#but atp what happens is he meets directly w the clients and then i do literally everything else.
bubmyg · 27 days
writing this in the tags bc i need to articulate it somewhere that isn’t to my mother on the phone
#I work at a firm w seven (well. six.) partners#so they are all technically my bosses but I rlly only do work for two /maybe/ four of them#i was hired under the guise of being my one boss’ like. protege.#as in when he retires I’ll take over his practice. and also he’s so busy that i could help some of that now.#his area of practice is like. so complex and huge that it isn’t something u learn in months. maybe not even years.#but atp what happens is he meets directly w the clients and then i do literally everything else.#which is fine. except for two things.#1) he has now started joking about how he’s going to be ‘the face’ of it while i do everything#which wouldn’t bother me so much if he was Paying Me For It.#bc 2) he’s only allocating HALF. my hourly rate for those type of clients#I spend. idk prob 70% of my billable hours on his clients. and he’s only allocating half my hourly for them.#and im just like. I wasn’t hired to be ur assistant 😭 im an attorney too 😭 teach me???????????#some days when I really sit and think abt it it just makes me want to switch to directly report to my other boss#i looooove working for my other boss. and i rlly enjoy his area of practice too!!!!#and he like. has basic respect for me as an attorney 😭#anyway idk. it gets more frustrating the more responsibility i take on………….#thoughts inspired by good boss apologizing to me today for overstepping me while talking to a client#and referring to it as being like my bad boss 😭#not bad. he isn’t a bad boss. i just. idk KENFKWNFKSNDK
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