#krystal gill
carpenoctxrn · 2 years
Doctor. Doctor. (Spencer Reid x FemReader)
Chapter 7: The Storm at the Party
You can find Chapter 6 here
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Warning: Mentions killing, talk of anxiety, cheating parent figure, reader being jealous towards Maeve and like hating her, Reader liking Spencer, mentions of arousal, like conscience being a menace and imploring the reader to tease Spencer.
P.O.V: Y/N
A ugly human emotion that contorted the mind through the manipulation of the heart. And right now at this moment, I was succumbing to Jealousy. My heart felt broken and my mind angry. I just looked at the woman being fawned over by others. And what I saw made my stomach sick.
His hands intertwined with her fingers as they talked to each other. It seemed as if everyone was talking to each other while my eyes were trained on the two hands that held each other tightly. My stomach felt sick because of what I was doing not even 5 minutes ago. Trying to seduce a man who is already taken. I am desperate but actively trying to seduce a man into cheating was a feeling of disgust that washed over me. 
I’ve felt this feeling before. Every Time I saw my father with his new wife the feeling would come back. I despised that woman so I refuse to do anything resembling her. The sight of the two hands before me began to blur as tears formed. 
“Hey I’m just going to use the bathroom.” I spoke to Luke and Lisa disrupting their conversation with Matt and his wife who were discussing the best gangster flick of all time.
“Yea it’s right past that doorway.” Lisa spoke, gesturing in a direction that would make me pass by them.
Standing up slowly I kept a normal pace as I walked around the table and towards the doorway to go to the bathroom. I prayed and hoped no one would stop me for an introduction but alas my wishes were left unheard as Krystall said my name. Gesturing me to come to them.
“And Doctors this is Dr. Y/N Monterey,” She said as she comfortingly held my waist with her left arm and her right arm was placed on my right shoulders.
“It's great to meet you,” I said, putting my hands forward to shake.
“ I’m Dr. Maeve Donovan,” she said as she eyed my hands, “I don’t shake hands. It’s a germ thing.” She spoke uncomfortably.
“No wonder you’re so compatible with Dr. Reid,” I said using his words in this sense, “He wouldn’t bite his nails, he’d pick them because he didn’t bring hand sanitizer. I observed it a few times when you were bashing Dr. Tucholsky theory.” I laughed.
He looked confused but it seems as if he brushed it off to continue a sense of normalcy and light hearted notes to my sentences. 
“Anyways, please excuse me I have to use the bathroom,” I said, exempting myself from the group.
I briskly walked towards the bathroom. Opening the door I saw that it was a full bath in a mid-century colour theme. A grand mirror, brown tiles, fake plants and outstanding warm lights were placed. 
I stared at my figure. I looked just as I did when I arrived at the party but something in me changed. I felt different. Flashbacks from my family's past began haunting me. I felt my thoughts spiralling out of my own control as if they had an intention of their own. 
I grasped the cool material of the white basin. My fingers held on tightly as I put my entire weight on my hands to elevate the pressure my feet felt. I couldn’t look up at the mirror right now because I knew I would cry. I knew I would lose my composure. So I didn't bother looking at myself again. 
The buzz of my phone against the tile brought my attention back. 
Doctor: I know you work at the Saint Mother of Mary’s Hospital, drive a dodge hellcat, don’t have official social media handles, but you have an unofficial instagram account which you use to like posts about nature, cars, motorbikes, and quotes from Nikita Gill.
Doctor: oh and also that you have a thing for being tied up.
Y/N: I know my instagram didn’t reflect anything that would showcase I loved being tied.
Doctor: No. But Nikita Gill’s quote does.
Y/N: Gee doctor are you a profiler or something.
Doctor:...What if I was?
My mind felt blank as my heart raced at the possibility of this man being a profiler. It felt like a joke so the chuckle that left my lips were justified.
Y/N: I wouldn’t ask for a date at the bar if we met. 
Y/N: I want hot sex, not a therapy session.
Doctor: So you were going to ask me out to a date if we met in a bar?
Y/N: Yes as long as your version of a date means going back to my place and leaving in the morning before I wake up.
Doctor: Didn’t expect you to be that kind of a girl.
Y/N: No one does.
Doctor: Realistically I can’t find your address. 
Y/N: Are you admitting defeat Doctor?
Doctor: Never. Although I am asking for help.
Y/N: How may I be of service to you?
Doctor: Keep on talking like that gorgeous. It makes me more restless to meet you.
Doctor: What state and city do you live in?
Y/N: Virginia, in between Quantico and Centreville. I hope that help’s Doctor.
Doctor: See you soon gorgeous.
Smiling to myself I felt more like me. I looked into the mirror and I saw me with that familiar prowling look in my eyes. I was ready to go back to the dinner but not to flirt with Spencer, but to prove to myself I am better. I will not let my own inhibitions break my morals and ethics.
A whore with morals. That's comedic.
An eye roll to my thought, my hands opened the door to go back to the party much stronger and better.
I was gone for about ten minutes so I expected everyone to be prepping for food but it seemed that everyone was still talking. The group of people were still there standing and talking. It seemed as if nothing had changed except the topic of conversations.
“Anyways so I changed my approach using your advice and the next thing you know three names popped up on my screen. Seriously Maeve you’re a lifesaver. Literally.” Penelope praised Maeve.
The familiar feeling of jealousy came back as I heard those words when approaching the group to pass by them. 
“Oh hey Y/N, come join us.” Motioned Emily as she handed me a glass of champagne she picked up from the tray near her.
“Who are we celebrating?'' I asked, eyeing the wine in my hand.  
“Maeve and her advice on our missions. She helped us solve cases faster and save more lives than we could ever tell her.” Jennifer added.
“To Maeve!” Penelope said and everyone quietly joined in before sipping, or downing it like a shot in Penelope’s case.
 Maeve just took a sip of her Champagne as she uttered thank you’s.
“So Dr. Y/N is that an MD or PHD?” She asked me politely.
“Both. I got my MD two years ago and that's when I began working at the hospital. I got my PHD in Neurobiology when I was two years in graduate school, so close to eight years ago. What about you?” I asked as I sipped the champagne.
“Oh my focus was and has been genetics. I truly love the complexity and bonds…” Her voice droned out in my ears.
Even Though I was looking at her I could see Spencer behind her. His hands around her waist loosely clung to her red fitted dress. Her red hair was let down and I could Spencer focus on her word. Everything about this situation was making me feel pitiful at my own circumstance.
“...I was so driven that I finished my graduate program by the time I was 24.” She said enthusiastically. Spencer just smiled and praised her.
“I guess that’s why you’re so good at what you do.” He said to her.
