#but even then marisol is not near the level of Bad Person as so many people make her out to be
minamotoz · 3 years
degrassi really set marisol up to be hated by fandom but in doing so they made her easily one of the most entertaining and unintentionally comedic characters in the whole show. if you hate her that is a complete L on your part and you need to learn to have fun
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crookedkittyperson · 4 years
A Disaster Recoupling
Pairing: Lucas x Luna
Summary: This my take on disaster coupling where Luna despite not participating in Operation Nope is snapped by Noah from Lucas. 
Note: This is my first time uploading something like this. Might take it down. If there is any criticism or suggestion. Please let me know. All I can say is that I tried my level best. Hope you like it.
Luna PoV
I woke up suddenly to the feeling of something heavy on top of me. I stiffened, only to see that Lucas had his right arm draped around and right leg on top of me. He was snoring slightly. The look on his face was peaceful and I giggled at him. 
Looking at his face made me think of last couple of days – Ministry of sound, operation ‘Nope’, the argument between Lottie, Priya and Chelsea, and lastly the argument between Priya and Hope regarding the Noah. Gosh! To think I was going to have a peaceful summer.
To be honest thinking about everything made me gave me thirsty. And I tried to remove myself out of Lucas’s grasp.
He groaned at the sudden movement and pulled me closer to fill up a non-existent gap while nuzzling his face in my hair making my breath hitch.I slowly tried to lift his arms and failed. He was sleeping like a rock and wouldn’t budge. I groaned and tried wiggle out of his arms.
“Luna”, he growled lowly. I froze for a moment thinking I woke him but I soon realized he was till sleeping. 
‘Awe, he talks in his sleep’ I thought. But seeing him calling my name in his sleep gave me butterflies in my stomach and an unknown feeling in my heart. Thinking that I’ll talk to him about it later, I chuckled under my breath. 
I tried again and again to get out of his deathly trap and almost got successful, but suddenly he pulled me with both of his arm and tucked me under him. He tucked me in such a way that I felt as I was his personal pillow as he had his chin resting top of my head, his both arms around me and his legs tangled against mine. He sighed. 
“How can he continue to sleep with everything going on”, I asked myself.
“That’s because he never got to sleep properly and don’t you remember he told you that he got his best sleep in years when you two slept together on the daybed”, My mind retorted.
 Suddenly I heard laughter echoing in the room. I tried to turn around and see what was happening. And I realized that everyone in the room might have seen what happened a few minutes ago. I was stunned.
Suddenly, I heard Lottie saying, “Well tried Luna!” And everyone cracks up again. I complained, “If you guys are done laughing will you guys help me or at least wake him up.”
To which everyone said no. Though I couldn’t breathe properly, a part of me was actually enjoying it (which I am not gonna admit openly). I tried to wriggle out but I failed, which everyone found amusing. Great!
I tried tapping on his arms so that at least he would loosen his hold on me but instead he tried to squeeze me even tighter. 
Woah! And I to think that I was enjoying it.
“You guys are so cute,” Priya and Chelsea cooed. I blushed.
“As much as I agree that we’re cute, I feel like I am trapped,” I said though my voice came out as muffled but Priya being in the bed next to mine heard it properly. She laughed. She fucking laughed at my misery. And quoted my statement in a baby voice to everyone. 
I still for nth time couldn’t believe that Lucas was sleeping though all this like a rock.
Suddenly he snuggled further into me and said, “Mine!” which everyone heard. The girls awed while the boys started to laugh.
“Looks like someone has werewolf instincts. A proper alpha-like behavior,” Bobby remarked, which doubled the laughter.
I could hear Hope rolling her eyes and saying, “Disgusting. I am out of here.” And then heard footstep fading away. Honestly, I was feeling bad for Hope given what happen in these few days. Here, being I am being all loved while Hope had to go through Noah admitting that Priya kind of turned his head.
Though I was feeling bad, the HBIC part of me decided to take advantage of my current situation and I decided to wrap my arms around Lucas and rest my cheeks against his chest. I could hear his heart beating.
Suddenly, Noah piped in, “Luna, let me wake Lucas up. give me a minute.”
Lottie sarcastically said, “What a gentleman.” To which Priya chocked on a laughter.
Noah tapped on Lucas arms and started to shake Lucas gently. Lucas sighed, “10 mins more”.
Noah replied, “Wake up, man. You are squeezing Luna to death.”
That perked up Lucas’s attention. Lucas opened his eyes immediately to look up to Noah quizzically. Noah gestures towards me and walked away.
