#but her relaxed neutral look has a more loose hold to the trunk. sad has her trunk curling in on itself w her eye stalks held more loosely
dinoserious · 2 years
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squad. and some gully expressions
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God & His Priests & His Kings V2: Chapter 2 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
I’m rewriting this fic almost 3 years after I finished it since new ideas and plot bunnies have hit so here’s hoping I can stick with the series and see it through this time around. Sequel to How Rare & Beautiful.
Master list Word Count: 2,865 Upload: 05/23/21
Previous Chapter
Gesture of Resistance - Scarlet Heart Ryeo
I was among the beautiful trees in Tenebrae once again, the dreamscape mimicking my memories from seven years ago. I hummed quietly as I wove my way between the massive trees, letting the dreamscape lead me to where I was needed. Standing between two trees was the one who called me, a familiar woman dressed in white as the moonlight made her blonde hair appear almost silver.
I approached her with a warm smile, accepting her hand when I came to stand at her side.
"Luna, it has been so long since we last spoke." I said joyfully, squeezing her hand gently as I greeted her.
"And the fault for that is mine, dear one. The empire's grip on Tenebrae is suffocating and these days, it is a trial to simply perform my duties as Oracle. Can you forgive me for my silence?" the woman pleaded, her pale blue eyes searching for forgiveness.
"There is nothing to forgive as the fault doesn't lie with you. You needed rest more than you needed to speak with me, Luna." I assured the former princess, guiding her towards a bench that appeared at the edge of the forest.
"Of course, Soo. Thank you." the blonde woman shifted, making herself comfortable on the bench, "I take it that Goryeo has treated you well, as you are appearing as a growing woman rather than the appearance of your soul."
I looked down at myself, completely unaware that I had taken on the appearance of my living body, draped in silks and the light linens of my people rather than the bloodied school uniform I had died in.
"I guess I'm more comfortable in my skin now than before. You look like your mother just….sadder." I observed, noticing faint frown lines on her face despite her young age of nineteen.
"My wellbeing is nothing for you to worry yourself over. Nifelheim cannot hurt me for fear of angering the people. I am the Oracle, and without an heir to pass my duties onto, I am as safe from the empire as I can be." the former princess assured me gently before turning her gaze to me, "You however may not be. Ravus has entered Nifelheim's military and returns to the manor run ragged, meaning that the empire is planning an assault."
"There are few targets that remain free from the empire's grasp—Accordo is no longer a target as they publicly declared their neutrality; the empire has been at a standstill against Lucis for some years now, few territories outside Insomnia remain in freedom." I observed, thinking carefully about the whispers that had come into port with the travelling merchants.
"All that remains unconquered outside of Lucis is Galahd, and Goryeo. Despite your kingdom's unspoken neutrality, your council of princesses remain a threat to the empire due to the kingdom's history of peace and allegiance with the past kings of Lucis. If called upon, your people would most likely side with King Regis out of duty, if not out of honour." Luna continued, her fingers fretting at the hem of her dress.
"Where do you think the empire will strike first?" I questioned, looking up at the starlit sky through the trees as if searching them for answers.
"Galahd, I believe. Unlike Goryeo, they have no army lying in wait for a call to arms. It would be considered an easy victory before moving onto Goryeo." I felt guilty about the relief that washed over me at hearing that Galahd was the first target, but it gave me that much more time to convince the council to begin preparing the soldiers and people.
"Thank you for telling me this, Luna. I know you're busy enough with your duties as Oracle." I said quietly, looking to the blonde woman beside me.
"There is no need to thank me, we are both agents of the Astrals, meant to guide the Chosen King. You can't guide him if you fall to the empire." Luna assured me, her hand resting on my shoulder and squeezing it gently. I smiled in response before looking up at the sky as dawn slowly began to colour the sky.
"You should probably get some actual rest, Luna. I know coming to the dreamscape leaves you drained." I told the blonde, looking back to meet her blue gaze.
"Of course. It was good speaking with you again, Soo-Min." she said in farewell, a sad smile resting on her face.
