#but also like please let me go back on hormones apparently my voice is reverting back to how it used to sound
hardrockshrimp · 1 year
Pondering my Bruce images on this cloudy morning
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dprwolfgang · 3 years
Sin Ti // Angel Reyes ft. Dominic Lee Part 2
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Angel Reyes x Solana Losa (OC) 
Dominic Lee (OC) x Solana Losa
This took a bit of a 360 turn.A lil angst, a lil drama and because I couldn’t stop typing once I started...there’s a part 3 to this but it’ll come out after Ez’s part drops. Angel is a bit of an asshole, Dominic is a bit smug and Solana is no longer the woman Angel thought she was or maybe she’d always been that way?
Enjoy! Feedback is welcomed and please reblog, like y’all don’t understand how much that means to creators on here.
Four months later
Angel stared at the ultrasound pictures laid out on his coffee table. It has been a total of seven months since everything blew up in his face and to say he wasn’t coping well was an understatement. Angel had reverted to his shallow fuck- anything- with- a -pulse self with everyone walking on eggshells around him. Even as he sat staring at the pictures, there was a woman in his bed fast asleep.
Angel had tried talking to Solana but she had Vega playing bodyguard and Angel knew better than to mess with Vega because even though she could handle herself, her big brother Rio was another story by himself. He had no idea when Solana had left Santo Padre but he knew that his heart had left right along with her.
This was the second set of ultrasound pictures he’d gotten and if he was being honest, they were the only thing giving him hope that Solana would come back to him.
Adelita had shown up out of the blue, caught him in a rather compromising position and then proceeded to tell him that the baby had died. He didn’t know whether to believe her or not because Potter had told him something completely different including the fact that her baby was a Reyes. Maybe Solana had lied to him but he could see past that and forgive her because she’d done the same for him numerous times.
If only she would just come home.
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Solana smiled as she took in the scene before her, it had been a year and six months since she had left Santo Padre and quite honestly she didn’t feel like going back. Her uncle had told her that it was best for her to stay on the other side for a bit while things blew over but what was supposed to be five months had become more.
In that time she’d given birth to a healthy baby girl who she had named Cataleya Marísol Reyes. She had also met a man who made her feel love and happiness to an extent she didn’t think was possible. Sol had come to realize that while she had love for Angel, she was no longer in love with him. She had given so much of herself to Angel without the same effort being reciprocated that she didn’t know what to do with herself when she got a man who did.
Dominic Lee was the man Bishop had entrusted his niece’s safety to while she was on the other side. Their families had a long history and Bishop knew that if anyone would keep her and her baby safe it would be the Lee’s. The Lee’s were an immigrant family from China, how they ended up in Santo Padre, Bishop didn’t have a clue but Dominic’s grandfather was the first Asian man to be a part of the Santo Padre charter. His father, much like Ez, had a lot of book and street smarts. He had gotten into a school on the other side, started a successful business and would occasionally help the charters getting shipments in and out of Mexico.
Dominic had continued his father's legacy in both aspects of business and as much as Bishop respected and cared for Angel, he never liked the relationship that had bloomed between him and Sol. He had warned her on numerous occasions that even if Angel cared about her it would end in heartbreak. Seeing his niece happy was the only thing that mattered most to Bishop and if that meant encouraging Dominic to make a move on Solana…then maybe that's exactly what he did.
"So…you and Dominic? How'd that happen?" Vega questions as they both look on at Dominic, Ez and Rio playing with baby Leya who already had them all wrapped around her little fingers.
"Honestly V, I don't fucking know. It feels like it all happened so fast, like one minute he's showing me to the guest room and the next he's rearranging my insides cause my hormones were off the wall. He makes it easy…"
Vega gives her a look that says to elaborate what she was talking about because Vega had always thought that her best friend would forever  be whipped for Ignacio.
"I never have to question whether he loves me because it shows in everything he does. I never have to ask him to make time for me, to take me out or to treat Leya the way he does but he does it anyways because that's the kind of person he is. I'm not saying he's perfect, neither am I but we're imperfectly perfect for each other, I don't know what it is but he just makes me feel whole." she smiles looking at the man who had managed to steal her heart in more ways than one over the past eleven months.
