#also trying to have the curve of her “chin” replicate her actual mouth a bit
dinoserious · 2 years
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squad. and some gully expressions
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Daffodils.
I’m so fucking happy that I’ve got to finally write this!!! Please let me know what you think!! ✨✨ I love to read your comments💕
Ps. I’ve checked but I’m sorry if you find any errors in this one.
Chapter 6: Sleepovers.
  The first thing they did when they returned to the mansion was secure the wards again. Draco had suggested it, he was really fucking paranoid. When they finished someone would have, probably, set themselves on fire if they tried to get through them. And the blond boy conjured a bunch of traps around the house, just in bloody case.
Second thing was deciding where Ron would sleep.
"If Padfoot shares with dad we get a room each..." Potter said very casually. Mr. Potter snorted.
"Well... I'm not going to complain about that." The man responded, looking at Sirius with a smug smile.
Weasley said that he really didn't need a room to himself, he didn't want to impose or anything. Draco rolled his eyes and explained that Potter was just being a little shit.
"I just don't want to hear Ron snoring the entire night."
What a prat. If Sirius didn't want to share with James he shouldn't have to.This was Potter thinking that he could fix everything in the world, even his father's love life.
Draco walked passing right by the green-eyed boy to start climbing up the stairs.
"Don't worry, weasel. You can sleep in my room, after living with Crabb for six years, I can handle any kind of snoring."
Weasley nodded, his face seemed to be relieved. When Potter said that stupid thing about him, It had made the redhead feel self-conscious, and really, if he were in Ron's place, he would have punched Harry in the face, considering all the times that his friend invited him to stay at the burrow and shared his room. Draco clearly knew that this was Potter lame attempt to bring Sirius and James together, it had nothing to do with Ron or his sleeping habits. The blond boy just thought that it seemed rather juvenile and unfair.
Harry's face colored red as he looked at his friend following Draco to his room.
"What? No! He can sleep with me, Malfoy."
Luckily for him, Granger intervened.
"You just said that you didn't want to share your room, Harry."
"I didn't mean it!"
"Forget it, Potty. You got to share a room with him all these years, now it's my turn." He said in a playful tone. Weasley was smiling smugly, probably because they were fighting for who got to spend time with him, and Ron loved attention. Who could blame him,really? With six siblings and two popular best friends, attention was something that the redhead craved deeply. Maybe that was why they got along so well, Draco showed that he cared with details, things that demonstrated that he really knew the people who mattered to him.
He heard Potter snort, the kind of snort that he let out before saying something mean.
"Don't tell me that you have a crush on Ron too, Malfoy." The boy said, and everyone around then widened their eyes, shocked.
Where had that soft and shy boy gone, huh? Draco walked slowly to where he was, lifting his chin and with a determined look on his face. Potter wasn't intimidated, though, he was too angry for that. Merlin only knew what the hell was his problem.
"You are going to take back the rubbish you just said and apologize to me for being a brat, Potter." The boy just held his gaze.
"Or what?"
"Or nothing. I'm not a child like you, I'm not going to hurt you just because I'm angry."
Something in the boy's eyes seemed to soften then, not that he was going to admit it. Harry crossed his arms and looked away.
"Mate, come on. Just bloody apologize."
"Leave it, weasel. Let's go set the room for you."
Ron looked at him with worried eyes before glaring at his best friend and following him upstairs.
The screams of Potter woke him up again. Draco opened his tired eyes and saw Weasley on his bed, sleeping in the most undignified way possible. One leg was hanging off the bed  with one arm on his face and his mouth open as he snored every now and then.
The screams persisted, his daffodils started to hurt him, and as much as he wished to close his eyes and try to sleep again, he knew that he couldn't. He was surprised that no one heard them too. It was always him who got up to try to sooth the boy.
He got off the bed and tried to be as quiet as he could to avoid waking up the redhead too, not that it made a difference, considering that Potter was screaming bloody murder and Weasley still was in dreamland.
He entered the other boy's room and, and repeated the same things that seemed to work last time, he whispered soothing things as he brushed his hair with his hand. Harry just kept on moving restlessly.
