#but doesn’t inscryption take place in canada
Little Light
Summary: Luke's grievances with Mumbo's death games, Joe's definition of northerners, and Hermitcraft's climate. Content: Fluff, short & sweet; banter, friendship, any pronouns for joe hills, inspired by northern attitude, obligatory characters not CCs (except for luke, whose character Is a CC) Pairings: Luke Carder & Joe Hills, Lucky Jumbo (Mumbo Jumbo / Luke Carder) Notes: Happy 2 year anniversary lucky jumbo-ers! Part nine of Lucky Jumbo (part eight not yet posted; this fic works fine as a stand-alone in the LJ universe)
“I still don’t understand the appeal of this.”
“Were you ever into sports?”
“I’m a trading card game collector, Joe. I wasn’t into anything that had to do with physical exertion.”
“Then I wouldn’t imagine you’d be into this either.”
Luke laughed. He and Joe were seated in the grass, two chests set up next to them and holding their respective companions’ belongings. Across the way from them, Mumbo and Cleo were setting up a game of blow-up-the-end-crystal-with-eggs, the activity Luke had been calling into question. Luke had only half followed the series of events that had led to the challenge being declared- he and Mumbo had been doing their own thing when they ran into Joe and Cleo, also doing their own thing, and somehow that ended up with Luke and Joe casually playing bystander to what Luke felt was a type of war game.
“I think I’m still adjusting to living with so many adrenaline junkies.” Luke said, sighing in faux disapproval as he watched Mumbo pretend to pat the top of the highly sensitive purple bomb next to him, presumably as a way of taunting Cleo. “Adrenaline junkies who don’t even know what adrenaline is.”
“Doesn’t help that we’re not afraid of death!” Joe added cheerfully, her friendly way of reminding Luke that even if they (maybe) hailed from the same original world, she was still a hermit through-and-through.
“Don’t remind me.” Luke reassuringly placed a hand over his totem necklace, protecting him from that exact thing. “Not all of us get to forget self preservation.”
At that, Joe just grinned. Since discovering Joe knew what both dinosaurs and playing cards were, she and Luke had had a few conversations centered around Luke’s old world and what Joe knew of it. Those conversations had left Luke with two main take-aways: one, that Joe was no card game expert, and two, that Joe’s memory when it came to anywhere she’d been before (or after) Hermitcraft was- at best- hazy.
Which meant that where Luke was still unwilling to drop down more than a few blocks at a time after however long he had been on the server, Joe had shown up in Hermitcraft more or less completely ready to start respawning.
Unfair, in Luke’s (correct) opinion.
“So, Luke,” Joe said after a few minutes had passed, Mumbo and Cleo stalling out the main event in favour of practice egg throws and more attempts at intimidation, “where did you live, back in our old world? Since I’m guessing it wasn’t good ol’ Nashville, Tennessee.”
“You don’t remember what or where Australia is.”
“This is true.” Joe acknowledged. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t remember your locale! Unless it was Australia.”
Luke chuckled. “No, not Australia.” Luke assured her, taking a moment to think before he answered the actual question. His memory wasn’t poked through and torn up like Joe’s was, but that didn’t change the fact that it was rather… fuzzy.
With non-Inscryption related things, at least. Remembering the name of the country he once occupied took a minute of deep thought, but the coordinates that had led him to his doom were on the tip of his tongue without him even trying for them- not that latitudes and longitudes would tell someone who couldn’t remember all seven continents very much. “It was Canada. British Columbia- uh, Vancouver? Above the states.”
Joe accepted Luke’s jumble of locations- of varying levels of detail- with a thoughtful nod. “A northerner, then.”
“You remember cardinal directions, but not the continents?”
“What’s a bird got to do with directions?”
“I- we’ll come back to it.” Luke had learned, after an extremely complicated discussion about video games neither he nor Joe fully understood, that Joe recalling a certain term or concept didn’t always mean she really knew what it was or what it meant. “What do you think a ‘northerner’ is?”
“Someone… cold. Doesn’t see the sun much. Drinks from trees.”
Luke snorted. “That, uh, that sure is a definition there.”
Joe glanced at Luke, amused. “I take it I’ve missed the mark by a good deal?”
“More like… made some mental mistranslations.” Luke offered, also opting to turn towards Joe over continuing to watch the entertainment waste eggs. “‘Drinks from trees’ just sounds like a weird Canadians-and-maple-syrup joke, for one. And everything north of Tennessee was probably colder than you were, but that doesn’t mean we were all constantly cold. We had warm seasons too.”
“Nashville, Tennessee.” Joe corrected solemnly, as though Luke neglecting to name the city drastically changed the meaning of the sentence. “Is that why you don’t like Hermitcraft’s climate? Do you miss your northerner seasons?”
“Everyone had seasons, not just people in the north.” Luke was fairly certain that Joe was only pretending to not remember the basic idea of seasons, given her delivery of the question was akin to a comedian setting up a punchline, but he refused to let a chance to re-air one of his minecraft grievances go to waste. “And I don’t like the climate here because it’s unnatural. You have four types of weather, and three of them are just variations on each other.”
“Would you prefer we still have tornadoes?”
“Some days, Joe, I really don’t know.”
Joe laughed at Luke’s melodramatic tone. Of all the hermits, she had the best understanding of the things Luke missed about his life before Hermitcraft, but she still tended to stand with the rest of the server in their belief that Luke had some odd lifestyle preferences. “What about the sun, then? Did I at least get that right?”
“Well, given we weren’t really living in caves-”
Luke’s thought was interrupted by a sudden boom! With a jerk, he looked forward again, finding that the sound had come from one of the end crystals finally being blown up. A quick analysis of the scene found the crystal in question had been Cleo’s, with her side of the makeshift arena devoid of both it and Cleo; the undead hermit had reappeared in the bed they had put to the side for that exact reasoning, already sitting up and grumbling about Mumbo’s victory by the time Luke relocated her.
Mumbo’s end crystal was still bobbing on its stand, confirming that the match hadn’t ended in a double homicide. Luke moved his gaze from the beds on the side to his boyfriend, looking proudly victorious.
Luke couldn’t help but grin at Mumbo’s expression, how excited he looked to have (once again) won his self-invented death game. Luke knew that in a moment, Mumbo would collect himself, school his expression into one that managed to be both smug and humble, something more suitable for polite boasting. But first, there was the genuine reaction, with his bright eyes and shining moustache-smile, and Luke couldn’t look away.
“You were sayin’ something, Luke?” Joe prompted, only half-catching Luke’s attention. If Luke hadn’t been so distracted, he might’ve noticed the teasing edge to the question, Joe well-aware Luke had checked out from their conversation. “About the sun?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, northerners, very cold, never see the sun.” Luke responded without thinking, letting his brain piece together the first random segments from his former thoughts it picked up as he shoved himself to his feet. Mumbo had realized Luke was staring, his moustache-smile somehow growing even wider, and Luke was fairly certain he was required to go over and congratulate the danger-game athlete. “Listen, I have to, uh-”
Joe, who had also gotten onto her feet, waved Luke off before he could find a tactful way to phrase ‘kiss my boyfriend like it’s the only thing I know how to do.’ “I’ve got a consoling consolation speech to deliver to my fighter. You enjoy your sun, northerner.”
The fact that he was still very much being teased flew over Luke’s head with a mile of clearance, Luke offering a half-nod in acknowledgement as he hurried towards his light.
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scover-va · 2 years
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