#but he leans too much toward soft magic that is only loosely incorporated in the world
spectrum-color · 2 years
Hot take: it may be for the better that GRRM is never finishing aSoIaF because there is no way the payoff for the cool magic stuff he’s set up (Azhor Ahai and Lightbringer, the Long Night, whatever tf was up with the prophecies Rhaegar followed) will be remotely as awesome as fan theories have been
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kmomof4 · 4 years
Operation Secret Santa
And that is not just the title to the fic! Hello @teeandsnowflakes, I was your CS Secret Santa this year! It’s been so much fun chatting with you this month! I hope you’re enjoying your Christmas break and that you like this little fic I’ve written for you! I had planned a series of scenes showcasing CS getting ready for the holidays, but then presents showed up and the fic went in an entirely new direction. I still tried to incorporate some of your favorite Christmas things though and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you! I also hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Thank you to @cssecretsanta2k19 for organizing this fun event and to @profdanglaisstuff for beta services! 
And now for your gift Tee! Merry Christmas!!! 
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Operation Secret Santa “Just a little more to the right, Killian,” Emma instructed, waving her hands in front of her as if her husband, who was currently hidden behind the newly cut Christmas tree, could see her.
Killian spit out the pine needles that he’d gotten a mouthful of as he tilted the tree to the right. He was so surrounded by the spicy scent of pine and scratchy branches that he could barely tell which way was up, much less whether it was straight or not.
“No, no, no Killian, the other right… my right,” she admonished, when the tree hovered precariously near the point of no return in its potential, imminent journey to the floor.
Killian huffed. “Well, how am I supposed to know that darling?” he groused affectionately as he straightened the tree up in the stand. “Ok lad, crawl under there and screw the trunk in place,” he said to Henry who was trying desperately, but unsuccessfully, to smother his laughter at his mother, who looked to him to be trying to take flight, and his step-father who he couldn’t even see properly behind the evergreen.
Henry crawled underneath the tree and proceeded to twist the screws into the trunk. Crawling back out, he was greeted with bright, happy smiles from his parents that he immediately returned. He turned around with a flourish of his arm. “Behold, the first annual Swan-Jones Christmas tree! Now for lights and ornaments!” He dashed off toward the basement to collect the boxes of decorations that had come with them from New York and that he and Emma had collected after the Final Battle in anticipation of their first Christmas as a fully intact family.
“Need some help, lad,” Killian called down when the teenager didn’t immediately reappear.
“Uh, yeah,” Henry called back, a note of, something, in his voice. “There’s more down here than I remember.”
With a cheeky grin at his wife, Killian sauntered over to the basement and disappeared down the stairs.
When Killian also didn’t reappear, Emma started down the stairs. “What’s taking you guys so lo- ohhh!” she exclaimed. For in front of her eyes and filling the basement were boxes upon boxes of not just Christmas decorations, but presents. Lots and lots of presents. Wrapped up in brightly colored paper, topped with sparkly bows and tags with the names Emma, Henry, and Killian.
Emma stared, slack jawed at the sight. There were enough presents here to make up for all the lonely years growing up when she was lucky if she got one present. And as an adult as well, when the only presents she ever got was if she bought them herself. Killian moved forward from the foot of the stairs to the first gift with his name on it. He ripped the paper and deftly opened the box with his hook. Looking inside, his eyes got as big as, well, a child’s at Christmas. His mouth opened and shut several times, before she finally asked, “What is it?”
He swallowed heavily before bringing it over to them. Peering down into the box, they found a soft, black teddy bear. A bear that was missing an eye, but otherwise was completely whole. Tears were gathering in his eyes as he explained, “He was mine… be…” he rubbed his hand over his face before continuing, “before Flint threw him overboard. Said only babies had those. I remember the day he lost the eye. I just couldn’t leave the loose thread alone and it came off in my hand. I cried for hours thinking I’d ruined him.” Emma gathered him in her arms as a barking sob escaped him. “I never thought I’d see him again,” he cried, his words muffled into her shoulder. “Where did this come from?” He raised his head from her shoulder and turned his inquiring eyes back to the piles of boxes.
