#but dio is a blonde and also I could find a little vampire :3 face mask to wear...
icouldbemoreclever · 2 years
I can’t really think of what I want to do for my cosplay next year, but I know I’ve only got Jojo on the brain. So the two I’m mulling over are Jonathan’s Ogre Street/Sherlock Holmes outfit, and Dio’s feather cape outfit.
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
👑Hewwu Queen 👑 is it alright if I request DIO in part 3 meeting his descendant?. Like he basically had a kid accidentally in part 1 and now he’s meeting their great grandkid who looks allot like him and seems to not be fully human. Maybe he meets them at night since their family was traveling around the world and stopped off in Egypt where he found them maybe listening to music?
Since you write for DIO, is it alright if I request that he somehow meets one of his kid after they get into some time travel shenanigans. Maybe his kid has a stand that is kinda similar to his but they aren’t confident in using it
DIO aiding his helpless descendant 
sfw / gn reader 
notes/warnings: implied assault (on your great-great grandmother)
Another case of two anons thinking alike!! It was really fun to think about this and sorry for taking so much time to get to it :o I hope you’ll still enjoy 💖✨also the pacing is strange/fast (to me), but i felt it fit with how frantic i imagine meeting Dio is
Somewhere between irking Jonathan and wishing to destroy any respectful sliver of the Joestar bloodline, Dio had his own way of indulging and spending his time. Men, women; any creature he could manipulate to his will and suck the life out of to join his dark army was welcome in his dimly lit hideout to meet their fate. The self proclaimed god that had surmounted humanity took pleasure in playing with his food; leaving them in complete darkness, literally. He’d let them suffer in silence, hearing them whimper and regret their choice to ever step foot inside the wicked monster’s palace. But it was always too late.
Except for the very night Jonathan had decided to come spoil the fun and ruin Dio’s playtime. The woman hadn’t meant anything to him, just a toy to play with and to later discard on the pile of other bodies strewn about. Was she glad to have been saved by the burly Joestar? At first yes; brought back to her senses, out of that monster’s grasp but left terribly violated. Left to carry and care for the offspring Dio would never know or care about, too busy being left to slumber in the ocean and gaining a new form from his hated ‘brother’.
Dio rose again, skulking in the shadows of dimly lit cities, looking for any and all petty humans and stand users to claim for his side. It took time and patience he didn’t know he possessed to get fully comfortable in his new body. There was always this inkling, a nagging sonar that kept getting louder and louder, not much unlike his connection to the new generation of Joestars. It grasped at his thoughts, kept him from any semblance of peace of mind -as much as he could acquire it- and there seemed to be no way of silencing it. He couldn’t see a clear picture; it was just nothing but an annoying sense of something being near.
He had searched for weeks like a bloodhound hot on a trail, irritated that he of all people, nay creations, was being made to follow and be obedient to the terrible nagging. It angered him greatly and only when he found a mere youngster sitting on a bench, you, a simple looking human, did it boil over. Sat with your walkman resting next to you on the wooden seating, head bopping along to your newest cassette in the middle of the night. Completely lost in the song you’d been drumming along to with your fingers. Dio was furious but knew better than to strike before investigating, he needed answers and he needed them now.
As he got closer to you, sneaking from behind, he noticed an immediate shift. You were no longer alone. An image, a blur that became clearer and steadier and more live-like as each second passed; posing defensively, staring down Dio with a fire in your eyes not much unlike the tall blonde’s. Not for a moment does he fear for his safety. Even though The World is a newly acquired power it could easily wipe out a scrawny kid without even hitching a breath. He smirks, eyes cast over in shadow by the dim street light as he hears you pause your cassette player.
“Oh? Was I disturbing you?’ he mocks in a smirk, catching the way your eyes glint and the vaguely familiar image you awaken in him. Just like before he’s left to figure out who this annoying hazy memory is. His voice shivers down your very being, goosebumps taking over your skin; not sure if you had already missed your chance to run. It was like his glare fixated you in place, finger still resting on the pause button of your player while the other reached up to remove the flimsy headphones.
