#but hardison in space content is better than nothing
echofades · 2 years
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I can’t take another freeze-dried meal, I can’t, tastes like baby powder. I missed three DC movies, three! I don’t know what’s going on, who’s fighting who? Guys please, help me, I’m desperate. Help your boy, help your boy. LEVERAGE: REDEMPTION 2.13 | The Crowning Achievement Job
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be-gay-do-heists · 3 years
another short ficlet for some hurt/comfort after the queen’s gambit job, with hardison trying to comfort eliot after he got drugged
Traveling back from Dubai in a private jet was a surprise luxury after a mess of a job. (Hardison suspected Sterling had something to do with their flight back in style, but every time he considered asking Nate about it, the mastermind had his ‘I am very deep in thought and do not wish to be disturbed’ face on, so he didn’t ask). With the exhaustion of the last forty-eight hours setting in, the extra space and privacy were appreciated by all members of the team. Sophie for one was taking advantage of the big cushy seats to fold her legs up and doze. Hardison looked at her, then at Nate (who was still brooding, how did he even have the energy?), and finally to Parker, who was probably decompressing the best out of all of them taking into account how frustrating this job had been for her. Her jump off the building after everything had likely helped; a little adrenaline was usually the key to getting Parker back to baseline. She had been content on the flight so far to sit and stare out the window, occasionally humming or bouncing her leg. Hardison smiled as he watched her.
Eliot, on the other hand, was going to drive him crazy if he didn’t relax soon.
The hacker had to cut him some slack. Being drugged would majorly unnerve anyone who relied on their control as much as Eliot did. He just hadn’t realized how much it would affect the other man. Not even fighting had gotten it out of his system. The hitter’s movements and speech had been slower, less clear than usual. His eyes would go unfocused briefly as he stared at whatever was in front of him, and once they got on the plane this was punctuated by his abruptly jumping up and walking the cabin end to end, as if doing a perimeter check. The fifth time he got up, Sophie caught Hardison’s eye from across the aisle and jerked her head subtly in his direction. The hacker mouthed some blustering in her direction (what did she think he could do about it??), but she just pretended to go back to sleep.
Hardison sighed. This was just putting them all on edge again, and he might as well try to see if there was anything he could do. He rose and followed Eliot back.
When Eliot turned at the end of the cabin to retrace his steps and saw Hardison there, he glowered at him. The effect was partially lessened by how the hitter’s hair was falling in his eyes, and he didn’t have the energy or awareness to brush it back. He looked, Hardison registered, bad off. He hated the dazed confusion that he saw cross Eliot’s face briefly. “Hey, you ok, man?” he asked, knowing both the answer and how Eliot would lie.
“I’m fine,” Eliot growled. Called it. “Get out of the way, I’ve gotta finish this sweep.”
Hardison blocked his path. “No, you don’t.” As Eliot he tried to get around him, he moved in front of him again. “Hey, listen to me. We’re in the air, have been for a couple hours, and nothing has changed since the last time you did a sweep. We’re all here, all safe, and we finished the job. No one’s coming after us. You have to trust me on this.” Remembering how the hitter had rushed to hug him earlier, he reached out and grabbed his arm to ground him. “We’re safe. You’re safe, you can relax.”
The second Hardison had touched him, Eliot went still. The hacker could feel the slight tremble running through him, but also how some of the tension was leaving his body. This better work, he thought, going in for the full hug. Eliot flinched and growled indignantly for a second before latching on to him with an iron grip and burying his face in his shoulder. Hardison patted his back. “It’s ok. You’re alright.”
Sensing he wasn’t going to be let go of anytime soon, Hardison shuffled them over to one of the seats. The awkward position was worth it to feel Eliot relax in his arms, becoming less tense with every deep breath he took. He restrained himself from startling when Parker appeared over his shoulder with a plastic water bottle. “He should have some water, it’ll flush the drugs out.” She waved the bottle at Eliot, who had opened one grumpy eye to look at her. “You’ll feel a lot better.”