Emma shook her head slowly. “I have no idea, Killian,” she said in awe, slowly making her way over to a gift with her name on it. After opening her own, she could feel her own tears gathering. She could feel her husband and son come up behind her on either side before she turned to them. “It’s a wooden music box. I remember seeing it in a catalog when I was about 10. It had Disney characters carved into the sides and played “When You Wish Upon a Star.” I remember thinking that surely wishing on a star and having that music box would mean that my parents would find me and take me home.” Now it was her turn to be enveloped in two pairs of strong arms and to feel the tears escape.
“And now you have, Swan,” Killian murmured into her hair before placing a gentle kiss there. “Your turn lad,” he nodded, encouragingly.
Henry untangled himself from their embrace and slowly walked to the pile of presents. Picking up a large gaily decorated box, he opened it. Inside he found The Chronicles of Narnia. The entire series. In hardback. He held up The Magician’s Nephew to his parents, stunned. “This was at the top of my Christmas list when I was eight. My other mom never really listened to what I wanted for Christmas or birthdays before I brought you home, Mom. I think she gave me a remote control car for Christmas that year. Along with an art set and some other books that I couldn’t care less about. How can this be?” he asked, incredulously. “Could Santa be real too?”
“Given the denizens of our fair hamlet, I’d have to admit to a sneaking suspicion that he is,” Killian speculated.
“But who?” Emma interjected. “Who could it be?” She turned her emerald gaze upon Killian first, then Henry.
A smirk broke Henry’s face and his eyes twinkled. “Sounds like Operation Secret Santa to me!”
Killian’s anticipatory grin could have lit up the Christmas tree all by itself. “A fine name for the operation, my boy!” He turned his eyes upon Emma. “Are you in, Swan?” he asked.
“Are you kidding?” she barked, “I’m the OG Operation cohort! Of course, I’m in!”
“All right!” Henry gave an enthusiastic fist pump. “Let’s get the rest of these gifts upstairs and the tree decorated, then Operation Secret Santa can commence!”
“Let’s go,” Emma agreed. Picking up as many boxes as they could hold, they moved back to the main floor of the house.
All of Storybrooke had gathered at Granny’s on Christmas Eve for a blowout Christmas party that rivaled any yuletide ball held in the Enchanted Forest. This was the first time since the original curse broke that they’d been able to celebrate Christmas, what with villians running amok and general magical mayhem. Granny’s was decorated with every tacky Christmas decoration you could possibly think of, from the tree in the corner covered with brightly colored lights, balls, and tinsel, tinseled garlands strung across the windows to the kitchen, balls of holly and mistletoe holding up the garlands and in every doorway, fake snow on the counters and a fairytale village in the front window. With the jukebox playing Celine Dion’s recording of  O Holy Night, Emma looked around at all her friends and family talking, dancing, and eating their way through Granny’s bountiful Christmas buffet. Catching Henry’s eye, she joined him at the jukebox.
“Well?” she asked, “What do you think? Have you gathered any clues on who Santa could be?”
“None,” he answered. “But, everyone has had the same thing that happened to us, happen to them.”
“Really,” Emma exclaimed.
“Yeah,” he began, “Ashley, Shawn, and even Alexandra got a pile of presents. Ariel and Eric, Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Zelena, and Robin, Archie, Pongo, even the fairies! No one’s been left out.”
“But, from what I can tell, everyone’s gotten presents based on the years of the curse, or…” he trailed away with a puzzled look on his brow, “their years as a hero. For instance, Mom only had six presents, the years since the curse broke, and Zelena had even less, but Robin had two, since she’s two. You had thirty-four, the years of the curse plus the years since, Killian had thirty-seven, as near as I can figure, his years growing up until Milah died and he became a villain plus the years since you all saved me in Neverland.”
“Interesting,” she mused. “It’s like he was saving them up for when we could all relax and enjoy the holiday.”
“Yeah, exactly,” Henry agreed.
