#but fuck man i want to work with my hot professor 😫😫😫😫😫
mysicklove · 10 months
i have a GROUP (???!?!!**) interview on wednesday to be a microbiology lab assistant and i ridden with anxiety oh my god
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evansbby · 1 year
Does anyone have any cool sexy dilf stories? Like stories that you wouldn’t mind sharing of y’all with dilfs?? Idk I feel like I need to live vicariously through you guys jajsjsjs —
Okay so I know you posted this last week but I have to tell someone 💀
So since the beginning of uni I’ve had a crush on my chemistry professor, and let me tell you that the first day I had his class all I did was fantasize about him😭😭
This man is 6’4 (I’m 5’3🤭) so the height difference is so hot. He’s 35 (I just turned 20), he’s half Mexican half Colombian (he curses in Spanish when he drops something or is just mad and it’s the hottest thing ever). He has brown eyes and his hair is like Ari’s hair (all i can think about is how hot it would be to rake my nails through his hair while he’s eating me out). Also he’s so fucking buff holy shit, like his biceps are the size of my head and every time he wears a tight shirt/blouse it literally makes me want to do unspeakable things. For reference he kinda looks like Miguel O’hara (idk if you watched Spiderman into the Spiderverse but that man is hot as hell), but he has fuller lips. He also has a beard which also kind of the same to Ari’s beard.
So here’s where the actual story begins😭😭. He has a daughter who’s 8 years old - btw he’s not married and her mom isn’t in her life, I don’t know why - so my cousin who’s also 8 years old happens to be in the same class as her and they’re literally best friends. I didn’t know at first that her dad was my professor (and the guy I dream about) until my aunt asked me to pick my cousin up from school and I see him talking to his daughter and my cousin. When I tell you I almost melted because he was so sweet with them😭😭😭 When they saw me walking towards them he was also surprised to see me, but then he smiled and made small talk 😫
Next day when I see him in class, he asks me to stay behind and when I tell you I almost fainted. I’ll type out the interaction because it’ll be too confusing.
Professor: “Hey, so I didn’t know you were related to (cousins name)”
Me: “Yeah, her moms my moms sister so different last names haha”
Professor: “So, I wanted to ask if it’s okay for her to come over next week? I tried to catch your aunt and ask but she’s always there earlier than me, (daughters name) and (cousins name) wanted to watch a movie and just play.”
Me: “Oh yeah, I’ll ask my aunt. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind (cousins name) talks about her a lot.”
Professor: “Yeah those two are really close.”
Me: “But sure I’ll ask my aunt and get back to you tomorrow.”
Professor: “Thank you it’ll mean a lot to them.”
So after this we just quickly said goodbye and when I walked out the classroom I almost threw up he made me that nervous😭😭 It’s the way he was standing as well, he was standing and kind of half sitting half leaning on his desk and his blouse that day was a white so I kinda saw abs (slut) 😫😫😫 honestly feels like something out of a movie😭
Anyway so I came home and I was going to my aunts house anyway for dinner with the whole family (I’m Moroccan so these kind of big dinners are almost every week💀). So when I’m there I ask her and she first was kind of iffy about it because she doesn’t want to send her 8 year old to a random mans house (her words, not mine😂) even though she knows his daughter. And then my other cousin who’s my age and knows about my crush on him, jokingly said “maybe she should go with her, he’s her professor so she already knows him”. I swear to god I wanted to strangle her right there and then because my aunt thought it was the best idea ever and now she wants me to go with her.
I feel like this is getting really long so I’ll try summarize what happened afterwards😭. So the next day I don’t have chemistry so after I was done with all my classes I walk over to his classroom. This man was just sitting there drinking coffee and working and I thought (still think) it was the hottest thing ever. When he sees me walk in he smiles at me and greets me. I greet him as well and tell him what my aunt said.
Me: “Maybe a bit weird but my aunt wanted me to come with (cousins name) to keep an eye on her you know? If that’s okay with you of course.”
Professor: “Yeah no that’s fine don’t worry about it, besides it’ll be nice to have someone there to keep me company.”
Anyway I gave him my aunts number so they can arrange it and then we said goodbye and stuff and I left. My hands were shaking when I was walking out of the classroom, he makes me that nervous😭 My aunt called me Sunday morning telling me that the playdate is next week. Either he or my uncle is gonna bring us.
I normally have his class on Monday but he wasn’t there, I think he had an appointment or something😔 But I do have his class today so lets pray he’s there🤞🏼🤞🏼
I’m sorry if this was really long but I honestly feel like this is too good to be true, and when I saw your post about any dilf stories I immediately thought about him. I also wanted to tell someone who won’t judge me and I honestly love your vibe so I hope you won’t think I’m weird or something 😭. I also need advice because what the hell do i do?!?! I have such a big crush on him, besides the looks he’s so sweet but also so serious and bossy (idk what to call it but it’s hot😫😫).