Vega smiles at the way her best friend glows and even though she's still hesitant on Dominic, she can tell that he makes Solana happy. She wasn't Angel's biggest fan but a part of her had hoped that maybe they could work things out if Angel would just get his shit together. She didn't send him all those pictures for nothing but Angel never got the clue and never came around asking for the information that she would've eventually given to him after pulling his leg a little bit first. Instead, the asshole had chosen to fuck his way through Vicky's girls and even had a run in with Adelita that Ez had briefly mentioned.
"What are you going to do about Angel? You know he's not going to be happy."
"Yo Stanford, we gotta go." Angel's voice sounds from outside the front door followed by a series of knocks.
"Speak of devil." Vega mumbles as she gets up to open the door.
Solana had moved to where Dominic and Rio were playing with Leya out of Angel's view. Ez went to grab his keys and kutte as Vega dealt with Angel. Solana wasn't ready to face him yet, she knew she'd have to sooner or later. She sees Angel's figure rush pass Vega and Ez before the bathroom door slams. Still tucked away in the corner of Vega's living room, she prays Angel just leaves as soon as he's done in the bathroom but those prayers fall on deaf ears as Leya screams out loudly just as he's walking by. Solana quickly takes her from Rio trying to calm her down but it's too late as Angel rounds the corner with Ez and Vega hot on his tail.
"What the fuck?" Angel looks around at everyone before him before settling on Ez. "So this what we doing now?"
"Angel, don't blow this out of proportion. They only got here today, nobody's hiding anything from your dumbass. If I find out you put your hands on my man the moment y'all leave from here, I won't hesitate to take my switch to your dick asshole. Now get out before Bishop calls." Vega speaks up trying to diffuse the situation.
Cataleya refused to stop screaming so Solana stands in an attempt to get her outside for some fresh air only for Angel to grab onto her upper arm. Rio sits back watching the shit storm unfold before him. Dominic is on his feet the moment Angel reaches for Sol and grabs onto her. He knew exactly who Angel was, they had never met personally but from everything Solana and Bishop had mentioned he had developed quite a dislike for the man.
"Suéltame Ignacio.”
“We need to talk.” Angel says pulling her closer to him.
“I know you heard her say to let go. I’d let go if I were you.” Dominic says stepping into their space. The edge in his voice told Sol that this wouldn’t end well for Angel if he kept pushing his boundaries.
“Who the fuck is this clown?” Angel questions looking around the room. Vega shakes her head because honestly, could he get anymore stupid?
It took a lot to piss Dominic off but when it came to the things or people he cared deeply for, it's like a switch flipped inside him. Angel grapping onto his woman and refusing to let go while she held on to their daughter  was something he refused to sit by idly and watch. Cataleya may not have been his child biologically but she was his nonetheless and he'd protect her at all costs even if it meant from her own father.
"He's my fiancé." Sol grits out glaring at Angel who drops her hand like he's been burned. She hands Leya to Vega asking her to take her for a walk, both Ez and Rio following behind her. Dominic takes his previous seat because the look in Solana's eyes told him she could handle the situation and that he didn't need to intervene at the moment.
"What the hell is your problem?" she questions poking at Angel's chest.
"You're the one who left and then show up here a year and a half later with another man who's apparently raising MY child! You don't get to ask me what's wrong with me when something is clearly fucking wrong with you. I thought I knew you Sol but it's clear that I don't." Angel spits out at her.
"I gave you six months to get your shit together Ignacio, you didn't. I gave you all of me for fifteen years and you didn't give two fucks because you got comfortable. What, you thought that if you kept slanging me dick I'd stick around? Everything I said to you that night you decided you wanted to believe some woman you'd been fucking over me, I meant it. Everything I said to you that night in the hospital, I meant it. I still gave you six months hoping you'd take the fucking hint and come sort shit out but fucking your way through Vicky's girls was way more important than being there the night your daughter was born. So much more important that you signed away your rights as her father over a fucking phone call while you were deep in one of those bitches hungover and high out your fucking mind. You don't get to tell me something is wrong with me when you can't get your shit together Angel. You're the one who fucked us up, you made your decision and I made mine. I have love for you and I'll forever be thankful that you gave me that amazing baby girl but that's it Angel."