“But that doesn’t get us any closer to who it might be.”
Killian joined them then with a grin that nearly split his face. “I have succeeded!” he exclaimed.
“Succeeded? You know who Santa is?” Emma demanded.
“What?” he asked, startled, “No! I sweet talked Granny into giving me her secret gingerbread cookie recipe.” He slipped his arm around her waist and gave her a cheeky smirk and wink. “Since I know your fondness for that particular seasonal delight.” He leaned in and whispered, “She doesn’t measure the molasses.”
Emma shrugged with a sheepish grin on her face. “Well, okay, I guess I forgive you.”
Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas is You now poured through the speakers as Emma’s attention settled on Marco and Archie sitting in the booth nearest them enjoying Granny’s gingerbread and cocoa. Marco got up suddenly and smiled widely at her. The booth was close enough that she knew he could hear every word they said. The twinkle in his eye made Emma narrow hers at the older gentleman, and when he shot a wink her way, her eyes grew huge as the puzzle pieces clicked into place. Marco raised a finger to his lips before turning away and heading for the door. Emma could hardly contain her excitement as a plan began to take shape in her mind.
“I think it might be time for all the good little children to get to bed if they want Santa to visit,” she said, staring pointedly at Henry. “It’s getting late.”
Henry rolled his eyes at her. “Good grief, Mom. I’m sixteen, not six. I don’t need to be in bed yet.”
Killian pulled Emma closer in to his side and waggled his eyebrows lasciviously at his bride. “Well, I don’t know about ‘good little children,’ but I know a grown up pirate who’d like to go to bed.”
Emma giggled and slapped his chest playfully as Henry rolled his eyes again and groaned. “Ewwww, gross, Dad! Teenager present! Fine, I’ll go home and go to bed. Just keep it down, okay?” he pleaded.
“I make no promises, lad.”
Emma came down the stairs of her home, much later, on tiptoe, seeking to surprise their midnight visitor.
“Ah HA!” she whisper shouted.
Marco spun around with his hand to his chest. “You scared the life out of me, your Highness!”
Emma rolled her eyes. “You know better than to call me that, Marco.” She approached him as he turned back to his work, placing presents under the tree. “You’re Santa Claus?” She couldn’t keep the awe out of her voice as she watched him.
“I have many names around the world in this realm, my dear. The one I’m known by in the Enchanted Forest is Belsnickel.”
“Where did all the Christmas presents come from?”
“Always the sheriff,” he chuckled, “Have to have the answers to all the questions, don’t you? Henry was right. Years as a hero that I didn’t get to deliver presents,” he explained. “Whether that was because of the curse, or the chaos of the ensuing years.”
“What about Killian?” she asked. “He had thirty-seven presents.”
“That blessed boy!” Marco laughed. “As a child and lad growing up in servitude, and even at the Naval Academy, it would have been pointless to give him his gifts. They would have been confiscated or destroyed by his masters. Before he turned villain, it just wasn’t practical to give him the things that had collected over the years. A ship just wasn’t the place for them. Once he turned villain, after Milah’s death, he didn’t deserve anything from me, so there wasn’t anything for him for centuries. But once he chose the hero’s path, I started saving his gifts again. I knew this day was coming and how much it would mean to him to receive all those gifts from his childhood.”
“But…” She trailed away. He turned his bright brown eyes upon her as comprehension dawned.
He smiled gently at her. “Yes, I am many hundreds of years old. I have far sight and can see many things that are secret,” he winked at her, “and yet to be.” Emma’s eyes fell toward the floor as a blush graced her cheeks. “And now, my dear, my work here is done. I must move on to the other residents of our fair town before I retire tonight.”
Emma’s eyes were still focused on her feet as Marco raised her chin to look at him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Merry Christmas, Your Highness.” And then he was gone.
Christmas night, Emma sat tucked between Killian’s legs on the sofa in front of the fire and Christmas tree just watching the blinking lights and enjoying a cup of cocoa before bed. Christmas Day had been magical and perfect. Filled to overflowing with love and laughter, family and friends. Killian shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he muttered, “What in the world is that?”