I’ll keep you updated if you want if anything else happens🥴🥴🥴
- 💐💐
Oh my god bestie I am so intrigued but at the same time you are twenty years old and that is a BABY to me practically so idk idk idk what to say!!!! Pls just be sensible about this… men love to take advantage of younger girls and I know you don’t want to hear this 😭😭😭 but I feel like I have to say it otherwise I’d be being fake 🥲🥲
Of course, you’re entitled to do whatever you please! And honestly HONESTLY this professor seems into you but the fact that he’s a professor and you’re his student is a red flag??? Right??? Like… you’re his student 😭😭😭 on top of that he is a lot older than you so please be careful!!!
Apart from that why does this sound like such a picture perfect fanfic scenario?? Like lmfao wow I didn’t realise y’all were out here literally being real life Y/Ns meanwhile all my professors have been ugly and lame 😂😂😂
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Secretly sucking Teacher/professor!Hangman dick underneath his desk when he’s in a meeting 😭😫
Oh my fuck 🥵💦 I can already see that Mr. Hangman will be a current theme in this blog and I love it 😈 Fuck this got so long 😩 Sorry
@theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @hungmanhorsecarriage , @wrestlersownmyheart , @aerynscrichton , @crowleysqueenofhell , @new-zealand-chic , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @ava-valerie
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You quickly checked the hallway again
To make sure no one could see you sneaking into Professor Hangman’s office
He was in a phone call with Principal Jones
About the upcoming charity events your university always hosted every year
“Yes, I was thinking that maybe we could do something fun for the students so they can engage in the activities as well” Adam talked while keeping his gaze glued to your every move
You placed your bag on top of his small couch and locked the door
Adam crooked an eyebrow at you
As if to ask “what are you up to?”
To which your only response was a confident grin
“Yeah, yeah. I definitely think that’s a great idea” He answered to the man on the other side of the phone
You knelt down, before placing yourself on all fours and so you began to crawl towards him
“That’s a perfect view, indeed” He smirked at you and caressed your hair when you finally reached him and placed your head on his thick thigh
You trailed a trail of kisses from his clothed thigh to his semi hard bulge
“I think we should start it off easy, because we don’t want to end it too quickly” He responded and you chuckled at his answer
Already understanding that his words were also a warning for you
You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the fly down torturously slow
Grabbing his length on your warm hand
You freed him out of his black boxers and began to pump his hard length slowly
“We must not forget to be a little harsh too” He spoke and closed his hand on top of yours, encouraging you to pump him harder
“These kids need to learn some discipline, otherwise they’ll become spoiled brats” Adam grabbed a handful of your hair and gave it a hard tug
You gasped at the sharp pain and smiled in pleasure when you saw his satisfied grin
Adam used his free hand to guide his cock to your mouth
Resting the pink heart-shaped tip against your soft lips
“I know” He laughed “We need to keep them busy because we all know these kids have quite the mouth”
Adam suppressed a moan when your hot tongue made contact with his sensitive tip
You engulfed his length into your mouth
Closing your lips and hollowing your cheeks to provide him the amount of pressure he loved
“Oh yes, that’s heavenly” He stated and softly tugged on your hair to make you look up
“Keep your eyes on me” He mouthed and then continued with a laugh “That’s definitely the best feeling ever”
Adam kept his hand on your head and his blue gaze on your face
You pulled back, grabbed him with your two hands and began to pump them up and down his thick shaft
Adam leaned forward and slipped his hand inside your leggings. Quickly finding your damp folds
His thick finger slowly slid in your core and soon after a second one followed the first
“Oh yes, it will be a tight fit, but we’ll make it work” He grinned and crooked his fingers to find your sweet spot
When your lips opened to let a soft moan out
Adam quickly muffled your whimper with his mouth
“Mhm” He mumbled in agreement as his tongue softly battled yours for dominance
He pulled back and stated “Alright, then. See you on Monday. Bye, Pat”
Adam ended the call in a hurry and opened the camera of his phone
He pressed play on the red button of the video setting and grunted
“Oh you naughty little girl! Show Professor Hangman how well you can use that mouth, baby”
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
N 🌜💕 anon again!!! i just read ur dadsfriend!marcus hot tub drabble and WHEWWWW also as an art history major those references 😚🤚 chefs kiss u even fr mentioned my fave sculpture (that i wrote an essay abt last week lmao) i guess i have another q that popped into my head while reading
if pedro characters were professors what would be their subject 😫🤚 we for sure know marcus is the art history prof who stays late and answers all the questions 😬🤚 and well.....(redacted scenario here) but what do u think the other characters would teach well?
I have a soft spot for the Hellenistic Period which should surprise no one considering how fucking horny they all look as they're dying. Anyway. Maybe I'm just transferring my own feelings on them at this point. But you know what anon, you got me thinking. Pedro characters as professors is just *chef's kiss*. Let's see.
