#but either way. waow i think these look so cool...
gobblewonkrs · 23 days
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Kinda cool shots I got of my brothers old computer.....
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shades4dogs · 4 years
i had a SUPER tiring day i mite talk abut later but RIGHT NOW i wanna talk about the make it sweet! album for Um Jammer Lammy because i listtened to than a couple days ago, and just today i showed it 2 my little brother, and i wanted to write down what i thought about the tracks!!
i wrote down my personal thoughts on each track and gave it a rating out of 5 Dashies (-= It’s because i’m autistic plain and simple
if you read all of this you’re officially a legend
[1/2) Let’s Jam Together!/KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!] - waow!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG <3 i really liked this song when i heard it in the credits and was wondering what its name was, it was nice to hear it in the album as the very first track!!
i love the additional dialogue at the start, the “Hey, do you play the guitar? Let’s jam together!” really represents the ragtaginess of the band just kind of throwing themselves together to make music so naturally... like little jigsaw pieces... it makes me want to know exactly how they interacted before the formation of MilkCan, how long they’d known each other/how they had known each other, or if they met right as they made the band.
the playful and funny lyrics of this song are really great, and i like the way it trails off in the middle. like the song was just Katy Kat truly venting off her frustrations and heartbreak about someone she used to like.
i wonder who exactly Katy Kat is talking about here in this song... well anyways she’s got lammy now so all’s well (-=
the second portion’s lyrics sound a little dopey and off-key, but i think it reflects katy’s mood regarding the lyrics of how easy her life used to be, and it all comes together beautifully for the chorus reprise with some pretty strings (i love strings in rock music!)
i bet this kind of music really resonated with some young girls listening. Can’t relate however as I hate men.
overall this is a 5/5 dashies! “Amazing!”
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SONGS IN THE GAME! when it started obviously i was expecting fussenpepper, and it was shocking to hear katy kat singing it
i think this is one of the covers that katy kat’s voice matches the most! her voice really fits shouting like that, it’s really hyped up
my favourite line from her cover is the “Now it’s time to move on, it only gets much harder, so carry on!”
and obviously i love hearing her say “Now do you like munchies? I wonder where lunch is!”
i do think that captain fussenpepper’s voice suits the song better than her, because it was made with him, but her voice definitely shines on this track!
overall this is a 4/5 dashies! “Really Good!”
[4) BABY BABY!!] - Imagine kids singing this on a car trip with their parents looking dead inside in the front seats.
I USED TO NOT LIKE THIS SONG. but playing it myself really warmed me up on it, and this version on the album made me like it even more!! i love katy kat’s additional lines between the baby’s, she suits giving those secondary vocals and they add a whole additional layer to the song.
i also like that the baby’s lyrics kind of echo over lammy’s guitar parroting, like you can hear the “... ma ma ma ma” coming in at the end of her first part, it sounds really nice!
this is the song i can really imagine kids shouting the lyrics to at a birthday party or something and i think they knew that when they added it O_O
overall this is a 4.5/5 dashies! “Almost Perfect!” i think it would’ve been cooler if the lammy and katy kat parts were more integrated with eachother. don’t ask me how exactly, because i don’t know, and maybe they didn’t either... it still came out REALLY nice!
[5) FIRE FIRE!!] - Aweome where is chief puddle? )-=
i think that this is my favourite song in the entire game, altho that will change depending on what day you ask me it, and a big part of it is fire chief puddle’s vocals and the brass and sound effects of the song
it kind of sucks that a lot of that seems lacking in katy’s version, although i like that it kind of seems like theres more emphasis on the percussions of it!
i don’t like the distant whispery vocals on the “Put it on the fire, feel good, Put it out cold and feel good”, it sounds really weird. because those lyrics are one of my favourites in the original song with chief puddle. i’d definitely rather listen to his version
overall this is a 3/5 dashies! “It’s Good!” i like katy’s vocals, but they definitely come out better on other tracks, and i miss chief puddle.
[6) PJ Berri Jam] - Much Love To The Funny Bear That Make’s Me Smile.
title made me a lot more excited for this song than i ended up feeling about it... OBVIOUSLY NO INSULT TO PJ’S JAM BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO HAVE A BEAT WITH ORIGINAL LYRICS instead of just lines from the one cutscene...
it’d have been cooler if it was longer too, but i understand why it wasn’t, because the instrumentals work best in this little snippet instead of long-term where they’d definitely require more lyrics
i like that it sounds like the Fire Fire! parappa version considering that’s his first stage! i don’t know if there’s any verification to this, but it makes me think that the beats for all of parappa’s songs in Um Jammer Lammy are made by PJ, which is just really nice to think about... he’s so skilled ;_; PJ and parappa’s iconic collabs...
i don’t know how to rate this at all, but for the headcanon it gave me, i’m giving it a 4/5 dashies! “Really Good!”
