#but her tattoo on right arm is literally night thorn lol
pinayelf · 5 months
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My @infamous-if mc, Violetta "Vi" Marasigan, the lead singer of Nighthorn
She’s here to follow her dreams, sing her heart out and maybe make self destructive decisions
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lilytriestoexist · 4 years
Erawan With Bangs: A Sequel
I was stressing myself out over a physics assignment involving eyeballs so I decided the ideal stress relief was...writing fanfiction about EWB. Again. Really, it’s all physics’s fault. Also, I haven’t read all of K0A, so this is nowhere near what actually happened in canon, but it's probably way cooler. Featuring: @crescentcitysux @croissantcitysucks and @antisjmmemes. Obligatory tag: @erawanwithbangs . And it’s 12am here, so goodnight lol. (i think i 'peaked' with the first one. also, tw/ erawan kills people and there's talk about blood)
His new look, Erawan decided, was the most powerful weapon in his disposal. It had struck his Valg Princes and common underlings speechless with its sheer magnificence. Not one person had spoken out against his mighty bangs, for they were faultless and flawless, and most definitely not because he had snapped the neck of the sole demon commoner who had given his hair a displeased side-eye. No, the people had spoken, and his bangs were glorious. 
But while he and his bangs carried his side of the war to victory after victory, Maeve was not doing as well. The nasty brat who styled herself a queen - what was her name, Alien? Ayla? No, it was Eileen. Yes, Fire Queen Eileen had escaped from Maeve’s clutches and was reunited with her mate, Ronan, her cousin Adrian, her friend Lydia, and a few other Fae males whose names he couldn’t remember. They all started to blend together after a while, anyway. The last he’d heard from Maeve through their Valg bloodlink, Eileen’s court was a thorn in her side, and one she was determined to rip out and incinerate. Erawan had opened his mouth, intending to ask about her strange obsession with Eileen and Ronan’s romance, but he’d caught a glance of his bangs in the tableware and decided he had other priorities. A strand of hair was longer than the others in his otherwise immaculate bangs; Maeve, Eileen, and Ronan could wait. 
Anyway, the point was that Maeve was not doing great, but he was doing pretty great, and so the clear resolution to this was to go help her out. Which was why he was here, using his powers a few metres off the ground, skin bleeding wisps of shadow. His bangs flapped in the gentle breeze as he lead his army forward to meet Terrasen’s own, smirking as it registered on their puny faces that he himself was leading his forces. Shock, fear, horror, and resignation flitted across their tiny faces in quick succession, but still they raised their weapons and charged, foolish bravery etched into their bones. A slow grin spread across his face, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth, as black swallowed his eyes whole and he leapt forward. 
After a while, severing heads from bodies and tearing organs from beneath fragile skin got boring, and the spurt of blood from open wounds no longer gave him a similar rush of satisfaction. How easy it was to steal life from humans, to toss them aside like puppets with cut strings. He had lived thousands of their short lifetimes, and he would live thousands more.
A cry rang out through the battlefield, and he looked up,  brows raised, as he shoved aside the latest victim of his dark, blazing whips. And speaking of blazing, Eileen was making her way across the grass, stepping over the dead and dying bodies of her soldiers, twin flames surging from her upward-facing palms and casting warm light across her pale face. Sunlight gleamed off her gold armour, and a matching broadsword hung from her belt.
“Eileen.” He gave her a nod of acknowledgement, but she just stared, jaw dropping.
“Did you just call me Eileen?”
Erawan blinked, unimpressed. “That’s your name, so of course I did.”
She spluttered, flailing her hands around and sending tiny embers of glowing orange fluttering through the air. “I - my name is AeIin!” she snarled, baring her canines.
He gave her a long, hard stare. “I’m going to call you Eileen,” he announced. “Because you look like an Eileen.”
“AeIin!” A hawk came swooping down from the clouds and transformed into a man with short white hair and word-like tattoos sprawled across half his face, Eileen’s apparent name spilling from his lips. 
“Ah!” Erawan looked him up and down. “You must be Ronan.”
Ronan pressed two fingers into the inner corners of his eyes, just below his brow-bones, and ignored him. “AeIin - “
“I told you not to come, Rowan,” Eileen snapped. “This is between me and him.”
“Ronan can stay if he wants,” Erawan said. “The more the merrier. I’ve always enjoyed slaughtering Fae. Do you happen to have any friends you could bring along?”
