#cleary ute
dinoserious · 11 months
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oh yeah heres the cleary for af i did last night to keep her up to date w the changes ive made to her
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Rising From The Earth
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Series Summary: After months of trying, and several heats, and ruts, Y/N was now beginning her journey on her road to motherhood. All Steve and Bucky wanted to be is supportive and strong for their Omega, but life doesn't always run so smoothly....
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (the fun stuff that comes with that) Smut, Accurate Representation of Pregnancy and (eventually) Childbirth, Strong Language (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes
Part One// Part Two// Part Three// Part Four//
Part Five: Predictions
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Chapter Warnings: None that I can think of?
Word Count: 3.5K
20 Weeks 
“Do you want them to be girls, or boys, or both?” Wanda asked you, as she gently rubbed over, your extended stomach. 
“I want them to move.” you huffed, prodding at the skin, one of the babies, turned slightly, but you sighed. That was not the movement you wanted. 
“They’ll kick soon. I’ve been reading about it.”
“Yeah you and everybody else.” you rolled your eyes at her. 
“Wait.” her hands stops in the centre of your belly. 
“What?” you snap your head to her, “what can you feel?”
“I think I can be feel their foot.” you look at her in disbelief, before moving your eyes to your stomach, only to let out a breath of frustration, and pushing her hand away. 
“No, you can feel my bellybutton.” you flip your shirt up to reveal, your now popped bellybutton. 
“That’s gross.” you give her a pleading look, and she immediately begins to back track. 
“I mean in a mother earthy, kind of way.” she smiles a fake smile, and you give her one of empathy back. 
“No, Wanda. It’s gross.” 
“What’s gross, what’s happening in her- OMG, Y/N what is that?” Peter stopped in his tracks, just as he strolled through the door of the kitchen. His eyes were fixated on the sight of your projecting bellybutton. 
You pull your shirt down, feeling very self-conscious, your cheeks going a light shade of red. 
“It’s my bellybutton.”  
“Um...why does it look like that?” 
“Like what?”
“Like it’s trying to escape your body.”
“Because, Genius, my organs are shifting around, because I’m growing two human beings.” you explain in the best why you can, so that he understands. 
“But why does it look like...that?” his finger is pointing to you, and doing a small circle, to indicate just about where he means. 
“Well if you really want to know, it’s my uterus pushing against my abdomen.”
“What’s a youtrus?” he pulls a face, of abject horror. 
“A ute-ah whatever. What’s the point?” you mumble, you were going to pick and choose your battles, and this definitely wasn’t one you were keen on fighting.
“Come, Peter. Help us guess, what the babies are?” Wanda waves her hand, for him to come and join you both at the table. 
You give him a look of annoyance, but he just goes to the fridge grabbing the carton of orange juice, taking a swig, he pulls a chair up next to you. 
“No stupid, as in what the gender is?” his eyes go wide with realisation, and he puts the carton down, and pulls his chair closer. 
“How can you tell?” he says seeming intrigued, you watch his hands twitch a little in his lap, and you grab one of them, placing it on your belly. Just as he did so, one of the babies rolled under his hand. 
“Woah, that’s some freaky shit.” He says, but doesn't retract his hand, instead he places his other hand on top, feeling the small humans, rotating. You sigh and shake your head, but you do silently agree with him, although they weren’t kicking yet, you could still feel them doing summersaults in the womb, which did indeed feel like: some freaky shit.
“So I think by the way that they dream, they’re both girls.” Wanda smiles, placing a gentle red glow on your stomach.
“How do you know they dream?” you laugh, not believing her theory. 
“Because I can hear them.” she says bluntly, looking a little offended. 
“Well, what do they dream about, to make you think they’re both girls?” 
“Okay so they’re not dreaming exactly.” you snort, “but...they listen.” 
“So..because they listen, it means they must be girls?” you look at her with a skeptical look. 
