#so i hope some people will perceive me in a better light and see who i really am and maybe be willing to be friendly
mingoosgf · 10 months
Am I uninteresting or intimating or pathetic or unsocial or a mix of multiple
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tarotofhope · 26 days
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PAC: Self-Care Tips For Your Own Well Being
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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Pile 1:
Cards: Father Of Wands, The Hermit And Politics- 7 Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 1. Beware of snakes in your own garden. You need to stay away from people who are controlling, manipulating, taking advantage of you, those who are not grateful for you being there for them. It also seems like you're not able to tell good people from bad ones, because of this, you might also sometimes have a wrong judgement of certain people. Your self care tip would be to keep yourself away and safe from people who seem to be your friend/good towards you, but is actually a backbiter. Some may be rude towards you openly as well, people/friends/family who use you or talk to you only when they want something from you and then they leave you, people who always treat you as a second option or a bystander. So, the card 'Politics' which is the '7 of Swords' card in tarot fits well here because people might be playing politics with you, backstabbing you, tricking you and what not. I'm also hearing defame, so, for a few of you, it could be that you're a popular person, famous for your work, and some people whom you consider friends might actually be slandering you behind your back. One advice is, try to observe certain patterns in people's behaviour, try to observe closely and decide for yourself. See, I'm not trying to scare you. It's just what I felt from the cards.
So I wish you good luck. Love, Light, Peace and Hope to you.
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Pile 2:
Cards: 6 Of Wands, Ace Of Swords and Morality-Queen Of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 2.
You're someone who is in the process of awakening. Your intuition is at point, you're hunches are mostly correct. You're aware of your body needs, what it likes and what it doesn't, your mind and soul. People might perceive you as awkward, weird or they might also think that you're out of your mind, irrational even, but it is so because you have unique thoughts and ideas. Let them have their own perceptions. You just need to know that you don't need to fit in. Your ideas are gold, don't let others let you down. You just need to keep standing out and fight to remain there. You feel like executing a weird plan/business idea or project, do it. Fight for your passions. Your words, yes, your words have a lot of positive effect(either written or oral), speak them, write them, live them. Fight until you succeed, it's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth all the effort.
So I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 3:
Cards: Death, The Emperor and Awareness-The Chariot.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3.
I can see 2 phases here. It's going to be different for everybody. 1st phase is, some beloved one of yours, someone very close to you might have passed away, so you feel like the world has come to eat you, you feel so small, like this is the end of the world but no my dear, let me tell you one thing, only if you allow the universe and open up your heart shall you receive something better. Remember that change is essential no matter how heart breaking or soul wrenching. You need to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Your life needs a lot more organisation, de-cluttering and changes here and there. Your body is your home, if you don't try to heal yourself, if you resist change, you'll not be able to function properly in the long term. 2nd phase is, you went through a huge glow up, you took care of your body and your mental health. Somehow, you look much better, much healthier, meaning you already went through change and put the required effort. You are much calmer and serene now. If you've gone through this phase, nobody would be able to break you.
So, that was all. I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 4:
Cards: 9 Of Wands, The Moon, Breakthrough-Justice.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 4. It seems like you've got a lot of trust issues, my dear pile 4. You've build a wall around you and you don't let people in. You might be secretive and don't like to expose yourself in the fear that people might harm you or take advantage of you. You might also be very picky and have very few people that are very close to you. This all could be due to a heartbreak for some people while others are like that by nature. Someone here is also rejecting proposals and not giving love a chance. For a few of you, I'm also hearing guilt, you might also carry a guilt within you, it could be a past mistake, a wrong decision, a fault, a lie or anything which had harmed you or anybody else. Forgiveness is necessary, for yourself and others. There is a lack of balance here but you need to know that you will be fine. Not everybody is here to hurt you, so you can open up and as far as guilt is concerned, do things which bring positivity in yours and others' lives. Help people as much as you can. Fill the void. Be that hope for somebody, a helping hand for another and so on.
So, that's all.
I wish you good luck.
Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Pile 5:
Cards: 10 Of Cups Reverse, The Moon, Stress- 7 Of Wands.
Welcome to your reading Pile 5. You seem to want to have everything under your own control, which is not healthy either for you or others. You are either over-protective or very possessive or both. There is a lack of balance. You need to calm down a bit and let go of things because the universe has not burdened only you to take all the responsibilities of yourself and others as well. So, start surrendering things to the universe/God/ whatever power you believe in. It might be like a strong urge to do things by yourself and not taking the help of others. For some of you, this could also be a toxic habit of imposing your way of doing things on others/deciding for others unnecessarily even when not asked for. This pile especially needs to meditate a lot. Looks like you guys have strong leadership qualities which is a really good thing but using authoritative power correctly is very important. Some of you also have a habit of clinging to toxic people/your own possessions, which needs to be changed. I'm getting very maternal/nurturing energy from your pile. Remember it's an energy that I'm talking about which applies to both the genders. You're like mommy/daddy of your friend group. If this is not you then this could be your parent or your guardian. Either way, this habit needs to be controlled and balanced, even if you're the victim of such issues, you need to talk to that other person and create your own healthy boundaries.
So, this was all I got.
I wish you good luck. Love, light, peace and hope to you.
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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kunikame · 11 months
the moon and her stars. - lyney
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warnings : lyney has zero rizz (clickbait), i made astral references again im not sorry guys, not quite love at first sight but more the steps made towards it, gender neutral, fluff
w/c : 940
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the saying "eyes are the window to one's soul" is, in lyneys humble opinion, about as true as it can get.
he would know.
while he performs his magic tricks, while he takes a stroll down the streets of fontaine– whatever leisurely activity you choose, he does it while staring people directly in the eyes.
of course he doesn't stare at one person the whole time, his own lavender gaze flies from one person to another sporadically, yet he never fails to discern the emotions hidden behind them.
are they happy? sad? having a good day? a bad one, perhaps? tired? surprised? excited?
he knows.
he watches childrens eyes light up with joy when he pulls their card out of his hat– he observes the couple arguing a few steps away, notices when the brunette's eyes shift from pure sadness to betrayal.
he sees.
which is why he also notices when someone lacks these qualities. if there is no joy, there is no shine– no life behind a person's eyes.
he wonders why your eyes seem so empty when your smile feels genuine.
perhaps you're like him, hiding burdens you desperately wish would forever stay locked up, yet you yearn for a companion to share your pain.
he has his siblings, but who do you have?
lyney approaches you one time (be it out of sheer fascination or simply seeking a change of pace, he's not quite sure) after an impromptu show he put on for some kids in the middle of the street with a singular white rose in his possession.
"hello there, you seem to be not quite enjoying the show tonight. may the great magician lyney be of any service, perhaps?"
he removes his hat with a flourish and bows, holding out the rose as an offering to you.
you lift your gaze from the book you were reading, surprised he took notice of your presence. upon noticing the rose a pleased hum escapes you, and lyney notices a fragment of what one might call 'entertainment' behind your gaze.
"did you know white roses symbolize young love and eternal loyalty, sir lyney? was your approach made with such intentions to be conveyed on this starry night?"
your tone is teasing and amused, and he is well aware of it, but whatever mirth you might be feeling doesn't quite reach your eyes, and so with a snap of his fingers and an elegant shake of the rose, he produces 8 more of them in an unarranged bouquet he hopes you will accept.
"not quite, i'm afraid. i was more so referring  to the symbolization of new beginnings, but if you so prefer i would not at all mind changing the meaning. or the color, if you wish," he says, brushing his hand over the roses, which have now turned a darker orange.
"'fascination', i see," you hum, "interesting choice. is there a reason for it?" you have now discarded your book entirely, giving the blond all your attention, as if hanging onto each word he says, yet seemingly not quite caring about any of them either. it confused lyney, but it fascinated him even more.
"are you aware of what people say about eyes?" you nod, inclining your head slightly, curiosity piqued, "they are the window to the soul. i've found that claim to be truthful until the day i first met eyes with you."
"is this your attempt at wooing me, sir lyney? i regret having to inform you it's not quite working."
"not yet, no. i simply wished to compliment you. your eyes are one of, if not the most beautiful i've ever seen. but, if i may be so bold as to ask, why must you suppress your emotions from being seen in them?"
your eyes flicker away momentarily and lyney pauses. perhaps he might lose this battle tonight.
"i do not wish for them to be perceived by none other than myself. i believe it's better– nobody can use my emotions against me this way."
"why would anyone do such a thing?"
your eyes meet his then, and the world stops. everyone around him disappears and suddenly it's just you and him in this bubble universe you've created– or perhaps you haven't created it, it was simply made for you. you are the center of it and lyney has to fight to find his place (he chooses the one that's closest to the sun– to you). may he crash and burn if he has to, if the universe decides he's meant to, he simply wishes to be as close as you let him. 
if the eyes are the window to the soul– or to put it differently– to the heart, then lyney is certain what you see in his is the adoration he holds for you. even though he doesn't quite know you yet, you fascinate him to no end and he will not stop at the ends of the universe– he will go further and further, as far as his legs carry him, to know everything about you.
he has come to agreement with these feelings of his, they are the reason he chose to approach you in the first place.
he is, however, rendered speechless when your eyes suddenly seem filled with an affection and longing he can't say he's been looked at with before.
"you tell me, sir lyney. would you do such a thing?"
you smile at him then and may the god of justice strike him down where he stands lest his words are lies, but you put the moon and all her stars to shame.
"to you? never."
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @sscarchiyo @arkangelee @chrronoir @sleepypengwin @yakshalea @kazemiya @menhwa-pdf @mikctp @gabirii @solxima // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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mud-o · 1 year
[ Detailed Thread ] I've seen lots of debate but here's lists of reasons why I personally think Wriothesley is visually impaired/blind to a certain degree and hope that he is :)
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This is listed down based on my understanding/research so if there's anything wrong pls do correct me
Firstly we need to know the term 'Blindness', i know you may be wondering like , uh what? But a lot of people are quite misinformed of what being 'blind' is. Blindness is the inability to see or a lack of vision. Meaning that Blindness is a SPECTRUM. Each person's experience of blindness is unique. 93% of blind and vision-impaired people can see something. It is very rare for someone who is blind that cannot perceive anything at all. Some people may be blind in their peripherals - some in the center, some can see colours and blurs while others can perceive light and shadows better. It varies. A LOT. Quote from an article on Blindness and its spectrum. "These visual impairments don’t all work the same. Macular degeneration, erode the central vision without affecting peripheral vision. Narrowed field of vision- central vision is fine but the peripheral vision is limited. Others include photophobia (inability to tolerate light), diplopia (double vision), visual distortion, and difficulty with visual perception."
