#but even in the situations where arceus was on the offensive
loch-detected · 3 months
if I can honest a second? I really don’t like the depictions of Arceus being ‘apathetic, uncaring’ or even ‘cruel’ god. like from what I’ve seen in various forms of media, it’s just inaccurate.
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voidlitmoon · 5 years
Finding Our Stars - Bonus Mini Chapter
Ok @sugarglider9603, here is chapter one!
Alright I want to make something clear.. I chose Pecha because of Picani, please accept my reference :)
Also READERS PLEASE NOTE the Bonus Chapter links will be available ONLY ON THE MASTER POST, this includes the minific of MJ and and Iris that I've posted before, I have adjusted the links so it is no longer the Part 2 link on part one and (now) part three, Part 2 link is now Shine Freely My Friends. If want to read these extras later on, check out the Master post link, you can also find Pokeside art from me as well :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Chapter 2
Master Post
Words: 1,447
Summery: 'They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.'
A world were they were wanted to be one thing, but then ignored as extras when not. Where when every other of there kind around them kept separate, two connected like puzzle pieces. All was normal for several months
Until a new Eevee hatch.
And without realizing, Sleep and Pecha connected to a much bigger puzzle on a journey to find their little dark Star
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Chapter One
what.. was that? 'Light' his mind supplied. The creature pushed a paw to the egg's shell, lightning bolts shooting along.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon" a voice? Someone was talking outside wherever he was, instinct kicking in. The creature kicked the shell's inside, pushing.
The light grew brighter and brighter as more fell through the splits, causing the pokemon to blink, the light bothering his eyes.
Almost out.
Just a bit more.
The egg split open, the Eevee inside tumbled out.
"Ugggh, another normal" the voice muttered, making the Eevee look up.
The figure above him reached out a hand, patting him head "sorry bud, you not the one. Let's go put you with the others" the Eevee blinked, shaking his fur as he stood and chirped a confused ok.
The human picked him up, letting the Eevee look around.
They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.
"There's another one hatching right now" the human announced to the crowd, setting the newly hatched Eevee down. No Eevee made a move toward the human, just continuing their business when they walked back inside.
Eevee blinked, confusion filling him "excuse me" he squeaked to a nearby Eevee. She stop confused "what's going on?" He asked, curiosity filling his mind.
"That's Manti" she explained, shaking out her fur "they/them pronouns. Apparently they're breeding for shiny grey colored Eevees, when ever they come out with one it's brought over to their house instead of staying with us" Eevee stared at the large house she pointed at before walking away.
He jumped a few minutes later as the door opened again, 'Manti' sighing as another brown Eevee lay in his arms. He set the squinting Eevee down next to the other before walking away.
"What going on?" The squinting Eevee asked, confused. The older Eevee explained as the walked over to a shaded spot, apologising with his small knowledge.
"That's so weird" the younger mumbled softly, starting a tad scared out at the other pokemon. They ended up curling together near a Peacha Berry bush under a red apple tree, the younger enjoying the sweet tasting berries. The taste was ok with the older, but maybe a bit too sweet.
"Hey" the younger looked up "it's ok to be scared, we're new to all this" the older snuggled closer "we'll stick together."
The younger hummed "it might be possible Manti could name us, or give us to someone else to name, but do you wanna give each other nicknames? Might be easier since we're both Eevees" he giggled.
"Hmm ok, how about Sleep for me, since that's all I want to do right now" the older joked, causing the younger to laughed. "All right then Sleep, what's mine?" Sleep felt his cheeks heat up slightly, but couldn't help but let out a small laugh "how about Peacha, since your so sweet?" He suggested, giving a grin as the younger gave a very noticeable blush and froze. Sleep felt sudden fear, what if he took offense, what if he didn't like it, what if-
The younger smiled, tucking his head under the older's chin "I love it" Peacha whispered.