"Stop." The dark-haired boy pleaded in his nightmares. 
"Harry, It's not real, wake up.” Draco spoke louder than before and green eyes opened suddenly, scared, Potter was already reaching for his wand under his pillow. The blond boy held his arms in place, trying to avoid being hexed, just for being a good person and saving the boy from his nightmares. "Easy there, golden boy." 
Harry stopped moving and looked at him.
"It's you”Potter sighed with relief as he grabbed Draco's arms and touched them. The flowers in him twirled, just as shocked as he was. After what happened that afternoon he didn't expect for the boy to show any kind of affection. "You are okay, you are here, with us." He seemed to be speaking to himself more than to him but the blond boy responded nonetheless.
"I'm here, with you." 
And Salazar, he didn't have even a little bit of dignity, did he? He should be mad at him, he should have left the room the second that Potter had woken up. But he didn't and now Harry was moving to make room for him to lay down beside him, with pleading eyes, without even pronouncing a word. He should leave, he really really should.
With daffodils dancing in his lungs, Draco found himself lying right beside him, looking at those piercing green eyes. The room was dark, the only light was the one from the moon that reflected through the window.
"Want to talk about it?" Harry shook his head.
They laid in silence for a while. Draco was waiting for Potter to fall asleep to sneak out of the room and catch some sleep himself, but the dark-haired boy just kept looking at him, not even attempting to close his eyes, barely even blinking. 
"Are you still mad at me?" His soft voice felt like a call to the flowers, who started to scratch him, begging him to forgive him... But Draco was still pissed.
"You know, if you really think that I fall in love with all my friends and that my favorite hobby is turning straight boys, you should really stop inviting me to these sleepovers." He stated with a replicating tone. Potter frowned and looked away.
"I don't think that, don't be daft."
"Then explain your ridiculous accusation today."
The boy shrugged and started to play with the sheet that was covering him.
"I don't know..." Draco just looked at him, arching his eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. “You spent  the entire day with him... Literally. I didn’t even see you.” Draco snorted.
“Maybe you just didn’t notice, Potter. You were quite busy with Ginevra and with Dumbledore’s will.”
“What do you mean?” The boy asked playing dumb, but if he was going to act that way, then Draco would act twice as dumb.
“The reading... Weasley, Granger and you sat with the Minister... well, ex-minister? Whatever.”
“He died today, be respectful, Malfoy.” The blond boy just rolled his eyes.
“Yes, you seem to be very affected by it, Potter.”
“I wasn’t distracted by the will.” The boy interrupted him, his green eyes looking right at him.
No, he was distracted by Ginevra. Draco knew that. Potter was distracted by her curves, her freckles, her silky long red hair and her blue eyes. She was all that Draco wasn’t, and he hated that. The daffodils started to hurt him again, being physically close to the boy just prevented him from coughing, at least this close, with this level of intimacy, the flowers seemed to be drugged, they reacted slower.
The boy wasn’t offering more explanation and, because Draco was a masochist, he decided to bring up the subject. He was dying for answers.
“I know, Potty. The entire burrow knows. You two snogged in the middle of the kitchen, in a public place of the house.” Suddenly, those green eyes widened.
“You saw that?”
Yeah, no. Draco was desperate but not that desperate.
“Who didn’t?” He said with an aloof tone, trying to avoid his eyes. “Was it good? I imagine that you missed her-“
“I was the one who broke up with her, Draco.”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m was just ask-“
“I want to.” The boy grabbed his hand to force Draco to pay attention to him. The daffodils started to dance, he could feel their happiness like a warm in his chest, spreading through all his body.  “She thought that it was like a time-out, until everything was over, that’s why she kissed me... I guess I just didn’t know how to say no to her. But I told her, I told her that she shouldn’t wait for me, that it would be ridiculous.”
Draco just chuckled softly.