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Ok so now we've made that clear- here's why Wriothesley being blind isnt as farfetched as you may think , with the way he is acting in the Fontaine trailer. 1) So i've heard everyone say that he is teasing Sigwienne, but let's just go back, why does Sigwienne - put the cute beverage in front of wrio in that manner? Why is she putting the taller cup in front of him where it's simply closer for him to reach for in the first place? You can argue that she did that so wriothesley takes it, but why not just hand it to him then? If you observe the scene - the tea was already there beforehand, which means wrio has either prepared it himself or has even already drunk from it and placed it there. He knows there is a 'cup' on the table. It could be very much logical to assume Sigwienne wanted wriothesley to mistakenly reach for the taller cup she placed there. There would be no point in deliberately placing the cup as if with the intention to 'trick' him into taking it if he could very well see her place it there.
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2) The visible jolt of his hands when he hovers over the tall drink that sigwenne places there. And the CLOSING of his eyes, as if to concentrate. On what? Here we can tell the drink clearly looks like a cold beverage, so when his hands hover on top of the cup , it'll make sense to have a reaction based on the wrong temperature registered to his hands - as tea is hot. He glances to sigwenne after , as if amused, only to look back to rotate the smaller cup of his tea. And even when 'rotating' , his actions seem purposeful - carefully interacting w the cup with his hands draping around the handle before holding onto it. As if again, he's mostly feeling around it. If he were to see perfectly well, why would he close his eyes - hover around the tall drink, and seem to jolt by reaction of registering what the object is? His eyebrow even raises up. It makes less sense as - if he were intending to tease her, he'd simply hover alternatively between the two without interacting w them purposefully but instead focus more on the reaction of Sigwenne from the start - and not After he seemingly 'felt' what the glass he is reaching for firstly is not his own cup of tea, but the beverage Sigwienne wanted him to take. Also added point, if you really take notice, while touching and rotating the tea for its handle, his eyes are set straight, not towards the cup.
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3) paper argument - again brings back to my point about blindness being a spectrum. Some blind people can read if they really focus and if the object was near enough, and even more that they just show him holding the paper, his eyes were never shown 'scanning' it. And furthermore, we are not SHOWN the paper, it could be braille for all we know. 4) but he looks at sigwienne first before she places the cup - again , blindness is a spectrum. Many blind people can register vague figures of people based on combinations of colour, light, and shadows or other ways depending on the individual. 5) Lyney's dialouge - as we know, genshin loves littering clues and symbolisms around in the trailers. Here's the quote we got while transitioning to Wrio's cutscene. "But what you see, is not real. It's all a show. And every part of the show is carefully controlled" Here we've already got a literal connotation for 'sight' from "what you see" , and connotations of 'acting' what if he was just acting out that he is not 'blind' to the outsider's point of view, so it is shown that he has less of a 'weakness' to others? Covering his disability under a guise so no one knows how to use it against him? It may be a reach - but it is an interesting idea to think about. Esp with the entire theatre play theme surrounding Fontaine and us/people being the audience of the big show.
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6) wolf motifs and inspiration - It is quite easy to see Wriothesley is very heavily wolf motifed. Wolves are known for their sharp senses and acute hearing. They rely much more heavily on scent and hearing compared to their sight. Sounds familiar? It would be very neat if wriothesley has heightened senses as he can't rely on his eyesight as much, thus being easily able to tell when Sigwienne moves around and puts the cup in front of him. 7) gameplay - having a disabled character can make interesting and unique ideas on their kit and mechanic. I'll leave most of it for imagination, but something such as a passive that could auto-link enemies aggro-ed for aoe skills? Many many more possibilities. 8) It will simply be good disability representation in media , we've already had collei with the chronic illness of Eleazar, Xiao with chronic pain from karmic debt, Yoimiya's father short of hearing due to working with fireworks etc. It'll be an amazing addition for irl people with disabilities to feel more seen. 9) there's literally a scar under one of his eyes what more can i say if not it being more of a hint. His beta concept designs even had a scar on his eyebrow along with heterochromia? Which can also be seen as being blind in one eye with the 'white' colouring. Also the eyepatch beta design? Yeah.
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Also this slipped my mind, but do also note Braille was originated and introduced in france - invented by Louis Braille in 1824. And well, what do we know of where Fontaine is based of? wink wonks
My conclusion, live laugh love hc wriothesley w vision impairment <3 even if it turns out not being canon and just some weird coincidence of everything.
(also please do not steal this as i plan to post this myself on twt too, and again this is just a THEORY on why I PERSONALLY think he's such. You are free to disagree )
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scarfacemarston · 8 months
You seem to be one of the few who can admit to that parallel of Arthur leaving Eliza and Isaac behind ALSO makes Arthur a “bad” father as well. (although he obviously regrets it & there may have been reasons.) .
I know it isn’t that serious, and they are just fictional characters but there are some who act as if Arthur can do no wrong.
I adore them both , but they’re alike in so many ways.
I don't know if it's a media literacy thing or what. The parallels are there on purpose, and I don't think people pick them up OR they don't want to. I'm so sick of some of the fans who think Arthur is perfect. He's not. The literal point of the story is he is not perfect. People act like he is their perfect baby outlaw who just needs a hug uwu. I love fluff; give me all the hurt/comfort, hugs, kisses, everything. I believe Arthur would love that, but don't forget he is a grown-ass man. He is literally 36, yet people infantilize him. Do people realize they're not doing him a service as a complex character when this happens? He is a literal killer, and his first instinct would be to rob you. That is who Arthur is for most of his life, and it's only until later in the game that he changes. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't see the softer part; I'm just saying that people refuse to see the whole picture. They pick and choose what they want to see. We all do it.
About Isaac and Eliza: Yes, someone else made a GREAT post and I don't know if they would want me to give details about the post or their name because they could be targeted by the fandom, and I don't want that. But there was another great blog that brought up Eliza and Isaac, too, and I was so happy. I've been active in the fandom since RDR 2 came out. (But a fan longer than that) and it is only recently that I'm seeing a few posts about this.
Arthur is only marginally better than John with how he treats them. He brings them money, okay, how much? Is it enough for a single mother during this time period? I genuinely hope so. A child needs their father; how often did he see them? He was traveling to different states /regions quite often with the gang. Was it once a year, twice a year? More often than that? How does paying a bit of child support and occasionally dropping in THAT much better than John? I think he helps Jack and Abigail because of the guilt he feels towards how he treated Eliza and Isaac, and he is attempting to atone. It's just horribly sad it came too late.
On top of that, Arthur was a drunk for years. Hosea and Dutch both say this. I have all the audio files. There are plenty of files that talk about how the gang doesn't like it when he drinks. I've posted whole conversations where Dutch tells Arthur to stop going back to his drinking habit………………just like John.
You know who was considered an idiot like John? Arthur. People praise Arthur for being far more intelligent than people think he is - that's exactly how John should be perceived. People bash John for his intelligence yet joke light-heartedly about Arthur or defend him from the jokes. Yet Hosea and Dutch always talk about Arthur's intelligence.
You know who was considered a bit of a brute by the gang? Arthur. Arthur was considered a very angry, violent man. Hosea and Dutch are very clear on this. They mention how he'd use his fists rather than his smarts to talk about things. Who else is considered a very angry man? John. Who else used his anger to solve problems? John.
Arthur does not necessarily sound like a likable man at 26……………..Just like John. If we had a game set when Arthur was that age, we probably wouldn't like him as much.
There are parallels for sure, and I don't know if it's people who want to ignore it because they don't like John or if they don't see it.
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shhh-secret-time · 7 months
Two questions:
One: where do you get your inspiration for writing?
Two: who's you're favorite south park character?
I love you! Drink some water!
Hi! Thank you for reminding me! Twizzlers and a Coors Light Beer is not dinner, but it is a good intro to this answer haha!
For the first question that's a tough one so I'm going to warn you all, BIG RANT AHEAD!
My biggest inspiration for the reader inserts are you guys. There's a reason in my ao3 I leave those kind words and words of affirmation after every story. I need every single person who reads my things to know that I care about you guys.
You read it all the time that story tellers, artists, and musicians are nothing without their audience. And it's absolutely true. I cannot stress enough that even though you know nothing about me, and I know nothing about you, doesn't mean I don't care.
I love people so very much. I think we as humans have the greatest gift this universe could have ever given us.
We have the compacity to love so much. With so many different ways to love!
It could be romantic, platonic, familial, whatever! We have it. That's so fucking awesome!
So if I can express that love and make you feel better, just a little bit, by writing these situations where you are loved. Then I'm going to do it.
As for the scenes and settings, I usually carry a outrageous, over-the-top, bright pink notebook around with me. It is so ugly and atrocious, but I remember it because of that. I write down thoughts I have throughout the day and things I see.
Aside from that, I take in the works of others. I let it show me a different way of thinking and perceiving situations I wouldn't have otherwise. There are artists on this website that absolutely blow me away and keep me humble. I've got much to learn, and I'm so excited to do it!
Music honestly it the biggest source of this. I have so many Playlist of moods for scenes and emotions I need to tap into. (That's another thing that makes humans so fucking awesome)
Like. As an artist you need to invoke a feeling using colors and shapes. If you ever stop to think about that, that's so amazing. A little circle shaped and molded to make you feel happy. Melancholy. At peace. Nostalgic.
Like holy fuck dude.
A storyteller does the same with words and moments like this.
I think a thing a lot of creators, including myself, tend to do that keeps their work from their absolute best. Is the fact that we want so badly to take the image we have in our head and the feelings in our hearts and put it in our work and hope you get that exact feeling!
