#but holy shit stuff changed drastically
mingoosgf · 10 months
Am I uninteresting or intimating or pathetic or unsocial or a mix of multiple
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starreyblueberry · 9 days
Hiii star! I love ur Headcanons/ideas for Timmy! He’s so adorable and my whole childhood <3
I need more of em :>
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WAIT HOLY SHIT UR THE ONE OMORI FAIRLY ODD PARENTS ARTIST?? BROO I LOVE UR AU SO MUCH!! I have a BUNCH of silly head canons and ideas in my heard for Timmy :D
- Timmy is actually a smart kid, he’s able to figure out stuff rather quickly and is very quick on his feet, he just deals with mildly severe ADHD ^_^ (he just like me FR)
- Timmy couldn’t decide on a major and kept switching between them during his first 2 years of college
- Timmy’s room becomes more and more decorated with memorials from his adventures that could pass as stuff he got from the store
- Timmy’s closest also had to be expanded with how much stuff Timmy had from his adventures
- Timmys Time skooter used to be one of the only ways to time travel outside of Father Time (basically it was a secret item Timmy had that he only used for emergency’s)
- Timmy LOVES skateboarding and Rollerskating when he’s a teenager, he feels like he’s flying with his fairies.
- Timmy didn’t get his license until he was 18, as he crashed the car a few times at first.
- His most common wish is usually summoning toys or gadgets for Peri/poof to play with
- Timmy always lists Peri as his little brother in assignments that tell you to make a family tree
- Timmy was the only godkid allowed to dimension-hop
- Jimmy neutron and Timmy turner stay in touch as the years go by, staying close as they valued each others friendship greatly. (until one day Timmy stops messaging Jimmy when he turns 18? What’s that all about.)
- Timmy’s considered a peace maker across the galaxy, and also has a bounty on his head for millions of dollars in whatever space currency there is
- He starts his own video game club, trixie uses her disguise to play sometimes and Timmy doesn’t mind her
- Timmy learns how to deal with fairy hair so that he can help Peri and Wanda with different hairstyles (and sometimes Cosmo but he usually just keeps it down)
- As Timmy gets older he and Jorgen actually meet outside of when he’s in trouble and offer each other advise sometimes or just hang out. And also to tell the other when the universe is ending but who gaf
- Timmy starts becoming really fond of sitcoms since most of them feature found family
- Timmy starts learning how to draw and has a dedicated sketchbook just for his adventures with his fairy fam, so that he had some way to see everything it after his memories were erased
- Timmy gave his Pink hat to peri on his 18th birthday, it’s collecting dust on Peris Bookshelf right now
- Timmy tried to play match maker with his friends as he got older which resulted in a stern talking to from Cupid
- Timmy is a horrible cook until he turns 18, and actually tries for once cause he dosent have much to do anymore
- Timmy is a bit obnoxious with his music taste sometimes (Name 5 My chemical romance songs rn 🙄) (he means well and gets over it)
- Timmy listens to a lot of Midwest emo, and hyperpop. No one likes listening to his playlists cause of the drastic whiplast the change in songs is sometimes
- Timmy wishes less and less as he gets older but he always needs Cosmo and Wanda, just for their bond. He always goes to them for advice
- Timmy sucks ass at sports, he still tries though but sometimes he will fake being sick so he can sit out of gym
- the day before Timmy turned 18 was the time he used the most wishes (aka trying to find loopholes)
- Timmy started to have an appreciation for sea creatures that never faded away as he grew up
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
okay so i havent been active in the ck fandom for a while, but i remember your account so vividly and im so glad you're still writing for it omg okay anyway! ive seen SO many fics about teen pregnancy in this fandom, but ive never seen ANYONE write about pregnancy pre karate?? like itd be such a drastic change & im sooo interested in how eli's story would go if he'd happened to get a girlfriend & immediately (accidentally) knocked her up before any of the hawk stuff could happen? Like soft eli is so sweet and caring?? and then suddenly he's big & scary & really jealous and 😭 would it even still happen??
Would love to know your thoughts!! But ofc please ignore if you're not interested :)
First of all, welcome back (? (should I say that? lol)) Second, I LOVE this ask so very much so this might be a little long...
Reader and Eli have had little crushes on each other, but it's not like they're friends. They're lab partners and they don't talk a lot due to being shy and such. Their relationship doesn't start until she builds up the courage to ask him out to the Halloween dance. He agrees through some fumbling words and they're both so excited. It's so cute of them; they get to dress up and it's their first date in a way. It should be fun.
At the dance, they hang out the whole time and talk about comics and movies. Eli kind of accidentally leaves Miguel and Demetri in the dust even though they were with them at first but they backed off because it was obvious Reader and Eli were in their own little world. They dance a little bit but when Eli says something about needing some fresh air, Reader walks outside with him and it's a nice little moment. It's quiet and Reader thinks it's the moment and goes in for a kiss, gently pulling his surgical mask down to do it and he lets her because holy shit this is really happening! They have their first kiss and become a real couple that night.
After that night, they go on a few more dates, but it isn't long before they lose their virginities to each other. As they say, it only takes one time.
They only did it once and it was awkward and lovely. They laughed and got embarrassed a few times, but they took it slow and really cared for each other through it. It ended with cuddles and Reader falling asleep with her head on Eli's chest.
However, a month or so later, Reader is standing at Eli's front door teary eyed and he's fearing the worst. She wants to break up, is what he's thinking. Then she starts rambling about how she didn't want to cry but she has something important to say. He's sure the impact is coming, but then,
"I'm pregnant."
It's a different kind of impact. He feels like the wind has been knocked out of him. He stares at her, completely shocked, and somehow finds himself asking, "Are- are you sure?"
She nods and takes something out of her pocket, a folded up stack of papers. She unfolds them and hands them over to him, and he sees they're from a doctor's office and it's official. This isn't some at-home test and scare that they are going through, this is real.
She bursts into more tears. "I'm so sorry, Eli!"
He would look at her so baffled. "Why-why are you apologizing?"
She shrugs because she doesn't know how to put it into words and he hugs her, pulling her close. She hides her face in his chest and cries. It's the moment he realizes he has to be strong for her, he has to be more than he's been, because he's her anchor right now. Everything feels like it's falling apart and she's clinging to him like her life depends on it. He manages to keep himself together and not cry even though he's terrified of what's to come. He holds her tight and whispers, "We'll figure this out."
Her being pregnant becomes another reason why he joins karate. As time goes on, she can't hide her belly. She has a grace period where her already pudgy belly hides the pregnancy, but she starts to show and it is impossible to hide. People at school catch on to her pregnancy and a lot of people give her a hard time. Eli is always by her side, holding her hand, and having to witness the comments and jeers she has to endure.
One day is particularly bad when Kyler wants to say something to her and he laughs at "how fat" she is. Reader gets upset about it and Eli steps in to tell Kyler off, but he just gets pushed into a set of lockers. Reader, crying and upset, tells him to just fuck off because he's being a total dick. Kyler almost hit her but one of his friends stopped him, explaining to the idiot that he can't hit a pregnant person. Kyler swears he'll get Reader when she isn't pregnant and walks away. Eli doesn't like that at all, so when he witnesses Miguel beat up Kyler, he knows what he has to do.
The first few karate lessons Eli goes to will pan out like they do in the show, but he sticks through it a little tougher because he's thinking about Reader and their baby the whole time. But Johnny does push him over the edge with the lip comments and he leaves, thinking it isn't worth it. He goes home crying and trying to figure out what to do, only to realize that he has to do this and commits to flipping the script and becoming the strong guy he wants to be for Reader and the baby.
After he changes his attitude and hair and is dubbed Hawk, he goes to Reader's house to show her how confident he is now. She answers the door and is shocked to see him. "Eli... what did you do?"
"I flipped the script," he tells her, smirking. "And it's Hawk, now, babe."
He sees the way she's looking at him, a little confused and unsure, so he backtracks a little bit.
"Well, it's Hawk to everyone else... you can still call me Eli," he says and she smiles. That smile is everything to him as she stands there, holding her belly and looking at him as if he's the world. He touches his mohawk and asks, "Do you like it?"
"It's different, and it'll take some getting used to, but yeah. I especially like the color," she giggles and invites him inside. They cuddle and she touches his hair, but it quickly devolves into them making out.
When he competes in the tournament, she's there to cheer him on with her rounding belly and a sign with his name on it. She wrote Hawk on the sign because she thinks of it as more of his "karate name" and continues to call him Eli no matter what. He steals looks at her the whole tournament, thinking she's the cutest person ever as she sits in a dress with her belly. Sometimes when he's not the one fighting, he runs over and gives her a kiss and touches her belly. When he's super excited about winning and tears his gi off, he tosses it to her and she catches it with a laugh. He comes to retrieve it after a moment and sees she's laid the snake emblem on the back over her belly, showing her support to him. He could die happy at that sight.
When his anger really sparks and he dislocates Robby's arm at the tournament, she's shocked and worried. He explains that Robby made fun of him but Reader tells him that that's not a good enough reason to hurt someone. She's so soft and sweet and gentle, and he hears her. He agrees and apologizes, tells her that it won't happen again.
But it does over the summer when he goes after Demetri. She likely finds out from Demetri himself because they're friends, of course they became friends before the karate stuff started when she and Eli started dating. So, she confronts him, telling him, "You can't do that! You can't go around beating up people because they did something you don't like or agree with! I can't be with you if you're going to act like that! For crying out loud, Eli, we're having a baby!"
It gets her so upset and Hawk understands he screwed up. She starts crying and he feels awful because he knows he did that. He apologizes and hugs her, rubbing her back to soothe her. She shouldn't be crying because he did something stupid. He says he's sorry so many times, even when taking her home and cuddling her as they watch a movie. She eventually has to tell him to stop because he's getting a little annoying and he's forgiven, so long as this never ever happens again. She swears to him that if he does something like that again, they're over.
The thing about it is, it doesn't happen again. Kreese can't sink his manipulative fangs into Hawk because Hawk's love for Reader and their baby is stronger than Kreese. So, the rest of the summer goes smoothly.
Until the school fight.
That's when all Hell breaks loose. It's a mess, and pretty much pans out like the show except Reader is on the sidelines begging for someone to do something. She's as big as can be, holding her belly to achieve some sort of relief, as she's watching this shit show play out like a horror movie because she can't believe any of this is happening. She's just in total shock and awe at this mess, but when she sees the opportunity to stop it, she jumps in.
When Miguel has Robby on the ground and lets him go, she rushes over, waddling as fast as she can, to pull him out of the middle of everything. She's a mama to be and has become a bit of the mom of the group. She's pulls Miguel away by his arm and asks him what he was thinking and why this was the solution to anything. Robby still jumps up to attack, but stops when he sees Reader because duh. He'd never go that far, and seeing her makes his anger deflate.
"I mean, come on, this is- uh oh..." she stops midsentence when she feels something warm run down her leg. She looks at Miguel, scared as she remembers what all her mom said, that it'll feel like she peed herself.
Miguel is on high alert at this. "Uh oh? What's uh oh?"
"It feels like I-" she looks down and he does too, seeing the wetness running down her pant legs. "I think I'm having the baby."
Robby, witnessing all this, gets a little freaked out but he still rushes to Reader's other side even though he doesn't know her. However, he's still a good guy and is gonna help the pregnant girl in whatever way he can. The fight and rivalry are forgotten about as he and Miguel help Reader to the stairs and help her down them.