“Rowan, I can do this,” Eileen said, staring deep into his eyes before surging up to meet him. Erawan averted his gaze as Ronan returned her action with equal fervour, coughing into his hand and whistling a tune, tapping his foot in time with the clashing of metal on metal and the haunting song of warfare that flooded from the still-raging battle.
When he turned back around, they were still going at it. With a growl of annoyance, he sent a snaking tendril of darkness and made it slap them away from each other. 
“Are you done?” he demanded. “Less making out, more taking out.”
Ronan looked torn, but finally turned back into a hawk and took off into the air, flapping his great wings and circling the battlefield before something caught his eye and he flew until he was only a small speck against a sea of blue. 
The glow of an approaching fireball made him look at Eileen’s face, twisted into a grimace of determination. He batted away the fireball, sending it careening into one of her own soldiers and grinning as the poor man was turned to ash, but she kept them coming - fireballs that shifted between red, orange, and yellow every time he blinked, massive walls of flame that engulfed the nearby area, since thankfully people had the sense to stay away, whips that mirrored his own favourite attack that tried to wind around his arms and lash out at his legs. 
When she jumped deftly over a rippling wave of night and curled her fingers, conjuring another fireball and flicking it at him, his hand rose to hit it away, like he had for all the others. But this one had been aimed higher than his chest, and his fingers skimmed through air. Instinct kicked in, sending him skidding to the side as the fireball just barely missed his head and continued through the air. Erawan breathed a sign of relief, hand reaching up to caress his bangs and summon good luck.
He knew something was wrong when he felt plain skin instead of the comfort of his bangs, lovely and golden and smooth as the finest silk. His gaze turned to the floor, where strands of hair floated to rest on the grass, burnt off by the fireball. He barely registered Eileen taking advantage of his momentous loss, but his powers kicked in, a shield springing up between them.
Erawan sank to his knees, touching his fingers to what was left of his poor, poor bangs. The colour had been swallowed by ashy black, and a thin line of smoke wafted from the debris, twisting and twirling in the air, mocking him. Eileen was still hammering away at his shield. His hand went back to his forehead, measuring the wideness, touching where the hair had been burnt off. He could feel the tight coils of agony scrape against his throat, against the writhing walls of his stomach, and all he could do was let it out.
Darkness erupted from him as he screamed, pouring out all his pain and grief and agony into the one sound, loud and high-pitched and thick with mourning. It did not go to attack Eileen, though she took cover beneath a cocoon of flames, nor any of her followers. Instead, it danced around the blood-stained field before coalescing into a ring of black, rotating in mid-air, a thin glowing sheen of white barely visible within. His magic, acting on its master’s inner thoughts, summoning the only people who might understand.
Aelia, Lyn, and Salty appeared, stepping out of the portal and descending to the ground, confusion apparent on their faces as they took in Eileen, blanketed in protective flames, to the battle that was in the process of resuming, to him, hunched on the ground and shaking.
“Erawan with bangs?” Lyn asked, prodding at his shoulder. Another tortured cry ripped itself from the crevices of his throat at the cruel reminder, and she jumped, exchanging concerned glances with her companions. “Uh, Erawan?”
“It’s gone,” he murmured, covering his massive forehead with his left palm. 
“What’s gone?” Salty asked with a frown, before realisation filled their eyes. “Oh no. It’s gone, isn’t it?”
“The bangs,” Aelia breathed, and winced as he howled yet again. “Okay, you can stop doing that now. How did it happen?”
“Her,” he whispered, limbs stiffening. “Her.” He pushed himself off the ground and extended a single trembling finger at Eileen, who extinguished her flames and blinked at the new arrivals and his fragile state.
“I didn’t do anything,” she said, embers flying from her fingertips in warning. “He’s trying to take over the world as we know it, I’m trying to stop him. I don’t know what lies he’s fed you, but it’s not true.”
Lyn waved a dismissive hand in her direction. “He hasn’t told us anything.” she said, “and he doesn’t need to. We already know what those in this world are doing with their lives, and I’m not a fan of either camp.”
“What?” Eileen’s brows shot up. “But I’m right! He’s literally an evil monster!”
Salty shrugged. “And you’re an annoying bitch who’s expressed take-over-the-world desires. I think both of you aren’t great. And I don’t really care.” Their expression hardened. “What I do, or did care about were those bangs. Those glorious, glorious bangs.”
