evansbby · 1 month
so I’ve known this girl for like two years, we met at uni, and she’s rlly nice. we’re really close and do a lot of stuff together (yes, I feel bad about doing this behind her back 😭). we’re in a lot of the same classes, so when we have an assignment or have to study, we meet up, and do it together. a few days ago, she invited me over to her place to study. who opens the door when I get there? the most delicious man I’ve ever seen in my lifeeee. man is 6’7, puerto rican, biceps the size of my head and has sleeve tattoos 😖😖 he’s like 43/44, I think? we eventually settled in their dining room to study, and from there, you can see into the living room if that makes sense. so I was waayy more focused on watching him than my studies. we were constantly flirting every time he ‘checked on us’ or if I saw him in the kitchen or hallway. did I act stupid so he could help me? abso-fucking-lutely. (he’s so smart which instantly makes him ten times hotter) anyway, it got really late and I got an uber there, so he offered to drive me back home. long story short, we started making out when we arrived at my apartment, and I ended up giving him head in the car 😭. I told him that I’m a virgin, so we exchanged contacts so he can, and I quote, “take my time with you”. so yeah, he’s coming over tomorrow to blow my back outt LMAOO. this happened like a few days ago, so he’s been teasing me endlessly on the phone 😪😪. plus, my bsf knows there’s a guy bc she saw the hickeys on my neck, she just doesn’t know that the guy is her dad 😬. I’m sorry, but he TALKED ME THROUGH ITTT. like I can’t not hook up with him 😭
PSA!!! before anybody says anything, he’s divorced and single. I’m 21, and I only JUST met her dad, so he didn’t know me as a child 💀
Okay firstly, a disclaimer; I know you’re an adult and you can make your own decisions. But I just have to say this, bc I’ve been staring at this ask for a while now thinking of how to answer it, PLEASE DO THINK THIS THROUGH! And yeah, maybe I’m being a party pooper but do think it through and if definitively yes, then go for it girlie!!! I know you are a legal, consenting adult. But yeah pretend I’m like your older sister with your best interests at heart bc this is what I’d tell any friend or cousin of mine who is 21!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Could you keep me anon? This is my SFW blog and I dont want to introduce the game to any minors following me if that's okay :3c
But I wanted to ask: just how much of this game have you firgured out? You say you've dropped secrets in the game but I'm too dumb to pick up on them XD Any kind of hint would be welcome in these trying times
✦゜ANSWERED: I've planned out every. last. detail. nonnie!
The clips in Ren's hair are the roman numerals for 14 (do not perceive his current game sprite though lmao.... I forgot to flip the canvas around before I exported it ^^;)
Leon has a matching friendship bracelet (implied to be with Angel since Teo and Jae don't have one)
The ring around Ren's neck has a purpose (y'all already debunked this one on the first day sjfskdg)
The ring on Ren's left hand also has a purpose (also debunked… nothing gets past y'all)
That art I once drew of Ren with his guitar? It also has a game hint in it :)
The title of the game has a purpose (no, it's not just to tell you how many days there are jfkdsks it'll all make sense once you reach the end!)
Similarly, "14 Days With You" is technically not going to be the final title for the game once it's officially completed and released! (again, this will make sense at the end, i promise sddsgs)
Angel's landlord is the last person you'd expect it to be :)
The fate of Ren's family have already been (loosely) mentioned on this blog 👀
During the demo, there's something that's mentioned during the library scene that will eventually tie in with a major plot point
Similarly, another thing within the library scene relates to Ren's past and will be further explained in the game (I think only one person has debunked this so far, but I'm not sure if I've released the ask yet ^^;)
If this blog is anything to go by, Ren might not be the only yandere in the game hehe :) (it's not Teo I promise 😬 He doesn't deserve more than three lines in-game lol)
Another "hint" gets dropped during the conversation with Moth near the end of Day 1, but it's a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" kind of thing (seriously... you could easily skim over it but it's there lol)
Leon's character sheet implies that he's Australian
Moth's character sheet implies that they're not any of the other main characters (for those who thought it was Ren or his sister ksdg)
Ren's flat ass makes it easier for him to slip through tight spaces /j (this is actually /j I'm just keeping in with the theme of spoiling things through memes on this blog 👀)
The chraracters.rpy file has a list of all the main characters names (excluding Ren's real name and any of the side characters, since I didn't deem them as important)
There's a reason why Ren looked so feminine when he was younger (some people have kinda(?) guessed why this is, but they haven't explicitly locked in their answer or buckled down on it)
I've previously mentioned Violet's past relations being linked to another character via this blog (though no one's been able to debunk this one yet)
And so much more that I can't talk about yet because you'd need to have knowledge on the other Days to understand ^^;
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nightklok · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? 
Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) 
Rating: Teen And Up 
Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Gil/Jay (Disney: Descendants) 
Characters: Gil (Disney: Descendants), Jay (Disney), Audrey (Disney: Descendants), Carlos de Vil, Celia Facilier, Dizzy Tremaine, Harry Hook, Uma (Disney) 
Additional Tags: Volunteering at an animal shelter, Fluff, Light Angst, Implied abuse, Implied animal abuse, Other Additional Tags to Be Added 
Summary: (¼ of an anon’s request of Jay getting Gil a pet. After a year of traveling around the world and settling down in Auradon, Jay and Gil decide to volunteer at an animal shelter. A particular cat catches Gil’s eyes. Chaos ensues.
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authorincrisis · 5 years
How do I finish a simple AU when I get too caught up in wanting to perfect the plot,the character chemistry,wanting to keep the readers interested,in short just make it way too complicated and end up losing the fun of writing?
Hey, anon! Thank you so much for your excellent question! Now, I'm sure that you and many other writers may be wondering the same thing in regards to completing your story and really pounding things out before you get into specifics in the second draft and actually getting things done which, at times, can seem tedious and impossible. Maybe you have a million dollar idea, the idea that you’ve been working so long and hard on but it just isn’t working out because you can’t move forward. There’s always something more that you feel you have to add, one detail, one scene, one character, etc. So here’s the thing (and the main point of this response, I think): there is no one solution or any best solution.
Obviously, there is a lot going on in your mind, not to mention all the hullabaloo in your planning, but in order to get things done, you need to figure out the root of the problem. So, the first thing that I want you to do is really dig in. Why are you feeling the way that you are now? Is it because your plan is truly incomplete, maybe unorganized, that perhaps there is a reason preventing you from enjoying writing, or because you are starting to doubt your own literary skill? These are some of the main reasons as to why you may be stuck in the cycle and often, they might be interconnected as well. I will write a bit for each scenario below that you can skim through with the addition of some strategies that you can use to power through this period and hopefully, this can help you to get over this obstacle in your writing endeavour. : )
NOTE: The planning advice is worth reading over but if it is starting to feel like you are doubting yourself unnecessarily, the thought of your plan being ‘not enough’ may not be the case. If it is just the writing that you are worried about, please don’t dig yourself into another hole by restarting or tearing apart your current plan. Instead, perhaps only consider following points three and four.
1. Your plan isn’t actually complete: Often, writers can see themselves at the very endpoint of their story and know their goal, but not how they will actually get there. And although this may not be the case for you, it is worth looking over. Do you have a plan written out of your story that is comfortable for you? Is it solid enough that you have a base but also outlets for potential bursts of creativity? You are the only one who can decide if your plan is complete or not because it is designed for you and you only. It’s essentially the skeleton that holds together your story because it is the story, just a shorter, blueprint of it anyway. That’s a reason why it makes it so important. So, if you need any guidelines, I’ll link some resources here and here. These should be taken almost as checklists and are just to make sure that you have it all.
2. You need to organize your plan to better suit your needs: So, you’ve gone over your plan and decided that you indeed have everything that you need, but for some reason, it just isn’t working out. All the information is there, perhaps additional tidbits as well, but it’s just difficult for you to read and/or follow. For this, I want you to think if the format of your plan is working for you. If yes, you can skip this point but if no, maybe think of reorganizing it. There are so many types of plans, and I am 100% sure that there one perfect for you. This is why you should try out something new! Experiment with yourself and your flexibility and see what will allow you to move forward with your writing for not only this project, but for others to follow. Here’s a helpful link that can help you with just that! 
3. There’s something that’s preventing you from enjoying writing: There may be multiple outcomes for this point here because honestly, it sucks. You have everything figured out, but you just can’t write because you aren’t enjoying it enough to do so. So, for this, again. Find the root of the problem. Is it the particular scene that you don’t love writing or is it the research and energy that it takes up bringing you down? Either way, there is good news. There are so many strategies that can help you with this and other measures that you can take from preventing it from happening so frequently. I’ll describe a few below and remember, experimenting is always encouraged, especially in a first draft:
Put your planning on a lockdown. Maybe you can’t help but constantly feel the need to add more. Maybe it’s because you think it’s not enough. Well, if you have everything you need for a proper plan, more times than not, what you have is great. So, try to stop planning until you get something done. Even if you think you can add something more, don’t. Write it down on a piece of paper and then wait for your second draft, the place where it is realistic for that to happen. By doing this, not only will it give you motivation, but also potential time for you to actually write. It will shift your focus elsewhere and hopefully, you’ll be able to complete something. 
