#but am i excited to see how the interpersonal relationships and dynamics react to it? yes yes i am
navree · 2 years
what do you think of this? aegon and aemond were loyal to one another till the end in the book, I really hope their relationship "spiralling" isn't permanent
I think it's not out of the realm of possibility that we're going to see the relationship spiral for a period of time. TGC makes some good points in that video, which is that Aegon and Aemond have a lot of complicated feelings towards one another that have yet to be fully expressed or resolved. One thing we also have to keep in mind is that Aegon and Aemond are going to go from massive highs to massive lows in a really short amount of time in season 2. Aegon is the only person, in the book, who isn't viscerally angry/horrified/disgusted with Aemond following the events of Storm's End (he literally throws him a party my son I love you), and I think that'll likely be important for Aemond, now that the show's made it clear that he didn't intend to kill Lucerys and clearly understands that this is a massive fuckup. So we might see them get closer for a moment, if Aegon's the one trying to stick by his side while Alicent and Otto are upset with him, both out of whatever brotherly affection might exist, as well as knowing what it's like to be seen as the screw up.
Problem is, Blood and Cheese follows soon after. Blood and Cheese, for however much it was spurred by Aemond's actions, is an attack on Aegon. It's Aegon's mother who is physically assaulted in her own rooms, it's Aegon's children who are terrorized, it's Aegon sister and Aegon's wife who is being psychologically tortured, it's Aegon's daughter threatened with rape at one point, and it's Aegon's son who is murdered. Blood and Cheese are a strike by Rhaenyra against Aegon, his son for her son. And while everyone in the family is going to be hugely affected by what happens, we know from the book that Aegon takes it really badly, that he "raged, and drank, and raged", and I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that, in that rage and that grief over what's happened to his family, is going to let loose on Aemond. Blood and Cheese say point blank "an eye for an eye, a son for a son", Jahaerys for Lucerys, and who killed Lucerys? Aemond did. It's entirely possible that Aegon is going to blame Aemond for what happened, and be vicious in doing so, and that the relationship will spiral out for a time, especially if all those other unresolved feelings get dredged up in the ensuing conversations.
I don't think it'll be a permanent rift. Things said in grief and anger are often excused, and Aegon's going through it in a way nobody else except for Helaena could understand, and Aemond's likely going to go the route of blaming himself for what happens (personally I think we should get one of those scenes where Person A allows Person B to beat them into the ground without fighting back because they think they deserve it, I would like to see it), but whatever spiraling that happens as things reach an emotional crescendo with them doesn't have to last, and likely won't. Rook's Rest happens soon afterwards, where Aegon and Aemond are fighting together against Rhaenys, and Aemond's going to be named the Prince Regent (and despite wanting to be king, very conspicuously doesn't name himself as such and only calls himself "Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm" while Aegon recovers).
And even beyond all of that, one thing to remember is that the actors aren't the writers. TGC has amazing insights into Aegon as a character and generally seems to get him far better than even the writers do sometimes, but he is still ultimately beholden to act out what he's given, and what he says at a convention isn't necessarily gospel truth unless the writers take what he says into account when starting pre-production for the next season. So his interpretations isn't necessarily how it's even going to go.
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holographic-mars · 6 months
This is kind of a silly question but can you explain what you think Cosmos and Soundwave's dynamic is? For those of us who struggle with understanding characters,, cough cough me
Not a silly question at all! Not a silly question at all!!
I want to do a quick disclaimer I’m not the ceo of coswave (or am I 🤨) so everything I say is how I interpret coswave. I pull a lot from canon as well as my own hcs and stuff so it’s up to you whether you like how I interpret them!!
Soundwave and Cosmos’s dynamic from the beginning has always been about constantly learning and growing. These are two mechs who have very little experience with normal and healthy relationships (soundwave having significantly less experience than cosmos) so they end up building off of what they learn together.
They’re both very firm with their beliefs. Cosmos will never be a decepticon just like how Soundwave will never be an autobot. They compliment eachother very nicely with how they act and react to things, so where one mech struggles the other can be a pillar to lean on (for example soundwave struggles greatly with interpersonal relationships, so cosmos helps him with proper and polite interaction as well as trust building. Cosmos struggles with standing up for himself and putting his own comfort and safety first, so Soundwave helps him figure out how to say no when someone wants him to do something out of his comfort zone).
Soundwave’s idea of love stems from his understanding of loyalty which is incredibly unbalanced and unhealthy (ie complete devotion and submission). Cosmos’ idea of love is much more balanced but he tends to see love as something that is conditional (ie love that will only be given if you do something for them first). A massive part of their relationship is getting past these preestablished ideas of what love is meant to be and understanding how to treat their partner as an equal and treat love as unconditional.
Cosmos is not intimidated by soundwave one bit. He’s respectful of the fact that it’s Soundwave’s station that he’s on, but if he needs to challenge something soundwave says or does, he absolutely will. Cosmos may be nervous and has trouble standing up for himself, he is not shy about standing up for his morals or for other people. Soundwave is still a decepticon—he has selfish tendencies and nasty habits , but he won’t ever get too far in his malicious scheming if Cosmos has anything to say about that. Cosmos is always challenging Soundwave’s views and behaviors, and Soundwave honestly finds it exciting. Not many people can do that with the confidence and spunk that Cosmos can (and get away with it the way Cosmos can).
Soundwave has a whole decepticon space station to run and is notorious for Not Taking Care of Himself so fueling tends to be in the hands of Cosmos and TRUST Cosmos takes it very seriously. Due to energon shortages that effected the decepticons so bad during the war, Soundwave didn’t really fuel as much as he needed to (oftentimes giving his rations to his cassettes) so Cosmos was quick to rectify that and get him up to a healthy size. Cosmos keeps soundwave (and the cassettes) fueled and healthy.
Soundwave tends to express his love for his partner physically. He likes to have a hand on Cosmos’ plating whenever he is within reach, even if just for a second. He’s not good with his words (the irony of the communications officer who sucks at communicating) so he likes to show that he loves and trusts cosmos by touching him and letting him touch in return (this one is very important. Soundwave likes when Cosmos returns his physical affections the same way you say “I love you” back when a loved one says it to you). Cosmos, on the other hand, likes to express his love verbally. He doesn’t mind physical affection (he loves it) but he likes hearing it out loud. He praises soundwave and expresses how much he loves him on a regular basis, and though Soundwave struggles to return the affection verbally, he makes sure he holds cosmos extra tight or presses his mask against Cosmos’ own a little longer when Cosmos says I love you.
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