#but everyday i think about the lair games episode
feedgarf · 10 months
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dump dump dump dump dump
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byfulcrums · 2 years
Rottmnt Headcanons!! (2)
Leo listens to girl in red because April once forced him to and he fell in love with all the songs. When hanging out, they put girl in red in the background.
Raph has a lot of plushies from his childhood. He doesn't play with them anymore, but they're still they're and he would never give them up (haha just like me fr!!)
There was this one time where the turtles wanted pizza and instead of just ordering like any normal person they crashed a stranger's kitchen and stole every pizza related thing. It's still an unsolved crime.
Donnie always had problem with touching, but it got a lot worse after the movie. Now he doesn't let anyone hug him, slap him or anything. Especially on his shell. He feels bad for flinching when people try to hug him. The others tell him that they don't mind and they get it. He's really grateful for that.
When they were younger, Splinter got these really depressing episodes where he couldn't even get out of bed. Raph was the one to take care of them when this happened. The worst ones could last weeks.
Splinter didn't want to get attached to the turtles, so he tried to be as distant as possible whole still being a good caretaker. Also, he gave them as much freedom as possible because of how he didn't have any growing up, but since he never wanted to be with his grandfather he didn't think they would want to be with him. Which is why he was so surprised when four little children came into his room crying because he wouldn't play with them.
After explaining the whole future thing to Casey, she ran into the Lair, deciding to test her son. He passed immediately.
The twins have their own version of the Lair Games which they play everyday to decide who's the oldest. It can change from rock papper scissors to a fight to the death (Raph always stops them before they actually do anything).
The boys chose their own names. Splinter was reading them a book, and Donnie mentioned the fact that they don't have actual names, just weird color nicknames. So, Splinter tells them to find a name they like and make it their own. They decided to go by the names they have now because they wanted to match.
They all love Brooklyn 99 because I love Brooklyn 99.
Everytime they talk about “the family”, they include April, because she's their sister.
There was this one time where April didn't have anyone to go to the school dance with so Leo joined the school a few months before and went with her using Sunita's cloaking brooch (he had to fight Donnie because he also wanted to go to school).
Mikey tried to give Big Mama a redemption arc like he did with Draxum, but he didn't manage to fully do it so they now visit eachother once a week while still fighting whenever they're on duty.
The Krang is basically the only thing Leo won't joke about. They found out when Donnie said that “the last fun thing I did was two months ago and it was becoming a fucking Krang spaceship” and Leo stared at him for the next ten minutes.
Whenever Mikey or Leo go quiet, Raph is alone and Donnie is handling dangerous weapons without adult supervision it's because something is going down.
April is the only one who has a normal sleep schedule because her mom won't let her stay awake too late.
Mayhem thinks the family is stupid, but he loves them anyway. Sometimes.
Raph screamed when Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago kissed and everyone else worried.
Leo and Raph are basically the scene where Jake says “if I run at Terry he'll most likely catch me in his arms”. Raph would catch anyone else, but it's only Leo the one who throws himself at him.
April goes to the Lair almost everyday and complains about school with any of the boys. They always listen to her rants.
Leo figured out that he had adhd when April told him that she thought he had it. He never got the chance to get an actual diagnosis so he felt like he wasn't even if the sings were all there and he could see them.
Sunita found everyone a therapist at the Hidden City. Her name's Charlie and they all like her.
Donnie likes to threaten people he doesn't like. He also threatens Leo, but he doesn't actually mean them.
Because of being in contact with eachother when they were mutated, the turtles have traits of the other's species. That's why Donnie can go into his shell, why he has purple marks, why Raph's isn't as spiny as he should be, why their colors are different from the original species, etc.
Red eared sliders comunicate with vibrations, so Leo does this really low vibration thing when he feels happy, pleased or just when he's in a good mood that April calls purring no matter how much he complains about it.
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miraculous-ash · 5 years
About the Oblivio and Ladybug episodes
Hey cats and bugs, I'm back to talk about another very important, very overlooked moment by the fandom. (Which lowkey turned into another theory) But before I get to it, I need to bring us back to Oblivio to remind you about why  it's important. So in Oblivio we all remember how we got that Kiss™. And thanks to our great reporter Alya, all of Paris also got that kiss. Someone very important who got the kiss as well? Hawkmoth.
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After the battle was all said and done, the kiss, the miraculous ladybug cleanse, etc. We come back to Hawkmoth in his lair like always. And for his post-loss rant™ he says this, "I won't soon forget this Ladybug and Chat Noir. The love you both secretly have for each other will be your downfall."