Sometimes writing isn’t fun and you have to be okay with that. Push yourself and write as much as you can! 500 crappy words are so much better than none at all. Remember that you are writing your first draft and this is where you’re supposed to mess up. Whatever you do, don’t look back and constantly read the whole thing, simply just power through.
Make a habit out of writing. Eventually, the quality will get better but instead of thinking of things to motivate you, just write. I cannot stress this enough. No matter what you do, what you learn, or what is around you, the most important part of writing is writing. And that just can’t happen if you don’t write. So, I will say it again. PLEASE JUST WRITE.
It’s the first draft, you’re bound to suck. Again, be okay with that because it is the whole purpose. If you are feeling insecure, perhaps after reading the works of other authors, be sure to remember that they had help editing, experience writing, and overall more time and people working on their project. They sucked one time too, but the difference is that they fixed it because they could actually get to the editing part of it.
Write the parts that you are most excited about and fill in the blanks later on. This is an interesting thing that Stephen King does as well. He writes the key parts and saves filling in the details and adjusting for later. (shit, I just repeated that sentence, it’s fine) Anyways, this helps you to have fun with your writing and also allows you to think about what could make the other details more interesting. It gives you practice and also purpose so with that in mind, why not try it out? See if it’s right for you.
Make your writing fun. Remind yourself of why you chose to write and why you were so excited about starting this project of yours. Obviously, it means something to you, and if it isn’t fun, maybe you aren’t focusing on the proper thing. Here is a resource that I found on the internet that could definitely help with getting back on track. This author, I believe, is really quite great and the article is extremely worth checking out.
Take a break (only if you haven’t been taking constant breaks so far though). Perhaps you’re pushing yourself too hard. For this, relax. Read a book and learn from it. How the author plays with their style, how they write. Watch a movie and see how it leads up to a twist. Learn by watching, and that will translate to your writing. Keep yourself healthy too! Drink lots of water, eat healthy, exercise, and sleep. If your writing is taking a toll on any of these things, please make it up to yourself by taking care of your mind and body. This is the most important thing, after all, because if you don’t have proper health, you won’t have any writing at all! At the end of the day, remember that you should be writing for yourself. This is absolutely crucial and a must-have for the success of your works. 
4. You are afraid or don’t believe enough in yourself: The thing is, you, really, are the only one who has the power to dig yourself out of that hole. No matter how much help you get or how many of the strategies above you use, it won’t matter unless you actually start writing for yourself. You have to be willing to fail or mess up and take those risks in order to be a writer. So, in short (and again) just write. And when you do, write to please yourself. I know that it seems like the most terrifying thing at first but it will get better and you will see that clearly as your story unfolds. It’s always difficult, but that’s a part of the process, and you just have to trust it and yourself. You’ll thank yourself later for it too!
So, I really do hope that this advice could help! If you have any further questions about this, or anything else, please don’t be afraid to shoot me another question. I nearly have all the time in the world and would be happy to assist. Have a fantastic day and good luck! Cheers!
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charliedayofficial · 7 years
do you have any fics that are JH and after s8 where they like get back together?
Hi, anon! Sorry for taking so long to respond but I’ve been scouring all of my previously read fics and the ones in my TBR folder to see what I can recommend to you. While I haven’t read all of these, I've skimmed them all enough to the point where they’re written in a style I like(I’m not big on script format or first person fics). Anyway, here is what I was able to dig up for you!
Nowhere But Lost by Zenkindoflove
Author Summary: Hyde is cynical, depressed, alone, and would really like to keep it that way. But what happens when something inside of him resurfaces and is more than unhappy about his current living arrangements? JH, ED COMPLETE!
My Thoughts: This is seriously one of my all-time favorites. Characterization is great, the plot is great, JH is so fucking cute, and there isn’t much to complain about when it comes to the writing. While this plot isn’t THAT unique, it really doesn’t matter. PLEASE READ!
Outside Looking In by rebeldivaluv
Author Summary: Interconnected vignettes telling key moments in Jackie and Hyde’s relationship, as viewed by the people who know them best.
