#but for some weird reason he can't ever follow through on trying to kill Naruto..... hmmm.......
histskins · 1 year
sorry but it IS very funny when Naruto Shippuden is trying to build literally any romance for Sasuke + Sakura, and so they do flashbacks to meaningful moments between them...and it's the same like. Two. it's the same two scenes every fucking time. and they're not even particularly romantic scenes IMO. and then Naruto shows up and Sasuke's attention is immediately diverted and entirely on him and when they get Meaningful Moments flashbacks it's like a whole fucking movie which 60% of the time includes their silly little kiss. and they literally have a gay little shared mindscape to have these flashbacks in
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Uchiha In The Leaves (Part Ten)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Kakashi x Reader)
Summary: What happens when Y/N finally returns to the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Her life is flipped upside down when not only does she find the man that’s awaited her return, but she finds someone she thought she’d never see again.
Part One, Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight: *NSFWish Ahead!*, Part Nine
Part Ten
Word Count: 3,134
*Kakashi's P.O.V*
In between training the kids about chakra we had to help Tazuna with protecting his bridge. The next morning I sent Sakura with Tazuna along with Y/n, since Sakura was the most advanced in this already. I knew the two of them would be fine without me so I stayed behind to make sure the boy were focusing on their training.
As sundown broke the boys were still at it. They would soon become exhausted, but knowing the two of them, as long as one of them pushed on the other would push on, wanting to best each other. I knew the boys were probably at each other's throats, but I needed to get some rest, so I headed back to the hut, telling them to come back when they had had enough.
When Y/n and Sakura walked through with Tazuna I was relieved to say the least. I wrapped Y/n into my arms and kissed her forehead. "How was your day?"
"Quiet. He had one of his builders quit, but nothing other than that." She looked up at me and pushed her lips toward me. I leaned down and kissed her. "How was yours?"
"Uneventful. The boys are slowly making progress with the tree, but they're too worried about surpassing the other to focus enough."
Y/n sighed. I figured as much. I know how competitive my brother can be."
Sasuke and Naruto came through the door a couple minutes later and we all sat down at the table to enjoy a meal prepared by Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami. I've never seen the boys scarf down food so fast. Tazuna seemed happy to have company. "This is fantastic, it's been a long time since we've had this many guest around our table."
Both boys stood up and held their bowls in the air, glaring at the other as they spoke together. "I want some more!" After they yelled both of them turned sideways and threw up all over the floor.
Y/n glared at Sasuke and Sakura started to yell. "Don't eat so much if you're just going to puke it back up!"
Sasuke ignored his sister's glares and spoke again. "I have to eat."
Naruto talked through gritted teeth. "And I have to eat more than him. It's the only possible way to beat him."
I crossed my arms and looked at the both of them. "That's true. But puking wont help you."
Y/nn stood up from her seat, walked over to Sasuke, and slapped him in the back of the head. "Learn some manners Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto burst out laughing and she walked to him, doing the same. "Don't think I didn't mean you too, Naruto Uzumaki."
Sakura wandered around the kitchen, looking at pictures. "Excuse me?" She turned around. "This picture is torn, is there some reason for that?"
We all turned to look at what she was talking about. There was a lone picture hanging on the wall behind us. The picture showed Tazuna, Tsunami Inari, and another person had been ripped out of it. Tsunami spoke up before anyone could say anything else. "It's my husband."
Tazuna's whole attitude changed. "They used to call him a hero in this land."
Inari stood up from the table and started to walk out, clearly worrying Tsunami. "Inari, where are you going?" Instead of answering Inari shut the front door behind him. Tsunami started for the door. "Father, you can't talk about him like that in front of Inari! You know that!" I had not seen Tsunami like this since we had shown up here. She slammed the door behind her.
"How come Inari is so..." Sakura paused. "What happened to him?"
I piped in. "Is there a story to this?"
Tazuna began. "He wasn't his real father, he came into our lives later. He brought so much happiness, he and Inari were so close. In those days, Inari used to laugh all the time. But then..." Tazuna was having a hard time getting his words out and we began to see tears hitting the table. "All that ended. He never laughs or smiles anymore. Ever since the day everything changed."
"The word courage was stolen from this island. We were left feeling powerless, hopeless, and Inari suffered the most. Ever since that day, ever since it happened."
"Tell us..." I was generally curious now. "What happened to Inari?"
"First, you need to know about the man, his father. The man who taught us the word courage, who was a hero in this land." Tazuna took off his glasses and wiped the tears from his eyes. "He came here about three years ago. Inari's dog, Pooch, was thrown into the lake by some bullies. Inari was not able to swim and when they told him they weren't going to save the dog Inari stood at the edge of the bridge, contemplating what to do. Suddenly, one of them pushed Inari into the water and at that exact moment Pooch figured out how to dog paddle. Pooch had run to find help and the boys on the bridge chased after him, trying to stop him."