“Hey, I listen.” Peter pipes up. You look at him, and grimace, “well I try to anyway, but I don't represent all the boys in the world.” 
“No not exactly, just because they listen, but they like your voice.” Wanda continues ignoring Peter’s protest. 
“How do you know they like the sound of my voice?” you hold your stomach in your hands, you smile slightly at Wanda’s revelation. Wanda places her hand on yours, and closes her eyes, deep in meditation.
“Every time you speak, they’re eyes move, and they smile a little.”
“They smile?” your eyes light up, when Wanda informs you of your unborn babies facial movements. 
Wanda still with her eyes shut, and hand on your bump, laughs with you. 
“Yeah, they’re smiling now. They’re definitely girls. I mean no offence Y/N, but Bucky’s not the smiliest person on the planet.”
“He is with me.” you defend, but you don't argue the matter, you’re too infatuated with the idea that your babies smile, when you speak.
“Well, I’d like to defend all the men on the planet, and I’m going to say that those babies are boys.” Peter announces. 
“What’s telling you that, your spidey sense?” you giggle, Wanda laughs as well, whereas Peter just look offended. 
“Okay, firstly; that is a real thing. And secondly, no actually, I think that because of a different reason.” 
“And what reason is that, Petey?” 
“Well, you said yourself that they haven't kicked yet.”
“Well that answers that question then.” he stands heading towards the fridge, “they’re lazy.”
“Hang on a minute...so Wanda saying that the babies are girls because they listen, is offensive. But you calling all men lazy isn't?” you tilt your head to the side, not quite convinced with Peter’s theory. 
“Yep.” is his simple response. 
“But that isn't true, I mean look at the daddies, they aren't exactly relaxed individuals are they?” Wanda points out. 
“I second that.” you agree, the last things your Alphas were, was relaxed. 
“Hey you ready to go, baby girl?” Bucky asks, walking into the kitchen, followed shortly by Steve. You turn and smile at them, they return your grin. Bucky comes over and places his arms around your shoulders, pushing his face into your scent mark. You giggle a little, at his lack of subtlety, as he was quite blatantly scenting you. Cleary not overly joyed, at you smelling like Peter and Wanda. 
“What are you lot up to. They’re not bothering you are they, Y/N?” Steve asks, still protective even though the company around you, is all harmless. 
“No Alpha, of course they aren't.” you smile, he leaned down, and you met his lips in a brief peck. 
“Good, last thing we need is your blood pressure going high, just before our appointment.” You roll your eyes, and shake your head. Steve raises his eyebrows as a subtle warning. 
“Right, let’s get you in that Med-Wing.” Bucky clapped his hands, making you jump a little. You stood from your chair, but immediately sat back down again, your head going fuzzy.
“Woah, sweetheart, slow and steady. There’s no rush.” Bucky holds you so you don't wobble off the chair. 
“I know, I know.” you push his hands away not wanting a fuss, in front of Wanda and Peter, but Steve strides over, and clasps his hands over yours. 
“Don’t fight us, baby.” he whispers, low enough that Wanda and Peter don't hear, but loud enough for you to know he was being serious. You nod your head in submission, and he relaxes his grip, so that you are able to rotate your hands, so you can comfortably hold his. And you use them to help you stand, this time without your brain melting.  
“I’ll see you guys in a bit.” you say over your shoulder as Steve and Bucky, guide you out of the kitchen. 
“We’ll be waiting.” you hear Wanda yell back. 
They continue to escort you down the corridor, making your way to the elevator.
“Yes, baby.” 
“What do you want the babies to be?” you ask, looking between the two men. 
“Healthy.” you roll your eyes, at Steve, and his usual Captain America answer. 
“Alpha.” you whine, “you know that isn't what I mean.”
“Well, that’s all we care about, honey.” Bucky smiles at you, and plants a kiss on the side of your head. 
“So...you honestly don’t care, what Dr Cho says today, as long as the babies are okay?” 
