the fervency of the Spirit that can correct our [stubbornness].”[7]  But, since the Holy Spirit is in the water, and the air, and in our minds, and hearts, and spirits, then the Holy Spirit urges us onward toward a better imitation and embodiment of Jesus.  We might resist, but the Holy Spirit is persistent, washing over us, again and again, sinking down into the heart of who we are until we don’t know where we end and the Spirit begins, and vice versa.  And just when we might feel dry and all wrung out, the Holy Spirit – at Jesus’ invitation – draws us to this Table to be strengthened and renewed again and again for living the Christian life.  
I wonder if you might have a rule of life.  There are some, I am sure, whose rule of life is the equivalent of, “Don’t take no guff from nobody,” or “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” or “Live every day as if it’s your last,��� or “Dance like nobody’s watching.”  Friends, when it comes to the Christian life, people are, indeed, watching and listening – just like they were watching and listening to the church in Rome so long ago.  What will set us apart from all the rest?  The Bible is filled with so many rules and there are so many other rules – spoken and unspoken – that we are supposedly supposed to follow.  If we were to pick just one rule, though – a rule to rule all of the others, might I recommend starting with love?  
When Jesus tells his disciples that they ought to love one another, he says, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  (John 13:34-35)  Or, as Paul says in today’s reading, “Let love be genuine.”  (Romans 12:9). People can smell a fake and there are plenty of fakes out there.  
In the end, it is only the Holy Spirit who can make our love genuine.  Our task is to be open to the Spirit’s leading (and, sometimes, the Spirit’s prodding).  But trust that the Holy Spirit is in the water, washing over us again and again.  May the Spirit sink in and make us who God has always intended us to be.  May love be our rule of life.  
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  
[1] See Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 22.
[2] See Mark 12:29-31.
[3] See John 13:34-35.
[4] Eugene Peterson, The Message: Numbered Edition (Colorado Springs: NAV Press, 2002) 1557-1558.  Romans 12:9-22.
[5] Paraphrased, JHS.
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_Saint_Benedict.
[7] John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentaries – Vol. XIX, Acts 14-28 and Romans (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2009) 465.
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Writing Notes Part Two!
Writing the fight scene in chapter 26 and how it kinda almost killed me! Warning, this post is VERY long and I am going to get music nerdy. Skip if you aren't interested! I won't be insulted.
I listened to Miserlou for three days straight. Not even remotely kidding. That does something to your brain and I found myself driving recklessly to work! I put myself in check, but yikes for real.
I write early in the morning due to insomnia, so I try to reserve the evening for family and reading. I literally was listening to that song at 5:30 AM. I will get back to Miserlou in a bit.
I always write to music and if the music I am listening to doesn't work for the scene I end up scrapping a lot of it. Sometimes I like a tune, but the lyrics don't work or vice versa. Hence, I would never use the song Father Figure for this fic... because, gross.
ANYWAY. So I knew early on that I wanted to play with the idea of Bard Hunter. I touched on it very slightly in my Stranger Things AU and there are some call backs here, but I won't say what in case you haven't read it yet.
The idea of the Golden Guard impersonator snuck up on me. I felt the story was missing something, but I didn't know what until I was writing a scene and it was like. Oh. That.
So what better chance to test the concept of how Hunter would approach combat using Bard magic than to protect Willow (and their child) and friends against someone who is literally using his former persona to threaten those he loves. We've established that he wants to be as far away from his former life as possible, so between the false scouts, and seeing the Golden Guard Uniform with the artificial staff replica-- something that triggered him in the past -- fighting in a method that called back to that time would not work. He needed momentum. Confidence. Harpy Hunter has been done well. I wanted to try something different.
I wanted to write him a way to subvert expectations and fight back in a way that explored his creativity. I have mentioned in the past that the Rickenbacker Fire Glo 360 is a nod to the one my father had but never played. It's such a badass looking instrument.
So next, I obviously needed a song. And I needed a song that I could somehow describe being played as a fight was happening. I went through a lot of songs and genres. Master of Puppets is an obvious choice, because at this point it's pretty iconic as a battle song and it's got a killer riff. That said, it's been done, and much better than I could describe in writing. I tried. It wasn't good.