Hardison took in the hitter’s hesitancy, and examined the bottle. “It’s unopened?” When she nodded, he patted Eliot on the back. “It’s just water, you can have it. Parker’s right, if you drink something you’ll feel better.”
Eliot growled something unintelligible, but took the bottle from the thief tentatively, and cracked it open to take a couple small sips. Parker beamed at him, flinging herself down to sit next to them, and the hacker squeezed a little tighter as positive reinforcement (judging from Eliot’s contented sigh, it worked). It was going to be a long flight back home, but as the quiet of the cabin settled around them again, Hardison didn’t mind spending it like this.
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sidras-tak · 3 years
closet case
The only funny thing about this situation is that Hardison was stuck, literally, in a closet, rather than metaphorically. He thought he’d escaped such a fate when he was fourteen.
Hardison did a lot of dangerous, scary things while on the con, at the request of Parker, Eliot, or even just when the situation called for it. Somehow, jumping off a building while strapped into one of Parker’s too-small rigs was better than this. Four hours in a storage closet, waiting for the pompous, rich assholes that owned the mansion he was in the process of robbing, to show up at the party that would provide him his cover to get out of this goddamn basement. Until his watch beeped, telling him it was time to change from his maintenance uniform into the swanky, well-cut tie and tails currently folded into his tool bag, he was obliged to sit in near-darkness, back against a cold cement wall. He could make conversation with his team through the earbud, of course, but Eliot had already snapped at him twice for distracting him and Parker had little to say while in Mastermind Mode. Besides, his nerves had been steadily building over the past few hours and he didn’t want to worry his team with how badly his voice would shake. He glanced around his confinement, willing his breathing to slow. The room was clearly bigger than a casket, clearly safer, with a full supply of clean, fresh air, and—most importantly—escapable. None of these facts made him feel any better. He was mentally planning a vacation for one, to be taken directly after this job was finished, somewhere with no enclosed spaces, when he heard the basement door open. He stiffened, flattening himself against the far wall. Footsteps approached. He grabbed a broom to defend himself with, useless as it probably was. The footsteps stopped outside his closet door and Hardison held his breath.
“Relax, it’s just me,” a voice said quietly. Hardison almost dropped the broom in surprise.
“Eliot?” he asked. The door opened and shut quickly and then Eliot was in the room with him, effectively cutting the amount of space Hardison had in half. Even so, his breathing came easier now that he wasn’t alone. He stood up and took half a step closer.
“What’s going on?” he asked. “Change of plans?”
“No,” Eliot said, folding his arms over his security uniform. There was a gun at his side and Hardison would bet money that it was empty. Eliot gestured to the door.
“Parker took out the basement security camera so I could come down here and check on you. We have about three minutes before the other guys get suspicious.”
“Okay, why?”
Eliot snorted. “Dude, we can hear you panic-breathing. Parker knew you’d be freaked out, ‘cause of the size of the closet. She wanted me to give you something.”
“Great, what is it?” Hardison said. “Xanax? Horse tranquilizer? Shot of whiskey? Man, I will take anything right now.”
“Okay,” Eliot muttered, in a voice that clearly said don’t say I didn’t warn you. Without preamble, he took Hardison’s face between his hands and kissed him on the mouth.
Hardison’s brain skidded to a halt. Before he could reboot and start kissing back, Eliot was pulling away. He rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Hardison’s eyes.
“That’s all she wanted to give you,” he said roughly. “Would have given it to you herself, but she’s caught up in the mark’s office, sweet-talking him, you know?”
“She’s gotten a lot better at that,” Hardison said, mind latching on to the change in topic.
“Yeah,” Eliot said. He glanced at his watch. “Time’s up, I gotta get back to doing the rounds. You sit tight and try not to freak out too much. Parker does better when she knows that you’re alright.”