When they come through with her, everything stops and no one can even think about fighting anymore. By the time they're at the end of the stairs, Hawk is coming around the corner and fussing over her. That tough guy exterior is still there but it's a little softer. But if anyone dares to get in his way as he and these two idiots try getting her to his car, he'll bite their heads off.
Needless to say, Hawk is a mess trying to drive her to the hospital because this is sooner than they were expecting. The stress of the school fight caused her to go into early labor and they have nothing they need. The hospital bag should've been put in his car but he kind of forgot to do that, so they don't have it. All they have is some panic and a baby that's on the way no matter if they're ready or not.
At the hospital, after she's hooked up to the monitors and everything, Hawk is by her side the entire time. He pushes her hair out of her face as she lays on her side, just waiting for the time to push. He's apologizing to her about getting into the fight but he was just trying to protect his friends. She tells him she doesn't care about that anymore and just wants to have the baby already because the contractions are killing her. Then she has another contraction, and he lets her squeeze his hand to help her through it. When it's over, she tells him she doesn't want to talk about karate while she's in labor and they talk about other things, like the baby.
It isn't long after that, they have a wiggly little blue-eyed baby girl. She's a heavy little thing, chunky and cute as can be. She's laid on her mama's chest wailing and Reader holds her close, crying happy tears because she's finally here. She gets to hold her baby girl. Then she's taken away to get checked out and cleaned up, then Hawk gets to hold her. She's wrapped up in a warm blanket but she's out in the world and wiggling about, so the wrapping comes loose as he holds her.
He jokes, "She really wanted out."
Reader smiles as she watches, "Yeah, she did."
Hawk will be hard-pressed to let her go, opting to hold her even when she's asleep. He sits back in the reclining chair beside Reader's bed and lets their baby girl sleep on his chest. He watches her sleep, holding her securely to his chest, and silently promises her that he's gonna protect her no matter what. He looks so soft and sweet holding her like that but he has some bruises on his face from the fight. He's arguably scarier and more threatening because he has this cutie to think about and protect, so if you thought he was scary and tough before, people will have a rude awakening if they ever bother her or her mama.
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I could do an alternative to this where he doesn't become Hawk if enough people want that. I'd love to do that.
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wintersera · 1 year
I just need anything g!p heejin or jinsoul, they have been FILLING my brains lately. I CANT
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sub g!p jinsoul x dom f!reader
notes: have been a jinsoul stan since 2018 and i haven’t seen much loona smut in a while so this ask is saur perfect MWAH anon lemme give u a smooch <33
cw: cute desperate subby jinsoul, dom reader, oral (giving), uh dick grinding, teasy reader, g!p idol.
word count: 2.1k
you two knew each other from your time as trainees back in bbc BURN THAT FUCKASS COMPANY. years go by and you see your best friend finally debut under the group loona. what she didn’t know is that you thought of her constantly, months into your friendship you were falling in love with her and then more months go by and you’re thinking lewd thoughts about her. she’d often wear these shorts during practice showing her perfectly thick cock through the material, wanting nothing more than to take it out right here right now and give her the best head she’d ever have. but anyways unfortunately for you, you never made the cut, eventually leaving the company for good and training under a different label trying to make a name for yourself. due to this you weren’t able to contact soulie at all :(( feeling empty and lonely without her presence, and because of that shit ass company she was in, contacting her was nearly impossible and you knew for a fact it would take ages for you to even text her again. you couldn’t bear being away from her at all but since you guys were training, her being a soon to be idol at that time, you chose to never confess your undying feelings for the sake of her debut and the sake of your sanity.
years later you debut under hybes new girlgroup ‘le sserafim’. although you knew the chances of seeing jinsoul again were slim, a small hope in you wishes you’d bump into eachother in the waiting rooms. maybe the world was against you, never seeing her during her own promotions. god, you missed her so much.
and out of nowhere the gods had blessed the world, making a comeback with oec whilst you were inkigayos temporary host. luck favoured you this time. you stood patiently at their waiting room door, heart thumping in your chest. she was in there and you knew it, hearing her silly laugh probably laughing at some stupid thing kim lip was doing or maybe just laughing at her for simply making an angry face. knocking on the door your heart reaches your head, beating louder and louder and louder. focused on calming your heartbeat you don’t realise that she’s right in front of you, a silly grin plastered on her face.
“it’s been so long how have you been y/n?” suddenly embracing you in her arms. you knew she was always affectionate like this, but now it feels way more different. it felt like electricity surging through your body. oh how you missed her touch. “i knew you’d debut some day but in le sserafim? the concept suits you so much you know” a proud smile on her face. “OH also i did watch all your stages if you were wondering, you look really really good”
confessing that she found you attractive shot an arrow through your heart, well in your delusional head you definitely thought that. your one sided crush resurfacing as soon as she compliments you. “OEC 10 minutes till you’re on stage again!!!” her manager beckoning her to go back inside to get her makeup re-applied. “i’ll contact you later- wait, give me your phone real quick” following her orders you scramble for your phone, pulling it out of your pockets. “see you later” leaving with a wink, handing your phone back to you with a brand new number in your contacts.
delusional thinking does not do you well, you’d definitely have to find a way to fuck her. and of course confess your crush- but currently your mind is pretty much focused on pleasuring her first.
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after weeks went by contacting her through text and stuff you finally found an available time slot for the both of you, praying to whatever is holy that your schedule doesn’t make a drastic change. she offered for you to go to her dorm since both of the other members had solo schedules that day. although you did miss seeing choerry and kimlip you didn’t mind only just hanging out with her.
you kinda got what she was thinking. inviting you to her dorm, alone. your texts often becoming quite heated from time to time, eventually leading up to you being unbelievably horny at night. you knew she was trying to get with you and you couldn’t care any less. you wanted her badly, even if it was just a fling. you needed jinsoul.
knocking on her door, you space out wondering what you were gonna do. you’re ‘hanging’ out? yeah sure you definitely are… its not like she’s grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the dorm, telling you that she needs you badly. hold on… thats exactly what she’s doing. it’s been so long since she’s seen you and she desperately wants you to fuck her. “this is really out of the blue, but you and me are close and i’ve missed you so much. obviously you can refuse, but right now i want you” heart fluttering at her confession you comply.
hands moving on their own, not even using your words, you grab her jaw making her look directly at you. eye to eye “so you want me to fuck you? is that what you’re implying?” oh poor soulie, always so defenseless when it comes to this. she’s always on the attack so why is she so submissive when she wants you? blood rushing to her face she’s speechless, fidgeting with her hair and shuffling around awkwardly, possibly trying to hide her hard on. it’s on full display there’s no chance of hiding it now my dear. teasing her came easy, you knew how her personality works and you used that to your advantage. “always so big on words but as soon as someone gives you the same energy back you’re flustered? i missed that side of you so much jinsoul”
not even making your way out of the doorway you find yourself at her chest taking off her bra smiling and drooling at the thought of her naked tits. you take things fast with her, sucking on her nipples while you’re pawing at her cock thoroughly inspecting her length. impatient, you take it out of her boxers, the tip hitting her abs creating a dull thud that echoed through you brain. licking your lips, you wonder how she tastes placing a hand on her thigh stabilising yourself as you get down on your knees. complete mess under your touch, resting her back on the front door, grabbing the back of your head and the door knob just in case kimlip and choerry happen to come back early.
sliding yourself down, trailing licks and kisses down from her chest to her stomach and to the base of her dick, pressing your face against her rock hard cock once you made yourself all the way down there. locking eyes with her you kiss the tip of her dick, precum already oozing out. her legs twitching at the sensation of it all, your lips lightly grazing against her skin. hand leaving the door knob to cover her mouth while you start working on her tip. teasing her with kitten licks, smirking at all the lewd noises coming from her mouth and from her slick cock.
“babyyy” whining out in the tiniest voice you’ve heard from her “p-please.. skip the teas-mmm skip the teasing ,y/n take me whole” begging and pouting her lips at you. although you’d go crazy on her, the thought of having her beg whilst squirming was so delicious to you.
“not just yet, i’m not done with you” standing up you drag her to the unoccupied couch commanding her to lay down, face up. taking off the black skirt you were wearing ,worn specifically for her to ogle at you whilst you bend down, letting it fall to your ankles followed by your panties which were also tossed aside. coming over to her, straddling her hips as you tease her with the view. “watch this” just hovering above her dick, you slowly hike up your shirt exposing your not so covering bra. placing the fabric in between your mouth so that it wouldn’t fall down, you take her hand, rubbing circles with your thumb to get her to relax. “want to touch?” voice low and raspy, blessing her ears.
face lighting up, her eyes widen. she’s so excited about your tits that’s so cute what the hell. “y-yeah…” stammering cutely as her hands shake, reaching for your bra. “take it off please?” asking so sweetly, you do so. eyes glued onto the way your tits fall out as the bra comes off of you. “so pretty”
as much as you wanted to pounce on her dick right now, you wanted to tease her even more. the cute dumb look on her face was so precious to you that you couldn’t take your eyes away from her every single little reaction. watching as you fondle your own breasts right in front of her you notice that her dick is standing straight up. god you want it in you so bad. but not yet. teasingly touching her stomach drawing shapes on her skin ,almost but not really, touching the base of her cock. “pleeeasee, y/n i’m so desperate for you come onnn” yet again whining as you touch her ever so lightly. “hurrryyy, i need you so bad” raising her hips high into the air trying to reach the entrance of your cunt.
“ah- ah ah” clicking your tongue at her “be patient or else you won’t get your reward” tears pricking her eyes she frowns in defeat. she’s so close but sooo far away.
holding her dick suddenly makes her whole body twitch, unintentionally making her moan your name. pressing her dick flat against her stomach, you finally press your drenched cunt against her shaft. not what shes craving but it feels good nonetheless. starting out slowly you begin to grind on her cock, feeling the bumpy veins hit your clit perfectly. using both of your hands you place them against her stomach lightly, holding her gently so that you can control your grinding.