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Now back when this episode first aired. I only saw a handful of fans mentioning how worried they were about this. At the prospect of Hawkmoth knowing they love each other and using it against them. Like heck check out this endcard piece.
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So it kind of became a matter of when he would use it against them. Now let's acknowledge how prominent of a role Mayura has been this season. I think it is safe to say she also now holds this knowledge of Ladynoir. So we get back to the episode Ladybug. In which Mayura creates Sentibug and uses her to flirt with/seduce Chat Noir into giving in to her, so she can steal the ring. Because she's aware that they secretly love each other right? Fool proof plan.
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Except our favourite fool drops an unexpected bomb on it. Because after Sentibug professes to Chat, Chat responds confusedly with, "But, I thought you said you love somebody else?" And cue the scene cutting back to show Mayura getting shocked by this.
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This. This is what's important and was very overlooked.
Because this just changed the game. Mayura now knows the truth.
A) She knows that they aren't secretly in love. B) She knows that Chat loves her, but it isn't reciprocated. C) She knows that Ladybug is in love with somebody else! (Which Ladybug reiterates herself moments later after showing up, "She's manipulating you! You know I'm already in love with someone else!")
Also important is what happens after Mayura hears Chat say this. She instantly collects herself and changes the approach. Getting Sentibug to then say,
"It's-It's over. After all this time, I've realized you're always here for me. Even when I keep rejecting you, your feelings for me haven't changed. And mine? Are growing stronger everyday. I can't keep pretending anymore."
This gets him. (I have a theory regarding Chat Blanc that could play into this, but I think I'm going to make a whole other post for that theory, so stay tuned)
So now Mayura knows all of what I've listed above. But then she also learns that Chat is gullible enough to fall for her scheme. She now realizes just how desperately in love with Ladybug he truly is.
Info that she'll no doubtedly share with Hawkmoth.
So not only does Chat have to be extra careful with his lady. But Ladybug herself also has to be careful in the future. Because what's the point of keeping the secret identities? To protect their loved ones.
So she needs to be sure that she watches out too, because who has she shown affection for while behind her mask? The same boy she shows affection for without it. Adrien Agreste. 
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This should all be concerning because this is the last episode before the season finale. So we all know some poopy is going to hit the ceiling here. Not to mention that the finale is centered around love. Heck the first episode of the two parter is literally called Loveater.
So I think this should all give reasons for being nervous about the Love Square™ in the finale. Especially with the synopsis we've been given, which I'm going to leave under a cut here. Because I'm aware some people consider it a spoiler. So reading beyond here is at your discretion. Bug out!
Synopsis: "Marinette helps Adrien and Kagami escape a ceremony organized by the Bourgeois couple for their 20 years of marriage. The 3 friends have fun until Marinette, seeing Adrien and Kagami together, decides to leave them alone, sacrificing her feelings for the one she's always loved. But during this time, the Bourgeois anniversary turns sour and the couple gets akumatized. Now Loveater, a Cerberus with two heads constantly fighting each other, they devour all love in Paris. Overpowered by this powerful villain, Ladybug seeks the help of Master Fu. But still upset about her love sacrifice, she makes a mistake that will prove disastrous..."
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
15x06: Castiel
Is there anything more beautiful than turning points for a character? I don’t think there is. Cas has had a few of them throughout his journey (of course all of TFW have) but this episode he comes across a most likely enormous one, because this episode actually manifests his self-liberation in no uncertain terms, and given how far along we’ve gotten down the line with his progression, I’m thinking it’s most likely to stick.
It’s all about identity, right? Even this turning point that I’m so mysteriously hinting at. I’ll get to that. 
Let’s take a look at the lay of the land this episode and it’ll bring us to why this turning point feels like it is shaking the very foundations of Cas’ core character traits and, hopefully, bringing about that needed change in the process.
Here’s the thing. When he was cast down from Heaven and turned human by Metatron stealing his grace, Cas was lost and was killed and then he was brought home to the Bunker only to be thrown out again, and so he named himself Steve and took a job at a Gas ‘n Sip because he couldn’t drape himself in the flag of Heaven anymore. 
As a human, adrift and alone, he did the only thing he could think to do: he mimicked human everyday life. Not because he wanted to, but because he had to. He could see no other choice. 
Until he called Dean to tell him about a case in the town where he’d settled (using settled loosely here since Cas was basically squatting at that same Gas ‘n Sip because he didn’t have a home of his own btw) and Dean showed up and reminded Cas what is at his core: to help. And that this desire to help is there even if he’s scared of dying, because that is what gives him a sense of purpose. (which is why he threw himself into that human everyday life to begin with: in search of purpose)
After Dean drove off in 9x06, telling Cas to live his life, Cas made a decision, for himself, to get back into hunting. To insert himself back into TFW, whether Dean wanted him there or not. 