"Go get some rest, princess. You need your beauty sleep." I replied, making a shooing motion with my hands. Luna laughed quietly before fading out of the dreamscape, leaving me to wander until I awoke.
Fingers slowly traced their way up the curve of my body as the dawn's light woke me from my slumber. I hummed quietly, offering a sleepy good morning to Orion as his lips gently brushed my cheek before he slipped out from under the blankets.
I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, holding the blanket to my chest while I watched Orion dress in the morning light. I propped my head up on my knees, smiling lightly as I admired his figure, my gaze filled with fondness as he grinned cockily upon noticing my eyes focusing on him.
"I'll see you in a few days, jagiya. The boss is wanting to bring in a large haul, so we're going to be out at sea for a while." Orion told me as he sat on the bedding in front of me, pulling on his worn leather boots.
"Be careful out there." I murmured quietly, allowing him to steal a quick kiss before leaving.
"I always find my way back to you; don't worry." The older man assured me as he slipped out into the quiet courtyard, closing the rice paper door behind him.
I was left alone in the morning silence, relaxing for a few more moments before I slowly pulled myself from the warm bedding to begin dressing for the day. I gathered the hanbok from the day before and tucked it into the wash bag for the musuri to collect before opening my clothing trunk to select a new one for the day.
Dressing in the plain white underclothes, I proceeded to put up my hair before continuing to dress in the green silks and cotton of my uniform. Brushing a light dusting of powder onto my face, I inspected my exposed skin for any lingering marks left behind by my encounter with Orion. Satisfied that I had no noticeable bite marks or bruising, I slipped my shoes on and quietly departed from my quarters to collect Princess Eun-Byeol's morning meal.
I slipped into the kitchens just in time to see the cooks preparing the princess' food, allowing me enough time to snatch an apple and enjoy it before bustling off to see if the hot water was ready for the morning tea. I eyed the boiling kettle before setting to work, selecting the ingredients for the tea blend.
I hummed lightly as I worked, mixing the dried leaves together and putting them into a small jar to travel to the princess' chambers. I collected the necessary pots and cups before pouring the boiled water into one of the tea pots and transferring everything onto the tray. The morning meal was quickly being placed onto the tray as it came closer to the hour the princess was awoken at, and I was soon carrying it through the palace halls to where the third princess was sure to be awake and readying herself for the day.
I quietly entered the princess' chambers, offering Eun-Byeol a respectful nod as court lady Bo-Ra dressed her in lavish silks of pink and violet. I began to move the food from tray to tabletop, arranging it quickly before starting on the tea.
As I waited for the tea to brew, I watched Bo-Ra do Eun-Byeol's hair in a beautiful style that complimented her youthful face and announced her status as a woman without a consort. Her hair was pulled away from her face, and braided intricately and pinned to the top of her head, while the rest of her hair hung loose down past her waist. Her jewelry was silver, accented by pearls and opals as they decorated her rings and hair pins.
I turned my attention back to the tea, placing a strainer over the top of the teapot that once contained the hot water before pouring the tea into it. I continued to prepare the breakfast, placing it in front of the princess once she had seated herself at the table. Offering her a small bow, I backed away from the table slowly and stood against the wall as she broke her fast.
"Soo-yah, what do I have to attend to today?" Eun-Byeol asked as she lifted the cup of tea to her lips.
I cleared my throat gently before answering, "There is a court session being held in an hour that requires your presence, and you are to survey the conditions of the markets this afternoon."
The elder girl nodded her head slightly, acknowledging my words before finishing her food and tea in silence. As soon as the princess appeared to have finished, I gestured to Bo-Ra to begin clearing the table as Eun-Byeol made her way out of her quarters with me trailing behind her.
The remainder of the princess' handmaidens joined us as we departed from the wing of the palace that contained the living space of the royal families. We headed towards the courtroom, already hearing the hushed mutterings of men and women as they awaited the arrival of the princesses.
Eun-Byeol was the last of the princesses to arrive in the antechamber, nodding her head respectfully to Gyeong-Hui and the second princess, Se-Hyeon, before falling into place behind the elder women while the court ladies congregated behind the princess they served.