“ahhh y/n~ keep doing that” enjoying the way your tits bounce up and down, jinsoul already feels like she’s going to cum. holding your hips helping you grind harder on her, she lets out a low groan “hnnnmg, shitt- i love you, y/n i love you so much” confessing her love for you as she cums, legs twitching as her back lifts from the couch, tightening her grip on your hips, cum splurting all over her stomach. feeling generous you lean down licking all the cum off of her abs, humming at the sweet taste. after her orgasm she’d notice that you still haven’t came. wanting you to feel good as well she lifts you up by the hips and places her tip at your entrance. “sit down… please” with a soft voice commanding you on her cock. wetness helping you, you slide herself inside your cunt, almost hitting your cervix because she’s just that big. long dragged out moans spilling from your mouth as she adjusts herself comfortably inside of you “fuck- you’re really really tight, i don't think i can move much”
“not unless i do this” flashing her a sly smile, you rock your hips back and forth slowly. feeling yourself loosen up, you begin to ride her harder bouncing and smashing yourself into her thick cock. “soulie, you’re- you’re so big aahh.. your cock feels s-so good” no shame in moaning you let yourself go wild, beginning to go crazy on her cock, you scream out her name, loving the feeling of her big dick filling your pussy up. hands on her shoulders you lean into her, arching your back so that you can fuck yourself better. missing her touch you grab her arms wrapping around your waist as you let her fuck you fiercely “mmmm.. jinsoulll, i missed your touch so- fuck.. i missed y-your touch so much ah-“ now chasing your high it was your turn to confess as you reach your orgasm “jinsoul- oh my god, i-i love you so mu- fuck, i love you so so much, gonna cum, i’m cumming ahh..” vision turning blurry, you believe your seeing stars. gripping onto her shoulders like she’s going to leave you once more, you let your climax course through your system, making you lose all sense of being. yes it was that good. helping you ride out your high, she cums in you a few seconds later, feeling your pussy tighten around her dick sent her body into pure bliss, letting out guttural moans as she spews her hot cum inside of you.
feeling the effects of fatigue, you collapse into her arms. embracing you once more you smile at her sweetness. “wrong moment.. but can you be my girlfriend?”
giggling at her silliness you can’t help but kiss her on the lips “i was going to ask you the same thing you silly”
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hearts-4-vicky · 3 months
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ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ✧
ahn yujin
warnings: angst , (might be shitty tho cuz ive never written angst b4..) swearing.., lots of dialogue holy shit they yap a lot, aouad au, major character death(s) , yujins a FUCKING loser, unrequited love kinda.., blood n other nasty stuff so bewareeee if you’re sensitive to that kind of stuff🫡
wc: 1.3k (woah)
hi m like sad rn so yeah yay mwah😘
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the two of you found yourselves star gazing on the rooftop, using it as an escape from the cruel reality you were living in
“do you think this will ever go back to normal?”
the girl paused, not wanting to demolish any sliver of hope you had left in your bruised body
“of course i do.. why? you doubting me?”
yujin playfully pouted at you, poking at your thigh
“huh? what- no. . I trust you”
an awkward silence developed between you two
“hey” yujin started
you looked towards her, waiting for her to continue
“m sorry bout earlier. . i didnt-“
you socked her in the arm.
“HOLY SHIT what the actual FUCK.”
the girl started to complain, though it fell upon deaf ears
“dude, i told ya it was okay. i shouldve made more attention”
leaning your head on the taller’s shoulder, you rubbed the spot where she was hit. you felt yujin stiffen at the lack of space between the two of you but you chose to ignore it
“your ankle is getting worse..”
your gaze followed where her finger pointed at, there you noticed how swollen and discolored your ankle had gotten
“pfft- s whatever! ill jus walk it off-“
both of you searched for where the commotion was, finding a few monsters had gotten to the rooftops entrance
yujin had to act fast, each time she struggled to make a decision could mean your death.
“fuck. yn can you walk?”
“uh- y-yeah. . i think”
yujin was too in her head to hear the last thing you said before she grabbed your arm and booked it to the other entrance, she slammed open the door, not thinking about the other zombies in the school
dragging you down the stairs, she watched as 3 more of those things saw the both of you
she froze.
“yn . . i-“
she heard a door slam open and felt the impact of the floor against her back
“ow- fuck. wait- yn?”
yujin watched as the door stayed open, your figure on the floor
“ynnie. . cmon! those things are getting closer!”
you crawled to the door while yujin got up to shut the door after you entered
pulling you to the corner of the classroom, you both began to catch your breath, grateful that this room was empty . .
a minute passed by before yujin looked at your disheveled form, feeling guilty once again
“hey- hey um.. im so so sorry this happened, god you have cuts on your face! fuck. if only-“
you put a finger to her lips.
“ stop rambling, i should be okay by tomorrow . .”
seeing the girls pout, you gave her a quick peck on the cheek
though it didnt help at all
“im in love with you.” she confessed
“what? are you serious?” you whispered, backing away from the girl
“oh. um yeah. . sorry the timing is so shitty..”
“you think so? oh my god yujin. i already told you we cant be together like this! plus, we nearly died out there what the fuck do you mean you’re in love with me?”
“m sorry really but i couldn’t help it. . i thought i shoulda told you cause what if we do die?”
“shut up.”
“okay. yes ma’am”
“ i meant yn. .”
you heard the girls voice break with each sentence, nearly making you cry but it would alert the monsters outside
minutes passed by. you only heard the screams of other students, before they were soon turned into just another shell of the person they once were
“y-yn” yujin whispered
“yujin. .”
“. . why cant you love me as much as i love you?”
“. . . you know i can't ans-“
“you say that every single time! please, just. . just say it.”
looking at the heartbroken girl tore you apart, if only this world hadnt changed so drastically, you could be happy with yujin
“ i want to be with you yujin. really, i do but . . you know im not here anymore.”
hearing that made the taller girl shiver. her vision getting more and more blurry with each second of silence between the two,
“oh. . r-right, fuck yeah you’re right”
she brought her knees to her chest, clinging onto them as if it were her dead lover, wanting to feel the warmth of anything in her arms,
“man. . this-this really fucking sucks”
yujins voice began to break due to her realization that you really were dead. she didnt save you. she couldn’t save you. how pathetic was that? the only person she cared about dead. dead, all because she didnt think quick enough.
“ i know . . though, please know im sorry for whats going to happen”
the girl’s eyes snapped to the classroom door, through the glass she saw the face of the one she cherished most, amongst the mahogany colored blood and drool . . yujin recognized that face, how could she not? she grew to love every ‘imperfection’ you thought you had. she always thought you were the most breathtaking woman she ever laid eyes on, no flaw could ever lessen the amount of love yujin had for you
but she had failed you. she promised to keep you safe, with every part of her soul. it didnt seem to be enough . . since you here were, lunging at yujin with no thought in your head.
the remnant of sanity you had was gone, as the husk of the person you once were started clawing at yujins torso
she felt every bone in her body break into brittle pieces, making yujin open her eyes
as she gazed into your bloodshot eyes she wondered how things would’ve went if she pulled you into the room quicker.
each passing second was like hell, struggling to breathe as you had broken through her skin
coughing up the crimson liquid was loud enough to alert the other monsters to yujins location,
wanting to look at her lover’s face for the last time, she noticed a small tear slide down your dirtied face
yujin wiped it away just before a hoard of zombies decided to help finish her off
at least the both of you would be together, right?
a group of survivors discovered the classroom yujin had passed in, they found a letter dedicated to you
“𝓣𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓨𝓷
𝓔𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓘 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓮. 𝓔𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓭𝓪𝔂 . . 𝓘 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓵 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓶. 𝓘 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭, 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓯𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓘’𝓶 𝓰𝓵𝓪𝓭 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮. . 𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝔂 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔂𝓷. 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝔀𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓿𝓮𝔂. 𝓘’𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓪 𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼. . 𝓘 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓽, 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶. 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔀𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓼𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓻𝓸𝔀 𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻, 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓬𝓻𝓾𝓮𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓷𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷. 𝓨𝓷, 𝓘 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓵𝔂 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽, 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵.
𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼,
𝓐𝓱𝓷 𝓨𝓾𝓳𝓲𝓷.”
pls don burn me at the stake cuz i wrote. rhrisd😞🙏
anyways.. stay safe n i love you guys so so much
- vicky 💋
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Time to get some things off my chest I've been holding onto for a while, especially with regards to the Gundam community and G-Witch.
A solid chunk of the complaints I see about the show boil down to: person/place/thing wasn't as developed or given as much screentime as it would have if the show was 50 episodes, and it's potential was wasted as a result. And it just feels like a chunk of Gundam fans cannot get over a show NOT being 50 episodes, and that things can only reach their full potential if they are 50 episodes.
There's almost no adjustment of expectations for what the level of development, detail and screentime would be for a 24-25 episode length series. Just the belief that because it's less than the amount you'd find in a 50 episode series, it's automatically inferior.
And the way some people describe what they expected out of certain things, you can absolutely tell that they've been spoiled by the UC and don't have even remotely realistic expectations for a fresh AU without any sequels or supplemental content. The UC has been around for 40+ years with so much content to the point that nearly every minute detail has been explained and even over-explained. And certain fans have gotten so used to having every little detail spoonfed to them about a series that anything less is lacking or a plot hole.
Like, I seriously recall someone complaining that G-Witch didn't explain the treaty or agreement that banned the use of physical ammunition in space and that it was a plot hole! Or that the show didn't explain where Peil was getting it's doubles from? Or what characters like Guel and Shaddiq were like growing up?
Yes, G-Witch undercooked some of it's elements, probably because they expected to get more episodes than they did and added enough side and background content to give them 50 episodes worth of stuff if it got extended. But wanting the show to explore the detailed background of every side character, faction and location isn't something you're going to get in most AUs. Especially one that was only 25 episodes and more focused on telling a Shakespearean tale of two families than a large political war drama like most series.
And lastly, most of the complaints about the character development can be boiled down to one thing: most anime fans are used to having a character's thoughts and emotions spoonfed to them. G-Witch never once gets into the heads of it's characters and lets your hear their thoughts or feelings, leaving up to the viewer to interpret them based on their actions, reactions and knowledge of the character. And in a medium dominated by battle shounen, where characters constantly explain their every action and you constantly see every thought, I think a lot of people have gotten terrible at understanding character development that doesn't rely on it.
It's why there's so many complaints about Suletta not developing at all until late S2 despite developing a TON over the course of the show, because the show doesn't slap you in the face explaining it to you. Her personality doesn't go through a major change in the show because it doesn't need to, and S1 clearly shows her gaining more confidence and stuttering less around others as the season progresses. It's honestly not that subtle at all, the show just doesn't spend time explaining to you that it's happening, it just shows it happening. And that goes for a LOT of elements in the show people claim were too subtle or not explained well enough.
It's also why so many people claim Guel has the most development in the show, because his personality has to change drastically due to how awful he was (and tbf, he still ends the series as a pretty awful guy), and since it's such a major change, people claim he has the most developed character arc in the show because it's not subtle in any way.
It's not like G-Witch is a perfect show or free from criticism, but holy shit so many of the complaints I see boil down to unrealistic expectations of a two cour series or poor media comprehension/literacy. And that's not even getting into the people just hating on the show because they're sexist or homophobic.