“Yes, sweetheart. That’s all we want to know.” Steve squeezes your hand, as you step into the elevator. His hand, instinctually went to your back, and you pushed into his hand, relaxing as his hand rubbed soothing circles into the ache skin.
“How are your legs feeling today, sweetie?” Bucky asked, stroking your hair. 
“Not bad, still a little achy though.” He gave you a sad smile, and rubbed your hand gently with his thumb. 
The elevator came to a stop, and all three of you pilled out, making your way towards Dr Cho’s room. 
“Hey Steve, Bucky. And hello Y/N, how are we feeling today?” she beamed at you, you instantly relaxed, when you saw her. You trusted her implicitly, ever since the accident, and she was alway on hand to answer any questions you have about the babies, or the pregnancy in general.
“I’m good, I can keep my breakfast down, which is nice. But I can’t help but get a little nauseous every now and then throughout the day.” you sit, on the bed, with the help of Steve and Bucky, who also help you to take your jumper off, and allow you to roll up your shirt. 
“That sounds all very normal. How are the dizzy spells?” she snaps some gloves on, and begins to feel around your bump. 
“She’s still getting them every now and then. We’re trying to get her to take the iron supplements, but she can get a little fussy about them, can’t you, sweetheart?” Bucky teases, you look away from him, a little red in the face. 
“You have to take the supplements,Y/N. They will help you with the dizziness. And they are good for the babies.” Dr Cho lightly scolded you. 
“See, we’re not making this stuff up, just for the hell of it.” Steve stroked your forehead with his thumb, and you turned your head into his chest, to hide the colouring of your cheeks.
“What about movement, are we getting any kicks or punches yet?”
“No kicks, but Y/N says she feels them doing little summersaults and back flips, don’t you darlin?” Steve rubs your shoulder encouragingly. You just nod you head in his chest.
“Baby, you need to use your words with Dr Cho, she needs to know how you’re feeling. It’s okay, you’re safe here. It’s just Alpha and I, and Dr Cho.” Steve whispers, reassurance. You slowly move from your safe space in the centre of Steve’s chest to look at Dr Cho. 
“No , I’ve not felt any kicking, they just like to do spins.” you respond shyly. 
“That’s normal, I’d expect a delay in the foetal movement due to you carrying twins. I’d say you’ll probably feel some little kicks, in a couple of weeks. You just need to keep being patient.”
“But I am patient.” you huff. 
“Y/N.” Bucky warned, giving your hand a slight squeeze.You lower your head, and press your lips into a thin line. 
“She’s alright, her hormones, are going crazy at the moment so I don’t blame Y/N for being a little grumpy.” she winks at you, and you give her a small smile.
“Now let’s look at some babies.”     
Dr Cho rolls the ultrasound machine over to the bed, and she grabbed the jelly, spraying a generous amount, onto your skin. You shiver at its coolness, and a quiet ‘sorry’ falls past her lips. 
She takes the probe, and begins to move it round your belly. Briefly the only sound that could be heard was the whooshing noise of the scanner, as it looked for your little beans. 
“Annnd...here’s baby number one.” the whooshing sound stops, and settles into a gentle rhythm, a soft thud, that echoes around the room, making your own heartbeat flutter. You felt both the men squeeze you tighter, as Dr Cho circles the little alien on the screen. 
“Can you see if it’s a girl or a boy?” you asked tentatively. 
“Not from this angle, let me just...” she presses the wand a little harder into your stomach and you wince a little at the pressure. “...looks like you’re gonna have a baby boy.”   
You eyes stung with tears of joy, as you turned to see Bucky and Steve, had matching. 
“It’s a boy.” you whisper, almost in disbelief. 
“We’re having a little boy, sweetheart.” Bucky repeated. He kissed your lips, before his lips were replaced by Steve’s. 
“Thank you, baby.” he whispered in between breaths. 
“Thank you for what, I haven't done anything yet?” you giggle. 