This was an enormous turning point for him, because for the first time he truly considered what he wanted for himself, and he went after it without hesitation.
Which was then promptly followed by Cas seeing no other choice but to swallow Theo’s grace and get his powers back, readying himself for the war that most surely was heading their way, because how could he be of service, of help, to the brothers and to the world without his powers?
Right? Right.
Now then, in 15x06 we get Cas in a deep state of identity confusion.
This is most clearly given to us through the name he chooses for himself.
Firstly, Clarence is a beautiful callback to Meg and perhaps that’s all it’s meant to be, but it’s also tying in with those early days that lay the foundation for the identity confusion Cas is still grappling with. So it’s interesting to me that he’d use it now, when he should be moving on, know what I mean? 
And yeah, that brings us to the second Clarence, which is a character name from True Romance where the character Clarence Worley is played by Christian Slater and Worley is a posturing, bi-coded renegade of a male and has a lot of Dean in him (and I’m headcanoning that Dean has initiated Cas to the wonders of True Romance and done so fairly hardcore) so for Cas to actually, literally, name himself after a Dean-esque character is delightfully poignant.
Because it serves to underline how Cas is still not acting from a place that is based in having enough perspective on himself that he’s aware of what he wants, but rather we’re given to understand, in no uncertain terms, that he left the Bunker, pondered what to do and instead of considering what he’d do, he thought: What would Dean do?
And Dean, to relax and regroup and get away, would go fishing.
So, essentially, Cas is still in mimic mode.
Only this time he wasn’t told he had to leave the Bunker and what he deep down has always thought of as home and family and safety, even if he hasn’t felt like he truly belongs there: this time he chose to go.
And, this time, yes, he goes into mimic mode because he’s at a loss of what exactly he’s supposed to do now, but when a case presents itself, he doesn’t call Dean, he goes into hunter mode and leaves the mimicking behind, leaning on his own knowledge and understanding of what hunting down a monster entails, knowledge and understanding he’s accrued over his years of inadvertent training. 
Granted he’s not human and he’s not risking his life the way he would’ve been back in S9 -- which was the reason (well, one of them, if you want to read the subtext as being that he genuinely wanted to see Dean and he hoped Dean would come look him up) he called Dean -- but he’s not fully fledged, his powers are failing him, and he doesn’t know what that means or what it will mean for him in the long run.
What is evident is that he doesn’t need his powers to do his job and do it well. He correctly identifies the monster as a djinn and locates what is evidently its lair without using anything but power of persuasion and research skills.
I could - over-zealous that I get at the mere prospect - read all this as meaning that we’re getting foreshadowing for how Cas doesn’t need his powers to live his life. Actually, it feels a little more like Cas’ powers are hampering his ability to live his life this episode, as the pastime that relaxes Dean Humanity Winchester does nothing to relax Cas-Still Angelic and thus Tied to Heaven-tiel. But the powers do save him, and they do allow him to do what is at his core: help. He heals Caleb, even though it takes a lot out of him
The taking a lot might be foreshadowing that his powers are diminishing to the point of soon not being there at all, or it might be an underlining of how we should root for him being powered up again, so that the moment he is will feel truly gratifying, because we’ve witnessed the struggle.
The gunshot wounds to his chest might be a highlighter for how he still sees himself as ‘thing’ and always expects to be able to heal himself, which could be a plant for how, if he becomes human, bullets flying at his head will carry a completely different meaning because he’s always been someone who absorbs such situations without even really blinking at them (like how he didn’t even flinch when Ketch blew up that car with the grenade launcher back in S12), or it could be another underlining of Powers=Good because they allow him to do what this entire episode pushes for him to do: stand up to authority.
And so we land in the-->
Turning Point
Which is Cas standing up to authority and, if you look at the subtextual implications, in so doing, breaking away from how he’s related himself to Dean for a whole lot of their joint arc, especially during the latter half of it. 
This turning point is enormous for his individual arc: letting go of his proclivity for making choices based in servitude to the greater good (manifested in God and then in Dean) (his servitude always skewed since he should be making his choices based in his own sense of morality) (not trying to do what he thinks someone else wants him to do) and starting to make choices based in his own knowledge and understanding of himself and his place in the world.
And this newfound self-insight could potentially hopefully have an enormous impact on how he relates himself to Dean moving forward.