But I think letting the person enjoying our work and coming to their own feelings and conclusions at times is what puts the spice in a really good dish!
For my Pomegranates and Honey story, that's what I'm trying to do. I have experiences and emotions that I know other people have felt, or they need help feeling. You know when you listen to a sad song so you can cry and feel a little better, I want to capture that but with the pains of growing up.
People are going to move on. There are some that are going to change and grow with or without you. It sucks, it hurts, but you have to accept it. Grow at your own pace, find something that works for you. Things that get you through this frustrating world.
For me it's writing. For me it's love.
So yeah, that's my inspiration. Veeeeery long winded answer, short.
As for my favorite character?
It's a tie between Stan and Kyle. Kyle because I love that little dude, I love what the Fandom has let him grow into. The fact that this community took these circles and went, "Yeah this is awesome."
Kyle has character traits that I admire in a human being. The will to just go. That temper of his is funny don't get me wrong, but I admire that so much. What I would give to just feel anger like that, to express my frustration so freely. He's caring to those around him, and he had a strong sense of morals. He isn't afraid to stand up when those morals are put into question. He's not afraid to defend those he loves, even if they may not always be in the right!
Stan is my favorite because everything about him I feel. That fear of not being good enough for anyone, so you try to pull the spotlight on you. Real talk, I used to be a very self-absorbed person growing up. I would actively deny ever wanting it, but if I ever found out my friends did something without me, I'd feel hurt. The need to be wanted so very badly is still there, but I'm better about it. Stan struggles with depression, we all know that. But the feeling of watching everyone you know move on while you're stuck in this fucking pit, and sometimes it feels like it's too much. Yeah I feel that. I love Stan because I want to see him get better, I wanna see me get better.
So, thank you so very much for these questions. I love, love, love things like this! Please feel free to ask more. It's never a bother!
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greeniegreengreen · 1 year
No because this hit me randomly while trying to complete my assignments and I wanna get out as much as I can before it disappears into the "I really should've written that down void"
Jason Todd x Reader
Duke Thomas x Reader
TO THE PEOPLE WHO DID PUT IN ASKS, THEY'LL BE DONE AND POSTED AS SOON AS I SUBMIT(hopefully tomorrow, Sunday, midday latest) Y'all put in some good shit for me to write and I actually wanna get it out proper instead of just drabbling it out in a rush - unless that's what you want
ANYWAYS BACK TO MY THOTS - well more like the one’s reader gone be looking into >:]
Word Count: IDK,,,just words enough to try and clear this out my system
Didn't have a set gender in mind so it can be Female/Male/Gender Neutral,,however you choose to perceive it.
For as long as you can remember, you have always been able to read people’s thoughts and feelings. Heck if you focused with little effort on a person you’d be able to see into their minds and get an exact picture of what was in there.
That little what you called a cheat is what helped you become one of the best Interior Designers in Gotham. You were able to get exactly what a client wanted and they absolutely loved you for that, not knowing any better of course.
Of course with such rising popularity the Wayne Family had to have to redesign a few spaces for them, be it at the Manor, Tower or any holiday homes that they felt needed a change.
With your budding romance towards a specific family member comes very specific thoughts and crafted images every time you seem to be alone together.
Why would you be seeing the kitchen? As you kept focused on what seemed to be a memory from when Bruce had hired you to work on the kitchen with Alfred taking the lead on the project as it was his space more than anyone else's. It seemed he remembered the exact outfit you had on that day too. A simple beige tee tucked in baggy pale blue jeans and grey converses to finish the look. Put together but not too stuffy. You stood right by the island with a pencil between your teeth and a large sheet of paper laid out in front of you. You had been looing at the most recent layout of the kitchen to give you an idea of how to play around with how everything was set. Alfred from the looks of things wanted it to be more effective but gain a more polished look.
Jason's obsession with literature was no secret to anybody who lived in the Manor so it was no surprise when he had called you in to take a look at the ever aging library. After seeing how you had set the kitchen per Alfred's request he was eager to have you work on it.
You had come in on day one wearing your beige blouse jumpsuit to discuss and get a general idea of what he wanted to get done. The mention of trying to fit more books in didn't sound as impossible as he had hoped. It was just a matter of using the pre-exisiting infrastructure to your advantage while adding new bits and bobs to reach the idea he had in mind.
On day two you had brought in your iPad and pencil to scribble some potential sketches that you were sure Jason would love from what you looked into the day before. With him now browsing at the layout options, you were sat across from him on a what had to be a Baltimora Bespoke Rococo sofa in a pale yellow eyeing his every move. He was very good looking, the white streak in his black hair brought out the evergreen in his eyes that shone a dark blue when the light hit them right. Build quite big and towering compared to you, it was a little daunting yet alluring when he looked down on you with a slight tilt of his head however sitting down even though he did still surpass you in height you would be able to maintain eye contact without feeling a type of way. He seemed to be taking his time with his choice so a little peak into his mind wouldn't be a bother.
The kitchen?
With your mind somewhere else you had not noticed him coming into the kitchen until he had made his way behind you to get to the fridge, leaving out a barely audible excuse me.
His failed attempt at pardoning himself had caused you to turn right as he tried to get past you. A trip in your feet at both shock of someone else being in the kitchen and bumping into them almost caused you to fall.
Jason had caught you right by your waist, grip tight and pulling you close to try and keep you both steady. You hands crunching up into the front of his shirt as this was the first thing you had grabbed. He at that moment was trying to calm his breathe as he was sure with how close your hands were to his chest that you could feel his increasing heartbeat. He'd seen you before on magazines and interviews, a few times around the Manor too but this was the first time he was able to meet you in person. Much less this up close. You were quite attractive and that didn't make this situation any better. You had looked up in that moment and by the widening of your eyes it seemed as if you had just understood who exactly you bumped into.
What felt like minutes on the day, moved by within seconds of you two removing each other from the other from the looks of the memory. Your hands sliding down his chest swiftly while his had taken a rather unhurried path to your waist before letting go completely.
You remember that day very well. You were too flustered by everything that you never ever tried to look into what he thought of the entire thing before apologising and resuming what you were planning on doing.
As much as you remember the memory stopped there, but his didn't?
He put in something.
Instead of his hands fully leaving your hips he had used his grip to pull you closer to his heating body. A small gasp escaping your lips at the surprise of the action.
He walked you backwards towards the island making sure you didn't hit the edge harshly. Before bringing up his right hand to place right by your throat keeping his eyes on yours. The gap closing between the two of you before lips met right in the middle. A kiss one that was filled with curiosity and excitement dragged on in his mind.
His hands coming to lift you so that you were sat on the counter, the perfect height for him to lean his hips into your open legs properly.
He let out a small grunt of the word, "Fuck."
You let out a small whimper before pulling away from the memory completely. Wanting to focus on the current moment.
"Everything alright?" Jason asked in a worried tone at the sudden sound.
"Dandy." You gave a small smile trying to brush off what you just saw.
You and Duke got along. A little too well one would say. After meeting at a gala Bruce had hired you to furnish which lead to an invitation to the event, you had gotten closer each day.
Duke enjoyed the conversations he had with you about anything and nothing whereas you enjoyed the change of pace of things. It all felt nice and mundane outside of being able to read people's minds and being a vigilante.
Your most favourite things to do was watch cringe level rom-coms. What was better than being able to sit in front of the in-house theater with all your favourite snacks and foods, a blanket and pillows that created a plush nest of sorts for you too. Every Tuesday night, as random as the day seemed it worked perfectly. Dick was on night shift, Tim barely left the office on weekends much less weekdays and nights, Damian was always quick to disappear to the Batcave (Duke would just say he was in "bed") Bruce would end up holed in his study with lord knows what, Jason hadn't been home in 4 months after deciding he needed his own space and going back to his apartment and Alfred always excused himself early on Tuesday as it was never really busy around then.
Tuesday nights were always just perfect for you two. A nice time to just feel second-hand embarrassment together from what the characters did on screen.
However today was not the same as any other day. A new movie was released on Netflix the Sunday before so naturally you and Duke had decided to set it to the following Tuesday's movie night. Neither of you had bothered to look at the trailer believing in the skimmed over reviews and it being labelled a rom-com. What more did you expect but something to crunch your face over.
You had come in with your summer pjs as the weather was warming up and made your way to the theater, ready to help Duke set things up. He had already laid out his half of things while you proceeded to give him a quick greeting and putting everything you brought with yourself down.
Once all was set and the lights were turned off, you began the movie.
Nothing seemed out of place, it followed a typical girl who needed to move back to her hometown for reasons that always had to do with a job. As she gets back she reconnects with old friends, crushes and flings.
You and Duke share laughs at the obvious plot and proceed to make bets on who the end-goal love interest would be in this one. Would it be the guy she had a crush on in first grade? Or her male best friend that had the biggest crush on her her entirety of high school but never confessed? Or would it be the bad boy she had lost her virginity to on Prom Night as an impromptu thing as she didn't want to leave high school a virgin.
As fun as placing the bets was with the promise of pizza as the prize, nothing could have prepared you two for what you were about to witness.
Right on screen as the female lead and one of the potential love interests shared a kiss, it seemed to get heated?
A lot more heated than a standard rom-com would allow actually. And were they taking off their clothes?
What was the rating on this again?
It had to be +18NL with how things were playing out. Quite explicit too.
Removing your eyes from the screen to glance at Duke, you notice how he doesn't seem to budge. Eyes glued and focused as he gulps down the saliva building up on his tongue.
Curious to what his thoughts were on the unexpected sex scene that they were experiencing for the first time together, you were taken aback.
From what you could make out you were right under Duke, both of you bare chested like the characters on the screen, both of you breathing out heavily like the characters on the screen, both of you closing the gap like the characters on the screen. It's when the point of view changes to Duke's perspective of things that you realise he's projecting you both on what you're both watching.
Duke inches down your body maintaining eye contact as he gets to your covered bottom. Eyes flicking down to the material before looking back up at you as if begging to remove them. You give him a nod and he eagerly give a quick kiss through them before yanking them off hurriedly so. Duke gulps again both on in his projection and in person before going all in tasting every inch of you.
