#so they are all technically my bosses but I rlly only do work for two /maybe/ four of them
bubmyg · 27 days
writing this in the tags bc i need to articulate it somewhere that isn’t to my mother on the phone
#I work at a firm w seven (well. six.) partners#so they are all technically my bosses but I rlly only do work for two /maybe/ four of them#i was hired under the guise of being my one boss’ like. protege.#as in when he retires I’ll take over his practice. and also he’s so busy that i could help some of that now.#his area of practice is like. so complex and huge that it isn’t something u learn in months. maybe not even years.#but atp what happens is he meets directly w the clients and then i do literally everything else.#which is fine. except for two things.#1) he has now started joking about how he’s going to be ‘the face’ of it while i do everything#which wouldn’t bother me so much if he was Paying Me For It.#bc 2) he’s only allocating HALF. my hourly rate for those type of clients#I spend. idk prob 70% of my billable hours on his clients. and he’s only allocating half my hourly for them.#and im just like. I wasn’t hired to be ur assistant 😭 im an attorney too 😭 teach me???????????#some days when I really sit and think abt it it just makes me want to switch to directly report to my other boss#i looooove working for my other boss. and i rlly enjoy his area of practice too!!!!#and he like. has basic respect for me as an attorney 😭#anyway idk. it gets more frustrating the more responsibility i take on………….#thoughts inspired by good boss apologizing to me today for overstepping me while talking to a client#and referring to it as being like my bad boss 😭#not bad. he isn’t a bad boss. i just. idk KENFKWNFKSNDK
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fushitism · 2 months
i feel like ur opinion on who chara dreemurr was as a person is entirely hinged on how you interpret these lines
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my favorite thing about undertale is how interpretative everything is. it’s why i believe the fandom’s thrived so much
there aren’t any confirmation for a lot of things, only hints.
and chara is a character (heh) that defies easy categorization because of this
one minute they're getting halos drawn over their head, the next they're public enemy number one. 
are they good? bad? gray?
we get so hung up on the morality aspect of chara that we forget the most important thing of all, they were a person. 
a person— child.
a child that hasn’t had the years to work through it or even atone for the hurt they caused. 
a child that did not know love before they fell to the underground. 
a child, raised in darkness, suddenly thrust into sunshine. it's blinding, overwhelming. 
after poisoning asgore, their only reaction was to laugh. now, you can depict this in any way you like, but to me, it was an honest mistake. and chara's laughter was more of a nervous reaction. they probably couldn't fully grasp the gravity of their actions. this wasn’t an instance of them maliciously reveling in asgore’s suffering. i simply cannot see it that way no matter how hard i try
the dreemurrs were unlike any of the humans they knew. they genuinely loved and cared for chara who just… didn't know how to react or cope with it in a way most would consider "appropriate"
and actually! when you’re up against snowdrake’s mom:
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chara expects frisk to laugh, just like they did when their dad got poisoned. it's horrible to look at. it's terrifying. but all they can do to cope is laugh
they FULLY expected frisk to do so too, but frisk just.. Doesn’t. 
chara was a human that found a family where they least expected it. they weren’t devoid of any good. they weren't so despondent.
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they had hope in their eyes.
they were determined to liberate monsters
and having alrdy been hailed as the "hope" of monsterkind by their family n being the completionist (love this trait abt them btw) that they were:
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they were going to see this through. push all the limits. use all means. they will have power.
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this is where things get muddy.
chara is a creature of reason. their decision to poison themselves and die, allowing asriel to absorb their soul, was, in their view, the most optimal and effective choice. there was no future left for chara on the surface anyways. there was also no straightforward method to obtain a human soul. each realization logically led to the next until everything seamlessly aligned.
their plan kicked off and started going their way. they intentionally carried their own lifeless body and headed to their village, fully anticipating the reactions they'd provoke. they had hoped to show asriel just how horrible humans are. they had hoped that by doing this, asriel would understand. the reason why humans must all be eradicated.  
but to their utter shock, asriel resisted; he never fought back.
emotion foiled their plan, resulting in their own demise and that of their beloved brother. their sacrifice was for naught, the prospect of making peace between the two races has been tossed aside, irretrievably diminished.