“Hmmm? What in the world is what?” she replied, twisting to look up at him.
“Every time the lights blink, something blinds me. Something on the tree.”
Emma hoisted herself up and walked over to the tree. “I don’t know. Is it reflecting off an ornament? Or maybe there’s something else hidden in the tree?” she wondered, aloud. She reached in and withdrew a tiny wrapped box with Killian’s name on it. She gasped in surprise as she turned and brought it over to where he sat. “It’s for you.”
“Thank you, love.” He reached up and took the small token from her, not quite able to hide his surprise.
“Don’t thank me. I don’t know where that came from. Must be from Santa,” she whispered with a small smile on her lips.
He smirked at her. “Marco, you mean?” he cheeked. “I still can’t believe that Marco is Santa,” he murmured opening the box. Inside was something that had his eyebrows shooting all the way to his hairline. He pulled out a pink pacifier with his hook and held it up for Emma’s inspection. A bashful grin lit up her face.
“I just found out for sure this afternoon,” she began, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
“You’re with child?” Killian choked out, rising from the sofa and drawing Emma into his arms.
“Yes,” she beamed at him. “Merry Christmas, Killian.”
“A very merry Christmas, indeed, Swan.” He lowered his head towards her and captured her lips in a kiss filled with love and joy of the future laid out before them.
A/N Obviously in my timeline, Emma got pregnant with Hope much earlier than in canon. I hope you liked this Tee! Merry Christmas!
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got7-texts · 7 years
Busy - Jinyoung (Day 67/100)
You can find my post explaining the 100 Day Drabble Challenge here
To read the other drabbles in my drabble challenge, click here
Prompt: Busy Member: Jinyoung x Reader AU: HarryPotter!AU
Word Count: 2149
Two in one day?! OMG, my mom would be so proud :') Also, this is one of my favorite AU's and drabbles. I think I love it because I incorporated more than just one character, but I really like this one y'all~
“Wait, so what happened when you asked her?” Jaebum asked, sitting down across from Jinyoung while adjusting his green tie. Jinyoung had his chin in his hands and looked solemn with a faraway expression.
“Apparently she just said she was too busy studying for exams,” Mark chimed in from where he was sitting next to Jinyoung. Jinyoung gave a small groan but continued to stare off into the distance as he thought about his encounter with you earlier that day.
He had known you since your first year since you were both in Ravenclaw, and you had been acquaintance for a while, but it was only recently in the past year or so that he began to develop feelings for you. He had never really dated anyone before, though, so he wanted to make sure that everything went well.
He had talked about you to all of his friends and they had agreed that he should ask you out, but when he asked you to hang out with him at the Three Broomsticks that weekend, you had apologized, saying that midterms were going to be the death of you.
“Maybe she didn’t pick up on the fact that you were actually asking her out,” Jaebum pitched, reaching over to grab a muffin. Jinyoung hummed but continued to mope and feel sorry for himself.
“Try asking her again tomorrow!” Jackson pitched, excitedly appearing out of thin air, his red tie loosely draped around his neck as he sat next to Mark. Jinyoung looked up at his friend and shot him a confused look.
“Why bother? She already said no,” he said, putting his head back in his hands and sighing wistfully.
“No, she said she was busy studying for exams. That’s not a no. That’s a ‘this time doesn’t work for me so ask again later’,” Jaebum said with a small smirk on her face.
“Yea! You have to be persistent! And since it’ll be Friday tomorrow say ‘next week’ don’t just be like ‘Saturday night at 7’,” Jackson said, using air quotes before letting out an ‘oohh’ at the muffin in Jaebum’s hand and grabbing one for himself.
“So you want me to get rejected twice?” Jinyoung asked, looking back and forth at his friends. They all had encouraging looks on their faces and seemed to want him to go for it once more.
“Just do it. What’s the worst that can happen?” Mark said, giving him another smile.