Because instead of this -->
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Leading to this -->
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Ending in this -->
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We’ll get Cas behaving based in this -->
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And the parallels here are rich as well, btw. They’re not as violent as they look, at least not the way I see it, because not only is the possible S8 callback (it’s what I got in my head anyway) a tie-back to a moment where Cas bowing to authority brought about emotional trauma, which led to him standing up to said authority, but on top of this, Dean as authority figure isn’t working anymore. 
Dean as role model, Dean as compass, Dean as charge and the reason Cas uses for why he’s even on Earth isn’t holding up anymore. It hasn’t for a long time now. And in this moment Cas not only knows it, but I would say he accepts the truth of it. 
The sheriff is a toxic masculinity representative in the most classic sense and it’s beautiful how Cas uses the lines that Miriam threw at Dean in 13x01, almost to underline the parallels here, but also to tell us how little Cas is ready to bow down to this type of power. 
As such, it’s not just a parallel to Dean, but to Chuck as well, which is why the turning point is so layered and carries so much weight: this moment is Cas telling a representative of what God now is in the narrative (and granted always has been) this his sense of entitlement, that his belief that he deserves his position and that he should be worshipped simply because he’s in that position, won’t convince Cas to obey. 
This then morphs from a moment of empowerment to a moment of loss of control as the soldier mode takes over, yeah? The djinn needed killing, but slaughtering? 
There are a myriad of possible implications here, but the sentiment of the scene itself is Cas breaking free and stating unequivocally that he sees through fake points of authority and will not follow blindly anymore. Cas sees through the bullshit now. He’s breaking free of his indoctrination once and for all.
Which is why the episode, for Cas, ends in that absolutely mind-blowing decision to contact Sam, which we’ll be privy to in the next ep, because Cas realises that staying away won’t solve anything and it’s not the way he can actually truly help either. 
He felt he had to cut communication in order to make a statement, but ignoring Sam is neither smart nor does it serve his intention of making Dean understand he’s in the wrong and that he should stop being such a selfish douche. 
Staying in the game, but making certain that Dean acknowledges he’s been entirely unfair and apologises, is more mature than giving everyone the silent treatment and missing out on vital information pertaining to the probable end of the world in the process. 
All of this has me excited for what it means for Dean and Cas, without me expecting that it means anything! Dean shows how he’s ready to let Cas go live his life as best he sees fit, but he’s going to call Cas out for being a dumbass, yeah? Which is well-deserved. Cas is being stupidly stubborn and he really should answer Sam. Dean is letting go (while, you know, being forlorn without Cas but recognising that this forlornness is his own burden to bear) and isn’t going to tell Cas to come back. 
I mean, unless Cas shows he didn’t mean move on as in remove myself forever from your presence and stays in contact with Sam, because then there’s a chance that what Cas wants and needs... is an apology. *slow eyebrow raise*
What it looks like to me is them being placed in a position to choose one another without needing the other to define their identity, or even to assist in providing perspective. They are moving into facing that final fear - their shared fear of happiness - and through facing it, beginning to believe that they deserve to be happy.  
I am just way too curious now to know exactly where it’s all landing! We know Dean will give in, we know he’ll end up reaching out, but omg what will that mean overall? I mean... will Cas hear that prayer, is my foremost question, with his powers dwindling? #wewillknowafterChristmas
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lacetrekmusings · 6 years
TNG liveblog season 2 episode 3: Elementary, Dear Data
before we get started I do have two notes on S2E2 ‘Where silence has lease’ Which are:
Apparently Worf fights Skelator everyday on the holodeck as his work out and this is A+ information and it makes his unseen exercise program on DS9 a hell of a lot more interesting.
Pulaski referred to Data as ‘it’ and ‘non-living’ and it was REALLY unnecessary and upsetting. You’d think she’d take her cues from LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE ON BOARD on how to treat him. but NOPE.
That’s all back to “Elementary, Dear Data” Which I 100% chose to liveblog because the original airdate for this episode was LITERALLY THE DAY OF MY BIRTH. My mom was in the hospital holding newborn baby Lace while this episode aired the first time. It’s special to me.
This chick in engineering it like “Geordi has a crush on you Data he could not be more obvious.’ I like her.
aww Geordi is a ship nerd ADORABLE
OMG ADORABLE THEY’RE OFF TO PLAY HOLMES AND WATSON. The Dataforge is strong with this episode. I can tell.
I love Data’s housecoat and Geordi’s suit. THEY LOOK SO GOOD
Data playing violiiiiinnnnnnn
‘Did holmes really talk like that?’ “Absolutely” HAHAHA true
Aww Geordi is like “no data don’t take us right to the end of the game”
Pulaski you have been there for TWO EPISODES you do not have right to yet judge Data on jack shit... I... really... really don’t like her.