Sleep watched sleepily as Manti entered the Hatchery. It had been several months since Sleep and Peacha hatched, only one shiny grey Eevee had appeared. Manti seemed very happy, the two being close enough to hear them mutter "finally a Jolteon" before walking off. Apparently the human had been attempting for a long time to gain every shiny Eevee and Eeveelution, already having the normal furs.
It had been quite a while since the last shiny though, Manti gaining more and more annoyed.
"FOR ARCEUS SAKE" a scream raged from the Hatchery, startling Peacha from sleep. Manti exited, clearly upset but just let out an sign, setting the Eevee down before walking away. Sleep looked curiously at the new Eevee.
Even for a newly hatched, the Eevee was very small. It crouched in the setting sun's lights, darker than normal furred slightly spiked in fear. Poor Eevee must have been terrified having a scream be the first noise he heard. Anger at Manti bubbled in Sleep for a moment before Pecha stood up, bounding over to the curled up Eevee.
"Hey" Pecha whispered and Sleep wandered up behind "are you ok?" The Eevee glanced up, brilliantly rich violet eyes stared. Sleep blinked. Manti really must have not gotten a good look at this Eevee, otherwise it probably would have never left his sight.
"I- I" the dark Eevee mumbled, shrinking down. Pecha blinked "oh no it's ok, Manti's not mad specifically at you" he comforted.
Sleep gently nudged the Eevee up, the small one following them. After that day the two hatched, the Pecha bush under the rich red apple tree had become their sleeping spot. There was a large radius of open grass between that tree and other objects, giving the two, now three privacy.
The two calmed the Eevee down, explaining the situation as they curled him between the two.
"So, Manti is a shiny breeder?" The Eevee mumbled tiredly as the others nodded. The violet eyes were locked on the sky as stars started shining brightly, calming the Eevee even more.
"Do you.. do you want me to leave you guys alone?" He whispered asked.
"No!" Pecha cried, snuggling up closer. The Eevee blinked "but your so close, I don't want to interfere."
Sleep shook his head "we choose who we want to be around" he looked up at the stars alongside the Eevee "and to prove that I, the amazing Sleep, with give you a nickname" Pecha swatted him with his tail "of course, only if you want one."
The Eevee looked over and hesitated "are.. are you sure?" Sleep nodded.
"Alright.." Sleep and Pecha snuggled the small one closer "how about Star, dark one?" Sleep mumbled sleepily, glancing one last time at the sky the violet eyes were still latched onto.
The dark one thought for a moment, before nodding.
"I.. I like it" Star mumbled, smiling.
Manti walked out, fresh air shifting around them. Footfall behind them made the breeder turn, smiling as an old friend walked out.
"So I heard you were looking for an Eevee. I just had a special looking Eevee born about two weeks ago, bright purple eyes. It's not a shiny so it's useless to me, but a dragon evolution would look cool with those eyes.
When Sleep and Pecha woke up, their little Star was gone.
Sleep comforted Pecha as the younger cried. "Don't worry, we'll find him" Pecha just shook his head.
"Manti took him while we slept, he probably gave him off to a trainer" he mumbled between tears. It was probably true, occasionally humans would come by and take one of the 'extra' Eevees along with them.
Sleep growled "we will find him" the tone causing Pecha to look up as Sleep stood up, making his way to the fence.
"But we can't leave!" Pecha exclaimed, eyes wide. "Yes we can" Sleep argued calmly, hopping through the boards "just no one has. Listen, Manti doesn't care about us, we might have been split anyways because they gave us to two separate trainer" Pecha hesitated, remembering the sad truth.
"I'm leaving to find our Star, whether your coming or not" Pecha finally looked up, determined. He hopped through the fence, tucking his head under Sleep's chin and nuzzling the Eevee's chest "like you can get rid of me that easily" Pecha purred.
the two split, glancing one last time at the Eevee farm, seeing other Eevees watch them with shocked faces as the turned away.
"Now" Pecha growled, walking into the forest, the unknown "let's get our Star back."