The Mandalorian - Physics or Astronomy (or even Geography)
I have taken physics and geography courses once and both professors were so freaking quiet. Din Djarin may be a hunter but I think if he was in an alternate universe, he would be the most introverted human being ever. The man is intelligent if ep. 5 proved anything so he would definitely dive deep into the quantum physics world or something similar. He's one of the few professors that doesn't have a lab and that's because he loves spending time with his kid since he's a single-father. (I'm sobbing as I'm writing this right now).
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels - International Relations
This was the last one I wrote and only because I was having a difficult time figuring it out. I was going to say chemistry because of the whole distillery thing but I feel like international relations suits him better. He's worked with many government and non-government organizations so he knows his shit. The only reason he's a professor is because he almost got killed on the last job. He jokes about it often when he's asked why someone as young as him wanted to be a professor when he could be traveling the world. Time for a drink again.
Javier Pena - Criminal or Immigration Law
I mean, this is the most obvious one I think. Pena retired after the Escobar case and he wanted to do something good because if his experiences showed him anything, it's that people deserved to live better lives. He practices law for a couple of more years, and he's known for having a soft spot for charity cases...then when he's done, he is hired immediately as a professor where he talks and talks and talks about how this new generation needs to fix the system. He never saw himself in this position but he enjoys how low-key it is...and you know what, he likes it even better because that's where he met you, a TA that wanted the extra money until they graduate.
Pero Tovar - Ancient Civilizations (Babylonian or Chinese to be more specific)
He would simultaneously be the most lenient professor but also the one that voices his irritations when someone asks a question that's kind of obvious. The man knows several languages but he doesn't brag about it, and no one can convince me otherwise. He loves talking about the history of beer and how it was an important part of all ancient civs.
Oberyn Martell - Theatre Arts/Drama
Oberyn Motherfucking Martell is that professor. The definition of 'make love not war' except when he sees someone getting bullied while they're practicing. He gets offered favors every other day but he declines them because he would never presume to use his power to do something so abhorrent. He almost thinks about it when you come along though but he keeps himself in check until you graduate and then he emails you and tells you that he would love to have you in one of his new productions. And the rest is, as they say, history.
Dave York - Criminal Psychology
Marcus Pike - Art History
The man will wax poetry about the Farnese Hercules and how fucking tired he looks but also how thick and perfect he is and then he'll probably bring close-ups of the arms and the chest which have sweat drops and he'll go on about how if he ever had the chance to meet a sculptor, he'd probably choose Glykon because look at the goddamn masterpiece. He'll follow it immediately by the Aphrodite of Knidos and how Praxiteles was doing the lord's work in making this sculpture which is the first of its kind and then he'll fangirl about her for perhaps too long because she is a masterpiece and she is the essence of feminity but then he'll get angry when he starts telling the stories about how men would sneak into her altar at night and jack off on here like the misogynistic fucks they were because such a figure did not deserve this and he would change the subject quickly when he hears one of the students say that they couldn't blame the men for doing that because this was not the time to get into a debate about how the goddess, even in her inanimate form, deserved more respect.
Frankie 'Catfish' Morales - Aerospace Engineering
Frankie is intelligent, let no man say anything otherwise. I have a friend who's doing this at the moment and he always tells me about the professors in this field and I think Frankie's personality is perfect for this because they can be hardasses at times but they love when the projects and the research comes along nicely. He goes out of his way to help his students because he cares a great deal about them. He's probably the only other professor as shy, if not more shy, than Din.
Marcus Moreno - Journalism
Professor Moreno was a war correspondent that just needed to rest you know. So he puts his expertise to good use to prepare the next generation of journalists. Truth is the most powerful weapon humanity has and he reminds his students of that every single fucking day.
Ezra - Literature/Poetry
Even when he's not reading Shakespeare passages, he speaks like a poet which irritates many of his students but by the end of the semester, they all realize that it's because he's so well-spoken that his classes are always so full so the interest in the field grows. A lot of the other departments don't like him because he managed to switch over many students over the years to this major. He is known as the 'body snatcher.' I don't know why that just came into my head but yeah.
Maxwell Lord - Political Science
Only because I hate the three poli sci classes I took and Maxwell scares the fuck out of me. I think he'd try to justify lots of theories and applications that humanity should not humor for a split second. I don't know why. Prove me wrong in the comments I guess.
Max Phillips - Business/Accounting (or maybe even Economics)
He's lived long enough to see how the socio-economic patterns change so his classes are also always so full because besides teaching the core material properly, he teaches the history of the patterns which help in the modern world, and he also tends to predict a lot about cryptos and stuff like that, and the predictions are almost always true. He can get them right all the time but he doesn't want to be too suspicious.
I feel like I'm forgetting some characters but I cannot work my brain right now.
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