It hurt, Angel couldn't lie and say that it didn't. The look in her eyes told him a lot but also a little at the same time. She was no longer the woman he knew. He could no longer read her emotions but that one look in her eyes told him that she was permanently done with him. He didn't remember the phone call she was referring to but he wondered just how fucked up he was for fucking up not one but two of his kids lives. They'd never know him, he'd never get to watch them grow and it's simply because he was selfish and wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He had everything with Sol, he was happy and so was she even if they didn't have a label but shit changed when he met Adelita.
"I was under the influence, how the fuck does that count as me signing my rights away? I already lost one child, I'm not losing another. My child will not call that clown dad." he says pointing over to Dominic.
"You might be her father biologically but that's not what it says on paper and until you get your shit together, you won't be coming anywhere near my daughter." Dominic states smugly. He wasn't on her birth certificate yet but he knew that shit would knock Angel of his high horse a bit.
"The fuck are you even doing here? This doesn't concern you." Angel says pointing between him and Sol. "As far as I'm concerned,you're just a rebound fuck. Sooner or later she's gonna come right back where she belongs and I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull."
Dominic stands and walks over to the both of them. "And yet still…I'm the one who put a ring on her finger and the one your daughter's gonna call dad. I already won,thanks to you." he smirks before turning to Solana and presses a kiss to her cheek. "I'll be outside, don't hesitate to break his nose if he gets out of line."
Angel waits for Dominic to exit the front door before he speaks. "Are you seriously going to marry him?"
"Why querida? And don't tell me it's because you love him."
"Loving him is not the only reason why I agreed to marry him Angel."
"Then why?!" he shouts. "Did you even love me or was that all a lie just like you lied about Adelita's baby not being mine?" Once again Angel isn't expecting the slap that he collects as soon as he finishes his sentence.
"I'm a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them and you know it Ignacio. I get it, you're looking for someone to blame but I refuse to let you use me as your punching bag. Get your shit together before you lose everyone around you the way you did with me. Potter may have told you that Adelita's baby is a Reyes but that baby is not your Angel and it's not Ez's so don't even go there. Don't look at me like that either."
"Then which Reyes is it huh? My pops?"
"That's not my story to tell but what I'll say is, once the truth comes to light…you're gonna look back and regret this very moment. I guess love really does make you blind. Look what it did to me." she chuckles lightly. "you never loved me Angel, you loved the thought of me because I was easily accessible to you. That man out there," she points towards the front door walking closer to Angel leaning in close to his ear. "…he loves me unconditionally, always puts my daughter and I first. I never have to question where his loyalty lies  and while we've had our unpretty moments…I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull the next time you threaten my husband." Solana pats his cheek and fixes his kutte before picking her baby bag up and walking to the front door where she stops and turns to look at him.
"Don't make me your enemy Ignacio."
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theomegawaterbottle · 7 years
Just a little something I wrote, mostly so I can justify potentially writing more in the future, detailing how Haruto might have woken up after that dumpster fire of a finale. Epilogue doesn’t count, but so far, that’s really the only thing that has changed.
Nearly a month after the final battle, Tokishima Haruto started to stir from the coma his memory loss had fuelled. As the medical machinery around him began to register change in their displays, a few select cell phones received texts from the contact known as “Rainbow”. The owners of those cell phones justifiably dropped what they were doing and rushed to the medical wing.
Rukino Saki, the one and only pilot of Carmilla, was the first to observe Haruto’s life signs with her physical eyes, and whilst she would never have admitted it, a few tears may have started to well up. They were gone by the time the room was filled with the others who had been notified.
Because it hadn’t just been a month since Haruto had fallen comatose in the cockpit of 01. It had been a month of massive changes for the citizens of Module 77, and even more so for the pilots. Without Haruto as a source of runes, the Valvravn had stopped working, reverting to the original white colours.
“Pino, what is the condition of Tokishima Haruto?” L-Elf asked, in his usual straight-to-business tone.
“It worked! It worked!” The AI of unit 01 responded, seemingly as hyper excited as ever.
Shoko heard her phone beep indicating a text.
“Akira says she wants to know if she can use Little Witch again” she said as she read the text. She paused. “She also wants to know what happened. Specifically I want to know why Haruto was different to Marie”
Pino paused in her exclamations. On the display, Prue seemed to be rubbing his forehead with an expression on his face that clearly said “Oh lord, must we encourage stupidity?”
Pino’s face grew sad. “Marie’s limiter was broken. She couldn’t hold onto her runes..Even if I had given them back to her” If she had been a physical human, Pino looked and sounded like she would have burst into tears.
