#but don't say 'people with money can't have mental health issues' bc that's simply not true
brltpop · 2 months
#highly controversial opinion#kind of#if you take the general meaning of it then its not really controversial xd but hear me out#every time i hear people saying rich people can't have mental health issues because 'they're billionaires' nd they can afford treatment#i roll my eyes super hard because yess. its true#but at the end of the day sometimes mental illnesses consume you so much you just don't seek for help#not speaking from experience but there are people who either refuse to acknowledge they need help or they just don't seek for it#regardless if they have money or not#because money and your wellbeing and everything around you suddenly becomes less important bc again you're consumed into your state!#and sure being financially secure can definitely ease up many many concerns#but whenever i hear people saying the blonde devil can't be s-cidal because she's rich i go 🙃🙃🙃#unfortunately yess you can. it sucks but conditions like that don't really discriminate from classes#and yess money can definitely ease up the load but still#i think if people want to come after the blonde devil for making a ''''''s-cidal''''' album (tbh I'm not informed to know if that's legit)#then they should call her out for choosing that prompt as a concept for an album#because THAT is what's messed up#but don't say 'people with money can't have mental health issues' bc that's simply not true#they just have an easier way to handle it. that's all#also I'm not a doctor but no. the blonde devil isn't s-cidal and i cannot believe their fans are pushing that narrative 💀#will delete this later
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yutaholic · 6 months
Thank you for even making that post because I honestly feel like I’m going to explode!! Championing every issue is EXHAUSTING. I have such empathy fatigue. Bombardment of “rules”, behavioral guidelines, services, companies, networks + food brands & PEOPLE to boycott ALL THE TIME. Fandom is space many of us come to unplug from reality…it’s certainly my hyperfixation & ppl be like “well then get another one because you shouldn’t support–” IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT. Fuck. I can’t take it anymore. Calls to action being in EVERY single place have weakened my mental state even more than it was before which was already on “pending disability” level of severe & now I’m just. burned t-absolute-f out….at everything!! I can literally FEEL myself unraveling. Kpop stans & their toxic activism can go to hell. They’re so worried about making sure to condemn others for “not doing enough” or being bad people, that they don’t even realize their actions are making them into bad people. This shit takes a toll on mental health, there is science behind this, it is real and what happens to human beings when inundated with constant terrible news, and it’s not just being ~too privileged to care~ but these performative mfs have no concept of blacklisting anymore and just want to assume the absolute worst about someone, call them names & wish harm on folks who are at the end of their ropes! It’s maddening! So even if compassion fatigue isn’t why you didn’t go out of your way to Denounce and Drag™️ him (bc you totally have the right to simply not want to do that on a fanfic blog!) I’m just glad someone else stated that this is supposed to be an ESCAPE. fuck.
Baby, burnout will fuck you up. Don't do that to yourself. Take the time you need and recoup. Life is a constant war and you can afford to lose a battle here and there to focus on your own health and well-being. Getting yourself back into a good place mentally will be a huge win. We both know the ppl obsessed with performative activism aren't doing anything from a place of compassion. The real ones are out there making change, not sending people death threats online from the comfort and safety of their mommy's basement.
When I posted the pic of NCT Dream and Big Time Rush, I wrote in the tags how BTR was something my sister and I loved and bonded over. We watched the show even though it was obviously a kids show and we were both adults. It was just something that gave us joy. My sister passed away years ago and anything BTR-related will make me teary because I think about how much we laughed together over it.
So the first thing I get are messages over how problematic BTR is, that I should delete the post or I'm pro-genocide if I don't dislike them. Ngl that made me so upset because I got a bunch of faceless people trying to taint some precious memories of me and my sister. If they came at me trying to educate me on things I didn't know that would be different, but it's straight to judgment and hatred toward me over something I posted that was totally innocent.
Meanwhile I get criticized for posting about a kpop group instead of reblogging every call to action post. I donate my money to these causes, but I don't post about it because I don't need my ass kissed for doing what I know to be right. I am 1000% sure the anons in my inbox that try to police me have never given a dime to anything, but are policing people's blogs for not reblogging posts or talking about it more.