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dogfags · 4 months
for the past couple weeks I have tried multiple times to sort out this kind of. thought cloud I'm stuck in. but I can't properly journal out my feelings bc I can't exactly put words to them. I keep trying to get my feelings out with words and it's impossible. so I resort to trying to organize them in pinterest boards and playlists bc those things are more abstract but still help me think through stuff. but even there I'm sort of at a loss. I guess I am coming up on a sense of self for perhaps the first time in my life? and it is so strange and foreign to me that I'm having a hard time. putting it together. for sure it'll take more time. but holy shit it just feels like I am having all these like. epiphones about myself idk how to spell that word whatever. it feels like I'm getting closer and closer to a sense of self. which I have never ever had in my life before. I have always felt like a weird amalgamation of traumas and I have these identity crises every other month wherein I try to reinvent myself and become someone new. and in so doing I have completely just. erased any kind of sense of identity I could have had bc I'm constantly just changing it so nothing I am ever feels permanent. every trait is just temporary and mutable. but last summer, almost a year ago I was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on mood stabilizers. and after 3 months I started having these like... come back to earth moments where I'd finally be like wait, this isn't me, this isn't what I want. and I'd change it. and slowly I've been doing that with different parts of myself and my life. and then it all kind of came to a head when my ex cheated on me and we broke up and they were gunna attempt suicide and the gun and the hospital and just all of that SHIT happened and then I very suddenly decided to move out bc I couldn't live like that anymore. and then I started seeing my now bf more and more.. and just like wow. it's crazy how drastically my life has changed in a couple months. I mean in January I was in a shitty relationship I didn't see going anywhere with a loser who treated me like shit. I was living with this person and my old roommate and not doing much of anything for enjoyment except scrolling mindlessly through Instagram reels. I used to go to punk shows all the time and one of my epiphones (literally how do you spell that) was that I didn't actually enjoy going to shows that much and the people there weren't really my crowd and I don't want to drink or smoke or any of that. so I stopped going to shows but I never replaced it with something to do enjoy doing. but now... since I left that house and went no contact with my ex and sort of distanced myself from that whole friend group I have been more capable than ever of like, finding myself and who I am and who I want to be. I moved out completely within a week of deciding to do so for my mental health and even though I'm still working these 65 hour weeks and YES my job sucks and makes me wanna die I am still so much less stressed and I am not in literal agony. I used to be so confused with who I am. I used to struggle so hard to see myself as a human being. I was in a near constant state of dissociation due to the horrible trauma I've been through + my dysphoria + bipolar disorder + shitty relationships. Its like I'm waking up now. I keep having these moments where I pause for a moment in reality and I'm like holy shit I'm HERE like I'm alive and I'm present and i am experiencing this moment in this moment. it's just wild to me. i think this is a real turning point in my life. like fr a brand new chapter. a fresh start to everything. I left so much behind and for a while it left me feeling like an empty husk but now I am just starting to see the new little sprouts of life in myself. I'm not having an identity crisis I'm having an identity rebirth.
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realfactsnlogic · 9 months
Gaming Moments That Made Me Cry - Part 1: Heatwave
Subtitle: "How a video game caused me to get fired from a project I was working on. What horrible timing." Contains game spoilers up to Day: The Heatwave. Also contains discussions of interpersonal troubles and suicide.
It'll be almost a year since I decided to play Not For Broadcast. Well, actually, I didn't play it firsthand. I didn't have the game at the time. I was backseating a friend's playthrough (if you're reading this, shoutout to you!)
I haven't cried over a fictional character since...I don't remember on the top of my head. But I can say I didn't cry when Mufasa from The Lion King died. Call me heartless, yadda yadda. But this gaming moment is something I won't forget.
It's gonna get late night ramble-y so buckle up.
It happened in February 2023, a real rough time in my online life.
I looked over the content warnings before playing the game to begin with. Thoroughly. I understood it all, and said yes to playing it. What wasn't mentioned, however, was when these warnings would apply. I could tolerate topics discussing or depicting suicide. Or so I thought. Through the hard way, I learned that I'm better off with given a warning.
I have to admit, when we played through this broadcast day, I wasn't so invested in the stuff before Jeremy began to crack. When the situation became tense, as in: I heard yelling, loaded terminology, characters acting terrified -- all of my attention and both of my eyes were on the situation like how all of the cameras were on him. After this broadcast day, I knew: I had to pay even closer attention to the game.
As the tension grew, I knew something drastic was about to happen. Jeremy was holding the room hostage. I said some fucked up stuff on call, for example when I said that I'm okay if Jenny dies. Is it yandere behaviour? You can argue that. The thought I had at the time, I recall was this: "It's okay if other people around him die, but Jeremy? No. He has to be kept alive."
No hate to Boseman, I love that old man to death, but we have to keep his prized possession--I mean, most valued employee in one piece. So I listened to Jeremy and played the tape. Good thing I did. I later learned that if I didn't, he would have snapped at Alex/the player/us.
The moment Jeremy was laughing sadly, preparing to shoot himself, Jenny frantically urged Alex/the player/us to cut to the ads. I felt powerless. Helpless. I couldn't do shit because I'm not the one with the keyboard. My friend was. And thank all that is holy, for my friend knew what to do.
I could swear I heard Boseman say "Alex, what have you done?" The wiki says he would say it if I played the tape on some other break. I have to replicate those actions just to make sure. I digress.
The results screen popped up. I didn't notice at the time, but the silence that followed...it was...eerie. I don't remember what lead to it, but I won't forget what my friend said:
"Jeremy will be okay."
My friend didn't mean to make me upset. I understood that. National Nightly News' anchorman, Jeremy Robert Donaldson, the most trustworthy anchorman of the Territory, is a fictional character. I also understood that. What did I not understand? What made me cry? And why?
I do have the 'why', actually. As we were playing this part of the game the first time ever, I was...going through something rough with some friends.
My Heatwave Took Place in Feburary 2023
I was basically the Megan Wolfe in a situation that could be simile to the events in the Heatwave. I was somewhere else when something happened. Well, actually, I was isolating myself. I thought that if I did, if I took some time away from the people I used to talk to so much...maybe those uncomfortable emotions I had towards those people would go away. I spent months distracting myself, avoiding this conflict by keeping busy.
Post-fallout (referential pun intended; there's a broadcast day called The Fallout), I decided to change course. Just like Megan, who seemed to increase her distance from her co-anchor and Jenny. She began to act out, remember? Taking it out emotionally on the make-up artists...and so did I. I was my own make-up artist, whom I would mistreat, which in the end affected everyone else around me. I regret what I did at the time wholeheartedly, even today. I don't care what anyone else says.
Despite those months of my Silence (yet another reference!), I really did care about the Jeremy in my situation, but couldn't or wouldn't bring myself to express that. Maybe like Megan who was bending to Advance, I was bending to my fear of how my words would always be received. The Jenny, however, was closest to the Jeremy, and was able to get him to come to his senses, despite how helpless the Jenny felt at that moment.
Meanwhile, I, the Megan in the situation, was in deep, bliss ignorance of what was happening around me. If a room was to be read, I was illiterate. I didn't think it would happen, and when I learned what happened months after it happened, every night I would blame myself for not knowing, not being there for him even if my reason was rooted in some sort of self-preservation. A selfish reason. I was angry at myself for what I've done to my Jeremy and my Jenny to begin with. So many "If I hadn't (X), this wouldn't have happened..." thoughts. It stung. And I felt like I deserved all those stings.
It took me some time to stabilize my emotions. I appreciate my friend remembering what grounding is. In my throes of breakdowns I would always forget what my coping strategies would be. That's why you should practice, kids. Even if you aren't having a breakdown in that moment.
So how did this gaming moment get me fired?
Unfortunately, on the same night, I had a meeting for a project to go to. I said goodbye to my friend, went on the project's VC and loafed with the other attendants before the meeting can officially start. I took the typical "how are you" question literally (as a neurodivergent usually does). I shared about how I cried earlier. "Are you okay?" they asked. I don't remember what I brought up next. I don't think I talked about how I was crying over a game that I somehow could heavily relate to, despite making comparisons over just a thread.
Some days later, plus a few things I did to the parties involved, I was removed access to the project's assets. I was basically fired, the pink slip e-mail left unread until the situation's Jenny--the only party who responded to the apologies I tailored to fit individuals--responded angrily. It hurt, sure, but at least I learned my lesson(s). A toxic one would be "don't trust anyone anymore", but a healthier take would be "find people who can and will stick with you when it gets rough."
And to think I could never hold down a job for more than 3 months... I can't believe I'm writing this, on the night before I go on my college's internship program. I will be submitting myself to a daily monotony as how the National Nightly News, after the Donaldson situation would begin to sink deeper into nightly monotony.
Regardless, one thing's for certain: I don't regret playing that tape, Boseman. It will turn out right in the end. Channel One will be okay.
And so will I.
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
Did anyone call for a horror story? This one takes place in what I call the Thanos Snap Doomsday Crisis Scenario, where half the world population gets shrunk instead of dusted, for completely unknown reasons.
I know this isn’t the horror story I advertised, but this one suddenly hit me with the inspiration beam.  Don’t worry, the other one’s coming too, it’s just a lot longer.  
(tw there’s a bunch of awful ways to die described in here; please don’t read if you don’t want to picture that sort of thing)
You arrive at a pool party about an hour before the Shrinking occurred.  At the time, you didn’t realize how drastically your life was about to change, or how quickly it would come to a horrible end.  The heat was intense, but not stifling; thankfully your friend��s pool had a chiller, otherwise the pool would just feel like lukewarm bath water.  You scan the deck as you slide open the unlocked gate surrounding it.  As always, there are a few people you know and a lot you don’t.  
Not everyone is on the deck, there are a few people in the house, but you were told to meet everyone out here, so in you go.  A group of girls takes up almost all the lounge chairs, so you have to make due with a small plastic one.  You set your things down and flinch slightly as a splash sends droplets of water across your skin.
A group had started up a game of judging people’s splashes as they cannonball or dive off the small diving board at one end of the pool.  There are drinks.  You don’t think that’s a very smart idea for a pool party, considering the risk of accidentally drowning.  You stay away from them, but make a mental note to take one for the road.  For when you get home, of course.  You meet up with a few of your friends and talk by the poolside, legs dangling in the water.  Every so often your conversation would be briefly interrupted by a particularly impressive jump off the diving board before continuing on with what was said before.
After everyone you know arrives, a decision is made to actually get in the pool, so you turn back to your stuff, ready to cast off your clothing for the swimsuit underneath.  As you reach for your bag, a weird swirling feeling churns in your stomach.  It isn’t exactly nausea.. it’s almost a weird version of vertigo.  Your mind is fuzzy as you sit up off the ground.  The ground?  How did you get there?  Gazing around at your surroundings, you briefly wonder if you’re in another place entirely before you recognize voices of people at the party.  They sound far away, and you slowly stand up.  A vast stretch of stone expands around you before dropping off a sheer ledge further away.  Behind you, gigantic metal stakes tower into the sky and-  Holy shit!  Is that..?
The plastic chair with your bag still sitting on it towers almost above you like the underside of a gigantic bridge.  But that can’t be your stuff, or the chair.  These are monument-sized recreations, but why would someone spend the time to make this big a model of something so ordinary?  You jump when you hear someone call your name.  Your best friend since middle school, Rachel, is looking for you.  It sounds like she’s calling for all your friends through a megaphone to talk over the vast space, but where is she?  Immediately, you regret that question.
Thunderous pounding rings out over the rocks, and a massive person comes dashing over at an impossible speed.  She stands about a mile away, and when you crane your head backwards to look up at her, she’s searching around for everyone.
“Hello?  Where did you go?”
It’s so strange you can’t even process it.  Rachel’s voice is almost distorted by the distance and volume.  Another few voices, similarly distorted, call around for people as well.  You run for something to give you a better view — the edge of the rocks — and finally connect the dots.  Everything isn’t bigger, you’re smaller.  A lot smaller.  The expanding rock surface is none other than the pool deck, and the drop off is the edge of the pool.  You watch as another gigantic person swims up to the side of the pool next to Rachel.  She knows them, but you don’t.
They start talking, trying to figure out what happened, when someone nearly collides with you from behind.  It’s Jackson, a close friend who came to the party almost exactly when you did.  “No way, you’re here too?” they ask you.  “Wh- What?” you stammer.  “Why are we so small?”  “Hell if I know,” they reply.  “Well, what do we do?”  Jackson is silent for a moment, and you debate trying to get closer to Rachel to get her attention.  She might have seen what happened to you and Jackson, because she seemed unaffected by it.  They suddenly grip your arm.  “Look!  There’s someone down there!”  Another person like you paddles as fast as they can past you both and to the girls.  They pause beside Rachel’s friend, yelling up to them.  “Serena!  Serena!  I’m right here!  Just look down, please!  I- I can’t tread water forever!”  Both you and Jackson search the giant woman’s face for any sign of recognition, but no such luck.  She can’t hear her.