“I’m really sorry, Jinyoung but next week is even worse for me. That’s when I actually have all of the exams” you exclaimed, your mind flying in a million directions at once. ��I have a Potions paper, a Transfiguration and a Herbology Exam a project for Care of Magical Creatures, and I have to do a bunch of interviews for History of Magic,” you added, wanting nothing more than to go to your room and cry over all of the work you had yet to finish.
You watched as Jinyoung’s smile fell from his face and you could tell that he was disappointed, which only made you feel worse. You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a small crush on the Ravenclaw. He was charming and sweet and also one of the most intelligent people you had met in a long time.
And that’s exactly why you couldn’t say yes.
You knew that the moment you did, you would be head over heels for him. It would be worse than an Amortentia potion, and that was not what you needed right before all of your exams. You needed a clear head, lots of time, and no distractions.
Even if that meant temporarily distancing yourself of the one person you actually wanted to spend more time with.
“Oh. That’s okay, I understand,” he said, keeping a small smile on his face that was clearly being used to mask another emotion. You clutched your book harder into your stomach and resisted the urge to reach out to take his hand in your own.
“Jinyoung, I…I’m really sorry. I would love to go out with you but it’s…it’s just not a good time right now,” you stuttered, cussing at yourself for being unable to tell him how you truly felt. If you told him you had feelings for him, that would just make the waiting even more painful for the both of you, so you had to push everything aside.
“Yea, no problem. I’ll see you in Astronomy on Monday, okay?” he said, giving you a small wave and then hurrying down the corridor, leaving you to feel even worse about yourself and the decisions you made. You breathed deeply and bit your lip, deciding that you had already made your decision and that you would stay by it.
Until your last exam next Friday, you would not think about Jinyoung at all.
“She hates me.” “She doesn’t hate you.” “She literally said she hates me!” “Did she actually?” “No, but she might as well have.”
Mark shook his head and glanced around the Ravenclaw common room, punching Jackson to get his attention to help. The Gryffindor abruptly looked up from his book with a confused look and a muttered ‘ow’ making Mark glare at him and then shake his head and look at Jaebum. The latter sighed and scooted over on the sofa to sit next to Jinyoung.
“Look, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but you’re a Ravenclaw, right? So think about it logically. If she said this week is her exam week, then that means she’s only busy for this week. Just wait until the end of the week and ask her out again after she’s done with her exams,” Jaebum said, shrugging like it was the simplest thing in the world.
“Isn’t three times considered desperate,” Jinyoung mumbled, staring into the fireplace.
“No.” “No.” “Yes.”
All three boys looked at Jackson with disbelief but he simply looked up and shrugged.
“Well, he’s desperate, right? It’s not a bad thing…” he mumbled, going back to reading his book. Jaebum and Mark shot each other a look before turning back to Jinyoung.
“Look, everything will be fine. Just give it some time and next week, try again,” Jaebum said, matter of factly.
“And iinstead of just asking her out, tell her how you feel about her. She might be more inclined to tell you how she feels as well,” Mark said, patting Jinyoung on the back and returning to the essay he was working on. Jinyoung nodded and sighed, mumbling a ‘thanks’ to his friends before staring back into the fireplace and debating how to confess to you.
’Just one more question….and…DONE!’ you thought to yourself as you practically lept out of your seat to turn in your exam. You shot the professor a smile and then made your way out of the classroom. You stood for a moment outside the door and took a deep breath. You were finally free for the rest of the weekend.
The only thing left to do was to find someone to spend it with.
You immediately headed down the stairs towards the Great Hall. Although you had tried to push thoughts of Jinyoung asking you to dinner out of your head so you could focus on your exams, he would still creep into your mind every time you took a break or stopped focusing on school.
You had always felt attracted to him, but now you were feeling stronger and stronger by the minute. You cursed yourself for not at least confessing your feelings before, but there was no way that you could go back and change your decision. It’s not like you had a time turner or anything.
And besides, you were sure that he would understand. He didn’t seem like the kind of person to have such a huge pride that he wouldn’t accept your feelings just because something was in the way for a while.