“Speaking of geniuses who completed college in their early 20’s, a little knight told me Dr. Y/N had her Neurobiology doctorate at 22 while she was an intern for a surgeon at the local hospital in Sacramento County.” Spoke Penelope as she stumbled a bit.
“Wow, that's young. Spence had two PhDs by that time,” Maeve added in. Her voice was like an annoying chihuahua that was barking at nothing to me.
Be nice Y/N. She is being friendly and you should follow her lead.
I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled and took a sip of my drink as Emily advised us to sit back, which we so graciously did. Seating down Phil and Penelope switched seats since she just had to seat closer to David to tell him a secret. As I sat down I observed that right across from me was none other than Spencer Reid. As he sat down we made eye contact. His soft stubble was more than attracting me to stare whilst his lips were parted open to allow his pink tongue to run over them. Moisturising them. 
I just smiled at him when he returned back to me, allowing my heart to pick up its pace as a small hue of pink began to form. I didn’t want for others to see me blushing at the sight of Spencer so I took another sip of my champagne. 
“I hope you all have space for some pan fried Italian Chicken with potatoes and peppers. And for the delectable Penelope Garcia we have vegan pasta and gnocchi.” David spoke as the servers began placing our dishes and one of them refilled my unintentionally empty glass of empty wine. My plate looked like it was out of a gourmet channel.
“So enjoy and just know I know how good the food is so please be sure to tell me.” David added on as he sat down.
Clinking of utensils were met with groans of praise of how delicious the food was. I sliced a piece of chicken and brought it up to my mouth to taste the chicken. The chicken flavour was enhanced with dried rosemary, dill, and oregano. The taste made my tongue search for more.
“It’s good isn't it.” Phil whispered as he praised the chicken he just ate.
“It’s so good that I want to marry it.” I whispered as I took another bite. My comment making him and I both chuckle.
“I think that’s why the chicken is dead before you could ask.” Phil Jabbed back at me making me gasp and punch his shoulder lightly before he laughed at my reaction.
“So Dr. Y/N, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” David asked as he was eating his chicken, allowing many to silence their words to listen to me.
“Oh- Okay. So I came to Virginia two years ago from Sacramento, California. I didn’t want to leave but I had to. I have a younger brother who is three years old and every birthday he has celebrated here with me in Virginia.” I said very briefly, ending it with a smile.
“Oh you’re willing to spend two months with toddlers?” Asked Krystal Simmons with a joking tone to her question.
“What can I say, the heart is a complex mechanism when it comes to emotions.” I said looking at Krystall who just touched her heart shaped locket as she nodded at my words.
“Well if you’re ever up for babysitting let us know.” Matt adds on which makes him receive a small slap to his pec from his wife.
“I would love to babysit but I am not so sure if my schedule is reliable for it. But I do get weekends off after every two weekends. So this weekend I am free.” I said offering up my availability.
“That’s good to know.” Krystall said, which made her receive a small slap on her shoulder from Matt with a look that said seriously.
The attention on me died down as everyone began eating the delicious dish in front of them. As I was picking up a potato with my fork I felt something hit my legs. Thinking nothing of it I was about to continue with my action only for me to feel something brush past my legs again. Making me stop my actions. I looked up at the person across from me. The only logical deductions as to whom it could be that my legs were being brushed past. Dr. Spencer Reid. 
He just sat there eating his food as his girlfriend conversed with everyone around her. He sat there quietly picking his food as he would smile and nod at times to what his girlfriend was saying. He felt me staring at him and looked up to meet my gaze. I offered a small smile to which he just acknowledged by sending one back to me.
Unfortunately Maeve caught wind of our little interaction and stopped her talking abruptly. Her sudden lack of words made Spencer look up as she just stared at me. Not knowing what to do I offered her the same smile I offered Spencer, just a bit more shorter. She apologised for taking a break and she continued on droning about what she couldn’t keep inside her mouth.
It's not that I hated Maeve. With the limited interactions I had with her today I actually think she would make a great friend or a colleague at least. It’s the jealousy I feel towards her for having someone like Spencer Reid. Maybe this feeling is temporary and will dissipate in a few short days, but for now it was the only prominent feeling that worked its way through my body. 
I hated how Maeve seemed so perfect for Spencer. First of all she is gorgeous with her porcelain skin, amber hair, and seafoam shaded eyes. Secondly, she is so intelligent that I envy her brain. Thirdly she is so insightful that a group of people who have been doing this work for years ask her for input to solve cases, to help save lives. I was jealous of her, and I hated myself even more for feeling such way.
In my thoughts I had finished the food in front of me at the same pace as others around me. The server’s came up and took the plates away before I had the chance to take my plate away. Once everyone’s plate was cleared David stood up from his place at the head of the table and clinked his glass of scotch on the rocks.
“Thank you everyone for coming, and showering me with praises for the wonderful meal I had prepared. I want to propose a toast to the new friends we made today and may our future continue blessing us with wonderful people who bring delicious cupcakes.” David ended the toast as he looked sincerely at me and nodded. A nod I returned back with a smile. 
The time was now close to 9pm and everyone had moved from the dining room to the backyard. Since couples were dancing, others were talking, and some were playing poker. Spencer was talking with Maeve whilst seated on the couch, I on the other hand had decided to just sit and enjoy another Cuba Libre as I took in the different scene before me. I was waiting on Krystal since she said she had an album of her daughter that she wanted to show me. She was so excited that I couldn't refuse if I wanted to.
In a few minutes she was sitting next to me, sipping on her own Margarita as she opened the big brown leather book. It was adorned by pictures of a blonde little girl who was doing various activities with tid bits of pictures of David’s grandson. The pictures surely showed a beautiful family who loved each other despite the years they haven't known each other. 
My eyes caught on a picture with a figure that seemed familiar. It resembled my father. With furrowed eyebrows and confusion lacing my voice I slowly asked Krystal.
“Who is this man?” I questioned softly, genuinely scared at the answer.
“Oh, that’s so weird I don’t remember. David, honey,” Krsytall called over David from the poker game he refused to play but he stood to observe.
“Who’s this?” Krystall asked on behalf of me. 
My eyes were tracing the familiar figure as my ears were intently listening to the next words that would come out of David’s mouth;.
“That’s my good friend from college, Alvin Pricely. He is a successful businessman now but when that Photo was taken his family was going through a stalker problem that came with wealth. His 8 year old daughter was being stalked by a high school boy, Alex Patrivicsky. It was a heartbreaking case, Alex stalked the girl thinking she looked like her baby sister he lost a year ago but he was killed by a group of mercenaries when they kidnapped Pricely’s daughter. She was found alive with minor bruises here and there but she wouldn’t say how she got them. I sometimes wondered what happened there to her?” David said as he stared at the picture.