“You know that she is still going to wait for you, right? After the way you kissed her, who wouldn’t?”  He didn’t want to make it so obvious. He really tried to keep those kinds of comments to himself, or maybe also to the daffodils that kept cutting his lungs at every mention of the she-weasel; but he was tired, he was lying in Potter’s bed, surrounded by his cologne and the smell of his sweat... It was impossible for his brain cells to work properly.
Potter smirked at him.
“If you want for me to snog you, all you gotta do is ask, Malfoy.”
‘It’s a joke. It’s a joke. It’s a joke.’ He kept repeating to himself.
But what if it wasn’t? What if Potter would actually kiss him if he asked... His body was frozen, the only movement was from the flowers that started to slam themselves against the walls of his lungs, trying to get him to do something. So Draco did the thing he knew best, he challenged him.
“I don’t know if you could meet my standards, scarhead.”
He totally could, even if Potter just pecked him, it would probably be the most perfect thing that he ever experienced.
That seemed to erase the green-eyed boy’s smirk off his face. Determined look on his eyes, looking for the truth on Draco’s grey ones.
“What? Is Nott a sex god or something?”
He, honestly, didn’t know. Theodore had told him that Draco was good in bed... but he had other persons to compare him with. The blond boy liked sleeping with him, and sometimes it was mind-blowing, but he didn’t know if Theo was a sex god. He supposed that, at the least, he needed someone to compare him with, to really be sure.
And if he <cite>ever</cite> got to sleep with Potter, that comparison would be unfair, because even if Harry sucked in bed, for Draco it would feel amazing. Just because it would be with him.
“Theodore is a lot of things.” He answered in an ambiguous kind of way. A lame attempt of making the boy jealous, like he felt when he saw him shoving his tongue down the she-weasel’s throat. Even in the darkness of the room, he could see that Potter had a disgusted expression on. "You don't have grounds to be grossed out, Potter. I could literally see the strings of saliva between the two of you this morning." The dark-haired boy groaned.
"Fine, I get it, I'm awful at kissing. Can you just shut up now?"  
Draco frowned, trying to recall when he might have said something that sounded like that. The flowers were fucking mad at him, demanding for him to fix this right then and there.
"I wouldn't know, Potter. I didn't snog you. Why do you care so much anyway? If you are the best kisser in the world for your redhead princess it should be more than enou-"
His rant was cut short by Harry moving forward and putting his lips on his. Draco was wide-eyed not moving an inch, with fear of fucking this all up. The flowers seemed to be screaming inside of him 'DO SOMETHING! THIS IS OUR CHANCE.’ and he was just begging not to fucking cough any petals because it might scare Potter away.
Suddenly, Draco was very aware that he wasn't moving at all, not even to return the kiss, and Potter separated his mouth from him. His green eyes were full of fear and his cheeks were horribly blushed.
"I'm so- I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Harry stuttered.
Draco just blinked.
"I thought you were straight." Was the only thing that he could say.
'ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB??’ the daffodils seemed to be screaming at him, and really, maybe they were right.
"I like both, I think..." Potter whispered, in a shy way. "I don't really know, that was my first kiss with a boy and it barely even counted."
Was this..? Did he just..?
His green eyes were looking at him, his mouths were so close... Draco could smell him everywhere and this was like his wildest dreams coming true... Even if Potter was asking him to be his little sexuality experiment  he didn't have the strength in him to deny this to him. 
Fuck it. Maybe he would end up coughing an entire garden out if Potter kissed him and then said that he actually only liked girls, but honestly, he didn't give a fuck right now. And the daffodils were imploring him to do something, tickling him while they twirled inside of him, filling him with anticipation.
"Want to find out?" He asked, his eyes fixed on Potter's lips. He saw the boy sightly licking his lips, the breath that escaped of his mouth brushed Draco's and he thought that he might just die if he said no.
But Potter didn't say anything. The boy just moved forward, like the first time, only that this time he approached him slowly, putting his hand on the blond boy's jaw to bring him closer, and when their lips were already brushing together, their breaths interwinding, almost tasting each other, he whispered:
"Are you sure?" For Salazar's sake! What did Saint Potter want? For him to beg? 