asriel was right. chara wasn't exactly the greatest person. however, him acknowledging they weren't does not necessarily imply them to be a fervent force of evil (and i also think he meant it as in, he LITERALLY used to believe chara was the SINGLE greatest person, but eh, technicalities)
they were a flawed person, who died as such. they've made an abundance of bad choices in how they handled their trauma but that doesn't exempt them from redemption. especially not in a game that focuses on mercy and unconditional kindness and forgiveness and and and
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and you know what? pacifist is their redemption. they don't rlly do anything that explicit in this route but. the silly narrations. the encouraging words frisk hears during asriel's boss fight. how frisk was able to save asriel and call out to him. i like to believe it was all chara. they've seen you prove that humans can be good too and with that..... they became a tool to free monsters, just as they had always intended :-]
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thesmpisonfire · 3 months
okay okay questions:
Would they have their Pokémon out while hanging out? (/you might’ve mentioned this before and I can go look but what Pokémon?)
Are Pac and Mike often defeated in gyms? Like I know they’re difficult to defeat but is it something that happens kind of frequently or is it a very rare thing?
this is all I can think of right now but I might come back later with more. thank you \o/!
First thing I need to tell you bc I think u might got it mixed :D
I have my own pokemon au, tagged with '#pla au', which is the one that has felpac and time travel. But im also talking with @miscellaneoussmp about their own pokemon au :D
In the pla au, pac and mike aren't exactly gym leaders, they're battle facility bosses. Which means people go to them to have battles over and over, unlike a gym that once you beat it, you move on and won't battle anymore
Pac and Mike work at Gear Station, where the battle subway is. Anyone can go through 21 cars, beating other trainers, until they get to the subway bosses. Mike runs the single line, which means he fights with one-on-one pokemon. Pac runs the double line, which means he fights two-on-two pokemon. They both fight together at the multi line, which is two trainers vs two trainers, each with one pokemon at a time
They're the subway bosses, which means they are fairly difficult to battle, especially since the battle dynamic in the subway is different. They get defeated around like, 4 times per week. A lot of trainers manage to get to them, but most end up losing. So, semi frequent thing!! They take well to their losses tho, they mostly love the thrill of the battle
And YES they do have their pokemons out and about!!! Since we're focusing on Pac and Felps, I'll go for the two of them first
Pac sometimes has his galvantula on his back, like a very electric backpack. She likes hanging around with him like that when they're waiting between battles. But, most of the times, Pac carries with him a lot of joltiks, all being from his galvantula's litter. They hide in his jacket and pockets and often go out to cause mischief
Gavantula ⬇️
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Felps usually has his typlosion out, since its very well behaved and chill. Its a typlosion from a different region, as he tells everyone (not technically a lie), and its why its part ghost. Sometimes they're seen napping on each other
Typlosion while not on a battle ⬇️ (when its stand, its just a bit taller than Felps)
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Typlosion while in battle ⬇️
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Now, if you want to know as well, here's Mike's, Bagi's and Cellbit's out and about pokemon
Mike's Crobat ⬇️
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Don't fall for its grumpy expression. Its a very loving and actually cuddly pokemon with Pac and Mike. It only evolves with big affection, after all
Bagi's Reuniclus
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Loves to help!! Is a great listener to Bagi's rants and helps around with her gyms enigmas (Bagi is a psychic type gym leader in the same city Pac and Mike live)
Cellbit's Houndoom
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A lil shit!! Loves to steal things and put them in other places. It also helps Cellbit a lot in grabbing pencils and other papers, running around to get them quick and sometimes burning them but its okay
A pokemon trainer can carry with them a total of 6 pokemons, but in the battle subway is different: 3 pokemons/team allowed in the single line, 4 pokemons/team allowed in the double line, 3 pokemons/trainer allowed in the multi line. Normally, a trainer would have only 1 pokemon out for better handling on the situation if the pokemon was raised into a fighter
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inkykeiji · 1 year
waaa ik you hate/don't write stuff involving anal so i'm sorry if this ask makes you uncomfyyy bmb tomura and dabi have fucked around before if i remember correctly, but what exactly does that mean? like, have they had full-on sex before, or was it more just favors like handjobs, blowjobs, and anything else that doesn't involve anal shtuff? and how exactly was the dynamic when it was just the two of them? was tomura always daddy? again i'm rlly sorry if this comes across as disrespecting ur boundaries or makes you uncomfortable, i promise it's not my intention but ik it can be hard to convey tone/intention through anon asks so i'm just clarifying, i love your work btw!! <3
hehe thank u for the heads up + preliminary apology!! i really appreciate it <33
yes, they have! okay SO!!!