Throughout the story I felt my eyes clouded with tears. The overwhelming feeling of being trapped washed over my body, paralyzing my limbs. My mine went into a state of blankness to avoid any impulsive actions to occur during this moment. Every Word that David said brought back a memory to the surface that I had drowned through years of therapy and achievements. At the end of his story those therapy sessions and those achievements were not enough to make the memory’s return back to the depths of my mind.
“After they kidnapped her, they put a knife to her throat and said if she screamed or didn’t do what they asked her they would kill her. So the 8 year old was quiet and she didn’t even cry. They took her to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Bakersville where they locked her in a room with a camera in the corner. She was so scared that she stayed exactly where they had pushed into the room. After a few hours a man came in, with a knife. He began to tell her how he loved cutting people but this would be his first time cutting a little girl. The scared girl didn’t know what to do so when the man went eye level to her and placed the knife right by her face, she snatched it and stabbed him in the neck with it. She watched as she cried as the man bled out in front of her until she saw the door to the room was open. When she ran out of the warehouse she would unconsciously trip over that man’s dead body. Hallucinating, he was following her.” I ended my own saga with a sorrowful look.
“Oh it’s you. You’re Pricely’s daughter.” Exclaimed Krystal as she pulled me into a hug, “Oh you brave little soul.” Her praise continued.
“Your father did say you changed your name to your grandma’s maiden name.” David spoke as he took a sip of his drink as he sat on the couch in front of me.
“She used to complain about how the Montgomery name will die with her, so when I turned 18 I changed my name and she made me my first Cuba Libre.” I said with a smile as I looked at David.
“It’s good to know you succeeded in life,” David said as he stood up from his spot on the couch, “How is your father anyways?” He asked me curiously.
“I wish I had an answer to that.” I responded kindly back to him as my true words did nothing to hide my pain.
He just smiled sadly and went back to his Poker game whilst Krystal told me how brave I was to do what I had done at eight years old. She praised me for defending myself and she comforted me. After years of not having the love and blessing of a mother Krystal was a heaven sent to my heart. Krystal slowly stood up and told me she was going to go put this back and finish up some payments with the server’s before she will join me back. I just smiled and nodded at what she said.
My figure was left alone at the party with nothing but my own thoughts and the taste of rum mixed with coke would provide me comfort. That was until my eyes made contact from across the patio with Spencer. He was looking at my figure in a way that was hard to describe. His face held no emotions. His girlfriend seemed to have excused herself to dance with Penelope or rather Penelope excused his girlfriend to dance with her. He stood up slowly and made his way to me.
Every step he took the closer he came to me. With every inch he was closer the faster my heart beated. He had such an influence on my being from just his walking, no wonder his words have such a tantalizing effect on me. We made eye contact as he was walking but I broke away from the gaze to observe the condensing glass of my liquor.
“Are you okay Y/N?” He asked with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed together.
“Maybe.” I said honestly as I looked back into his eyes.
“Is there something I can do?” He asked genuinely concerned.
You could hold me and tell me that everything is alright.
“Maybe you could just talk?” I questioned even though I meant it as a statement.
“Well you’re in luck, cause I love talking,” Added Spencer before he began talking.
I didn’t really pay attention to the topic that he was talking about. I was lost in the sound of his voice that came out as a whisper. His enticing voice had hypnotized my senses into focusing on him and only him. Every word he spoke made my heart swell from knowing it was meant for me. Only me. 
“I feel like we’ve been saying this a lot to each other but I’m sorry for brushing past that memory you told me. About the trident looking fork.” He spoke awkwardly as he brought up the memory in an effort to make me laugh. In which he succeeded.
“We have been apologizing a lot to each other, but I guess that's always the first step into the threshold of friendship.” I added my two cents as I sipped on my half empty drink, enjoying the slight tingle my felt at the cold liquid running down the esophagus. 
“Friends. I never really have friends outside of work. Never wanted or needed them,” he clarified. His words were no less than a bullet to my wounded heart, I felt myself turning red at the embarrassing notion that had just occurred.
Spencer Reid rejected my friendship.
I unintentionally broke our eye contact as I took my drink and downed it all in one gulp.
“I’m gonna go get a refill,” I said as I quickly spoke, not giving him the chance to soften his words for me.
I stood up making my way to the drinks table only to find Phil struggling with a very Drunk Penelope. Maeve was there helping Phil trying to get her to walk to his car apparently from what I gathered from their tone of words.
“Hey Y/N, is it okay if I take Penelope home first then come back to pick you?” Phil asked politely regardless of troubled manner right now.
“It’s okay, I’ll get a uber you just drive safe and get her home safe.” I spoke, coming closer to him in order to  help the three figure out. 
“Are you sure?” He asked with concern, probably hating the idea of me getting in a car with a stranger.
“Yes, I’ll text you when I leave and when I arrive home.” I said softly.
“BUH- Byeee MAeveee and Dr. Y/N’s and Pretty pretty boyy.” Slurred out a very drunk Penelope.
“I can take it from here Maeve,” Said the shy but comforting voice of Spencer Reid.
As the three walked away from us I was left with none other than Maeve. I felt bad for taking away his boyfriend’s attention and felt much like Penelope.
“I’m sorry, I know I’ve been talking with Spencer and that must have gotten in between you two.” I said trying to feign guilt but in reality the only thing I felt was happiness.
“Oh no it’s okay, the move has been making it hard for us to talk without making a storm of the smallest of issues, so a little bit of distance is nice.” She said as she sipped a pink drink in her hand that looked like lemonade. 
“Sorry to hear that,” I said, “so are you guys moving to a house somewhere?” I asked quietly with a heavy heart.
I didn’t know the answer but I did know that I hated the idea of not having Spencer as my neighbor. Yes he technically didn't accept my friendship but like I said. I have friends. What I want is mind numbingly good sex.
“His apartment. It’s closer to my work, his work, so before we make a permanent purchase we decided to pursue a trial of living together.” She explained.
I didn’t know what to feel except that maybe I wouldn’t have minded him living away from the apartment. Because now there is a chance that I will be running into him as his hands are laced with hers when I come back from work. Or I will see them exchanging spit as I am sweaty from a workout. Each image of them living a domestic life was nothing but a cut to my own heart. 
“That’s a very logical and calculated step to take. I hope you both find paths written in your destiny.” My words carried off my silent wishes of having Spencer Reid to myself.
“Thank you,” she muttered before leaving me alone in the small space of the house.