The boy was looking at him, waiting for an answer, and Draco was so fucking scare of saying the wrong thing that he threw the last bit that remained of his dignity out the window.
"Yes, Harry. Kiss me."
And Potter did. Softly at first, just tasting Draco's lower lip and touching his hair... Then, he started to move his mouth over his, setting the pace of the kiss in a hesitant kind of way, like if he were waiting for the blond boy's approval to go further or to know if he was doing it right. 
Draco could only think that Harry's mouth tasted wonderful, and his flowers were dancing inside of him like never before, roaring in triumph pushing him to do more, to deepen the kiss. Without thinking it through, he brushed his tongue against the boy's lower lip. Potter let out a soft moan, that sounded like the most precious thing that he had heard in his entire life, and opened his mouth to allow the blond boy to do as he pleased. It felt amazing.
Harry laid his back entirely on the mattress and pulled Draco to bring him closer. He was almost lying his entire weight on Potter then, carefully lifting his waist... He really didn't want for the boy to feel his hard-on and freak out because it reminded him that he was, in fact, a boy. 
"So? Verdict?" Harry whispered when he separated himself for a bit to catch some breath.
"I thought that this was your experiment, scarhead." He responded, licking his lips. He couldn't think, all his senses were focused on Potter.
"I like both, yes." He said quickly. "But how was it? Did you like it?"
He sounded so impatient, so eager to know if he was a good kisser, Draco laughed as he laid his head back on the pillow.
"Yes, Potter. Merlin forbid, that you'd be  any less than perfect in everything that you do, even kissing."
His green eyes widened as a soft smug smile appeared on his lips.
"You think I'm perfect, Malfoy?"
Draco was tempted to say yes to him, to fucking confess everything. But they weren't kissing anymore and he really didn't know what Potter expected of all of this. The flowers didn't even hurt him anymore, they seemed to be so tamed now, dizzy from the kiss (just like he was).
"I'm not feeding your gigantic ego, Potty."
He started to get up, just because he didn't know what the hell was he supposed to do, but Potter grabbed his arm and pulled him to where he was before. Almost lying on top of him, his face just inches apart.
"Ron is going to notice if I'm not there when he wakes up." Potter groaned.
"This is exactly why we needed to have a room each."
"Did you plan to have a lot of sleepovers?"
Harry blushed horribly and lowered his gaze, avoiding his eyes. 
"Don't be stupid. I just liked sleeping next to you... I don't have nightmares when you stay." The last part came out almost like a whisper.
Draco sighed and started to move the covers. Once he was inside of the bed he looked at Potter.
"Happy?" Harry just smiled and snuggled a little closer.
"Yes, thank you."
"It's nothing, you are explaining this to Weasley, though."
"No, I mean for everything. Thank you for staying here, thank you for going to Grimmauld to get us, thank you for the kiss." The boy said as he rested his head in Draco's chest. "I always feel safe when you are around."
The daffodils seemed delighted to hear that and Draco had to fight every fiber of his body to restrict himself from kissing him again. How could he just say things like that? Without a warning, without expecting for Draco to fall even more madly in love with him?
He didn't respond, he pretended to fall sleep because he was a coward, because he was too afraid of everything just going away if he said the wrong thing. 
After a while,he was falling asleep for real, but he could swear that he felt Potter kissing his chest and whispering 'Goodnight'.
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Lena Luthor x reader (Worked it out, and figured you out)
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Request: I love your writing! Can you do one with Lena x fem!reader? It's Lena's first time in the DEO and sees reader training and gets hit with gay panic. Then both flirting over being complete science nerds. Thanks!!     
a/n: YOU BET I CAN. And also... thank YOU! All the prompts you folks send me is what keeps this blog going! I’m getting at it at a relatively steady pace I think, sometimes it’s a little bit difficult than other days to find inspiration, but somehow you all manage to surprise me and remind me of how wonderful this fandom is, and then it makes me want to work even harder and contribute what I can to it! So thank y’all so much!!