A eunuch announced their arrival to the court, the council of princesses sweeping into the room in fluttering silks, the court bowing reverently as they praised their reign and their long life. As the council climbed the stairs to their thrones, the court ladies arranged themselves on the ascending steps according to the hierarchy. I was closest to Eun-Byeol as her main court lady, my mother smiling lightly at me as she stood among Se-Hyeon's ladies.
The head eunuch stepped forward, bearing a scroll with the itinerary for the day's court proceedings.
"Today the council of princesses will be hearing the cases of a marriage proposal between the clans Kwon and Byun, a trade proposal from lady Baek A-Reum on behalf of Baek Song-Ki, and the territorial conflict between the minor clans of Park and Min." Gyeong-Hui smiled warmly at the court gesturing for the first case to step forward.
The clan representatives the Kwon and Byuns approached from the group of politicians and clan heads, making their way to the foot of the dias. I slowly began to tune out their petition for the union of two of their clan members, focusing on those who filled the courtroom. The various individuals were either respectfully listening to the case being posed at the moment or allowing their minds to wander until it was their turn to speak.
A commotion at the back of the hall caught my eye, the eunuchs were fluttering around nervously and appeared to be in a panic. One of them skirted the edge of the hall and whispered quickly into the head eunuch's ear before silently rushing back into the antechamber.
As the clan representatives finished their speeches, the princesses looked to each other before Gyeong-Hui began to speak.
"The council of Princesses grants permission for this most honourable union between the clans Kwon and Byun to occur. You may seek out the royal astrologist to have a wedding day decided upon. We wish your clan members a happy and blessed union." she offered, nodding her head as the representatives bowed in thanks and respectfully began to move away from the stairs.
The head eunuch cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the princesses and the rest of the court.
"Your highnesses, an embassy from Nifelheim has arrived and is seeking an audience with you." the head eunuch called out with a slight tremble to his voice, clearly unsettled by the suddenness of the situation.
The court erupted into hushed whispers, the second and third princesses shifting at the mention of the empire. Gyeong-Hui's eyes merely narrowed, her hands gripping the arms of her throne a bit tighter than before. She glanced between Se-Hyeon and Eun-Byeol before nodding to eunuch grimly.
"Very well, let him in then." she announced, a silence falling over the court as tension filled the hall.
A figure strode in from the antechamber, heavily cloaked despite the warm climate of the island kingdom. A heavy silence weighed upon the hall, a chill creeping up my spine as the stranger drew closer. Coming to a halt at the foot of the stairs, the man gave a swepting bow, removing his hat almost mockingly.
"Greetings to the fair princesses of Goryeo, and their many clans." the stranger called out in a eccentric drawl, smirking lightly at the three princesses seated before him, "Allow me to introduce myself, Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, embassy of Nifelheim to your fair city."
Gyeong-Hui narrowed her gaze slightly, staring down at the man before her.
"Welcome, Chancellor Izunia. Forgive our surprise, we were unaware of your arrival or impending visit to our court." the first princess offered frostily, her black eyes staring into those of the chancellor's.
"There is nothing to forgive, your highnesses. The Emperor would have sent word but it was simply easier for me to deliver the offer to you myself." the chancellor replied, putting on a faint smile that served to put me on further edge.
"And what is Nifelheim's offer, Chancellor? The council is willing to hear your proposal." Se-Hyeon said, leaning forward slightly as she watched Izunia slowly move up the stairs.
"It has come to the empire's attention that Goryeo has remained impartial for the entirety of the war, a decision which the Emperor deeply respects. He would like to extend a formal offer of peace to your fair city." my eyes narrowed further the closer Izunia came to the princesses, the tension in the hall weighing heavily on us all.
"What would the terms of this peace be?" Eun-Byeol questioned, her hands worrying the sleeve of her ruqun.
"My dear princess, the empire offers peace through the unification of royal lines." the chancellor said as he came to a stop on the step below me, "The empire proposes the marriage of the third princess Eun-Byeol to Ravus Nox Fleuret, the former prince of Tenebrae, as a symbol of peace."
