#but consider this a tease of that s8 spin off idea
paigemathews · 4 months
Hello! Can I request romantic pairing Billie Jenkins and Hope from Little Box of Horrors?
Pairing: Billie Jenkins / Hope
Universe: anyone remember that shamelessly self-indulgent spin-off AU idea?
Facing five (basically) charges with expressions ranging from apologetic shame to amused remorselessness, Paige felt the urge to apologize to her sisters for her when she was a newly discovered witch, along with a migraine coming on. Balancing the baby in her arms, she sighed, "Why?"
All five exchanged looks, and both Hope and Billie went to speak. Migraine immediately worsening, Paige hastily cut them off, "Nope, I don't want to know actually. We will deal with the demon."
Billie immediately protested, "But we're the one that found it! You can't just sideline us-"
"Oh, don't worry," Paige interrupted. "I fully intend for you guys to be involved."
And without further conversation, she dumped the baby in Billie's arms, getting a bit of amusement at how quickly Billie's eyes widened with panic. "Take care of the baby for now, while we deal with the demon."
Without giving any of her (sort of) charges a chance to argue, Paige orbed out.
"Was she... serious?" Darcy asked slowly.
"I cannot believe that they ditched us!" Billie ranted, pacing back and forth the dorm room.
Hope considered pointing out that they were getting supplies for the baby or that Billie had very clearly tried to join them, but it seemed easier to let the other woman continue her rant. Bouncing the baby gently, Hope had to admit that it had been their fault, so it made sense that they dealt with the baby. Still, she just hoped her dad wouldn't ask about the credit card transactions later.
"I mean, who does that?" Billie gestured wildly. "Just run off and ditch their friends!"
Hope smothered a smile, temporarily hiding her face against the baby's head. As if Billie wasn't the first of any of them to ditch the rest to rush headfirst into any demonic or magical or dangerous situation. Maybe it'd be more irritating if Hope couldn't sense that Billie was hiding her panic at dealing with the baby through exaggerated outrage. Still, her arms were starting to get tired, and this had been all of Billie's ideas.
Standing, she shushed the baby quietly as Billie turned again, taking advantage of the witch's surprise to place the baby in her arms. Billie took her automatically, expression frozen in panic. Hope couldn't quite control the laugh at that.
"Have you ever held a baby before?"
Glancing down at the baby, Billie hissed through her teeth, "No! In case you missed it, I was an only child!"*
"Clearly," Hope said dryly. "Didn't you ever babysit or anything?"
Billie gave her a look, and Hope had to cave on that. Billie was a lot of things. "Babysitter material" was definitely not one of them. Sighing, she stepped into Billie's personal space, cooing fondly at the baby as she fussed.
"You can't be scared of her, Billie," Hope gently reproached. She reached out and adjusted the way that the witch was holding the baby, making sure that Billie supported her head and neck. The baby settled in the more comfortable hold, and Hope smiled. "See? You just need to relax. Try rocking her."
Billie stayed tense for a moment before letting out a deep breath and stiffly rocking her arms. After a minute, when she seemed to realize that she wasn't going to spontaneously drop the baby, Billie relaxed into it.
Hope hummed under her breath, a little lullaby that seemed to soothe the infant. Billie slowed to a stop, and Hope looked up into the other woman's face to see why.
Billie was watching her, pale skin flushed red. Hope suddenly realized that she still had her fingers curled around Billie's arm, squarely in Billie's personal space. Despite the realization, she didn't move or let go of her.
"You're good at this," Billie said with uncharacteristic quietness. Hope couldn't quite read the look in her eyes, but something about it made her hesitate to sense Billie's emotions.
"I babysat. A lot. In high school," Hope spoke as quietly as Billie did. Something about it felt like if she spoke too loudly, the spell would shatter.
Billie's eyes flickered down and back up again, seemingly without realizing. Hope's breath caught.
"Okay, so we got- hey!" Speed was cut off with a suspiciously screeching sound as Darcy grabbed the back of his hoodie and yanked him back.
Blushing hard, Hope stepped away from Billie and turned to her friends with a bright smile. Darcy was hissing something in Speed's ear while Max slowly eased around them into the room. Arms laden with bags, he offered them to Hope, eyes flickering between the two women.
"Everything okay?"
"Just peachy," Billie said shortly, turning away.
Hope couldn't help the surge of disappointment before pausing. Disappointed? Why? Because they'd been interrupted? From-
Oh no.
Hope had a crush on Billie.
* this can be taken in that either Billie doesn't remember Christy or hasn't told the others about her yet
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