#but anne can. and eddie can get an eyeful of flash leaning over the table. and flash can make poor/impulsive decisions
kitausuret · 1 year
Second half! 39 Share a snippet from a WIP, 42 What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?, 58 What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 65 Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project, and 71 When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
I deliberately waited to answer this ask so I could share this.. this thing I began. I can't even explain it:
He laid the ten-dollar bill on the table. "This man is Alexander Hamilton. Not a president. And neither was—"
"—Benjamin Franklin," Flash finished. "On the hundred. But no one around here is carrying hundred dollar bills and walking into this bar, big guy."
"Oh, he's smart, Eddie," Anne said with an amused raise of her eyebrows. 
"And," Flash added with a wink, "good at pool."
The man scoffed again, less derisive this time. "Do you make a habit of propositioning strangers at billiard clubs?" 
"Only for pool games I can win."
Another #Flash Thompson is Their Third? Well. 😏
Inspired by this panel from Spider-Man Blue, so Flash is like. Twenty.
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42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The last fic I read was a Harry Osborn/Liz Allan one-shot, Did you think this seat was taken? by @oliveroctavius, and it was absolutely incredible. How to get your feelings destroyed in 1k or less words.
I also read Redline like, literally six times after it came out, but a probably-less-polarizing fic that I reread recently was the Eddie Brock-focused, circa Anti-Venom era (but not really? idk just read it for context) sinner has a future also by @softgrungeprophet. It's Eddie's turn to be somebody's third (fourth). The latter I for sure recommend. The former is probably a lot more niche but I think if you're even morbidly curious about a really fucking good Mac Gargan/Peter Parker you should read Redline. 😌
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
I love brainstorming. Like, legit. It's so much fun to just toss batshit insane ideas back and forth. It's satisfying to actually get the ideas down, and into a coherent story, but brainstorming is pure joy.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Well, I'm looking forward to (fucking finally) finishing chapter 14 of Dust to Dust. Yes, still. BUT. I am bound and determined that I absolutely MUST finish it before May 30, which is the 5th anniversary of Flash dying in ASM #800, so I gotta get it out before then, so that while everyone is wailing and gnashing their teeth over whatever is published on 5/31/2023 for Amazing Spider-Man #25, I can go "you know what the BEST response to an awful thing in comics is?" and bam! fic.
71. was answered here! (:
12 notes · View notes
heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 15: Fright-day Night
(Halloween Special - from the Flatmate Trilogy: Two Hearts, One Home)
…in which they play treasure hunt on Halloween again.
Word count: 7.1k
Chapter 14: For Better Or Worse - Harry and Niall have a guys night, Y/N starts showing, and Layla loves her wedding dress.
What to expect in this chapter: Baby’s gender (finally) AND the biggest crossover since The Avengers!!! (Jk)
For this chapter, the Flatmate characters will meet Eddie from My Girl (Bambi’s boss). If you want to read the alternative version in which they meet Thea (Bambi in the Wattpad version), CLICK HERE
Harry used to hate the smell of the hospital.
It reminded him of germs and sickness, and that one time he nearly died in a jet ski accident. But now that he was there so often, he'd gotten used to it. He thought he might even like it, because every time he and his wife were there, they would walk out with good news.
"I think it's a girl," Harry blurted while anxiously picking lint from his sleeve, his other hand was squeezing Y/N's. They were in the hospital's waiting room, but he already had a feeling that this might be the best day of his life.
"Why do you think so, baby?" she asked with a smile.
"Mum said if you were more into salty food, you were having a boy, and if it was a girl, then you ate lots of sweet things." He chuckled and nudged her nose with his own. "I just filled your snack drawer with sweets a few days ago, and this morning when I looked at it, it was almost empty!"
"The snack drawer was your idea!"
"Yeah, because you either woke me up at 3 AM asking me to fuck you, or to go out and buy you some sweets. Now that you have your snack drawer, I will only lose sleep for sex."
"God, you're such a teenager." Laughing and shaking her head, Y/N threaded a hand through his hair and said, "guess we'll find out if you're right in half an hour."
Half an hour felt like half a century to Harry. But once it was finally their turn, he thought he might just pass out. He didn't know it was possible to get more agitated than the last time they'd been there, but when he took the same seat and watched his wife lie down on the same examining table, his insides were on fire. It didn't matter what his baby's gender was, because he loved them and his wife, anyway. Still, he was holding his breath and couldn't ignore the shakiness in his limbs.
"Congratulations," said the woman who was rolling the scanning device on Y/N's tummy. "It's a girl."
Those three words coursed through Harry's ears like Adrenaline through his veins. He tingled from his head to his toes, wanting to jump, but he was glued to the chair and his feet were as stiff as a rock.
It's a girl, said the voice in his head. I'm having a baby girl.
Y/N was saying something to him, but all he heard was white noise, while the name was bouncing inside his head. It felt as if there was an explosion in his brain, the good sort, and it took him a few seconds to come back to reality.
"That's Asteria, baby," Y/N said, tears streaming from her eyes though she was laughing.
Harry sniffled as he brought her hand to his mouth to kiss her knuckles a few times. "Hi, Ria," he said to her baby bump. "Your dad is here."
"Congratulations! You are the lucky ones who got invited to our joint bachelor/bachelorette/Halloween party!" Layla raised her glass as if she was making a toast at her wedding, when in reality, she and her friends were sitting in a small cafe. "Thank you, my dear future husband, for coming up with this brilliant idea."
"I came up with it, actually—"
"Shut up, Harry," she snapped at the poor guy and shushed everyone who dared to snicker. "Anyway, where was I? Ahhh, the party. So this year, I'm—"
"We're bringing back our favorite tradition—"
As Layla immediately corrected herself after Niall had corrected her, the Irish man smugly wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, who looked slightly offended for the opposite reaction he'd received. Meanwhile, everyone else was already yawning.
"If she wrote a whole speech about the Halloween game one month prior, imagine how long her wedding vow would be," Louis whispered and fist-bumped Liam while Trix and Y/N were trying not to laugh.
Layla, however, was so passionate about her special party that she just kept going, "our annual Halloween game is back!" she exclaimed and clasped both hands in front of her chest. "It's called 'Fright-day Night'. And Louis will be the host!"
As everyone turned to Louis, who did a tiny bow as if he'd just won an Oscar, Layla added, "in case anyone else's wondering why I didn’t pick one of you, well, y'all fucking sucked."
"I guess I'll...take that as a compliment!" Louis uttered as the corners of his mouth turned up. "We'll have a Halloween party after the game, so make sure you have your costumes ready."
"Yes!" Layla chimed in before Louis could steal her spotlight. "Niall and I will also participate in the game, so we know nothing about the clues or the prizes or where the party will take place. Louis will take care of that. Our only job is to follow his rules and have fun!" She tapped her finger on her lips as the chatter began. "I guess I'm done. Anyone wanna add something?"
Harry raised his hand. "I have something important to announce."
"Put your hand down, Harold. Nothing is more important than my—"
"We've just found out the baby gender."
"Oh my God, what?!" Layla shouted and everyone in the cafe snapped their heads to look at her. She appeared as if she'd seen gold when she turned to Y/N. "Bitch, you should've told me first!"
"Sorry, I was afraid you'd tell everyone else." Y/N smiled. "We wanted to tell you guys ourselves."
"Just tell me now, am I an uncle or an aunt?!" Niall blurted and quickly shook his head when everyone gave him questioning looks. "No, I mean—God! You know what I mean!"
Harry puffed out his chest and cleared his throat. "It's Asteria!"
"Yes!" Layla jumped out of her seat and smacked Liam on the back. "You owed me twenty."
"You made a bet on our baby girl?!"
"Yes!" She giggled despite the look on Harry's face and took the money from Liam, who seemed pretty bitter about losing. "I'm not surprised that I won though. I knew it all along that it was Asteria. I'm her Godmother after all."
"Godmother. Deal with it." She gave Harry the finger and went on, "by the way, I'm calling her Teri. It's gonna be a special thing between Godmother Layla and baby Asteria, so none of you bitches is allowed to call her that."
