#but at the same time i don't carefully follow her career and idk much about her life outside of the few movies she's in that i loved
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kirsten dunst | on becoming a god in central florida, 1.02
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Member: Yunho
Genre: mellow, lofi cafe feels idk, long-forgotten romance??
Word Count: 1.9k
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your eyes were fixated on the laptop screen, a daily cup of white chocolate mocha steaming next to your laptop on the surface of the table. you stretched and took a deep breath.
the holidays were here, snow was falling like cotton outside, but you were sitting here in your favourite cafe, comitting yourself to your work that, though drained you, was inviting enough to keep you occupied in this season. the sight of couples strolling outside was the first thing that caught your attention, followed by the children running around and making footprints in the snow piled up against the sidewalks.
your eyes drifted back onto your computer screen, when the bell that hung on the entrance door of the cafe jingled. the scent of roses drifted through the air, and you weren't sure if you were just being sensitive with your sense of smell, but you started to wonder how come nobody else was reacting to such a strong scent.
It wasn't a scent that not many wore, much less a man who had just entered the cafe -- your eyes reacted to the scent faster than your thought process, finally realising who it was.
you lifted your hands off the table, leaning back in the seat as your eyes traced the shape of his forehead, his browbone, his nose, his lips. you looked back at the screen, then tried to steal a look at him through your lashes, just that this time, he was looking at you too.
"Latte macchiato with spoon of cocoa powder," you heard him order.
Hmm. you hum. still the same order after five years.
He walks over to the table warily, his hands jammed into his coat pockets and his hair now longer but neatly combed up to expose his forehead, browner with more dye. "Still the workaholic you were when you left, i see."
"i was going to stay a workaholic regardless of the people i was with," you leaned forward and offered him a small smile. he pulls out the chair opposite you and sits down.
he smiles back with his eyes. "five years."
"five years," you almost whisper in response. you take a sip out from your own cup. "if you still think it was easy convincing myself to leave back then--"
"no, i didnt think it was easy," yunho shakes his head. "i just wish... i had more power to keep you here. i just wish whatever we had was enough to make you stay, but i guess i was wrong."
he looks you in the eye, gently blinking his tired, jetlagged eyes.
you trudged your way back to the apartment, your mind elated but your heart heavy in your chest as you thought about the conversation earlier that day.
"i'll be sending you over to paris to work with chanel on their promotions."
"Huh?" You raised a brow, your hands held behind your back as you watched your boss pack her table and shove some files back into the shelf behind her.
"you've been producing quality work. so, i'm choosing you to go to paris and be our representative to work with chanel on a new contract."
new contract?
"this isn't a one-time business trip?"
"no, it's not. chanel's picky about the collaborations they offer other companies, and the one we got is based on a 7-year contract. If you accept it, you'll be staying in paris for the next 7 years."
you sucked your lips between your teeth and blink at your boss upon hearing the offer.
"i know you're in a serious relationship right now. but you deserved this offer, which is why i raised the topic in the first place. whatever you choose to do with it is up to you." your boss had her palms flat against her desk as she leaned forward and scanned your facial expression.
reality yanks you back to current time, when yunho gets the door of the small house open before you even reach the walkway.
"Oh, you're back! i was about to drive out to get you--"
"yunho," you breathed, picking up your pace as you turned into the walkway. "we need to talk."
yunho blinks at you, unconsciously wrapping his hands around yours as he pulls you through the door.
"do you regret the decision?" you rested your cheek in your palm, looking at yunho's facial features. five years had zero impact on his looks. he still looked as good as the last time you saw him.
"of letting you go to paris?" yunho raised a curious brow, taking a sip from his latte. you nod.
"no," he shakes his head and licks his lips, resting his forearms on the table top and rests some weight on his arms. "you told me at the start of our relationship that your career was top priority, and i said i respected it. i still do."
there he was. the man you fell in love with. his maturity and ability to understand you on a different level was what made you so attracted to him in the first place.
"we both know i wouldn't have been able to stop you anyway."
your brows tilted backwards on your face, and you cocked your head to the side at his words. you felt shitty the week you left yunho, but all you could remember was him telling you to do your best, and that this was what you had been working for. 'you deserve it', he said. he might have been mature enough to respect your decision to pursue your career, but you were the one who chose to leave him, the only man whom you truly loved and wanted to be with.