Before he could leave, Hardison grabbed his arm. Eliot let himself be caught—there was no way he couldn’t wrench out of Hardison’s grasp if he wanted to—and that gave Hardison the courage to pull him closer. He closed the distance between them with a quick, careful kiss. Eliot exhaled slightly as their lips parted.
“For Parker,” Hardison explained. “Tell her ‘message received’.”
The guardedly hopeful look in Eliot’s eyes hardened slightly. He blinked and pulled away. “I’m not your damn messenger boy,” he muttered, turning his face away. Hardison turned it back with a hand against Eliot’s cheek.
He said, “that one was for Parker. This one is all for you.”
This time when he kissed Eliot, there was nothing careful or quick about it. A sound surged up from Eliot’s throat, like a growl, but gentler. It reminded Hardison of Eliot’s laugh, a sound from deep in his chest that had to be felt more than heard. Speaking of Eliot’s chest, Hardison took the opportunity to plaster himself against it. He slipped one arm around Eliot’s waist, bringing them even closer together. After a few seconds, Eliot broke the kiss.
“I gotta go,” he said, his voice rough in ways that Hardison was trying very hard not to think about.
“But it’s so lonely in here,” Hardison said, only half-joking. Eliot rolled his eyes.
“You can survive for another forty-five minutes. We’re on the job, remember?”
“I know,” Hardison groused. Then he glanced at Eliot and flashed him a smile. “One more for the road?”
“Just one,” Eliot said, leaning in and stealing significantly more than one kiss.
“After this job, I’m taking you out. Steak dinner,” Hardison promised.
Eliot groaned. “That’s not fair, you can’t just do that to a man.”
He hesitated. “Will Parker be okay with this?”
“Even if she hadn’t just sent you to kiss me on her behalf, I’d say the answer is a safe yes. She wants you. Do you want her too?”
“Yes,” Eliot answered quickly. If it was anyone else, Hardison might have laughed at the eagerness stuffed into the word. But it was Eliot, and that made his chest tight with something much nicer than panic.
He kissed Eliot once more, a callback to the first quick kiss only moments ago, and shoved him gently away.
“You better get back out there,” he said. Eliot nodded reluctantly. Halfway out the door, he looked back at Hardison. “Hey,” he said seriously. “It’s just forty-five more minutes. You can handle it.”
“I know I can. Thanks for reminding me,” Hardison said. Eliot gave him half a smile and shut the door with a small click. Hardison leaned against the wall with a sigh.
“You hear that, mama?” he asked. “We finally managed to steal us an Eliot.”
Parker’s voice came over the earbud, vibrating with excitement and pride. “All according to my master plan.”
“You two know I can hear you, right?” Eliot muttered in Hardison’s other ear.
“Yup,” Parker said gleefully. “Eliot, you better find an excuse to get to the third floor library. I heard Hardison give you my return kiss and I want it right now. Plus some extra, just because.”
“I can’t believe you two. In the middle of a job?” Eliot said, not sounding as annoyed as he probably wanted to.
Hardison closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall, content to wait, knowing that when the con came to an end, he’d have a steak dinner and the two most important people in his life waiting for him. It made the hours in the closet almost worth it.
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coffeesuperhero · 4 years
leverage fic recs
So, I needed a better organizational system than my AO3 bookmarks (boy do I miss delicious!), so I’m just going to start a post for myself here and reblog it occasionally as I add to it. Most (all?) of these are OT3 fics, because I am who I am and I read what I read. If you want non-OT3 fic recs, I am not your person. Probably you have read these, but if you haven’t, what are you waiting for! 
01. The Fake Geek Boy Job, by shinealightonme.  It’s casefic at a fan convention and Eliot has to cosplay. In spandex. Go read it and enjoy yourself, already. 
Beautiful shippy fic (everyone is together/small moments/slice of life): 
01. The Three Rings Job, by HugeAlienPie.  Sophie POV. The OT3 at Nate and Sophie’s wedding, where Nate and Sophie are not aware that there is now an OT3. It’s soft. And so sweet you could serve it as dessert. And it has the best boat name for a Nate and Sophie boat in the world. 