“Yes you have, little one. You’re giving us a little boy.” 
“You’ve made us the happiest Alphas on the planet.” Bucky praised, kissing the back of your hand. 
“Would you like to know the sex of the other one?” Dr Cho interrupted, you felt a little awkward for her, as she had to stand and watch, what was quite a private moment, between an Omega and her Alphas. 
“I mean it’s only fair.” you laughed, she smiled back, and the whooshing noise returned as she began to move the wand around your tummy once again. 
Eventually, a steady rhythm filled the room, once more, and the little picture on the screen, showed the small blobbish outline. 
“It looks like you’re having a....little girl.” 
You couldn't control your pregnant woman emotions, and the tears spilled over your cheeks, turning your head into Steve’s chest, Bucky gripped your arm tightly, and Steve pulled you in closer to his shirt. 
“A little girl, sweetheart. A little girl just like you.” Steve coos, stroking your hair. 
“Is everything okay with them. Are they both healthy?” Bucky asks, and you move your head from Steve’s chest, and look to Dr Cho, searching her face for any signs to indicate that the babies may be in distress. 
“Everything looks really good, but the little girl, is slightly on the small side, but that is expected with twins. One will often take more food from the other, it’s fairly common, but I would advise that we have weekly appointments rather than monthly, just so we can keep up to date with babies’ growth.” 
“Is it an issue, if she doesn't get enough food, could she die?” you stutter, breathing becoming a little short. Bucky moves you so you’re looking at him.
“Hey, hey, Dr Cho isn't saying that. She’s just saying we got to keep an eye on our little girl. That’s all. Nothing to worry about, baby. Right, Dr Cho?”
“Absolutely, we just need to keep an eye on it, and you taking your supplements, will make all the difference.” She smiles. 
“Now are we wanting print outs?” 
“Yes.” all of you chorus, and causing you all to chuckle. 
“Okay then, Bucky if you’d like to use this, and wipe that yucky gel off, whilst I sort you some print outs.” Bucky takes the paper towel from her, and gently wipes at your bump, clearing it of the jelly. The whirring of the printer begins to fill the room, and soon you were leaving the Med-Wing with your eyes, fixated on the little fuzzy images in your hand. 
“I can’t believe I’m having a daughter.” you breath, looking at the grainy picture of your little girl. 
“Why not?” Steve chuckled, putting his hand on the small of your back, as you rode up the lift towards your floor. 
“I don't know. Whenever I did envision pups, which was rare, I always just envisioned myself having boys.” you shrugged. “I’ve never been great with girls.” 
“Ain’t that the truth.” Bucky chirps, and you smirk before looking back at the picture. 
“But you’re friends with Wanda?” Steve pressed. 
“I know, but that’s different. Wanda’s...different.” you sigh, and both men laugh at your poor explanation. 
Before the doors of the elevator had a chance to open, a flash of red, appeared before it was blocked, by your two Alphas, who closed ranks in front of you. 
“Slow down, Wanda.” Steve warned the witch, as she collided with their chests. 
“Hey I just wanted to see the pictures.” She huffed stomping her foot, but her attitude dissipated when you saw Vision ominously stood behind her. 
“Careful, my love. Y/N needs to be treated with more delicacy.” He puts his hand on her shoulder, and she follows the movement, as he pulls her to the side to allow the three of you to exit the elevator. 
You peek out under the cover of Bucky’s arms to see her pouting, you side step out from behind him, and she immediately smiles at you, trying to make her way forward, but Bucky, keep his arm locked in front of you. 
“It’s okay Alpha, she just want to see the pictures.” you rub your head against Bucky’s arm, and he nods, before moving his arm from across your stomach to tightly around your shoulder. 
You hold the scan pictures out and show them to Wanda, who instantly seizes them, and stares at them bright eyed. She angles them so that Vision could see. 
“Wow.” she breathed, “so was I right?”
You giggle at her change in pace. 