Fun little sidenote, it’s actually my birthday today! :D I have too many cute fic ideas swimming around in my head (which is a little bit of a rarity these days) and I’m not even sure when I’m going to get to write for them if I’m going to be off being a loud, delinquent dumbass all weekend. But, yeah! I’m feeling extra inspirational and thankful today... maybe that might even translate into some fics that nobody asked for LOL.
Have fun with this fic though y’all! I was in the mood to write something cracky with J’onn in it and I have not a clue as to why... You’re also a little bit of an ass in this one too but it’s totally fine, it’s part of your charm obviously
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For as long as you can remember, you have always been a force of nature. You knew how to work hard and you knew just how hard to push yourself to make the reward that much sweeter.
Simply put, you had fun living life, and despite the handful of troubling setbacks and the unavoidable years-long turmoil that is the discomfort of adolescence, you still looked at the world like it was your playground.
As rambunctious and tenacious as you were, you had just as much discipline, and it paid off deliciously in a plethora of ways.
You would say the human body is a blessed vessel; the tone and curves of some, the muscle and elegance of others, the ability to persevere and flourish, to deconstruct and to rebuild, it amazed you all the same.
What amazed you particularly (and was frequently the subject of ire around all your friends) is how you could eat like absolute shit and still maintain the form that you do.
As it was, you found yourself at the DEO working off last night’s conquest of an army’s weight of cheesy garlic bread and a late night call with Domino’s.
You loved where you work, you loved the fact that you could say you work for a secret government branch (but you couldn’t actually say that, because the admission would cause a whole series of complications you have neither the attention span nor the patience to deal with), and what you loved the most was how spoiled you were with the training facilities.
There were the conventional weight and fitness rooms, the swimming pools, and the standard equipment one could find at any regular gym.
However, the DEO is a respectable, covert government operation and as such, it is absolutely required to have a parkour gym, multiple obstacle course racing circuits, several rock climbing walls which apparently, some of the analysts have hacked into to replicate a ninja warrior course, and even archery and knife throwing ranges, simply because why shouldn’t the DEO have them?
And to think when you first arrived, you thought the Kryptonite lined sparring room made for Kara was the coolest thing you’d seen, how wrong you are now.
You’re starting off easily before your workout, doing your stretches and lifting lighter weights than you usually would. You have to work harder this time - the sweet, sweet release of pizza is, admittedly, your greatest downfall, and you ought to work it off on top of the training you have to do for work.
You hop up and pull yourself up on a chin up bar and figure you’ll make a leisurely time out of it - you’ll wait until your arms and shoulders are screaming bloody murder at you before you focus on another part of your body.
You become well aware of the fact that it’s 6 o’clock in the morning and far too early than you would have the self-respect in any other career choice to stand for when you stifle a yawn and shake your head in an attempt to wake yourself up.
You skipped out on the coffee this time, supposing your night’s misgivings had some consequence, and now you suspect you’re going to begin paying for it emotionally.
The voice of your director, J’onn, pokes through your admittedly still sleepy haze and even before you see him you can hear that his tone is as cordial as you could expect from someone as stoic and brooding as him.
You see his figure approach from the entrance and beside him, a woman accompanies him, though you can’t quite make out who she is.
J’onn gives you a nod in acknowledgement and you return the sentiment while continuing your chin ups.
"The DEO has an abundance of training facilities that are of use to our agents, and hopefully it encourages them to be well-rounded in all aspects of the body’s functions. The investment pays off when combative performance on the field is maximized - it leaves lesser room for error in practice.”
The woman nods at his words and looks at the expansive room, seemingly impressed.
You’re about ninety-five percent sure it’s Lena Luthor who’s with him, and the directionless stream of consciousness monologue you have running through your head derails into curiosity when you wonder what it is she’s doing here.
You have the notion she might be buying the DEO as well after her CatCo acquisition, and a cheeky smile begins to form on your lips when you think to vocalize the question to make sure it is Lena Luthor, of course, but then you see the mild look of warning in J’onn’s face and you’ve somehow forgotten that your boss can quite literally read your mind.