The lyrics actually were a big reason why it didn't work. I LOVE Master of Puppets, but I doubt Hunter would use a song that's so -- Belos-y in its lyrics? They would likely be more triggering than anything else. So I scrapped that.
I also love Enter Sandman, but the rhythm wasn't giving me what I wanted. Rush was a big contender. Free Will was one I really considered. Tom Sawyer was the perfect song to use lyric wise for the title track. I tried to write a fight to both of those songs, but as good as they are, they were too slow in parts and I couldn't imagine how the magic would work while listening.
Punk was beginning to feel closer to what I needed, but again lyrics were getting in they way -- so I realized the song Hunter would need to play had to be an instrumental. So I added that to the lore. Lyrics = intent. If you add them to what you play, it affects how the magic works.
I went back to metal at least one time, and got that whole Iron Man quip in, which was definitely self indulgence. Sorrynotsorry. But I realized the song was very heavy and the opening felt round, and gray. I needed something razor sharp and frenetic. Something bright yellow with shards of red. Something that felt like you were being hit by a million blades at once while you listened to it.
And then Misirlou came up on my iTunes feed and I was like --OH! I mention in the chapter that I very loosely based how Hunter used Bard magic in combat to how Viktor Hargreeves used his violin to channel his power over sound waves in Season 1 . I also wanted to make sure it felt inline with the canon powers he had gained from the magic of Flapjack in FTF. So I decided that it would need to be based on kinetic energy.
In order to stay in control of this particular form of Bard magic Hunter would need to stay in motion throughout the entire "fight". From here the energy needed to ebb and flow, first drawing the sound waves down into the guitar and then outward in tiny blades of magic.
I did a lot of research into Dick Dale and his style of "surfing music." I wanted to write something where the reader felt like the were in constant motion. Dick Dale's style is influenced by drums. Each note he played on guitar was supposed to be sharp and distinct from the other. He wanted the listener to feel the sensation of surfing. The low, the rise of the wave into the crest, and then the crash -- all of which gave me some really good inspiration for when Hunter would draw the sound waves down into the guitar and shape them to strike.
Of course this worked until he was hit off guard by the thing that scared him most. The thought of hurting the people he loves.
There is a reason Tarantino opened Pulp Fiction with Miserlou. It gets your blood pumping. I believe it was supposed to make you think of bullets. Here, I called back to the sound of a buzzing swarm of bees -- like the picture in Willow's scrapbook of their summer.
That said, I wanted the fight to be something that the Emerald Trio took part in together. I do want to write some more mini flashbacks to Raine teaching Hunter Bard magic.
I was happy with the result. It was a ton of fun to write. Now the question is am I going to be able to write the follow up chapter before I leave on my trip tomorrow.
If you made it this far into my rant, thank you!
Check out the link below to learn more about Dick Dale.
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
TftW: A Slasher in Woman’s Skin.
Bubba ‘Leatherface’ Sawyer tf/ftm.
This story lampoons the kind of character tf where it hyper-focus on detail and the author is clearly simping, and this also makes fun of the tumblr sexy-man status.
Being attracted to bad boys is absolutely nothing new since it has been a thing since the dawn of time, simping for villains is also not new and heck even slashers get this treatment. Amber aka AmberSawyer was one such person, she was a horror fanatic and a hardcore slasher fan-girl, her so called husbando was Leatherface, and while Leatherface wasn’t one of those lanky anime pretty boys, or a character that you’d be missing the point of them by fantasizing about them like say Roquefort, or any character you’ll or one of those edgy furry bois like Puro or Death from Puss In Boots: Last Wish, he wasn’t attractive or designed to appeal to the edgy crowd, in fact he was the opposite.
Yet she didn’t care, she was in love with Leatherface and even kept a photo album of photos she had printed of him, she had him tattooed on her left arm, and even had met the Tobe Hooper at a convention, she was in love with him…more than that, she hyperfixated on him, one evening she was listening to her favorite horror podcast telling a horror story called ‘Dad’s Old Shed’ which was about the narrator as a kid going into an old shed despite his father warning him about it, the story told of the narrator going into the shed and finding his dad’s old chainsaw and becoming possessed by the spirit of a killer.
This fascinated her and she decided to see if this story was true, so she decided to head out to the location of the shed in question, the shed was mostly abandoned and nobody had lived in there for at least a few years, but there was writing on the shed’s walls. That is when she saw the chainsaw when she entered.