I feel bad that I haven't been very active on here this year so I try to come on when I have some free time to interact with you guys. I make a silly post about Doyoung and get anons tearing into me for it like I'm his social media manager. Okay so because the world is going to shit we aren't allowed to enjoy anything?? Can't make jokes about anything. Can't show support for anything. Just wrong on every fucking count.
Believe me I am so goddamn aware of how lucky I am that I can sit here and say I'm very privileged that I live comfortably in the life I have. I know what's going on in the world and I do my part to help where I can, but I also have to keep functioning. I don't want every minute of my life to be seeped in anger, I did that for a long time and it not only eats away at you, it makes you ineffective in actually changing the things making you angry in the first place.
This was just supposed to be a blog where I posted my stories. One of the few places I could go and not constantly be reminded of how fucked up the world is. I've always said that people who told me reading a fic of mine made their day a little better or helped them escape for a bit were always my favorite. That was what I came here for and I loved being able to share the tiniest moments of peace and quiet with others through stories with guaranteed happy endings.
I'm frustrated because I have 4 drafts ready to go next year. I got the story posts done and made all the headers. But I don't want to post them. I have no problem admitting I'm selfish and spiteful. Even though I can turn off anon, I can't block these miserable people and I don't want them reading my stuff. They don't get to consume my content and then tell me to off myself right after.
A massive fuck you to those of you that ruined this blog for me.
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degreeofdisorder · 3 months
young royals s3e4 episode reaction
okay, this is already stressful
you know what? linda makes sense. i do think they should move. they have the settlement money, i understand community is important but they're all sooooo far beyond thinking of just community. for safety reasons they really should move.
"the police can't do anything?" bro can't you? you're the goddamn crown prince???? do something??????
"had they done this to me they would've seen it as a threat to the nation" YEAH WELL I MEAN
"and you're my boyfriend, so" ok
listen I understand this is serious
but every time they call each other boyfriend my brain goes into hibernation mode and I can't focus on anything else
"I'll talk to the royal court" THANKS WILLE
though tbf I feel like the royal court might agree that they should probably move lol
like if i had that kinda money and I knew my kids were in danger I'd be leaving the goddamn country
of course vincent is drawing a dick in the sand. that man is just *so* predictable lmao
oh man in all this I forgot about the bitter divorce plot between felice and sara
ISN'T THERE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST oh boy vincent if you Knew
"you're so fucking pathetic" "😘" okay that was the funniest exchange in the planet
like. fuck vincent. all my homies hate vincent. but my man is so goddamn hilarious even when he's being a pathetic dick
I can excuse demonstrations but I draw the line at them being done by poor people
oh. oh SHIT
"can you?" oh FUCK
oh this is insane I can't believe they're having this conversation
oh baby that is Not a real job jdkgjfkgjdkgjdkf
dya think edvin was like saying those lines thru his teeth like "yes the monarchy is good and has a place in modern society actually"
ugh I want wilmon to be endgame so fucking bad but the more this season goes on the more I'm realizing they're simply too incompatible and idk how they're gonna solve this unless one of them compromises way too fuckin much
#abdication pls tho
what kind of life is that? 😭
"it's a privilege not a punishment" ok mr kristina
tbf to simon i feel like if i was already anti monarchy and started dating the crown prince whose life problems begin and end with the monarchy I would be even MORE for abolition.
like before it was more of a general sense. now it's fuckin personal. free wille
shouldn't they exclude the literal future king of sweden from this exercise about future?? like we all already know what he's gonna end up doing lol.
god this is gonna be so bad
who's this flustered ass boy and what did he do with cunt august???
that felt too easy?
oh. okay I'm sorry is ludwig not his own person? can't he attend his own son's damn birthday???
every time farima is on screen it takes another year off my life
until jan-olof pointed it out I didn't notice how genuinely unsafe the eriksson house is but damn
simon said "okay" way too easily. I don't like that.
