#but also yeah theyre uhaul lesbians for sure
rxttenfish · 7 months
as i'm writing this fic i'm a little worried how the first chapter will come off, since it's basically an argument between miranda and aaravi. they fully do end up with an understanding at the end, but it's just one of those things that i fret how it'll come off to people just coming into this.
mostly, this is just part of how their relationship works? as in, they'll have a disagreement about something, and both are vocal and intense about their requirements and wants, and in being aggressively upfront about it they manage to lay out all of their feelings and end up on each other's stride. they work well together because they argue with each other first, and the rest of the fic is just that, with this setup being leadup to them not having these issues since they already went over them.
in the same way, it introduces them to everyone else and explains how they work, just as much as its a setup and a foundation for all the more intense worldbuilding coming up. miranda walking things through with aaravi and explaining them is a good vehicle to explain the fundamental powers at work here, and are also what's keeping her alive through all of this.
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samdyke · 4 years
I realize now I shouldn't have asked it the way I did, and I especially shouldn't have used the term "males". I especially should have realized that when I myself am a trans guy, and I realize the implications that has, so I apologise.
I guess what I really meant, is why would probably call people who are men, lesbians. Doesn't that completely throw away the concept of "men" and the term lesbian in general? I mean, As far as we know, Dean and Sam both are men. We are shown them as men, and they are called men and everything else.
So I just don't understand why we'd give them a lesbian title, or even call them lesbians, when they are men. That kinda reminds me of that "I'm a man, and I like women, guess I'm a lesbian too!" Thing.
Idk, it just seems odd. Im sorry my question came off rude, and I know how I asked it was rude, but I'm now genuinely trying to understand.
okokok i see. i am not sure i can fully explain it tbh? i think that a lot of it comes from the fact that spn is SO lacking in prominent characters that are women so a lot of lesbian fans see ourselves in the main three even though in canon they’re “male”, which is also like.....gender headcanons are fun and sexy and good, and that can be a part of it too. i know destiel gets called lesbian coded and stuff bc of their super super slow “omg we’re literally married but does he like me” vibes and also somehow the fact that they manage to uhaul in a way is very much like, lesbian tropes. calling any of these characters lesbians is probably a joke half the time and some level of serious the other half, because we can recognize ourselves in them and sort of have no choice when theyre by FAR the most defined characters in the show, like naturally we choose to project onto them and find ourselves in them? also it definitely plays a part that like cmon, have you seen early seasons sam and dean? they both simply look like lesbians!!!!
so yeah i get what you mean about the “eheh i like girls im a lesbian” thing but i dont think anyone who ISNT a lesbian is calling them one, so the joke (if it is a joke) isnt at the expense of or deriding lesbianism, its just like, projecting and finding relatability in the characters we’ve been given
fantastic addition from sarah
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