“So the stories are true.”
She worried about what would happen but at the same time she was morbidly curious as she lifted the chainsaw up, charged it on and used it, surprisingly she found she was pretty good with using it right down to becoming quite skilled at it. She gave it a couple of test runs and it felt pretty good to wield it.
But what happened next..well…she felt parts of her body starting to bulk up which started with her arms and her hands, her hands also enlarged as bits of her black gloves unwrapped themselves, she looked at her chest which gained musculature as a loud crunching sound was heard, her heartbeat rapidly increased as a result.
She remembered in the ‘Dad’s Old Shed’ story how the narrator as a kid was possessed by the spirit of the killer and turned into said killer and how the narrator described the process of becoming the killer with gruesome details. She looked at her chest as her breasts retracted, her whole upperbody gaining the same level of musculature as her clothing slowly changed into an identical version of Leatherface’s outfit, it didn’t take her long to figure out…she was becoming Leatherface himself.
Her legs altered as her hips shrank down but she gained 300lbs while her privates altered into the more masculine variant as her feet grew in size, her shoulders broadened with a crunch as her back followed suit, which altered her posture a bit, as her neckline altered and contorted. In addition to this her hair turned from dark brownish to black as it became messier.
She felt her face deforming as her teeth became messed up, and a mask that looked like it was made of human skin materialized next to her and she put it on. She examined her face, which had some skin deformities on it and she realized she looked exactly like him now, as her voice deepened.
Her voice deepened and developed a masculine pitch and also a country sounding accent, at this point her transformation finished and she was a perfect doppelganger for Leatherface, which of course made her happy and she could talk, which the actual Leatherface couldn’t.
She had to admit she really liked her or ‘his’ new Southern accent and new look, she had always admired Leatherface, know she had the chance to be him and she knew just what she wanted to do, she saw a group of tourists standing by the very location of the shed and she decided to have a go at scaring them.
Of course she had more than one mask at her disposal, and she could switch out masks as well and pick a different one to express her emotions as well, but what was most different about this was that she could sing pretty damn well, something that was definitely picked up from the Slashstreet Boys version.
“I knew that story was true.”
She examined herself and then looked in the direction of the tourists, lounging out at them with her chainsaw in hand, chasing them just like in the movie, it was unreal but at the same time it was…it was like she was Leatherface while still being herself and that’s exactly what she loved about it.
Naturally she had wanted this and she had received it and she couldn’t have been happier, the fact she got to be one of her favorite horror characters was a huge bonus for her, and she didn’t lose her memories either.
And thus our story comes to an end but the moral from this…sometimes if you simp hard enough, you will get to be that character you simp over and still get to be yourself and that is definitely a plus. Just be careful, don’t get overly attached to a villain, or they might become attached to you…to the point you’ll start to take after them.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
Fic Rec🥰
I Know You by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemryn) - (Rating: G, Words: 1733, sterek)
“I thought I’d find you here,” Derek said, placing a gentle kiss on Stiles’ temple. He could barely feel Derek’s lips through the thick hair he had let grow during his senior year. He was never expecting to rid himself of his signature buzz cut, but it wasn’t exactly a priority when battling the danger they so often faced. 
“Am I that obvious?” Stiles asked. 
“To me,” Derek said simply, squeezing Stiles’ shoulder.
Flowerwolf & Beacon Roots by alisvolatpropiis - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5299, sterek)
Derek tries not to show his surprise, curiously hopeful, but still suspicious of Laura’s involvement. “Oh. How do you know my coffee order then?”
He grins. “The cute baristo knows your order, dude. All I had to do was ask for Grumpy Flower Guy’s usual.”
Derek huffs. “I’m not grumpy.”
“He says grumpily,” Stiles smirks, winking.
The sound of his own laughter surprises Derek, so yeah, okay, maybe Stiles has a point.
“Laura said that you weren’t really into dating,” Stiles goes on, “but that uh, you uh, well you know.” Stiles’ cheeks flush a very pretty ruddy pink under the scatter of beauty marks that Derek aches to taste. Stiles turns away, towards the cooler of roses, muttering to himself under his breath, which of course Derek can hear perfectly well. “Great freakin’ advice, Lydia, ‘just bring up sex and tell him you’re cool with having a one night stand,’ okay, sure, that worked fucking beautifully.”