L-Elf nodded. “So you gave Tokishima Haruto back his runes before the Valvrave could use them. And because his ‘limiter’ isn't  broken, they stayed inside him?” Pino cheered up a little at the statement
“Yep! That’s why the other Valvraves aren’t working. There’s no runes in the RAVE engine! But now that Haruto’s awake, I won’t be so hungry any more!” Pino exclaimed. Saki got the implications of what she had said right away.
“Everyone, get out.” She demanded. The others in the room looked at her, confused. Shoko looked a little hurt.
“But I kinda wanted to be here when he woke up” she pouted, and Saki glared at her.
“If what Pino just said is true, he’s going to feed on the first one he sees, and I’m the only Kamitsuki around. I can take it.” Shoko started to respond, but L-Elf cut her off.
“Very well. Rukino Saki, contact us when it is..safer to be around Tokishima.” He started to shepard Shoko out of the room, but spared a look in Saki’s direction. If the girl didn’t know any better, she’d have thought that he was…no, there was no way he could’ve figured everything out. He was good, but surely he wasn’t actually a prophet? Once the door closed, Saki looked at the camera in the corner of the room.
“Akira..can you..turn off the cameras..” Moments later, a text message appeared.
“Because…I..Do I really have to say it?”
Apparently. He’s just gonna bite you, and someone should keep an eye on his vitals and such..
Back in Little Witch, Akira was looking confused at why Saki would want her to close off the cameras. Saki’s face filled the cameras view screen as she moved close.
“Please Akira? I can explain it to you later. But..” she was whispering, but she trailed off anyway, blushing. Soon, another text appeared.
Fine, the camera is off. Reset the switch at the back when you invite everyone in again
Unbeknownst to Saki, Akira had done nothing. She felt a little bad for lying to her friend, but she was acting odd. Something was up and Akira was gonna find out what.
As she moved back closer to Haruto, Saki passed the display that showed both Pino and Prue.
“Pino…Will he..Were all his memories restored? She asked,  softly.
Pino answered quickly. "Yep! Everything is as it was!” Saki moved to switch off the display, but Pino caught her attention. “Just make sure he eats more. I don’t know if I’ll be able to bring him back again if he doesn’t eat.”
“I’ll tell him” Saki said as she pressed the button and the screen went black. Then she sat down on the bed, and began to unbutton her school uniform, which of course, she was wearing.
Akira was looking at the screen even more confused than before. Saki had taken off most of her clothes and gotten into the bed with Haruto! And now she was…snuggling with him? From the camera’s viewpoint, Akira could see that Saki was whispering into Haruto’s ear, but the camera’s mic wasn’t sensitive enough to make out the words. Were Saki and Haruto…together? But that made no sense. Haruto loved Shoko. Perhaps he hadn’t acted on it too much lately,  but Akira was sure that it was still the case. And if Saki and Haruto were together, it would mean that Saki had lied about her motivations for getting into Carmilla in the first place. But if that were true…what else had she lied about? And furthermore, if they were together…was that why Saki had asked everyone to leave? So that the pair could have some 'alone time’? Akira blushed at the thought. Although, the baser side of her liked the idea of watching the two of them…She quickly shut those thoughts down. Now that there wasn’t a war going on, her hormones seemed to have been making up for lost time. The redhead reached out and grasped a pack of wafers that was floating inside the cockpit of Little Witch. If she was going to be watching a bit of action, she may as well have a snack.
“That’s me” the boy thought, as he tried to locate the sound in the space he was in. Mostly, it had been the same space he’d been in for a while now. Occasionally he would be thrown into a scene as his memories fought to regain their places in his mind, but Haruto didn’t know that. All he knew was that someone was calling him.
“I’m here” he responded, or tried to at least. He had no way of knowing if his voice reached the other sound. But if someone needed him, he wanted to help them.
“That’s my Haruto. I know you can hear me now. All you gotta do is wake up. Then you can get back to the fun bits of life”
“Fun bits of life? No..I’m too cursed to ha-” Abruptly, Haruto felt a phantom flash of..something on his cheek.
“And off you go about the curse again. It’s getting old Haruto. Wake up so we can have this argument in person”
Didn’t the voice have any idea what the curse had done to the pilots? What he had done to Saki? He tried to voice his concerns, but only received another phantom flash. It was different this time. Hotter.
