#but from the viewpoint of a child survivor... they wouldnt necessarily see the awfulness and hypocrisy of the guild
nightingaletrash · 1 year
I'm probably going to enjoy the new Fable whether or not they've decided to go with the destruction of the Hero's Guild as the main plot hook, but I'm obsessed with the idea of playing as a child survivor of the event anyway.
Every day you get up and are told that you're special. You train day in and day out to hone your powers, to build the skills you need to become a Hero, and then you go to bed sore but content. One day, the people of Albion will be begging for your help or your mercy. You're a Hero, and therefore you're special. The commonfolk are beneath you, as is the duty to morality. Good and evil, right and wrong - no one has the right to force you to adhere to any of these concepts. It's no one's place to decide what a Hero should be, save for the Hero themself. And one day, you'll get to choose what kind of Hero you'll be.
But then, one night, while lying in your bed with your aching bones and dreams of greatness, you smell smoke. There's screaming and fire. And sure enough, you see your home burning before your eyes. The Heroes you aspired to become, to overtake some day, are being mowed down and massacred by the ordinary people you've been taught to look down upon. The people who are less than you, who aren't special. They're here, and they're burning and killing everyone and everything they come across, and you have no choice but to run for your life. Because you're special. And they'll surely kill you if they catch you.
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