[7) BIRTH SONG] - i wouldn’t play for someone else
i think i like the choir vocals of the song in the cutscenes, but i definitely love katy’s voice in this one, it sounds really sweet
i can’t remove it from the weirdness of the scenario (the first time i saw that shit i was so goddamn baffled) but this does actually Make It Sweet!
i love how her voice sounds in the chorus, and the last line (“Our newest little baby!”) sounds really nice in her voice!! 
IDK EXACTLY HOW TO DESCRIBE IT... her vocals just seem... sweetly genuine? like not that she’s really invested in what she’s saying, but just that she’s really enjoying singing it in a small and cute way? IDK... EITHER WAY i like it!
i like the additional lyrics as well! extensions to parappa/ujl songs should always be welcomed i think.
overall i rate this a 3.5/5 dashies! “Pretty Good!” weird song made fun and sweet by katy kat, thank you so much!
[8) THEME OF RAMMY] - music that makes you cause problems
i love the ditzy yet cool lull of the electric guitar, it sounds playful and silly, but with the aesthetic of the instruments used in the song it sounds awesome at the same time.
the strings throughout the song following the rhythm of that guitar add a slight classical feel to it as well that i really like, a level of elegance in contrast to the next part i describe
the muffled and staticy electric guitar parts sound so discordant, yet perfectly in control at the same time, and very In-Your-Face as they just come and go at random over the base sillysong. i really really like that, and it shows off Rammy’s fiery attitude!
i really love how the violent clash of the instruments seems to come together so well in this. it is a really well-made song that made me like Rammy more than i did previously. i think people who know me well will understand that i really like strings in otherwise intense songs, like violins and stuff, so i was really happy to hear some!
FULLY HONESTLY, MY ONLY WISH? is that it was longer. LOL
as an aside, the lull i described reminds me way too much of the theme for sam and max’s office in the TTG series. which obviously is a very personal reason to like the song more, but it is a reason for me NoneTheLess.
overall this gets a 5/5 dashies! “Amazing!”
[9) CASINO IN MY HAIR] - texan ear worm signs.
katy kat’s voice fits this song EXTREMELY SURPRISINGLY WELL! i like that she puts on the accent and everything, the rhythm of the lyrics and her enthusiasm go together so NICE!
i like the expansion of the lyrics and the repetition of it is one of its strengths, like any song of that kind (hopefully)
it’s a really big earworm for me, and every so often ill just sing out “Where’s that place that comes in pairs whenever I’m aware? Casino here, casino there, casino in my hair!” VERY SIMPLE YET VERY CATCHY
Yee Haw!
overall i rate this a 4.5/5 dashies! “Super Cool!” it couldn’t be better, but i wouldn’t say it’s one of the best, just for the sheer quality of the other songs i’ve given 5/5 to so far
SIDENOTE - [10) Radio Signal Jam] - F*ck you
OK. i like the presentation of this as if it’s playing live on a radio. it’s a nice little additional flavour to the whole thing that i enjoy immensely. HOWEVER.
nothing can match my disappointment at the next song not being Master Onion’s song. My heart will forever be broken by this traitorous deception. I was promised Tamanegi Sensei. Where is he! WHERE IS HE!!! WAS HE TO BUSY GAMBLING?? COME BACK I LOVE YOU
O-K let’s move on
[11) TASTE OF TERIYAKI] - songs that have mood swings
this song baffles me. i definitely get what they were trying to do with the intro portions with the dramatic quiet, the focus on the vocals and guitar with the creeping and echoing drums and reverberating electronic sounds
it could’ve been really cool, but for the most part it frankly sounds sh*t.
if they could’ve gotten some line re-dos from Teriyaki’s singer to match the lower tempo, it definitely would have sounded most excellent. But the use of the lyrics from the high-tempo song here is just jarring. when i showed this to my brother he genuinely just started laughing from how bad it sounded.
THE SUDDEN SHIFT INTO THE HIGH TEMPO. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. IT ADDS SO MUCH EXTRA POWER TO THE CHORUS OF THE SONG. i like the song more with the brass and the backup singers, but this genuinely sounds so goddamn cool.
i LOVE the additional lines from teriyaki, it makes them sound even more like an idol! they sound amazing!
