#but especially that multiverse fucker yknow
venear-tmblr · 1 month
“Everything Spiderman touches comes to ruin.”
- J. Jonah Jameson, Spiderman: No Way Home.
…. so the Sherbverse, sherbert spiderman right-
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some thoughts after watching love, death + robots
(tw for a lot of things under the cut, the series is very nsfw)
sonnie’s edge - god that was epic... im gay for sonnie. like, she is very powerful not because she was r*ped and wants vengenance. no, she has many other reasons and shes such a big lesbian and i lov her aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
three robots - this is how sentient robots should be portrayed: not knowing much about humans, but acting similarly to them. also i love when robots or aliens point out humanity’s mistakes. take that us, fuckers
the witness - the tension, the stress, the death. i appreciate the main character’s design, but also the fact it keeps u on ur toes. epic
suits - first and foremost: domed farms on uninhabitable worlds sounds epic. second: i approve this short bc it has big robot energy, alexa play despacito
sucker of souls - dracula seemed an overused thing, but this short really shows a v good take on the classical monster. also also, tombs rule
when the yogurt took over - in my opinion, the weirdest and most existential dread inducing short. i love stories of rapid societal change and/or technological advancement. also take that us times 2, because a fucking group of bacteria literally advised us a perfect plan and we didn’t follow it because we are condescending of such “lesser” beings.
beyond the aquila rift - what. the. actual. fuck. seriously. simulations i can understand, i can understand a lot of things. but what the fuck? regardless, this short is essentially pure nightmare fuel, but also fuel for my eldritch thoughts, which is truly epic.
good hunting - magic? yes. ethnic myths? hell yes. steampunk? hell fucking yes. seriously. a spirit in a machine body is epic, especially if that spirit is an obvious bloodthirsty hecker. also, i like the very subtle magic vs technology undertones, they add a nice vibe to the short
the dump - yo... dump living hillbilly that has encounters with the supernatural is a very good trope. also, friendly monsters and casual death are very rarely paired together, even though they’re a good combination.
shape-shifters - one of the best portrayals of werewolves i’ve ever seen. this is the kind of urban fantasy writers should strive for: integration of magicks/fantasy races into the modern world.
helping hand - ive watched gravity and it had like 25% of the energy this short had. also, space suffocating while being sad and nostalgic reminds me of final space, which gives me even more feels, thanks. also the fact that the title eerily references the ending
fish night - squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid ghosts. squid gho-
lucky 13 - luck is a fucker, thats all i have to say
zima blue - a consciousness isn’t needed to enjoy yourself, yknow. also, the ending made me feely bc hes happy now and i love him. yes, he did lose consciousness, but this doesn’t mean he died you lil dipshit. educate yourself on robots mkay
blindspot - heists are good, but cyborgs even better. also, i like the idea of consciousness backups, although the philosophical implications are rather bizzare.
ice age - even more eldritch being parallels, but this time, even better. like, they annihilated themselves, rebuilt, and then... ascended? and this is represented as being cyclical, because in the end we see cavemen. like... is this how gods look at us? a cycle of ascension and fall? existential dread ahoy.
alternate histories - seeing the worst man in history die multiple times!!! also, rats that annihilated themselves, and ofc squids... squishy bois. someone please create multiversity irl so i can check what if the ussr didnt fall-
secret war - occultism is only good if it happens between 20′s to 70′s, after which it stops being eldritch and more like harry potter so yeah, good
in conclusion: fuckin grandiose
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