"Did she just call dibs on our daughter?" Harry whispered to Y/N, who simply laughed and told him Layla was just kidding.
Fall went as quickly as it had arrived. There was only one more day until Halloween.
Layla had gathered the whole group at the same cafe, "so Louis could briefly give us instructions about the game," she had said. But everyone knew it was only an excuse for her to open a discussion about what everyone was going to wear so no two of them would show up in the same costume, "for the group aesthetics," she reasoned.
"Niall and I will be Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday," she cheerfully said, sitting with her back straight and arms crossed on the table, as if she was really princess Ann in the movie. "That means none of you losers can be Audrey Hepburn or a princess. Except for Y/N."
"Why?" Trix pouted.
"Because she's pregnant with my Goddaughter."
"Harry and I will be Flynn Rider and Rapunzel," Y/N said and Trix was smiling again.
"Ooh! The other day I was just telling Liam that you two reminded me of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel because—"
"Um, I have a question," Harry cut her off, raising his hand. "What are Jack and Gemma doing here?"
"What?" He flinched as his wife swatted at his chest and everyone was laughing.
"I'm one of the bridesmaids. Why can't I be here?" Gemma gave him a shrug, arching an eyebrow.
Jack, who was sitting next to her, spoke fast, "Layla told me to come. I have no idea what's going on."
"Well, young Johnny Depp, you are invited to my bachelorette/bachelor/Halloween party because we need an even number of players to play the Halloween game."
"Or we can just not include Gemma." Harry lifted his shoulders in a half shrug and this time it was Gemma who swatted him.
Niall suddenly leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Layla is obsessed with Gemma, so if I were you, I'd shut up before I got uninvited to the wedding."
"I can't get uninvited, I'm the best man."
"Maybe we don't need a best man," Layla said, and Harry gasped, turning to Niall.
"Sorry, mate." Niall pursed his lips unapologetically. "You've chosen Y/N over me many times before."
"You're kidding."
Y/N shushed the boys and started stroking Harry's hair, knowing it'd turn him to a quiet little puppy.
Now that peace had been restored, Louis turned to Jack and Gemma. "Okay, I'm just going to explain again. Every year back in college, we would get together on Halloween for a game of treasure hunt. Each year, we took turns being the host who would come up with clues, the prizes, and the rules of the game. This time, I will be the host. The game is pretty simple. I'll divide you into two teams, and—"
"Wait, we don't get to randomly draw out our team?"
"No, Liam. Harry would cheat again so he could be with Y/N."
"I didn't cheat!"
"Yes, you did," Layla chimed in. "Liam saw you!"
"I did." Liam confirmed. "But I shipped you two so I didn't say anything."
"See? Cheater!" Layla grumbled as Harry flashed a peace sign at her, unapologetically.
"Okay guys, let me finish and you can roast Harry later," said Louis who rolled his eyes in frustration. "So where was I? Aaaah, the teams. Yes, there will be two teams, four persons each. You will find out which team you're in tomorrow night. And I will give each team different clues, the treasure this year is the Halloween party. You find the party, you win."
"Sounds simple." Y/N leaned back in her chair, hands on her belly. "Where are we going to play the game this year?"
"I don't wanna spoil the surprise," Louis told them with a mischievous smile.
"The cemetery?!"
Folding his arms, Louis chuckled at the way Layla's jaw fell open as she looked around the spooky graveyard. Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence, and in this starless misty night, the place looked like a sea of the dead. This could be the opening scene of a classic horror movie, in which a group of stupid people got murdered in a graveyard for playing a stupid Halloween game.
"If I'd known we would play in a cemetery, I would have dressed up as something else to match the aesthetic!" Layla huffed as she smoothed down her skirt.
"What's the point? You're gonna lose, anyway."
"Shut up, you stupid alien!" she glowered at Liam, who couldn't look more offended by the name.
"I am not an alien!" he objected, pointing to his hat. "I'm a space cowboy!"
"Guys, don't yell. Ria has ears now," Harry said as he hugged his wife from behind, hands on her tummy.
Appalled, Trix pointed to Y/N. "If you're Rapunzel then where's your wig?"
"It was itchy, so I took it off," Y/N explained as she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at her pink dress. "But you could still tell that I'm Rapunzel, right?"
"You look just like her," Jack said with a smile, and instinctively, Harry held his wife closer, not even giving her boss the second glance.
Jack was dressed as Jack Dawson, but Harry knew it was him who was the original Jack Dawson. In fact, he was Jack Dawson when he won the game with his wife. This wasn't a competition but Harry thought he'd already won.
"I'm Red Riding Hood," Trix said. "In case anyone's wondering."
"No, we're not wondering. You're literally wearing a red cloak, Trix."
"Layla, don't be mean to Trix," Louis spoke, turning all heads back to him.
"What are you supposed to be?" Liam asked.
"Alastor Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter," he said proudly and adjusted his fake eye. "Probably the coolest costume here."
"You wish," Layla spat, rolling her eyes. "No one could beat Audrey."
The group chatted for a bit while waiting for Gemma, who showed up last. She apologized for being late because she'd had to clean pumpkin guts from her car window. "Typical Halloween prank by the kids in the neighborhood," she said.
"Princess Leia!" Liam exclaimed, pointing to Gemma's space buns.
"Um, yeah." The older Styles chuckled. "Sorry, Layla. I got this costume before you said—"
"No, no, it's totally fine!" Layla shook her head quickly. "That iconic hairstyle totally suits you!"
"Wait, why do all the girls get to be princesses except for me?!"
"Don't worry, Trix," Harry said, pointing to her heart. "Every woman is a princess in here."
"Okay, can Princess Leia or the space cowboy shoot Flynn Rider right now?"
Harry extended his middle finger toward Layla and everyone dissolved in laughter.
Clearing his throat loudly, Louis got all eyes back on him and pulled out a little box from his leather satchel. The box contained eight pieces of paper, each folded in half, on which a player's name was written. "Take the one with your name," he said. "Okay, now open it. Those who see the word 'red' go to my left. Those with 'blue' go to my right."
Harry, Layla, Gemma, and Liam went to the left. Y/N, Niall, Jack, and Trix went to the right.
"Yay! We're on the same team!" Layla squealed as she saw Gemma, who gave the girl an awkward grin, not knowing why Layla was so obsessed with her.
"Harold!" Louis shouted, making Harry and Niall flinch. "Do not switch with Niall this time! I know what color you are!"
"What?! I wasn't gonna do anything!"
"Then step away from the Irish boy!"
Groaning, Harry shoved both hands in his pockets and took a few steps back, frowning at Y/N and Jack on the opposite side. Louis then handed each team another piece of paper. "This is your first clue. It will take you to the next place where the second clue is hidden. Get your cars ready and I'll see you at the party."
As soon as Louis wished them good luck and walked away, Y/N opened her team's first clue and read the riddle aloud to the other members. "There's a man with a crooked smile, his round face is scarred with a knife."
It only took her two seconds to snap her head up to look at Jack. "Jack-o'-lantern!" they said at the same time.
"That one's easy! Let's go find one."
Niall grabbed the hood of Trix's cloak before she could run off without them. "Hold your horses, Red. Every house has one of those, it's Halloween."
Jack nodded to agree. "Maybe it's not an actual Jack-o'-lantern. Louis did say'a place', didn't he?"
"Right!" Y/N exclaimed as she tugged at his sleeve. "There's a small Halloween night market for tourists called Spooky Pumpkins. It's only a five-minute drive from here."
"Great! Let's go!" Trix said as she skipped ahead, and the others quickly followed.
"They're leaving!" Layla whined, stomping her feet like an angry little girl, but nobody on her team paid attention to her.
"Help us think and we'll be able to catch up with them!" said Liam while Harry and Gemma were still analyzing the riddle.
"It's Halloween, we're all afraid. Take your time, but don't be late," Gemma read it aloud once again as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"What the hell does it mean?"
Harry shushed Liam immediately and turned to his sister. "Gem?"
"Take your time," Gemma mumbled as she scrunched up her face. "Take your time, but don't be late. Take your time...don't be—"
"A clock!" Harry snapped his fingers. "This must refer to a clock."