“You…” you barely get out the word. The accusatory tone you had tried to convey had watered down to a whimper. You had felt the connection too, something nagging at your soul and stringing you along until you’d finally found the source. “Me? Hah! No, you.” Dio slid closer, his steps so quiet and calculated that even though you couldn’t take your eyes off of him you swore it seemed like he floated. You swallowed thickly, the huge figure that excluded an aura so menacing only a meter away from you.
“So. Who are you and why was it so disgustingly annoying to find you?” he joked impertinently, amused by the way you clenched your jaw at his remark. “I could ask you the same.” a brave little spark still smouldering inside. “DIO. Now don’t make me ask again, you’re making me dreadfully inpatient.” He hadn’t felt the need to kill you, at least not yet. Dio was truly curious about your answer but by the looks of it you really didn’t seem to know all that much.
You begrudgingly gave him your name, in need of some answers yourself. The sound of your name didn’t ring a single bell, not a tick, not a clank. Nothing. Not a single step further to knowing anything. “Well it seems like you do have a stand. Maybe you possess a great power that might be useful to me.” that wicked grin on his face told you a little too much of his motivations. He reminded you of those Saturday morning cartoon villains. But still you felt compelled to listen, ignoring every single red flag.  
Deciding to humour him you give out your stand’s name. “Trust me, we can’t really do much.” you huffed. You’ve only obtained your stand recently and honestly, it has been pretty shitty so far. You didn’t know exactly what it could do, it was just there. Any time you felt stressed or in danger it did come to your aid but it remained awfully docile. Their presence comforted you but you just knew it was capable of so much more.
“Are you a vampire?” The sudden question came out more surprised than Dio had hoped to let on. He regained his posture, opting to slide next to you on the bench with a swift move. There was something… off about the way you carried yourself that reminded him of himself and the other vampires he’d created. The question stunned you, your eyes that had already been widened in shock only growing more so. The way he had changed the entire conversation that had barely earned its start urged you to think quickly. “I don’t know.” you mumbled demurely. You really didn’t know. So many weird things had been happening to you lately that you being a vampire would explain a lot.
Your answer seemed to change the imposing man’s gaze and expression. It hardened a bit, his grin now slowly diminishing into a straighter line and his pointed brows resting down at a more natural angle. Even in this low light his image felt so familiar, like you were already supposed to know who he was but the memory remained hidden. Locked away for your safety. “You should feed. And don’t go out in daylight anymore.” Dio paused for a second. “Strange...” He pondered to himself out loud. He’s only seen a few cases like this, vampiric genes passed down through generations. For some reason he pitied you, as much as he could muster it. The unknown bond you shared felt too unusual to write off.
“What am I supposed to do?” you felt tears prick your eyes, trying your best to remain strong but you’ve been so tired. You couldn't confide in anyone, not about this. Tears started rolling, falling in thick streams down your cheeks and dropping onto your lap. Here you were, crying to a stranger named Dio about being a vampire and having weird powers. A bizarre twist of fate.
“First of all, stop crying. Then, widen your stance when you’re about to fight someone. I could have easily knocked you down with that flimsy imitation. Fix your posture while you’re at it. Call out your stand again.” He rattled off his demands quickly and flatly. Was he helping you? They were barbed complaints but it seemed like he actually wanted to aid you in whatever it was you were going through. You sniffled, wiping at your cheeks. You felt like a kid again; asking your parent for any reassurance when life knocked you down.
Dio actually offered a lot of viable advice, telling you about techniques to silence your steps, how to take someone down easily, to feed on humans within an inch of their life. You had asked him, just in case. You weren’t planning on killing anyone; a comment which made him scoff. That intimidating impression and overall feeling of having to bend to his will had lessened the more you talked to the blonde. He casually sat with you for what felt like hours. He hadn’t divulged into his own history, instead asking you about yours. He was still trying to figure out what this weird pull was.