The court immediately erupted into whispers, the princesses staring at the man in shock as they tried to process this offer. Gyeong-Hui raised her hand swiftly, silencing the murmurs of politicians and other court members.
"That is a generous offer, Chancellor. However, the empire appears to unaware of our customs in regards to marrying outside of Goryeo." the first princess announces, staring the foreign man in the eye, "If we were to consent to this marriage, third princess Eun-Byeol would be forced to abdicate from her position on the council and leave for Tenebrae, where she would remain with her husband until one of them perishes, bereft of clan and title. One without Goryean blood cannot reside within our lands, making your offer of peace through marriage unbeneficial to both monarchies."
Izunia hummed lightly, "Well, that does put the relationship of our countries in a difficult position, your highnesses."
"We are willing to continue remaining impartial to the ongoing war between Lucis and Nifelheim despite this, Chancellor. We have no quarrel with the empire or its ruler." Eun-Byeol offered calmly despite just receiving a marriage proposal mere seconds ago.
"Of course, your highnesses. The emperor will be glad to hear of your country's continued cooperation without a formal peace negotiated. Now if you will excuse me, it is a long journey back to Gralea, and I must head back with haste. Your highnesses." the chancellor said with a flourishing bow, removing his hat once more.
"We wish you a safe return, Chancellor Izunia. May the Tide Mother grant you safe passage." Gyeong-Hui offered, the other princesses nodding in agreement as they sent off the chancellor.
The man left in silence, the only noise that broke it was the creaking of the great oak doors closing behind him. The princesses looked between each other before Gyeong-Hui rose from her throne gracefully.
"Court has been adjourned for the day. All matters that have not been addressed will be during tomorrow morning's assembly. Thank you for your time." the first princess announced before descending the stairs with her ladies.
I stood and waited for Eun-Byeol to make her way down, my mind churning over the imperial chancellor's visit and the omen it brought.
Next Chapter
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God & His Priests & His Kings: Chapter 2 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
So long time, no see. I was originally gonna drop this story, however a lot of you wished for me to continue this fic and since I rediscovered my love for this fandom and game, I thought why not. I made a few minor changes to How Rare & Beautiful to fit my new vision for the series, however nothing dire has been altered, just bits of dialogue being edited or deleted. I'm glad so many of you want to see Soo-Min's adventure through as it gives me encouragement to continue working on this project. But as we learned from my three month unofficial hiatus, it's difficult to do this during the semester. I will try my best though, I will promise you that. This chapter is brought to you by Cherry from three months ago. She already had half of the chapter written in August. ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! THIS IS MY GIFT TO ALL YOU AMAZING PEOPLE WHO STILL HAVE FAITH IN THIS STORY! WORD COUNT: 2,865 UPDATED: 12.24.17 Master List Previous Chapter
Gesture of Resistance - Scarlet Heart Ryeo
I was among the beautiful trees in Tenebrae once again, the dreamscape mimicking my memories from seven years ago. I hummed quietly as I wove my way between the massive trees, letting the dreamscape lead me to where I was needed. Standing between two trees was the one who called me, a familiar woman dressed in white as the moonlight made her blonde hair appear almost silver.
I approached her with a warm smile, accepting her hand when I came to stand at her side.
"Luna, it has been so long since we last spoke." I said joyfully, squeezing her hand gently as I greeted her.
"And the fault for that is mine, dear one. The empire's grip on Tenebrae is suffocating and these days, it is a trial to simply perform my duties as Oracle. Can you forgive me for my silence?" the woman pleaded, her pale blue eyes searching for forgiveness.
"There is nothing to forgive as the fault doesn't lie with you. You needed rest more than you needed to speak with me, Luna." I assured the former princess, guiding her towards a bench that appeared at the edge of the forest.
"Of course, Soo. Thank you." the blonde woman shifted, making herself comfortable on the bench, "I take it that Goryeo has treated you well, as you are appearing as a growing woman rather than the appearance of your soul."
I looked down at myself, completely unaware that I had taken on the appearance of my living body, draped in silks and the light linens of my people rather than the bloodied school uniform I had died in.
"I guess I'm more comfortable in my skin now than before. You look like your mother just….sadder." I observed, noticing faint frown lines on her face despite her young age of nineteen.