It strikes you just how small a shrunken person like you is compared to someone who wasn't affected.  Looking between heights, you’d say that you’re only about a centimeter tall, if that.  No wonder they couldn’t see or hear anyone besides eachother.  Were they the only two who weren’t affected?  No, there was someone else.  He wanders away into the house with a confused look on his face.  
“Is she going to drown?” Jackson asks under their breath, referring to the other small person.  Your gaze lands back on them.  “Hey!” Jackson yells, causing her to turn suddenly.  “Don’t drown trying to get their attention!  Just come up here!  We’re trying to get them to notice us, too!”  There was a brief silence before she responds, voice tinged with fear.  “I can’t!  No one can!  The edge is too high up!”  Both of you glance down.  There’s a comparatively ten foot gap between the deck and the surface of the water.
“Oh shit,” you gasp, looking out over the whole pool.  There are countless tiny floating things on the pool’s surface.  Interspersed between dead bugs and leaf litter are people like you, stuck small.  Anyone who happened to be in the pool when everyone shrunk now has no way to get out.
“Serena, please!  Please, you have to look down!”  The other woman is getting desperate now, undoubtedly realizing what you just did.  Another pounding set off footsteps rumbles off the ground and someone steps through the gate from inside the house.
“Hey, do you two know where everybody went?”
Both giants shake their heads.  While they talk, you watch the other person in the pool.  She’d spent up all her energy swimming after her friend, and she was starting to bob lower and lower under the water.  Serena had moved up slightly to talk with the guy who’d stepped out of the house, her torso sliding up out of the water.  Seeing that as her only chance, the woman paddled to the center of Serena’s stomach and hauled herself up over the lip of her navel, settling exhaustedly inside.  It was such a strange sight it made you squeamish for some reason.  At least she wouldn’t drown.
“Did you hear the car crashes?” 
The giants’ conversation drags away your attention. 
“Yes, what happened?”  “I have no idea!  It looked like a bunch of cars just suddenly stopped working.  Everything crashed into everything!” 
Well no wonder cars suddenly stopped working.  That’s what happens when you’re too small to press the gas pedal.  
It sounded like a lot of people might’ve been injured on the road, or they’d just straight up died.  You shudder at the thought as Rachel and Serena get up to go see the damage.  “Hey, where’d the drowning person go?” Jackson asks you, concerned.  “She managed to get out,” you reply, “She climbed into-”  Your mouth goes dry as you point to Serena, toweling herself off.  You can only watch as she absentmindedly itches her stomach, rubbing at her navel.  When her hand falls away, thin lines of blood trickle down from it.  She doesn’t even notice it with the wetness of the pool water, and dries it off with the towel.
“She’s where?” Jackson repeats.  “D- Dead.”  “Oh.”  There’s a small silence as all the giants walk out of sight.  “We should.. help everyone else.”  “Yeah.”  Both of you wander the vast flat rocks, searching for something to use like a rope or net to help the others out of the pool.  Despite your best efforts, neither of you can find anything.  Well, nothing that you can move.  Both you and Jackson wander the pool’s edge, searching for anything that will help.  Someone’s voice calls from above, and for a moment you think you’ve been seen by someone who is still their normal size.  It’s only another small person.  She’s stuck on top of a folding chair and can’t get down.  “Hey!  Wait!  You two!  I’ve been trying to push this towel down to the ground so I can get off!  Just.. wait a second, ok?”
You step over and try to yank down the rest of the towel once it falls far enough for you to reach it.  Jackson circles back after walking ahead a bit.  “What if we don’t find anything?  All those people.. are they just going to die?”  Your stomach sinks as you stand and wait for the other person to climb down.  She’s older than you; you’ve seen her around campus before, but you forgot her name.  “Thanks for waiting,” she nods at you, “I’m Hailey, and you?”  You tell her your name and she nods again.  “You’re.. Jackson, right?” she asks them.  They nod.  Both of you explain the plan to her and you all walk around the last edge of the pool.  
“How did this even happen?” Hailey asks, “Why did only some of us shrink?”  “No one knows,” you reply, “But people have to find out sooner or later.. right?”  Jackson nods, “They’ll come looking for us.  Whenever they find out what happened, they’ll come back.”  “And it’s not even just us,” you chime in, “There were all those car crashes the others were talking about.”  “Is it the whole world?” Hailey asks.  You and Jackson shrug.  You hope it is, but you also hope it isn’t.  If it is, it’ll only be a matter of time before someone comes looking for you.  If it isn’t, who knows if you’ll ever be found.  Yet, everything would be so much worse if it were the whole world.  There are so many things that can go horribly if they suddenly stop working because people are getting shrunk.  Millions of car crashes, train crashes, plane crashes — and that was just transportation.  If it’s the whole world, there would be billions of people in danger of being accidentally killed by others bigger than them, completely unaware.
Your darkening thoughts dissipate as a thud distracts your attention.  Another one rings out and you stop.  It’s followed by huffing and grunting like someone trying to move something heavy.  “Hello?” Hailey calls.  “Hello?”  Someone sounds very out of breath, but close by.  “Hello?  Is someone there?  I- I’m in the pool drain!”  Everyone runs to the white covering, and you peer through one of the holes at the top.  There’s a few people down there, and they look awful.  Most of them have strange ripples across their skin — a few are unconscious.  One by one you, Jackson, and Hailey haul everyone out of the pool.  Everyone you pull up looks like something from a zombie movie.
The person who was calling out to you stumbles over nothing, their hands splay out around themself and they stand with a faraway stare, blinking over and over again.  Some of the others act similarly.  All of them have patches of chemical burns across their bodies, and many are continuously coughing awfully.  “What.. What happened to them?” Jackson asks you under their breath.  “The- chlorine,” someone manages to choke out.  “I can’t see!” someone wimpers, and you turn back to the water in horror.  You completely overlooked the fact that it’s a chlorinated pool; you were just trying to stop them from drowning, not being chemically burnt alive!  
Over the course of the next few hours, you, Jackson, and Hailey, as well as another person who wasn’t in the pool, guide everyone beneath a covered chair to get out of the heat.  Someone normal-sized came out of the house and collected up all the drinks.  “Nick!”  It’s the fourth person who you found out of the pool.  He runs full speed out onto the rocks, waving his hands wildly.  A few others follow him, just trying to get anyone to help, but you stay put.  You were tired enough and didn’t have the energy to run out there.  Thankfully, too.  After collecting up what he came for, the bottom half of Nick’s vision is completely blocked by all the stuff he’s carrying.  He passes right over the group — more like on top of the group.  Everyone cringes and covers their ears at the horrible sound of limbs snapping.  The pulp that’s left behind is so gruesome, everyone gets up and moves beneath another seat to stay away.
Another hour passes and the more withered, pool-affected people from the pool start dropping dead.  Some release a wet sickening-sounding cough and keel over, others writhe in convulsions before falling limp.  By nightfall, only six of you are left.  And that’s counting the three of you who weren’t even in the pool.  The guy you first heard in the drain, Sam, had gone completely blind.  He sat in numb silence for a long time before trying to walk around.  He kept tripping over divots in the rock and laying bodies, so you eventually call him over to come sit by you.  “Being small is bad enough,” he rasps, “but being blind too?  What’s even the point anymore?  No one’s coming for us.”  “We just have to wait,” Jackson replies, “They’ll search for us eventually.  Everyone’s probably distracted by the car crashes.”  “Or there’s just too many people missing to find anyone,” Hailey adds, “If it really is the whole world that’s going through this, that is.”
“Fuck that,” one of the others grumbles, “I can’t wait that long.  I swear I’m going to die if I don’t drink anything that isn’t literally poison.”  They do die.  Twenty minutes later, they run to the water and gulp it down in an attempt to drink something.  Jackson had tried to stop him, but it was no use.  Your group is down to five.  Then four.  Someone that hadn’t spoken a word kept vomiting until they finally stopped breathing.  You and the other survivors huddle together in a mix of dejection and fear.  That other person was right.  It’s hot out, albeit less so now that the sun is setting.  All of you need water, whether you were in the pool or not.
“Ok.. it’s almost dark out..  Is anyone getting a little concerned that we’re all going to die out here?” you ask.  “I assumed I would be dead a while ago,” Sam mutters.  He sounds a bit better now that the heat has dissipated.  “At least nothing too big can come through the fence,” Hailey offers, “I don’t want to be torn up by a neighborhood cat or something.”  “Well, I hate to break it to you,” Jackson says, turning to her.  “But a cat can definitely clear the fence if it wants to.”  She glares at him before turning to scan the fence for any signs of entry.  “I think we should try to hide somewhere less out-in-the-open than this,” Sam suggests, “If we’re really going to survive this, we have to find shelter or we won’t make it.”  “Definitely,” Hailey agrees.  “Alright,” you nod, “Jackson, what about you?   …Jackson?”
Their face is paleing by the second.  Tension spikes in your veins as you slowly turn to follow their gaze — expecting there to be some sort of small human-eating creature behind you.  Nothing.  Just the settling dark.  Taking another look at them, you can see their skin beginning to sag on their face; their muscles twitch but don’t move.  Their jaw and arms fall slack as their skin droops, making their eyes seem to bulge from their head.  Hailey screams as Jackson falls over — face colliding with the rocks with a chilling crack.  A mosquito the size of a dog rests on his back, long needle-like mouth stabbed deep into their skin.  
“RUN!” you shriek, dashing away as more giant bugs swarm the air.  The things come from everywhere at once; you kick and swipe at them as you scramble across the patio.  Hailey is right beside you, but she stops suddenly, and you do as well.  “Why are you stopping?!?”  “Sam!” she cries, “He can’t see!”  Both of you turn back to the chair.  He’s still stumbling around without any mosquitoes on him, but he has no clue where he’s going.  With his luck, he’ll walk right off the ledge and back into the pool.  “I’ll go get him!” you shout over the droning of insect wings.  A whole mass of bugs had collected over you three and the water.  “You go look for somewhere to hide!”  “On it!” she replies.
You split ways, dashing towards Sam as he nearly trips and hits the ground.  Grabbing him, you try to haul him upward but he shoves at you, nearly sending you stumbling over the edge of the patio.  “Sam!  It’s me!  I’m trying to help you!”  “I thought you were a fucking bug!” he shouts back.  “What the hell is going on?!  Why did Hailey scream?  It is the bugs?!”  You don’t have time to explain, so you grab his arm and yank him after you.  Both of you dodge and weave through the swarm until you notice a color besides the blackened shadows of flying insects.  Hailey is standing up ahead, waving you down.  You run up to her just as she darts inside an empty plastic bag of chips.  Following her lead, you dart inside with Sam on your heels.
A mosquito also makes its way in while the bag is open, but you and Hailey kill it before it can do anything.  With her sitting on the opening to the bag, the bugs can’t get inside.  For a while you all just sit and breathe.  Hailey lets a tiny hole open just to keep some oxygen flowing, though obviously not enough to let anything else in.  Silently, you pass around some of the leftover crumbs to eat.  