I mean like, honestly, farima is right and he needs to lay low, but also I know simon isn't gonna do that shit and it worries me
they keep having these absurdly serious conversations and it keeps Not blowing up and I'm afraid when it blows up it's gonna be super ugly
I like simon's idea of mental health in young people tho! I get what he means re: lgbtq+ issues but I also think wille is right in that he can't represent all ~the queers just bc he's in love with a boy yk
I get them both and they both have their merits. I also think wille is making a huge change just by being out and I'd be really fuckin annoyed if I was a public figure and had to do shit for the queers just bc i was also queer like no. idk. i get them both. I'm more on wille's side on this one.
but also fuck that thing about supporting lgbtq+ issues being a political statement. I hate that he's right. it shouldn't be political.
vincent is such a lil bitch
if i were simon i would literally just. take the bus back home. that's it fuck them rich kids I can't deal with the bullshit.
god that was delightful. it was a delight. i need simon to keep this specific energy all the time because oh my god this episode is incredible.
oh and he's also wrecking sara? can we bring the other guy back so he can, in colombian, cantarle las verdades en la cara? like simon has enough fists for everyone. bring the queen in. bring fuckin erik so he can tell him off for dying
the strike looks very cozy. i wish real strikes looked like that. rich people are so funny.
so lady from the incredibles' response is to starve a bunch of rich kids including the crown prince? is she aware of the consequences of that?
oh he gave up
I love rich kids. they're so funny. so stupid.
"don't you find it nice to be hungry sometimes?" FIND A GODDAMN THERAPIST AUGUST. JESUS CHRIST.
"that sounds like an eating disorder" FINALLY. MY FUCKING GOD.
they do kinda sound like a fun group of friends. that was a bit of a genuine moment. I liked that.
aaaand back at being snakes. gr8.
awww my babies who are total opposites
wilhelm could really learn more from simon actually
like a pair of lil street urchins, those two. I love them
"did you sleep well?" "no. did you?" "no" my BABY BOYS
hm. so a group of people striking actually got what they wanted? Wonder if there's any lesson to learn.
IN A BATHROOM? are they gonna KISS???
"I'm so thankful you were my first real friend" oh. my god.
i have managed to make it fully unscathed so far but that simple sentence sent me into a sobbing spiral oh my god
oh go d
"since when do you care what the royals think?" "since I learned what it means to be with one of them" oh. ooooohohohohohoho
he's gonna write him a song isn't it
rosh and ayub are the realest. honestly. such real ones. day ones. I love them
is this gonna be couples therapy ooooooo let's GO
I mean, idk, that reveal doesn't really hit hard bc obviously if it happened to august and nils then it had to be erik's class, right?
it's the bashing that's horrifying. erik would have participated in beating someone up for the slightest inkling of being gay that is horrifying
oh my god yeah nvm that hit super hard. wille. oh no. oh god.
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eitiledaaa · 3 years
hi! about what you added on that post about veganism. tbh you're so right. i think my distain towards vegan fundamentalism is caused by the vegans in my life, who have always been healthy and had enough money to spend on different substitutes, but also how i've been treated because of my chronic illness. tbh i could easily give up meat, i barely eat chicken and fish, but i don't know if i can live on a plant only based diet since i have severe acid issues(although i actually really want to). i have only a few followers since this is a new account and i usually post stuff so i remember it, but that's no excuse for the language most people used on that post.
also, i don't know if you can relate, but living in a smaller country and getting my animal produce from people living in the countryside definitely affected how i see the whole argument on the morality of eating meat. just thinking about how messed up the /actual/ industry is makes me wanna puke and also question what am i going to do if i move in another country and can't buy locally.
hope this message isn't weird(and sorry about my english) and that u have a great dayy
omg your tags on that post are so sweet, thank you!! 🥺 also - I felt kinda bad going on that rant after rbing the post from you because i love your blog!! i also have very few followers so don't worry :)
also, if you have chronic illness (which sucks, i'm sorry 😖) then i would never, ever even suggest you go vegan simply bc telling people what to eat is preachy and even more so if you have health issues! unlike other vegans I'm a firm believer in that your health (also mental health) comes first. don't beat yourself up over this!!
in regards to the discussion on those posts, i just think that non vegans (such as most of my friends) should be able to respect our point of view, but i by no means want to make you feel bad about eating animal products or anything! we all do what we can given our circumstances, and 80% plant-based is a lot better than beating yourself up for not getting to that 100% while still eating meat every day imo. in absolute terms, 80% is a lot better than nothing! as we say in Spanish, es una cuestión de grados (it's a matter of degrees?haha).