My Thoughts: Out of all the fics I’ve read, this seriously might be my absolute favorite. The characterization is really spot on, the characters are funny, the writing/story is amazing, and I get everything I want to see with JH. This one is pretty fluffy, which I can’t complain about. I’m really impressed that the author was able to craft a fluffy fic where JH have to get back together, but there’s no angst that makes your heart hurt. I really enjoy reading from other characters perspectives and how they see JH interact in different situations. Cannot recommend enough!
Steven Who? by kezztip
Author Summary: Set just after Misfire Season 8 – Jackie’s world tumbles in on her when she realizes it is really over for her and Hyde and seeks to escape how awful her reality has become. The method of that escape is pure Jackie
My Thoughts: A perfect mix of angsty, funny, and sweet. kezztip is the queen of writing season 8 fics
Come Clarity by Zenkindoflove
Author Summary: Twenty years is a long time to stay gone…
My Thoughts: I personally find this to be the most accurate post season 8 fic where more than 3 years have passed. I’ve never found it believable in other post-season 8 fics where Hyde has a significant other that isn’t Jackie. Jackie changed the game for him so I don’t see him able to fully/truly commit to someone else. This fic is beautiful, cute, funny, and JH is in their purest form. I also enjoy that the author didn’t have the story focus on them talking through their issues from their last breakup, it was more so on reconciliation and finding each other. I wouldn’t say this fic is fluff, but I also wouldn’t say that it’s angsty. Please read it though lol
20 Questions by ShanghaiLily
Author Summary: Just after New Year’s day in 1980, Jackie Burkhart decides to disappear from the basement to save her sanity. When Xmas rolls around and the Formans beg Jackie to attend their party, she ends up involved in an elaborate game of 20 Questions with Hyde that could change both of their lives. T-rated w/ some M chapters. Story is COMPLETE! This one is for the Zennies who hate Season 8!
My Thoughts: This story is really enjoyable, but not perfect. This author tends to be really hit or miss with the characterization of the characters so it can be slightly irritating. Even though how JH and their relationship is described can be frustrating, the story is good enough to look past it. This story just has a really creative way of getting JH back together
The Morning After by ShanghaiLily
Author Summary: Jackie goes to Las Vegas for Fez’s wedding, drinks a little too much, and then wakes up in married to the last person she ever thought would commit to her. This is what happens the morning after.
My Thoughts: Like I mentioned earlier, this author really has hit-or-miss characterization. I really like this fic though because I’m a sucker for Hyde not only being a complete sap over Jackie, but it’s nice to see him kiss her ass. Let’s be real, we all deserve it after the travesty of season 8
That’s My Baby by kezztip
Author Summary: This is a JH story with a twist instead of the wedding and baby being the happy ending, it’s going to be the rocky start. All of you who love to watch Jackie outzen Hyde will be on board with this one.
My Thoughts: This is definitely my favorite kezztip fic. Jackie is so strong in this fic, which I can never get enough of. The author really has Donna grovel to Jackie as well because Donna is TERRIBLE to her in season 8. The writing and characterization are just so well done in this story. I seriously cannot stress that enough! I find it to be the most realistic JH reunion fic post-season 8 because of Jackie’s attitudes towards the gang, her new life/job, and her new outlook on life. After Fez, I can really see her shutting down her hopeless romantic side so she can focus on something she can control; like work. The middle of the fic kind of drags because it’s very clear what the author intends to do, but it quickly picks back up once that part of the story is resolved. This is a must read, especially with what you’re looking for!
The Right Road Lost by zpplnchick
Author Summary: After a car accident, Hyde wakes up to a twisted version of reality he comes to find is actual hell and with no memory of how he got there, a hell that Jackie’s been living in for the past few months. Set during Season 8, shortly after “Sweet Lady”.
My Thoughts: A more detailed, drawn-out, and angstier version of “Nowhere But Lost”
The Tough Get Going by kezztip
Author Summary: What if Jackie went back to her job in Chicago instead of sticking around Point Place to take Hyde’s crap? Say hello again to the strong, determined Jackie we saw glimpses of in Season 7 as she finds a new love but then is pursued by her old love JH AU
My Thoughts: !STRONG JACKIE! and the plot kind of reminds me of a rom-com
Made Bare by mistymountainhop
Author Summary: A heartbroken Hyde considers his relationship with Jackie kaput. Too bad Jackie sees it differently. She intends to get a proper resolution with him, but breaking through his hostility—and getting past his wife—may well prove impossible
My Thoughts: Noone understands JH better. Period.
November Rain by luvcali76
Author Summary: JH Post Season 8. A torrid encounter on Halloween night, 1984, leads ex-couple, Jackie and Hyde, to spend the next month reevaluating their past.