02. hacker/hitter/thief/home, by AtlantisRises.  A collection of short OT3 fics that hit you just right in the feels, in the best way. 
03. Nothing’s Exactly What We Need, by BabylonsFall. The OT3, on vacation. 
Everybody is together and also there’s a con: 
01. Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, by page_runner.  We love a good long fic where the OT3 help an old lady and con an HOA, because HOA’s are the worst. This fic also gives me deeply hurt feelings about the team having to leave Portland, which I know in my heart is probably the Way of Things, but which I will never write myself because heartbreak. But this deals with that reality so beautifully, and it’s a good con, too. 
Getting together OT3:  01. just want you close, by biblionerd07.  Eliot-POV, post-rundown, man am I a sucker for Eliot-POV stories where Parker and Hardison just...love the hell out of him, and this is just a lovely, careful, sweet version of that. 
02. international small arms traffic blues, by ftmsteverogers.  Eliot POV, character study + get together fic. Makes you very sad for Eliot, and then happier for Eliot. And I’m a sucker for anytime someone has to call Sophie for advice. 
03. So Come On, Avalanche, by elysiumwaits.  It is Eliot POV snowed-in at a cabin OT3 getting together fic, so idk what more you need to know to read it. 
04. Rings a Bell, by venilia.  Eliot wakes up with amnesia and thinks he’s married to Hardison and also has a Parker, it’s silly and sweet. 
05. The Thunderous Roll of a Tropical Sea (the moonlit memory I can’t seem to lose), by phnelt. **content notes: canon-typical violence + Mature! grown and sexy content ahoy!** I have classified this as a “getting together” story, because ultimately that is what happens, but it’s probably more like “eliot getting his shit together, and now they’re all together,” which is my favorite flavor of OT3 getting together fic, anyway. It starts out a little sad, because gasp! They were together but they split up!! But it has a happy ending. It also has fake marrieds, my favorite trope of all time. Eliot feeding Hardison strawberries and playing with his fake husband on a beach while Parker watches? Please. 
06. Happy Meal, by @leiascully Listen, I admit that I am biased, because my wife wrote this for me, but it is this really hilarious flirting-over-the-comms-pre-OT3-sort-of-getting-together story, and I laughed, and it was great, so you should enjoy it, too. 
07. Oklahoma’s Next Top Model, by Hedgehog-O-Brien (Roshwen).  Hardison POV. This fic has the greatest tag of all time, which is: “Title not entirely accurate bc Eliot's clearly a bottom but who cares“ and I knew I was in good hands solely on that basis before I read a word of the fic. Tbh I put this in this “getting together” category because I feel like it’s heavily implied at the end that there’s a getting together situation happening, but like, that’s not why you read this fic. You read this fic for the ridiculously over the top OT3 photoshoot of your wildest dreams. You will laugh. You will be entertained. Enjoy!
08. Fifty Fake Dates, by calico_fiction. WIP, Hardison POV. nb: This hasn’t been updated in a minute but a) I too have WIPs that take a long-ass time between updates, if this updated in ten years I would still be excited to read it and b) the chapter that’s up is such a delight to me that I really think it’s worth a read even if this is all of this story the author wants to post. It’s a great Hardison POV with some delicious pining and fake Hardison/Eliot dating, which is my jam. 
09. For Real, by BurningTea. It’s hard to do an accidental marriage in this canon, but this fic did that! Hardison’s technical expertise goes a bit awry and everybody has to have....a talk. About feelings. 
01. Dig Deep, by BurningTea.  Eliot has to dig his own grave and climb into it. It hurts a lot!!!! And then it’s comforting. So, exactly what it says on the tin. Good character observations and nicely written, hurts exactly right and comforts exactly right, too. 