"How are we gonna find a clock in a cemetery, genius?"
"Not here, genius." He glowered at Liam. "Louis said this clue would take us to another place."
"So...clock...Big Ben?" Layla asked.
"No, too far from here." Gemma shook her head. "It has to be somewhere near because it's only the first clue. We have to think smaller."
"There's a vintage clock shop near here. It only takes five minutes to drive there," Liam said and the others all agreed with him.
"Come on, let's go!"
As Harry motioned everyone to follow him and walked ahead of the group, Gemma gave Layla a nudge. "This is about Jack, right?"
"Yup." Layla nodded. "He becomes a dictator when he's jealous. But hey, we can always kill him after we've won."
"I heard that!"
Laughing, she shouted back at Harry, "I wanted you to!"
Y/N hated night markets.
She hated being surrounded by too many strangers. She hated it when someone bumped into her or stepped on her feet and didn't apologize. She hated the distinct voices and laughter as they gave her anxiety and a headache. Being at a night market on its busiest night was a Halloween nightmare coming true. It wasn't really a phobia for Y/N, but it was close, and so she didn't want to be obvious about how uncomfortable she was. She had scared Jack enough when they were stuck in a lift last year. Unfortunately, it wasn't hard to tell that something was bothering her as she was walking so close to his side, basically attached to him.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." She looked up to give him a reassuring grin and changed the subject, "don't you have other plans on Halloween night?"
"I don't even have plans on regular nights."
His answer made her snort. "I mean, working plans. I know you don't hang like the rest of us."
"You said it like it's a bad thing." He chuckled, shaking his head. "But I'm hanging with the rest of you now, aren't I?"
"Yeah, why is that, I wonder?"
"I have a soft spot for you, not gonna lie," Jack answered without thinking, and when he noticed the look on her face, he laughed it off and added, "you're like a little sister to me. That's what I meant."
"Oh? Should I take that as a compliment?" She smiled, and he gave her a shrug.
"Many people would kill to be considered my sister. You're lucky."
Y/N let out a slight laugh as she playfully pushed his shoulder. Before either of them could say anything else, Niall jumped out from nowhere and walked right in the middle. "So..." He threw an arm over Y/N's shoulders, grinning. "What were you talking about?"
Y/N was trying her best not to laugh. "Harry tell you to—"
"Guys?" Trix's voice cut her off. All three of them paused and turned around to find Trix panting as she finally kept up with them. "Shouldn't we stop and look for clues? Why do we keep on walking?"
"We are looking for clues," Y/N said. "We need to find a pumpkin-carving knife."
"Oh, that's very specific."
She immediately shot Niall a glare. "If I want sarcasm, I would rather have Harry on this team."
"Yeah. I miss that sarcastic asshole." Niall sighed.
"Hey, where is Trix?"
Jack's question got both of them to turn their heads, but Trix wasn't there anymore. It was like she had vanished into thin air.
"Trix? Where are you?!"
"Calm down, Y/N. She's probably—"
"Trix?!" Y/N ignored Jack and called louder.
"I'm here, Y/N!"
"Trix!" Y/N let go of a harsh breath and dashed toward the girl. "Where were you going?! Stay close to us, okay?"
"Look what I've found!"
Everyone jumped back when Trix pointed a knife at them.
"Woah! Be careful with that!" Niall hissed, making the girl giggle.
"Chill. I'm not gonna stab you! I'm not Layla! Look!"
Y/N was the one who stepped forward and took the knife from Trix. She peered at the shiny blade to read the tiny words written in permanent ink.
"The paper monsters under your bed, come from the lands inside your head."
Niall's eyes brightened as Y/N handed him the knife. "Our second clue!"
"Well done, Trix!" Jack said, giving Trix the thumbs up. The girl was so proud of her achievement that she couldn't stop bouncing up and down.
"I was just following the guy in the pumpkin mask with the Harry Potter scar and I asked him about the second clue."
"Okay, that was smart. Louis was dressed up as a character from Harry Potter, so it must've been a hint. But it was also dangerous to follow a guy in a mask," Y/N said as she held onto Trix's shoulder. "Do not follow guys in masks, okay? Not when it's night and you're alone. And definitely not on Halloween."
"Oh, okay." Trix batted her eyelashes and gave her an innocent smile.
"Guys, our second clue?" Niall spoke as he waved the knife to get the others' attention. "Any idea what it's trying to say?"
"Should we look under a bed?"
"I don't think 'bed' is our keyword, Trix," said Jack as he took the knife from Niall and reread the riddle a few more times. "Hmm, paper monsters from the lands inside your head..."
"How did Lou come up with these clues!" Y/N cried out, making Niall cackle.
"The dude literally makes a living from designing computer games so..."
"I used to have monsters under my bed," Trix suddenly spoke. "My mother had to read me Alice in Wonderland every night to chase the monsters away."
"Wait, that's it!" Jack's whole face lit up. "Books! We need to find the closest bookstore."
"Paper monsters from the lands inside your head!" Y/N gasped. "Why didn't I think of that? This must refer to horror fiction."
"Yup, horror or fantasy," Jack said with a small smile. "What's the closest bookstore here?"
"I know one! Let's go!" Y/N gestured with a thumb, and the rest hurriedly followed her.
Harry blew out his cheeks as he read the text from Niall and put his phone away. "They've solved their second clue," he told the others.
"Have you been texting with the enemy?" Layla, who was in the backseat with Liam, grumbled at him.
"It's just Niall."
"My husband and your wife are our enemies now. Stop communicating with them."
"Guys, we're here," Gemma announced as she parked the car on the side of the road, in front of their first stop.
The clock shop was so small it blended right in with the rest of the street, probably the reason Harry had driven by it plenty of times yet he had never once noticed it before. He was the first to enter, and the rest followed him in a line because the door wasn't big enough for them to walk through at once.
The place had that spooky charm, it was dull and quiet, no other sound but the chaotic ticking of the clocks. It was exactly how Harry imagined inside a madhouse would sound like.
"Hi, may I help you?" an old lady greeted them at the entrance. In this terrible lightning of the place, her teeth looked yellow and crooked and her face was as pale as a corpse. Layla and Liam were quick to hide behind the Styles and let them do all the talking.
"Hi ma'am..." Harry stepped up to shake her hand. "This may sound stupid but...we're playing this game and we have to solve riddles to—"
"Are you friends with the short skinny boy Lewis?"
"Yes." The lady smiled and adjusted her small glasses. "I love that boy, he comes over to keep me company whenever he's free. Who knew his friends were also such beautiful people. You, young man, look just like a prince."
"Thanks, ma'am." Harry chuckled nervously as she pinched his cheeks. "D-do you mind if we...um...look around?"
"Not at all, dear. Go ahead," said the old lady.
The four of them split to search for their next clues. They checked every corner of the store, and the lady let them do whatever they wanted and take as much time as they needed. When Layla found the piece of paper attached to one of the clocks, the old woman had already fallen asleep in her rocking chair.
"The witch has got a brand new nose, look where she would keep her clothes."
Harry raised an eyebrow. "A witch? Does any of you happen to know a witch?"
"Or someone with a brand new nose," Liam chuckled.
"And a lot of clothes..." Gemma said.
And all three of them turned to look at Layla, whose mouth fell open. "What?! I'm not the witch!"
Liam immediately took a step back to keep a safe distance from Layla before he said, "you got a nose job last year and you'd rather die than be seen wearing the same dress twice. So, yeah..."
"Do you guys call me a witch when I'm not around?"
Layla shot Harry a death glare and his mouth immediately snapped shut.
"Do you live near here?" Gemma asked, and Layla shook her head. "Then it can't be Layla. We don't have much time until midnight so these places must be close to each other."
"Layla's shop is just two blocks away," Harry said as he rolled up his sleeves. "I don't think the clue refers to her closet, because Louis couldn't have broken into her house and hidden stuff in her closet, right? It must be her clothing shop."
"Fuck!" Layla suddenly raised her voice and had to double-check if she'd woken up the lady. Turning back to them, she whispered, "yesterday he told me he was there to buy clothes for his sisters! That sneaky son of a bitch!"