Data smiling when Geordi compliments him. PULASKI PLEASE KINDLY FUCK RIGHT OFF. oh no Pulaski’s coming too i really don’t want her there *sighs*
‘create an adversary capable of defeating data’ WOW was that a bad idea.
Computer no don’t respond to holodeck characters calling for an arch. Of course it’s Moriarity.
lol pulaski got kidnapped
Geordi’s accent is awful and it;s adorable
They’re having so much fun and it’s so damn cute
Moriarity has a real snazzy lair there
Hey friends you guys are having a lot of fun but Right Now is the time to end program
oh whoops they can’t. Moriarity already locked them out
Whoo even has Picard cursing.
I really appreciate them having this very important discussions while two of them are in costume.
Oh dear Moriarity likes Pulaski. Somehow... i’m unsurprised
failsafes should be in all holodecks ‘computer not allowed to make programs that are capable of maliciously taking over the ship’
Picard doesn’t even bother lying lol he just goes for it.
So he’s just... giving them back the ship?
Yes... lets just... promise that we will revive moriarty, notorious villian, criminal, and mastermind, and give him a real body... So like. What about The Doctor... i feel like the poor Doctor’s constant struggle to exist as a free agent in Voyager was a big step back from the thinking in this episode and that’s upsetting.
He really had a crush on Pulaski... odd and fitting
Aww Picard likes Geordi’s ship.
Man life is never ever dull on the enterprise. That episode was far more thoughtful and bittersweet than I was anticipating. I’m honored that we share a birthday.
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thecalmrose · 7 years
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Hi, guys I thought it would be fun to update my ocs Karla and Lillie from Mysims to Mysims Skyheroes!
1: Mysims Karla Intrests: Geeky Cute Hates: Studious Karla is a townie geek who comes to {yourtown} at star level 4. She hopes to grasp the inspiration to create and finish her famous comic book series: "The littlest star".
Introduction: "Hi, I'm Karla, the comic artist behind the famous "The littlest star". I was hoping to grasp some inspiration here in {yourtown}. Accept Move in: Yay! I can't wait to get started again! Can I be in a place that has a lot of stars? Finish building the house: This feels so cozy, just like in issue 9, chapter 2 of my comic, "The new home"!
Star level 4: "Hey, did you see that shooting star last night? I drew it for my comic and I'm thinking of naming it Xexus." "All the best comics doodle on notebook paper! Gotta start somewhere right?" "One time my dog ate a page of my comic strip. So I redrew it on my homework... I got a B-."
Star level 5: "Have you seen my cousin Lilliana? I published my comic book and I need her to sell it!" "Jenny's fanfiction has over 42,000,000 views, I cant compete!" "So there is a boy in a knight costume going around, I don't know but he's a shooting star in my opinion! *Wink*
2. Mysims Kingdom Interest: Cute Karla is a Cutopian resident who helps the Duchess take care of the bunnies. Its obviously the best job ever!
3.Mysims Agents(3 paranormal 2 smarts) Karla is a news reporter working in the industrial district, she tries her best to find the most interesting stories rather than doing the actual jobs. Karla can also become a recruit at your HQ.
"Really? I can be an agent? That's great because my last job just fired me! What's more interesting Building repairs or Robots trying to rebel against their creators?"
4. Mysims Skyheroes Karla is part of a thug flying team called Devil Fight. A team that tries to get what they want by any means. She can open up, but don't expect her to be sweet and carefree!
Mission: Dance with a devil
Triva: Karla was originally going to be a commercial sim Karla's cousin is Lillie Alexas Its obvious Karla has a crush on Spencer, as hinted in Mysims Kingdom, she has a thing for fairytale knights and if you send her on Spencer's depatch mission, she would start to crushing on him Karla's last name could be Alexas Karla would of had a twin sister and ex boyfriend but they were cut from the game In Mysims Skyheroes: Her mission Dance with a devil is a reference to "Dance with the Devil" from Breaking Benjamin In the mission "One more time" her nightmare is her microphone talking on its own and exposing all her secrets
1.Mysims' Lillie Alexas Intrests: Geeky Studious Hates: Tasty Lillie is a commercial sim who will come to {yourtown} at star level 3. She hopes to open up a comic book shop.
Introduction: "Whazzzup! I'm Lilliana Alexas! I think {yourtown} is in need of some comic books, and yes I know about the outfit, but you can criticize it when you learn to program a computer! So whatdya say?" Accept move in: "Alright! Lets get this started!" Finish the building the shop: "Ya know this looks like Captain Tinsletowns lair in issue 2! I love it!"