And then it stops. Back to the slow nonsense. I am left to dream of what could’ve been. i will say this one sounds better than the other one. Possibly because it’s shorter.
AND THEN THE AWESOME SONG COMES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I’M LIKE YEAH WOO!!!!! i love the additional discordant sounds in this version, and i like that they did sometimes include the cool SHHH-PSHHH slap-ish sound in the chorus for this portion. the da da da DA DA! being with guitars instead of brass used to disappoint me, but the more i hear it here, the more i like it.
and then my favourite part of the song: the backup vocals combined with a fast rattling-off of teriyaki’s vocal lines from parappa’s version. this sounds godlike. This is the best. I roll around in circles listening to and thinking about this part. the fact that it fades out right as it gets to that breaks my heart into little pieces.
and then it’s over...
i think it’s very fitting that the song that takes over the album out of nowhere and is literally from hell is the most baffling and loved/hated by me. i don’t think i’ve ever been able to truly say that i both love and hate a song.
if someone was good enough at editing to combine this with the actual version of the song, as well as the vocal lines from parappa’s version, into an essentially extended cut of the album version without the weird slow parts, i would be forever indebted to them.
overall i rate this a ???/5 dashies. ”Help!” it flipflops way too much for me to give a number. Thank you Teriyaki Yoko.
i need to say it. this song has the coolest sounds in the entire game. this is one of the songs that i might abruptly decide is my favourite for a day or so and then go back to Fire Fire! or Taste of Teriyaki (game version). the guitar is most exquisite in this song.
my little brother adores this song, and a big part of that is credited to the silly vocals of Paul Chuck. he’s like Goofy but extra lethal. i love him
ANYWAYS. after Fire Fire! i was concerned that this song’s vocals would be replaced entirely by Katy, but it seems like they understood Paul Chuck’s integral nature to the charm of the song, and so we get a back-and-forth of them both singing lines, with lammy playing in between. it sounds REALLY good!
i like the additional lines by Chuck at the beginning during the intro. they’re a nice little bonus for the three Paul Chuck fans that exist (two being me and my brother)
as always, gotta love katy kat’s vocals!! they definitely benefit from being combined with the vocals of the original song. the chorus parts where they both sing in unison sound AWESOME!!! i wonder if the Fire Fire! cover would have benefited from this alternation....
the filter over the “NEVER USE JOE CHIN’S CHAIN’S FOR THEM!” really adds to it as well! i like that addition.
by the way my favourite line from this song is the “All I wanna hear is you’ve come over here, there’s no fooling around with gears!” it just has such a good flow. not really explicitly related to this version specifically, maybe less so since i prefer it with Chuck’s voice over Katy’s, but yeah.
this song is really hard for me in-game. like, more than any other song i think, apart from Taste of Teriyaki. which i would like to thank this song for allowing me to escape from (-=
this gets a 5/5 Dashies and a “DA-HYUCK!” from me!
[13) WE ARE MILKCAN!!] - Woaah My Head Is Spinning!
another original that only plays during the cutscenes, understandably without the vocals. i liked it then, and i like it even more now!
katy’s lyrics add SO SO MUCH to the high-tempo intensity of the introduction to this song, and the chaos of the entire thing makes it really fun to listen to
i do still enjoy the slower parts of this song! i can imagine katy singing this as the events she describe happen in real time. i really like listening to her try to encourage lammy and ma-san to get it together and play with her. 
the bouncing between the full music of her lines contrasting with the quiet and dinky replies of ma-san and lammy makes this track really fun to listen to!
after that part, it goes back to sounding like the intro portion again, but increases in tempo drastically overtime, before suddenly slowing down again and then launching into high speed at random. it’s a really fun and theatrical and dramatic piece to listen to!!!
personally though, it’s not so much my thing based on the sound alone. it’s definitely a great song but i like things a little more relaxed and orderly than this. the quality of it comes from the lyrics and the emotions they manage to carry through with the instrumentals. its a really good glimpse into the nature and personality of MilkCan!
i give this song a 4/5! “Really Good!” there’s nothing i’d suggest to improve this song. it’s just a little to hectic for me, and feels more like music for a theatrical play than any other track. i generally don’t like that kind of stuff (altho there’s definitely exceptions)
SIDENOTE - [14) Jam Chin] - F*ck you eggplant head saunaman.
You disrespected Parappa. You disrespected Sunny Funny and her sweet smile. You have disrespected MilkCan.