“So…  What was that?”  Sam asks into the otherwise quiet place.  Both you and Hailey take turns explaining what happened, and the bag gets quiet again.  “Thank you,” he says after a while, “For coming back to get me.  I thought that was really it.”  You nod, then turn to Hailey, expecting her to reply.  She has her head tucked between her knees, sitting balled up on the exit.  “Are you ok?” you ask quietly.  “Do I look ok!?” she yells, then turns away with a sob.  You decide not to bother her anymore.
You get the feeling that you’re supposed to sleep, but no one does.  You don’t think you’ll ever sleep soundly again.  “What do we do?” Hailey whispers.  Her voice is still on the verge of tears, but she’s stopped crying.  “It’s the whole world.  I know it is.  I.. F-Fuck.  I don’t think we’re going to be rescued.  I think everyone’s too scared to check if anyone survived.”  “My friend, Rachel, lives here,” you tell her, “She’ll figure it out, and she’ll come back.. for me at least.  When she does, we’ll all be safe.”  “And I’ll be…”  Sam shudders.  “I can’t see anymore.  I.. can’t see.”  The reality of everything set in throughout the night — for Sam especially, but you too.  You won’t be able to go anywhere without fearing for your safety.  You can’t be anywhere without fearing for your safety.  Nothing you know will ever feel like it used to.  
By the time sunlight filters through the small slit in the bag, you feel awful.  But worse, you have to use the bathroom.  That means you’ll have to brave the outdoors again.  You glance around at the others.  Sam’s eyes are closed, but he sounds awake.  Hailey is definitely asleep, though she looks lost in a nightmare.  Slowly, you shuffle out of the bag and look around warily.  The mosquitoes have disappeared.  You exhale a relieved sigh and walk a good distance from the tent.  Finishing your business, you just begin the trek back when gigantic footsteps thunder through the air.  You freeze as Rachel walks back onto the patio.  Relief floods through your chest when you see her looking at the ground.  Finally someone came for you.
She wanders off to the end of the pool where everyone decided to throw the garbage at the beginning of the party, and whips out a black bag.  Slowly, she begins stuffing everything inside.  Confusion clouds your mind before realizing that the chip bag is close to the trash pile.  You run as fast as you can, but Rachel is already reaching for it.  “WAIT!” you scream, “DON’T THROW THAT AWAY!”  You can faintly hear yelling from inside the bag as Rachel hoists it up.  “STOP!  PUT IT DOWN!  PLEASE!”  It isn’t any use to yell.  Rachel pauses for a moment, glancing around like she might’ve heard something, then throws the bag into the garbage with everything else.
You skid to a sudden halt.  That’s a twenty or thirty story drop at the least.  If the fall doesn’t instantly kill them, the severe injuries from it would do the job quickly.  You feel like screaming and crying and throwing up all at the same time.  Instead you sink to your knees and watch disparagingly as Rachel finishes her work.  You don’t even bother running away as she walks towards you.  As Sam once said: what’s even the point anymore?  She steps over you and walks away mumbling something about staying indoors.  
Had no one figured it out yet?  You thought, if the whole world were like this, she would at least look for people who’d survived.  Your vision swims, blurry with exhaustion and dehydration.  Managing to walk beneath a chair, you sit down and wait for something to happen — whether it be your death or your saving grace, you don’t care.
You don’t know how much time passes, but Rachel eventually returns to the patio.  By then, you barely bother to look up. 
“Hello?  I..  Is anyone still here?” 
Now she has your complete attention. 
“I saw.. the- the news stations are finally airing.  Is anyone small still here, or.. not?” 
You sit up so quickly you see stars, but you ignore that and focus on Rachel.  She’s at the edge of the patio by the gate.  Checking the ground below her, she carefully sits down. 
“I’m going to sit right here all day.  If anyone is here, come over here and I can get you someplace safe.” 
It’s so unbelievably lucky that you have to assure yourself you aren’t passed out and dreaming.
If she’ll be there for a while, there’s no need to run.  That’s good, because you feel like you really will pass out if you go any faster than a steady walk.  You can hear Rachel talking to herself as she sits there. 
“God, I hope some of you are still alive.  I looked for people in the house, but I could only find bodies.  A few bloodstains too.  Please let there be someone left.” 
A long walk later, and you’re standing in front of her.  It’s terrifying how big she is compared to you, and you can’t help but remember how easily all of the normal-sized partygoers had killed people like you.  Rachel is on her phone; you call to her, but she doesn’t look up.  A few minutes later, she glances down.  You can tell she’s spotted you without having to look up.  Her whole body tenses up, and she shifts to her knees, slowly lowering herself to the ground until a gigantic blueish-green eye hovers above you.
Instinctively, you pull your arms over your head to protect yourself, and she gasps.  The gust of air flowing into her mouth is almost enough to knock you over. “Holy-” 
You cover your ears and her voice gets even softer.  “Hey, it’s alright.  I’m not going to hurt you.”  As carefully as you can, you lift your head up to look at her.  The sight is almost too big to process.  You can see each small slit of color on her iris, and your tiny self reflected in the white of her eye.  She whispers your name and you shudder.  “I’m so happy you’re ok!”  Her body shifts upright, and her hand reaches for you, but freezes before getting too close.  “You..  You’re so small!  Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be ok.  I’ll take you inside and get you taken care of, alright?”  You nod, tears of relief prickling behind your eyes.
Rachel sits up further, hand reaching for you again.  You hold completely still as fingers as wide as you are tall hover around you.  “Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe.”  A fuzzy feeling flickers through your chest, but it’s rapidly extinguished.  Skin is pressed against you from all sides, and you struggle in fear.  The ground lifts away from your feet and your pulse thrums so loud and fast that it’s all you can hear.  Nausea seizes your stomach as you’re dragged miles into the air.  You can’t even scream through the flesh around you.  It’s almost suffocating, and the more you think about it, the more you squirm, which only brings you dangerously close to sliding out of Rachel’s grip.
She notices you slipping, and pressure forces you down, pushing your ribs into your chest painfully.  A muffled shriek drags out of your lungs as they’re compressed closed.  Your gag reflex goes off, but you can’t open your mouth.  All you taste is blood.  With small struggles that bend your nose painfully out of shape, you manage enough space to open your mouth and let the fluid out.  Warm red blood mixed with saliva spills over your chin and down your chest.  Despairingly, you try to get a little more room so you can yell, but Rachel notices that you’re moving from your position.  More pressure bears down on you.  She’s just trying to keep you from slipping out and falling, but she’s unknowingly crushing you to death with just two fingers. You hear your legs snap, and vaguely feel them detach from the knee down — you lost feeling in them a while ago.  Everything spasms as pressure rises to your face.  Your eyes burn and ache and stab into your skull.  You feel liquid dripping down your cheeks, but it isn’t tears.  The place where your jaw meets your head flattens and you let out a long gurgling shriek as it snaps off of your skull.  Finally, finally, your chest caves in and your heart completely pulverizes.  Moments later, a void of inky black comes to claim you, and you can be at peace.
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tharkflark1 · 1 year
Okay so hypothetically if someone was to write something based on your Whaleshark Riku AU, what would the hypothetical time-line of events be? You know, hypothetically, of course
Well, hypothetically, if someone were to write something based off the AU, uhhhh
- Sora meets Riku accidentally while playing on the Play Island. They’re essentially BBS ages and stuff so like little babbies.
- they quickly become friends (Sora’s kinda a weirdo so while he’s good at making friends, he doesn’t have any like friends friends if that makes any sense. Until like, Kairi comes along but anyway) and Sora keeps his new friend a secret
- after a couple years, Riku suddenly disappears and Sora is devastated. (I don’t exactly have a reason why he disappears? My friend suggested he’s a sea god of sorts that can purify water so he was drawn elsewhere? But you can think of whatever I suppose)
- 10 or so years pass and Sora’s kinda chalked up Riku to being an imaginary friend. He’s volunteering at the local aquarium (he’s studying to become a marine biologist <3) when he hears about some new creature coming in. The place doubles as a clinic for marine life and Sora also helps out there too as an intern.
- However, the staff are kinda bein hush hush about it and Sora super sus of that.
- He ends up sneaking in (somehow) and discovers Riku (he’s REAL holy shit) but now he’s massive. Easily the size of a bus or more. (Riku’s also injured but I dunno by what so more flexibility there and that’s why he’s at the clinic)
- Sora manages to get Riku’s attention (he also does something here that would let Riku know it’s Sora definitely but I dunno what that is so use ur imagination)
- Riku’s ecstatic and they end up just hanging out for a few hours until Security finds out Sora’s there
- There’s a scuffle where as Sora’s getting taken away, Riku flips out, slamming against the glass. The overnight staff are able to sedate Riku enough before he can actually hurt himself and Sora’s taken in for questioning
- The staff review the security footage and they end up getting Sora to stay on the floor (he gets paid money too don’t worry) as whatever Sora’s doing had improved Riku’s mental state drastically. They’d never seen him that content or relaxed before (my man’s got depression and it’s not helping his injuries heal)
- l really have nothing past that? Like, Sora’s there and most of the staff are super nice and stuff. U can add like “evil people wanna use the Sea God for evil purposes” or something here I honestly don’t care what cha do here
- but eventually Riku, with healing both mentally and physically, figures out that he can become human temporarily (he had to change back like, once a month for a day) when something happens to Sora and Riku is too big to follow and help
- and I dunno! Go crazy with it
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apple-pecan · 3 months
Dragon Quest (1986)
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it is the mid 80's. in japan, rpgs were a super unpopular niche genre and were only played by weirdos. the most popular console at the time, the famicom, had a player base that mostly favored platformers, shmups and other kinds of action games. but a man named yuji horii wanted to shake things up. his goal was to make an rpg for the famicom with the same accessibility and appeal as something like mario. and with the help of world famous artist akira toriyama, and war crime denialist composer koichi sugiyama, the "big three" managed to do just that. and thus, the JRPG was born, alongside one of the best series of it's ilk: dragon warrior. i mean quest.
to make it so even little kids can know what they're doing, horii's design philosophy was an exercise in extreme minimalism: there's only one party member, you can only fight one enemy at a time, only one type of healing and offensive magic, there's only a handful of towns and dungeons, and there's only one save point (?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!). the story is as basic as it gets too: some asshole dragonlord is destroying the world with monsters, and also a princess has been kidnapped. guess what you have to do.
you start the game essentially naked: you dont have any weapons or armor and only a handful of gold. so what do you do? thats right: punch a bunch of slimes in the face until you have enough to buy stuff, and level up in the process. yeah, this is what's either gonna make or break the game for you: grinding is absolutely mandatory. the gameplay loop is simple; bonk enemies outside of town to get gold, use gold to buy weapons and armor, then your strong enough to reach the next town where the process repeats. thankfully once you have better equipment grinding only gets faster, and unlike a lot of RPGs leveling up makes drastic changes to your character. not only do you learn spells, but your stats go up A LOT. one time i leveled up and my strength went up by a staggering 13 points. holy fluff. the level cap is only 30 in this game, so every level counts.
there's also a couple of dungeons, where you learn that dragon quest 1 is secretly a horror game in disguise. dungeons are all pitch black, with your only source of sight being torches (and a spell you will learn later). you can only see so far ahead of you, which can cause some serious problems as your wander around dungeons not knowing where the hell to go. and when a strong enemy corners you and wipes the floor with you, you die and go right back to the save point with half your gold permanently gone. this makes the game more accessible, of course: instead of booting you right back to the title screen like final fantasy or megami tensei, you keep all the experience you've gotten at the cost of your money. it's a risk reward kinda thing.
