the-indie-owl · 2 years
I just have to say I REALLY love your designs for the Gods and Goddesses of both Greek AND Roman Mythology if they appeared in SpongeBob SquarePants. And I'm really pumped to see what you have planned for the future ^^
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I just wanna say, First of All, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the Love that you really enjoy my own personal takes on the Greco-Roman Gods themselves it really means so much to Me within my Heart that I will keep going on drawing my versions of Neptune and Poseidon's own Families if they would appear in that Universe since I enjoy Greek Mythology a lot as well as any Media's takes on any God and Neptune/Poseidon is one of my Most Favorite Gods ever in all of Mythology. I will keep on trying to figure out which design will suit any Greek God and their Counterpart 💖
As well as figuring out on which Voice will suit on each of them for what I headcanon to what they will sound like if they appeared in the franchise (which I know that will never happened because Sea Gods are only allowed BUT let's just imagine it instead if they did include some Other Non-Water Deities ^^).
Second of All, I have been getting to know the SpongeBob fandom recently since June. Ever since I've cried so hard because of what was happening during the first months this year (lost my Uncle who was one of the Brothers of My Mother (RIP)), I've been through a lot of Pain, Stress, Toxic Fans, and Dramas, I couldn't take it anymore as I instantly quit on that and started a new life (which I am currently in right now as you can tell).
I have re-watched the show and got a chance to watch its Modern Episodes through Streaming (Mostly Amazon and Paramount+) since I haven't seen the Show in such a long time even after I stopped watching it since Season 9. But now that I am currently in it's fandom since it somehow just became one of my main and most favorite medias of all time since I've looked back into it, I even remembered all the good times that I had when I watched the show ever since childhood (Ah, the Nostalgia).
Plus, SpongeBob is a very Good Show that keeps Me calm and makes Me want to forget about the Bad Times that I've been through and even the Fandom around Me is so very Healthy! Not even one single Toxic Fan was bumped into Me! ^^
I of course have watched its Two Spin-Offs despite Stephen being unsure if he wanted to have one (I know that many people say that he didn't want one for his own creation but I heard that there was someone saying that He didn't know IF a Spinoff could work). Kamp Koral is cute (despite on how none of the backstory behind SpongeBob and his Friends were true in the first place) and even The Patrick Star Show is a bit Funny.
If you are wondering on how I got the idea of Greek and Roman Gods being in the show, well, chances are, since we've all know that Neptune has been around in the show since when it was first started around the 90s. He's one of the very few first versions of the Roman God of the Seas as well as being the Counterpart of the Greek God of the Seas himself that we all know. But when I got to watch "Sponge On The Run", I immediately fell in love with their version/take on Poseidon (Neptune's Greek Counterpart). This made Me wonder if perhaps that the series itself somehow takes place in an Alternative Universe where if Gods existed in a Reality where if all Myths and Legends were real (Of course, we do see in Some Media of Gods living in the Modern Era that we are currently in living in our world like Percy Jackson or Lore Olympus).
Considering the fact that I love OCXCanon and have always done that throughout the years, I've put up a big twist behind my version on Salacia (The Roman Counterpart of Amphitrite and Neptune's Real Wife from Roman Mythology) into turning her a Wife of Poseidon as well as still being accurate to her Original version. Needless to say, she's little of an OC and is way more of a personal take on one of the Roman Goddesses.
We don't really get much Poseidon and Amphitrite versions like Hades and Persephone but even though Poseidon cheats on his wife, I bet Amphitrite doesn't care cuz she still loves her Husband (I wonder why she is never shown towards being angry at him).
Thirdly of all, this is going to surprise you one bit but my personal take on Greco-Roman Gods wasn't really the first time that I've used Gods in an AU story of a Certain Media. The First One that I did was a SMG4 AU of Mine and I even wrote a story about it on Wattpad (which had my own Arc that involved around Marine Cultures of Sea Life since Splatoon is another one of those Beach/Ocean themed Media of Video Games). I even had Greek Gods in my that Other AU of Mine (I haven't been in an SMG4 mood since and I'm still doubting about wanting to remake it like maybe change my own SMG4 AU Arc up a bit and maybe take out the Greek Gods away OR just only keep one of them like Zeus for instance just so that I would keep focusing on my true Take on Greco-Roman Mythology which is in My Own SpongeBob AU for now on).
So yeah, I would just probably have to remake my SMG4 AU just so that people wouldn't be confuse by my other AU which also has Greek Gods in it (Little Reminder that just because I have been using Gods in my AU stories doesn't mean I'm gonna keep using the Greek Gods in ALL of my AU stories because that would be very boring and overused a lot so I would just only use them only for a Single AU of Mine). I would just have to probably remove the Greek Gods for my SMG4 AU and keep them only for my SpongeBob AU since Neptune and Poseidon are around (which means I could perhaps re-write my own SMG4 Arc).