"Okay, that's it! That's our next clue!" Harry said as he checked the time on one of the clocks. "Let's go! If we don't hurry up, Jack will win!"
"Did he say 'Jack' instead of 'they'?" Liam asked, watching Harry bolt to the entrance without waiting for anyone.
"Yup, get used to it," Gemma and Layla said at the same time.
Y/N had been to this bookstore twice with Harry. It wasn't so far from where they used to live back in college. Coming here tonight, she was expecting to see the old lady who always gave her discounts because she adored Y/N and Harry's relationship, but sadly, the lady wasn't there anymore. Instead, they met a young man who looked like he could still be a student.
"Sorry, we're closed," he said, about to turn off the last light when Jack stepped in anyway.
"It says 'open until midnight'." Jack pointed to the chalkboard by the entrance, but the employee gave him a shrug.
"Well, I've got only two employees, very lazy ones, and they didn't even bother to show up tonight."
"Wait, you're the owner of the store?" Trix asked.
"Why's it a surprise?"
"You look like a teenager..."
"Trix," Y/N warned her friend before turning back to the angry man, looking at his name tag. "Eddie, can we just look around for a minute? Um...it's kind of important. Please?"
Eddie seemed reluctant as he eyed them up and eventually drew in a long breath. "Fine. Only because you're polite."
Y/N happily thanked Eddie and followed him into the store. As he turned all the lights back on, Jack and Y/N hurried to the fantasy section while Niall and Trix went to the horror section. Dust collected everywhere as far as they could see. Jack and Y/N had to cover their noses and mouths as they looked through the dirtied shelves and stands.
"How can you work in a place like this?" Y/N asked, glancing at Eddie, who was watching them with his arms dangling at his sides.
"Well, I don't have a choice. It's family business." He hung his head and mumbled, "if only I'd stayed in college..."
"There's a book called 'I have sex with an alien'?" Jack said, making Y/N laugh as she took it and checked the front and back cover.
"I think one of my two employees hid it at the back so no one could see and buy it," Eddie said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyway, do whatever you want, I need to make a phone call."
When he was gone, Jack immediately turned to Y/N. "I would really love to meet those girls," he whispered, and Y/N nodded.
"Me too."
"Hey, guys!"
"Jesus, Niall!" Y/N smacked Niall with the book, causing him to jump away. "Stop doing that!"
"Sorry!" Niall rubbed the sore spot on his arms, his face contorted. "I just wanted to say Trix and I found the clue."
Trix showed up, holding a book and an iPhone 5. "We found these on the top shelf."
"The Haunting Of Hill House," Y/N read the title before looking up and beaming at her friends. "Good job, guys! We're so gonna win!"
"Well, what's on the phone?" Jack asked, and Niall gave him a half shrug.
"Don't know. It requires a passcode to unlock."
"Wait, there's a bookmark." Y/N ranked her fingers through her hair, tucked it behind her ear and then opened the book to where it was marked. On the page was a highlighted sentence that said, 'Journey ends in lovers meeting.'
"That's Shakespeare," Jack pointed out.
"Maybe Shakespeare is the passcode."
"No, it's numbers, Trix." Niall exhaled as he rubbed his chin. "Try Shakespeare's birthday or death day."
Y/N was about to pull out her phone to go on Google, but Jack already entered those numbers.
"No, it's not it," he said, shaking his head and looked up to find the other three gawking at him.
"You know Shakespeare's birthday and death day?" Y/N questioned with her eyes wide.
With a cheeky grin, he smirked. "Well, don't you?"
"Please marry me," Trix blurted, and Jack's startled reaction to her 'proposal' sent both Y/N and Niall into hysterics.
Meanwhile, the other team had just found their third clue in one of the coats in Layla's store.
"Well done, Liam!" Gemma said as she unfolded the piece of paper and read the riddle aloud, "There's a princess in disguise. To find your next clue, just follow the light."
"A princess in disguise?" Gemma raised an eyebrow at Layla. "That's you, right? Princess Anne was in disguise so she could walk around Rome freely."
"It can't be Layla twice. The host is Louis, not Niall," Harry commented, making Layla roll her eyes.
"If Niall was the host, I'd be the princess and Louis would be the witch," she grumbled with her arms crossed over her chest. "Well? If the princess in disguise isn't me then who?"
"Who else could be the princess?"
"A princess but not in disguise," Gemma corrected Liam.
"Princess Leia was disguised as Boush once."
"I'm not wearing a Boush costume, aren't I?"
As the two continued to argue over Star Wars facts, Harry was still mumbling to riddle and trying to solve it on his own. "Follow the light..." He pinched his bottom lip, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "The light...I see the light...and at last, I see the light! Yes!"
Everyone looked at him as he punched the air. "Tangled! It's Tangled! The princess is Rapunzel!"
"Y/N?!" Gemma smacked her forehead.
"Yes!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes sparkled with joy. "My wife is the motherfucking princess in disguise. She is our clue!"
"But she's on the other team," Liam said, shaking his head.
Layla thought for a moment before she raised a finger. "Maybe Louis wants us to meet."
"Yes! We have to go now! Let's go!" Harry was about to run toward the entrance when Gemma grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back to them. "Not so fast, Eugene. We don't know where she is."
"Oh, shit! You're right!" he said and pulled out his phone. "I'll text her."
Gemma gave him a nod to approve. "But don't tell her she's the next clue. Not until we get there."
"Harry just asked me where we are."
"Why are you texting with the enemy?" Niall asked when she showed them the message. Jack, on the other hand, straightened at once.
"Journey ends in lovers meeting." He stared at Y/N intensely. "That's it. You're supposed to meet Harry again and Niall is supposed to meet Layla. That's how this game ends. We're supposed to meet the other team."
"Maybe Harry got a similar clue and he knows we have to meet," Niall said.
Trix gave a slight shrug. "Or he just misses her."
"No, Harry's very competitive," Y/N said, shaking her head. "Jack's right. He wants something from us. Should I let him know we're here?"
"Do it," Jack said and stepped closer to watch her type down the message. "But don't let him know anything about our clue. Wait until they get here."
"When did this place become the tourist attraction?!" Eddie cried out as he watched another group barge into his bookstore.
Harry walked straight toward his wife and gave her a hug. And when Eddie saw him, his eyes went wide. "Hey, has anyone told you that you look like—"
"We don't have time for meet and greet!" Niall interrupted the man and pulled Harry and Y/N apart, pointing a finger to his best friend's face. "No touching until you tell us why you're here."
"He's right. Show us your clue."
"Wow, so this is how it's gonna be, huh?" Harry chuckled as his wife extended her hand toward him, palm up.
"We're still playing the game. Hand me your clue," she demanded.
Harry shoved his hand into his pocket, but Layla stopped him right away, pulling him to the side by his elbow. "Show me yours first," she said, her nose stuck up.
"Guys, I don't know what this is about, but you have one hour until midnight," said Eddie, who patiently checked his watch and blew out his cheeks.
Given no other choice, Y/N pulled out the phone. "We found a phone which requires a passcode. And the clue is a Shakespeare's quote: 'Journey ends in lovers meeting.'"
"Can I have it?" Harry asked and Y/N handed him the device. Everyone went silent as they waited for him to enter the passcode.
"It worked!" He cheered, raising a fist. "I'm in!"
"It worked?!" Layla slapped a hand over her mouth as Niall jumped in joy.
"Holy shit! What?! What's the passcode?"
"Y/N's birthday." Harry grinned at his wife. "Our clue was a princess in disguise and it told us to follow the light."
"Ha. I see the light. Classic." Y/N giggled and pulled Harry's head down to kiss him on the cheek. "My husband is so smart."
"Skip the sentimental bits. We don't have much time left." Layla smacked Harry on the arm, causing him to hiss and jump away. Stealing stole the phone from her brother, Gemma quickly went through the few apps on the home screen.
"Okay. The photo roll is empty. Messages. Empty. Notes. Empty."
"Try recording," Layla spoke, and Gemma tapped on the recording app.
"There's one recording!"
"Yes, wife!" Niall wrapped his arms around Layla and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You're the best!"