“No one in your family has experienced anything like this before? Hmph. It seems to have skipped multiple generations then.” he was asking about your great grandmother and all the others that came before you. It could have occurred to them but you would have never known. “My family did come from England, though. My great-great grandmother fled in a hurry. We don’t really know why, Windknight’s Lot seems like an unusual place to frantically run from.” As soon as the small town’s name left your lips everything fell into place for Dio. His grin grew again, satisfied to finally know your connection to him.
One he made for himself, by accident, by a relation created on his own devious whim. Not that horrible Joestar bunch that kept ruining his fun or his horrible father that was but a faint minuscule memory. Something he did. It brought him even more satisfaction to know how perfectly in place it felt for you to be the one to develop these powers at the perfect time. His mind could have exploded with possibilities; a thousand ways to make you join his side. But it didn’t, he wasn’t sure that’s what he wanted yet. And he surely wasn’t going to tell you of your bond either, lest you get attached too quickly.
As you finished up and the early signs of a rising sun were starting to make itself known on the horizon, you were saying your goodbye’s. “Thank you for helping me. Truly, I- I don’t know how I-” you weren’t allowed to finish your earnest thanks. Dio knew you meant it, one of the only few truly grateful acknowledgements he’s ever received. “I’ll be taking over the world in a few months. If you feel so inclined to join, you know where to find me.” His lips curled into a smirk and he was making his move to leave you behind, alone on the bench again. Left to scramble for your stuff to try and stop him but he was already out of sight. “WAIT! I don’t know where to find you! You never told me!” you yelled into the empty streets, heart thumping out of your chest, hoping this wasn’t just a very elaborate dream you were caught in.
“Trust your instincts.” The voice felt incredibly close but so far away, like catching a falling snowflake; as soon as you grasped it, it just melted away.
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Yo! Really love your works! Anyways, how would a Yandere Kars, Dio, Kira, and Diavolo be with a s/o that's friends with the good guys? (bonus if they too are yanderes)
Yandere! Kars, Dio, Kira, and Diavolo with an s/o that’s friends with the good guys ( A pinch of good side yandere, I kind of wanted to focus on the main villain but yandere characters are insinuated)
Also if anyone wants Diavolo just request away! I spent 4 hours on Dio, Kars, and Kira alone so I’m kind of wiped right now, I wasn’t expecting to write that much right away.
Yandere! Pt 1 Dio
 He has had his eyes set on you even prior to turning himself vampiric. Every second before he turned he was inexplicably in your presence whenever you were with Jonathan. Merely listening onto your drivel with that so called mannerless man.
At any given opportunity he’d interrupt, and of course continually make Jonathan a fool of himself in front of his father. Occasionally that would leave you vulnerable with Jonathan having to attend to other duties due to his brutish incompetence. But perhaps you were a bit more on your toes than he realized, any hesitance you may have had around him the blond had picked up immediately.
He totally acts like this is normal during the period he was still human. He’ll even bring up nonchalant topics up with you. Beckoning you on for walks while just so happening to be in front of Mr. Joestar, his sharp use of his tongue is fairly convincing.
 He kept track of every single interaction you had with Jonathan, whether it was running to him because of the blond himself. Or you sneaking onto the property to avoid his own gaze. Though he’d especially let you know he was privy to your attempts to avoid him. Just with a simple stare, or perhaps a passive aggressive remark over dinner.
 When the point of his vampirism hits his personal obsession only worsens (especially if Jonathan starts showing particular signs of an unhealthy fixation) or any of his allies for that matter. He personally makes a visit to you when you have seemed to have purposely distanced yourself.
“Jonathan seems to be a little strange around you doesn’t he? What a frightening thought that acting against his own chivalrous intents with you-”
He pauses for a second gauging your expression, but a well worn smirk simply rises on his lips
 “such a shame really when you always used to run to him...”
He’ll even rub in the fact anyone that works with Jonathan around you has met the same fate in their behavior.
