#but anyways ya if anyone wants to reblog this u can idgaf. but anywyas i learned stuff ๐Ÿ‘
carcinized ยท 2 years
i feel like the most important things ive learned about friendships recently are that
a) if someone really, really loves you they will love you despite and sometimes even for your flaws. for example my best friend in the whole world is a show off who cant talk about her feelings. do i care? of course. do i want to strangle her sometimes? hell yes. do i love her? i would probably take a bullet for her.
and b) dont put all your energy into having one perfect ideal relationship with one person (whether romantic or platonic or whatever else). just surround yourself with people you love and enjoy being around. you can get something from each relationship and satisfy all your needs plus you dont lose everything if you have a falling out. PLUS you can almost always find someone whos free when you are LMAO
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