Lucas turned towards me confused, his eyes widened when he realizes our current position and that everyone had been watching us. I giggled at his reaction. He quickly pulled himself away and looked away blushing profusely. We both sat up and collected ourselves. My heart was beating frantically as I reached for my water bottle.
“Guys! Let’s go get ready and leave the loved-up couple alone,” Gary announced controlling his laughter. Everyone started to leave the bedroom. The girls were giggling and shot me wink while leaving. Noah stood near the door looking at us both of us with an unreadable expression and then shook his head and left. 
“What was that?” I asked myself. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind not knowing that the look is gonna cost me up something tonight at the recoupling. I kept my bottle on the table next to our bed and turn around to face Lucas. I couldn’t see his expression as he had covered his face with his hands. I touched his arms to bring him back to the reality. He looked at me with an embarrassed smile, which made me laugh.
“Good morning to you too, babe,” he said with sarcasm dripping in his voice. I looked at him only to notice that his still sleepy eyes were filled with amusement and a smile was threatening to spill. I smiled and sat in crossed leg position facing towards him.
“That was something”, I said him.
He shook his head and said, “I thought you were a pillow. Goodness sake, everyone saw that. It was embarrassing.”
“It was cute minus everyone seeing it”, I said, “But do you know that you talk in your sleep?”
He groaned, “Wait! What? No way. I don’t speak in my sleep.”
“I wish I could say I was lying, but you do talk in your sleep. Everyone heard it and moreover it might even be shown on telly.”
He took a pillow and groaned in it. “please tell me I didn’t say something weird.”
Remembering what he said made me look away as a blush was starting to creep on my face. Lucas noticed it and I felt his finger under my chin to make me look at him. Reluctantly, I turned towards him with a shy smile. He looked at a tender look which I never saw on his face since the day we met, although it has only been 7 days since we met, I never came across this facial expression on his face. 
The look on his face made me forget how to breath…. literally. He asked me softly, “Babe, what I did say.”
I whispered softly enough for him to hear, “You not only mumble…. Wait no… you kind of said my name in your sleep but you when I tried to wriggle out of your death trap… you hugged me tighter and growled ‘mine’ lowly but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.”
I tried to look away but he had a firm yet gentle grip on my chin. He cupped my cheeks and mad me look at him. He smiled softly and chuckled.
“As embarrassing as it is, the look on your face kind of makes it worth it.” He blurted out without thinking. He looked away for a minute. He cleared his throat before looking back at me and mumbled something similar to sorry.
 “Shhh! No need to apologize. And you are right, I did like it.” I whispered back.
I was about to say something when the bedroom door opened, we turned to see Noah entering the room. He looks at us and immediately looked up away before sighing. He said, “Bobby and Lottie are making breakfast and they asked me guys to get you guys.” 
Before I could say anything, Lucas said in a straight voice, “It’s alright. Give us 10 mins we’ll be there. You can go ahead.”
Out of nowhere both the boys started having a staring competition. I just sat there thinking what was going on. Both of them had their jaw clenched as if they were having a silent conversation. I tapped on Lucas’s arm and he broke the eye contact.
 “I’m hungry. Can we go and brush our teeth asap?” I asked. He nodded and threw a smirked towards Noah as if to point something. 
“Lucasssssss! Pleassseeeeee!” I whined.
He laughed and took my hand in his and helped me out of the bed. He took the mics in his free hand and led us towards bathroom. I looked back to see Noah glaring at Lucas back.
We brushed our teeth and went towards the kitchen only to find Bobby and Lottie making French toast for everyone. I squealed at the sight of my favorite food…. Aside sweets and fish and chips. Everyone started to laugh at my childish behavior. Lucas ruffled my hair making me pout at him while Priya came to my side gave me cuddle.
“Looks like someone is in a great mood,” Bobby said teasingly. I eagerly nodded and rushed towards the bar to get me plate of French toast with berry jam and powdered sugar.
“Lucas, we never knew you were a werewolf?” Marisol asked teasingly, to which many of the islanders agreed. Lucas just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and sighed before taking a plate from Bobby.  
“Stop teasing them,” Noah said gruffly, “it’s getting too much.”
But soon Lottie spat, “Just because some couples are not getting on well doesn’t mean other couples can’t enjoy themselves. At least, they look happy unlike others.” Which I think for directed towards Noah. 
Lucas and I shared a look. And I said, “Lottie it’s fine. Anyways, thanks for the breakfast.”