 Any sense of normalcy is quickly stolen from you and the blond will make sure it stays that way. Shall you run back to the men you tried to trust with your well-being? Though being honest he’ll find a way for you to fall in his clutches, especially manipulating the competition.
Yandere! Kars
  As a pillarman who would normally look at a human with disdain, his fixation with your is increasingly dangerous. Especially if you happen to be working with Joseph, Lisa Lisa, and Caesar, (and if they are anywhere near fixated as he is with you, things are bound to be brutal). Your a goal for him just as the red stone of Aja is, no one or anything will stand in between him and you.
Considering you must be worth something if you managed to be seen in a positive light of a being who lusts to stand as a superior being.
 Surely he toys with your well-being just to try and coax the others out, placing you into unfair situations. Such as being outnumbered by recently turned underlings. (More than anything the worst outcome would be you having the red stone, as Kars would snatch you up himself without letting you putting up even a minuscule bit of a fight)
Considerably he revels seeing you at your limits, cunningly mocking you with backhanded compliments. But in between there’s a sincere remark that sends utter chills down your spine. He’s very willing to get a stone mask on you and turn you at a moments notice. Not only to torture Joseph and the others with their obsessed actions in having to use hamon.
He’ll also hum over the fact how delicious you’d taste if he just happened to absorb you. Frightening your fragile soul to the core as he mockingly takes a finger of yours into the skin. Honestly he’d mostly disregard the others obsession in place of you. Though that isn’t to say he wouldn’t love to tear anyone to shreds who possibly thinks they could have you of all things.
Yandere! Pt 3 DIO 
 There’s massive tension when arriving in Cairo, Egypt. You can’t help but sense something is up with the guys, an overprotective streak. No it was something more, and you had to keep them at bay. Each of them were ruthless to anyone that dared to try to hurt you. Though their supposed protection could be absolutely suffocating. Then there was occasional issues...Kakyoin was normally snippy and pretty sharp with his insults but something was more intense and spiteful behind him insulting Polnareff.
 Jotaro was silent but his presence was sharp and barely left you, how could you not notice a man practically staring holes into the back of your head. Most of all Polnareff couldn’t be more than a few meters away, he was practically a lap dog. Until one of the others intervened with a vengeance.
 The trip had started completely normal for their personalities but now it was twisted into something that likely freaked you out. Even putting you on edge comparable enough to the undead fiend hiding in Egypt.  That was the least of your issues however when you did arrive in the fated city of Cairo. Dio himself waited with a suave calmness of anticipation of the people who wanted to kill him. Hidden within the confines of a building well tucked away, he desired to destroy the burden that was he Joestars but also something else.
There was you. So he bides his time carefully while his servants attempt to take the group out before they could bother approaching him. Of course he’s not surprised in the slightest when they make it right on his doorstep.
 You all happen to split off at an oh so convenient time. Anyone you happen to run into whether it be Terrence d’arby or even Vanilla Ice *Varying on who you split off with). Give you looks of intrigue but explain nothing of their vague interests.
 Perhaps you inexplicably end up on your own by some miracle, even if it wasn’t a particularly good idea. Dio absolutely delights himself in tracking you down in the night under the stars of Cairo.  He doesn’t even make haste in taking care of anyone chasing him. The vitriol he’s met with even stronger than usual hatred for his existence tips him off to the groups feelings for you. The blond vampire certainly couldn’t have that type of fixation possibly eyeing you, aside from himself that is.
  Dio will eventually find you, and certainly corner you in one shape or another. If he happens to need to use The World to achieve this if you’re not too far away than so be it.  He towers over you with a wave of charisma and confidence, a smirk placating his desires placated right in front of him.
“Astounding you came this far with the Joestars, I’ve never seen such determination to cross the world with a bunch of fixated fools...” he’ll muse nonchalantly. But there’s something wrong you can just feel it, his eyes are no different. His interest in you is frightening for some reason. He plays along with the mix of fury and fear in your eyes, the swings of your stand that he easily dismisses with a few strong swipes of his stand. Then he’ll comment of your distress, reminding him of countless others who came near him.     Time proceeds to stop and he comes up on the other side of you.