Your eyes move to watch the screen and not him and as it was all playing out in his head there the two characters were getting it on exactly as he projected it.
Grabbing for the remote, you pause it.
"I think we need a break from that, no?" You suggest feeling flustered thanking every being out there that allowed you to be in such a dark room at this moment.
Duke was a very good looking guy, his personality made him a solid catch too. But it was another thing to tell the guy you've been chilling with casually as friends that you felt heated from his thoughts and would be more than willing to play it out right there in the theater.
Duke gulped for a third time before nodding and agreeing.
Maybe on another time would you initiate something, just in the privacy of your home lounge this time.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
A New Beginning #21: Positive Affirmations
Masterlist | Read on AO3
Content: Self esteem issues, [mentioned] past child whump, recovery, pet whumpee, vampire whumpee, human caretaker, [past] parental whumpers.
I have been in such a slump recently, I'm so sorry for the lack of content </3 either the next chapter or the chapter after is when shit gets real.
“What’cha doin’?” Adam asked one morning as he sat down on the couch with his second cup of coffee. Carlos immediately glanced up from his new diary, a smile coming to his face when he realised that it was a genuine question rather than one asked out of politeness. 
“I’m practicing positive affirmations with myself,” he told him. “Trying to write down three things I like about myself, or three things I think I’m good at, or… really, just three positive things. It’s… uh, harder than the people in the video I watched made it seem. I only have one thing so far.” 
It was almost sad that he’d only been able to think of one thing in the hour that he’d been sitting here. Despite his humans’ constant flow of compliments and reassurances, his opinion of himself was still rather low, and it felt like there was something physically stopping him from seeing himself in any other light. Himself, perhaps?
Adam hummed, still looking half-asleep despite his attempts to wake himself up.  “Can I see what you got so far?” 
Obediently, Carlos rotated his book and pushed it towards the human, allowing him to see what he’d written. A single dot point, written in messy cursive that even Carlos found hard to read at times. He hoped that, with time, it would look better.
I’m good at being good. 
“You are,” Adam reassured him. “You’re always good to us. What about your art, as well? You’re getting pretty damn good at that.” 
The vampire considered that for a moment, thinking back to the last few things he’d scribbled down as of late. He’d certainly been getting better, but in comparison to the few pieces of art Rebel had been kind enough to show him, his was an embarrassment. 
He sighed, setting his hands down in his lap as he slouched a little. “But what if I think I’m good at something, and it turns out that I’m really not?” he asked quietly. “I was gonna put down that I’m okay at cooking, or that I’m getting better at remembering social cues, but I don’t wanna do that if I’m really not. I’m scared that if someone sees that I think of myself like that, they’ll get upset with me for… lying? or thinking too highly of myself?”
“Buddy, if you judge your skills by how the people around you perceive them, then you’ll never get anything down. The exercise is to write down things you like about yourself, right?” Carlos nodded, eyes directed at the table rather than at Adam. “Then, if you like that you can cook or do art or pick up on social cues, it counts. Nobody has any right to tell you you can’t like a certain aspect of yourself.” 
Huh. He’d never seen it that way. For so many years, any sign of self confidence was promptly beaten out of him, to the point where his entire life revolved around how the people around him viewed him rather than what he thought of himself. It was hard to imagine a world where he could be content with who he was without at least a little concern for the opinions of others.
He reached forward to pull the book back towards him again, idly tapping his pen against the open page a few times as he struggled to work up the courage to write down the things he wanted to be there. For a moment he looked up at Adam for some reassurance, and the man silently encouraged him with a warm smile and a nod. 
“I’m… I’m good at cooking,” he murmured to himself as he wrote it down. “I’m good at my art, and I’m getting better at reading social cues. There… those are my three things.” 
“Congratulations, man. Are you happy with it? Do you agree with what you’ve written?” 
There was a small hesitation before Carlos finally nodded. “Yes, I think so. At least, I know that one day I’ll mean it, right? If I say it enough times?” 
It made his heart warm to see Adam nod enthusiastically along with what he was saying. “For sure. You’ll get there eventually. Like most things, it just takes practice. Sort of a… ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ kinda concept. That’s how I did it, anyway.” 
“You had to do this, too?” 
The man shrugged. “Yeah. Both Ryker and I had to, in our own ways. I grew up being beaten horrendously for liking who I was. My mom and dad saw me as a burden and they hated when I didn’t see myself in the same way. You already know how Ryker was treated. That obviously had major effects on his self esteem, too, which… paired with his ADHD, put it at rock bottom for ages."
He took a sip from his cup of coffee, now staring down at his knees with them brought to his chest and his back against the arm of the couch. “We worked hard to build ourselves back up again, ‘n’ I’m so sorry that you’ve gotta go through that same journey. It fucking sucks.” 
“The world isn’t so great,” Carlos whispered after some time spent in silence. His chest felt heavy now, sorrow and guilt having made itself more comfortable there with each word that left Adam’s lips. Humans lived such short lives. Why did so many of them have to spend it recovering from things they had no control over? It didn’t seem fair. “Sometimes I wish that I could create another one, just for Ryker. One where he could have all the friends and family he wanted but never get hurt. He’d have those guardian angels that I read about in a book once watching over him and people to keep him company when he felt alone.” 
He adjusted his weight a little before finally glancing up at his human again. “You deserve to know that I would do the same for you, if I could. You protected Ryker throughout the years that I could not and gave me a real home to feel safe in. I owe you more than I can give.” 
It surprised him to see a dampness to Adam’s eyes as he smiled over at him. Unlike the ones of reassurance or comfort that he usually gave, this one seemed to be caused by what he’d said. Something that indicated he was happy with his words. That made Carlos happy, too. 
“You’re good at making the people around you happy,” he said after another sip of his drink. “Write that down on my behalf.”
Carlos instantly lit up, already pulling his book close again. “Yes, sir.” 
@choppedflowermuffinchild @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @emcscared-whumps @espresso-depresso-system @inkkswhumpandstuff @pigeonwhumps @pumpkin-spice-whump @roblingoblin285 @sacredwrath @some-thrilling-heroics @stabby-nunchucks @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @trans-writes @whump-blog @whumpsday @whumpshaped @paniatheweirdone @whumpycries @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thekittyburger @whumpdreamz
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yours-the-author · 3 months
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Extended Zodiac: My Thoughts
Hey, I'm bored and want to do some analyzing, so I decided to look at the birthdays of some of the Danganronpa characters and figure out their extended zodiacs. I did something similar a couple months ago for RWBY, and I've been wanting to try it again with other characters from other fandoms I like. The only fandom that I know about that has birthdays is Danganronpa, though, so that's what we're going to go with! Also, I'm only going to do four of the characters: the protagonist, the assistant character, the "trouble maker", and my favorite character. I'd like to do this for 1, 2, and 3, but I'll start with 1 for today.
For those who don't know, Danganronpa is a video game series about teenagers getting trapped in a mysterious location (school, island, facility, etc) and being forced to kill each other (and get away with it) in order to escape. That's a very vague summary, but that's the gist. Trigger Happy Havoc is the first game in the series, so I'll be starting with the above mentioned character types today.
The other side of this, the Extended Zodiac, is an extension of Homestuck, in which some kids play a game together and nothing else. Yep. Definitely. Anyway, based on certain aspects of a character's personality, the characters have different traits/powers, represented by an alternative zodiac sign.
Okay, that's the basics, so let's get to it! Also, keep in mind, my knowledge of these characters is fairly limited, so don't expect me to get into the nitty gritty of the character's arcs. I'm just doing this for fun, and a lot of it is subjective, so yeah! Spoilers for the games/characters under the cut!
Makoto Naegi - February 5
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Aquanius - Sign of the Magician (Aquarius, Prospit, Hope)
Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student of class 77, and his birthday means that he's an Aquarius!
...Given the reputation of Homestuck's Aquarius characters, this may seem pretty out of left field. They're typically considered "eccentric", "weird" and "bent toward contrariness". They can come across as "untoward", and "clingy", too, though they are known to be loyal and interested in humanitarian causes. This might not seem to match Makoto at all, but it's all in how you perceive things. Makoto's insistence on seeing the good in everyone, regardless of everyone else's opinions, has often been seen by other characters as "weird" (putting it lightly). His determination to have faith in the Remnants of Despair and help them recover in the Neo World Program gets him into great trouble with the Future Foundation. He is intensely loyal to his friends (and he's eager to befriend and get along with everyone), and inadvertently becomes heavily intertwined with saving the world from despair through the power of hope (if that's not a humanitarian cause, I don't know what is). His insistence on hope could be considered "contrary", given the extremes of despair that he faces, which makes his Aquarius nature a little more reasonable.
The next part of his Extended Zodiac is his Lunar Sway, and I think a lot of people will agree with me choosing Prospit as his dream moon. Flexibly optimistic, emotional, and instinctual, Makoto is the poster child of the light moon. This isn't all he is, though; he can be overly trusting and have trouble thinking things through. He gets a lot of help from his friends when solving murder trials and is quick to forgive people, even when they do objectively terrible things (like Byakuya messing with a crime scene and Koyuki throwing him under the bus for Mukuro's murder [which he only survived due to his friendship with Alter Ego]). These aren't inherently bad things, and in fact, they a big part of what makes him so likeable. It's all a matter of perspective.
Makoto's aspect was extremely difficult to settle on; it was a tie between Hope and Breath, but ultimately, I decided Hope was the better fit, and not just because he's considered the Ultimate Hope. Hope players are "driven first and foremost by their convictions", "doing right for right's sake" and "dreaming up a better and more beautiful future". Of course, his insistence on what is "good" and "bad" isn't always the generally accepted viewpoint. I again point to his decision to help the Remnants of Despair, despite the rest of the Future Foundation wanting to execute them to put an end to despair. He also knows when it's time to raze the status quo to make something better: he leaves Hope's Peak Academy with his friends in tow despite all the dangers they'll be facing, from bad air to murderous robots to despair ridden masses. Even if it's not as safe, even if his well being isn't guaranteed, Makoto knows that there's a better, more hopeful future in store for the people he loves if he works hard and stays determined.