Looking at the time I felt myself slowly coming in grasp with my own limitations as I saw the time that clearly showed the time to be 9:47pm. Luckily I didn’t work tomorrow due to my hectic schedule the past two days, but I still felt emotionally exhausted. A lot happened at this party. Spencer Reid had become my crush, I tried to seduce him albeit knowing he had a girlfriend, met his girlfriend, tried to pursue a friendship with Spencer, which he rejected. And then there is the matter of my trauma that I had buried for so long that just came out tonight. And all in the span of less than 2 hours.
Quickly I grabbed my purse from the kitchen counter and made my way to the group of people in the back to say bye. Everyone was a bit drunk so they were equally open to hugging me goodbye. I started off with Krystall, then the Simmons, then the La-Montagne’s, and I found Emily and David in the corner talking. 
“Heading out?” Asked Emily as she opened her arm for a goodbye deeming her question rhetorically.
“Yes, my body needs more rest than I thought,” I replied back with a chuckle.
“Well it was good to meet you. You know I heard from Gracia that you are a fein when it comes to shopping, wanna go next weekend when you are off?” Emily asked excitedly.
“The obvious answer is yes!” I exclaimed to her as I pulled in another hug matching her enthusiasm.
Jennifer called Emily over and she said bye to me before leaving me alone with David. It seemed like a drink in his hand was natural. I looked at him and smiled.
“Thank you for inviting me over. It was nice to drink with people my own age and not have them puke all over me.” I said chuckling.
“Yea when you get older, this becomes much closer to your heart than strangers,” He said fondly, “and I meant it, you did do better. You know your father had you profiled, right?” He questioned, knowing I was aware of the answer.
“An Obsessive psychopath, that was the diagnosis.” I replied back in a flash.
“Which you clearly are but used for your education it seems.” David stated so keenly.
“Don’t worry the dead bodies I touched were cadavers,” I joked to him which earned me a wry chuckle from him.
“Anyways, I’ll be leaving now, thank you seriously for having me over,” I said as he leaned in for an Italian style goodbye hug plus kiss combo.
“How will you get to your home?” David asked, concerned.
“Oh I’ll just Uber,” I said, waving my phone at him.
“I don’t like that idea. Didn't like cabs before and dont like em now, it always made you an easy target.” He spoke with a fatherly concern and tone to his words.
“Regardless of popular belief most people get abducted while waiting for their vehicle or taxi not in them.” Spencer added with a knowing tone.
“And your point is?” David urged on, almost threatening him to give a better reason for interrupting him, whilst I shamelessly inhaled Dr. Reid’s scent.
“I can drop her off,” He said calmly whilst offering me a smile.
I didn’t know why but his words caught me like a deer in the headlights. I stared up at him not knowing what to do. Gulping, I looked back down at my feet admiring nothing in particular. 
“Oh yeah, Penelope mentioned something about you two living together,” David said with a sly smirk on his face.
“Neighbors,” Spencer clarified, “We are neighbors.” He stated so plainly that it hurt just as he had rejected my friendship.
“It’s okay an uber will be less hassle anyways and I am leaving right now, I’m sure you would like to spend time with Maeve, seeing as I had stolen the majority of it tonight.” I reasoned with Spencer as I looked straight at David.
“Maeve brought her own car and she lives closer to Penelope’s apartment than ours. Besides, I have an early lecture tomorrow to get to so turning in for the night now isn't a bad decision.” He explained so simply, clarifying that it would be the best for me to go with him.
“I like the idea of you two being together,” David said as he took a sip of his whiskey but not before I could see a very obvious smirk forming on his lips.
“You mean leaving together not being together?” I clarified the two words he had said.
“Isn’t that what I said?” David spoke feigning confusion. “Must be the whiskey.” He added on as he swirled the liquid in his hands.
“Or old age,” Said Spencer quietly, making me chuckle at his words.
“What did you say?” David asked curtly and obviously had heard what he said.
“Nothing.” Spencer replied smugly with a calm demeanor to his childish behavior.
“Anyways,” David said whilst eyeing Spencer, “I will feel safer knowing you are with someone I can track down easily if something were to happen to you.” He spoke as his words had humor but concern to them.
“Okay, I will leave with Dr. Spencer Reid then,” I said as I turned to look at the doctor waiting for him to signal if he would like to go now or in a bit.
“Yea let’s go, I already said my goodbyes,” Spencer Spoke as he opened his phone to look at something before looking up at David and shaking his hand as a means of a goodbye.
I heard Emily call out a bye so I turned around and waved at the group one last time. In the seconds as I waved bye to them I knew I was stalling. I already feel so strongly for Spencer and I have already tried teasing him with people around us. How would I act when he will be sitting right next to me with no one there but me and him?
I guess you just have to tease him a bit harder.
My malicious conscience conspired in my head. As I turned around and was met with the tall and hovering frame of Spencer, his eyes were gazing down at me. Judging me as if he had heard what my intentions were with him. And for some reason I loved that he was judging me. I loved how dirty it made my body feel. I loved how his unspoken judging gaze was causing me to feel my arousal lubricating me.
A/N: Hi lovelies, whores, sluts, and any other term you find endearing. Thank you for reading my work. I just felt like I should come clean and state I have general idea of a "plot" but that's it. I don't know how to get there but I will some how. And I will say this again this will not be a cheating trope because I would say it's wayyy out of character for Spencer to cheat, although I love those stories a lot. Also Happy New Year! I hope you guys get dilf crushes, good money, good grades, and good relationship!
Next chapter here
@hopelessromantichopefulthinking @lovemesickly @liidiaaagg g @kodakmack @strangerintheblur @fairydresses @ohnojessicaa @ohnojessicaa @savi-02 @chaoticevilbakugo @winkev1 @fx666x @fall-myriad @volatile-violetet
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go-strt · 1 year
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Join @go-strt and American Campus Communities at ACUHO-I Campus Live in Portland, Oregon. Check out the details at strt.com/acuho-2023 
Victor Gill, @go-strt, and Jason A Taylor, ACC, will be joining TJ Logan, Ohio State University, and Krystal Geyer, Ohio University in a panel breakout session discussing how student housing can unleash the creative energy of student entrepreneurs
Add the session to your Tuesday June 27th calendar here - strt.com/acuho-2023#session409
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emiliodown · 2 years
Lay Me by the Shore from David Findlay on Vimeo.
Introducing a young cast of first time actors, ‘Lay Me by the Shore’ follows a week in the life of Noah, a high school senior in his final days of school as he comes to terms with his best friend’s passing.