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writelary · 2 years
Framework Featuring: Pixie Styx, Magdalene Strange, Pomona Strange Universe: Pokemon Redeux
There is rust on their tongue, and they feel a weight as they follow behind Magdalene. The bruises hurt for the first time since they dragged Pomona from the fight club (that’s a lie, they had hurt the entire time, it just is easier to ignore when you’re lecturing a kid).
    “Pomona, darling—I think it is time for you to go to bed.” Magdalene’s words waft, light and airy. “We can discuss all of this in the morning.”
    Pixie can see half a shade of Pomona, pause in the hallway of the apartment, ginger hair aflame as she tilts before asking. “Am I in trouble?”
    “You are certainly not not in trouble, but—“ Magdalene waves her hands through the air. “It is not an offense that means anything more than a long discussion—in the morning, after you have had some sleep.”
    Pixie can hear the huff on the pre-teen’s lips. “Alright, but—are you sure you don’t need help with Pixie?”
    “Quite, my love—go to bed. We will talk in the morning.”
    “In the morning, yah, yeah.”
    The thud of footsteps deeper into the apartment marches on with the thud of a lowgrade headache from the entire evening, drummers on bone. Pixie presses their hands deep into their pockets. “You really don’t have to—do any of this, Mags. I can be out of your hair—“
    “My sweet—sit down, and give me a moment to get what I need to clean you up.” Hand upon shoulder leads Pixie to a too-clean couch for where they’re settled. The entire livingroom is—
    It is a shrine to Pomona, to art, to a handful of well-loved plants, books galore, and knick knacks of all sorts. It is pristine. Golden gilded edges of frames, porcelain pretty things—but it has a sense of home, of family.
    Boots sink into the throw rug as Pixie wants to laugh at how out of place they must look—leather jacket, boots, bloody face.
    “Here we go.” The couch shifts as Magdalene’s weight presses into the cushions, hand settling upon Pixie’s features to tilt and tip them to her, to a small cloth. “Thank you, Pixie—for bringing Pomona back with such care.”
    “Listen—it was my fault in the first place—“
    Laughter is not as boisterous as it might be in the backroom, carefully lowered for the occupant who is supposed to be going to sleep. “Pixie—how were you to know she would overhear your invitation and take it as a family affair? My sweet, I appreciate that you wish to be the guilty party in this—don’t flinch—but really.
    “Besides, she is of an age where boundaries are to be tested. I’m grateful it was a situation where there was another adult looking out for her.”
    Wincing, teeth tight as the alcohol hits another wound, Pixie sighs. “I get it though—she’s a kid, you’re her mother. I don’t want to be a bad influence or—Arceus that sounds idiotic, but you hear me, right? I won’t skulk around and make things harder for you.”
    Thumb runs along the curve of their chin as Magdalene hums and tips her head. “I suppose it is my fault for not being more open—I see us as friends, Pixie. Or else I really should charge for the constant play nurse we do. My dear, if you do not want to be friends with a single mother and occasionally have to run about with a wild little fox of her daughter. Well, I cannot say I would be delighted to hear that, but I would understand and not up your drink cost by too high a percentage.”
    Silence sits for a moment in the warm golden of the lamp light, before Pixie’s lips curve. “Do I get a discount as a friend at the bar? You would have to tell Ronald, he can be rather taciturn about everything.”
    “You get the absolute pleasure of being in my acquaintance, my sweet thing. And drinks occasionally as friends, outside of my bar’s hours. Really, I am a woman of business afterall.” Thumb gently taps chin as Magdalene pulls away. “You understand though, don’t you?”
    “I don’t want to fuck up your life, Mags—or Pomona’s especially—“
    “Trust me, then my sweet thing—trust that I know to make good calls for myself and for my daughter.”
    Eyes dropping for a moment—examining the crimson of the carpet before returning to Magdalene’s features, Pixie nods. “… Alright. I can’t say I was looking forward to stopping being friends, anyway. You’re a diamond in the rust.”
    “Oh, darling, I know it. I am quite something. But you are always welcome to tell me more” Grin cracks on Magdalene’s features as she leans onto her hand, watching Pixie in the dim light of her living room.