“Okay.” The word is out of his mouth before Derek can even think about the consequences of saying it, something unusual for him. He wants Stiles however he can get him, it seems.
“Okay?” Stiles eyes are wide when he spins back to look at him.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s have sex.”
How long have I been on the hunt for you? byLunaCanisLupus_22 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 20379, sterek)
“Well I guess accidental kidnapping is not so bad then,” Scott decided brightly after the others had finished describing their ordeals. “All’s well that ends well, right?”
“HAHA,” Stiles practically shouted, loud and unsettling enough that everyone turned to look at him. “I mean, yep. For. Sure.”
Or the one when Scott gets kidnapped by a witch who blasts Stiles and Derek with a sex spell to keep them distracted (and it's extremely effective).
Poetry in the Raw by Jmeelee  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5509, sterek)
Derek answers his phone on the second ring.  “What.” No inflection whatsoever.  
“Does the ‘S’ in your middle name stand for Sexy?”
Silence.  Then, “Stiles.”  Still no inflection.  
“I doubt it stands for Stiles, dude.  There can only be one,” he answers in a kick-ass impersonation of The Kurgan.  “But tell me it isn’t, like, Sawyer or Skylar or something equally new-age and white-boy contemporary.”
“How did you get my number?”
OR: 5 times Stiles guesses Derek's middle name +1 time he knows.
Undercover Powercouple by fantasybean - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 42212, sterek)
Stiles and Derek both have their own thriving Youtube vlogging careers, but they keep them seperate. Little do their fans know, the two have been living together, sleeping together, and dating each other in secret! But how long till they get exposed?
Five Times Stiles Woke Up In Derek’s Bed Unexpectedly, And the One Time It Was On Purpose by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) -( Rating: T, Words: 20933, sterek)
Rule one of kidnapping Stiles Stilinski: he is required to be entertained. 
Not that he got kidnapped a lot! 
Or... not like, all the time, at any rate. His being kidnapped seemed to have increased lately, but he attributed that to being distracted more often than usual because of school. Sure, he’d had high school to contend with back in the day, but high school was less demanding than university. He always watched movies where people were out partying it up or solving crime or having huge campus-wide mass murders or whatever and all Stiles wanted to know was where they found the time. 
To be fair, most of them didn’t have the Supernatural breathing down their neck, or a pack constantly coming to them for advice. Like he was the poster child of good decisions, who was dumb enough to believe that? His best friend was a Werewolf because of all his so-called ‘good decisions.’
Step into the daylight (and let it go) by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 14418, sterek)
Stiles is a grad student with serious insomnia. So when he sees a stranger in need of help, he thinks it’ll be a good way to alleviate the boredom. How the hell was he supposed to know that the weird guy with the baseball cap was a famous actor (and a fucking werewolf)? He just keeps running into the guy. Coincidence? Stiles thinks not.
I Used to Call You My Own by whentheywrite - (Rating: T, Words: 2571, sterek)
“Hi, yes, this is Stiles Stilinski, but I’m not at the phone right now! Please leave a message or call back later and I’ll debate not letting the phone ring. Social anxiety, dude, don’t judge me for it.”
Derek needed Stiles. He needed to talk to Stiles.
One last time.
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 196137, sterek)
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!” 
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her. 
“What?! What was that sound?!” 
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder. 
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!” 
“Mike,” she argued. 
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
The Kenny Situation by Whispering_Sumire - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10014, sterek)
He hears the grate of Erica sliding the window open, hears her call after the homeless man, muttering far off now, "Hey! You killed Stiles!"
She sounds vaguely annoyed more than anything.
Derek wants to howl with the agony he's in.
"You bastard!" Isaac chimes from somewhere deeper in the Loft.
Derek feels sick.
He rocks the body in his arms, holds the hand in his over the wound, shakes with sobs he doesn't let free, and wonders how this was the thing who got the boy who runs with wolves? How was it just another meaningless act of violence? How is that fair?
Why doesn't anyone seem to care?
[Or: The one where Stiles gets cursed by witches, keeps dying and coming back to life, and the only one even vaguely cognizant of this is Derek.]