Despite the smile that’s slowly forming on your lips, you raise your eyebrows in silent question and J’onn shakes his head, the two of you sharing a wordless yet intelligible conversation.
You feel the weight of someone’s gaze on you, and when your eyes fall on Lena’s, you can see her mouth slightly agape as she looks at you.
You smile wolfishly at the sight and find yourself instantly awake, the gears in your head turning as you begin scheming.
All thoughts of your boss reading your mind dissipate in the well that is the endlessness of your thirst when you resolve to begin messing around with Lena a bit.
You make a show of letting go of one hand as you continue your chin ups one-handed - you’ve decided at this very second that normal chin ups are boring anyway.
You think you can hear J’onn face-palming, but you can’t be entirely sure.
Lena still stares at you, you can just feel her gaze taking in every inch of your form as you lift yourself effortlessly.
You bring a hand up and give her a goofy wave, a stupid grin spreading on your lips as you emphasize the extent of your strength and ease, and you think you see her jaw become slacker.
You watch as her eyes trail up to meet yours, and instantly, they widen. This time, you hear J’onn inhaling deeply and you hear the imperceptible clearing of his throat, no doubt trying to fathom just what it was he’d done to land himself in the timeline where he’s meant to be dealing with your gay foolishness on so very early of a morning.
“Ms. Luthor, would you care to see the rest of the establishment?”
I think we’ve established she’d care to see the rest of my workout routine, you think mischievously to yourself.
J’onn sighs deeper and you can hear as it becomes the beginnings of an actual honest-to-god groan, and you’d be impressed with yourself if you weren’t so amused by your current preoccupations.
“Yes, of course,” Lena says after staring at you for another moment too long than is socially acceptable.
“Agent (Y/L/N), I’ll see you out on the floor,” J’onn addresses you, seeming to be more than eager to leave the room.
“Yes, sir! See you around.”
You’ve decided that you’ve worked out enough of your one arm and you have to switch it up. You extend your arm fully and let your entire weight hang on one arm before you spring yourself high enough to let go of the bar, easily falling into rhythm again as you grip the bar with your other hand and begin to work out your other arm.
You bring yourself up lazily and give another wave to Lena.
“See ya, Ms. Luthor!” you all but yell across the room.
For whatever reason, you feel in your entire being the compulsion to make her squirm; perhaps you know how easy it is to get a reaction, perhaps because you’re being egged on by the presence of your boss and pushing the limits of insubordination has always given you a thrill - perhaps, more simply, you are a little shit and you live for the excitement of testing people.
J’onn practically leaves Lena behind as he turns his back on you a bit too eagerly, Lena sparing you one last look and you wink at her, enjoying the knowledge that even from a distance you can see how flustered she is from your gesture.
You let your one-handed workout run its course and make your way to the rowing machine. You go through the leg press and your battle rope exercises hastily just so you can get to your favourite part of the DEO’s training facilities and the only reason you woke up so early in the first place.
You love the fact that deep hidden in the DEO’s ominious looking presence, a freerunning playground is at your very disposal, and you were notorious for being the agent who practically lived on it.
If your colleagues didn’t know you any better, they’d say you only agreed to your recruitment with the DEO because you had access to what is essentially five gyms in one, which is only fifty percent of the case if you are to be honest.
But you ended up loving what you do anyway, the point is moot and it all worked out in the end.
You’re on your third run of going through your freerunning and at this point, you’ve stopped running to work out and are more than pleased to just be screwing around.
One of your field partners, Davis, showed up at some point looking just as tired as you first did, and you smirked as she side-eyed your cheeriness, seemingly capable of only a grunt in greeting as she made her way to the spin bikes.
You feel another presence in the room, and you glance at the entrance to see who else of your squad decided to make a surprise early appearance but you see Lena again, this time eyeing you with confident curiosity.
You smile mischievously, not bothering to hide it as you acknowledge her attention, and if you showed off just a little bit more, you definitely wouldn’t have denied it.
You make your way to Lena through flipping and diving and vaulting various obstacles, because walking up to her like a normal person is far too conventional and you are so much better than that.