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The Judgement
[PoV: Meikakuna]
[Location: The Atiel League]
It took me several days worth of travel to eventually reach this Atiel League, despite the fact that I’m only running on the words of a pathetic Garchomp...it’s very much the only lead I have.
The place is...definitely something to say the least, seeing how towering the building is and the vast number of people going to and fro. I’m not really one for crowds, but at least the fighters are giving me of looks of curiosity and suspicion rather than suggestive smiles and playful winks.
Lashing out at others for flirting will draw a good deal of bad attention towards me, something I can’t afford. So I need to keep my temper in check if the situation does arrive, otherwise finding Tapferkeit will be...even more difficult than it already is.
But I doubt that’ll be the case, seeing that most of the people here seem to keep to themselves. Which is more than good enough for me normally, but sadly I need to inquire around in order to gain knowledge on Tapferkeit’s whereabouts.
Steeling my nerves I began the process of asking strangers, seeing if any individuals know of this Crusader. Surprisingly...they do, in fact one even informed me that a match with the Crusader involved is about to begin.
To find out that such a match is happening incredibly soon, it’s as if Arceus themself must’ve took pity on my plight and gave me the perfect opportunity to witness and judge Tapferkeit.
As quickly as I could I made a bee-line for the desk, paying whatever the fare is to have admission to the arena. From the sounds I’m hearing as I rush to the stands, the match is already preparing to start.
With some difficulty I make my way to my seat, my eyes falling upon the ring in the center where the fight shall take place. Standing to the side of the ring is an odd-colored Scizor with a microphone in one of her claws, it appears that she’s currently introducing the fighters of the match.
On one side I see a Delphox and a Toxicroak, despite the distance I could see the tenseness in their forms. Their body language shows that they’re experience fighters, however something is making them very nervous.
Before I could investigate further the voice of the Scizor breaks my train of thought. “-And now for the Titan of this Titan Match! We have the Metal Giant, Tapferkeit!”
The roar of the crowd intensifies, causing me to wince slightly as I shift my gaze to the other side of the ring. I couldn’t help but feel my jaw drop as my eyes fall upon the individual known as Tapferkeit, the words that described this Golurk did him no justice.
He stood twice as tall compared to the Delphox and Toxicroak, no wonder those two felt so nervous. His size alone is greatly intimidating, so I can only wonder how his might will compare.
During my admiration I seemed to have lost track of time, for the warriors have already taken their combat-ready stances as the Scizor began her countdown.
“Ready... Set... GO!” She shouts, signifying that the match has begun.
The Toxicroak immediately leaped into action, running at an angle to flank Tapferkeit’s side as the Delphox prepared a fire attack with her wand.
The Golurk didn’t move at first, instead standing stock still as he observed them. Once the Toxicroak got close his fist became enveloped in orange energy, what I recognize to be Rock Smash. The Delphox also conjures several floating spheres of fire before unleashing them at her opponent, if the Will-O-Wisps and the Rock Smash were to collide...they will surely deal a great deal of damage to the Crusader.
That is when Tapferkeit made his move, due to his size he’s unable to sidestep the attacks because of how quickly they came at him...so instead he angled himself to face the two and raised one of his arms. The lines on his hand flashes green before a large wall of similar-colored energy forms before him, its surface acting as a shield that blocked the attacks.
As quickly as it formed the shield vanishes, the Golurk bringing his other fist and delivering a powering swing at the Toxicroak. Being the agile Pokemon he is Frog easily jumped back to avoid the dangerous swing, for if it were to connect...it would most likely have knocked him out of the fight right then and there.
And so the fight continued, the Delphox and Toxicroak forced to using their speed and range to use hit-and-run tactics in order to suppress their giant foe. It left no choice but for Tapferkeit to be on the defensive, either forced to take the brunt of the attacks or blocking them with his make-shift shield. Despite how dire his situation seemed, he didn’t look like he minded. In fact, it’s as if he’s actually enjoying the fight.