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slasherwhxre · 3 years
Fluff n Slash
in which Jason gets a nice, relaxing massage.
requested by @vexelier-suix-cipher!
Michael Myers (soon) | Bubba Sawyer (soon) | Jason Voorhees (here)
words: 2.5k
Tumblr media
Summers were always bittersweet.
Jason's birthday was around the corner, but so were careless counselors, getting ready to spend the rest of their lives in Camp Blood, which was admittedly not long. Yet, they deserved if not all, most of what would happen to them. Going against every piece of advice and ignoring history on the way over to their final resting place — if one could even describe it as that — was not as difficult as learning the consequences of their carelessness.
But of course, that was the very essence of his existence now. Getting rid of bad people, also known as endlessly obeying and avenging his mother. This time was slightly different from the past instances, of course.
The change had been you, who, unlike the unwanted guests of Camp Crystal Lake, had wanted nothing but the best for Jason, and fortunately, very fortunately so, he had quickly — quicker than you expected at least — had come to understand that. Who else waited for him to return day after day, as patiently as humanely possible, after all? Well, the head of his mom did, but that was not quite the same, even he knew that.
Still, one wondered Why?
In the beginning, Jason asked himself this question countless times. He spent many moments questioning not only your character and just what you were capable of — which, not to mention, was little to nothing compared to him — but also why you wanted anything to do with him. 
The coast was clear from what he could sense. Your actions couldn't be further away from nefarious, yet Jason had been fooled the exact same way many times before — people were so fake, so deceiving, dirty — which lead him to never let his guard down around you initially. Slow and as steady as it can be, he came to know your personality, he found out if you were truly who you said you were, your motives, understand your reasoning for wanting to be here with him while keeping caution to the utmost levels all throughout. 
Needless to say, the time-consuming progress that came with trusting someone was a lot of work, but that didn't matter. You'd do anything to spend time with him because while it was definitely not news to you that Jason's presence stroke fear into people, and you weren't people.
Then it happened, you had more than proven to Jason at last that you actually meant no harm, even if the same couldn't be said about the resident of the only permanent resident of Camp Crystal Lake, not yet at least. 
Awaiting his safe and sound homecoming was a difficult situation and often a worrisome mindset to be in occasionally, yet always worth it afterwards. "You're strong, I know you are, Jason, but I still worry." He looked down at his own body, to check if he was indeed injured. He looked the same as he always was. See, not a scratch. 
Relaxing with him in the evening and talking about your day — even if he didn't talk back intrinsically — entertained you both. And technically, he'd tell you about his days too, it just didn't happen to be the usual chatting you'd expect from others. There was a bit of a workaround to converse, but all the effort you put in to think of him meant the world to him. "Saw any animals today?" Jason gave an enthusiastic nod. "Was it a deer?" The yes-no questions hadn't failed either of you so far, plus it felt good to share, like a weight taken off his chest.
To your dismay, Jason's company never lasted the full duration of the night. You knew that he had things to do, yet the awareness unfortunately didn't make you any less lonely, and you embarrassingly lost control over your sleeping schedule. Who could blame you? The bed wasn't as warm and comfortable without him taking up space next to you or under you. As expected, you missed drifting away to sleep, accompanied by his huge body close by and soft snores filling your ears.
The frequent screams that filled the deep, thick woods under the moonlight were unsurprisingly of lacking comfort. If it wasn't for that tiny amount of relief, you'd always be unwillingly pulling all-nighters. Thankfully, the shrieks did soothe your concerns, the ones that made you panic, thinking he was somehow the one being hurt instead. Regardless, the amount of faith you put in him never budged. You'll always come up on top, Jason, there's nothing you can't do that you put your mind to, believe that. Jason didn't particularly need a reminder, but the encouragement went further than you could ever fathom.
While the support was appreciated by Jason, you had reacted rather peculiarly to your temporary separation. It was already established that you were far from selfish, perhaps too much of the opposite in fact, but this new result had took it another step forward. Mixed, darker feelings arouse deep in your heart and you couldn't stop them from forming. These stemmed from mostly wholesome means, such as wanting to have him to yourself more often. The thoughts itself were less innocent in nature. You began wishing you could lend Jason a personal hand in his pursuits. However, Jason was more or less reasonable for his kills and you knew no matter what, you just couldn't get involved in that line of work.