Task 1: "Ok, fellow geeks like myself need comic books or we go insane. I need two bookshelves for the "Miss X" series and one for "Little Bunny girl"! Bookshelf: 7 Alien Bookshelf: 9 Happy Received: "OMG! Miss X and Bunny Girl, here we come!"
Task 2: "Ok I wanna chill sometimes, we both know what I need to do on break." Arcade game: 10 action figure Received: "Fantastic! Now to play some P. vs E."
Task 3: "So the apparently fun and studious sims read comic books too so..." Bookshelf: 15 music notes Bookshelf: 15 globe Received: "Oh dude, is that the Captain Geo series?! I'll keep those!"
Star level 3: "So Elmira has her little library and of course she wants you to be quiet. At least in my store you can talk!" "Don't be intimidated by my girly exterior, I majored in computer programing!" "I always went to Vic's arcade...to play Plane vs. Eye of course!"
Star level 4: "When I was a kid, I played a lot of baseball. When I pitched one day, I broke my old computed, I miss it everyday" "Hey, have you seen Karla? Let me know if she wants to send a publish comic, she makes them ya know!" "Have you seen the latest Captain Geo episode? He saved the earth with a producer ray!"
Star level 5: "Little do people know that Starcruiser X started as a comic! Gotta love the original!" "Jenny should get Karla to make a fancomic of her fanfiction! They would be even more famous!" "When programing a computer, never insert a random number or you'll crash it"
2. Mysims Kingdom Intrest: Tech Lillie is a invertor in the Forest of the elves. However, a generator would be better than a "natural" lighting rod!
3. Mysims Agents(3 chrisma 2 athletic) Lillie lives in the industrial district, and she has to watch Karla and make sure she does she her job since Karla pays the bills.
"Thanks! Ever since miss "Idontdomyjob" got fired! I need to make some money."
4. Mysims Skyheroes Lillie is part of a thug flying team called Devil Fight. A team that tries to get what they want by any means. She is the leader and will hurt anyone that gets in her way!
Trivia: Lillie has Nova's voice type in Mysims to Mysims Skyheroes, but in Mysims Agents she has Shirley's voice type When Lillie mentions Captain Geo, it's a reference to "Captain Planet" Lillie may have a crush on Vic as she clearly "only goes to play Plane vs. Eye Lillie has a degree in Computer Programing and a minor in business Lillie has gold eyes in Skyheroes, but in other games her eyes are green In the mission "One more time" her biggest nightmare is her baseball bat turning into a stuffed unicorn Lillie is tomboyish Despite her "little crush" on Vic, she shows a great admiration for Alexa in Skyheroes and Agents Lillie is around the age of 32
Karla and Lillie(c) Me
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Trove Bot
{But still these components also permitt Trove Cubits Hack to distinguish itself from almost every other hugely multi-person premium membership by looking at building all zones My own chosen basis has to be re-growth and development of Sauron's tower of Barad-d衩�Trove Cubits Hack is undoubtedly an appropriate good name for the skills that creator Trion Worlds supplies. Presuming you've bought a new course whether with bucks or possibly in-premium membership currency, you are able to swap amongst categories right away. |{They really are tailored most certainly, plus they normally permitt all course to become a aquarium, healbot, and ruin car dealership all folded into definitely one, still this restriction indicates that premium membership have fun playing certainly increases repeated as time passes. A number of these dungeons are very short, still, many are exceptional, particularly individuals who require getting puzzles beforehand stimulating another individual in control or individuals who require you to make use of your exploration beam to dig the right path in direction of the lair. I remember while i could actually pay attention to a huge episode of Louie just before getting to the process of busting hinders, which only decided being a 7 days prior. worlds with pleasure of youngsters just lately presented along the play ground. It can not pain that Trion's most modern MMOG has about as benign an entirely free of charge-to-have fun playing system merely because they get, as possible get almost all of the premium coins recommended to shop services new categories or new mounts reasonably really easily. I happened to run around the road map for all variety of hrs ascertaining points to and exploration an item that appeared great which had been after only my path. In fact I'd drop by date about state that producing is definitely a modest element of the premium membership and making should go alongside that. |prudent Sound of know-how? No, removed from all…what supplied you that notion? Trove Cubits Hack is especially having a faux 8-tad take a look that they attain remarkably. It's so processed actually that Trion could really easily mention the There are no little bugs, there aren't any basic quests. Nonetheless randomly dialling out for boost when players are scattered in just about every individual instruction doesn’t perform, the public often take a visit nevertheless. The throw away to have feature indicates that loved ones could really easily focus on it along. With the premium cheats industry’s continuous self-discipline to ton the market with Minecraftbuts, Trove Cubits Hack is easily probably the most plausible: making loot. |I appeared in on Mojang’s age-identifying premium membership the primary period in quite a while a new 7 days, and also that i was smacked due