Thank you Ma-San for killing this man. I love U.
[15) GOT TO MOVE! (Millennium Girl)
the final song... i knew it would be Got To Move... it makes COSMIC sense
i like the additional little part before the song begins giving some time to breathe in before my head starts screaming in excitement at this song.
this is an AMAZING song and another one of my little brother’s favourites! he likes to sing it! it’s not one of my favourites but it’s definitely revered with me. it’s a sheer quality song and the one that best captures the soul of MilkCan!!
and i have to say. this album version made me like it EVEN MORE. at first i was enjoying the regular song, but then in the second part PARAPPA comes in with the alternate lines from his version in-between Katy Kat’s lines. it is SO SO SO cool. i often think about how songs in the game would sound with parappa’s versions incorporated in some fashion like this and it comes out so EPIC!!
it seriously made me pog SO hard when i heard him coming in. SOOOO exciting!
some thought notes about this song:
i really like the guitar during the portion leading up to the chorus, it sounds really cool.
katy’s singing in the chorus itself is the best of ALL her singing! her voice blends perfectly with the tone, the pitch shifts, the vibes... angellic truly
parappa‘s lyrics in-between add such an awesome additional energy, especially the lyrics that go on a little longer, like “But let me give you a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time, but it’s nice!” those lines shine the most to me.
my other favourite part is the rapid backforth in the later part of the chorus, especially the “GO! ON! MOVE! ON!” between katy’s lines. it goes together IMPECCABLY
it should be obvious, but this song gets a 5/5 Dashies from me! “Amazing!” it truly blew me away, just like the 5/5 Dashie portions of Taste of Teriyaki did. i love the fact that Parappa’s lines are slightly more muted and behind a bit of a filter to make sure the focus is on Katy’s iconic lines, but are clear enough to be enjoyed.
Truly Thank U so much if you read this far... i love u so mach.... thank you for listening to me ramble about my current hyperfix <3 (-=
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
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“Dating Days”
Feat.  Monochrome,  Skychaser,  Venture Gale, Merry Daze and Caramello
Just a moment of these two spending time and getting to know each other again after ten years of being apart. Who knows what Skchaser's doing down there. He probably just flopped down because why not. This dorky, silly side of Sky's was definitely different from what Monochrome remembered of him, but they found it quite endearing. So here we have Mo reforming their fondness for Skychaser, which gradually grew into even warmer feelings.
Tiny Merry/Rainy and Mello were the kind of friends who would exchange looks and giggle in the background while big bro Sky derped his way around his crush on Monochrome. So you can bet they were excited when Sky finally asked Mo out! But then there was Venture Gale, lil brother of Monochrome and the third friend in Rainy and Mello's trio, who...wasn't as happy. Cause honestly, who did this stallion think he was, dropping in and taking up Mo's attention that Monochrome wouldn't even give to Ven or their family? Not that Ven knew that that's what was bothering him about this scenario. Nope, Sky just didn't feel right for Monochrome, that was definitely it. Sky was nice, but Monochrome was waaaay too cool for him.
Meet a new side of Monochrome: the "what the hell am I doing" side. Obviously the answer is to consult your trusted pet turtle for advice. In all seriousness, Mo had never dated before. And when Sky asked them out, Monochrome was stunned to say the least. But they had to keep up their calm front, right? They couldn't let Sky know how nervous they really were. That'd just leave them way too vulnerable. Monochrome accepted the date, though, cause well...Sky was honestly really nice to be around. Why not give it a shot? ALSO return of anthro ponies! Because sometimes drawing my characters as anthros feels way more fitting depending on the scenario. But said scenarios still applies to their normal pony selves of course (they're not literally changing form). So keep that in mind! I'm just having fun with it.
Mmmmmmmyeeesssss Monochrome rocking an outfit.
 I've mentioned this in a character fact journal, but Monochrome is actually quite a cuddler and never realized how much they enjoyed physical affection (platonic or otherwise) and body warmth until they dated Skychaser. After this discovery, sleeping against somepony else became one of Monochrome's top five favorite things.
Surprise! Moncohrome's hair isn't naturally fabulous, you know. Unfortunately, Monochrome suffers from some pretty bad bed hair every morning. Meanwhile, behold a new side of Skychaser's; his playfully flirty side. uwu Only Monochrome (and Evergreen, in the future) has ever gotten to see it. Truth be told, Sky is kiiiind of a sinnamon roll, but I may get to display that in future SkyxEver stuff. u o u
Skychaser probably had flashbacks to a certain story. In Tank's defense, he could just be squinting to see his kiddo and their boyfriend better, cause waow what are you two up to over there? Or he was prepared to end someone. Either one.