There's also another reason I picked Aquanius as Makoto's zodiac: depending on the above three factors (zodiac sign, lunar sway, aspect), you're assigned a word to represent you. In this case, it's "the sign of the magician". Makoto never performs any literal magic or sleight of hand, but his miraculous ability to survive the un-survivable is practically a feat of magic in and of itself.
Kyoko Kirigiri- October 6
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Libza - Sign of the Acute (Libra, Derse, Mind)
Fitting for the Ultimate Detective, Kyoko is a Libra! The concept of "right" and "wrong" is very obvious to Libras, and they are strong defenders of justice. At first glance, this might seem to be where the similarities end; Libras are described as "social and flirtatious" and being fascinated by fiction and roleplay. Kyoko certainly isn't those first two options, so what gives? It should be noted that the "games" Libras roleplay "often... will resemble the lives they want to be living". This one could easily be put up to debate, but given that the Kirigiri's bloodline is focused on detective work (something taken with extreme seriousness, to the point that both Kyoko and her father are considered outcasts for leaving/making their skills public), it might not be too far off to think that such ideals are the ultimate life goals for them. Libras also often long for a partner who can match their wit and charm (typically failing to do so, but that's neither here nor there). Whether you ship Kyoko with anyone or not, the survivors at the end of the game can easily be seen as partners that Kyoko works with to uncover the truth of everything that happens.
Next is her lunar sway, and I'm sure a lot of people will agree with my choice of Derse. Derse dreamers have a "distinct and restless skepticism", are "cerebral and self-aware", and "great problem solvers". They also tend to be introverted and rebellious, at least to some extent, which fits Kyoko very well; she's quick to bend and break certain rules of the killing game in order to uncover the truth, but she's also less eager to get chummy with just anyone, especially right off the bat. It takes a lot of time for her to open up to Makoto, but it's clear that her trust in him makes her a powerful ally.
Kyoko's aspect was quite easy to decide as well: Mind. Not only she smart and a great thinker, she is "very concerned about remaining rational". Logic and reasoning is the name of her game, and once she has a plan in place, she can execute it perfectly. She does have a tendency to be cold and inflexible, too; there are a few times throughout the game that it's her way or the highway, though over time she becomes more creative and willing to innovate her way towards results.
And, of course, her word: the acute; someone who is shrewd, perceptive, and intensely experienced. Only the best from the Ultimate Detective.
Byakuya Togami - May 5
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Taurpia - Sign of the Aesthete (Taurus, Derse, Light)
Surprisingly, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny is on the "lower" end of the zodiac as a Taurus! His kingly nature seems like a complete slap in the face of the description for Taurus': while a Taurus is described as warm, generous, and a little bit needy, Byakuya prides himself on his cold, holier-than-thou attitude and his complete lack of dependence on others. On the other hand, though, it may be a facade: Taurus' can be withdrawn and slow to open up, arrogant and stubborn, which are definitely more in line with Byakuya's personality. Arrogance is practically his middle name, and though it takes until nearly the end of the game for him to come around to Makoto's good nature, he does show concern and even potential for growth when he's almost proven deadly wrong about the circumstances of the fourth case. Sometimes a slice of humble pie or two is what's needed to get a guy to come out of his shell. Also, being that rich fancy-pants boy he is, a love of beautiful things and rich decor is practically a given for him as a Taurus.
Byakuya's lunar sway is pretty predictable, given that there are only two options: an identity that's built on control and an almost strict understanding of his own mental landscape points directly at Derse. To Derse dreamers, and by extent Byakuya, there is "one true path among an infinite snarl of wrong ones"; yet another "my way or the highway" kind of guy, and he's very proud of it. Vulnerability isn't something he's skilled with, though, so that humble pie is very important to portion out every so often.
Lastly, the aspect, which was extremely easy: Light! Light players are knowledge seekers, and they aren't afraid to break rules to get that knowledge. Byakuya does a lot of morally questionable things in the game (and that's putting it lightly!) He claims that he does a lot of it because "it's interesting", and interest is the gateway to experimentation, and thus "learning". How easy would it be to manipulate a crime scene? The opportunity practically falls in his lap, and he's hardly a man to say no to his own curiosities.
These three traits combine to make him "the Aesthete", which lines up quite nicely with his affluent upbringing. Only the best and most beautiful things for our resident rich boy.
Lastly, I'm going to do my favorite character from the first game (because I do not have the time or energy to do every single character of every single game). That means for Trigger Happy Havoc, that character is:
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - August 31
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Vircer - Sign of the Accountable
Yes, I'm a sucker for the goody-two shoes with a heart of gold and the emotional stability of paper mâché. The Ultimate Hall Monitor is a Virgo, plain and simple! Virgos are caretakers; intelligent, steady, and organized, and they take a lot of pride in their ability to do flawless work. Taka's life goal is to become the Prime Minister of Japan and right the wrongs of his grandfather, and that means being at the top of his game in all things and at all times! Virgos hold everyone to high standards, but no one is held to a higher standard than themselves; they are also loyal and loving, even if they're a bit slow to truly open up to people. Once you've earned a place in their hearts, though, a Virgo can be fiercely loyal, even becoming a bit destructive to protect the people they love. Once Taka opens up to Mondo and they share their brotherly bond (or if you ship them), he becomes willing to fight tooth and nail to see his bro safe, even offering up his own life in exchange for Mondo's (and in the stage play, he does actually die for Mondo! The stage play rules are different in that anyone who votes wrong is also executed. Taka refuses to vote for Mondo, so he's killed off at the same time).
Taka's lunar sway was a bit difficult to decide on, but I decided he fit best with being a Prospit dreamer. He's emotional, reactive, and intuitive, sometimes to his own detriment, and rebelling against authority is not even an option; he'll adapt and work with the rules he's given to create the best results. He's almost too honest about his goals and his "do good work and you'll get good rewards" nature, which can either be a point of contention or a point of admiration, depending on who's thinking of him and when.
Lastly, Taka's aspect. I was torn between Time and Blood, but after seeing each option's word, I decided Blood would be the best choice. As the class representative and a future world leader (in a better life), Taka is very much a leader, inspiring others through examples of his own hard work to be their best selves. He's also insanely stubborn, standing for his convictions no matter what danger it might get him in. He's not entirely closed off to learning and changing, though; his heart to heart with Mondo helps him grow and improve his abilities as both a friend and a leader, making him a better person overall. Taka can also be pretty charismatic; an essential trait for a future Prime Minister, yet his tendency to be set in his ways can be a little much for some people.
And, of course, his word: the Accountable. Someone who is responsible, justified, and liable in many ways like Taka makes this a near perfect fit!
...At least, those are my opinions, anyway.
I might do this again with Danganronpa 2 and 3 (probably not the anime/spin off mangas, though, I don't know much about that) but this was just a thing I was doing for fun. Feel free to share your thoughts/alternative zodiacs, too! I don't usually do Danganronpa stuff on this blog, but again, this was just for fun. I love analyzing characters! Thanks for reading!
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robin374 · 1 year
Hii! I was wondering if you could do a mercs x gn or male reader who has polydactyly (six fingers on each hand) and is insecure about it ? Have a good day! :) -🖐️☝️
Mercs with a S/O who has polydactyly and is insecure about it:
This was bit difficult to write, but I managed to do it. I hope you like it! I couldn't figure out how would Sniper react, sorry :(
He doesn’t understand why you are insecure. He doesn’t think it’s gross or not normal, he just doesn’t give it importance. 
Honestly, he didn’t see it until you told him. That’s why he looked so confused, he didn’t know that people could have six fingers. Then, his face changed to an interested one. 
 “I mean, you can slap people harder, right? It’s not that bad.”
 If someone makes fun at for having six fingers, you best hope see Scout’s baseball bat on that person's face. He’s not gonna tolerate that. 
If you're sad or still insecure he will offer you some chicken nuggets while trying to look for some superhero that has something similar to polydactyly in his comics.
He thought it was just his blurry vision because he is drunk most of the time. 
That's why you told him you were insecure when he was sober. 
He was a bit surprised that you were insecure about it, I mean, he only has one eye.
He will kiss your hand while whispering what he likes about you (everything)
And if someone makes fun of you, he will have a talk with that person. 
The next day you were in a bar with Demo and you saw that same person with a black eye.
This man has seen it all, so an extra finger is nothing to him.
He will tell you that he can take off that extra forget of yours by making a surgery. 
But if you don't want to, it's fine he doesn't care. 
And if someone makes fun of you, expect them in MedBay the next day. Medic will put them an extra leg, hand and a lot of extra fingers. If they survive, of course.
He was surprised but found it funny (in a good way)
You have an extra finger and he has a mechanical hand. 
He built a mechanical hand with six fingers for himself, so you wouldn't feel insecure. 
"Look, we are in the same situation now"
You giggled and hugged him. He's such a sweet man. 
If someone makes fun of you, he will tell you to ignore it. 
"You are prettier than that person over there. He even has five fingers! That's weird" He said while interlacing his six-fingered mechanical hand with yours. 
"Is good" 
Another one that has seen it all. 
He doesn't mind it. You have an extra finger? To him, it means that you hold a sandwich better than everyone. 
He will hold your hand every time he thinks you're feeling insecure.
If someone makes fun of you, he will just stand next to you while looking at that person quietly enough to scare the hell out of them. 
He knew you were insecure before you told him. 
He saw that the light in your eyes lost intensity when looked at your extra finger. 
Every time he perceives that, he will approach you, hold your hand and kiss every finger in it while whispering sweet things. 
If someone makes fun of you… OOP- they don't exist any more. They mysteriously disappeared after laughing at you. Spy keeps saying that he doesn't know what happened. (He killed them and buried them as far as any God or Goddess knows)
And another one that didn't know about it. They don't even know what polydactyly is. 
They will give you a long speech about how you shouldn't feel insecure about it.
You didn't understand them, but got the message. 
