#highly controversial opinion
brltpop · 5 months
#highly controversial opinion#kind of#if you take the general meaning of it then its not really controversial xd but hear me out#every time i hear people saying rich people can't have mental health issues because 'they're billionaires' nd they can afford treatment#i roll my eyes super hard because yess. its true#but at the end of the day sometimes mental illnesses consume you so much you just don't seek for help#not speaking from experience but there are people who either refuse to acknowledge they need help or they just don't seek for it#regardless if they have money or not#because money and your wellbeing and everything around you suddenly becomes less important bc again you're consumed into your state!#and sure being financially secure can definitely ease up many many concerns#but whenever i hear people saying the blonde devil can't be s-cidal because she's rich i go 🙃🙃🙃#unfortunately yess you can. it sucks but conditions like that don't really discriminate from classes#and yess money can definitely ease up the load but still#i think if people want to come after the blonde devil for making a ''''''s-cidal''''' album (tbh I'm not informed to know if that's legit)#then they should call her out for choosing that prompt as a concept for an album#because THAT is what's messed up#but don't say 'people with money can't have mental health issues' bc that's simply not true#they just have an easier way to handle it. that's all#also I'm not a doctor but no. the blonde devil isn't s-cidal and i cannot believe their fans are pushing that narrative 💀#will delete this later
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kangals · 1 month
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Tiger swallowtail butterfly, my best friend tiger swallowtail butterfly
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ravenkings · 8 months
tbh one of the issues i have with the whole idea of like censoring ~scawwy~ content for kids or trying to protect them from it, especially as someone who was scared of literally everything as a child, is that kids' fears all tend to be so specific, esoteric, and idiosyncratic that i think in many ways it's EXTREMELY difficult to know what is going to scare a child (not to mention the fact that many of those fears and phobias are ones they will eventually grow out of.)
like........... some of the things i was "scared" of as a child include: a specific scene in the sound of music (that did NOT involve nazis btw), a teddy bear my dad got me that made a weird sound if you turned it upside down, clowns (but not even just clowns in the flesh like for a lot of people. i mean EVEN THE MOST VAGUE REPRESENTATION OF A CLOWN like, for instance, a christmas ornament my parents had or like the illustration on a box of colored straws i saw in the supermarket once) as well as MULTIPLE animated disney movies.
the point i'm trying to make is that life is, more often than not, scary and uncomfortable, and beyond even the unfeasibility of trying to protect a child from all the things that could possibly scare them, i actually think you're doing them a HUGE disservice by not allowing them the chance to work through some of their own fears and anxieties in a supportive environment, since knowing how to deal with these things is necessary for being a fully functional adult.
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eraserheadbabyfever · 10 months
Du you like north by northwest??? I saw it on new years 2015 and I was so snooze zzzzz snooze zzzz but then again my pallet for older movies wasn’t really developed yet so maybe it is good.
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i watched it last year and id already seen most hitchcock movies by that point so i can affirm, snooze.
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tangledstarlight · 2 years
anyway i gotta know
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
anon is back on btw
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mimidotcom · 1 year
Orange juice > apple juice
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chussyracing · 1 year
I think some people are criticizing it because he's only able to release his song on spotify because of his privilege, like most people just have hobbies, but since he is privileged and rich, he can release his song (his hobbie) on spotify. but honestly, this feels a little fake woke to me djdjsjakand like you're a fan of f1 drivers, their whole life is full of privilege, some of them wouldn't even have seats if it wasn't for the privilege and connections. but you're drawing the line at the piano song??
wait really? wait till people learn he's a young white man living in monaco, his job creates horrible carbon footprint and plays games on his computer in the free time as well as invests into fashion that's bot affordable to normal wage range people.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Hey Sophie, I've never seen a Wes Anderson movie! Any suggestions on what to start with?
Hey! Oooo, yeah, I think I'd say to start either with Fantastic Mr. Fox or The Royal Tenenbaums?
The latter was my entry point to Wes Anderson and is definitely the one of his I've rewatched the most. The cast is amazing, but I think it encapsulates a lot of what I love about his work at its purest which is stylisation and comedy for the sake of emphasising genuinely human moments, and emotional truths that just rip a hole in you. If I was to ever make a list of my top fifty movies, I think The Royal Tenanbaums would be on it (Ben Stiller's line deliver of I've had a rough year, dad is genuinely iconic to me).
Fantastic Mr. Fox I think though is just both good and pretty accessible? His style of writing/direction/filmmaking lends itself well to stop motion, and he's a bit of a dream match for Roald Dahl adaptations tbh. It's a great movie and a great story anyway, and particularly if you feel inclined / know you like animation, I think Fantastic Mr. Fox is a very good place to start.