Berlinale, 2022 TIFF, 2022
"Lay Me by the Shore" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere. Our new interactive player enables viewers to watch the film, play with Director's Commentary, and read a Q&A with director David Findlay. To return to the main menu, click "Menu" in the upper left hand corner of the screen at any time.
lay me by the shore Starring Isla Pouliot & Kai Smith Written & Directed by David Findlay Inspired by the Music of The White Birch (Ola Fløttum) Produced by Joaquin Cardoner
Cinematographer Evan Prosofsky Editor Alexander Farah Production Designer Kathleen Cooper Sound Designer Mitchell Allen
Executive Producers Sultan Al Saud, Evan Landry Co-Producers Nicolas Tiry, Aline Meyerhoffer, Neel Gupta Associate Producers Philippe Widmer, Max De Pfyffer, Michael Kuna
With Brennan Smart, Aslan Campbell, Tait Jordan, Mary Alef, Jacob Milton, Quinn Bovell, Elyse Farmer, Dylan Macauley, Luca Jacoe, Amadou Bella Diallo, Julian Pineda, Caleb Richmond, Paul Snider, Vivi Harder, Demelza Randall, Ian Kim, Austin de St Croix, Sylvain Rousseau, Brittany Charlston, Gwenna Cooper, Kalayna Kozak, Sam deBock, Nicky Lee Evans, Christopher Evans, Vincent Delorme, Halia Hirniak, Ethan Chao, Sam Gilling, Asaad Al Arid, Charles Booth, Krystal Issa, Lyall Woznesensky, Debbie Woznesensky, Scott Girling, Maria Lefebvre, Aggie Cheung, Jodie Bartman, Anthony Curtis, Nicholas Chase, Mathew King
Casting by Kris Woznesensky & Kara Eide Casting Associate James Kirk
Production Manager Angelica Stirpe 1st AD (mvp) Nano Clow 2nd AD Dide Su Bilgin
Colourist Sam Gilling 1st AC Jared Boyce 2nd AC Chris Merrell Loader Angelo Daniele Steadicam Operator Peter Park 2nd unit DP Jeremy Cox 2nd unit 1st AC Cody Preston
Gaffer Greg Goudreau add'l Gaffers Torbin Doege & Adrianna Hankins Genny Op Ben Graham Key Grip Andriy Lyskov Grips Benedict Dawson, Jan Schädle Ubeda, Greg Sisson, Rob Hastings
Art Director/Man of the Year Jordan Macken Art Department Justin Macken, Sebastian Cerani, Chino Cando, Myra Gimenes Stylist Nina Maidment Style Assists Jordan Campbell, Nina Cheb-Terrab, Samantha Green
Music Supervisor Dondrea Erauw VFX Evan Graves & David McDonald Stunt Coordinator Owen Walstrom Stunt Driver Brennan Walstrom Kayak Instructor Kiah Schaepe
Sound Mix Harry Knazan - OSO Sound Recordist Jjuan Marcos Percy Production Coordinator Sydney Robertson Key Production Assistant Grayson Lang Production Assistants
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kirsten dunst | on becoming a god in central florida, 1.02
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devotedtothetruth · 6 years
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Random icons - 100x100
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imitheoshq · 4 years
mw female fcs??
adria arjona , alisha boe , alisha wainwright ,  bahar sahin , chelsea tavare ,  dominique tipper , gemma chan , greta onieogou , hande erçel , hannah john kamen , im jinah , jamie chung , jessica parker kennedy , jantanadda attawibool ,  jung krystal , karen fukuhara , kiki layne , kim sejeong , kim ok-bin, kimberley drummond , lex scott davis , lily james ,  madeleine madden , madison bailey ,  medalion rahimi , moon gayoung , myra molloy , nana komatsu , naomi scott , natacha karam , neelam gill ,  priscilla quintana ,  rita volk , ritu arya , sarah jeffery , seo yeji , simone ashley ,  sofia boutella ,  summer bishil , tati gabrielle , tessa thompson ,  ursula corbero , vanessa morgan , yandeh sallah , zoe kravitz
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
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Species: Lycan
Affiliation: The Liberation; Chief Strategist
Age: 50+
Suggested FCs: Jack Falahee, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Victoria Pedretti, Anya Chalotra, Sandra Oh. Krystal Jung, Ricky Whittle, Jodie Comer, Rome Flynn, Dev Patel, Neelam Gill
You’ve always been one of the brightest among your peers; your intelligence manifested early in the way you poured over novels and retained information presented to you within the blink of an eye – and soon enough, it became clear that your booksmarts were supplanted with an incredible degree of foresight. You have always had the mind of a tactical genius, able to utilize even the most meager of resources to your advantage – so it only felt right that the position of chief strategist be relegated to you and placed within your lap. You are new to this region of the world – and the Liberation is still a beast you are trying to comprehend. You believe in their cause, of course – how could you not when this world is already so heavy with in justices – but you’re still a newcomer amongst their ranks. You were appointed by the leechers for your incredibly abilities, but you’re still trying to earn their respect.
𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄. Such a vivacious creature with so much to prove – you cannot help but be intrigued by their attitude. You humor them at times even though you, too, are a fresh addition to the pack and its cause. You pester them a little all in good fun, but such advances are met with fiery annoyance nonetheless. You take it in stride regardless, often finding a great deal of amusement – but then again, you always did identify most with those who put one-hundred and ten percent into making themselves better.
𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐄. Their stern resolve is intriguing, but you cannot help but wonder if they ever grow weary from keeping their true selves under lock and key so tightly. They don’t have much time to worry about newcomers like you and you try not to take much offense to that – but you cannot help but wonder if there is a possibility of friendship that lingers between the two of you. You are in awe of their commanding presence, fascinated by their ability to make demands so seamlessly – but it matters so little when they hardly remember you at all.
𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐂. You pity them – and you know they’d have your head on a silver platter if you so much as breathed a word about it. They look so fragile, so lost – but you can all but taste the rage and anguish that lingers in their bones. You know that they want nothing to do with you or the Pack or the politics you are all so deeply enthralled in. You try to extend a hand regardless and you can only hope that they don’t bite.
                                                       TOPAZ IS CURRENTLY OPEN.
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sidekickhq · 5 years
mw woc?