And we left towards the terrace. We enjoyed breakfast silently in each other’s company. 
After finishing our breakfast, we back to the kitchen to only find it empty. I washed our dishes while Lucas made himself a smoothie. After washing the plates, I told him I was going to take a shower and left Lucas alone in the kitchen. 
When I went to the dressing room after getting ready to get my sunscreen lotion, I found Marisol and Bobby on the terrace talking. I decided to join them for a while.
 “Hey guys!” I said.
They said both simultaneously said, “Hey! Thank you so much for helping us clearing the tension in the air last night.” 
I laughed. I replied, “No need to thank me. It’s was necessary for me to clear the air as despite being a drama magnet, I love my life to be a little peaceful.”They snickered. 
Marisol then said, “Despite the fact everything is normal, I feel like something is about to happen tonight at the recoupling. There is this weird vibe I can’t point out.”
I tried comfort her by saying nothing would happen. But she was reluctant to accept it. We spoke for a while before I left them alone. I went towards the picnic area where the boys were sitting. I sat between Lucas and Ibrahim, resting my head on Lucas’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me while the boys muttered greetings.
“What were you guys talking about?” I asked.
Gary replied, “Nothing much…. We were talking about recoupling.”
Everyone nodded.
Lucas whispered in my ears, “I know who I want to recouple up with.” I blushed. 
Suddenly Chelsea popped next to me making me jump. We all continued the conversation, while Chelsea decided it would fun to poke me. Suddenly I found my bottle empty, so I stood up and said, “See you guys later, need to fill the bottle.” And I left.
While I was filling the bottle, Lucas came up to me and asked, “Do you have a minute.” I nodded. He asked me, “So there is recoupling tonight, So I was wondering if you want to recouple with me despite the conversation, we had last night?”
I nodded and responded, “Yes! I would love to recouple up with you. Did I give you any wrong signs that made you ask this?”
He said, “No you didn’t. But it’s just that Jakub said he is going to recouple with someone who no one expects him to couple with. I was wondering if you he is into you?”
I scoff, “You gotta be kidding me. I haven’t even spoken to him properly. And I don’t think he is into me. I like you, you know, that right?” 
He smiled and nodded. He kissed me softly on lips before whispered against, “I like you too.”
And he left.
Soon Noah came to the kitchen, mumbling something under his breath. He took the mug, and when he saw it empty, he let out a string of curses. I said, “I didn’t know it was your jug. I filled my bottle through it.” I apologized. His eyes softened when he saw me and nodded.
And then before he could say anything, Hope came to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool. Her eyes narrowed when she saw both of us alone in the kitchen and she, “Noah, Lana you both in the kitchen…. alone.”
I shook my head and said, “I was filling the bottle when came.” She gave me a strained smile.
“I was here to make tea.” Noah curtly replied. Hope asked him, “and you didn’t think of asking me if I wanted one.”
And I kept my silence seeing them having conversation. That’s when I heard her phone go off. She shouted everyone to come in the kitchen. Lucas I arrived last and when he saw me, he gave me a wink. I went to towards him and stood next to him. He closed the distance between us. Hope read out the message which said that there was cake decorating challenged, to which Bobby agreed immediately. Everyone left for the challenge platform while Lucas and I left behind. He grinned and said, “The challenge is gonna be fun. There might be some kind of twist to it.” I agreed him on that.
Turns out Lucas right, there was twist to the challenged. The girls were blind folded while the boys stood me behind us and had their hand cuffed together in front of their partners. It was teamwork testing challenge. Somehow the challenge took a dirty turn for me and Lucas, which didn’t go unnoticed by everyone as they could hear us and the boys including Chelsea could see us. The cake came out pretty amazing despite the fact there was a thick layer of sexual tension around both of us. Once we were free of blind folds and handcuffs. Jakub and Chelsea judged everyone’s cake. Needless to say, that each and every couple had done their best. But when we saw Hope and Noah’s cake, it was mess. The boys were talking about the cake looking like someone had cried on it. But to much our surprise, Jakub choose their cake to which everyone argued to be unfair. He mentioned something along the line that Hope had used the best decorating skill to which Gary replied sarcastically. Everyone left to get cleaned while Lucas and I left behind with all the cakes.
“Whew! This challenge made me hungry. I can at least go for 3 slices of cake,” said Lucas.
I playfully mocked, “Only 3 slices! Dude I am ravenous. I can eat an entire cake.”