He enjoys the feel of your neck beneath his fingers before firmly letting his nails dig into the surface.
 Time resumes, his digits already digging into your arteries with little effort.  An air of superiority fills the air, he’ll inform you this is where the fight ends. Unfortunately it’s not the way you wanted it to in the slightest, no he never intended to give you that choice in the first place.
  He doesn’t hesitate to tease you, his breath just centimeters from your face as he bends down. telling you not to bother with trivial resistance, his lovely little pet.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira    Kira is particularly interesting with his yandere tendencies, it’s bad enough he has to hide a deadly hand fetish let alone an obsession for a whole person. He’s rather concerned immediately as this obsession isn’t typical of his usual murderous intents. What makes it worse most likely, is he probably has the awareness you might be part of the group that’s attempting to pursue him.
   Even when he assumes the identity of Kosaku Kawajiri, he’s not only on edge of being discovered but you are also an issue. He should want to eliminate you just like the rest who are trying to find him. But he can’t seem to convince himself of such of endeavor, even with the potential of just having your hands 
 When it comes down to it however, he’s on edge enough to strategize around you somehow. Especially with Hayato and Shinobu being involved with his assumed identity’s life.
  His heart impulsively races if he stumbles near by you, an attempt to rationalize his feelings after acting on his simple desires for so long.
  Though there’s likely a way to track your habits after he gets rid of the others, and any feasible evidence incriminating him towards these newly missing pupil. Surely he can track your family’s schedule, perhaps even your own to an extent.
  There’s much he has to work around, but he’ll somehow make something work even if Kira has to erase every single little thing to get to you.       
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psychosistr · 4 years
Mending the Broken- Chapter 3
Summary:  Jonathan awakens from one nightmare and finds himself in a reality far worse than anything he could've dreamt up..
Notes:  Alright, no two-ways around this one, there are warnings for dubious consent, mind control, and Dio being a general d!ck. You have been warned. Only posting part of this here because of how lame Tumblr is for certain content. Link for AO3 version will be posted below if you want to see more.
-First Chapter-
Jonathan’s eyes snapped open and he gasped for breath. He recalled bits and pieces of his dream, enough to realize why he was so startled when he awoke, but not enough to remember every single thought that had passed through his mind.
He remembered himself and Speedwagon talking…He remembered Speedwagon silently crying alone while cracks appeared on his body…He remembered Dio devouring Speedwagon’s heart…and..that was it..there had to be pieces between those points, but he couldn’t for the life of him recall them at the moment..
Jonathan’s thoughts were stolen back to the waking world when he attempted to move. The first thing he noticed was a crippling pain in his arms as he tried to rub his eyes and found himself unable to move any of his limbs. Looking down in alarm, he saw that he was in a seated position on a stone floor with his arms and legs shackled to the wall behind him. Both arms were wrapped in bandages and the pain in them when he attempted to move suggested they may have been broken. Surprisingly, his legs, while sore from being seated on the cold stone, were otherwise unharmed.
Next, he noted, there was something wrapped tightly around his throat. It felt like steel encased in cloth. He tried to breathe deeply and focus his mind but, when he did, there was a clicking sound from the collar just before it tightened to the point of near suffocation. He gasped on reflex, but that only made the collar tighten further. He quickly learned to take short, weak breaths until it relaxed enough to let him breathe with only a little more difficulty than usual.
Jonathan turned his head enough to see that the collar around his neck was connected to a steel wire that fed into an intricate series of gears on the wall behind him. He had a hunch what it was for, but decided to test his hypothesis anyway.
“Haaaah-nh!” Jonathan attempted a deep breath to charge his hamon, but the tensing of his neck muscles tugged the wire slightly and it triggered the gears. The device then activated as the gears turned, drawing the wire back in towards them and, in the process, choking Jonathan. Jonathan quickly relaxed his neck and took in short breaths until the wire released him and the device shut off once more. His neck hurt now, but his hunch had been proven right. “So, this device is meant to restrict my breathing and keep me from using my hamon. I would call it brilliant if it didn’t reek of Dio’s sadism.”