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here’s a list with a wide variety in ages ! laverne cox, maggie q, lupita nyong’o, china anne mcclain, tessa thompson, gina rodriguez, emeraude toubia, hayley law, ashleigh murray, moon ga young, bae suzy, lee jieun, amber midthunder, devery jacobs, leigh anne pinnock, keke palmer, philippa soo, krystal jung, lalisa manoban, chloe bridges, becky g, ariela barer, naressa valdez, herizan guardiola, aja naomi king, constance wu, jessica henwick, candice patton, nathalie emmanuel, tinashe, oona chaplin, janel parrish, im jinah, karen fukuhara, aisha dee, iman meskini, jamie chung, diane guerrero, karla souza, sofia boutella, rosario dawson, zoe saldana, sarah shahi, halle berry, angela bassett, jameela jamil, meaghan tandy, meaghan rath, samira wiley, kelly gale, geraldine viswanathan, eva longoria, olivia munn, monica raymund, jhene aiko, kehlani, malese jow, khadijha red thunder, dana jeffrey, yara shahidi, jeon somi, paris berelc, cassie steele, summer bishil, gina torres, justine biticon, tati gabrielle, indya moore, kiana lede, auli’i cravalho, anna akana, simay barlas, mina el hammani, alia shawkat, beren saat, jenna talackova, alina serban, franciska farkas, luciane buchanan, cindy kimberly, brianne tju, cleo lazuli, arden cho, pom klementieff, kelsey chow, lyrica okano, dichen lachman, lucy liu, priyanka chopra, shraddha kapoor, alia bhatt, neelam gill, deepika padukone, elodie yung, indra varma, nana komatsu, kang seulgi, kim hyuna, jinsoul, nong poy, samantha harris, tanaya beatty, maika harper, hayley atwell, maria gabriela de faria, shyrley rodriguez, eiza gonzalez, aimee garcia, melissa fumero, aubrey plaza, nathalie kelley, cierra ramirez, gigi gorgeous, winnie harlow, kylie bunbury, taraji p henson, tracee ellis ross, maisie richardson sellers, jessica parker kennedy, janella monae, karidja toure, viola davis, antonia thomas, letitia wright, kerry washington, kat blaque, kehlani parrish, katima kojima, joan smalls, sonoya mizuno, amber liu, fan bingbing, kat graham, donna bae, lesley ann-brandt, chanel iman, ming-na wen, tina desai, hannah simone ! wanted connections are under the cut !
DEVYN XAVIER-LEHNSHERR, our COURTNEY EATON fc is looking for a BIRTH MOTHER connection who looks like PLAYER’S CHOICE who is 45+YEARS OLD. you CAN contact prior to applying at queenofillusionsx. (Devyn’s birth mom is a closeted mutant who was scared of having a child in case they grew to be one. When Dev was born with lilac eyes, there was no mistaking what she was, so her parents gave her up. Now she is at Paragon to make amends, but it is the one topic she gets angry at so she won’t be happy.)
DINAH PRYDE, our KIERSEY CLEMONS fc is, looking for a OLDER BROTHER (FULL OR HALF, CAN ALSO BE ADOPTED !! ) connection who looks like UTP (MUST BE AT LEAST HALF BLACK IF A SIBLING VIA KITTY OR FULL SIBLING) who is 24+ you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( not to be a cliche heaux but uh give me an overprotective older brother who dinah adores pls )
EMMA FROST, our KATIE CASSIDY fc is looking for her TRIPLETS WITH SCOTT SUMMERS / TWO BIOLOGICAL, ONE ADOPTIVE connection who look like DAYA, LIZA KOSHY, SAFIYA NYGAARD, SEBASTIAN DE SOUZA, HARRIS J, ANY HALF-INDIAN FC IF BIOLOGICAL / RHENZY FELIZ, HAYLEY LAW, ARIELA BARER, ANY FC OF COLOR IF ADOPTIVE who are 16-19 YEARS OLD, 22 OR 24+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( did u know that in an alternate universe scott & emma had five beautiful lil babies? bc they did. and with a tweak. that is what this wc is for. the frost-summers triplets would have prob had a psychic hive mind to rival the cuckoos if an attack hadn’t sent emma into early labour, resulting in one of them not surviving. the decision to adopt a baby in need of a loving home and complete the otherwise ruined trio? not an easy one to make, lets be real, but it was MADE, and the three have been raised as siblings from minute one. emma loves her babies. pls. give them to her. ) ( rohen frost-summers & open for two more ( bio ) )
ETIENNE BEAUBIER-JINADU, our ARIA SHAHGHASEMI fc is looking for a SIBLING connection who looks like NIKOHL BOOSHERI, TALA ASHE, YARA SHAHIDI, REECE KING, HAILEE STEINFELD, LALISA MANOBAN, MANNY MONTANA / PART IRANIAN IF BIO who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the siblings were born in canada - their parents were good people but did the wrong things that got the siblings taken away from their parents. the two were together for awhile in foster care but were eventually separated into two different homes. etienne was eventually adopted into a loving family but it’s up to you what happened to the other sibling after they got separated! they were raised together. took care of each other. for awhile, all they knew was each other. they’re both mutants and their powers kind of reflect thanatos + hypnos, where tye is hypnos and the sibling has death-related powers like thanatos. the sibling can be half, full, adopted, fostered - whatever works. his url is svmnium if you wanna discuss things further! )
FABIAN TODD, our BOB MORLEY fc is looking for a BIO SIBLINGS ( 3 ) connection who looks like LIZA SOBERNO, JAMES REID, PARIS BERELC, KELSEY MERRITT, NICOLE ANDERSON, ASHLEY ARGOTA / ANY RELEVANT FC who is 18-25 you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so they’re kids of mario falcone + his wife, though fabian doesn’t know it and doesn’t know they’re siblings because fabian was left in an alley not long after they’re birth. they probably won’t know that fabian is their sibling unless they became part of the crime amd mob part of their family,,, which would be really cool imo. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for a HALF SIBLING / CHILD OF TED GRANT & QUEEN HIPPOLYTA connection who looks like BLAKE JENNER, CASSADEE POPE, ODETTE ANNABLE / ANY HALF CUBAN, HALF WHITE FC who is YOUNGER or OLDER THAN 30. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( correct me if i’m wrong, but a child of ted “wildcat” grant and queen hippolyta of the amazons is… pretty hot, and i’d love to see them around the place ! this one is fun, because nadia has SUCH an appreciation for strong women as someone who was surrounded by them her whole life, and while this doesn’t mean she’s directly connected to wonderfam, it does mean she likes to think that she is, and probably cites herself as being “five percent wonder woman”. i’d like to think that while her relationship with thomas is more on the strained side - as he remembers her as her true self better than this version she’s become - there’s a chance she’s made more of an effort, here, out of sheer respect for their mother, and as such… means they could be MUCH closer, which is a dynamic that i’m here for. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for an OLDER HALF SIBLING / THOMAS BRONSON connection who looks like ANY FC AT LEAST HALF CUBAN who is 35+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( where thomas really followed in ted’s footsteps… nadia really tried to become her mother, version 2, and that - i think - makes for a pretty interesting sibling dynamic. one is textbook good. the other… morally grey, at the best of times. i’m sure there’s love shared, but nadia didn’t really grow up around many males, either - especially not a lot who were older than her and related to her, so i imagine that she’s spent a great deal of time trying to outdo him. who’s to say she has? her relationship with thomas is probably about as strained as a sibling relationship she has could be, and i’m… so into it. )