It wouldn't only be morally wrong — even more than dating a murderer — it was simply off limits, for first of all, there was no possibility that he'd let you. Jason had limited means to communicate, but shaking his head from left to right and back aggressively and holding onto your hands tightly like you'd slip away if he let go for even a millisecond did get the message across. "I just want to take the stress out of your shoulders, whatever amount I can take.."
Jason's body was less stable at that, slightly swaying in every direction at once, nearly trembling as his eyes glistened. Stepping in to do his work was just a no go, taking lives for Jason would never happen in a million years. His mother had done it for him previously, and it hadn't ended well, more specifically, it had ended with her severed and rotten head, in possession of her dear son. You dropped it right then and apologized, guilty at the fact that the idea of you helping him had distressed him to the point of tears threatening to roll down his puppy-like, begging eyes.
Notwithstanding, the part of you that wanted to be more useful to him in his 'hardships' persisted as your heart innately grew fonder. Absence sucked, so did realizing the saying couldn't be more painfully true, at least when it came to the certain big, murderous man you loved.
Waking up not just alone but lonelier than typical one day much thanks to the shittiest and shortest nap you must've ever taken in your life, your mind went to Jason before your eyes were even fully awake. Mid-day, it must've been. The warm sunlight shone inside, brightening the shared cabin with a cozier than anticipated gleam.
Your body ached as you turned, a side effect of lovely sleep deprivation. A toe-curling massage sounded virtually as good as seeing Jason again, but he probably needed it more than you. I wish he was here. The acquired grogginess from the brief rest you had was not enough to wash away your longing. If someone had told you you'd miss snuggling with a killer, you'd have laughed it off but here you were, laying on his bed like you have been for days, without him.
Disappointment and sleep threatened to take over as a yawn escaped you. Deciding to sit up for a stretch, your eyes went searching around the room out of habit. The outcome was a sad sigh. You forced yourself up, getting ready to step outside for a moment of hopefully peace. After just two steps, the worn knob of the wooden door started rattling.
Miraculously, it was him, although he appeared more tired than you've ever caught him. The attemp to keep your calm had worked against the excitement of Jason's long-awaited retreat to you two's living quarters as you beamed the greeting. "Hey, sweetheart,"
A win-win, really, since you'd have him with you and he'd say goodbye to the tensed up muscles acquired from chasing down prey.
Jason gave a slight nod as a response. While at the very least a proper answer for many, you felt it was oddly unlike him at best. He must've been exhausted to no degree for his eyes to not light up at his favorite way of being called., as affectionate as it was, it was also spot on, for Jason did have a sweet heart. Every drop of blood he had spilled had been in the name of Pamela.
"You okay, honey?"
Jason shook his head.
Hearing the concern in your tone made him feel worse than he was already feeling and his shoulders slumped.
Jason's gaze followed after his spirits and moved down, in a stance similar to one took while moping.
As adorable as the sight was for your tall and strong man — when was Jason not cute anyway, his child-like reactions to nearly everything never failed to inspire great affection in you — you cared about him too much to not do something about it. Especially your thing. First, you'd learn about what troubled him, if you could.
"What's the matter?" It didn't matter if you were most likely aware of the problem, the words left your mouth with worry all the same.
Jason pointed a finger in the direction.
This year's damn campers, of course, you thought, hidden away with various landmarks of nature.
"They've been stressing you out, aren't they?"
Jason nodded to confirm your suspicions.
"Oh, babyboy," You exhaled, putting one comforting hand on his shoulder while the other went to caress his cheek.
Even if no contact to his skin had been made, Jason appreciated the thought as he closed his eyes to take in your love.
Just then, though, a car with the loudest tires and music passed by, putting an abrupt end to the intimate moment. While the vehicle hadn't come anywhere close to his cabin, the blaring, awful TOP 40 song it spewed was deafening.
People were even rowdier than usual and troubling him furthermore, as you understood.
Regardless, nothing could make you doubt your lover for even a second. No matter Jason's mood, they'd get their comeuppance soon enough, especially if you could help him secure the kill further.
However, even your undying faith was not enough to not grab Jason's hand and drag him to the temporary shelter of the rude newcomers — if you even had the strength — and tell them to fucking leave. If only it could be as successful as it was tempting, but alas, the option of sending them away was neither up to you nor in your power.
