#but damn i love writing arguments too sadlkfjsa idk they're so
not-poignant · 6 months
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Daily excerpt from chapter 27 of A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
'You said them,' Alex said, his voice rough. Sebastian looked at him in confusion. 'You said them first.'  'No- No, I didn't.' Sam grimaced, and Abigail looked at Sebastian, frustration on her face. 'You did!' she exclaimed. 'You were the one who told us! And then he proved you right, because he punched you the day you told him his mom got cancer to get away from her only son. You even said she didn't have any other kids because like, she met Alex, and realised it was a mistake. So I don't get why you're spending so much time with him now.' Sebastian stared between Alex and Abigail, and Alex couldn't read the expression on his face. But he could tell Sebastian didn't seem caught out, he looked like someone who didn't fucking remember. Someone who just...cast it aside and thought about other things, different things. Who married the farmer, became rich, left and came back richer.  'You fucking... You fucking forgot,' Alex breathed. 'You don't remember at all, do you? Where do you think your little fucking minions learned to talk like that? Huh? Where the fuck do you think they learned it?' 
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