"yunho, i--"
"no, please," yunho shows you his palm. "don't apologise."
you look down at your closed laptop, rubbing your eyes and running your hand through your hair. yunho finishes his drink and notices that your eyes were a little red, probably from staring too much at your screen.
"where are you staying now? i'll send you. how long are you staying for?" yunho hands you a napkin.
"hotel rendezvous. about 10 days." you take the napkin, knowing that he's already noticed your tiredness.
"okay. let's get you back to the hotel. you're already exhausted," yunho stands up. you remember this tactic of his. it was a power move that made you anxious, that made you pack up and leave with him, so you did just that.
the drive to the hotel was quiet, but strangely comforting. The car was filled with yunho's scent, so you felt like you had just been thrown back five years to when you first started living with him.
time seemed to pass, even when not many words were spoken. it was almost like god was punishing you for choosing your career over yunho. you fumbled through your wallet for the keycard, pushing the heavy door open and holding it, gesturing into the room towards yunho.
"are you sure? You're exhausted, you should be resting and not entertaining a gue--"
"Oh, shut up and get in," you chuckle, leaning forward and pulling him in.
you got your bag off your shoulders, carefully placing the laptop on the table next to the bed. yunho looked around the small, but elegant room while you pulled off your coat and your earrings.
you leaned down to the corner of the table, reaching for the socket switch to turn on your charger as yunho walked to the large sliding door a few steps away, looking out at the snow falling gently onto the balcony.
"how does it look like in paris?" he asks quietly, the warmth from his breath creating a small cloud of vapour against the glass. you stand straight again after checking that your laptop was charging before walking over to the sliding door, shoving your hands into the pockets on your butt.
"oh, gorgeous. especially when it snows. it's beautiful."
you hear yunho give a small laugh through his nostrils.
"you know, i thought about it. i thought about flying to paris to look for you, because i was never able to let you go."
you purse your lips and gulp, a strange feeling creeping up on your chest. it felt like when you first crushed on him and you had no idea if he would reciprocate. it was a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty.
"can i ask you something?"
oh, no.
yunho finally turns to look at you, his height suddenly extremely in your face because of the lack of space between the two of you. you were dangerously close to him, so much that the only thing you could smell was the scent of him mixed with the rose cologne nobody else wore.
"do you still love me?"
you freeze at the question. your eyes try to look away, but yunho shifts his head to meet them. you slowly look down at your feet, only for him to tilt your chin upwards to look at him.
"i just need an honest answer."
you sigh, feeling your heart and presence completely melt at his touch. it was light, and gentle, and you would be lying if you said you didn't miss it.
You'd be lying straight through your teeth if you said you didn't still think about him every other day, even when you were in paris.
yunho realises that you've gone quiet for a very long time, and he is aware that the only time you do that is when you know a truth you refuse to admit.
yunho closes the gap between the both of you, pulling you closer to him by your chin and kissing you lightly on your lips.
a feeling of nostalgia, warmth, and love overwhelmed you all at once. It had been five. long. years.
yunho pulls away and looked you in the eyes, knowing that there was no other person who could read you better.
"i do," you breathed, as yunho's hands shifted to your cheeks, his cold fingertips right below your earlobes. "i do, and i always will."
a small smile pulls his lips up his cheek, and you could see his eyes welling up with tears before he pulls your face to his again, this time, pressing harder, pressing longer, allowing the both of you to reminisce the taste of each other's lips.
"i'll never let you go again. i let you go once, i'm not letting you go again." yunho presses his forehead against yours, then pulled you into his embrace and burying his nose in your hair. you shut your eyes tightly, grimacing at the warmth and presence nobody else besides yunho could provide you.
"yunho," you were trying your best not to cry.
"i'm assuming you still love me then?"
you felt yunho laugh a little into your hair.
"i'll love you for the rest of my life, and in the lives after this. no matter where you were, no matter where you will be, you will always have my heart."
A/N: i may or may not have busted a big fat uwu writing this, this might be the softest one shots ive ever written.
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