“Sort of.” 
“What do you mean sort of?”
“Well there is one girl in here.” you gesture to your belly, Wanda squealing, making you flinch slightly. 
“Oh my God.” she tries to put her hands on your bump, but she’s immediately blocked by Bucky, who moves you away, Steve stepping in front of you. 
“What is wrong with you two?” Wanda groans, crossing her arms, and jutting her hip out. 
“I believe, my love. Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes have entered their own stage during Y/N pregnancy.” Vision, stroked Wanda’s hair over her shoulder, “This phase, causes the Alpha or in this case Alphas to become incredibly oversensitive with their Omega. You must give them some space, my love. I would be the same for you.” He kisses the top of her head, and she lets out one final huff, before straightening up. 
“So the other ones a boy then?” she smiled, you smiled back, nodding your head, “Peter will be pleased.” You laugh with her. 
“If you’d like to excuse us, we would like to take Y/N, to bed, she needs her rest.” Steve smiles at Vision, who gladly returns it, before he steers, his Omega away.
“Why did you have to do that?” you grumbled as they began to take you back to your room.
“Do what?’ 
“Be so rude, she only wanted to see the twins?” you argued. 
“She’s been too rough with you, baby. It’s our job to look after you.”
“She was only going to feel the pups.” 
“Enough, baby girl. Come on, lets get you settled and something to eat.” Steve says, pushing you through the door. 
“This is what my life has become hasn't it?” 
“Become what, sweetheart?” Bucky, looks at you with concern. 
“Just this...” you wave you hands around the room, “trapped in this room, unable to be touched by anyone but you.” 
“That’s what happens when you are bonded, darlin. Only we can touch you.” Steve responds darkly. 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. I want Wanda to feel the babies. I want Sam, to see the pictures, hell when they’re here I want Peter to hold one. But you won't let that happen. You’re just gonna keep me locked up in here, breeding me, until I can’t be bred anymore.” you shout, once you finish, you’re short of breath, and sink onto the bed, Bucky and Steve walk over to squat in front of you. 
“You need to calm down, honey. This is not what is best for you.” Bucky rubs up and down your legs soothingly. 
“Getting yourself worked up about something that isn't true, is pointless, and only harmful to the babies and you.” you sigh angrily, but the sharpness of the pain that sprouts in your head, makes you slow your breathing down.  
When you clutch your forehead, Steve stands and goes to get you some water. 
“See, now you’ve given yourself a headache. Look I’m sorry we stopped Wanda from touching your bump, but we just wanted to keep you safe, and sometimes Wanda can be a little....intense.” you can’t help the small smile, that twitches on your lips at Bucky's wording. 
You take the glass from Steve, and sip the water slowly, before handing it back to him. 
“Okay I understand why you were being protective, you just need to chill a little. Because when you’re stressed I get stressed. Just need you to stay calm.” you sigh, placing your hands, on both of their cheeks. 
“Okay, baby. We promise to relax a little bit.” They both move so that they are sat either side of you. 
“I can’t believe we’re having a little boy and a little girl. Just a few more weeks.” Steve and Bucky press a kiss to your bump, before they press one to either of your cheeks. You giggle as their stubble, tickles. 
“We love you, doll.”
“I love you x3, Alpha.” 
A/N: It’s a boy, and a girl!!!!
Part Six//
@mikariell95 @sexyvixen7@booboobella01@rororo06@vickstaahh​ @krazykatkay456@winchester-wifey​@nightlygiggles​ @coonflix​ @broco8​ @animegirlgeeky​ @amanda-the-fangirl​ @brunettebabylou @flyaway1221​ @frozenhuntress67​
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scottbird · 2 years
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thenorthfacejournal · 7 years
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Protect Our Public Lands: An Open Letter To America
The North Face deeply values the preservation of our public lands – not simply because they are integral to one of our country’s largest economic engines (the outdoor economy) and are an important part of our business – but because public lands are one of the most vital shared spaces of our civilization. Protecting, preserving, honoring, and embracing these lands gives people places to play, enjoy our country’s iconic beauty, and push their physical limits.