Hot (nsfw, 18+, Mature, grown and sexy content for grown and sexy adults): 
01. Don’t Come Late, by @leiascully.  It’s just...the OT3, having really hot sex. That’s it, that’s the review. (The writing is delightful and there’s like, funny stuff in with the sexy stuff, which is real life and always nice to see, you know?) 
02. Take the Leap, by Penknife.  Hardison POV, first time OT3 threesome/verbal domination. The characterization in this is just **chef’s kiss** perfection. Funny, and hot. My favorite combo. 
03. The Post-Rundown Job, by DelektorskiChick.  Eliot POV, demi-Parker, mostly Eliot/Hardison but Parker’s participating in her own way. I’m a sucker for some good sexy post-injury care and this is right after Rundown, so it checks that box big time. 
04. In Sync, by monsoon_moon. Eliot POV, first time OT3some. 
Character studies: 
01. Dawning, by @darkfinch. Eliot POV, mind all the warnings.  This (read with its sequel, a WIP linked below) is probably one of my favorite Leverage pieces in existence? It is just the most beautiful, dark, horrible look at Eliot-works-for-Moreau you could hope for, except that also there’s a sequel called Reverberate, and that is also perfect and intense and really digs into what’s happening in Eliot’s mind and life during s3 after Nate drops the “we’re going after Moreau” bombshell. Both of these stories are painfully perfect and believable and real and I love them with my whole heart. The story structure and writing on both of those pieces is just excellent and the characterization is pitch perfect, and along with the stress and trauma you really get some just fantastic character moments. Idky you’re reading my review instead of the story tbh go read that, thanks!
02. Ten Prides in Portland, by @leiascully.  I put this as a character study because it is one? It’s about queer shit, and learning to be part of a community of queer people, and learning that you can be a mentor and a role model for other queer people even if you don’t have your own stuff figured out. I am extremely biased because this is my wife and I got to watch this story grow into existence every day, but I think it’s a really beautiful look at the queer community broadly, all the people who fit under the umbrella, and belonging. It’s sweet and funny and beautiful, and I really needed to feel like I was at Pride this year, and this helped. 
03. Different, by @leiascully. Hardison POV. Honestly this just made me want to go find baby Hardison and hug him for a really long time. 
04. The Twine and the Things We Bind, by @darkfinch.  WIP, H/C, big on the H. Parker and Hardison taking care of an extremely fractious, extremely injured Eliot Spencer is my jam.com forever and this is all of that with beautiful characterization and writing. Also some of the best action scenes I’ve read in a while. I do not write action At All and this does it SO WELL. 
05. A Kiss for Luck, by AlannaOfRoses.  Parker POV. A good look into Parker’s thoughts on luck during the Rundown Job/feelsy flashbacks. 
OC/Outsider POV: 
01. Let’s Go Steal a Protege, by @innytoes. WIP.  Gosh I adore this. It’s found family shenanigans from an outside-the-OT3 perspective. Jamie, the main POV OC (nonbinary rep!!), is a fucking delight of a human and their interactions with the super!married OT3 are all incredible. It is sweet and funny and sometimes sad but almost always in a happy tears kind of way, because it’s about finding a family. And there are so many genuine laugh-out-loud moments in this fic that I reread it a lot lately or think of it when I need something to lift my spirits. (There is a bit in chapter six with some thrift store purchases that I just absolutely lose my shit at every time.) I very badly want this story to just be canon tbh. Petition for that. 
01. The Out of This World Job (Or, Per Furtum Ad Astra), by pathera.  It’s a job, but it’s IN SPACE. Parker, Hardison, & Eliot find a spaceship; shenanigans ensue. Beautifully in character, some poignant character moments, awesome writing, and just a really vivid world. 
02. Plastic Pearls, by BabylonsFall.  Kidfic! Various POV. Parker and Hardison move in across the hall from single-dad Eliot. I adore this, it is sweet and soft and everything you could hope for in a story where Eliot is raising a smol Molly. 
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