Jonathan decided to take a look around the room to see if he could spot a way to free himself or, at the very least, gain a better understanding of where he was.
There were no windows there, only stone walls on all sides with a single wrought-iron door on the wall out of reach to his left. The meager light of the room came from a lone candle left to burn in a wall scone by the door. The only notable fixture in the room besides the chains and device that Jonathan was bound to was a lavish, ornate wooden arm chair with intricate engraving and upholstered in blood red cushions located against the wall directly in front of him.
At first, Jonathan nearly overlooked the chair as just a piece of furniture…that is, until he saw the chain attached to the ground by the leg of the chair. Following the length with his eyes, he saw a figure sitting in the long shadow cast by the chair in the dim lighting that he almost missed. It looked vaguely human in shape and he could tell it was breathing, but he couldn’t see who it was in the darkness.
“Hello?” He tried calling out. “Can you hear me?”
“……” The figure didn’t answer him. But, its head tipped to the side slightly and Jonathan saw familiar golden hair slip out into light just past the chair.
“Speedwagon?” Jonathan tried calling out to his friend. “Speedwagon, can you hear me? Are you alright? Do you know where-?”
“……” He stopped when Speedwagon’s head slowly rose and turned towards him. The light was too dim to see everything clearly, but what he did see caused a tremor of fear to go through his body: Speedwagon’s eyes, which were normally so bright and vibrant and reminded Jonathan of perfectly polished copper, were now dim and lifeless, a haze to them that turned them a murky color like thick mud. His skin looked paler than usual, almost sickly, and, from what Jonathan could see, there was dried blood around the sides of his neck. His hair was also far more matted and unkempt than usual, looking as if it had been pulled and mussed and tossed about for quite some time.
“Speedwagon..?” Jonathan’s voice had a quiver to it. He may not have been able to fully see the state of his dear friend, but what he could see clearly told him that something was wrong with the other man. “Dear god, Speedwagon…What has that monster Dio done to you?!”
That seemed to garner some sort of reaction from the blond. His vacant eyes slowly drifted towards the door. “D…Di…o…”
As if on cue, the door opened after a clicking sound was heard and the man in question entered the room. The vampire closed the door behind himself with a loud “bang” before looking at Jonathan with a malicious smirk. “Well, well..finally awake, Jojo? You certainly kept us waiting.”
Jonathan was about to speak, to demand to know what Dio had done to Speedwagon, but the words died on his tongue when Speedwagon suddenly got up onto his knees.
“Lord Dio!” The street-rat’s previously expressionless face now had a large, almost manic smile spread across it even though his eyes retained their blank, muddled state. He crawled on his hands and knees around the front of the chair, revealing that he was naked from head to toe aside from a collar around his neck that connected to the chain latched to the floor. His body was scarred and bruised and coated in patchy spots of dried blood and a white substance that Jonathan dared not guess the origin of. “Lord Dio! Lord Dio!” He called out with a tone that was both ecstatic and desperate at the same time, crawling on his hands and knees until the chain reached its limit and jerked him back into a kneeling position. “I-I did what ya said, Lord Dio! I didn’ move or talk ‘til ya came back! Did-Did I do good?! Are ya pleased, Lord Dio?!”
Dio chuckled in amusement and walked forward, allowing the man’s eagerly reaching hands to wrap around his legs while he patted Speedwagon’s already mussed hair. “Yes I am, my pet. You’ve done very well.”
Speedwagon trembled as if a wave of euphoria had just overtaken him and slid down Dio’s legs until he was seated at his feet. “Ohhhhh, thank ya, Lord Dio…!”
Jonathan watched the scene unfold in stunned silence for several moments, unable to properly form words or even thoughts about what he was witnessing. His friend..his dearest, closest friend..a man who’d once shot Dio in the face with no hesitation and stood alongside Jonathan valiantly..was now..now..