They offer you his balloonicorn to cheer you up. 
If someone makes fun of you, well… They make you walk away while they talk to that person. 
"Is it me, or does it smell like smoke in here?" You asked when they came back, they just shrugged. 
"I'm sure that George Washington had polydactyly too, cupcake!"
Will unexpectedly kiss your hand every time you lift it to take something or caress his face. 
If someone makes fun of you- HUTTAH NECK SNAP 
"Now they will have polydactyly in their next life! Don't worry, I told Medic to provoke it!" 
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miloouch · 2 years
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TW: mention of death, mention of injury, mention of blood.
A/N: Hi people! As promised, here is the first chapter of BLUE GENESIS which means the story has officially started. I'm super excited to share it with you guys and I really hope you feel the same.
As always, any feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated.
With that said, please enjoy!
PS: I want to thank all of you for the warm welcome you gave the Prologue and thank the ones who interacted with it. It really does mean the world to me!
TAGS: @tpwkstiles | @yeosxxx | @mashiromochi | @ellielovesrobinarellano | @irissfoot | @tojigirl | @namgification | @penquinsqge |
WORD COUNT : 3,038
2170, Orbit of Pandora.
''...can you hear us?" The voice ranged and bounced on the walls of Sini's skull, making her head ache worse than it already was. She opened her eyes carefully, her vision blurry as she tried to adjust to the harsh white light of the neons that buzzed above her head. After a few seconds, her surroundings got clearer and she finally saw Dr. Katz and Garcia's faces above her own.
She let out a small grunt as she slowly moved her head to look around the room she was laying in. The room was covered in white from its floor to ceiling, the only visible colors were the ones displayed on the monitor to her left. Sini hated the familiarity of this environment. It was like she was back in the hospital again. Like she was still dying.
The thought of her death pulled her back to reality as she finally realized where she truly was. Her eyes widened as she looked at the faces of the scientists who towered over her. Realization hitting the girl like a truck that was going a thousand miles an hour.
She watched the two individuals as they checked her reactions and reflexes of various parts of her body. She lifted her head slowly, wanting to have a better look at what was really happening and what they were doing to her.
"If you're willing to seat up, take it slow." Sage said, her voice slightly muffled by the oxygen she wore.
Listening to the advice, Sini slowly and carefully rose to a sitting position, her long, blue legs extended to their full length in front her.
"So blue..." She whispered to herself, mesmerized by the view of her new body. Her new self.
She had dreamed of this moment the day of her death. It wasn't a painful experience like she thought it would have been. She went through medical suicide so the scientists of the Avatar Program could collect what had always made her what she was.
The memories from that day were quite messy, but one thing that really stuck to her mind was that she died on the day of her birthday. April 11th. So technically speaking she was born on the same day again. In a different body.
She was amazed by how much more aware of her environment she felt in her new body. Sini saw everything brighter and and more precisely, heard sounds she could have never perceived in her human form. She felt so strong and empowered by her new appearance it made her smile from ear to ear.
"Would you like to see yourself?" Armand asked, pulling the girl out of her dreaming state. She gave the man a slight nod and was handed a mirror.
"...wow." She sighed out as her eyes wandered over the face of her Avatar. It was her and there was no denying it. Some of her old features back when she was still human stuck with her and transfered to her new form. Her heterochromia was still here.
That distinctive feature that had caused her to be bullied as a kid had stuck around, giving her an amberish right eye while the left one was of a bright green color.
A small, content smile formed on her face as she finally spoke for the first time.
"Thank you." Sini said, happiness and gratitude laced to her words.
After having landed on the new planet, each teams and units got to the location where they would probably spend most of their time.
The science unit went on a quick tour of the lab where most of them would live for the following years. Before entering the place the four Avatars of the team – which included Sini – were given masks so they could breathe during the tour.
Even though they had been taught that they could breathe 'human air' without any problem, they had learned that they could feel dizzy if they were exposed to it for too long.
The place was of a reasonable size compared to the whole environment of the base the lab was in. There was a lab of course, where the scientists would probably spend time studying wonders of Pandora's environment. Connected by a small and narrow corridor was the cafeteria that had obviously been designed for the human scientists, the chairs and tables too small for an Avatar to seat and have a meal there.
The visit continued and humans were the ones who had to put on oxygen masks before they all headed outside to lead the Avatars their own headquarters.
The architecture was more fitted to the natural environment of Pandora. The small building was made of wood for the most part with a few human touches here an there. Inside, there was another lab as well as a cafeteria and a dorm. Another room was added to the building, one that wasn't inside the human unit. It was a gym with different machines on which they were told to train everyday to reinforce their new bodies.
"This is were you'll be spending most of your time guys." Dr. Garcia said as the Avatars looked down at her small frame.
"See you all this afternoon for the first expedition. We will be collecting samples to study them back in the lab." Those were her last words before she headed back to the human unit.
Sini went back outside, heading to the yard of the science team where she laid on the soft grass before closing her eyes and enjoying warmth of the sun on her blue skin. She breathed in the the pure air that was all around her, relaxing while she could, knowing that her first scientific expedition was in the afternoon.
The Samson flew above the beautiful forest of Pandora, the science team composed of Dr. Garcia and the Avatars on its board. Sini had learned their names before the mission. There was Silas Lopez, a biologist who was there to learn about the flora and fauna of the planet. The other one was a girl named Alice Van Bergen, who was also a biologist. The last one, Adam Coorey, was a former soldier who was there to keep the team safe during missions.
When it came to Sini, she didn't really know why she was there but Armand had told her that she would learn on the field.
The girl looked around at the beautiful scenery. The view was captivating. They had all heard and read about this place before but they could have never had imagined it to be so heaven like. This place felt surreal, like something out of a fever dream.
The Samson landed in the middle of the dense forest and the expedition finally began. They all went around the forest, the scientists walking in front while she and Adam were in the back, silently following the others.
"This place is truly beautiful..." She said, more to herself but the soldier who was walking next to her heard the statement and responded.
"Right? I never thought I'd see something so amazing coming here." He declared, admiring the nature that surrounded the group.
They all came to a stop when the biologists finally found a spot where they could collect samples. Sini, not knowing what to do with herself decided to look around at the different plants she could see.
"Don't wander too far Sini. We wouldn't want you to get lost." Sage said earning a simple smile of approval from the young Avatar.
Pandora's environment was so magnificent. It was like every step she took, she discovered something new. She was truly captivated by the nature that engulfed her in a deep yet comfortable silence, the only sound being the wind softly blowing the branches of the huge trees and the different animals that were probably observing her as she walked further away from the group without realizing it.
But when she did, the eclipse had happened and she knew she would never find her way back to them. She was lost in a place she knew too little about to feel safe.
She wanted to scream but soon realized that it would be useless and dangerous. She didn't want to attract any animal by making herself known and vulnerable. She kept on walking, going deeper in the forest hoping to find a safe place to spend the night.
Suddenly, she heard a growl coming from behind her, her ears flattening on the side of her head and tail swinging from left to right in an fast rythm as she felt danger too close for the girl not to worry. She carefully turned around and it only took her a second to understand that if she didn't start running at this exact moment she would get killed. And that's exactly what she did.
She ran as fast as she possibly could, the beast –which she believed to be a Thanator– roared as it chased her. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would probably pop out of her ribcage. But despite the fear she felt from being chased, there was this adrenaline that kept her going endlessly. She felt alive.
For the first time in what had seemed like a hundred years, she was truly there, living and fighting for herself. To her surprise a laugh of pure happiness came out of her mouth. It was so loud and sincere that it only made her run faster.
"Did you hear that?" Lo'ak asked his brother who was riding his ikran as he looked around, hoping to find the source of the noise.
"No I didn't, but it doesn't matter. We have to go back home or father will skin us." Neteyam said in a strict tone before giving him a warning look.
"Come ooon! What are you afraid of big bro?" The younger teased, a small smirk pulling at the right corner of his lips.
"Nothing, I just don't want to take the fall for your skxawng ass again." He explained, his voice laced with authority.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes as a sigh left him.
The two of them flew quietly before he heard the same sound as he did a few minutes ago coming from forest under them. The area below them wasn't as dense as the others so when he looked down to find the source of the noise he was quick to see a Palulukan chasing a prey, except, the prey was a Na'vi. He let out a small shriek before diving with his ikran towards the predator.
"Lo'ak!" Neteyam yelled after him, before diving to follow his brother.
Sini was growing tired the further she ran in the forest, but she was still laughing loudly, but not because she was happy. She was stressed that her legs would give up on her any second as she felt all the muscles of her body slowly reaching their breaking point. She knew she had to find a place to hide before the Thanator jumped on her.
She looked around and suddenly saw a cabin. It was the exact copy of the ones they had back at the base but this one was in ruins. One of the windows was broken and she knew it was her only chance to escape the beast that was chasing her. She sprinted towards the cabin and in a quick motion, jumped through the said window before stepping away from the open area. The Thanator tried to get in but it could only fit two of its legs through the opening. Roaring out of frustration, the beast had been defeated and soon ran away.
"That was so fucking close!" She exclaimed, absolutely exhausted from the effort she had just came out of. A loud fit of laughter emanated from her, relief washing over her as she was finally safe. She just couldn't stop laughing. Until she heard a sound coming from somewhere near the cabin.
She got silent, her breathing being the only noise that filled the cabin as she tried to listen to her surroundings. She heard steps getting closer to where she was and before she knew it there was a loud thud, signaling that someone or something had entered the cabin.
She held her breath, wanting to be as silent as she possibly could, waiting to see what had made the noise.
"Lo'ak! Za'u ne'ìm fìtsenge!" Sini heard someone say, but she couldn't understand a single word. She got into a squatting position as she meticulously tried find a way out of the cabin without getting caught.
"Where do you think you're going?" Another voice said, but this time she understood and before she could realize it, someone had grabbed her upper arm and dragged her out of the cabin.
Once outside, she tried to free herself from the strong grip but it was useless. Her muscles were exhausted from all the running she had done. Her movement came to an abrupt stop as she felt a sharp object pressed on the soft skin of her neck.