That's it, you decided.
Jason mourned the loss of them as you took your hands back. Until you pulled his hand, he perked up then, quickly realizing he shouldn't have been so quick to be disappointed.
"C'mon, hon," You lead him to the comfiest seat in the house, "Let me help you de-stress."
Jason had no idea how you were supposed to do taht, but damned if he didn't trust you to not hurt him. A cuddle, maybe it was, since you were taking him to the bed?
He had a suspicion he had guessed wrong when you asked him to lay on his stomach instead. Did you want him to sleep? He wouldn't say no, but why hadn't you just said so?
Apparently that wasn't it either because you you straddled his back. Luckily, with how strong Jason was, putting down your weight was of no importance.
Even though he was not exactly full of energy at the moment, Jason's mind went to dirtier places. If that's where it was going, he was going to let you take the lead, no questions asked, even if he could.
"I'm just going to make your shoulders feel better, okay?" You explained, making sure it was alright. Jason was disappointed for a moment, but quickly realized this was something even more new to him which successfully got him excited again.
It meant a lot you would still ask him even when he hadn't protested one bit. He'd never try to, Jason loved you nearly as much as his mother, ever so grateful for your thoughtfulness, more than you could ever fathom. It did suck a little how he couldn't show his appreciation for you like any other person, he still cherished you, trusted you with his life.
And he knew his decision had served him well when you began rubbing his shoulders. The sensation was nothing like he experienced, Jason wasn't sure if he even knew the words to describe it but oh it was so wonderful.
His shoulder blades were somehow even tenser than you previously guessed and almost too soon, Jason began to relax.
"Feel good?"
Good? Good would be far behind this, Jason knew that much before giving a delayed nod. Cute, it truly was, felt too good he forgot to respond, eh?
He was in for a ride if he considered the slightest touch as amazingly good, and boy did he consider it just that.
Slowly, you started cranking up the pressure, not neglecting even his neck.
You wanted to tell him that he could take his mask off, if he wanted, but the experience was still fresh and maybe that'd happen the next time, if it ever happened. From the looks of it, it certainly would.
"Like it so far?"
Replying late at first must have embarrassed him a tiny bit because Jason answered with a fast, eager nod this time.
Cutie. You held back a giggle in case he misunderstood you, this man was going to be the end of you with just how endearing he was.
And it turns out kneading his joints to relieve his body would be the end of him, for at least a few hours.
Jason had relaxed a bit more than he wanted to after deciding to close his eyes for a bit but it wasn't all his fault. You had paid no attention to the silence, taking his slow breaths as content. It only occurred to you that he had fallen asleep when he didn't reply to your second "Still nice?"
Too relaxed, huh, you smiled. Precious. He was so precious.
"Sleep well, Jason."
Who knew massaging a strong back like his was really nice? Well, you, now.
You crawled next to him. Part of you wanted to peck his head, but it wasn't worth waking him up for.
It was the best sleep you had in days when you dozed off next to him. So good that you hadn't even realized when he got up and stared at you lovingly, before leaving again for the night.
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Whats up, can I have some slashers with a trans (ftm) s/o? Love your work! 😩
Slashers x Trans!Male!Reader | Headcanons
Thanks for the request and compliment, Anon! :) I really hope you enjoy these Headcanons! It's kind of funny, 'cause I started writing on them for myself two days ago, so this request was a delight! <3 Anyway, I hope you enjoy these and the Slashers I chose for them (I first wanted to write for all of the ones I write for, but I could only think of enough for these four, sorry - might do a follow-up with the others eventually, though)!
notes; Trans!Male!Reader (FtM); Mentions of Medical Transition; Mentions of Sex; Mentions of Periods; Gender Dysphoria; Reassurance; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Body Worship.
Characters: Asa Emory/The Collector; Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface; Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull; Lester Sinclair.
Asa Emory/The Collector
Has zero problems with it – why should he? You’re his favourite for a reason and this changes nothing (if anything, it only makes you more interesting to him), and he really doesn’t discriminate after all!