We are proud to have signed the Outdoor Industry Business Leaders Letter on Public Lands to support preserving public lands for future generations to explore, play and connect with nature.
To our elected officials and those who value America’s great outdoors:
This open letter expresses the view of more than 100 leaders of large and small businesses in the outdoor industry, which contributes more than $650 billion annually to the U.S. economy, generates $80 billion in tax revenue and employs more than 6 million people. Together, we represent a huge range of activities – from hiking to hunting and camping to conservation.
Our businesses make the lives of everyday Americans, from every corner of the political spectrum, healthier and happier. We do not often unite as an industry in the way we are today, but we are compelled to make clear our collective view on a vitally important issue that affects the economic health of our industry, our local communities, and the lives of all Americans.
It is an American right to roam in our public lands. The people of the United States, today and tomorrow, share equally in the ownership of these majestic places. This powerful idea transcends party lines and sets our country apart from the rest of the world. That is why we strongly oppose any proposal, current or future, that devalues or compromises the integrity of our national public lands.
Yet as the 115th Congress begins, efforts are underway that threaten to undermine over one hundred years of public investment, stewardship and enjoyment of our national public lands. Stated simply, these efforts would be bad for the American people. They include the potential of national public lands being privatized or given to states who might sell them to the highest bidder. This would unravel courageous efforts by leaders from across the political spectrum up to the present day, including Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.
This is not a red or blue issue. It is an issue that affects our shared freedoms. Public lands should remain in public hands.
We hold these views both as leaders of the outdoor industry — which creates significant economic value for this country — and as individuals who believe deeply that the next generation should be free to benefit from our national public lands as we and our families do today.
The undersigned companies are therefore working together to ensure that all Americans maintain their right to our iconic national public lands and that it is not taken away.
Outdoor Industry Association, Amy Roberts, Executive Director Appalachian Outfitters, Mike & Karen Leffler, Owners Ascent Solar Technologies, Victor Lee, President & CEO Backbone Media, Penn Newhard, Founder & Managing Partner Backcountry, Jonathan Nielsen, CEO Backcountry North, Tracy Mayer, Owner Backwoods Retail, Inc., Jennifer Mull, Owner & CEO Benchmade Knife Company, David Fee, Vice President BioLite, Jonathan Cedar, Founder & CEO Black Creek Outfitters, Joe & Liz Butler, Owners Cascade Designs, David Burroughs, President Chaco, Seth Cobb, President Champaign Surplus, Dan & Shira Epstein, Owners Clif Bar & Company, Kevin Cleary, CEO Columbia Sportswear Company, Tim Boyle, President & CEO Combat Flip Flops, Matthew Griffin, CEO Confluence Watersports, Sue Rechner, President & CEO Dakine, Ken Meidell, CEO Darn Tough Vermont, Ric Cabot, President & CEO Denali, Chris Howe, Owner Diamond Brand Outdoors, Will Gay, Owner Eagle Creek, Roger Spatz, President Eastside Sports, Chris Iversen & Todd Vogel, Co-Owners Exxel Outdoors, LLC, Harry Kazazian, CEO Far Bank Enterprises, Travis Campbell, President & CEO First Lite, Kenton Carruth, Co-Founder and Owner Fishpond, John Land Le Coq, Founder & CEO Flowfold, James Morin, Owner & COO Goal