"When the boys ran off a man pulled Inari out of the water, cared for him, and fed him. His name was Kaiza. He was a simple fisherman who had come here from another land to follow his dreams. After that Inari and Kaiza were inseparable. The boy never met his real father so you could imagine what it meant to him to have Kaiza in his life. He looked up to him, followed in his footsteps, like a real father and son. Kaiza spent more and more time with us until, naturally, he just became a part of our family. And then when this town needed him he became something more."
"One night, when the flood gates had opened and our lower district was about to be flooded, the townspeople came to Kaiza to ask for help. Kaiza jumped into action. Someone had to jump into the water and tie a rope to the gate so the townspeople could pull it shut. Naturally, when no one wanted to step up, Kaiza did. Kaiza made it to the gate and tied the rope to the gate so the townspeople could begin to pull it shut. From that time on Kaiza was considered a hero to this village. He taught us all the meaning of courage and Inari was so proud to be his son, but it wasn't long after that Gato showed up and took over. He terrorized the whole village. Only Kaiza stood up to him. Gato couldn't have a local hero getting in his way. It took his whole gang to stop one man."
" Gato strung Kaiza up on a pole in front of the whole town, including Inari. Gato told everyone that he had defied the Gato Corporation and sentenced him to execution for his punishment. He wanted him to be an example so nobody stood in his way again. Inari watched as they executed Kaiza. Inari was crushed that Kaiza was not there to protect us anymore. Since then Inari has changed, so has Tsunami and all of our people. We lost our will."
When I looked over at Y/n she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She had always been a sucker for stories like this. Naruto stood up from the table to walk away and instantly fell to his face. "You need to relax and take some time off Naruto. You've used up too much chakra. If you push any harder it could kill you."
Naruto was focused. "I'm gonna prove it."
We all looked at him confused. Sakura was annoyed with him again. "Prove what?"
"I'll prove that it's true." Naruto slowly stood back up. "That in this world, there are real heroes."
Naruto ran off and we all knew exactly where he was going... back to the tree.
We sat around the table for tea that next morning. Naruto still hadn't returned from his training last night. I wouldn't let anyone see it or know, but I was starting to worry about him. Tazuna said something about it first. "Naruto didn't come back again last night?"
Sakura was worried too, but didn't want to sound it. "He's gone completely nuts, he's out there climbing trees in the dark. He could be dead right now, you know, from using up too much of his chakra."
Tsunami was disappointed in Y/n and I, you could tell by her voice. "Well I certainly hope he's alright, a kid out in the woods alone all night."
I spoke up, defending Y/n and myself. "There's nothing to worry about. Naruto's a goofy kid, but he's a full fledged ninja. He can handle himself."
I never thought I would hear Sasuke say the next words, even Y/n was in shock. "Sakura's right, Naruto's such a loser he's probably laying out there dead somewhere." Sasuke stood up from the table and walked toward the door.
Sakura watched him. "Sasuke?"
"I'm going for a walk."
"But we just started eating." Sakura looked down to see Sasuke's empty plate and stopped talking.
I looked over at Y/n who seemed worried. I nodded toward the door. "Go."
Y/n stood up and started walking. "Sasuke, wait." And with that she shut the door behind her.
As an hour went by I began to get nervous. None of them had returned so I grabbed Sakura and we took off for the woods. I found Y/n and Sasuke with Naruto in the clearing we had used the trees from. Sakura and I just barely dodged a kunai that landed in front of us and when we looked up we saw Naruto laying on a branch at the top of his tree.
Sakura was amazed. "Woah, Naruto can climb that high using his chakra?"
Naruto was proud of himself. "What do you think? Is this high enough for you guys? I mean, it's a long way down. Huh?"
Suddenly we saw Naruto start to slip as he stood up. My eyes grew wide and I looked over at Y/n. "Uh-oh" He began to scream, which caused Sakura to scream, and Y/nn began jumping through the trees, ready to dash across and grab him, landing on another branch.
Before Y/n could do her final jump and grab him Naruto balanced himself with his chakra and he looked at all of us with a smile. "Just kidding, you guys really fell for it." He began to laugh.
Sakura yelled at him. "We were worried about you Naruto."
I had a weird feeling. "Why do I think this is going to end badly?"
Naruto's feet finally came loose from the tree and this time he was really falling. Sakura was even angrier now. My eyes have never grown so wide in my life and she hollered. "You just had to push it, didn't you show off."
I hollered to get Y/n's attention, who was currently watching Sasuke. "Y/n, help Naruto!"
Naruto began to scream and both the Uchiha sibling went into action. Sasuke scaled the tree and just as Y/n got down to Naruto's level Sasuke climbed under a branch and grabbed onto Naruto's ankle, hanging there with him. Sasuke smirked at him. "You really are a loser Naruto.
Sakura yelled from the ground and I saw Y/n smiling at her brother. "Alright Sasuke, you're the best."
Y/n jumped down and landed next to me. I looked over at her and smiled. "If we're still sane by the time we're done their training, it'll be a miracle."
"You've got that right." She laughed.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to me, kissing the side of her head and laughing with her.