okay this review's been too positive let's bitch about stuff. ONLY ONE FUCKING SAVE POINT ARE YOU KIDDING ME. if you are unlucky enough to, say, get killed during the final dungeon, you must retrace your steps from the starting castle all the way to where you were, and this can take a WHILE. there's holy waters and the Repel spell that can remove weak enemy encounters to make it faster, but they only last a hundred or so steps and they don't work in dungeons and caves for some ungodly reason. and if you try using it in said dungeon, your MP is wasted and nelson will come up to you and say "HAHA!"
another aspect that both works and doesn't work is talking to NPCs. the villagers have vital information to assist you in your quest. except when they don't. it's important to talk to as many people as possible, where they can give you clues you wouldn't otherwise be able to figure out on your own... but then there's some shit no one ever actually tells you. take the infamous sunstones for instance; an npc tells you they are hidden in the starting castle, but you look forever and cant find the damn thing. turns out you have to walk around the castle (but NOT far enough that it spits you into the world map) and in one of the corners there's a stray set of stairs that lead to the stones. hope you have nintendo power magazine, kid.
sure, there's some stuff in this game that obviously wouldn't fly today, but for 1986 this was one of the most novel and fun games you could get for the nes/famicom. it's simple yet addicting, and it's easy to see why it started a genre that's still going strong to this day. it's the first dragon quest game as well as the first JRPG as we know them today, so obviously there's gonna be some issues considering this was the first of it's kind, but thankfully they kept making dragon quest games and they're all solid and fun. and unlike it's rival series final fantasy, which hasn't had a universally beloved game since final fantasy 9 24 years ago, dragon quest still hasn't peaked yet, with it's most recent entry, 11, often considered the best game in the series. (it helps that the "big three" have been involved with every game in the series so the quality has remained consistent.)
so, even if the first dragon quest is a bit too old for you (and for most people let's face it, it's going to be), there's still a ton of great dragon quest games that all have something to offer. want a really emotional storyline intertwined with similar monster recruiting mechanics as pokemon mystery dungeon? try 5. want a gameplay focused rpg with blank slate party members that you can customize any way you want? try 3 or 9. want a really charming story with great graphics, lovable, developed characters, and a world map larger than MY BUTT? try 8 or 11. want really sadistic and bullshit gameplay that'll make you cry and throw your nes out the window? try 2. sure, it's likely that final fantasy and pokemon will never be as good as it once was ever again, but over here in dragon land, it's never been better. play these games already dammit!!!! do you want me to beg!!!!!?????? DO YOU?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?! anyways i love dragon quest it's peak thank you bye.
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............................................ final fantasy sucks
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sobeksewerrat · 10 months
-> I will also explain how "shapeshifting" works in this universe
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(I removed Kam's freckles a while ago btw because I keep forgetting to draw them)
Full name: Kamille Kamal Ghobryal (first, father's, last name)
Gender: cisgirl
Sexuality: questioning sapphic (<- INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA.)
Species: Human
Special Abilities: alien magnet apparently, playing the piano ?? (<- she is just a normal human)
Funfact: She is an orthodox Christian. This will make sense when I finally tell yall the setting of the story which I just realized only Rory knows.
Simplified Backstory: I am not gonna explain. She is the fucking protagonist spoiling her backstory would be spoiling the first main arc. Rory, you got special access to it thru DMs.
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Full name: Kutuku Taloyes (Liked veing called Star/Starlight instead)
Gender: Magigirl
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human/Star-Eater/Psycheneko (human grandmother, psycheneko mother, star-eater father and grandpa)
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting (inherited), flight*
Social Class: it is very very complicated. Too complicated in fact.
Funfact: she was my first ever gacha oc whom I have recycled.
Simplified Backstory: Holy shit. Uh, in a few words: mommy issues, bigotry, rich people problems, shitty aunt
Tumblr media
Full name: Taifuauu Taloyes (tie-foo-waw) (Tai or Taifu for short)
Gender: unlabeled genderqueer
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual
Species: Human/Star-Eater/Psycheneko
Special Abilities: none, but he is generally very strong (<- relevant plot point)
Social Class: seriously it is very complicated
Funfact: Tai is hard of hearing, the antenna on his head act as hearing aids because he physically can't use normal ones (I will explain. I swear. AT SOME POINT.)
Simplified Backstory: basically the same as Kutuku but like- he gets to go to Earth much later in life because he can't shapeshift naturally and refuses to use shapeshifting devices.
-> okay, so shape-shifting works slightly differently in this story. It is either inherited or artificial using a special device; only one known species can shapeshift naturally: Psychenekos.
Shapeshifting is more like "speciesshifting" here. You can't just change your appearance and you have very little control over it. It is basically just changing into what you'd look like as another species.
Transformations generally take between 5-15 minutes, depending how drastic the change is, for example:
Human -> Star-Eater (5 minutes)
Star-Eater -> Rovan (10 minutes)
Rovan -> Human (15 minutes)
When artificial shapeshifting devices were created, prototypes allowed the user to completely change their appearance however they'd like. But, that had "unforseen side effects" as it was practically impossible to stay focused on your appearance the whole time.
Thus, the devices were remodeled to work like natural shapeshifting
I will flesh this out later BTW just saying the conceptual stuff
@roryheart @cringelordofchaos
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Okay so in regards to the adopted aus, both of them but I'm thinking mainly of Dee because of Leon and stuff, but a huuuge difference between the 03 turtles and the Rise turtles is soemthing so simply yet so huge at the same time and I really wanna know you're take on how it'd affect Dee.
03 turtles, to the best of my knowledge, do not have the ability to retreat into their shells while the Rise turtles are capable of doing it so much that they literally made an Olympic style event around it.
So I'm just imagining Dee retreating into his shell and his Pops kinda freaking out cuz "holy shit what is that!? What did he do!? Donnie!!! My son is in his shell is he okay!? Is he hurt!? Why is he stuck like that!?!?!" And generally freaking out cuz he apparently never realized normal turtles can do that.
Then I'm thinking of the deeper implications of Angie and Dee being raised in that environment and then suddenly popping into a universe where their family is always going into their shell and stuff! MIKEY in particular would do it a lot to dodge attacks and just generally surprise his enemies so I imagine that would cause a drastic change in Angie's battle style.
But also how weirded out would Dee be about seeing his twin brother and his family so happy to go into his shell when he himself probably grew up knowing he can but barely ever doing it since the primary reason turtles can go into their shells is to protect their vulnerable limbs and head and what's the point of a softshell doing that when ever bit of his body is vulnerable!?
Oh! I've adressed this before with Angie and a silly little comic but yeah! 03s would be pretty shocked to see them fully able to retreat into their shell like that (though i doubt Dee would do it very often mostly b/c i don't think it would be very comfortable for him? I headcannon that the only one that can retreat into his shell without being super uncomfortable is Mikey b/c that's a box turtle trait. Which is why you don't see any of the others do it very often.)
And YEah, DEe might be a bit startled when he gets to Rise and finds Mikey in particular, just popping into their shell whenever. Like he vaguely remembers that being a thing that happens but it's a different story watching your brother condense to the size of a suitcase.
Thank you!
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sanguith · 11 months
a dream i had that could easily turn into a writing prompt or even a novel or short story:
"I am a researcher travelling across a frozen landscape. in a cave/collapsed structure, i find a white-furred creature resembling a horse-ferret-cow-bird-thing mix. it's hurt, i free it. I've never seen anything like it. Six blue, calm eyes adorn its skull. The creature is very intelligent, we become friends. They can understand my words, and respond with telekinesis. there are no words, only meanings, fleeting images clearly not my own. it can't read my thoughts, only communicate one-way. I eventually learn to respond.
we travel along the frozen wasteland. I need to go to the "Sea of the Two" - referring to the huge lake called a "sea" by some who know of fragments of a time long ago when there was open water as far as the eye could see, called "seas". "The Two" refers to the two lone mountain peaks at the end of the "sea", these huge mountain peaks are some of the only high natural structures left existing in the world - the rest have eroded away.
Aeons ago, too long ago for human memory save for few obscure texts in an old language few can decipher, the world was Moving. it's not moving now. the world is Still. to its inhabitants this has always been the case, but old texts and rumours speak of something impossible - continents and landmasses moving on their own, mountains forming over time and hot fire-like liquid pouring out of the ground. for some reason that nobody remembers, this process stopped and the entire earth is now Still. (the name of the phenomenon is forgotten, but what stopped entirely was any form of tectonic activity. likely caused by some celestial event that changed Earth's interior, or something more "magical" in nature.)
(The Earth is thus very different climate-wise since the cessation of tectonic forces caused a drastic change in climate and the lack of ocean activity - nobody remembers this change - it was tens of thousands of years ago, but the effects linger and Earth has become mostly land and ice due to it also having entered another natural ice age because of Milankovitch cycles.)
There are people wielding weapons who hunt for anyone in the restricted areas - these are not regular bandits that prey on travellers but an independent but steadily growing military group seeking to establish global control by violence and they do not accept non-conformity. (the dream did not elaborate more on this)
The creature (nicknamed Shimmer after a few telekinetic images in place of a name representing something more complex in meaning describing "a flat sheet of ice reflecting the obscured ripples of a halo of light created by the total eclipse of the sun in the dim sky above) and I hide from the military group as we travel through collapsed tunnels, dug-out paths within glaciers, cave systems, and stretches of moonlit snowy ground in the night.
What I as a researcher aim to find at the Sea of Two is uncertain. Perhaps answers to what happened in the past. Clues as to why these two mountains remain unchanged despite nearly all other mountains having eroded away by winds. Perhaps something hidden within them, perhaps remnants of something unknown or forgotten.
Since I met the creature, in my dreams I begin to see impossible landscapes. Huge mountain ranges, enormous stretches of green grass swaying in the wind, large trees taller than any I've seen in any old illustrations and images. Animals and creatures in unimaginable magnitude and diversity. Life thriving in the most impossible conditions. Open water as far as the eye can see, a sun that gives warmth, and eagle-eye time-lapses of the ground spanning millennia showing the formation and destruction of entire landmasses. Two mountains at the edge of a large lake."
(70% of this is the dream, 30% is stuff I added for the narration to make sense. I might turn this into something. Holy shit what a dream, though. I remember waking up and just going "what did my mind just conjure up" before falling back asleep and having a sleep paralysis and hallucinating that there were plants all over my bed lol. Anyway pls no steal this is my copyright idea or something idk ok thenk).
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colorisbyshe · 5 months
Hey there!! I stumbled upon your scleral buckle post, nice to know im not alone
I'm scheduled to get one early May and am totally freaked out
I'm only 27 and this whole experience feels 30 years too soon loool (especially in the doctor waiting rooms)
how was your experience with for the procedure itself and life after?
Sorry for the late response, I was in a movie, lol.
27 is so young!! I was around that age and I definitely felt you on the "Holy shit, why me, why NOW" bit and it was extremely overwhelming. I remember coming home after finding out about the surgery and just... sobbing. I was numb when I found out and on the drive home btu just... devastated when I got home. It felt world ending at the time.