My Thoughts: *sigh* I really hesitate adding this to my list because I really hate this fic. The only thing I like about it is the last chapter, but even that is eh. This is a really popular fic in the fandom, but it’s definitely not for me. I find it too angsty, I don’t buy Hyde in another serious romantic relationship, and I don’t buy Jackie cheating. There’s a trend in some JH fics where they have Jackie cheat on whoever she’s with so she can have these one-night-stands with Hyde. It’s not in Jackie to cheat, no matter who it’s with. It bothers me and the plot isn’t good enough for me to look past it. It’s super angsty too, which also aren’t my favorite so maybe that’s why I don’t like it so much. I’m adding it to the list though because many people do like it, and you may be one of them!
Imagine by heatherlea75
Author Summary: 1980 has been a lousy year for the entire gang, particularly Hyde and Jackie. When a beloved cultural icon dies, the two take an impulsive trip to New York, together. While there, they remember old impressions of one another and discover new things about themselves
My Thoughts: While this is a JH classic in the fandom and a ton of people love it, I’m not the biggest fan. One of the main problems I had with it was I found Jackie acting way too desperate to appease Hyde after all he had done to her in season 8. It is important to note that the writing is solid and there were parts of the story that I did enjoy. While it may not be my cup of tea, you may like it!
Chasing the Time by pastelpink
Author Summary: Everything was different apart from one thing: Jackie still loved Hyde. (Set during Season 8)
Cliches and Things They Say by heatherlea75
Author Summary: Jackie is looking forward to the new direction her life has taken. Hyde is happy with the same old, same old of his. But when once faces a familiar and seemingly inevitable situation, and the other an unexpected dressing down, both reevaluate their lives.
My Thoughts: I’m surprised that I haven’t read this yet, but I found it buried down deep in my TBR folder. The writing is solid, there’s definite angst, and you’ll definitely get the ending you’re looking for!
Misguided Ghosts by JoyfulHeartEO
Author Summary: The gang has left, Jackie and Hyde are the only ones left. But after Sam left they stopped talking. When something happens to Jackie will Hyde be there for her? Or will he be selfish and only help himself. Its time to grow up, but will he?
My Thoughts: While this fic is incomplete and not the best written, there’s a super sweet Hyde in it which is always a fun thing
Life As A House by kezztip
Author Summary: A Crossover with the movie - Jackie’s Uncle George invites her to spend the summer with him to help with a ‘special project’. She agees but she will get more than she bargained for when she finds out the real reason behind her Uncle’s invitation.
My Thoughts: kezztip is one of my favorite fanfic authors for season 8 related fics. She usually crafts a strong Jackie who stands up for herself, something that we didn’t get to see in season 8. While this isn’t the best fic she’s written, it’s still worth a read!
Friends or Lovers? by JoyfulHeartEO
Author Summary: N/A
My Thoughts: This fic is super long and the author is known for their sugary sweet fics. From what I’ve skimmed, this looks to be her attempt at an angsty fic. This could be a hit-or-miss, but it should be pretty decent 
Pain Without Love by YouLivexYouDie
Author Summary: Three-shot. Jackie Burkhart is about to experience something life changing. She will never be the same afterward nor will the people who love her. Eventual JH
My Thoughts: This actually looks really good! The writing looks pretty well done and what I’ve seen has definitely intrigued me. While this place during season 8, it’s still basically what you’re looking for
Happy Holidays by YouLivexYouDie
Author Summary: Three-shot. Jackie planned on spending the holidays alone, that was until Eric Forman decided to come back from Africa early. JE friendship, eventual JH.
My Thoughts: I love fics with Jackie and Eric friendship, especially when Eric helps JH and their relationship. This also takes place during season 8 instead of after
All It Takes Is Love by SwanseaGurl
Author Summary: Jackie Hyde post season 8, two shot
My Thoughts: Also takes place during season 8(Sam is still there so it’s season 8 no matter what the author says) and it’s pretty short. Regardless, I think it’s one of the better short season 8 fics that I’ve read
For Her Sake by heatherlea75
Author Summary: Jackie and Hyde’s final break up is brutal, though all is not as it seems. When his involvement in certain activities forces Hyde to take drastic action, the fate of his complicated relationship with Jackie appears doomed. But is it?
My Thoughts: This is such a good fic! There’s romance, crime, mystery, and plenty of drama! I’m really picky about season 8 fics, especially if Sam is in it. The author was really creative with this story, so I highly recommend! 
Let me know if y’all want any other fic recs
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