what exactly does ‘fucked around’ mean?
it means everything, from shoving their tongues down each other’s throats and desperate dry humping to tiny sexual favours and big sexual favours to full-on anal sex. the full-on anal isn’t something they’d do often; it’s only happened a handful of times in total, but it has happened. mostly they stuck to blowjobs and handjobs and the like, though.
just because i don’t/won’t explicitly write butt stuff, doesn’t mean my characters/iterations haven’t done it before! it just means that it isn’t for me and, additionally, i’m so inexperienced in it that i wouldn’t feel comfortable attempting to write it either way.
how exactly was their dynamic when it was just the two of them? was tomura always daddy?
oooh anon i love this question!!! so their dynamic will be explored on a deeper level in my bmb christmas series whenever i finish that monster of a series but it’s also important to note that reader has now, obviously, been thrown into the mix which changes their dynamic a little more (aka dabi pushes back more than he used to). when it was just the two of them, tomura was definitely still in charge, in control, and The Boss, but they were on much more equal footing than tomura and reader are when it comes to dom/sub dynamics. dabi isn’t exactly a sub, but when it comes to tomura, he will submit; does that make sense? he challenged (and challenges) tomura a lot; he will absolutely shove back against things he doesn’t agree with/want to do and dabi fucking hates being told what to do (serious issues with authority), but if it’s tomura, if it’s his boss, and he can’t punch or push or weasel or wiggle his way out of it, then he will do it. it won’t be without a serious fight, though.
all of this is to say: there was a slight power imbalance present in this dynamic at this specific time, with tomura fulfilling more of a dominant role and dabi fulfilling more of a submissive role. for the most part, though, they agreed on sexual matters between themselves, and tomura liked dabi’s playful snarkiness and the challenge he would occasionally present. it was definitely a lot of tomura telling dabi what to do and dabi being like ‘yeah, fuck you’ (in a teasing sort of fashion) and doing it anyway because he wants it, too, and he just can’t help but respond with that sarcastic tone when given something resembling an order.
tomura was definitely not Daddy towards him when it was just the two of them. their sexual relationship was extremely casual and there was little to no romance to it. they were just close, in the most basic sense of the word. they got along well, they understood each other on a deep level, they had the same interests and hobbies (killing n drugs), etc.. tomura obviously still enjoys exerting power and control over dabi since that’s just who he is through and through, straight to his core, and he technically is his boss, but it wasn’t nearly on the level that Daddy tomura exerts extreme control over reader. tomura didn’t care what dabi wore, who dabi fucked around with, what dabi did, where dabi went, how much sugar dabi ate, when dabi went to bed, etc etc etc (tho obviously some of these things change once he’s in an actual, official relationship with him; cue pushback from dabi). it just didn’t bother him at all. they weren’t exclusive in any sense of the word and aside from sex and work duties tomura didn’t care/have much interest in controlling dabi to this extent.
aw anon it doesn’t it doesn’t!!! oh please bb you’re so sweet hehe <3 honestly, to me personally, when someone begins an ask acknowledging that this might potentially make me uncomfortable and explicitly states that they know there’s a chance i just won’t respond (because that’s all i do to asks that make me uncomfy hehe) i find it really thoughtful and compassionate, and i appreciate it a lot.
especially in this case, your questions were really great (and it totally makes sense that you’d be curious about these things!! i was purposefully vague within the series itself) and i’m glad you asked them! you were really respectful, don’t worry <33 and thank you so much!! i’m so glad to hear it!! c:
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