The Toxicroak made a circle around Tapferkeit before leaping at his back, once again preparing to deliver another Rock Smash in hopes of finally crippling the giant...
...However little did he realize that the Golurk was waiting for him to do just that very thing.
Tapferkeit spins to face the Toxicroak with an outstretched hand, grasping the Pokemon’s body before he could even reach him. The Pokemon’s eyes widen in fear, realizing what kind of situation he just got himself into.
The crowd gasps at this sudden turn of events, for now the Toxicroak is at the Golurk’s mercy.
Seeing her companion in danger, the Delphox immediately thrusts her wand forward to unleash a powerful Flamethrower in hopes of forcing Tapferkeit to release her captured partner.
And Tapferkeit did in fact reelease, but in a way that she didn’t expect. Twisting his body the Golurk flings the Toxicroak right at the incoming attack, not only blocking the flames but sending him sailing right into the Delphox. The two Pokemon are sent tumbling to the ground, the force of the throw causing them to slide a good distance before eventually stopping.
I couldn’t help but wince at the impact as well as the noise from the audience due to the unexpected turn, combined with the Scizor’s energetic announcements it makes the roar of the crowd to an almost deafening point.
It’s obvious that the Toxicroak won’t be getting back up anytime soon, for not only was he used as a projectile but he also took the Flamethrower right to the face The Delphox herself doesn’t seem to be in good shape either, due to how hard her friend was thrown at her. However she’s still conscious and capable of fighting, while her friend is not.
I’ve seen enough to know that this is over, all it takes now is for Tapferkeit to charge and knock out the Delphox due to her being trapped underneath the Toxicroak.
And that is what I expected him to do, only...for me to be ver ywrong.
Instead the Golurk crosses his arms, waiting patiently for the Delphox to slowly push her companion off herself and get back to her feet. In fact he shouted words of encouragement, much to my surprise.
“Stand back up, lass! The fight is not over yet!” He booms, the intensity of his voice contesting with that of the crowd itself. “I know there is more strength in you! Show this Crusader what you have!”
What is he doing? He could’ve ended the fight right then and there, she was in such a state that she would’ve been incapable of stopping him. And yet he waits and even encourages the Delphox to stand back up, what is he getting out of that?
It’s obvious that the Delphox is just as confused as I am, seeing how she looks at the Golurk with a mixture of suspicion and uncertainty. But nevertheless she's now standing, her wand gripped tightly in her hand.
With her back on her feet, the Golurk resumed the fight by charging her. However unlike earlier he went completely on the offensive, relentlessly delivering powerful swing after swing.
Without her companion to distract him, the Delphox is forced to do nothing but dodge his attacks. With how much pressure the Golurk is putting on her, she’s unable to even retaliate back. She’s not built for agility like the Toxicroak, so she’s going to quickly exhaust herself at this rate or make a misstep that will immediately end the fight.
Tapferkeit could’ve kept the constant onslaught of powerful swings, to make the Delphox keep dodging until she tires herself out. But instead of prolonging the inevitable, he takes a different action. He stops his swinging and raises one foot before slamming it hard into the ground, channeling his power into the action he causes the floor before him to crack and shake violently.
The Delphox tried to avoid it, but due to how sudden the Earthquake was she ends up losing her balance and stumbling to the ground.
Tapferkeit covers the distance and approaches the Delphox, who is already utterly exhausted. Her eyes widen as she sees the titan looming over her, his fists clenched tightly. He leans over and extends one of his hands towards the Pokemon, lightly tapping her head with a finger.
“You fought well, lass.” He says quietly, giving her an approving nod.
Silence befalls the arena as they watch the situation tensely, waiting to see how the Delphox would respond. Eventually she closes her eyes and nods her head, saying something I could only assume was her admitting defeat.
With that the Scizor suddenly breaks the silence. “What a match, ladies and gents!” She announces, with her words snapping everyone out of their stupor the crowd roars in response. I couldn’t help but sit still, processing what happened.