"My wellbeing is nothing for you to worry yourself over. Nifelheim cannot hurt me for fear of angering the people. I am the Oracle, and without an heir to pass my duties onto, I am as safe from the empire as I can be." the former princess assured me gently before turning her gaze to me, "You however may not be. Ravus has entered Nifelheim's military and returns to the manor run ragged, meaning that the empire is planning an assault."
"There are few targets that remain free from the empire's grasp—Accordo is no longer a target as they publicly declared their neutrality; the empire has been at a standstill against Lucis for some years now, few territories outside Insomnia remain in freedom." I observed, thinking carefully about the whispers that had come into port with the travelling merchants.
"All that remains unconquered outside of Lucis is Galahd, and Goryeo. Despite your kingdom's unspoken neutrality, your council of princesses remain a threat to the empire due to the kingdom's history of peace and allegiance with the past kings of Lucis. If called upon, your people would most likely side with King Regis out of duty, if not out of honour." Luna continued, her fingers fretting at the hem of her dress.
"Where do you think the empire will strike first?" I questioned, looking up at the starlit sky through the trees as if searching them for answers.
"Galahd, I believe. Unlike Goryeo, they have no army lying in wait for a call to arms. It would be considered an easy victory before moving onto Goryeo." I felt guilty about the relief that washed over me at hearing that Galahd was the first target, but it gave me that much more time to convince the council to begin preparing the soldiers and people.
"Thank you for telling me this, Luna. I know you're busy enough with your duties as Oracle." I said quietly, looking to the blonde woman beside me.
"There is no need to thank me, we are both agents of the Astrals, meant to guide the Chosen King. You can't guide him if you fall to the empire." Luna assured me, her hand resting on my shoulder and squeezing it gently. I smiled in response before looking up at the sky as dawn slowly began to colour the sky.
"You should probably get some actual rest, Luna. I know coming to the dreamscape leaves you drained." I told the blonde, looking back to meet her blue gaze.
"Of course. It was good speaking with you again, Soo-Min." she said in farewell, a sad smile resting on her face.
"Go get some rest, princess. You need your beauty sleep." I replied, making a shooing motion with my hands. Luna laughed quietly before fading out of the dreamscape, leaving me to wander until I awoke.
Fingers slowly traced their way up the curve of my body as the dawn's light woke me from my slumber. I hummed quietly, offering a sleepy good morning to Orion as his lips gently brushed my cheek before he slipped out from under the blankets.
I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, holding the blanket to my chest while I watched Orion dress in the morning light. I propped my head up on my knees, smiling lightly as I admired his figure, my gaze filled with fondness as he grinned cockily upon noticing my eyes focusing on him.
"I'll see you in a few days, jagiya. The boss is wanting to bring in a large haul, so we're going to be out at sea for a while." Orion told me as he sat on the bedding in front of me, pulling on his worn leather boots.
"Be careful out there." I murmured quietly, allowing him to steal a quick kiss before leaving.
"I always find my way back to you; don't worry." The older man assured me as he slipped out into the quiet courtyard, closing the rice paper door behind him.
I was left alone in the morning silence, relaxing for a few more moments before I slowly pulled myself from the warm bedding to begin dressing for the day. I gathered the hanbok from the day before and tucked it into the wash bag for the musuri to collect before opening my clothing trunk to select a new one for the day.
Dressing in the plain white underclothes, I proceeded to put up my hair before continuing to dress in the green silks and cotton of my uniform. Brushing a light dusting of powder onto my face, I inspected my exposed skin for any lingering marks left behind by my encounter with Orion. Satisfied that I had no noticeable bite marks or bruising, I slipped my shoes on and quietly departed from my quarters to collect Princess Eun-Byeol's morning meal.