You entered the hall and immediately headed to the Ravenclaw table, scanning it up and down for any signs of the boy. You knew that he was free at this time because you would always come here after class for a snack and you would catch glimpses of him now and then.
Today, however, you couldn’t seem to find him at all. You did however, spot your housemate Mark eating with the Gryffindor (you thought his name was Jackson?) that Jinyoung always spent time with. You were reluctant to ask them where their friend was, but after a few moments of pacing back and forth, you decided to best your anxiety and you headed towards them.
“Um…excuse me?” you said, your light soft as you called for the attention of the two boys. As they turned to you, Mark’s face softened in recognition and he shot you a smile.
“Hey, Y/N!” he said, cheerfully. “You looking for Jinyoung?” he added, making your heart beat faster. How did he know? Had you been compromised? Did someone already tell Jinyoung how you felt? Did Jinyoung not feel the same anymore? Did he not want to see you?
“Yes, actually I was,” you stated, your voice much more confident than how you truly felt. “Do you know where he is?” you asked, casually.
“He said he would be out by the courtyard working on something, but he didn’t say for how long,” Jackson said, genially. “I’d try the Clock Tower Courtyard,” he added, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. You nodded and told them both ‘thank you’ before heading out of the hall.
As you walked through the castle, you began to feel nervous, wondering what to say to him and how to confess. You remembered all the times in each of your classes that you had seen him and felt your stomach do flips. As you reached the courtyard, you tried to spot him and ultimately found him leaning up against one of the arches.
“Jinyoung!” you exclaimed, slightly out of breath. You hadn’t realized you had been walking so fast and you were now a bit embarrassed, hoping you didn’t look as frazzled as you felt. Jinyoung sat up at the sound of his name and then his eyes fell on you and they grew wide.
“Y/N?” Jinyoung exclaimed in surprise. You could tell that he hadn’t expected to see you here and you hoped that you hadn’t taken him out of his element too much.
“Hi!” you stated, mentally smacking yourself. Was that the best you could come up with? Jinyoung, however, didn’t seem to mind and gave you a small ‘hi’ while patting the seat next to him for you to sit down. You walked over slowly and sat down, facing out towards the Forbidden Forest before turning to Jinyoung.
“So…um…I just finished my last exam,” you said, staring up conversation. Jinyoung looked over at you with raised eyebrows.
“Transfiguration? Or Herbology?” he asked.
“Transfiguration,” you said. “I think it went pretty well,” you added, to which Jinyoung hummed. There was a moment of silence when suddenly you both spoke at the same time.
“Listen, I – ” “Do you want – ”
You both immediately fell silent and then broke out into small chuckles at the awkward timing.
“You go first,” you said, motioning for Jinyoung to take the lead. He gave you a small smile and then coughed a bit before clearning his throat.
“I was just going to say…I’ve always really liked you, Y/N. Ever since we first met I think I liked you. I think you’re beautiful and smart…And I know you said no before, but…now that you’re done with exams and don’t have anything else left…do you want to go to Hogsmade with me?” Jinyoung asked, glancing up at you hopefully. You could tell that he was a bit nervous, but that only made your grin become bigger.
“Of course I’ll go out with you Jinyoung,” you said, nodding and biting your lip as you smiled. Jinyoung looked up to you with big eyes and a grin plastered on his face.
“Really?” Jinyoung asked, genuinely wanting to know if you actually felt the same way or if you were just taking pity on him.
“Yes! I always kind of liked you too. And for the record, I wanted to go out when you first asked me! I just had a lot on my mind and the timing was wrong and…it was just…hard,” you stated, your thoughts still a bit scrambled from the exam you had just taken.
“That’s okay, you’re allowed to be stressed sometimes,” Jinyoung said, turning to face you. “Just not this weekend,” he added, making you laugh lightly.
“Deal,” you said, nodding and smiling. “So…this Saturday? 7 o’clock?” you asked. Jinyoung nodded and shot you another smile that made you knees weak.
“I’ll meet you at the Three Broomsticks.”
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