That match... It’s not that those two warriors weren’t skilled, it’s just that they weren’t prepared to fight a foe such as Tapferkeit. Despite the onslaught, he held his ground until the Toxicroak gave him the opportunity to win. Even with the large number of burn marks and dents, he looks as if he’s ready to immediately participate in yet another fight.
He truly is a force to be reckoned with...
"And the winner of this round is Tapferkeit! Ladies and gents, let us give a loud round of applause to the Metal Giant!” The Scizor cheers. Due to the fact that Tapferkeit’s arm is too large for her to grip, she instead makes do with thrusting her free claw into the air with the Crusader following suit.
Seeing enough, I quickly make my way out towards the lobby in order to wait for him. Not a doubt in my mind the Golurk holds the potential, someone of his caliber...perhaps even he could possibly beat Kelviks.
As I wait impatiently the doors eventually open, revealing the Crusader walking out. On his body he sports various injuries that his opponents have inflicted upon him during the fight, however he himself doesn’t seem too worse for wear.
Before I open my mouth to speak I freeze, noticing a giant hammer resting on his shoulder.
He...has a hammer?! Since when?! Why didn’t he even use it in the fight? Seeing how well he did, if he were to use that weapon...
By the gods...
Noticing my staring, the Golurk looks at me before laughing. “Greetings, lass!” He booms, making his way towards me. “I assume that you’ve watched the match, eh?”
Seeing that he approached me instead of vice versa, I quickly recollect my thoughts. “Yes indeed, Crusader.” I eventually say, putting my thoughts under much tighter reins. I couldn’t help but glance back at his hammer, the size of the weapon making the Golurk even more intimidating. “There is something I would like to speak to you about.”
The Crusader tilts his head slightly, the amused twinkle in his eye turning to one of curiosity. “Something you wish to speak to me about?” He asks. “Very well! I am all open, dear lass! Tell this Crusader what you have to say!”
Despite being put-off by his rather outgoing personality, I prepare myself for the main reason why I’m here. “Tapferkeit, the reason for my presence being here is because I’ve been searching for you.” This causes him to tilt his head ever so more, however he remains silent so that I can continue. “Where I come from, there is an Arena... The one who takes care of it has been searching for a warrior of great strength, one capable of defeating the arena.” I cross my arms over my chest, my pink eyes meeting his single yellow. “There is a dangerous force that is about to enter this world, in order to defeat it once and for all...he needs a warrior worthy of taking it on.”
A small smile works its way onto my face. “After witnessing the fight, I have no doubt that you possess the potential to be that warrior.”
Having absorbed what I said, the Golurk lets out a laugh. “A worthy warrior eh? I am honored for you to have approached me out of all the others!” His glance turns to his hammer. “However that fight, I have not used my full potential! Weapons are forbidden to be used here, so I was forced to make do without my mighty hammer!” He looks back to me, the glow in his eye intensifying. “If you seek a powerful warrior to challenge this arena in order to be worthy of fighting this force, I shall gladly accept!”
With that a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders, for I was prepared to explain in even further detail if he were to have no interest in going to the arena. Letting out the breath I never realized I was holding I reach into my bag for a piece of paper, containing directions. “Your willingness to go relieves me greatly, Tapferkeit.” I sigh. “We’ve been searching for someone for a long time, so to finally find someone who holds that promise and accept...it gladdens me immensely.”
“It would go against everything I stand for if I were to not accept, my friend.” He reassures, accepting the small paper in his massive hands. “However there are some things that I must take care of, but with these directions...I will meet you at this arena you speak of!” With his fist he taps his chest. “By the honor of a Talon Crusader, you have my word!”
Unable to suppress my smile, a grin makes its way onto my face. “Thank you, Tapferkeit.” I thank, bowing my head. “Until we meet again.”
With that I turn and make my way out of the Atiel League, all that’s left for me is to return to the Arena...
...And inform Kelviks that I have in fact, found a warrior with potential...