She didn't really took the time to look at the person that was now threatening her before so she decided to do it now. Her gaze shifted from the floor to the Na'vi facing her.
He looked angry, ready to slit her throat open at any moment. Yet, she knew better than to fear her opponent and so she kept her gaze fixed on the ones of the boy standing in front of her. Her two colored eyes never leaving his green ones.
"What are you doing here?" The Na'vi asked, his ears pointing backwards, anger tied to every of his words.
She was surprised he spoke English but assumed he could have learned it at some point. She didn't have a clue what to answer. What was she really doing here? She had no idea where she was.
"Answer!" The guy yelled at her face, his knife lightly pressing at her throat.
"I'm lost! Please don't kill me!" She pleaded.
She wasn't afraid of death itself but she just didn't want to ruin the opportunity she had to restart a new life.
"Drop your knife Lo'ak." Another voice reached her ears, the same that had yelled in another language a few minutes ago.
The boy who held the knife hissed right in her face before putting it away. Sini let out a sigh of relief she didn't know she had been holding before looking around to find who had given the order.
It was another Na'vi, he seemed just a bit older than the one that was still holding her arm. He walked closer to the two of them, a stoic look on his face. Once he had reached them, the girl didn't know where to look. She felt intimidated by the boy's presence.
"What is your name?" He asked, emotionless.
"Sini." The girl answered, finally gathering the courage to look at him in the eyes.
"How did you get here?" Another question escaped his lips, a small accent noticeable as he spoke.
"I was chased by a Thanator and ended up hiding in the cabin." She mumbled but it was still understandable.
"It should have killed you!" The one holding her said in anger.
"Lo'ak!" The other said, smacking the back of the younger's head and earning a small grunt from him.
"It's true though, she should be dead." He explained, his grip tightening on the girls arm.
Sini looked at the two boys standing in front of her. They looked close. Brothers maybe?
"Don't kill me, I was just trying to find a safe place to spend the night." She blurted out.
Then, out of nowhere a sharp pain shot right through her left leg. She let out a small scream before falling to the ground. She looked at her left thigh and realized there was a huge cut on the front. It was bleeding and it was deep. Small pieces of broken glass were stuck to her skin and she understood how she had gotten the wound. It was when she had jumped through the window to enter the cabin, the adrenaline –at the time– too high for her to feel the pain.
But now that she had calmed down it was hurting.
"She's bleeding." Lo'ak –if she had understood correctly– said in the most uncaring way possible as he looked at the other boy.
"She needs to be healed." He answered, earning a shocked and confused stare from the other.
"We can't bring her home!" The younger yelled looking at Sini who was trying her best to remain immobile to not feel any more pain.
"I know, but I can't let her die here." He declared before leaning down and grabbing her, picking her up and walking to his ikran.
He made the bond and placed the girl in front of of him before he took off. She rested her back against the boy's torso. She felt weak, like she could die at any moment. She hated it because she felt like her old self again. Before she knew it she had passed out, exhaustion winning over her will to stay awake.
"You know that as soon as dad and mom see you, you're a dead man?" Lo'ak told his brother, anger still clear on his face. Neteyam let out a small 'I know' before focusing on where he was going as he watched the horizon carefully.
He knew he was going to be in great trouble the moment he would set a foot on the ground of his clan's territory. But something had drowned him to this mysterious girl. She seemed fearless as her bicolor eyes had plunged into his when he was questioning her. As Lo'ak had said back there, the Palulukan should have killed her but she had escaped. It was something not a lot of Omatikaya could do. So he just couldn't understand that some Avatar could do it.
With a sigh, Neteyam sped up toward the location of his clan, Lo'ak following close behind.
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Leo said Blue is better than purple.
And as always, Leo is mistaken & I dearly hope you told me this, because you think too, that purple is superior.
I shall provide you with reasoning:
1. Purple is associated with royalty:
Royals have worn purple robes in honor of their high status. If this isn’t proof that those who love purple aren’t already queens, then I don’t know what is! These associations with royalty, as well as wealth, stem from the fact that the purple dye was very rare & extremely expensive. Since purple is uncommon in nature, the resources needed to create a dye in this color were much harder to come by & much more costly. So only the elite could use purple dye.
Purple = elite. 😎
2. Purple represents wisdom (and spirituality)
Its rare & mysterious nature perhaps causes it to seem connected to the unknown, supernatural & divine. Different shades of purple have different spiritual meanings. For instance, light purples are associated with light-hearted, romantic energies, while darker shades can represent sadness and frustration. In some parts of Europe, purple is associated with death and mourning, which you can see represented in their common religion Christianity.
It is also associated with mystery, ambition, creativity, magic, peace & pride.
Fun fact: I carry a mystic crystal in my goggles, which makes me able to see mystic activities and energy hidden to the naked eye - guess what colour that crystal has...
Nothing beats seeing the truth.
3. Purple is the ONLY colour that looks amazing in every shade:
Some colours look kind of gross the lighter or darker they get (e.g. yellow in my opinion), but purple will forever be timeless, no matter what hue it has. If you mix any color with purple it only comes out as an even more beautiful shade than it was before - just take a look at me as a reference. Or my wonderful purple jacket! Purple can never be ruined.
4. Purple is exceptionally special:
Purple doesn’t make an appearance on the spectrum. Unlike red or blue or green, there is no wavelength that will make you perceive the color purple. It is a ‘non-spectral’-colour & that is why purple is so special among all the colors we can perceive.
Purple is a mix of the red and blue waves overlapping as they bounce back. Purple (& all it shades) are the colours our brain interprets when looking at red & blue together.
While some people may point out that violet is a spectral colour, violet is not purple, violet has a wavelength.
5. The word purple is a great stim:
Say it with me: ✨️PUR-PLE✨️
Wonderful, isn't it??
Anyways, I hope that major infodump about THE ABSOLUTE BEST COLOUR IN THE WORLD cleared the confusion Leon had created.
I had fun. ~
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gayasspoetry · 10 days
September blues
lately everything feels like a waste of time and I feel like I'd do anything
to make up for the time and space I waste
because I'm not who I used to be
nor am I who I want to be
or even who I am.
I find myself pretending I'm someone else
not for others
but myself
so I can feel content and confident
for a short while at least
until I'm faced with a mirror
and realize I'm not the person
that I pretend I am.
I'm tired of trying to reach out
and being faced by only excuses
of why nobody
really wants to spend time with me
only with the person
or people I pretend to be
for trust and love and attention and hope
for a better future.
I found that I've been losing myself
fading away, one day, one dream at a time
losing interest
in everything I used to love
and finding comfort in the poison of
cigarettes and black coffee
somewhere lonely
but quiet.
because I only really believed
that everything's a waste of life
so choose something fun
that puts a smile on your face
not just tears in your eyes
or fears in your mind
because I never really meant
to let them in
to stop me from reaching for the stars
to gaze at the nighttime sky
and hope.
my mind is filled with thoughts
of vows
in empty parking lots at midnight
of heavy city lights
of summer nights
of hopelessness and razorblades
and everything truly gruesome or simply
because it's not even winter yet
and I'm already losing myself
but it doesn't
really matter at all
because the coming of summer
is just like
cleaning up a gave of my old self;
the child,
the teenager
the person I used to be.
I found that everyone has some idea
of what keeps me going
my mother thinks it's the pills
I'm supposed to take
my father thinks it's the fears
that I'm supposed to face
but really,
they don't know it's only you
that keeps me going and going on
until everything fades;
an eternity.
because it's you and me
and me and you
until the bitter end of everything you see
and all that you cannot perceive
because the world is cold and tough
but with the warmth
and comfort of having one another
we'll always, always
get through whatever we get,
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
hey I saw on twitter someone called you a racist , can you post thah anon? I cant believe it how can people be like that
or did you delete the ask?
Hey anon! Thanks for coming to me directly. You're a sweetie <3
You know what, I wasn't going to address this because it's so stupid, but I figure I have nothing to hide.
What happened was I made a joke that was like "if you voted for thomastair (in the least popular ship poll), you're a monster block me." It was intended in the same tone as Will telling Tessa she's a monster for hating chocolate, or me telling one of my best friends she's a monster for not liking ice cream. This did not go over well online since it's hard to indicate tone, and I am an awkward person. I got this anon. You can read my response beside it.
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I am sincerely sorry to those who were hurt by my initial comment.
However, this still sits poorly with me because Thomas and Alastair literally have sex on page and are all over each other throughout the book. My intention wasn't to accuse anyone of homophobia, it was to shed light on the way that this was perceived because I quite frankly see no way to perceive Thomastair as platonic.
Even if you don't like them. They're all over each other.
Anyway, I then got this anon:
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I didn't reply to it because I was sincerely sorry for hurting their feelings and I didn't want any drama. So I deleted the offending posts, having apologized.
Also, this response has a lot of really obvious flaws, and I originally didn't feel like picking apart the anon in ways that I think are just common sense.
But if I have to reply to this ask, fine.
I don't think Kit is aroace because he's neurodivergent, I think he's aroace because he consistently shows a lack of interest in relationships. Other neurodivergent characters like Henry and Ty are obviously not aroace.
I don't think Grace is aroace because she was abused. Abuse doesn't always make you aroace. I just like her in a qpp with Kit. As for Alastair, he's canonically gay. Attracted to men. They're incomparable in the text.
I do not think Charles is violent. I have specifically said "STATUTORY rape." Alastair was a kid he groomed when he was 14-16. I don't think it was violent, but it's statutory rape.
I fail to see how my thinking that a woman of color (Cordelia) who I adore could do better than a specific white man is racist. I also am not denying that they're in a relationship as anon is doing with Thomastair. Also I'm not a Jordelia anti, I like them fine since Cordelia is happy. I just don't find their dynamic interesting.
As for Jem, don't care. I just don't care about this character. And I never said I wanted to erase him from existence, I just said he's overused in current content and I wish he'd be utilized less frequently.
I also was linked to a post where I'm apparently being fileted for this shitpost:
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I don't think this post is controversial, and it also wasn't directed at any one person. In fact, the individual who took offense to it was totally off my radar until like 2 days ago when I was sent the post. They could not be less relevant to me and I definitely have never thought of them when making a post.