And I'll admit, during recovery, it still felt worldending. But I'm here to tell you, on the other side of it, it's not! It is a LOT of regular appointments to check in on your retina... for the rest of your life... and it is something that you need to consider when taking certain medications (scleral buckles can increase risk of glaucoma and so can specific meds)
But... my eye sight is only mildly worse than my "good" eye, it didn't drastically change. And I feel fine now. Some days, I worry about it but every time I go to the doctor it's fine.
The procedure itself isn't scary, just don't google what it looks like. You get some eye drops that sting and you wait around for a while. Get knocked the fuck out. Wake up and get rolled out of the hospital.
You'll likely be given eye drops to administer in the aftermath. I needed someone else to do that for me because I had double vision in the immediate wake of my surgery.
For my procedure, I had to lie on my side and was only allowed to get up for like 15 minutes at a time for... a week or two. I pretty much only got up for meals, showers, and to go tot he bathroom.
My recommendation for recovery is: get the comfiest pillows for your bed. And have a table next to your bed full of all of the stuff you are most likely to want... snacks, water, comfortable clothes to change into so you don't have to rustle around your drawers. I ended up going stir crazy and tried to break the arm off an old part of glasses so i could lie on my side and still see the tv so I could watch it. I think instead I just scrolled da lot on my phone, listened to a LOT of podcasts, and slept a lot.
Freakiest part was the eye patch and how gnarly my eye looked. And the double vision. But all that's fine now.
I really recommend asking your doctor as many questions as you have, don't hold anything back. Even with the fix, this is a lifelong battle, so start taking it seriously now.
But also... yay, they caught it in time! Yay, this can mostly be fixed. Report back to me if you can feel a bump where the main incision was cause my eye has a bump on it now. And idk if anyone else does.
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 9.10
Oh, glad there's a bigger map now, the one from the brochure was not super useful anymore. Especially the fur appearances map, really useful for keeping track of this.
Interesting that Louise is just within the perimeter, I wonder if that impacted why she was the one to see the Beast?
“Where’s Verona?” Lucy asked, prepared to strangle Snowdrop for not having already opened her mouth to say.
“I think she’s learned how to cope with her dad and she hasn’t had the chance with her mom because she’s not around.  I think her dad hurts her feelings just as much but she’s adapted.  Not with her mom.” Avery nodded. “You think she said something?” Lucy winced. “That’s my best guess.”
I guess Lucy isn't guessing Verona's father is because she thinks Verona knows how to handle that. Which is mostly true, but their relationship has been deteriorating quickly since Verona Awakened, and I don't think Lucy's been around Verona's house enough to realize that it's gotten that much worse
Verona becoming a cat like that and refusing to communicate was stirring some anxiety deep in her stomach. A worry that had been there since Verona had confessed that she didn’t want to be human anymore. That Verona could do that, go down that road, and stop being Verona anymore.
Hmm, conflating two things here I think. I mean, becoming an Other is a drastic step, and would cause some changes, but I think Verona would find a way to preserve her Self. Or at least the parts of it that matter to her, and her friendship with Lucy is certainly part of that.
Verona, head bowed, hair wet, trickles of water streaming down one hand, crouched with one hand on the furs.  They were glossy and bright and all light seemed to catch on them and in them, making them glow almost from within, a deep red that was redder because of the light Lucy’s mask cast out. Verona had seen that light.  She looked up at them with reflective violet eyes that caught the points of red from Lucy’s mask.  Water all over her body caught that same light. Her expression… like Lucy’s mom had been, sitting on her bed when Paul had left. In the nightmare, where Booker had just died. Like John was, sometimes.
welp. The furs are not helping here.
Also this would make really cool art
Then Verona raised her hands, pulling one away from the damaged pipe.  Two index fingers pressed together.  Two thumbs touched, roughly in line.  A triangle shape.  Her hands stretched overhead, toward them, and her expression changed, her lips moved.
this has got to be a handsign that exists in naruto
I don’t speak freaking Tashlit, you ninny!  She’s coming!  “What does she want?”
oh, actually: upwards facing triangle is one of the elemental symbols, right? Fire, or Air if there's a crossbar?
Lucy could barely complete the thought or wonder what that was before an eruption followed.  Flame and smoke punched out and Edith was thrown against the logs that bounded the steps down and kept dirt from flowing in and blocking the cellar door.
I was right!
... Did Verona just set off a gas explosion?
... Is Verona okay in there?
Edith’s body banked off of those logs, flipped counter-clockwise when it felt like she should have flipped clockwise, and crumpled into the grass and foliage five feet away.
Holy shit, fucking ragdolled her.
Verona had pushed stuff off the table, leaving room only for the furs, her bag, and herself.  She was hunched over, drawing.  Lucy could see dark staining at her hands, purple-black, with some blood, her eyes violet. Scary. Scarier to see how the furs reacted. Each line prompted them to stretch her way, strands reaching. A stretch of flexible, raw hide with a still wet, still bloody underside flopped her way, then reached. And she didn’t push it away.
This is, like, definitely bad, but also it would be really cool if Verona got semi-possessed by the furs of violence
She reached for Verona’s bag, and Verona tensed.  Lucy froze, hand still extended down, smoke peeling off of her skin, her eyes glowing a soft red.
I'm guessing Verona a) is protective of her bag right now and b) doesn't want Lucy seeing what happened
You nearly killed her, Lucy told Verona.  You do this when things are bad, jumping to extremes. Pressure gets applied and you… you come up with the Brownie plan for Bristow. You put your face on Shellie and get her impaled by the nettlewisp.
it works in the moment, but burns bridges pretty dramatically. And is also, you know, maybe morally questionable and kinda scary for her friends.
But it is effective! So impossible to say if rapidly escalating to lethal measures is bad or not, etc etc
“I don’t think this is a movie for kids,” Lucy said.  “Even if it’s a cartoon.” Verona leaned forward, fascinated, tracking the art, the motion, the fluidity of it.  It moved like no kids movie she’d ever seen.  She drank in the art, the newness of it.
welcome to anime!
“That’s a pretty little beating heart you’ve got there,” the man on screen said, walking over limp tentacles.  One tentacle-base shifted, sliding up his naked torso to his shoulder, merged with his arm, and became his arm, so he now reached with an elongated limb to the cyborg.  She pulled away and couldn’t break his grip.  He smirked.  “I intend to fuck it.”
ok yeah that is not for kids
Verona was happy, because that meant they were watching to the end, and she liked this, bundled together in the dark, having had way too much soda and junk food, watching something they shouldn’t, hands gripping one another’s hands and wrists so tight. 
this is very cute, weird tentacle violence anime aside
She found Verona’s hands, taking one, drawing it close to her chest.  Verona didn’t fight, but she didn’t help either.  Putting Verona’s hand in the hand Lucy held in the sling meant holding it so the back of the hand rested against her heart.  Lucy gripped it, tight, then gripped the two hands with her other hand. Verona reached up, and laid her other hand over top. Her fingertips dug into the back of Lucy’s hand.
Avery.  She was muddy, which suggested she’d taken a shortcut through the Warrens, and she was damp, which suggested she’d either gone to the wet cellar beneath the cabin or she’d cut through the rainy part of the ruins to get here.  Avery advanced a step, then hesitated.
wondering if she's included in this comfort
“If I hadn’t promised you guys I’d ask first, I might’ve tried to wear the furs,” Verona stated.  No emotion in her voice.  Fact.
ah. I'd wondered that a bit, if Verona would wind up wearing them, what that would do to her. I hadn't thought of it as that deliberate a choice though.
“I look better in black or stripes than red,” Verona muttered.  “Yeah.”
you can't coopt Lucy's color theme!
“You think that’s the key thing, Ronnie?” Lucy asked, squeezing their hands together.  “Color coordination?”
this was actually the main reason I didn't think Verona would wear the furs
“I wanna- I wanna feel like I can breathe again, like it’s all just done with and I’m apart from it all and I don’t have school assignments gnawing holes in my stomach, and this sucky feeling when I hear the door slam and my dad’s home, or the doubts creeping in when I’m trying to meet new Others and figure them out, or the deadline of the end of summer… and if I wore the furs or did something then I could… I could take a deep breath again.  I could sit in the sun.”
"I want to have a sleepover again, and find the worst, most inappropriate, weirdest things to watch, and maybe laugh like we did, then.  I thought about that.  I had that memory but I forgot what it felt like, then, until we went through it, again.”
I've talked a bunch about Verona being really disconnected from her current emotions, and it looks like that's also impacting her ability to remember feeling those strong emotions from before she was having problems.
She wanted to ask follow up questions but it felt like it would only hurt Verona.  She wished there was a guidebook for this sort of thing.  Talking to someone in a bad place.
oh there are, but in general I think if you get to the point where you need one it's too late to find one without making things weird.
“Alright,” Lucy said, voice soft.  “My worry is you… you didn’t go berserk but you definitely jumped into that cellar and… operated on instinct?  Is that right?  This is like that cyborg woman tying into the mainframe and going all out on the penis demon.” “Wut,” Avery said.
correct response, Avery! I'm also losing it at the spelling there
Lucy explained, “It’s similar.  Being cold, leaning on her training, everything else stripped away just… the dangerous instincts left.”
Sort of Taylor vibes, in a way. Also a character archetype I like a lot.
“-I don’t know what I’m supposed to do but if I go back I’m worried I- I’m done.  I, me, my Self, done for.  He doesn’t budge much at all so the only thing that budge or change if I’m there is me.”
upside of Demesne ritual: it would help Verona get out of her dad's house
Her voice cracked again, and for a moment Verona looked really angry at herself.  Like her own voice cracking was the most infuriating part of things.
... mood
“This is… almost too much,” Verona said, quiet.  “Us three, here, talking about this.” “Too much?” Avery asked. “I don’t want us to be too much for me.  Because that’s scary.  So I need to be alone.”
Sometimes care and kindness and supportive processing of emotions is what breaks the walls of repression that are keeping someone going, which is probably a good thing overall but also sucks and ruins one's ability to function.
Honestly a nice walk would probably be good here, or some distracting practice to focus on. Alas for the plot circumstances getting in the way.
“And I’d need promises,” Lucy said.  “Please.” “What promises?” Verona asked. She met Lucy’s eyes for what felt like the first time in minutes. “That you won’t hurt anyone. Because you hurt people too much when you’re under pressure. That you won’t do anything drastic.”
please put conditions around this to allow for reasonable self-defense
What the heck are we going to do with those furs?  Lucy wondered.
Good question. Best option might just be to give them to John and get him seated as the new Carmine Judge, without the risk of the furs backing a challenge.
“My dear, I love your hair and earring,” a woman said, as Lucy passed.
The two parts of Lucy that most reflect the practice
She was tall, slender, fifty but wearing ‘fifty’ in a way that was attractive, with a light dress that looked like it should be see-through or immodest but wasn’t and almost admonished Lucy for thinking in that direction, and perfume that should have been overpowering but was actually tasteful…
probably good it isn't Avery running into her
“I think Verona needs a bit of space for right now.  There’s some messy stuff to deal with.  But… after?” There was no response. “Mom?” “Um, sure honey. I’ll be on the edge of my seat until you walk in the door, but I’ll trust you there, okay?”
taking a moment of sympathy for Jasmine, who has already been Going Through It, then gets "My friend with the abusive dad is in bad shape, I don't know how to help her, I won't be home until later, bye" dropped on her.
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