NADIA KYLE, our ANA DE ARMAS fc is looking for her MOTHER / SELINA KYLE who looks like MELISSA FUMERO, JOANNA GARCIA / ANY CUBAN FC who is OLD ENOUGH. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( it may be a little cliche, all considered - but there’s a reason that nadia has become the person that she is today, and that reason… is selina. the love she has for her mother, and the idolization that she’s always felt towards her, is unmatched. nadia’s upbringing was unique in that it wasn’t just isolated to selina & ted. rather, it was a combined effort of selina, ted, holly, eiko - and everyone had a huge role, but no one really ever outshone her mother. she’s always wanted to emulate her, because in nadia’s eyes, there’s no one better - and while she’s made mistakes in coming down this road, and while she’s done things that even selina probably can’t be proud of… it’s all been in hopes of both… being half the woman that her mother is, and being someone that selina is proud of. )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT  fc is looking for a TWIN connection who looks like AVAN JOGIA, ALIA BHATT, GERALDINE VISWANATHAN, JESSSE RATH, KELLY GALE, SEBASTIAN DE SOUZA, LIZA KOSHY / ANY FACE CLAIM, who is 23 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( these two have always been close and taken care of each other. naomi’s about 30 minutes older than this twin, she was born on dec 31st and they were born on january 1st. think wanda & pietro as kids. they really just understood each other and have been attached at the hip since they could remember. naomi’s very introverted so it would be nice if the twin was more of an extrovert - but personality and everything is up to you! only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING connection who looks like HARRIS J, ALIA BHATT, KELLY GALE, GERALDINE VISWANATHAN, DAYA, CHARLI XCX / ANY FACE CLAIM who is 16-22. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( naomi has never been the best older sister, but she does try. it’s possible for them to not be close and be kind of awkward around each other since maybe they don’t know how to be around each other? but naomi loves her baby sibling, despite being bad at showing it. only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
NAOMI DANE-SUMMERS, our NAOMI SCOTT fc is looking for a OLDER HALF SIBLING ( VIA LORNA & MARCOS ) connection who looks like EIZA GONZALEZ, KARLA SOUZA, SEAN TEALE, CHLOE BRIDGES, DAVID LAMBERT, ASHTON MOIO, TYLER POSEY, PETER GADIOT, MICHAEL TREVINO / ANY FACE CLAIM who is 26+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( naomi is quite close with marcos diaz so i definitely imagine these two having a sort of close-ish relationship. they’re not full siblings but that part has never been important in their family - they’ve always been siblings. only requirement is that if they have a mutant hair color that it’s not green - so pink, purple, blue, white, etc - all very cool! )
WINONA FALCONE, our SHAY MITCHELL fc is looking for a OLDER SIBLING connection who looks like UTP / ANY HALF FILIPINO FC who is 27+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the oldest falcone ! mwahaha. so it’s this whole big thing that WINONA IS THE HEIR, but she wasn’t always. she has an older sibling who was disinherited from the family & cast out. a big ole family disgrace that none of them like to talk about. the reason behind this is up to you ! but it can range from being a MUTANT to a DEGENERATE to being SOFT to whatever. sofia is a pretty uptight gal. )
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aflawedfashion · 6 years
It centers on Krystal Gill (Dunst), a minimum-wage-earning water park employee who will eventually scheme her way up the ranks of Founders American Merchandise: the cultish, flag waving, multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme that drove her family to ruin.
Benz will play Carole Wilkes, a “big-haired” and “buxom” FAM wife who’s much farther up the pyramid than Krystal. Having fully embraced her role as a subordinate, Carol sees herself as an authority figure for other FAM women, on how to be the ideal FAM wife. While she’s a real stickler for the rules, Carol can have a way of surprising those around her.
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
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New Young Adult Novels Releasing Today! (September 5, 2017)
There are SO MANY books coming out today and I’m sure I’m missing a few. Let me know which ones you might check out and which ones I missed!
Standalones & New Series Releases: 
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel
Storms by Chris Vick 
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Uncanny by David Macinnis Gill
Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland
Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle
If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Door to January by Gillian French (Not Pictured)
I Hate Everyone but You by Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin (Not Pictured)
Feral Youth by A collection of authors (Not Pictured)
Cinderella, Necromancer by F.M. Boughan (Not Pictured)
Right Where You Left Me by Calla Devlin (Not Pictured)
Light Years by Emily Ziff Griffin (Not Pictured)
Series Releases (Not Pictured): 
Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicles #2) by Jay Kristoff
Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) by Sarah J. Maas
Intensity (Nick Chronicles #8) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Happy reading!
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underworldshq · 5 years
Interested in applying but stumped on what kind of char. what are some female fc's you or your members would like to see?
hello love !! we would love to have you apply and join us ! we’ve reached out to our members and below you can find a list of some of our mwf !
angela basset, jessica lange, deepika padukone, summer bishil, neelam gill, kristine froseth, sabrina carpenter, lisa manoban, krystal jung, margot robbie, cindy kimberly, danielle campbell, alicia vikander, saoirse ronan, ashley moore, normani, alexandra daddario, kim doyeon, jenna coleman, eliza taylor, adelaide kane, jennifer morrison, jessica parker kennedy, antonia thomas, maia mitchell, kiersey clemons, jessica sula, lily collins, elizabeth olsen, son chaeyoung, kennedy walsh, cailin russo, lesley-ann brandt
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delighthq · 5 years
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jenna talackova, amiyah scott, talleen abu hanna, andreja pejić, vicovolkov, edenthedoll, kim petras, laverne cox, mya taylor, jazz jennings, yoshi rinrada, leyna bloom, joanna marie, lisa teige, audreyana michelle, w.tch, yuna, alia shawkat, aubrey plaza, liz gillies, hannah murray, taissa farmiga, karen fukuhara, lauren mayberry, alxcext, bbyg6rl, barbie ferreira, neelam gill, molly rankin, florence welsch, camila mendes, carlson young, daisy ridley, phoebe tonkin, ruba zai, priyanka chopra, bae suzy, lisa manoban, bae irene, fernanda ly, natalia dyer, lupita nyong'o, dakota fanning, jamie chung, liana liberato, zendaya, lili reinhart, alycia debnam carey, nyla lueeth, nikita dragun, zoey luna, park kyungri, park jihyo, hirai momo, dua lipa, katherine langford, lily collins, krystal jung, hailee steinfeld, pom klementieff, the lebajoa twins, rottenmei, trinity anne, dinah jane, speckledgal, isabella peschardt, justine sky, jennie kim, lee sung kyung, briana shanee wilson, britney vargas, ashley koore, newsha syeh, red_shiraz, kelsey calemine, lilmixedhunny, hwa.min, sarah snyder, phoebe tonkin, irisloveunicorns, josefine pettersen, nina dobrev, hayley kiyoko, cl., charlotte free, doona bae, tina desai, stephanie beatriz, samira wiley, laverne cox, gina rodriguez, olivia munn, jamie clayton, eileen kelly, ines silva, sav montano, alisha boe, naressa valdez, karrueche, liza soberano, america ferrera, zoe kravitz, pia wurtzbach, kiersey clemons, tati gabrielle, abigail cowen, adelaine rudolph, kiernan shipka, hunter schafer, hari nef, nat puff !!