"Is this the 'I love my wife' club now? Can the rest of us leave?" Liam joked, making everyone laugh as Layla shot him a death glare.
Gemma immediately shushed them all so she could play the recording. The first few seconds were nothing but silence, but then they heard Louis' voice. He said, "you're almost there, just look for white. Enter the room and claim your prize."
And it ended.
"That was it?" Layla scoffed as she exchanged looks with Y/N. "Look for white?!"
"Yes, that's the keyword," Gemma breathed. "White. What does the color white remind you of?"
"It's Halloween, not Christmas, Liam!"
"You haven't watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, haven't ya?" Eddie spoke and Layla yelled at him to stay out of this.
While everyone was arguing with each other, Y/N subtly pulled Niall aside and whispered to him, "go get your car and wait for us outside."
Though confused, Niall trusted Y/N, so he didn't question her and just snuck out when nobody wasn't looking.
"White, hmm..." Layla trailed off as she shuffled her feet, one arm folded, the other rubbing her chin. "Treasure?"
"Treasure?" Harry chortled. "Our cat?"
Liam and Trix snickered at her answer, but Gemma and Jack were poker-faced.
"No, Layla's got a point," Jack said. "Louis did say the treasure is the party."
"Shit!" Harry cried out, holding his head. "Treasure is with Nam and Nam told me he'd taken tonight off to be with Ben. Treasure is at Ben's place! That's where the party is!"
Gemma groaned as she stomped her foot. "Why didn't I think of that? He gave us the final clue right from the beginning!"
Harry's team hadn't had time to react to the big discovery when his wife and her team shot right through the door. Niall's car was waiting outside, and they drove away in a matter of seconds. It took the others a moment to realize what was happening and all of them dashed off, not accepting defeat.
As the door fell shut in front of his eyes, Eddie was frozen, completely flabbergasted. He needed a minute to process everything and quickly pulled out his phone to make a call.
"Mum? Can you pick me up? I think I just met a cult."
"If we lose because we couldn't find a parking spot, I'd be so pissed," Layla panted as she chased after the others into the building right when Y/N's team was heading toward the lift. The two sides only shared one hostile look as the door opened, and the old lady in the lift was horrified when they all ran toward her. Harry was much faster. He almost got there when he heard Niall shouted, "stop! You're hurting Y/N!" which stopped him immediately.
"Which one of you fucking pushed her—"
"Sucker!" Niall pushed Harry aside, took Y/N's hand and pulled her into the lift with Jack and Trix. It took Harry nearly a second to realize he'd been fooled, but by the time he and the others got to the lift, it had gone to the next floor.
"We can just press the emergency button to stop it!" Liam said, looking frantically from left to right. "Is there one out here?!"
"Don't be fucking crazy. Y/N is afraid of small spaces!" Harry glowered at Liam as he crossed his arms and took a deep breath.
"Now what?" Gemma asked.
"Well, now we...wait for the lift."
"Niall James Horan!" was the first thing Layla shouted when she burst through the door into Ben's flat. She stormed right past the party guests who were clapping for her and grabbed Niall by the arm. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!"
All eyes followed Niall as he was dragged away, until Louis got up on a table and screamed, "party!" And everyone was cheering again.
"Let's hope they won't break up before the wedding," Trix said, but Liam only laughed.
"The only thing that they'll break tonight is a bed."
"Ew, gross!" Gemma cringed, pushing him away.
"Hey, there's a bar!" Jack exclaimed, making Gemma squeal in elation.
"Wanna get a drink?" she asked.
"Yes, please." He tossed his head back and sighed in relief.
The music was earsplittingly loud. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colorful. Harry guessed Ben wasn't kidding when he said he'd go all out with parties. Pushing his way through a room full of people, Harry finally got to where his wife was sitting with Ben and Nam on the couch. Treasure was lying on her lap. The cat was wearing a party hat that said 'I am the Treasure.'
"Punny." Harry chuckled, shaking his head.
When Y/N looked up and saw him, she was overjoyed. She handed the cat to Ben and got to her feet to give him a passionate kiss.
"I'm sorry you lost, baby," she said, nudging his nose with her own as she held his face.
He secured his arms around her waist, smiling against her lips. "Liar, you're not sorry."
"No, I'm so not," she admitted, kissing him. Again, and again, and again...
It was an exciting night, a great party, but it was over too soon for the married couple. They had decided to leave early because they feared loud music would affect their baby girl. The others were way too tipsy to see them sneak out, anyway. Layla and Niall were dancing on the table, apparently enjoying their last night before being married. Liam and Louis were hitting on some girls while Gemma and Jack were karaoke-ing with Nam and Ben. What a beautiful ending for the longest night ever, Harry thought.
"I can't believe the prize was 'friendship'! The only thing this game did was tear us apart!" Harry grumbled as he carried the cat to the lift and pressed the down button. "Baby?"
Turning back, he found Y/N standing still and staring at the door to their old flat. "I miss it, H," she said, smiling at him.
"Yeah, so do I..." He walked over to where she stood, sucking in a breath. "It's been so long."
"I wonder who lives here now."
"Wanna find out?"
"Wait!" She grabbed his wrist before he could ring the doorbell. "We could just ask Ben!"
"What's the fun in that?" Harry said and pressed the doorbell, anyway.
"What the hell, Harry?! We don't know them!"
"Relax, babe. We can just say we got the wrong flat number."
Harry had just finished the sentence, and the door creaked open. The first thing they saw was a face as white as a sheet. They both screamed, causing 'the face' to scream, and the two of them screamed again as they sprinted to the lift the second it arrived.
Breath busting in and out, the woman peeled off her sheet mask and cursed at the crazy couple now that they were gone.
"Aunt Lynn? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. It was just some Halloween pranksters," she said to the person on the phone. "Anyway, tell your boyfriend I said hi."
*Ending explanation for those who don’t read My Girl*: The woman who’s living in the flatmate babies’ old flat is also a character from My Girl - The MC’s aunt. :)
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kingwallywest-blog · 5 years
Guys like us don’t get the girl.
But sometimes they do.
P.S. Cannot send enough thank yous to the anon who told me about the wayback archive. I was able to find this fic! It was one of my first WA fics. I forgot how much I loved writing it.
Maybe it’s the reality check he needs. Maybe he should let Iris live her life and he can quietly step to the side, as both Barry and the Flash (Caitlin’s advice also lingering in his mind too often). Maybe Iris doesn’t need him around as much anymore.
So he avoids her for a few days, just to see if she notices.
Of course Iris notices. She’s not happy about it, either.
And like that, she draws him back into her life after only a four day separation. There’s a sense of relief that he feels when he concludes they’re two peas in a pod, yin and yang, two sides of the same coin. Practically joined at the hip, and she doesn’t need him around - she wants him around, which is all the more satisfying.
Even if they only remain friends, he’ll love her. Even if she stays with Eddie, he’ll be in love with her. Even if she decides to continue down the dangerous path of being an investigative journalist, he’ll support her. Protect her, though Iris has shown him one too many times during their lives that her left hook is finely tuned (“Don’t let my small arms fool you, Barry. I’ll knock him out cold if he picks on you again!”).
Barry finds himself unable to stay away; he doesn’t want to stay away but Caitlin keeps giving him these knowing yet disapproving looks when he returns to the lab with what she describes as a “dumb, love-struck smile.” He pointedly ignores the rest of her rant about how he’s sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, that, in the end, he’s making it harder for both himself and Iris.
(He also pointedly ignores how right she is, and that sinking feeling he gets every time he’s reminded.)
* It’s Christmas night when Eddie proposes to Iris, with both Joe and Barry in company.
And between the three of them, Barry can’t tell who is more surprised.
Iris, a hand covering her mouth and her eyes unwavering from Eddie’s.
Joe, speechless and frozen, and maybe even a little confused.
Barry, with the breath knocked out of him and heart breaking loud enough for Joe to hear.
Joe’s hand reaches for his shoulder and gives him a hard squeeze, a gesture that Barry would usually take great comfort in, but now feels like heavy bricks weighing down. Then Joe turns and plays the role of excited father.