to the fact when sombre and odd it was, how solely contra --populist it's despite the fact it is the avatar of populism. appearing away from its square the ears. wands and masks by hitting tips, I maybe could waste my earnings on making machines that to construct other machines or transform hinders along with other colors, I maybe could progressively extend my ‘Cornerstone’ persistent bottom level so that it could contain every one of these equipment, I maybe could reached tips striking tips striking tips, and Rather than an excessive amount in I maybe could push the amount 2 and convert a bloody useful dragon for 15 a few seconds. You could whether complete the work in public areas, with the goal zones by which at the same time players and monsters circulate, or installation a golf club with your and allow for close friends, or be the only new member. It’s doing the job. guided on the I pay attention to cartoons which have easier phrase making, charm improvement, storytelling, “cinematography” and is found than most sizeable-resources movies and pretty much the remainder of television programs. A person do not require having locks independently the neck and throat or possibly be immature/childlike in any awareness remarkable with regard to success with the individual world as well as their power to partner sociably along with other mature adults as a way to cherish things which specified for for youngsters. Anybody who resided with ’80s and promptly ’90s OR HAS Children and kids NOW is aware of this terrific most certainly. |and also that are likely to be mental-causing damage to and definitely attractiveness exclusively to mature adults who wish to just think like youngsters (elementary requirements Michael Bay equivalents). Trove Cubits Hack, We crafted golf clubs, far too. Immediately following Alpha and Beta testing Conclude of Nations around the world to work out how they hold forcing the game into like a mediocre MOBA duplicate best up to managing the perform and in full taking off any believe by it appearing distinctive RTS with charm. Children are neither of them of individuals tips. It may be easy to replicate the visuals are loud and shouty and not have to say how Minecraft performed an even more positive role in web marketing as soon as. unimaginable to In order this game has leveling and quests and Incredible does far too, its an identical premium membership? That is absurd! Let's say i expressed Extended Way Out and about and Hearthstone are indistinguishable basically because they have bow and arrows? Let's say i expressed Cod resembles Trove Cubits Hack considering that it has guns? Basically seriously I truly treasured the paragraph on Minecraft, it will make me will need to see a new RPS content think about the vanilla flavor solitary-person surviving manner, while i thought in the same way continue for I undertaken it. Also known as greater truly serious feature a critic can perform, he didn’t view it in the licensed way, merely a personalised way. Of course, perhaps it is frustrating when just about every single voxel premium membership is when compared with Minecraft, or when just about every single MMO is when compared with Omg. Allow me to restate it, not really whining, but somewhat more such as the critic was referring Trove Cubits Hack to Minecraft a bit an excessive amount. assessment, except for when |Needless to say you could end up Trion is definitely a terrific harmful organization that's on componen with terrible mobile phone the programmers within their avarice and incompetence. Trove Cubits Hack worlds would probably at the outset be congested when they’re produced, but if you simply hang in there prolonged more than enough they vacant out therefore you have that quieter, Minecraft model practical knowledge. dungeons are included just about every single repair. about it's free of charge. Once more this is often a premium membership for youngsters as if you continual a variety of periods so communicating relating to the ordinary premium membership aspects and also displays is a large no no in this particular Summary. He’s stating which your hobby is cynically and really intended to subconsciously bring little children and them enjoying (or trying to waste) their parents’ an income. Also, demonstrating some elementary knowledge of syntax will always make your situation a heck on the much more great. You could get your youngster an attire for instance a reward if they're most certainly socialized. discover You’re set for an awful big surprise.” My guardians expressed this within my practical knowledge often, and whats up, my children are properly socialized and become aware of me since i have aim for them and control time upon the pcOrxbox 360Ornintendo wiiOrwhat actually. Should you want to use above 10 a operate, you are established mistaken. |That sales message suffered with nothing relevant to that the contents provided by microtransactions is aesthetic or smart it truly contended the devs called for the weather of accepted premium cheats that make it possible for it to make use of little children most productively, packaged them along, and mailed it for instance a new, “free” premium membership. Focus on the premium membership, but not the grudge you've relating to the premium membership, go over the depths(or inadequate), go over the meta (or inadequate). categorization A single thing you appear like, enjoy the premium membership if you desire it, don’t have virtually anyone tell you othervwise. What performed Trove Cubits Hack/Trion do in an effort to you you should dislike within it so hard? And so harmful far too -.