I slipped into the kitchens just in time to see the cooks preparing the princess' food, allowing me enough time to snatch an apple and enjoy it before bustling off to see if the hot water was ready for the morning tea. I eyed the boiling kettle before setting to work, selecting the ingredients for the tea blend. I hummed lightly as I worked, mixing the dried leaves together and putting them into a small jar to travel to the princess' chambers. I collected the necessary pots and cups before pouring the boiled water into one of the tea pots and transferring everything onto the tray. The morning meal was quickly being placed onto the tray as it came closer to the hour the princess was awoken at, and I was soon carrying it through the palace halls to where the third princess was sure to be awake and readying herself for the day.
I quietly entered the princess' chambers, offering Eun-Byeol a respectful nod as court lady Bo-Ra dressed her in lavish silks of pink and violet. I began to move the food from tray to tabletop, arranging it quickly before starting on the tea. I poured the tea leaves into the teapot before adding the hot water, allowing them to steep for the necessary amount of time.
As I waited for the tea to brew, I watched Bo-Ra do Eun-Byeol's hair in a beautiful style that complimented her youthful face and announced her status as a woman without a consort. Her hair was pulled away from her face, and braided intricately and pinned to the top of her head, while the rest of her hair hung loose down past her waist. Her jewelry was silver, accented by pearls and opals as they decorated her rings and hair pins.
I turned my attention back to the tea, placing a strainer over the top of the teapot that once contained the hot water before pouring the tea into it. I continued to prepare the breakfast, placing it in front of the princess once she had seated herself at the table. Offering her a small bow, I backed away from the table slowly and stood against the wall as she broke her fast.
"Soo-yah, what do I have to attend to today?" Eun-Byeol asked as she lifted the cup of tea to her lips.
I cleared my throat gently before answering, "There is a court session being held in an hour that requires your presence, and you are to survey the conditions of the markets this afternoon."
The elder girl nodded her head slightly, acknowledging my words before finishing her food and tea in silence. As soon as the princess appeared to have finished, I gestured to Bo-Ra to begin clearing the table as Eun-Byeol made her way out of her quarters with me trailing behind her.
The remainder of the princess' handmaidens joined us as we departed from the wing of the palace that contained the living space of the royal families. We headed towards the courtroom, already hearing the hushed mutterings of men and women as they awaited the arrival of the princesses.
Eun-Byeol was the last of the princesses to arrive in the antechamber, nodding her head respectfully to Gyeong-Hui and the second princess, Se-Hyeon, before falling into place behind the elder women while the court ladies congregated behind the princess they served.
A eunuch announced their arrival to the court, the council of princesses sweeping into the room in fluttering silks, the court bowing reverently as they praised their reign and their long life. As the council climbed the stairs to their thrones, the court ladies arranged themselves on the ascending steps according to the hierarchy. I was closest to Eun-Byeol as her main court lady, my mother smiling lightly at me as she stood among Se-Hyeon's ladies.
The head eunuch stepped forward, bearing a scroll with the itinerary for the day's court proceedings.
"Today the council of princesses will be hearing the cases of a marriage proposal between the clans Kwon and Byun, a trade proposal from lady Baek A-Reum on behalf of Baek Song-Ki, and the territorial conflict between the minor clans of Park and Min." Gyeong-Hui smiled warmly at the court gesturing for the first case to step forward.
The clan representatives the Kwon and Byuns approached from the group of politicians and clan heads, making their way to the foot of the dias. I slowly began to tune out their petition for the union of two of their clan members, focusing on those who filled the courtroom. The various individuals were either respectfully listening to the case being posed at the moment or allowing their minds to wander until it was their turn to speak.
A commotion at the back of the hall caught my eye, the eunuchs were fluttering around nervously and appeared to be in a panic. One of them skirted the edge of the hall and whispered quickly into the head eunuch's ear before silently rushing back into the antechamber.
As the clan representatives finished their speeches, the princesses looked to each other before Gyeong-Hui began to speak.
"The council of Princesses grants permission for this most honourable union between the clans Kwon and Byun to occur. You may seek out the royal astrologist to have a wedding day decided upon. We wish your clan members a happy and blessed union." she offered, nodding her head as the representatives bowed in thanks and respectfully began to move away from the stairs.
The head eunuch cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the princesses and the rest of the court.
"Your highnesses, an embassy from Nifelheim has arrived and is seeking an audience with you." the head eunuch called out with a slight tremble to his voice, clearly unsettled by the suddenness of the situation.