If you choose to medically transition and haven’t been able to do so yet, he’ll help you out any way he can – HRT? He’ll get the Testosterone and administer it for you. Top Surgery? He doesn’t want to fuck it up, so he instead gets you the best surgeon to perform it on you. Any additional medical procedures? Sure, he’ll be right here for you and make sure you get it all
Whenever you may get your period, he comforts you as best as he can, holding you close, giving you pain killers and heat pads for the cramps, assuring you that bleeding doesn’t make you less of a man at all
In case you desire to be sexually active with him, he makes sure you’re okay throughout – he doesn’t want to cause you to feel dysphoric, so he listens to whatever you have to say about what you prefer, what is good for you, what helps you enjoy it better, etc.
Really, despite his usual lack of empathy and ability to provide good comfort, he does his absolute best to accommodate you anyway – you’re precious to him and if he wants you to feel pain, he has to be the one inflicting it on you – not your own body and mind
Additionally he is surprisingly good at reassuring you whenever your dysphoria might kick your butt big time in general – if you let him, he’ll roam his hands over your body lovingly, almost mesmerised, and he’ll talk you through what he thinks of you and how much of a man you are, even if you may not be able to see it yourself all the time
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface
Actually, Bubba understands you very well, since he is rather gender non-conforming anyway – to him, none of these things matter; and he especially doesn’t care what you may have been born as and what kind of genitals you have
He loves and supports you so much – he does everything in his power to make you feel comfortable and like the absolute king that you are to him
Whenever you doubt yourself, he tries his best to string the words together – no matter which way – to tell you that you are a real man and you’re so wonderful and he couldn’t be happier to have you as his boyfriend
Since he does sometimes get curious about sex, but is very unsure about it as is, he doesn’t even know how to bring it up to you – so if you do desire it, he is more than happy to let you take the lead and also show him how you can both make sure that you’re comfortable and not overly dysphoric during the act
If you get your period, he doesn’t really know what’s happening or how to provide for you at first, since he’s only ever lived with cis men at that point – but he grasps on quickly, when you instruct him thoroughly
That also means that he’s superb at comforting you whenever your bloody time is hitting you especially hard, he’ll hold you close in his strong arms and cuddle you and tells you just how wonderful of a man you are and how much he loves you
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
This man is so supportive and loving, you’re in very good hands when you open up about it – he might not understand it entirely, sure, but he never questions your perception of it all
He is so proud of you for your transition (whatever that may look like for you, personally) and he is right there for you at every step of the way
Any expenses for it are covered by him, because he doesn’t want you to worry about the money at all, he just wants you to be happy – and he does have a lot of excess money, so he may well use it for something good for a change
If you ever need reassurance, because you may doubt yourself, get anxious, are having a very bad dysphoria day, or you have your period, he is making it his mission to assure you of what a great man you are – you’re gorgeous, you’re handsome, you’re manly and nothing could ever make him doubt that and neither should you
He types all these things into his phone so much faster than he does in general and it tells you just how deeply he believes in what he’s writing then
If you desire to have sex with him, you’re going to have a thorough conversation with him first, because he wants to be absolutely certain that you’re comfortable and that he knows exactly what’s okay and good for you and what isn’t – and really, it works out brilliantly
He basically worships your body whenever he can and sex is something he’ll definitely use to make sure every millimetre of your body has been appreciated by his eyes, lips, tongue and hands – you definitely can’t argue the fact that it does make you feel so much more secure in your identity
Lester Sinclair
“He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit”describes his whole experience with it to a T
At first he really doesn’t understand it very well and he might think you’re saying that you’re transitioning the opposite way, because to him you are a fully fledged man – but he realises his mistake eventually, of course
Just like the others, he is your No. 1 Supporter – he’d do anything for you as it is and he takes every chance he gets to show you just how serious he is about it
He loves you so much and nothing could ever change that; he keeps reassuring you if you need it and he always sneaks kisses and love confessions into it all
If you get your period – that’s definitely where he slips up again; he is confused and when he tries to get you sanitary protection for it, he just buys one box of everything he sees for it – it’s super endearing and you know he only meant well, and so an excess of supplies really isn’t anything bad
A similar scenario would also occur at the subject of sex, though – he asks you to lead and just tell him what to do, what’s okay, etc., but he is still somewhat confused when you take off your pants – sure, he understood by then that you were born with female anatomy, but he somehow forgot that over time anyway
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