"Barry, there’s champagne in the cooler. Do you might grabbing it?" Eddie asks him, a blinding smile on his face that is noticeably missing from Iris’s - maybe still in shock - and Barry does what any best friend would do.
He congratulates her and her fiancé.
* Barry’s sort of glad Caitlin is refraining from saying “I told you so,” but she’s also been too busy with her own problems to really rub the salt in his wounds.
Like the fact that the man she had been mourning for a year is back from the dead. As some torched resemblance of a human being no less.
All of Central City is shaping up to be a cliché comic book, featuring meta-humans, time traveling, and all-too-complicated love stories.
Figures he’d be the star of it.
But all of what’s happening with Ronnie and his mother’s murderer gives him a decent distraction from Iris. Barry isn’t sure if he’s disappointed or relieved that she hasn’t talked to him about the proposal yet. It seems that they’ve both been keeping their distances from each other.
It’s probably best that way, he tells himself. Because soon she’ll be Mrs. West-Thawne.
* “I can’t marry him.”
Iris barely steps into his apartment before she’s rambling off.
"I can’t do it! I should have told him the night he gave me the ring. But he looked so happy! What right do I have to take his happiness away like that? And my dad, God, my dad! Barry, did you see his face? He was going to cry from joy! What kind of terrible daughter would I be if I took that from him? He’s probably already named all of the grandchildren he thinks Eddie and I are going to have, but we’re not - “
"Woah, what are - "
" - because I don’t love him." Iris takes a deep breath, and Barry can see the tears brimming in her eyes. He marvels at her ability to have kept everything bottled up for that long.
Then he begins to worry.
"Iris," Barry begins carefully. He’s unsure of where to begin, as his brain is still trying to process her confession, so he says the first thing that comes to mind. "Do you want me to make coffee?"
There’s a stillness, and then Iris laughs, a hiccup getting caught in her throat that makes Barry laugh too, until she’s nodding through her tears and he’s pulling her in his arms.
"My coffee isn’t that bad," he mutters into her hair when she’s quieted down after a few minutes, and he’s fully prepared for the punch she gives his chest.
Iris is smiling at least, so he finds himself smiling back. He cups her cheek and traces the wet trails on her face with his thumb, drying what he can.
"If you don’t want to marry him, then don’t. No one has ever told Iris Ann West what to do," he says, which pleases her plenty if by the way she sighs and leans into his touch is any indication.
"This is why you’re the best man in my life," she tells him. Barry tries not blush or stutter, but he knows he’s failing.
"Because I give good advice or because I’m not even mildly annoyed that you were banging on my door at 5:30 on a Saturday morning?" he teases.
"Oh my god, is it really that early? I am so sorry - "
"It’s okay." He means it. "I’m glad you’re here." So very much means it.
He thinks that when she looks up at him this time, it’s different. He can’t quite place why, but there’s a gleam in her eyes that he’s never seen before.
At least not directed towards him. And he can get lost in that look for days, he knows by the way it fires heat through his body, one nerve at a time.
Barry clears his throat and takes a step back. “Let me get that coffee started.”
"Yeah," Iris blinks up at him, seemingly as unsure about the last few moments as he is. "Good idea."
In the kitchen, during the couple of minutes he had to himself, he wonders if these are the kind of changes Felicity was talking about.
Barry decides that these are definitely the changes Felicity was talking about.
They’re subtle changes, but still…changes. Like how Iris looks at him; that same one from the other morning in his hallway, as though with renewed interest. How she acts around him; she’s touching him more, and while Iris has always been one for physical contact, there’s something almost - sensual about it now. Fingers grazing, close personal space shoulder-bumping, her hand lingering in areas he knows defined muscle has formed.
Barry thinks, and he could potentially and disastrously be overthinking it, that Iris is even flirting with him. And to be honest, he’s not sure how to respond to it.
"This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, dude. Super hot girl that you’ve been in love with is acting on mutual attraction! What’s your problem?" Cisco gapes at him during one of their ping pong games.
"My problem," Barry hits the ball back to the other side, "is that I’m not good at these kinds of things. Flirting and being charming and - I’m just not the guy who gets the girl."
Cisco rolls his eyes. “You’ve flirted with her before. Do I need to remind you of your guys’ rooftop days? Please don’t make me remind you of your rooftop days.”
"You’re forgetting that I went to her as the Flash. The Flash is much cooler than I am, trust me."
"The fact that you’re referring to yourself as an alter ego is slightly alarming," Caitlin comments from the corner where she’s piecing together the map of Ronnie’s possible whereabouts. "I’ve told you before, you are incredible and amazing with or without the speed, Barry. And Iris knows that."
Barry puts his paddle down, smirking at Caitlin’s back. “Someone’s changed her tune.”
Caitlin glares over her shoulder and it promptly shuts him up.
Any doubts Barry may have had about Iris’s intentions is cleared when Joe approaches him with a smile too giddy and curious for any cop or father to have.
"What’s going on with you two?"
Barry doesn’t know how to best phrase that Iris is seemingly reciprocating the emotional, romantic, and sexual feelings he’s ever had for her so he grins and says, “Progressing one day at a time.”
Joe pats him on the back. “You two were made for each other, Barry.”
Barry is starting to believe it.
* The words sort of tumble from his mouth by accident.
Iris had tried to surprise him with a homemade birthday dinner, and he was alarmed to find his front door unlocked that he completely startled her when she was lighting the candles on the table.
The table caught on fire…
…and then dinner burned while they were putting the fire out.
That’s when he tells her, in his moment of slight panic. “I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.”
Barry’s half-expecting Iris to get mad at him or get away as soon as possible, but she smiles and closes the space between them.
"I know. I’m sorry it took me this long to figure it out."
He’s about to tell her that she shouldn’t be sorry for anything, but she presses up on her toes and pulls him down for a kiss.
All else melts from his thoughts when she glides her tongue against his lips.
Barry can’t remember what happens after that, oddly enough, but then Iris tells him the next morning it’s because he passed out and hit his head pretty hard.
Totally worth it.
* “This came in the mail today,” Thea says, handing Oliver the envelope. “Looks like a wedding invite.”
Oliver pulls the gold trimmed letter open and feels the corners of his mouth spreading into one of his rare smiles.
We are delighted to invite you to the wedding ceremony of Bartholomew Henry Allen and Iris Ann West.
P. S. I got the girl.
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canadian-buckbeaver · 6 years
What Is Mine
"Goodbye, Eddie" is whispered one night to Eddie, the only sign that his symbiote is moving on to the next host in line.
For whatever reason, Venom has left Eddie, leaving him broken and alone. Where once was company, there is nothing. Where there was once joy, there is only pain. Anne and Dan decide to take it upon themselves to not allow him to fall into the darkness alone again.
Even as he heals, Eddie discovers that the past is never truly far from him.
“GOODBYE, EDDIE.” The darkness whispered to him as it slowly closed in around him, the sudden silence deafening him, filling him with sudden fear.
“WAIT!” Eddie cried out, hand outstretched towards the voice.  “WAIT!  COME BACK! WHERE… HEY!”  He couldn’t move, couldn’t chase after them.  Something was wrapped tight around him, keeping him pinned and helpless as he felt the loneliness build.  His chest tightened, his throat closing shut.  Not now! He needed to move!  He struggled, trying to free himself from whatever was keeping him pinned.  He needed to give chase! Needed to…
The cheerful sounds of his alarm shattered the dream, pulling him back into reality.  He groaned, his eyes slowly blinking awake. His curtains were threadbare and full of holes, bathing the entire one-room apartment in harsh sunlight. Already the room was hot and stuffy, foretelling another hot and miserable day.  Slowly blinking awake, Eddie tried to reorient himself.  Sitting up, he looked around the room, trying to shake the last remains of the dream.  He wasn’t trapped, tied up and helpless, nor was he encased in darkness. But, despite the bright sunlight, this reality was just as cold and terrible as his dream.
He couldn’t stay here though.  He had made plans earlier in the week and he couldn’t back out of them now.