“Always in our hearts,” Aelia said, resting her palm over her chest solemnly. “You will never be forgotten, bangs. We will remember you forever.”
Eileen sent a massive wall of flame at them, apparently losing her temper, but Lyn snapped her fingers and it disappeared. Eileen’s second attempt met the same fate, and then her third and fourth as well.
“You know, Erawan without bangs,” Aelia said.
“Yeah?” he replied, choking back a sob.
“I think we should give - wait, what’s this girl’s name? I thought it was AeIin.”
“No, it’s definitely Eileen.”
“Well, maybe we should give Eileen a little payback. You know, as a treat.”
A second later, he had strode over to where Eileen was desperately sending fireball after fireball at a cackling Lyn, his own night black flame cradled in his hand. She had no time to react before he’d coaxed it to leap through the air and onto the ends of her hair, crawling up the strands of gleaming blonde until her whole head was lit up, apart from the strands of hair that hung in front of her forehead. She screamed and writhed, but he had tendrils of shadow wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and more strips over her neck and chin, keeping her head immobilised. Within a minute, all her long hair had been eaten up, apart from the area he’d left untouched. She was almost completely bald, her hairless head shining like an egg.
“Here,” Salty said, handing him the pair of scissors he kept in his bedroom. “Don’t ask any questions.” He didn’t.
“Get away from me,” Eileen sobbed. “What are you doing, get away, get away!”
“You must face the consequences of your own actions,” Lyn declared, poking at Eileen’s pointed ears and looking very unimpressed. 
He balled up all his rage and grief at the loss of his bangs, steadied his hands, and began cutting. Eileen dissolved into a string of whimpers as he ruthlessly cut her the worst fringe he could imagine having, all ragged and crooked lines, with no layering to break up the monotonous fall of hair, almost covering her eyes. When the final chunk of blonde fell to the floor, he waved his hand, ensuring that no strand of hair outside of his ugly fringe would ever grow on Eileen’s head. Aelia, Lyn, and Salty then each placed a finger on the fringe and said what he assumed to be an ancient, esoteric spell from their own world, sealing it with flashes from their rectangles. I wonder what magical properties the word ‘fuck’ has, he thought. 
Once they had completed their spell, Erawan stepped back and waved away Eileen’s restraints. Aelia tossed her a mirror that he was almost sure came from his possessions as well, and they watched as Eileen ran quivering hands over her egg-like bald head, felt the fringe they’d left behind, and finally, looking like she’d rather be six feet beneath the earth, brought her face to the mirror.
Her ensuing scream of anguish was the most delightful thing he’d ever heard. He hummed the tune, the rising and falling in pitch and cracking of tone, as he grew himself a new pair of bangs the next morning.
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the100hurtme · 3 years
Aight ACOTAR pt 2:
Alis really out here with the monologue
Bro I knew it was sus that he didn’t kill her and that she actually killed a faerie wolf
LMAO you really got me there but tbh if someone killed my bestie in cold blood like that I wouldnt feel bad about tricking them into loving me
DUDE REALLY HAD MORE TIME LEFT AND STILL SENT HER AWAY?!?! That’s not love that’s stupidity.
Lol forgot to add this to the PT1 but damn she couldn’t think of a fake name???
Aight well the dummy is gonna go straight into the mountain... I guess when you got nothing to lose it’s fine
Is she surprised she got caught??
I mean she’s a pretty solid villain for thinking of a punishment for Julian like that
Still not really understanding what good showing no emotion or even speaking does in this case
Like he could have said something instead of 😐
YAY hot emo rhys is back
Lol my dumbass wouldn’t be able to make a deal like that with people who could find loopholes in every type of wording.
They’re just gonna watch her get beat up??? Damn that’s cold but I guess idk
Lucien as a character is just pretty sad. It’s like a reflection of the kindly giant type of thing. The dude should be high lord after his dad but still gets kicked around by literally everyone even tampon.
Lol I bet the answer is either love or something super confusing.
So is she supposed to hunt the thing or get out of the maze
Oh damn running
I mean that sincerely I would rather punch than run cause that sounds like a lot of work
That must really stink oh gosh ew
Wow sis is smart smart
Is tamlin going to jump in???