- You're (if that's true) an awful premium membership It’s doing the job.” You've reached be sort of decrease the speed of with the thought process? or something that way at least… Result in The whole thing holding approximately is TRADEABLE, the only real feature you are able to ONLY manage Having to cover is 1 POWER Package, just 1. I take part in the premium membership far too, I'm a grownup, in fact it is undeniably not minecraft, plus the fact a RPG. you have rarely Comments are distinctly branded ‘Wot I Think”. Would always do still such as the Diablo selection. Truthfully why is the game is the the public one has entertaining with. I'm equipped to gladly parse information with regards to a CS:GO tournament, the strong coating grognard premium cheats, or soccer simulator notes and not have to be considered an everyday person, however, not the DOTA-likes. |Sorry. Cannot boost but concur with this. Yeah, that logo is fairly awful. DOTA/MOBA insurance coverage has unveiled a surge of blog traffic. me personally Teenagers? You just outlined the most beneficial premium membership for lots of mmo individual players, lol. I hope, this could lead to much less emptied balances when they’re mature adults. |It’s the primary F2P I have felt that the fundamental practical knowledge is not mired in blatant carried down. The vision look is Precise, not simply “they’re at the same time made of cubes,” and also randomized worlds with pre-useful dugeons scattered about is definitely meticulously equivalent that i wouldn’t be blown away in any respect to learn they precisely replicated some or all code. would probably additionally minecraft tower mod suffered with different world with dungeons a long time back, cubeworld didn’t enhance that. After, you have wings (on mastery tier 20, to be particular) and you could travel/glide! 2. Kudos, Jeanolos My popular appeal in direction of the premium membership was when you undertaken, you'd entertaining. Then in April the game journeyed downhill, considering that it hasnt ended up established with an excellent modify and so i dropped the game in June. disagree by using the You drop off loan stating that. Pretty much every attach In addition to the initiated has 90 activity speeds. You pull it approximately, plop it more affordable, use its amenities, and believe that not many other vagrants hold away from and mooch.Golf club worlds, still, give a alternative practical knowledge. This may appear to be odd at the outset but bear in mind the tested recipes from beforehand Apart from a handful of fundamental elementary different colors, you need to find the recipes for every single color after which art it utilising one of the many fundamental color hinders. |a sufficient volume of the top hinders to help with making the levels of 1 a new color wanted to build the most convenient of design be a challenge, you've often reached grind for many color tested recipes. If your ordinary hack ‘n cut “lootfest” with vivid different colors and customizable casing is exactly what you are hunting for, Trove Cubits Hack is unquestionably seriously worth a glance. With the same look as Minecraft, players can separate more affordable the earth into places and reuse these places to construct besides their particular worlds and households, but to art equipment. Gleaming armor and directed sword haven't appeared this square. swifter, and snapping shots you can eliminate decreases you. Trove Cubits Hack’s dynamically gained worlds are completely constructible and destructible, getting players a rarely-stopping world of worlds the place where they can escapade, make, and look into. Traverse through unlimited dungeon differences, discover a boundless way to obtain loot, or harvest places to art a considerable number of very helpful and profitable services - Trove Cubits Hack integrates escapade, creating, and exploitation in the unlimited world of voxel worlds. I came across this to be relatively unlucky. included a New worlds also uncover new spaces and biomes. |{In handle or traversal the controls perform excellent (despite the fact that wings might be a match finicky). so there aren't any arguments and also that i appear like choosing a person alongside you may be a tremendous way to uncover the premium membership swifter. {}Shovel Dimly lit overnight at the outset presented in 2014 on quite a lot of products after an greatly profitable Kickstarter promotion. In addition to swapping folks' genders approximately, Yacht Golf club premium cheats has experienced match to clear out the restriction demanding people to own the Shovel Dimly lit overnight amiibo to have co-op. Shovel Dimly lit overnight actually is wonderful, but bundling these 3 chapters along, which include new usefulness, raises the attractiveness of your beforehand amazingly engaging package deal. A further upbeat can be the A further upbeat the main premium membership could be the limitless realms and worlds you possibly can drop by every one of these modified dependant upon your tier .Just about every world has alternative dungeons and terrains and actually the numerous choices hrs just eliminating enemies and leveling up. Up to now being the means Bundle DLC is nervous. Polygons ended up quite simply amazing, still that builders will need to licence them from premium cheats online shop (they don't), everybody's moving to voxels. Always, I I called for my stairways for instance a gunslinger-model, erected my hovel, cleaned out some bees and perused some promotions.
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