For her part, she looks impressed by your showboating, and you take your time walking up to your bag as you wipe your face off with a towel and let it drape over your shoulders.
You make a spectacle of showing as much of your body as possible, Lena becoming increasingly flustered again as you get closer, and when you’re standing in front of her you put your hands on your hips.
“Couldn’t get enough, eh?” you ask with a grin on your face.
Lena takes in your body and you watch as her eyes stop at your stomach, the tone of your abs slightly glistening with a subtle sheen of sweat. She blinks several times before snapping out of her reverie.
“I’m more impressed by how little space the DEO has used up to fit so much into one tiny place. You wouldn’t even guess this was here just from the outside.”
“Yeah, I bet,” you say dubiously. “So are you buying us out too?”
Lena’s eyes snap up at yours in mild offense, “no, I am not. I’m only here to sign an NDA. J’onn has been gracious enough to show me around since my resources and knowledge could be beneficial here.”
You regard her carefully for once, really taking in her figure and you begin to scratch the surface of fathoming the wonder that is the great Lena Luthor.
You think you mutter a “holy shit” to yourself in a low enough voice, but you hear her chuckle and you realize you might have been a bit louder than you thought.
“Well shit, how are you supposed to run L-Corp and CatCo and spend your time here? Do you even have hobbies? Aren’t you going to burn out?”
Lena scowls again and your lips quirk into a smile.
“I’ll deal with that when I get there. Frankly, I’ll go wherever I’m needed, but I’m prioritizing CatCo at the moment since it’s a new acquisition, but of course the DEO is exceptional in its necessity and scope.”
You hum in consideration and shift your weight, bringing a hand up to your forehead to wipe at the excess of sweat still there.
You suspect Lena is trying her absolute hardest to not let her eyes drop to your abs again, and you laugh softly to yourself at the thought. When you move your eyes to look at her, you catch her staring at your arms rather intensely and you break out into full laughter.
For now, you decide, you’ll let it slide.
“Well, that’s a shame. Your last TED talk on AI brought up a lot of interesting things I never really considered before. Are you not going to do anything about that?”
Lena’s eyes snap to you again and there’s a disbelieving look on her face.
“You watched my TED talk?”
You hesitate, “uh, yeah? Is that not a thing I should do? You’re pretty much a genius, it’d be interesting to hear what you have to say. And it does help you’re a lot better looking than the majority of your counterparts in STEM.”
Lena laughs at your backhanded compliment and tilts her head in challenge.
“All this talk of yours and for all I know, you vehemently deplore everything I surmise.”
“No, not at all,” you reply with sincerity. “You’re pretty much one of the only people who are pioneering some sort of course for AI technology right now in the country, if not the grander spectrum of the world. Human technology and AI is a whole different playing field, and who knows what otherworldly technologies there are that surpass our own? In this world anyway, we have to stick with what we know and not mess around with other tech.”
Lena smiles broadly at your response, seeming to be absolutely taken with your engagement.
“But if we do have access to alien technology, at the very least should we not examine and study it thoroughly to compare and see how we can apply certain principles to our own Earth technologies?” she asks curiously.
“I don’t think we should. It works on their planet, and we’re at the stage of scientific development we are currently at for a reason. You even brought it up yourself, AI is more than just a technological endeavour.
“You made pretty compelling arguments about how this is a science that is matter of ethics and philosophy and other deeper existential inquiry. Honestly, I don’t really think our society is ready for or even capable of understanding that kind of introspection or critical thinking - not in the science realm and most definitely not in the everyman’s realm.”
There’s a softer look about Lena, and you don’t really have time to think much of it when you add another afterthought, seemingly reeling at the turn of your conversation.
“I mean, you see how we still act about living among aliens, you really think we’re ready to make something that’s capable of emulating our intelligence? Using alien technology to speed up a process that we are socially and culturally just not ready for is such a bad idea. Until we grow as a society and develop together, we can’t just push forward and force something like that into the mix. It would just be detrimental to introduce something we don’t understand.”