All but Sasuke and Naruto were sitting at the table, ready for dinner. Sakura was clearly worried about them, Y/n and I not so much, "Now they're both late. I wouldn't have expected that from Sasuke."
Y/n was annoyed. "Me either."
Sasuke and Naruto came through the door a second later. Sasuke had Naruto's arm wrapped around his shoulder. Tazuna taunted them a little. "What have you been up to? You look like something that cat dragged in."
Naruto looked up. "We both made it. We climbed all the way to the top."
I looked over and smiled. "Good, now we move on, starting tomorrow you're both body guards for Tazuna."
They both smiled. Naruto threw his arm up and yelled. "Alright!" When his arm went up they lost their balance and both fell onto the ground.
Sasuke was clearly angry now. "You're such a loser!" We all chuckled and settled in for dinner.
Tazuna looked around the table. "In a few more days the bridge will be finished and I'll have you to thank for that."
Tsunami was very motherly to everyone. "You've all done great, but you've still got to be careful."
"I've been meaning to ask you this, but I haven't had the chance until now. Why did you stay and protect me, even after you found out I lied to bring you here?"
I looked at him and put my hands together. "Those who stray from the path of justice have no courage, but under the wing of a strong leader, cowardice can not survive."
Tsunami looked confused. "Huh?"
"That was a quote from the first Hokage."
Naruto was asleep at the table, Inari was watching him. Tears started to fall from Inari and we all looked over at him. "But why"
Naruto woke up when he spoke and looked at him. "What'd you say?"
Inari slammed his hands on the table. "All this stupid training it just a waste of time. Gato's got a whole army. They'll beat you down and they'll destroy you. These cool things you all say, they don't mean anything. No matter what you do, the strong always win and and weak always lose."
Naruto laid his head back down. "Just speak for yourself. It won't be like that for me, you got that?"
"Why don't you just be quiet!? Looking at you makes me sick. You don't know anything about this country, you're just butting in. Always laughing and playing around, you don't know what it's like to suffer and be treated like dirt!"
I knew that was going to strike a nerve with Naruto. Naruto slowly lifted his head up. "Listen to yourself, whining and complaining like some sort of little victim." Inari's face turned to shock. "You can whimper all day for all I care. You're nothing but a coward."
Sakura was mad now. "Naruto, you went too far!' Naruto stood up and walked away and her face changed from anger to guilt. "Naruto?"
Inari stood up from the table and went outside. I looked between Tazuna and Tsunami and then to Y/n. Y/n looked upset. "Let's go and talk to Inari." She looked toward Tazuna. "As long as you don't mind anyway."
Tazuna shook his head. "Be my guest."
Y/n and I stood up and walked toward the door. She looked back at Sasuke and Sakura before we left the room. "We'll be right back.
When we reached where Inari was sitting on the deck I slowly approached. "Can we talk to you?"
Inari looked behind him and nodded. I sat on one side of him and Y/n sat on the other. Y/n spoke first. "I'm sorry about Naruto." She smiled at him. Inari just stared.
I tried next. "Naruto can be a little harsh sometimes, but he doesn't hate you."
"Your grandfather told us what happened… to your father."
I wanted to try to make him realize that him and Naruto weren't much different from each other. "You probably don't know this, but Naruto grew up too, without knowing his father. In fact, he never knew either of his parents, and he never had a single friend in our village." Inari looked up at me. "Still, I've never seen him cry, sulk, or give up. He's always eager to jump in. He wants to be respected. That's his dream."
Y/n took over. "He'll put his life on the line for that in a heartbeat. My guess is, he just got tired of crying and decided to do something about it. Even though he's young and still learning he knows what it means to be strong, like your father did."
Y/n looked over at me. She had tears welling up in her eyes so I started to talk, wanting her to calm down. "I think he knows better than any of us, what you're going through. What Naruto told you earlier, as cruel as it sounded, he's probably told himself that a thousand times."
Y/nn started again. "And not only that, but Sasuke and I, if you didn't already know, we're brother and sister. When Sasuke was 7 years old, his older brother and my younger brother, Itachi, who was only 13 at the time, massacred our family. I had barely trained to be a ninja at the age of 18 and I had barely any skills. Itachi was part of the ANBU Black Ops, so he had special training. I couldn't stop him, I had all I could just to protect Sasuke from him. I watched as Itachi killed my parents and he would have killed me too, if Sasuke hadn't walked into the room, distracting him. Sasuke grew up with no parents and without me. I had gone to hunt my brother down and had lost Sasuke in the process. It's just this last month that I found him, after five years, so Sasuke can sort of relate to you too."
"You can always talk to us, we're more than happy to listen Inari. You'd be surprised what has happened to some ninja." I stood up and helped Y/n up. "We're gonna head to bed, but our door will be open if you need us."
I took Y/n's hand and we walked back toward the door. Y/n turned around once to look behind us, sighing as she turned back around.
When the two of us climbed into bed we fell asleep faster than we ever had.
Taglist 💕 @nubiadethemyscira @nimeryaa @o-franzii-o @chidori-mint @fan-g0rl @ari-hatake15 @puredicks @hunie-hun
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