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tomorrowedblog · 5 years
First look at On Becoming A God in Central Florida
A new trailer has been released for On Becoming A God in Central Florida, which is set to release August 25, 2019.
A dark comedy with Kirsten Dunst as Krystal Gill, a minimum-wage-earning water park employee who will eventually scheme her way up the ranks of Founders American Merchandise: the cultish, flag waving, multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme that drove her family to ruin.
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Hareline Krystal Flash Chenille
It can be be used for everything from blue gill flies to tarpon flies It makes a real sexy woolly bugger Use it on a multitude of streamer patterns
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Ultimate Story Scrapbook-Page 108
There is something else that I forgot to mention about my story. During US3, the Xiaolin Dragons, Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Raymundo, gifted each of the main quartet the mystical items from their world known as the Shen Gong Wu. Each character was given specific Shen Gong Wu for specific reasons. Here are a few lists of what I have in mind:
Fox     Shen Gong Wu    Reason Jetbootsu    He doesn't have any flying abilities Star Hanabi    It was a gift from Kimiko as a sign of their friendship Fist of Tebigong    Pairs up with him very nicely Thorn of Thunderbolt    To give him another weapon to use Helmet of Jong    Because, why not? Sun Chi Lanturn    He holds on to it because he is the leader Two-Ton Tunic    It goes well with his super-strength
Misty     Shen Gong Wu    Reason Orb of Tornami    To go with her powers over water Reversing Mirror    It was a gift from Omi as a sign of their friendship Tangle Web Comb    Omi thought it works well for her
Krystal     Shen Gong Wu    Reason Gills of Hamachi    She's the only one without the ability to breathe underwater Lunar Locket    It goes well with her overall look Mantis Flip Coin    To give her some powers Third-Arm Sash    Clay though it goes well with her look Wings of Tanabi    To give her the ability to fly Fountain of Hui    She can control the power very well Fancy Feet    To give her the ability to run fast
Falco     Shen Gong Wu    Reason Eagle Scope    His bird-like appearance Eye of Dashi    It was a gift from Raymundo as a sign of their friendship Falcon's Eye    Again, his bird-like appearance Wushu Helmet    It's a cool looking helmet for him
Not all of the Shen Gong Wu were given to the main quartet as there were some that I just didn't like, so the Xiaolin Dragons still held on to them. There are, however, some modifications to these items as some of them have a tendency to morph themselves into each of the user's clothing and accessories as a means of maintaining user's original looks. For instance, Fox's Jetbootsu infuses with his boots, Krystal's Fancy Feet infuses with her sandals, Falco's Falcon's Eye infuses with the red patterns around his eyes, and so on and so forth to any Shen Gong Wu that would need to be put on them in order to work.
Each of them were even given a piece of each of the different elemental Shen Gong Wu arms.
Clay gave a piece of the Longhorn Taurus to Fox Omi gave a piece of the Kaijin Charm to Misty Raymundo gave a piece of the Crest of the Condor to Krystal Kimiko gave a piece of the Cat's Eye Draco to Falco
That's should be all that I can say about that for now. I will write more soon.
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mystichillshqs-blog · 6 years
Sure  thing  !  I’d  love  to  see  Cierra  Ramirez  ,  Lulu Antariksa  ,  Park  Sooyoung  ,  Minka  Kelly  ,  Kat  Graham  ,  Crystal  Reed  ,  Lee  Ji-eun  ,  Krystal  Jung  ,  Jenny  Boyd  ,  Phoebe  Tonkin  ,  Alicia  Vikander  ,  Jung  Jinsoul  ,  Kim  Jisoo  ,  Alisha  Wainwright  ,  Zendaya Coleman  ,  Naomi  Scott  ,  Sana  Minatozaki  ,  Olivia  Holt  ,  Kang  Seulgi  ,  Elizabeth  Olsen  ,  Cindy  Kimberly  ,  Medalion  Rahimi  ,  Laura  Harrier  ,  Jessica  Chastain  ,  Courtney  Eaton  ,  Claire  Holt  ,  Gugu  Mbatha-Raw  ,  Kerry  Washington  ,  Candice  King  ,  Lindsey  Morgan  ,  Shay  Mitchell  ,  Q'orianka  Kilcher  ,  Lana  Condor  ,  Leighton  Meester  ,  Yoo  Jeong-yeon  ,  Sandra  Oh  ,  Seychelle  Gabriel  ,  Brie  Larson  ,  Danielle  Campbell  ,  Kim  Dahyun  ,  Im  Jinah  ,  Son  Naeun  ,  Willa  Holland  ,  Halston  Sage  ,  Krysten  Ritter  ,  Kristen  Bell  ,  Jo Eunae  ,  Kim  Yerim  ,  Lee  Taeyong  ,  Priyanka  Chopra  ,  Hwang  Yeji  ,  Marilyn  Lima  ,  Shelley  Hennig  ,  Aja  Naomi  King  ,  Eiza  Gonzalez  ,  Chou  Tzu-yu  ,  Mandip  Gill  ,  Eliza  Taylor  ,  Manpreet  Bambra  ,  Carlson  Young  ,  Tristin  Mays  ,  Tazzy  Phe  ,  Madelaine  Petsch  ,  Yoo  Shiah  ,  Park  Chaeyoung  ,  Kim  Jisoo  ,  Camila  Mendes  ,  Lalisa  Manoban  ,  Tessa  Thompson  ,  Kaylee  Bryant  ,  Madelaine  Petsch  ,  Bae  Joohyun  ,  Daniella  Pineda  ,  Olivia  Munn  ,  Anna  Akana  ,  Vanessa  Morgan  ,  Yang  Mi  ,  Kim  Lip  ,  Myoui  Mina  ,  Margot  Robbie  ,  Gemma  Chan  ,  Kristine  Froseth  ,  Jade  Willoughby  ,  Josefine  Pettersen  ,  Jamie  Chung  ,  Sophie  Turner  ,  Hirai  Momo  &  Ana  De  Armas  !
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