Lena smiles at you meaningfully as you finish your little rant. You think you see something like fondness in her look, but you think nothing of it for now.
“Well, I’m glad my talk has impressed quite a lot on you,” she says earnestly after a moment.
“I’m not just all muscle, you know,” you reply cheekily.
“Of course not. No matter how exquisite you look, I don’t think I’d be much interested in merely staring at you in silence for an extended period of time.”
Your raise your eyebrows at the remark and she squints playfully at you in jest.
“Why don’t we continue this compelling discussion we’re both evidently capable of over dinner? You can get your delightful conversation and stare at me for as long as you’d like.”
You smirk when you see the slight flush of colour on her face.
Lena hums in mock consideration, “I don’t know, it would be rather inappropriate if you went to dinner with your shirt off. I might just have to pass.”
“Who said we had to go out?” you state suggestively.
Something flashes in Lena’s eyes, but the sentiment is fleeting. When she replies in a low voice, you feel a swirl of excitement kindling low in the pit of your stomach.
“You seem to enjoy playing with me,” she says.
“I’m not playing with you. I’m not doing anything.” You move just the slightest bit closer to her.
“Perhaps that’s what you’d call it, but that only means you’re letting yourself get carried away by it,” and then, you add slowly, “that only means it’s working.”
You think Lena’s forgotten to breathe, but she looks at you defiantly and you smile at her look.
Lena still doesn’t say anything, just keeps looking at you in challenge and with interest and you think to fill the silence.
“You know, I’m aware that you’d hate to part with the strapping image of me in nearly nothing, but I do have to put a shirt on again at some point.”
“By all means, go ahead,” Lena says, this time unabashedly trailing her eyes over your body one last time and biting her lip when she catches your eye.
You heart skips a beat and you feel yourself become warmer. You don’t say goodbye to Lena, somehow you know she’ll still be around when you come back from the locker rooms.
You spend the moment of reprieve that you get hidden away to replay your interaction with Lena and you can’t help but smile to yourself in amusement. There’s something about her that makes you come more alive and experience everything more intensely, and you think you’re already hooked on the feeling.
When you get back to the entrance to the training room where you think Lena is still waiting, you hear laughter and catch the figures of Kara and Alex.
“So you’ve met Agent (Y/L/N) finally? Seems like it was only a matter of time. She’s an actual monkey, have you seen her working that parkour course like it’s nothing?” you hear Alex say.
“Lena, are you okay? You look like you’re having trouble breathing,” Kara adds.
Your laughter catches their attention and you watch Lena nearly stutter in protest.
“Ms. Luthor was particularly interested in the fitness facilities here, suffice it to say,” you say as you approach the group.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Alex mutters under her breath.
Kara nudges an elbow into her and Alex flinches with a loud groan.
“But we’ve learned that I am the most beautifully complex creature, equal parts alluring, intelligent, and pretty drop dead gorgeous, so we’re going out to dinner later.”
Lena sputters in surprise, “and when exactly did I agree to this?”
“You don’t seem the type to be giving so much of your attention to someone who didn’t deserve it, Ms. Luthor,” you say with a wink. “But no one’s stopping you from backing out.”
When Lena does nothing but shake her head in annoyance with you, you take that as your approval and you grin to yourself. You think that you’ll ask her out properly again when you’re both alone.
“(Y/N), keep it in your pants until we’re gone, please,” Alex says as she rolls her eyes.
“And be decent when J’onn’s around, he can read minds, remember,” Kara supplies helpfully.
Suddenly, Lena’s eyes widen comically, and the knowing look Alex gives you and the blush that colours Kara’s cheeks has you bursting into laughter.
Lena mutters something quickly under her breath that you couldn’t quite catch, and then she’s leaving the group and waving goodbye as she hastily makes her departure.
You think about how much fun you’re going to have teasing her about your boss’ otherworldly abilities and sharing your own stories of a similar folly.
It’s only later you realize that you somehow landed a date with Lena Luthor, and you’ve long ago stopped laughing and instead opted for mild panic at the very fact.
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