Awww Lucien really the only one out here hyping her up
I’m a sucker for the *hes the only one who bet on her* trope especially if they aren’t even friends
These descriptions are really pretty. I’m glad he has night powers not some like court of teeth type thing.
Awwww Luciens mom does care about him
Lentils??? Why lentils???
Only a week??? Bro do like a month or something
Idk why but I love it when they get tattoos
Wait isn’t this cheating??? Can they tell that she’s using magic??? Do they notice the tat??
Atleast she made it out alive that’s great
Lmao I was expecting the comforting... BUT HE LICKED HER???
I don’t think she’s is getting any nutrients like she can’t keep any food down how is she standing
Wait did he put the paint on her so that no one would touch her?
Ummmm how is this scene gonna go in the live action sounds a little GOT level
For reals how is she able to dance the whole evening if the girl can’t keep food down
She only sleeps when she passes out from pain 🥴
SIS is strong that’s all I’m gonna say
All he wanted to do was get in her pants 😒 like dude what??? Also the paint bro
Ooooooo Rhys is smart smart
Did tampon really think she would kiss another dude right after they were getting frisky???? Boy has not faith in her
Tampon insulting amarantha is the whole reason they’re in this mess in the first place!
Like he knew she was psycho but still provoked her???
Anywho time for the last task. And I bet you she won’t even let them go after Feyre completes it.
She has to kill all of them omg
Feyre literally went through a whole arc of killing the faerie without a thought to hurting so badly for doing it omg
Wait no the girl really just wanted her to do it omg
Wow the death mantra thing is so sad
Lol hold up how did she remember all that
I must have the memory of a goldfish cause I read those parts last night and I dont even remember them
If it doesn’t work that means no one could kill the she devil yikes...
I mean yeah do it i guess
Girl’s got guts
AWWW RHYS IS FIGHTING FOR HER like he’s not making progress BUT STILL
wait why is no one else helping her. Like tampon get up or something it’s just a little cut🙄
How tf is she still alive
I KNEW IT WOULD BE LOVE kinda cliche but since the Fae think love is kinda lame it’s smart
oh she’s dead
Why is she in rhy’s eyes is their bargain bond like a blood bond or something
Oh she’s like dead dead
This book is pretty graphic
Is she really dead? There’s like 4 more books or something
Oh they’re gonna bring her back
Aww I kinda wish she would stay human but I guess that’s not realistic
Why couldn’t he just cuddle her why did he have do her??? Like the girl is tired you horny ass 🙄
Wow this bargain bond is pretty deep to tug her around like that
Awww wait then talking about it is so sad :(
Oooof I got shivers when he explain her neck snapping
I think idk I’m pretty sure
Okie those were my thoughts from book 1 a court of thorns and roses.
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officialbabayaga · 7 years
i was tagged by @peevesies thank u!! :*
1. Drink:  shitty latte from one of those fancy latte machines 2. Phone call: uhh i think my mom, we do weekly phone calls 3. Text message: my awesome cousin roo ( @phyllisdietrichson ) who doesn’t mind me texting multi-paragraph Feelings about harry potter and how angry i am at literally every character besides harry 4. Song you listened to: honestly i’ve been listening to audiobooks and podcasts exclusively for the past few weeks (...maybe months) to keep the Sadness™ away 5. Time you cried: lol literally 20 minutes ago i’m pmsing and i’m listening to Deathly Hallows 6. Dated someone twice: like date someone then break up but get back together? never lol 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i don’t think i’ve ever regretted a kiss actually, just been like ‘oh well, that happened.’ 8. Lost someone special: a couple years ago 9. Been cheated on: never 10. Been depressed: lol yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: last time was june-ish? tequila and cider on an empty stomach was maybe... not the best idea i’ve ever had Three favorite colors - grey, dark green, lavender
15. Fallen out of love: nope 16. Laughed until you cried: yeah probably 17. Found out someone has been talking about you: i don’t think so? like, probably, but no one snitched to me abt it 18. Met someone who changed you: like irl or online bc my hockeyfriends are so so dear to me, if that counts 19. Found out who your friends are: ?? i graduated in high school since 2011 calm down
20: Kissed someone on your Facebook list: probably
21. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: lol like none now, i haven’t been on facebook in about 3 years 22. Do you have any pets: my two catbabies! love those idiots 23. Do you want to change your name: nah i think zoe suits me 24: What did you do for your last birthday: it was actually like a week and a half ago, i went to a portland thorns game with roo and then spent the rest of the weekend up at my mom’s place, it was super chill and nice :) 25. What time did you wake up: i’m dogsitting rn and sweet maggie MUST be walked at 7 every morning and she never lets me forget it 26. What were you doing at midnight last night: chillin in bed, on this hellsite 27. Name something you can’t wait for: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like,, graduate, finding a fulfilling job, adopting like 7 pets w my emma,,, 28. When was the last time you saw your mom: last week 29. What are you listening to right now: harry potter i JUST SAID 30. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: in my life? probably 31. Something that is getting on your nerves right now: these loud mass of fun and carefree friends have had rowdy and LOUD gatherings on the communal balcony of this fancy apartment complex i’m staying at to dogsit like EVERY NIGHT and it’s like STOP YELLING!! WHY CAN’T YOU HAVE FUN QUIETLY YOU’RE ALL RIGHT THERE YOU DON’T HAVE TO YELL1!!!!! 32. Most visited website: god don’t make me say it  33. Hair color: uhhhh right now it’s part yellowish, part pinkish, part periwinkleish, and i need to bleach my roots bc they’re like a really ashy brown 34. Short or long hair: long, i REALLY need a haircut my ends are literally destroyed 35. Do you have a crush on someone: nah?
