#but flame wars over the cocteau twins aint it chief
zarvasace · 1 year
@howl-at--the-sun your ask got weirdly deleted, and I didn't entirely go with your prompt, but here's some pretentious goth Shadow at least! :D
~400 words, brief mention of drinking. Sorry for the name-drops you probably don't get!
"I don't like clubs," Shadow announces as the door closes behind him. He stands at the couch's arm and uses it as a fulcrum to tip himself onto the couch cushions. His makeup is undoubtedly smearing, but that's fine, it already was. 
"You're just saying that because that one guy touched your hair," Vio says. He drops the keys in the dish by the door and sits down on the ground to wrestle with his shoes. "Which, to be fair, is a heinous thing to do."
"And that drink sucked," Shadow adds, turning his head so he can talk and breathe. "And they just played the obvious classics or industrial the whole time. Like, come on. If it's goth night, they should play goth music!" 
Vio tosses his boots onto the mat and sits down on the couch by Shadow's head, careful not to get him. "Not a club to go back to, I agree."
Shadow isn't done complaining. He flips over, and now his necklaces are nearly choking him, but he moves things around. He and Vio looked damn good tonight, and they wasted all those fantastic vibes on a subpar club. He still tastes that awful mixer. Eugh. 
"As much as I love Front 242," he says, "I wanted, at least, Fields of the Nephilim. Would that have killed them? No."
Vio pokes some hair from Shadow's eyes. "It probably would have."
"I can count the number of actual goth songs they played on one hand." Shadow holds up his fist to make his point. There's something oddly soothing about laying down and sticking his arms in the air. "Lucretia My Reflection. Duh. Kick in the Eye. I'll give them that. Are we going to count Love Will Tear Us Apart?" 
"If we're being generous."
"I'm not." Shadow doesn't raise a finger for that one. "They had Move by Skeletal Family, credit where credit is due. I'm not gonna count Tones on Tail. Faith and the Muse did make me happy, though. They had that Christian Death bit—aren't we mad at them for some reason?"
Vio shrugs. "He did a few political things recently."
"Yeah, but so did Clan of Xymox, and we still like them."
"Shadow, you know there's no real definition of goth music."
Shadow sits up halfway to give Vio a look. "Yeah, sure, we can argue about Peter Murphy all day, but at least we can agree that Ministry isn't it!" 
"Well, next time, you can volunteer as DJ." 
"They should definitely hire me."
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