#but for starters he matured and doesnt make his dad sad that often anymore and... i dont want to lose his random bursts of evil laughter
peachesycream · 9 months
I want to talk about the Landgraabs I want to talk about Geoffrey and Nancy I want to talk about Geoffrey because I have Thoughts™ about them now.
Like how common word said they were an unlikeable family, the snobby rich corporate fam, how Nancy was a criminal and Geoffrey a secret agent, how they were said to be together doing shady business or Nancy was trickinhg or manipulating him, how they were destined to break apart, how their kid was unsufferable and karma awaited because they were shitty people and how I was on board with all of it and ready to break havoc.
But then Geoffrey is a dork and good and a loving dad and a family guy and a joyful lil golden retriever of a man who loves his family so I thought ok then Nancy will betray him and Malcom will be a lil shit-
But then the first days with them all Nancy wanted to do was talk with Geoffrey, be funny with him, friendly with him, flirty with him, it was all him him him and Geoffrey was constantly wanting to be with his family but sad bc his son was evil, and Malcom himself was both angry because his dad was good but also sad because his dad was sad because of him?? And how Nancy and Geoffrey are such opposites, they even like colours that are oposites in the spectrum yet are dressed in the other's favourite??
Then I leave them and when I come back Nancy switched jobs, abandoned the progress she had made as a criminal and was now painstakinly starting anew somewhere else and listen here is when I took that picture bc i forgot you could do that and wanted to try... And they were so cute so I said ok enough, they deserve a chance, they are getting a chance and istg they are the cutest lil shits and my mind is spínning backstories like no one's business.
But yeah tl;dr I went with the idea of drama, divorce, betrayal and disaster and ended up making them the most annoyingly cute and loving family in the whole goddamn game. And they are like 7 now because let me tell you those two are a menace (and i cant say no to them).
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