(also, my disdain for woke culture probably comes into play: with no other issue would somebody get away with saying "you can't dictate my morals")
i can 100% relate to that bit abt vegan activists being privileged and annoying, and to your concern as to whether you'll be able to sustain the diet you're on if you move. idk what else to say other than that your message is really sweet and shows you're much more open minded than most people on here. lots of people have "debunked" the most common arguments against veganism much better than i can so if you want i can rec you some videos/articles. again, sorry and thank you for your kind message. I hope you have a great day! 💫💕
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Okay so i'll start off with the fact that i read your 'signs of emotional abuse' and my dad partakes in the following: Denying (he rarely ever answers a question no matter how small and won't even look at me) Emotional black mail (he'll remind me that "nobody else in the world will put up with you the way we will" and list off all the things i can't do without him) Invalidation (tells me that i don't pay taxes none of my feelings or opinions are valid Minimizing Gaslighting (all the time) 1/2
2/2Well in the last few years my anger issues got the best of me and istarted retaliating with aggression. Towards him and my mother. I'llcall them both names and bit my dad in the shoulder when/if hecorners me. Basically over the years i got fed up with it so now i'man abuser too. But the thing is is that this is relatively new andhis is not. He doesn't think he's an abuser though bc he doesn't(often) call me names or hit me.
3/3So i have been telling him for the last two years if not less than,that he's abusive too. And he insists that he's not and won't up upto it (i do) and he'll invalidate it by saying stuff like 'yeah goread more stuff on the internet and convince yourself of that' or'yeah whatever the internet tells you' So i guess i just reallydon't...i don't know i need help. And i'm sorry that this was solong. I really didn't mean to make it this long
Emotionalabuse can be really hard and it can turn ugly real fast. I used to gothrough something similar with my dad and eventually had to cut himout of my life. He never did (and as far as I know to this day neverhas) admit that he was emotionally abusive and that he hurt thepeople around them. I think that people who do that have to be in acertain mindset that what they are doing will accomplish a certaingoal. I think that if they realized they were being abusive, theyprobably wouldn't act in the way they are acting!
Ithink that people who are like that in the first place have a hardtime realizing that what they are doing is wrong, or that they don'trealize the kind of effect it has on the people around them. Theyfeel like they need to maintain a sense of control, and the way to dothat is to do things that qualify as emotional abuse.
Insituations like this, you only really have a couple of options. Youcan either roll over and take it and try not to challenge the“authority figure”, or you can fight back in ways like what youare describing. I think that as long as you don't treat other peoplein that way, or act similar to how he acts, then you aren't abusive,you're just trying to protect yourself. In a situation as stressfulas that, you need to feel like you have some control over what'shappening.
Iknow it's hard and it can feel futile, but one of the best things youcan do is to keep telling yourself that he's abusive. Don't normalizehis behavior. Sometimes it'll make your life easier if you don'topenly challenge his behavior, but don't accept it as normal or asthe way that parents treat their children. Even if you only tellyourself that what he is doing is wrong, it'll make it so that itdoesn't have as much of a lasting effect on you as if you were tonormalize it and say “oh this is just how he is” or “everyparent does this when they get frustrated”. It's simply not true.Doing that also puts you in danger of treating other people that way.When you stop being able to see the problem with abusive behavior,you are in danger of becoming abusive yourself.
Abuseisn't just calling names or hitting people. It's also making themfeel invalidated, or trying to downplay what they are going throughin order to try to get them to act a certain way. That's why it'scalled “emotional abuse” instead of “physical abuse”. He isactively toying with your emotions to get what he wants, and thatisn't right at all.
Iknow this can be hard, especially in a world where it's hard to makeit on your own, but try to get out of that situation as soon aspossible. Get a job and save up money so you can get a place of yourown. Your mental health and safety will be a lot better when youdon't have to live with him.
Goodluck, and please let us know if we can help you in any way!
“Whatwe achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”
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