Monochrome had their hessitations while dating Skychaser; the last thing they wanted was for Sky to decide they were a drag to be around, or to let themself become vulnerable. And maybe they and Sky WERE pretty different. But the more time that passed, the more Monochrome felt genuinely liked and cared for until they finally allowed themself to open up and really connect with Skychaser. It had been a long time since they felt like they could let themself grow attached to somepony, you know?
I've mentioned this before, but Monochrome and Skychaser did end up mutually ending their relationship while remaining friends. You're probably wondering why. Well, this dump marks us reaching the very top of this current roller coaster.
It's time to start tipping over.
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mushuzen-blog · 7 years
moo-shoe review: royal survival contestants!
well well.. guess who’s back from saving china, i mean south korea!! it’s ya bicc boi aka big daddy mushu on the stage~ i figured i’ve been missing out on a lot so i decided to run a marathon on the first three episodes on the royal survival, seems like there’s a load of beautiful girls who are trying to make their dreams country.. hummmmm this is me when i first saw so jisub tryna put these girls down!! like are you serious you big balonga?? we get it that you’re some big kind of c e o but you ain’t tryna play the role of big daddy.. THAT’S MY ROLE!@#^%$^
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see that big ol’ fat angry mean statue right here? that’s so jiseob.. jisub.. geez sub, whatever you say his goddamn name!! ffs
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i’m the big dragon here! anyways let’s start.. with ma big opinions for a small lizard.. (don’t call me that!!) i’m a dragon.
ahn hyojin (elly) - trainee for one year, three months
wOOW look at this beaut-i’m at loss for words at her talent but she apparently seems to be a scandalous girl? issues with texting bUT YA KNOW WHAT?? i like this girl cause she gives me the vibe she likes to be who she is and don’t give a f*ck. i think she’s pretty badass and gives me the vibe that she’s just not like your ordinary idol. she’s an all-rounder, i’ve grown fond of elly! her rapping flow entices me, she spits dragon fire when she raps. ooo~~
jegal seoyoung - trainee for eight months
she has these cute cheeks and this girl has a lot of cuteness to her.. she seems like she could go on variety but there should be more to her personality than just looking.. cute? i think she gives me that natural kind-of vibe you wouldn’t find elsewhere, like she’s a down-to-earth girl and not just trying to show off. she’s who she is and she does her best at being naturally cute but would i say she’s more of a vocalist or dancer? she’s a decent dancer but not like jazz (HOT MAMA CAN WORK THOSE HIPS, THEY dON’T LIE LIKE SHAKIRA OH MA LORDE!!) i mean.. jazz dances really well cause ya’know, jazz! but her voice doesn’t captivate me like jihyun or dawon would.
jo eunae (bekah) - trainee for nine months
ooo this girl is different!! she’s a cali girl and that’s cool, you stay cool like the cool weather in cali! she seems to be a strong candidate. man i think jisub’s bringing these girls down with their confidence but i like how strong and fierce eunae is. i’m curious what else what she can bring in the potluck! too many girls in this show are so quiet that i’m starting to fall asleep in my tomb.. liek the time my ancestors were nagging to me about how i don’t clean the pagoda and stuff. need more girls that are lively like eunae, yeah!! btw you rock that eyeliner girl #slay
jung soojung - trainee for one year
i think she’s the youngest but she seems to have the most mature vibe from the girls, she’s pretty bland and boring though. i think she was a lot better on the mgas than now, seems like she’s just pulling through. she’s got a great voice, not going to lie and she can dance just fine but there’s something off about her. the ice princess isn’t doing so well.. so far. she shone brighter a year ago but it seems like these girls are have the extreme limelight than she is hMMM WORK ON YA VIBE GIRL, YOU NEED TO SING MORE THAN JUST BALLADS! ffs
kim seolhyun - trainee for one year
she’s.. on this show oh waOW WHAT A HOT MAMA! i think she was on a dating scandal with somebody named.. bacon? oh yeah i remember bacon, that old greasy bacon be doin’ something with this rare beauty named seolhyun. she’s really different from the other girls, she’s really good at what she does and is versatile but there’s something i was expecting more from miss seolhyun. i can’t say i’m too impressed but i’m not disappointed either. i think i have to see more from her, she has almost the same vibes from the mgas and bIGGG DADDDY NEEDS MORE FROM YA LIKE.. werk that body girl. seolhyun works out yee, you can tell. she’s got the bod, the face, and the visuals. hot damn
kim yubin - trainee for three years
she’s another rapper.. what happened to the other rappers? i feel like there should’ve been more rappers but there’s only like 2.. or 3? THERE’S SO MANY VOCALIST IN THIS SHOW AND they’re mostly quiet personalities hOLY HELL?? i heard she’s been in many scandals.. damn these rappers don’t joke mang. they’re pretty headass, so cool!! suspicious and scandalous just makes everything interesting. she has the personality of queen b, but i think i’ve expected more from yubin than you know.. what she does cause she is a triple threat for a reason. at least, from what i’ve heard? am i missing out on something? ALSO I’M DIGGING THAT TAN GIRL YOU GOOO!!