36. What do you like about yourself: i never get hangovers, i’m good at writing academic papers, and i can make a perfect pig sound
37. Any piercings: seven right now, desperately wanting a rook piercing (i think that’ll have to be the last one unless i decide to go crazy and go for some really out there ones) 38: blood type: okay am i supposed to know that bc i don’t 39: Nickname: zo, ducky,  40. Relationship status: <3 @crybabysteve 41. Zodiac: virgo 42. Pronouns: she/her (but like... any of them really. one of my friends in HS used exclusively male pronouns & nicknames with me and that was cool too) 43. Favourite TV show: uuugggGGGHHHHHH okay the ones i watch/rewatch most often are veronica mars, miss fisher, twin peaks (s1), leverage, chopped, and project runway 44. Tattoos: just one so far because i’m SO POOR 45. Right or left handed: right 46. Surgery: my wisdom teeth, if those count 47: Sport: hockeyyyy (everyone is so surprised, i know) 48. Vacation: anywhere as long as i can stay for free  49. Trainers: like the shoes? there’s this one kind of nike that almost has enough arch support for my flat ass feet 50. Eating: nothing rn 51. Drinking: this lukewarm shitty latte 52. I’m about to: try to force myself to work on a project  53. Waiting for: probs hockey 54. Want: my uterus to calm down 55. Get married: yes please                                                                                 56. Career: something about wildlife caretaking and education. i’m not picky PLEASE just give me a job
57. Hugs or kisses: hugs 58. Lips or eyes: both? 59. Short or Tall: tall.. not that it’s hard to be taller than me 60. Older or younger: uhhhh my age? 61. Nice arms or stomach: A R M S  62. Hookup or relationship: relationship   63. Troublemaker or Hesitant: both idk i don’t like this question
64: kissed a stranger: yes 65: drank hard liquor: yes 66. Lost glasses/contact lenses: ughhh yes 67. Had your heart broken: lol nah 68. Been arrested: nope 69. Cried when someone died: yes 70. Fallen for a friend: yupp
71. Yourself: attempts have been made 72. Miracles: idk man the world is a mysterious place 73. Love at first sight: nope 74. Santa Claus: no?? 75. Kiss on the first date: like do i believe that they happen? 76. Angels: god idk
Eye color: hazel Favorite Movie(s): dead poets’ society, empire records, pride and prejudice (2005 dir. joe wright), clueless
Tag 20 people: haa like i know that many people
if you want to do this i would love to see it, mutual or not!
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Get To Know Me Tag! :D
Tagged by @the-mockingbird-flies (thank you btw <3)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
I saw on the people I’m following to this and I thought it would be fun
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My older bro 3. Text message: Some work dood 4. Song you listened to: My Chemical Romance - Summertime 5. Time you cried: does fangirling count?