He challenged, “Oh really! Then if you finish an entire cake, I’ll give you my favorite t-shirt.”
I gasped, “Are you bantering me?”
He said, “Nope. I seriously bet my favorite t-shirt.”
And I nodded. We went towards our cake and I strategically started eating my cake. Soon Marisol came to call us only to find about our bet and she ended up getting an audience. Lucas added on a rule which forced me eat the cake without drinking water.
 And then when I asked him for fork, he said, “You want to do it right now. In front of everyone. You know what they spooning leads to forking.”
“Cheeky” I said to myself.
And I glared at him before Marisol told him that I needed a fork to eat. He mumbled an apology and handed me a fork. And within 10 minutes after that I completely demolished the cake claiming my right over Lucas’s shirt. After giving a speech, we went back to the villa to get changed for the recoupling. As soon as we reached villa, I was on sugar rush. Lucas had to made me drink multiple glass of water to came me down. Then Marisol, Lottie, Chelsea and I were sitting on beach loungers while everyone was spread around the villa. I knew Lucas had gone to the bedroom to get me my prize. Soon rest of the boys came over and we all started talking about non sensible stuff. And then Lottie got a text about the recoupling.
We all got ready for the recoupling. The girls were nervous which made me started to freak out. Marisol said, “Anything could happen considering what happened with Noah and Hope. And now add Jakub and Chelsea to the mix. Anything is possible.” 
To which most girl nodded but I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone but Lucas. After getting ready we left the dressing room to got towards the fire pit. There we saw Jakub doing something which Priya and Marisol could be his way of calming his nerves. And everyone started talking about their ways. But I couldn’t find myself to join their conversation as my mind went back to what Marisol said in the dressing room.
When we arrived to the fire pit, we saw all the boys sitting there looking nervous. Which made me even more uncomfortable. Lucas caught my eyes and noticing that I was nervous gave me calming yet encouraging smile. Which I managed to return shakingly.
Suddenly, someone’s phone pinged with a text. It was Jakub. He checks his phone and rises up to his feet. 
He starts, “I want to couple up with this girl because I think a lot of people in here might have given up on her. And because I think I see something in her that nobody else does. She’s a great laugh and I want to see where things could go with her. I always say I’m not afraid to shake things up. I want to see where my journey takes me. So, the girl I want to couple up with is…… Hope.”
“Oh my god” I said to myself. 
Everyone was shocked. No one knew what to say. 
Hope exclaimed, “Woah”
That made my stare at her as if she had grown two giant heads. That girl is nuts. Yesterday she spent entire time arguing with Noah and Priya over there little conversation and now she is acting as if she didn’t like Noah. She was so amused. She walked over to him and kisses him on the cheeks and sits down. 
Nobody said anything. I looked at Lottie to try to figure out what happened but she was also blank as I was. 
Just then Noah’s phone beep.  Noah stood up and looking at Hope he sighed. He started, “Right, right, OK. This is bit of a shock.” He looked at Hope and continued, “it’s completely unexpected but I know what to do. I like to couple up with this girl because even though this wasn’t how I was expecting it to go this evening…… I’m excited to embrace this opportunity to it a try with someone new. Given what happened yesterday, I wanted to take my chance on this particular person.” He looked at Hope again then at Priya, “Moreover, ever since the beginning, I’ve wanted to see what it would be like to get to know this girl. So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the girl I want to couple up with is……. Luna.”
I stood there still. I couldn’t believe that he said my name. I was silently looking at fire pit not knowing what to do. Lucas looked furious. He looked like he was ready to pounce on Noah any second. But Ibrahim put a hand on his shoulder to calm down. I didn’t know how long I was standing there until Lottie nudged me as if to bring me back from my trance.
 I walked over to Lucas straight without even acknowledging Noah and bend down for getting face to face. Lucas avoided my eyes. But I knew well that he was upset.
I softly took his face in my hand and said, “We’ll get another chance. No matter what happens you that I like you and only you. Right babe?”
He looked me in my eyes and said, “I know it, babe.” He smiled sadly.
He kisses my hand and forehead and says softly, “Go on, be with him. We won’t be apart for long.”
I nodded and went to stand next to Noah. Without even looking at him or giving him any reaction, I sat down looking straight at the fire pit. I was furious. I knew I had all eyes on me but I didn’t give them any reaction as I knew if I opened my mouth, I wouldn’t spare Noah. I kind of have a temper problem so I decided to keep my thoughts to myself at least until the recoupling gets over. 