lee jieun (jazz) - trainee for two years, four months 
SNDFOISNFOISDNF!@#$%#^% SO JISUB YOU COW HOW DID THE BEST DANCER OF THE SHOW GET ELIMINATED? she’s one of royal’s gemstones!! are you flippin’ serious you whoohaA? i’m so mad!! this girl doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. seriously, she was complimented so much and only to be eliminated and walk away? i’M CRYING ON MY TOMBSTONE, i can’t take this no not my heart.. JAZZ WHY?! 
lee jihyun - trainee for three years
wow.. jisub are you saying jihyun is predictable? okay um.. hold on, give her voice some praise more than you’re putting her down. she’s been loyal to royal and you’re just going to treat her out like that? come on man.. you’re not fair towards these girls at all. you sleep on some of these girls and you neeDA STOP THAT. istg mnet’s new cow is you!! jihyun has amazing technique and beautiful vocal prowess. it looks like if she was to ever debut, she’d be the leader despite how you say she’s predictable with her performances. okay, for three years you’ve had her, why don’t you cherish her more? >> 
lee soohyun - trainee for two years 
she’s definitely cute but her looks apparently don’t match your regular idol type.. i think that’s the sweetest thing about her, she’s unique and not just some plastic surgery butchered-beauty. i’m glad she’s the way she is, she’s a sweethEART AHH YOU REMIND ME OF MULAN WHEN SHE WAS A LITTLE GIRL!! my heart is melted she’s too sweet *sniffle sniffle* her voice sounds lovely too!
manoban lalisa (lisa) - trainee for eight months
jisub says that this girl doesn’t have all-rounded abilities and that she doesn’t do what she does precisely.. well he’s wrong, i think she’s one of the most hard-working girls out there and she deserves more credit than what gee-sub gives her. lisa, you deserve to shine bright for who and what you are!! keep up that charisma girl, you’re more than just a pretty face as he says! if she was put in a girl group, she’d have the greatest variety personality.. like she just appeals the audience so much.
nam dawon - trainee for one year
oo.. another quiet girl? she seems really quiet but like.. she’s just there? i wish i got to see more of her. not gonna lie but she has a pretty voice but like soojung, she just seems too quiet beyond belief. she’s shy and there’s nothing wrong with that bUT I WISH THESE VOCALISTS were a little more out there!! like.. she’s a sweetheart but we need spicy fire on the show. i love her technique, she seems like a very strong singer.
park chaeyoung - trainee for eight months
i’d have to say that rose is like a rose, beautiful and one of my favourite flowers! i remember the days scrollin’ through her instagram and twitter (okay i’m kind of a stalker) AND SHE HAD THIS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE HAIR THAT WAS LIKE A FIREY BREATHING DRAGON! rose has earned her place as one of my favourites. i can’t wait for her to play the guitar and sing! her voice is unique and what’s even more awesome is she’s from australia! ooo dat accent got me like #waowgirl
yang jiwon - trainee for three years
she’s been training for so long and hasn’t debuted yet? was she in trc’s dungeon for the longest time ever? i’m not going to label these girls as “backstabbers” but some of them have been training so long with high hopes and dreams, only to be let-down by their company. yo this girl is one of the hottest, along with seolhyun. she might not be the best vocalist, but i can’t put ma finger on it, she’s has something special about her! we’ll just have to see it! 
stay tuned for more mushu reviews for episode.. 4! I’M OUT AND REMEMBER THIS SO JISUB, GET ROSE, SOOHYUN, ELLY, JIHYUN OR ANYONE ELSE I LOVE OUT OF THE SHOW, YOUS THE nEW COW OF MNET!! ya stupid piece of cow!!
so jiSEUB i AM YOUR..
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