I have been recently thinking that maybe I could also add in the Other Water Deities from Other Mythologies as well as adding in Other Non-Water Gods with them. It would be like on how if SpongeBob SquarePants was like a Disney's Hercules 2.0. (Adding in Other Mythologies including both the Other Foreign Water Deities and The Non-Water Gods all together), quite similar to yours when you design what the Other Gods would look like if they were in Hercules ^^
I'm somehow unsure if Hillenburg himself was ever a Mythologist on Ancient Greece and Rome. Perhaps he was somehow fascinated in Poseidon and that's how his own personal take on Neptune was born (I dunno, just a little guess ;^^).
I know that the Show itself isn't all about Mythology but just only imagine if they ever did on personal takes on Other Gods (then Neptune and Poseidon wouldn't have to be the only ones). I've been a Greco-Roman Mythologist for a very long time ever since I got into Lore Olympus since 2018 and it has really made Me love Greek Mythology and all of its Personal Takes on it (either in Movies, Shows, Books, Video Games, ect.) I'll never hate on any adaptation of Greco-Roman Mythology, no matter on how the Gods are portrayed differently from their Mythical Names.
Anyways, I just wanna say, Thank You for your Kind Compliment, it really warms up my Heart. It's very nice to see on someone who loves my own versions on Greek and Roman Gods as separated people, as well as being accurate to what they would look like in the Franchise's Style! 💗
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bibbykins · 2 years
idk how many times you have tell the people to read the warnings, it’s warnings there for a reason. then have the audacity to say rude stuff to you because they didn’t read. anyhow i love you and hope your doing okay !!!!
I spend forever on those warnings bevause I rlly sit there for however long it takes to think of anything I can that could warrant a warning. It just makes me like... so tired to see stuff like that.
Like the whole reason we all can gush about dark romance/yandere fics are bc we are okay/comfortable with seperating fiction from reality and then people who aren't read it and make it my problem?? We all have our own preferences and I've never been shy about how these things are not to be desired idk how much more straightforward I can get when tagging it the way I do? Idk I'll just be blocking any other rude people with the same thing to say bc I can only repeat myself so many times
Thank you for coming in and saying kind words! It was quite bumming to be going to bed after answering an ask like that but it needed to be said one last time so thank you for giving me something happier in my ask box! Ily and hope you're doing well💕
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
hey! so i've been reading a fair share of tommy x reader fics and i watched the last episode and it had me thinking of something. Since i really have nowhere to post this and i'm not so sure i should maybe make a blog for my fics, i decided to send you the little thing i wrote so you can share, if it isn't that big a bother! i'd like to know if it's any good, really :D
anyways. here goes:
Of course, there's the part where you're on your knees, carpet chaffing against dark tights, looking up into the shadow where his face is, the glint of his eyes giving away where his attention lies (you), where his mind is wandering—your figure,— and what he wants to see.
So he makes sure to hold your face, not too strong when he does it though not too much like a caress either; because that, too, is out of bounds as so many things are won't to be in this arrangement. He drags his thumb past your lips, just beneath where your chin dips into a slope, and if you open your mouth of your own accord it's not a shame here, not at all. You can't help it either, so there it is.
See, the thing is that the last lights left are flickering on your bedside, a lavender candle that stains everything with its shade of innocence; and really, your position where your knees bend is only incidental.
You did mean to pray— for him, even.
Say, wouldn't that be good if anybody saved a prayer or two for Thomas Shelby?
He dips his weight back into your bed, used to moving in the dark so that when it creaks it doesn't sound like such a confession to the dark, and then his face is that much closer and you can see it, now, the hollow of his cheekbones and where it points into the slant line of his nose, his piercing eyes, his hair brushed forward already working its rebellion under the guise of curls.
His green scarf lulls in front of your chest, his thighs surrounding your arms. A bolder woman would press her hands against them, feeling the thick ropes of musculature, and hoist herself up nearer, cut the distance and half, and then more, till there's none.
"You came," you whisper, tracing your fingertips around the edge of his scarf.
"I said I would," he drawls, "Man of my word, aren't I?"
It's not a complaint and he knows it, "Man of few words, more like."
"Just enough." there's a chuckle in smile, a hidden humour in the dark, a door to open that you cannot see just yet. He leans forward, towards his knees, and his cologne is all that surrounds you. "You don't need them, anyhow."
You hum— a question, an acquiescence, a response of some kind or another. "You know just what to do, don't you?" and there's that thumb again, running down your cheek to tease your lip just so, your heart picking up the pace.
His eyes fall from yours to your lips and he is eager, just as you are. He is waiting for your answer, your code, your permission so he may do what he has been waiting for.
His secret is that he wants you to want it, to want him, more than he ought.
You don't know how to hide the fact that you do, even though you desperately should.
Your mouth is wet when you tug the scarf down, lifting your thighs to meet him half way, your words a whisper when you say: "Yes, sir."
Then you close the distance, ditching the soft fabric for that of his pants, where your splayed hands grasp him firm and your gasp has not a drop of surprise in it, not at all.
This was good! Like REALLY good. I was honestly kind of bummed when it was over, so I guess you’re gonna have to make a blog to post your lovely ideas on haha!
If you’re interested, you can definitely message me privately if you want any tips/want me to give you feedback on your stories.
Thanks so much for choosing me to be the first person to share your lovely writing with! I know how tough/stressful it can be to share your ‘brain babies’ with the world haha ☺️💕
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