“DIOOOOO!!!!” Jonathan yelled as protective rage filled his veins like liquid fire. He struggled against his bonds, ignoring the pain in his arms and the tightening of the collar around his neck slowly choking off his air. “What did you do to him, Dio?!” The collar tightened to the point of near suffocation, so Jonathan forced himself to settle back down, though the rest of his body was still tense enough to clearly show how enraged he truly was. “What..did you do..to..Speedwagon..?!!” He managed to huff out while regaining his breath.
“You don’t approve of my new pet, Jojo?” Dio smirked again and stepped out of Speedwagon’s hold, walking over to the chair and seating himself in it with his legs crossed. He snapped his fingers and Speedwagon instantly crawled to him, kneeling at his feet with his head positioned under Dio’s waiting hand to be petted like a common dog. “I find him rather amusing. So loyal, so easy to train..I’ve already taught him a few tricks. Watch.” He uncrossed his legs and snapped his fingers again.
~(cutting here for dubious consent/mature content- full scene here on AO3)~
“Now then, Jojo..” Dio lifted Speedwagon off of his lap with ease and dropped him to the floor carelessly. He ignored the yelp of pain the other gave on impact with the hard stone floor as he tucked himself back into his clothing and righted himself. He then walked over to Jonathan and kneeled down to be at eye level with him. “I hope you enjoyed my little show. If not, then do not fret- I shall return soon enough for an encore performance.”
“Diiooooo..!!” Jonathan practically growled out his hated brother’s name. He was seething with rage, possibly the angriest he’d ever been. He leaned as far forward as the collar and wire would allow him, looking Dio dead in the eyes as he spoke. “You will pay for what you have done, Dio! I will find a way out of here and I will take Speedwagon back with me! Once he is safe, I will make certain you pay for what you have done to him!”
Dio laughed at Jonathan’s futile struggles and stood back up, now looking down on him both literally and figuratively. “My, my, Jojo. You actually seem to think you have a chance in all of this. How delightfully foolish.” He walked towards the door. “I invite you to try, though. Show me what you are capable of.” He glanced back when he heard a pained groan and a shuffling sound, looking at Speedwagon as the bloodied and bruised man brought himself up into a sitting position. “As for you, my pet, you are not to move or speak until I return again. Understood?”
“Y..Yes..Lord..Dio..” Speedwagon said weakly while catching his breath, sitting up with his back against the leg of the chair. “Anythin’..ya say..”
Dio seemed pleased by the response and opened the door. “Until next time, Jojo.” He closed the door with a loud “bang”, leaving the two men alone once again.
Jonathan glared after him for a while before his attention was drawn back to Speedwagon due to a dripping sound. He frowned at what he saw: Speedwagon, still seated in the same position he’d been in when Dio left, now had that blank, emotionless expression on his face once more, but with tears now slowly falling from his eyes and dripping down onto the stone floor beneath him.
“Speedwagon..” Jonathan said, trying any way he could to shift even an inch closer to his fellow captive. “I am so sorry..you do not deserve any of this..I swear upon my life and pride as a Joestar, I will find a way to free you from Dio.”
“…….” Speedwagon gave no response. There was no movement. Not even a glance at Jonathan’s face to indicate that he heard or understood what Jonathan said. He merely continued to weep silently while looking in Jonathan’s direction unseeingly.
Jonathan bit his lip, glancing down at the ground with a pained look of sadness. He had to find a way out. He had to find a way to free Speedwagon from Dio’s control. He had to defeat Dio and put an end to his cruelty once and for all. There were so many things he had to do that he wasn’t even sure where to start…
<-Previous Chapter Next Chapter->
End Notes:  Another thing I wanted to see more of in the series was Dio's use of hypnosis- it was only ever briefly used on Poco, but then never discussed again that he could do that. This whole story was essentially me wanting more hypnosis and seeing what that could REALLY do when used by someone as sick and devious as Dio.
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