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yas 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: noo 9. Lost someone special: yhhhh but they didnt die or anything 10. Been depressed: yhhhhhh i go in and out of it 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, purple, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yassss <3 we call ourselves ‘Diickpunks’ <3 16. Fallen out of love: yaaas xD 17. Laughed until you cried: YAAAAAS 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no... 19. Met someone who changed you: yh, my friends, Diickpunks <3 20. Found out who your friends are: yh.... :’) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope, i dont have FB lol
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: none xD 23. Do you have any pets: nope 24. Do you want to change your name: nah 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing..i dont celebrate my bday :’) 26. What time did you wake up: like 6:20am ish 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: having the greatest sleep of all time 28. Name something you can’t wait for:  NFLYING comeback//my FANTASY 1st package to arrive~~ <3 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morn at like 6ish i guess 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ermmm more outgoing?? 31. What are you listening right now: MCR - Vampire Money <3 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yas 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people talking behind other people’s backs.....people thinking theyre better than others....shit like that >:L 34. Most visited Website: Youtube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: nope 36. Mark/s: yaas, i fell into a thorn bush so my legs have a lot of (faded) scars, and the ol birth mark or two :3 37. Childhood dream: ....to be famous...... ;_;
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope :’) ♫what is loveee...*starts bopping head*
41. What do you like about yourself: hmmmmm, how understanding i can be? 42. Piercings: nope BUTT i did get my ears pierced when i was younger, but they closed up in no time :’) 43. Bloodtype: B+ 44. Nickname: Bex, Bucket (thnx to a typo of ‘Becky’ xD), Becca 45. Relationship status: Singleeeeeeeee AF 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them 48. Favorite TV Show: Suits, in terms of Korea - rn it would be Unni is Alive 49. Tattoos: Nope 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: no ACTUALLYY i was a dumb lickle 3yr old and jumped into a glass cabinet and got glass stuck in my forehead and went hospickle for that xD 52. Hair dyed in different color: nopeeeeee 53. Sport: football (soccer), badminton, maybe hockey but not on the ice and im in net thnxxx 55. Vacation: i literally just made a bucket list of where i wanna go a few days ago! destinations include: Canada, France, Blue Lagoon in Iceland and Jeju Island! :D 56. Pair of trainers: well....i have like 4 that i use a lot that i got for like £10 each in the most normal colours ever: black, white, black and white, grey.....my brother got me these really cool purple fur adidas trainers from turkey and theyre nice....but ruined.....i havent used them in nearly 1 year...all i need to do is wash them xD
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: rn? texac bbq pringles 58. Drinking: water or tea bb or its a no from me 59. I’m about to: finish this quiz and binge watch sidemen stoof 61. Waiting for: idk??? FTISLANDs ‘Wing’ stage on show champ, if theyre even on it today xD 62. Want: mo money, less pro’lems and lee jaeyoon 63. Get married: naahhhh, unless i think ur the true one then naahhh 64. Career: ermmmmmmmm those exist???
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs <3 66. Lips or eyes: eyes <3 especially green ones ;) 67. Shorter or taller: TALLER, IM FUCKING 5 FOOT 1 AND NEED A TALL MAN TO PROTECT MAI SMOL ASS 68. Older or younger: OLDER (but if u can finesse me, then go ahead legal younger ones) 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice.......stomach.....even tho SF9s Youngbin’s arms get me all kinds of fucked up istfgggg 71. Sensitive or loud: ????hmmm...??? loud ppl attract me cos im so quiet so?????i still dunno imma so sarry 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship.... 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:...*sighhhhh*..... troublemakers are more fun so.....
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: yas and anything under 35% is water to me jkjk xD 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nopeeareeno 77. Turned someone down: yas 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: yes :’) soz broe 80. Had your heart broken: nope 81. Been arrested: nopearoonie 82. Cried when someone died: yas, my brother’s best friend got stabbed randomly.... :( i really liked him. im so glad i got to meet him <3 rest in peace <3 83. Fallen for a friend: yas lel
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe.....sometimes.... :’) 85. Miracles: yash! 86. Love at first sight: ehhhhhhhh i dunno 87. Santa Claus:....soz broe....... 88. Kiss in the first date: i mean.....theres no harm in it imo..... 89. Angels:........not really...............but i wont hesitate to call a hooman an angel (like SF9s Chani xD)
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name:  i dont have oneeee 91. Eyecolor: black/really really really dark brown 92. Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You /// Friend (Korean Movie)
Imma tag: @iikpoptrash @javajaeyoon @jiminhavenojams @feelsensational @ryoko-tofuu @kimyumbin :’) im not gonna tag 20 ppl omg xD
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