Soon it was Lucas turn, he said, “Because of a certain someone I couldn’t partner up with the girl I really like,” which was jab at Noah, to which he scoffed. “So, I want to couple up with this girl who is the best friend to the person I like to know more things about her which she hasn’t told me yet.” He looked at Ibrahim for some sort of approval which the golfer gave, “the girl I want to couple up with is Priya…. Only if she doesn’t mind.”
Priya looked at me for permission to which I slightly nodded and she said, “If you are coupling with me for Luna. I would be happy to oblige. And I am definitely doing to tell you things she I know about her.” She went towards Lucas and gave him a friendly hug and sat down next to him. I gave them a smile and then turned my eyes back to the fire pit and I completely zoned out for the rest of the recoupling. Ibrahim coupled up with Lottie, Gary coupled up with Marisol and Bobby couple up with Marisol.
After the recoupling everyone asked Jakub about his decision to which he completed denied. Noah and Hope broke up to which I again ignored. 
And I immediately left the fire pit ignoring everyone calling me. I straight went and sat at the daybed to my calm myself down. After a few minutes, I heard footstep coming closer to me.
When I looked up it was Noah. I immediately burst out, “Why me? Out of all the girls, why me? You could have chosen Priya, she like you but no.But you had to go ahead and choose me. You knew that I really like Lucas yet you messed up. you are genuinely messed up. You couldn’t see me happy could you. Why?”
Unknown to me, that the girls except Hope were listening to my conversation, I ended up slamming Noah in every possible way I could.
Noah still looked calm in front of me and calmly said, “I had a small crush on you since day 1. I just wanted to see if it was true or not. I am sorry. I just thought to give us shot considering we couple up first before Hope came in.”
I was shocked. I said, “We were fucking coupled up for 15 mins. Do you get that? I never gave you any sign that I like you. Do you get me? I just made a snap decision that day which turned out to be my biggest mistake.” And I immediately left.
When I went towards the kitchen, I found all the girls standing there and I broke down right then and there. My anger was all gone and I was upset and sad. The girls hugged me. I apologized Hope and Priya constantly for what happened. They tried to calm me down but it did not work. Chelsea sneaked off to get Lucas as she thought he would be able to calm me down. 
Minutes later, I found myself in familiar arms. And I cried harder than I was. Lucas hold me for what seemed like forever. He soothes me down by whispering sweet nothing. And when I was able to control myself, I saw everyone except Noah in the kitchen looking at us sitting on the floor. Just then Noah arrived, he saw me in Lucas arm and glared at Lucas.
He angrily said, “Hands off, my girl.” This made everyone including Hope gasp in shock.
Lucas stood up after making sure that I was fine. He coolly replied, “Last time I check, you were not the guy she said she fancied.”
Before both of them do something idiotic, I stood in between and pleaded, “This is not the right time to fight. I need some time to figure out what happened. We all can discuss it quietly tomorrow morning.” 
And before any could say anything, I said to no one in particular, “I am sleeping on the daybed.” And left the kitchen. 
After getting dressed into my pjs, I went towards the daybed only to find Priya sitting there.
As soon as she saw me, she hugged me tightly. She indeed had become like my older sister in the villa. She stroked my hair gently as I silently sobbed in her arm. 
“Everything is going to be fine. Calm down.” She said.I reluctantly pulled out of the hug and wiped my eyes. We sat on the daybed and talked for seemed like hours about everything inside the villa and of outside world.
Before leaving, she said, “Lucas really likes you. You don’t have to worry about anything. We talked about it while you were gone for changing. Don’t worry I am not going to try anything on him and neither is he because I don’t think he has seen any other girl than you ever since he has arrived to the villa. Moreover, I have to fixed some things with Ibrahim. I like him and I need to apologize him for the operation and try to fix everything with him. Good night!” and then she left giving me one last hug.
I laid down on the bed thinking about everything that happened today. Moreover, it’s unlike me to get such strong feelings for a boy in 7 days. I have always been the kind of girl who is careful because of my previous relationship which left a huge scar on me. As much as I was scared about my feelings for Lucas, I was trying to let myself got with the flow. I don’t even know what’s happening. My mind was completely jumbled. I couldn’t believe that Noah had minor crush on me and decided to take action on it when his girl was snapped from him and when he knew I was happy in my couple……. 
With all things making no sense in my mind I started singing to my self ‘Up All Nights’ by ‘The Vamps’, as it made me somehow connected to my cousin, Connor. I miss him dearly. I being the only the child, Connor became more of an actual older brother than a cousin to me.And I soon dozed off while reaching the end of the song. 