Zero, William Harmon, General Manager Grassroots Outdoor Alliance, Rich Hill, President Great Outdoor Provision Co., Travis Zarins, Owner HipCamp, Alyssa Ravasio, Founder & CEO Ibex Outdoor Clothing, Ted Manning, CEO Idaho Mountain Touring, Chris & Jill Haunold, Owners JanSport, Steve Munn, President Kammok, Haley Robison, CEO Keen, Casey Sheahan, CEO Kuhl, Kevin Boyle, President La Sportiva N.A., Inc., Jonathan Lantz, President Light Speed Outdoors, Brian Cox, CEO Lucy, Laurie Etheridge, President Massey’s Outfitters, Mike Massey, President Mountain Hardwear, Dennis Randall, CMO Mountain Khakis, Ross Saldarini, President Mountain Safety Research (MSR), Chris Parkhurst, Vice President Mountain Works, Inc., Jim Smith, President My Outdoor Alphabet, Seth Neilson, CEO Nemo, Cam Brensinger, CEO New Balance, Rob DeMartini, President & CEO Oru Kayak, Roberto Gutierrez, Founder & CCO Orvis, Perk Perkins, CEO Osprey, Layne Rigney, President Outdoor Research, Dan Nordstrom, CEO Outside Brands / Outside Hilton Head, Mike Overton, CEO Pack & Paddle, John Williams, President Pack Rat Outdoor Center, Scott & Carolyn Crook, Founders & Owners Patagonia, Rose Marcario, President & CEO Peak Design, Peter Dering, Founder & CEO Piragis Northwoods Company, Steve Piragis, Owner Packtowl, Doug Jacot, Vice President Platypus, Doug Jacot, Vice President Point6, Peter Duke, CEO prAna Living, Scott Kerslake, CEO Ramsey Outdoor, Stuart and Michael Levine, Owners REI Co-op, Jerry Stritzke, President & CEO Redington, Travis Campbell, President & CEO Rio, Travis Campbell, President & CEO River Sports Outfitters, Ed McAlister, Owner Roads Rivers and Trails, Emily White, Co-Founder & Owner Rock Creek Outfitters, Dawson Wheeler, Founder Ruffwear, Patrick Kruse, R&D Director & Founder Rutabaga Paddlesports, Darren Bush, Owner & CEO Sage, Travis Campbell, President & CEO SealLine, Doug Jacot, Vice President Simms, K.C. Walsh, President & CEO Skinny Skis, Phil Leeds & Scott O’Brien, Owners Soar Communications, Chip Smith, President Sorel, Mark Nenow, President Stanley PMI, Kelly Kraus, Vice President, Stanley Brand Summit Hut, Dana Davis, President & Co-Owner Sunlight Sports, Wes Allen, Owner Superfeet Worldwide, John Rauvola, CEO Tahoe Mountain Sports, Dave Polivy, Co-Owner Tenkara USA, Daniel Galhardo, Founder The Base Camp, Scott Brown, Owner The Mountaineer, Vinny McClelland, President The North Face, Scott Baxter, Group President The Trail Head, Todd Frank, Owner The Toggery, Trek Stephens, President Therm-a-Rest Brands, Doug Jacot, Vice President Timberland, Jim Pisani, Global Brand President Toad&Co, Gordon Seabury, CEO (& OIA board chair) Trail Creek Outfitters, Ed Camelli & Brian Havertine, Owners Travel Country, Mike Plante, Owner Ute Mountaineer, Bob Wade & Maile Spung, Owners VF Corporation, Steve Rendle, President and CEO Weighmyrack, Allison Dennis, Founder & CEO Western Spirit Cycling, Ashley Korenblat, CEO Woolrich, Inc., Nick Brayton, President Zumiez, Inc., Tom Campion, Founder & Chairman
Lead image by Bryson Malone
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hoaxxrus · 5 years
EDsmart Announces 2020 Best Online Colleges in Michigan Rankings
EDsmart's ranking of the best online colleges in Michigan is the most comprehensive and well-rounded to date. The ranking includes only fully accredited schools. Rankings are basedon affordability, academic quality, student satisfaction and post-graduation salaries according to data from the U.S. Department of Education.
"As online college courses become more prevalent, it is important to recognize the colleges and universities that go above and beyond,” said Tyson Stevens, managing editor of EDsmart. "Our goal is to highlight these schools and their commitment to higher education."