(Cameos: Rhoslyn of @thevaloroushearts)
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faemoria-arch · 7 years
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Some Pokemon verse musings Because SuMo basically took the vague gaps in my verse ( why Tooth was archiving information on legendaries, why she used her gym as more of a Club Exclusive Card than anything battle related, etc. ) and threw things at me that would fit perfectly in place to the point that it would be almost comical to disregard them. And there were just some tweaks I’ve wanted to make for a while anyways.
- As is the case for a few AUs, her actual name is Liliana, but she picked up the aliases Iana and Tooth for one reason or another. ( Nothing as extreme as the monster hunter au. she didn’t bite anyone’s throat out in this pokemon verse, i promise. )   - A’la Pokemon Adventures giving humans random superpowers, and the concept of the Memory Girl in XYORAS and the fact that it is too easy not to do and I’ve made it my life’s work to write every cliche possible: Tooth can read the memories of Pokemon. Similar to her main verse, the clarity of these memories vary on the situation and the Pokemon itself and are often very abstract. Unlike the main verse she has no real power regarding them, she is simply able to ‘read’ and apply the information accordingly for her own relationship with Pokemon/occasionally informing other people for theirs.  - And as before, she played some role in helping to establish the Dream World with Fennel. Her work was primarily that of working with Pokemon’s memories, researching and organizing data. That is to say, she is not an engineer or anything of that sort, but she was, at the time, very eager to use her ability in a way that would benefit Pokemon and humankind alike. 
" Now Game Sync can retrieve memories of sleeping Pokémon using Dream Mist! “
She moved on from this project to one that will be covered further down.
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- Tooth’s gym is officially stewarded by another trainer ( baby tooth, hue. ), and has been for some time to the point that she’s hardly even associated with it. It is still located in Johto, which Tooth considers to be her true home, despite technically being born in Kanto. And it’s been well over six years since she took on a gym challenger herself. - Her most frequently used team while out and about is : Beautifly ( Hardy ), Flygon ( Lax ), Honedge ( Hasty ), Skarmory ( Docile ), Swablu ( Impish ), and most recently a shiny Sensu Oricorio it reminds me of her feather colouration ( Rash ).  - That is a bad team lol. And the natures are meant as characteristics more than stat influences in the end the power of friendship is what matters , but as a trainer Tooth is certainly formidable enough to give credit to her gym status. Her strategies tend to lean towards offensive, going for sweeping and glass cannon-like methods, even in situations where it would seem unwise by usual battle technique. But she’s more than aware of the strengths and limitations of her Pokemon. She and her team can adapt to situations well enough, but in the end they are always looking for that One Crucial Strike. Her team has a lot of faith in her to understand what they can accomplish. - But more importantly than any of that: She’s hardly battled at all since her experience in Alola.
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- After her work with Fennel, Tooth went on to dedicate a great deal of time researching, uncovering, and archiving information in regards to various legendary and history-altering Pokemon. It saw her traveling across the globe, and this research was done for the Aether Foundation in what Tooth believed to be for the interest of preservation. The information ended up being used for something considerably different:
“ Codenamed "Beast Killer", Type: Null was given cells taken from all known Pokémon types with the intention of giving it the ability to shift between types by holding a corresponding Memory, an ability originally inspired by the myths about Arceus found in Canalave Library. ”
However, when Tooth found out about this, she remained quiet and complicit out of fear. Seeing the ‘betrayal’ of Lusamine’s children is what made her realize that was unacceptable. It also made her feel as though she had let down her own Pokemon for backing down from her own morals, and she feels inclined to regain her right to fight with them as a team but doesn’t know how.
- Bringing me to the sort of trainer one would find themselves in a battle against should they face Tooth now. She is currently uninspired and uninterested in battling with any sort of real vigor. But someone with enough drive and passion would be able to bring that spark back, facing against all her determination to do right by her team.
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 “ Put your ideals on the line; Now fight to prove how much they mean to you and your Pokemon. ”
                                           ( Gym Leader Iana challenges you to a battle! )
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