Eddie paused, hand on the doorknob for the little coffee shop where he had agreed to meet them.  He really didn’t want to be there.  It wasn’t their fault he knew.  Far from it.  His ex-fiancée and her new fiancé were fantastic people, far better friends than he deserved.  They had helped him when no one else would.  Anne sending little homemade meals to him, making sure that he had more than enough to eat, and Dan taking him on as a patient to avoid telling more people than he needed to about Venom and how this was a parasite that he didn’t want to get rid of.
But, as grateful as he was to them and all they did for him, these days all he just really wanted to be left alone.  To curl up on his broken and sagging couch or his thin bed and stare at the wall or roof, counting the number of ominous stains that littered his room.  These days there was no energy to even leave the apartment, let alone help him cross the room.  And that was fine by him usually.  He deserved the pain, he had much to atone for.  And if atoning meant that he stayed in his apartment, making sure that he didn’t make anything worse in the world by leaving it, than he knew what he needed to do.
How was it that they seemed to be able to sense that and invite him out on those days? Forcing him from his sanctuary… it was cruel, just as they were kind.
He couldn’t avoid them forever though.  If he didn’t meet them here, they would meet him at his little apartment.  And he couldn’t let them see that mess.
Taking a deep breath, steadying himself, he pulled open the door.  “Let’s just get this over with,” he whispered before mentally kicking himself.
Old habits die hard he supposed.
“Wow, Eddie,” Anne said as she rose to signal him over to the table where she and Dan were already seated.  “You look… really tired… and skinny.”  She was biting her lip in that familiar way that he knew.  She was worried about him.  “Are you eating properly?”
“You’re looking pale and sweaty too,” Dan told him, his eyes sweeping over him in a quick assessment, his arm wrapped around the back of Anne’s chair.  “I haven’t seen you this bad since Venom first took over your body.  You might need to go in for more tests.  Your hormones may be out of balance, trying to counteract… whatever you’re eating these days.” They all knew about Venom’s preferred diet.
He sighed softly. “You can say it.  Mrs. Chen already told me that I look like shit.”
“Shit is such a harsh word,” Dan told him, looking back to Anne.  “He looks…. What’s the word?”
Anne looked towards him.  “Unwell?” She offered.
“Yes.  That is perfect.  You look unwell Eddie.”
Anne was mixing up his coffee in the way he liked, and Dan was placing a small muffin on his plate. They were talking rapidly to one another, talking about various tests that they could do, and ones that won’t be too high of a frequency, or put him under too much pressure.
Numbly he wrapped his hands around the cup of coffee, savouring its warmth.  They were so kind to him.  Even after all the shit that he had put them through.  Anne losing her job at the firm when he had hacked her email, and Dan almost losing his license to practice when the board discovered Eddie’s personal connection to him. They had never given up on him.
“Guys…” he started out, “I’m fine.  Really I just need some time to myself is all.”
“And that’s bullshit,” Anne said, turning away from Dan.  Her eyes flashed with concern again.  “Is Venom feeding off of you too much again?  I can add more protein or potato to the dishes I suppose.”
Dan shook his head. “If you add any more red meat his veins will be clogged with cholesterol before he reaches his fortieth birthday.”  They continued to talk and offer suggestions back and forth.  Looking out for him and his health as always.
“Guys.” Eddie said finally, “guys.  It isn’t like that.  I’m not sick. Venom is gone.”
There was sudden silence at their table.  Anne and Dan, both stunned to silence, turned to look at him, their eyes widening in sudden understanding.
Anne was first to move.  Reaching across the table, she seized his hand and gently squeezed it. “Eddie.  I’m so sorry… I didn’t know.”  Dan reached across the table and squeezed his shoulder.  Silent but comforting.
“Thank you, you guys… it’s just hard to know that he’s gone for real this time.  No hibernation, no coming back.” He shook his head, pinching his nose as he closed his eyes.  “It reminds me of a breakup,” he finally admitted though he tried in vain to find a better word to describe what he felt.
“Did he say anything before he left?” Anne asked, her eyes still concerned and worried about him.  Dan was signalling for more coffee, still watching him.  Ready to jump in at a moment’s notice.
Slowly Eddie shook his head. He could still see the dark ooze of the alien leaving him, slowly crawling across his bed.  He could still feel the painful loneliness that had taken the place of the alien.  “He didn’t say a word.  Nothing leading up to him leaving either.  I thought… I thought that he was fine… maybe he was upset that I tried to control the number of people that we ate and killed?  I know he needs that chemical but I thought chocolate would be good enough.  He liked the taste and I liked the taste and it was better than humans…”  He was babbling again, talking too much.
The rich smell of fresh coffee interrupted his thoughts as the waitress refilled their cups. He stared down in the depths of the liquid.  Black coffee reminded him of the dark chocolate that was Venom’s favourite.
“No matter what happens or happened, we’re here for you Eddie.” A dainty pair of hands entered his vision, adding sugar and cream to his coffee, disrupting the memories. Anne smiled at him.  “We’re friends, Eddie.  You can lean on us.  No matter how long it takes.”
Numbly he looked at her and Dan before looking back into the mug of coffee, wrapping his hands around it.  They were so nice to him.
* * * * *
It took about a year before Eddie could say that he had made progress with his healing. But eventually the pain faded from sharp to numb, from numb to quiet.  There were still moments that he felt the pain, but he doubted that these moments would ever fully go away.  Venom had been such a huge part of his life, he would always have a part of him.
Eddie sat on his favourite park bench looking out at the duck pond.  It was a brisk and bright spring day, a small, cold, breeze blowing away the clouds in the sky.  The newscaster had said that the weather would stay at least until the end of the month and after that…
Well, even Eddie doubted that they could look that far into the future and see.  Especially with all the shit that was going on with climate change.  Perhaps he should write about that in his next project. A call to action.  A call to change.  
A revolution of the small people as Venom liked to say.  Shaking his head clear of Venom, Eddie returned to looking at the pond, watching as the ducks swam across the cool surface, gobbling at the weeds and crumbs that settled on the surface.  So engrossed in his watching, he missed seeing the pale, shaking figure slowly walk up to him.
“The… the ducks are swimming well today… aren’t they Eddie?” a familiar voice asked him.
Craning his head, Eddie saw one of the homeless men that lived around the park coming up to him. His clothes were dirty and torn, his face pale and shining with sweat.  He must be coming off a bender if he looked like that.  But Eddie Brock did not judge the poor and their hardships.  “They sure are.  Makes you hope that it is a sign that this weather is to stay.” He replied, looking out at the pond again.
The man, taking this as an invitation to sit down, settled on the opposite side of the bench as Eddie.  Not close enough to touch, but close enough to allow Eddie to see the finer details of the man.  The man had thin, pock-mark scarred skin, with deep wrinkles, almost like the man had aged rapidly within a short period of time.  A single mole almost completely covered one of his cheeks with brittle grey hair sprouting from it.  His eyes were clouded with white, clouding his vision along with his eyes’ original colour.  As they sat together, Eddie couldn’t help but smell him.  He smelled of sweat and dirt, old grease and piss.  It was a disgusting mixture and one that he hoped that he would never smell again.  Why did he have to be seated downwind of him?
“I never see you with anyone,” the man said suddenly, turning towards him.  “Don’t you have a special lady friend to show the ducks to? Or anyone?”
Eddie shook his head, thinking of Anne.  “The last ‘special lady friend’ is soon to be married to another.  A great guy actually, I can’t say anything bad about him and believe me, I’ve tried.” He chuckled at the thought.
The homeless man gave a bark of laughter, his white eyes never moving far from the ducks. Probably only partially blind or some sort of medical condition. “Isn’t that how things go?  They always seem to go for another.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Eddie turned his head back to the ducks, watching as they flapped and squawked to one another.  “I was pretty bad news at the time when we were together,” he admitted, “I’m glad that she found one that was able to give her what I couldn’t.  She deserves nothing but the best…”
“And you don’t?” was the curt and interrupting response.
“I never said that.” Eddie countered.  “I am man enough to admit that I am a work in progress.  I’ll look for my special someone once I’m in my final drafts.”