“The Best Online Colleges in Michigan ranking allow students to compare accredited programs and find those that best fit their education interests and career goals,” said EDsmart’s spokesperson. “Beyond providing affordable education, a college is not successful if it does not graduate its students, which is why EDsmart rankings place high value on outcomes, including graduation and retention rates.”
The EDsmart 2020Best Online Colleges inMichigan ranking namesthe University of Michigan-Ann Arbor#1 as the best online college in Michigan with Michigan Technological Universityand Michigan State Universityfollowing.
2020 Best Online Colleges in Michigan (in alphabetical order)
Andrews University
Baker College  
Bay Mills Community College
Central Michigan University  
Cleary University  
Cornerstone University  
Davenport University  
Delta College  
DeVry University  
Eastern Michigan University  
Ferris State University  
Gogebic Community College  
Grace Christian University  
Grand Valley State University  
Jackson College  
Kettering University  
Kirtland Community College  
Lansing Community College  
Lawrence Technological University  
Macomb Community College  
Madonna University  
Marygrove College  
Michigan State University  
Michigan Technological University  
Northern Michigan University  
Northwestern Michigan College  
Northwood University  
Rochester College  
Saginaw Valley State University  
Siena Heights University  
Spring Arbor University  
University of Detroit Mercy  
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor  
University of Michigan-Flint  
Wayne State University  
University response to EDsmart rankings has been very positive. Sharing the rankings on their websites and via social media has helped schools attract new students and excite existing students and alumni.
The rankings and data were produced for EDsmart, a leading higher education research organization. All evaluated data was gathered from IPEDs, U.S. Department of Higher Education, school websites, and other reputable sources.
The rankings have been published at https://www.edsmart.org/accredited-online-colleges/michigan/
About EDsmart:
EDsmart reviews publicly available data to produce independent ranking assessments of various educational programs, in addition to student guides and resources. The site is regularly updated by a committed team of writers and researchers, who produce college rankings and resources that help prospective and current college students get into, pay for, and thrive at the college of their choice.
Media Contact
Company Name: EDsmart
Contact Person: Tyson Stevens
Phone: (707) 595-0736
City: Draper
State: UT
Country: United States
Contact Info:
Name: Managing Editor
Organization: EDsmart
Phone: (707) 595-0736
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dinoserious · 8 months
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ute variety sketchpage (not to scale)
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dinoserious · 1 year
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girl put a helmet on!!!!!!!!
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dinoserious · 6 months
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these have just been sitting in my drafts; misc ute doodles. some quick headshots i was gonna do for all of em but got bored, gully and cleary swimwear noodling (shirtlessness is very gender neutral in this setting and is more reliant on personal comfort. no ones got tits), and Here Take This Dart
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dinoserious · 9 months
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a cleary post is getting some notes so im gonna actually crosspost this sketchy... au where manny got cleary as a baby. manny himself is like a fresh collage student here, not sure how this would have happened but im a sucker for sudden baby acquisition
+also some older sketches of babby clears.. baby griffinflies in ute got the dragonfly nymph grabby jaw situation. nd a big ole tail
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dinoserious · 1 year
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squad. and some gully expressions
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dinoserious · 11 months
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little pixel cleary while fuckin around in a pixel art app
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dinoserious · 2 years
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manny n cleary comparison. cleary was designed waaaay after manny, and was not initially intended to be his sister, so i wanted to edit him a bit to make em match a bit better. i like clearys face more which is why i didnt edit her to look more like him lol. also been wanting to edit mannys color scheme a bit, so hes got some light patches now which also match more w cleary
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dinoserious · 1 year
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sorry i left manny behind again
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dinoserious · 3 years
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manny art manny art heres a selection of manny art
the fullbodies r from a while back but the other two are recent. the other char is his little sister cleary
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scottbird · 2 years
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