The court erupted into hushed whispers, the second and third princesses shifting at the mention of the empire. Gyeong-Hui's eyes merely narrowed, her hands gripping the arms of her throne a bit tighter than before. She glanced between Se-Hyeon and Eun-Byeol before nodding to eunuch grimly.
"Very well, let him in then." she announced, a silence falling over the court as tension filled the hall.
A figure strode in from the antechamber, heavily cloaked despite the warm climate of the island kingdom. A heavy silence weighed upon the hall, a chill creeping up my spine as the stranger drew closer. Coming to a halt at the foot of the stairs, the man gave a swepting bow, removing his hat almost mockingly.
"Greetings to the fair princesses of Goryeo, and their many clans." the stranger called out in a eccentric drawl, smirking lightly at the three princesses seated before him, "Allow me to introduce myself, Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, embassy of Nifelheim to your fair city."
Gyeong-Hui narrowed her gaze slightly, staring down at the man before her.
"Welcome, Chancellor Izunia. Forgive our surprise, we were unaware of your arrival or impending visit to our court." the first princess offered frostily, her black eyes staring into those of the chancellor's.
"There is nothing to forgive, your highnesses. The Emperor would have sent word but it was simply easier for me to deliver the offer to you myself." the chancellor replied, putting on a faint smile that served to put me on further edge.
"And what is Nifelheim's offer, Chancellor? The council is willing to hear your proposal." Se-Hyeon said, leaning forward slightly as she watched Izunia slowly move up the stairs.
"It has come to the empire's attention that Goryeo has remained impartial for the entirety of the war, a decision which the Emperor deeply respects. He would like to extend a formal offer of peace to your fair city." my eyes narrowed further the closer Izunia came to the princesses, the tension in the hall weighing heavily on us all.
"What would the terms of this peace be?" Eun-Byeol questioned, her hands worrying the sleeve of her ruqun.
"My dear princess, the empire offers peace through the unification of royal lines." the chancellor said as he came to a stop on the step below me, "The empire proposes the marriage of the third princess Eun-Byeol to Ravus Nox Fleuret, the former prince of Tenebrae, as a symbol of peace."
The court immediately erupted into whispers, the princesses staring at the man in shock as they tried to process this offer. Gyeong-Hui raised her hand swiftly, silencing the murmurs of politicians and other court members.
"That is a generous offer, Chancellor. However, the empire appears to unaware of our customs in regards to marrying outside of Goryeo." the first princess announces, staring the foreign man in the eye, "If we were to consent to this marriage, third princess Eun-Byeol would be forced to abdicate from her position on the council and leave for Tenebrae, where she would remain with her husband until one of them perishes, bereft of clan and title. One without Goryean blood cannot reside within our lands, making your offer of peace through marriage unbeneficial to both monarchies."
Izunia hummed lightly, "Well, that does put the relationship of our countries in a difficult position, your highnesses."
"We are willing to continue remaining impartial to the ongoing war between Lucis and Nifelheim despite this, Chancellor. We have no quarrel with the empire or its ruler." Eun-Byeol offered calmly despite just receiving a marriage proposal mere seconds ago.
"Of course, your highnesses. The emperor will be glad to hear of your country's continued cooperation without a formal peace negotiated. Now if you will excuse me, it is a long journey back to Gralea, and I must head back with haste. Your highnesses." the chancellor said with a flourishing bow, removing his hat once more.
"We wish you a safe return, Chancellor Izunia. May the Tide Mother grant you safe passage." Gyeong-Hui offered, the other princesses nodding in agreement as they sent off the chancellor.
The man left in silence, the only noise that broke it was the creaking of the great oak doors closing behind him. The princesses looked between each other before Gyeong-Hui rose from her throne gracefully.
"Court has been adjourned for the day. All matters that have not been addressed will be during tomorrow morning's assembly. Thank you for your time." the first princess announced before descending the stairs with her ladies.
I stood and waited for Eun-Byeol to make her way down, my mind churning over the imperial chancellor's visit and the omen it brought.
Next Chapter
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