There was a snort. “Such a funny way of saying things… you’re right this is the Eddie Brock that we are talking to…” the man whispered to himself that Eddie chose to ignore.  He probably looked the same about a year ago, muttering and arguing with himself and Venom. “You’re the one and only Eddie Brock, how can you be less than perfect?” the man suddenly asked him.  “I know many people who would argue differently.  Of all the changes that you made, the men and corporations that you took down.”
Eddie gave a short laugh.  “Those are the people who know me only from television or through my articles, not me personally,” he said, folding his arms behind his head, relaxing.  
The man nodded. “Humble…” he whispered.  Just then a child ran, screaming up to the pond. The ruckus caused the ducks to startle and take flight.  “Like women… They always leave in the end…”
The man must have quite the history if he was comparing women to frightened fowl.  “Much like roommates,” Eddie muttered quietly to himself watching as the ducks flew off.
His comment was not unheard.  The homeless man slowly turned to look at him, filmed eyes peering at him. “Roommate?” he asked.
“Oh yeah.  We shared a little apartment for the longest time. Anyways, about a year ago my roommate left me in the middle of the night without any warning.” He said.  “No explanation or warnings… at least none that I could pick up on.  Though perhaps I was just too thick and I missed his signals.”
The man cocked his head, the blind eyes staring straight at him.  “Perhaps… perhaps there was something that he didn’t know how to say but needed to?” he offered.
Eddie shrugged his shoulders, momentarily unconcerned with how chatty the man was today.  He knew how the drugs worked on the people. They were always chatty when they were coming down off some sort of high.  And besides, he had forced himself to stop thinking about that night.  It was healthier for him.  “Probably…. But the past is in the past. Got to keep moving on with your own life and you do what you need to survive.  Even if does mean leaving them in the past, as painful or heartbreaking as that is.”
“Sounds like you were close to him…. your roommate.”
“Well, I call him my roommate.  He was my best friend, but we were closer than friends.” Eddie sighed the memories of Venom dancing around the edges of his memory.  “He truly was my everything in a way.  We were the best team.” He said softly.
The man froze at that, his eyes going wide and his body beginning to quiver.  He was trembling like a leaf in the wind as he muttered to himself, shaking his head.  “Team.. we… team… he said we… us…”
He looked away as the man fidgeted and spoke with himself, wrenching hard on his fingers.  If Eddie didn’t know any better, he would have guessed that he had given the wrong answer, triggered him somehow.
Perhaps it was time to get out of the way before the man truly lost it.  Heavens knew that he didn’t need another hospital bill to pay off.
Eddie quickly got up from the bench.  “Anyways, it was nice to see you again.  Maybe I’ll see you around.” He turned and began to walk briskly away.  He was more than a few paces away when he heard the guttural shout.
Black tendrils snapped into his vision, wrapping around his wrists and waist, ooze circling around his legs.  Slowly pulling back to the man.  He gaped in shock at the darkness, at Venom, and dumbly tried to pull away from them. “Wha… Venom! Let me go!”
The man’s eyes widened as he began to lose control of his body to the symbiote hiding deep within his flesh.  His body began to twitch as he attempted to regain his control.  “I’m sorry!” he cried out, “I’m so sorry!”  Slowly dark ooze bubbled and covered half of the man’s head, teeth sharpening and lengthening, and a single milk-white, cat-eye staring hard at his prize.
Eddie dug his heels into the dirt, scrambling backwards as his hands racked for purchase on something, anything.  Bushes, tree roots, the garbage can.  Eventually, he grabbed one of the armrests of the bench, struggling to pull himself together.  This stopped him, at least for the moment.  “Venom!  Knock it off!”
Venom and the tendrils didn’t seem to care at the disruptance that they were causing.  They had been steadily pulling back Eddie towards him, ignoring the rest of the park.  That white eye staring at Eddie with a hunger that he hadn’t seen before…
And then he had grabbed the bench, stopping himself.  
With a growl, Venom summoned more tendrils to spring from the man’s body, wrapping around Eddie’s body. Individual fingers were slowly pried loose, ankles seized, hips snatched and squeezed, and his thighs stabilized.  With a hard yank, he pulled Eddie up and then towards him again.  
Venom was not playing around this round.
He was not risking Eddie’s escape.
With a yelp, Eddie felt his body leave the stability of the ground, feeling trapped in Venom’s tendrils.  As that moment slowed, Eddie felt his heart skip a beat, excitement building in his nerves. This was Venom, his one and only true partner, what was he doing resisting?  Didn’t he spend the last year morning his loss?
Then Venom jerked his body towards him, causing Eddie to gasp in fear.  Venom had taken over more of the man, yet appeared to content to leave most of the human body exposed rather than the symbiote’s real form. The inky black tendrils held him suspended in front of the alien.  Right in front of those great teeth.  What was he planning?
Both the cat eye and human stared at him, slowly looking him over.  Taking him in. He felt like a morsel of food that was about to be devoured.  He gave a hard swallow, fear beginning to take over.  He had seen Venom eat more than one human, he had even helped him eat them before.  If he had misread Venom’s signs and the symbiote was pissed at him for whatever reason, he could disappear from the world without a trace.
His eyes squeezed shut and, involuntarily, he thought of Anne and Dan, wondering if they would miss him, or if they would consider it a burden lifted.
The tendrils slowly lowered him almost to the ground. Just until his toes just brushed against the earth but leaving him hanging in front of the alien and the human’s body that he occupied.  Eddie’s instinct was to grip the arms in front of him, stabilizing himself as much as he could.  He feebly struggled, knowing that he was well and truly trapped, right where Venom wanted him.
“LOOK UP, EDDIE.” Came Venom’s demand.  Eddie shook his head dumbly, refusing to give the alien any satisfaction of seeing the fear in his eyes.  Refusing to give him the quick and easy alligator kill that he had taken part in so many times before.  He didn’t want his last moments to be filled with those teeth and how they felt as they punctured his skin.
Hands suddenly gripped his hips, pulling him tight against the man.  Chest to chest, hips to hips, it was hard to believe that Venom towered over Eddie in this form.
“THE CLOSER THE BETTER.”  One hand still wrapped around his hips, the other hand grabbed his chin, forcing his head up and towards the monster.  
The kiss was hard and demanding.  Lips clashed together, teeth clinking against one another.  Hungrily the man dived into the kiss, small noises escaping him as the kiss deepened.  The man’s tongue was in his mouth, seeming to taste Eddie, savouring the moment.  As Eddie gasped into the kiss, the hand released his chin and wrapped around his back, pulling him even closer.  Yet, as rough as it was, there was just something about the kiss…
Like coming home after a long day.
Coming to his senses, Eddie suddenly pushed the man away, wiping at his mouth with his free hand, trying to ignore the taste of old hamburger that now settled in his mouth.
His free hand…
The man stumbled backwards once Eddie had pushed him away, his mouth still open with shock at the sudden freedom.  It wouldn’t last long.  He stood, swaying on his feet for barely a second before he fell sideways, his eyes losing their sparkle, his skin already turning grey and cold.
He was dead before he hit the ground.
“Shit!” Eddie cried out, rushing to his side.  “Wake up! Hey! Someone! This man-”
The rest of his words were choked off as Venom applied gentle pressure to his vocal cords, silencing him. ‘THAT’S ENOUGH, EDDIE,’ Venom told him through their psychological bond. ‘THERE IS NOTHING MORE THAT WE CAN DO. ALL OF HIS MAJOR SYSTEMS HAD ALREADY SHUT DOWN BY THE TIME I FOUND HIM.’
“There has to be something that we can do!” Eddie managed to say before Venom silenced him again.
The dark alien covered and encased Eddie within his body, tendrils wrapping tight around him, fusing him with the alien.  Fully formed, Venom ran from the park, ran from the body. Faster and faster he ran until their surroundings were nothing more than a blur.
It was when he had finished climbing one of the tallest towers, looking out over at the city that he loved, that he stopped running.  Crouching behind the handrails, mindful of Eddie’s fear of heights, he wrapped his arms around himself, wrapping them around where he knew that Eddie was held inside of his body.  He gave them a gentle squeeze, imagining instead that he was hugging the human in the flesh instead of through his own skin.
“MINE.” He growled, squeezing tighter.  “MINE.”
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