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Abortions and Birth Control
Where to start with this?
Firstly, men who say "Women who were irresponsible enough to be pregnant need to take responsibility." are idiots. A man helps to create a baby too. By that logic, a man should take responsibility for a baby too. If a woman is forced to raise a child that she doesn't want, then a man shouldn't be allowed to leave her while she's pregnant. And the quote "Women who were irresponsible enough to be pregnant need to take responsibility." doesn't even begin to touch on the topic of women who were raped, women who's partners slipped the condom out halfway through, women who's birth control failed. What if a woman's life is at risk with the pregnancy? Women have a heartbeat too. And people who say that women can just get their tubes tied are big fat uneducated morons.
Women have had experiences when they went to have their tube tied where their healthcare provider would ask things like "Oh, but what about your husband?" "Are you married?" "What if your husband wants kids?" "What if you regret it?" and are told things like "You're too young." "You'll regret it.". There are so many obstacles standing in the way of women trying to get their tubes tied compared to men getting a vasectomy. When women get their tubes tied, there are also hormonal side effects. When men get a vasectomy, there's NO hormonal side effects. But the hormones side of things is just basic biology, there's no arguing that. But, for whatever reason, birth control is pushed onto women. It only takes 24 hours to recover from a vasectomy whereas it takes 1 - 3 weeks to recover from getting your tubes tied. And yet, men will refuse vasectomies but pressure women to get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy. And if a woman is pregnant, people only care while the baby is in her womb.
People don't care about the baby once a woman gives birth. A prime example of this is how pro lifers push for abortions to be banned because "A fetus is a human." And "Abortions are murder.". Like, bitch, a fetus is a ball of cells. They don't even have pain receptors until the fourth month of pregnancy. And how are abortions murder? And you only care about the baby while it's in the womb. Once it's out, you don't give a shit. If all lives matter, what about the black lives? What about the thousands of kids in foster care who are being raped and abused daily? No one bats an eye. If you really think all lives matter, then you should also help kids in foster care and homeless people. What about the people who can't afford a hospital or treatment for something such as cancer? What about them?
My opinion is: Abortions should be made widely accessible to women. It should be a woman's choice if she gets an abortion or not. She should not be denied basic healthcare.
What's your take on this? Do you think that they're murder? Do you think women should be allowed abortions? I want to know what you think. Tell me in the comments.
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clvrdvl · 2 years
ok this is my monster high oc so far: named Carrie-Anne Ghoulson she's literally a corpse eating ghoul lol her fashion style is sorta streatwear with feminine touches, signature color light purple, like lilac, and her pet would be either a hyena or a vulture. she wants to be a fashion blogger and makes videos on BooTube talking about costumes in movies, tv, fashion advice and opinons, etc. 😊💀💄
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broke-on-books · 1 year
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virulenthealing · 2 years
I have some of the most controversial takes in any given fandom I'm in. It's so hard being right constantly and all the time </3
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mybrainproblems · 6 months
okay but you don't understaaaaaaaand. maul was so anticlimactic in phantom menace and it felt so fucking ridiculous to bring him back in the clone wars tv series and then he ends up being a genuine threat and sympathetic villain. he's the only one who actually knows what's up with the plot and just skdhjskgshakakjejwj
brilliant brilliant brilliant. i have never been so thrilled by them bringing back a dead character and it just seemed so stupid at first and then the writing and sam witwer's acting? oh my god.
two characters who have absolutely defined the franchise: darth maul and ahsoka tano, and i will hear no disagreement.
also holy balls props to matt lanter for making anakin a likeable and complex character who you actually believed had emotions.
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thebookwormdaydreamer · 10 months
Currently reading Mary Olivier: A Life. I genuinely think that it’s such a shame May Sinclair is a forgotten author because she’s the one who first coined the term stream-of-consciousness and what I’ve read of her, I just loved.
I first read The Life and Death of Harriet Frean which I highly recommend because it’s short and follows a woman from birth till death. She’s a conventional woman who lived adhering to societal norms and her parents’ expectations, never managing to break free and find happiness.
Mary Olivier: A Life follows Mary Olivier from birth to middle age. The prose is excellent as you can feel the writing style change from when Mary is a baby to when she’s an adult. I’m not done with it yet but I love the way it explores mother-daughter relationships. Like imagine living with a Victorian boymom.
Both books are also free on Project Gutenberg.
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leatherforhell · 1 year
had a rough time last night you guys, forgive me for being a little anti social until I pick myself up
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