“Curse and Saki…you have a way with words Haruto. It was months ago, get over it. Although it’s good to know you remember that far back.”
Get over it? What? He had done horrible things to her. How could he get over it? He had to take responsibility.  “I have to take responsibility. I can’t do that to anyone again” he said, trying to make his voice reach the other, somewhere out in the black distance.
“Still going on about responsibility? Bad news, you’re still a Kamitsuki. We all need to feed somehow. So wake up and get to it”
He still had to feed..consume humans for their runes…of course he did. Wait..the voice had said 'we’. That meant..it had to be Saki that was talking, because Akira wouldn’t have left Little Witch.  “Saki?” He asked, almost afraid that the voice would confirm who was talking to him.
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry, it’s just us. You can feed on me and no one will know. It’ll be our little secret” the voice, Saki’s voice, seemed to lower a little, almost as if she was whispering. And Saki wanted him to feed on her? Was she insane? It would be like last time…Haruto stopped his thoughts there. No, it couldn’t happen again. He had to wake up, get away from her. Find L-Elf. He had fed from L-Elf without going out of control, he could do it again. It was only when Saki spoke again, did he realise he must have said part of that out loud.
“Well personally I like to think I’m perfectly sane, and I don’t think L-Elf would want to be a part of it. Or at least I don’t want him being a part of it. I’m not sure how he fits in to the statement there.” Saki’s voice said dryly. But it didn’t really sound disembodied. It sounded more..real, like he simply had his eyes closed. And he could feel..something warm on the side her voice was coming from. Wait..was she ..lying next to him? Sluggishly..Haruto opened his eyes.
A darkened room. A little bit of light seeping in from under closed curtains, and a dozen tiny stars from the machinery scattered about the room in his immediate field of vision. And to his side, was long hair, bright eyes, and the seemingly flawless skin of Rukino Saki. He moved back in surprise, overbalancing on the narrow bed, and falling in a heap on the floor, now fully awake.
“Well that’s certainly one way to wake up. Get back into bed, it’s cold outside the covers” Saki said lightly, a smile gracing her features. She held the jumbled covers of the hospital bed open to Haruto, and his vision was immediately drawn to the fact that she was wearing very little under those covers.
“Ahhh, Saki, why are you naked!?” The boy gibbered before biting back a series of even further questions.
“Well I’m hardly going to let you ruin my underwear again am I? I liked those ones.” She said, fairly simply. “Now hurry up and get back into bed. Rather more comfortable than the ground I’d say.”
Haruto’s brain struggled with this new information. She thought he was going to feed on her again? After what happened last time? Already he could feel the curse rising, a  fog that crept over his mind and a tightness in his chest.
“No! I can’t do that! Not to you, not again!” He exclaimed. Backing towards the door.  "Saki, you have to get out of here!”
Saki’s expression tightened,  her mouth forming a thin line and her eyes becoming more of a glare. 
“Tokishima Haruto. There are two options here. The first is that you willingly feed on me. The second is that I force you into a frenzy where you feed on me anyway. Now choose an option” Saki said, a distinct tone of annoyance in her voice. Haruto, being Haruto, chose to be difficult, continuing with an assortment of “get out of here” and “I don’t want to hurt you”. So, Saki got out of the bed, and with a speed no one could predict, probably because it was so unexpected, ran up to Haruto, grabbed his head, and twisted. Hard. Back in Little Witch, Akira let out a soft gasp as Haruto sank to the floor like a puppet with it’s strings cut, before the familiar red markings appeared on his face and he let out a low growl.
Saki sighed. “I did say I would force you into a frenzy. And now we don’t even get to use the bed” she said, before Haruto’s body was lunging at her.
Akira watched with a mildly horrified expression. The tangle of limbs that was Haruto and Saki. Haruto was almost like a feral beast, whereas Saki..well Akira would have to check later when she had access to Little Witch’s systems rather than only her phone, but she could have sworn that Saki’s eyes were burning emerald, and similar marks were appearing over her neck and face. She stopped watching soon after, when it became obvious that whatever this was, it was a tad rougher than her personal preferences.
A while later, to the surprise of the technicians, each of the Valvraves switched from white to black, indicating that once again, they were operational. 
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