Before I could dose off completely, I heard a familiar voice saying, “Don’t worry. I’ll try my best to make things right.” And I felt a kiss on my forehead and nose before I entered to my dream world.
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garibaldidaydream · 7 years
SSX Tricky Game Review
This Is A Work In Progress Script, So Any Text Can Be Changed At Any Time Intro: As many of you know, winter sports are my favorite kind. Whether it be ice skating, or hockey, one seems to beat them all; Snow boarding. As a kid, and even still, snow boarding has been one of my favorite winter activities when the snow grew thick where I lived. And, also as a kid, there was one game I grew up with that inspired me to snow board in the first place, and that's SSX Tricky. Personally, I love SSX Tricky, but how good of a game is it? Today, we will dissect the best, the bad, and the okay of the game that is the near pinnacle of its series. The Best: There's no need to waste too much for this category, the definite best of this game has to go to its characters and its game locations. Let's start the characters; they're all different from each other. They were pretty inclusive to characters of different religion, race, backgrounds, etc.; For example, the character Brodi is heavily implied to be Buddhist, as well as adding female characters who bring each other up and make each other happy (Seeiah and Marisol), a character who continues to do what he loves after an accident (Psymon), a redneck (Luther), and many more. The cast of characters are diverse with their own flavors and motives, and I respect the team for making these characters an important piece of my childhood. The characters score an 20/20    As well as having diverse characters, there are also beautifully diverse locations within the game that improve the experience. In fact, my channel name, GaribaldiDaydream, was inspired by the starting level, the level of my childhood, Garibaldi. But enough about me, these locations need to be discussed. These spots improve the game themselves, and are all different from another; A course in Tokyo with ramps and a pinball type course, a beautiful Hawaiian location with enough penguins to fill a zoo (my favorite course in the game), a busy city, and many more. As well as that, they also add interesting props to some of these levels. For example, the mentioned penguins, as well as cars, streetlights, chairs, and much more. If you're a video game developer and need inspiration for locations or characters, definitely take a look into this game. The locations score a 20/20. The Okay: While I have much to praise this game, there are definitely things that can use some improvement. Let's look at their customization, which definitely needs a little improvement. When it comes to your board, there really isn't any issue with how to get your boards, just level up your character through world circuit and you'll get boards easily. However, in order to obtain new outfits you have to go through trick tutorial and go through each trick chapter to get new outfits (an exception to these rules is the Uber Outfit and Uber Board which you can obtain by beating World Circuit). Now, there wouldn't be much issue with this if it weren't for the fact the trick tutorial is one of the most tedious, time consuming thing you will ever do. It is one of the most annoying thing I've done in the game, and I feel that it's way too much work to do if I want Brodi to wear a shirt with a yin yang on it or for Seeiah to wear the American flag. As well as that, you can't perform a trick until the tutorial for the trick is over, so you're stuck there waiting for the tutorial for you to finish, until you inevitably fail enough times to go back and watch the tutorial until you get the one clothing item you want to wear. Personally, I think it's absolutely unnecessary, and something that could have replaced it and have better chances would be to put World Circuit into better use. The customization options score a 12/15.    Another more lackluster portion of the game was definitely the soundtrack. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the Run-D.M.C's sample of It's Tricky being used throughout the game, I mean who doesn't get excited when they hear it. But this game kind of gives a little Tony Hawk vibe to it, a game series that often has an amazing soundtrack. Ultimately, when it comes to the music used throughout the games, I'm disappointed with how little it contains, but it's still good music nonetheless. The soundtrack scores a 12/15. The Bad: There is only one major complaint I have about this game, and that is their storyline, or lack of it. Now, let me go back to the Tony Hawk game series I mentioned earlier, where I said it's similar to SSX Tricky. In my two favorite Tony Hawk games I have played, both contained a richer storyline than SSX Tricky; While you are only skating for the most part, they add plot twists, characters you can interact with, challenges, etc. With SSX Tricky, all you do is snow board. Oh, you just finished snow boarding with one character? Snow board with another until they are the best you can play with. I love this game but after a while, it gets incredibly boring to play, and repetitive. The story line of the game could definitely be improved on. The storyline scores 17/30. Conclusion: Now, after adding up all of the points this game has earned, it has earned an 81%, which to my chart is a very good game. A much older game with it's flaws certainly, but overall a very fun and enjoyable game to be played. Until next time, I'll see you again! 
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