Thomastair is just a ship that is to me- and apparently many other people, considering my engagement- synonymous with hope and happiness. Because that's what they represent, hope and second chances and healing. Generic posts like this are just... generic. If someone I haven't thought about in months feels personally attacked, that's not my problem.
This is all I'm going to say about this. I will not be answering more anons about it or addressing any juvenile callout posts that anyone chooses to make. Honestly this experience is mostly funny to me because, like, I am just some random blogger on the internet at the end of the day. The block button is great. Use it.
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caesarflickermans · 11 months
What do you think about the way character appearance being portrayed or narrated in THG novels?
What's your opinion about THG movies casting? Especially Katniss' and The Seam residents casting?
Is it important that Seam and Merchant residents of District 12 have different appearance in the screen? Yes/No? Why?
What do you think about division /dynamics between Seam and Merchants in District 12?
Thank you :)
This has been sitting in my ask box for months rip but the stage play has been announced so now I want to indulge despite the shame
What do you think about the way character appearance being portrayed or narrated in THG novels?
I liked the implications Collins left us with. The dynamic between the Seam and Merchants is our first introduction to the class markers in the story. Many people, me included, perceive those markers to denote race as well, that with Katniss describing a consistent "Seam look" which consists of black hair, grey eyes, and an olive skin tone. In contrast, Prim and Mrs. Everdeen look like they come from the Merchant class due to their light hair and blue eyes (THG, 1).
This reflects dynamics we have seen all throughout the world, but especially in the United States. Racial tensions leading to people living in separated areas, with the wealthier people being white, and those ostracised being people of colour.
I like the implication of Katniss having Indigenous roots. This ties to the oppression Indigenous peoples still face, with many having been shoved aside to make room for settlers to live prosperous lives on their lands. The Seam is exactly such a place all while it sits close to nature itself.
Katniss even mentions how people have become so distanced from nature that "a few brave souls sneak into the woods to harvest apples" (THG, 1). People who might otherwise have had a different relationship with nature have been entirely severed from it, taught to fear it and rather remain in the confined bounds of the place that does not grow anything.
Katniss ties to nature are, albeit common tropes, nonetheless an important symbol for her connection with nature: "I can feel the muscles in my face relaxing, my pace quickening as I climb the hills to our place, a rock ledge overlooking a valley [...] Gale says I never smile except in the woods." (THG, 1).
Nature is where Katniss turns to when she needs to survive. When her father dies in January, Katniss is left with weeks of starvation before she finds hope in Peeta's bread and the dandelion (THG, 2). The former symbolises heat, warmth, and most importantly: fire, while the latter is a sign of survival. Katniss can only survive in nature, with nature, living off of nature. I cannot help but think of the trail of tears and the reservations that have separated Indigenous peoples of America from their usual resources and brought them in environments that did not yield harvest nor where proper hunting grounds.
What's your opinion about THG movies casting? Especially Katniss' and The Seam residents casting?
All the racial tensions were gone in the movie, which is an immense pity. At the same time, this was 2011-or-so, where casting even a white female lead seemed revolutionary. I am looking forward to their stage play to see if we will get a brown Seam!
That said, I find it strange that the movies don't stick to at least all brown hair for the Seam. Woody is bald, so a brown wig would have been fine as well. Alas, that means that the Merchant-Seam divide is lost in book to movie transition.
Is it important that Seam and Merchant residents of District 12 have different appearance in the screen? Yes/No? Why?
It sure is. I find it an important means of showing how racisms will always exist in this world, and there's no way to deliver this better than actually having them look different enough to tell there is some kind of divide. Book to movie adaptions have always something lost in translation, so I'm interested if they will be more accurate in the stage play!
I don't buy that hair colour and green undertone is a markedly important enough factor to be able to differentiate between people. It only needs one brown-hair dominant gene hitting hard to ruin that logic for a large enough Merchant population to make it a redundant means of telling people apart.
I will also say this: There was a time in history where a certain demographic hated another demographic, but they looked very close in appearance that without a specific symbolism, you couldn't tell them apart. I'm saying, the Nazis needed specific symbols, be it the yellow star, the J in the passport or the name changes to accurately tell who is and who isn't Jewish. Coincidentally, you didn't have that "problem" in the United States where appearances were different enough. I wonder which one Collins was implying here, cause last I recall Katniss only ever referred to the appearance, not being called Seamniss Seamerdeen.
Now, I don't care for debates around this topic anymore, but let's just quickly go through them:
"Olive skin tone means tanned". It's literally a green undertone, that which everyone of any race can have, see the Wikipedia article denoting that this can range to brownish skin as well as the info graph in there.
"They put a white girl on the cover". And the girl has brown-to-black eyes, so it's clearly not an accurate representation anyhow. Beside the fact that I doubt Collins was talking with Scholastic on how their cover artist should do the cover.
"Collins said Katniss and Gale weren't intended to be biracial". A sentence later she also said there was a lot of ethnic mixing. Further down they mention it is a multi-racial society and that Collins did not see a specific ethnicity when she wrote Katniss and Gale. This includes white.
"The casting call only called for caucasian people so that means she was perceived as white by Collins". This was 2011-or-so where Hollywood was worried about white female lead movies underperforming. Clearly, this isn't the same case anymore today—see TBOSAS.
"But Collins said Jennifer Lawrence was the perfect Katniss (or something I don't remember the quote)". She said that Jennifer Lawrence can act well and that the way she acts embodies Katniss. She never specifically said "this is how I've pictured Katniss".
I read Katniss as brown and that's all I need for my own perception, no matter what some ignorant people are yelling at the top of their lungs, because no argument that I can bring forward is going to convince them. If someone's day is ruined because they see someone draw a brown Katniss, then that's on them.
What do you think about division /dynamics between Seam and Merchants in District 12?
I've already partially answered this one, but it is very important to understanding the way Katniss perceives herself and the world around her. The merchants are the first "enemy" we have who Katniss feels opposed to, only to learn that they aren't her enemy.
At the same time, of course, they inform the class struggles we know. The lack of interest in aiding those below you, and the ways poorer white people have abandoned their black/brown counterparts to advance their own standing in society. It shows the complicity one can have in racist structures without themselves being well off in comparison to higher classes.
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Stay With Me
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Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
what to expect: angst lmao, slight allusion to smut but it’s pretty small
A/N: this came to me while listening to Ghost’s cover of “Stay” with Patrick Wilson (they use it in the credits of the last ‘Insidious’ movie), i heard it and could picture Eddie and Steve so clearly with it. highly recommend you give it a listen!! this whole thing was a bit of an escape for me since i’ve been so busy lately. and while we all know how things go in the Upside Down, i decided to leave the ending as ambiguous otherwise i would’ve cried a bunch. AND gif credit goes to @acecroft​
word count: 1.4k
If this world is wearing thin
And you’re thinking of escape
I’ll go anywhere with you
Just wrap me up in chains
        Eddie couldn’t believe his ears. “You’re telling me the most sought-out ladies’ man of Hawkins High is lonely? I don’t see it.” Steve’s shoulders fell as he grumbled. “I’ve never…connected with any of them, ya know? Why do you think I haven’t actually stayed with anyone?” Eddie thought about what he said. Really, he understood. Eddie never truly felt a pull to anyone either. He had some nice hookups here and there, but no one was worth seeing another time. 
       “Well if it helps, our dear little town probably isn’t the best place to find love, or whatever, anyways.” He grinned at Steve, happy to see a small smile breaking out on his face. “You’re not wrong. I might have better luck somewhere else. Somewhere with less close minded people.” Two instances of common ground with Steve Harrington in the span of five minutes? Not a chance. “When have you dealt with close minded people? You’re not a so-called freak.” Eddie noticed Steve’s gaze stick to the ground. “I mean, not that it’s impossible. Like we agreed, there’s plenty of shitty people here.” Steve quirked a brow and nodded. “I just meant cause you were, ya know, before graduating.” 
        Steve looked up at Eddie, a secret swimming in his eyes, not yet ready to come out of hiding. “I also hated who I was. I was a dick. I wasn’t myself. It was all…bullshit. Everyone just ate it up because it didn’t make them uncomfortable.” 
         Eddie felt the unspoken truth behind Steve’s words. He also felt how nervous Steve was to even say such an ambiguous statement.
        “I understand.” Steve’s eyes brightened just a fraction. Was he hopeful? Was he relieved? Did he really realize what was being said? Eddie had no idea, but he knew he needed to keep that light in Steve’s eyes. “Tell ya what, after all this is said and done, we can just go. Anywhere you want. We’ll find a place for you.” For both of us. “I-yeah, yeah okay. That sounds nice.” 
In the silence of your room
In the darkness of your dreams
You must only think of me
There can be no in between
         Steve tossed and turned on the couch next to Eddie’s room all night. His mind was plagued with visions of Eddie disappearing. He wasn’t a stranger to calling the Munson boy “Freak” in the past, thinking he was an outcast for a reason. In a way, Steve was right. Eddie was an outcast, just not in the way he perceived. Getting to know him over the last few days, Steve grew to understand that Eddie was one of few people who truly saw him. Someone he connected with. Someone he didn’t want to lose. 
         Eddie held himself in a bed that wasn’t his own, wishing he could just sleep. He didn’t know if he’d get to go back to his trailer again but he was finally out of the boatshack. And yet, his eyes wouldn’t close. He stared at the wall, deep in thought. The conversations between him and the Harrington boy played over and over in his brain. He was a clueless asshole in school, Eddie taunted him more than once for being referred to as “King”. Apparently he actually had a heart, a fragile one. But he’s still just as clueless. Eddie laughed to himself, the sound echoing in the otherwise empty space.
When your pride is on the floor
I’ll make you beg for more
      “Damnit, Harrington. This would go a lot smoother if you sat still.” Steve winced. “It would go a lot smoother if you were actually being gentle, Munson.” Eddie narrowed his eyes. “Wanna patch yourself up?” Steve kept his mouth shut. “That’s what I thought.” 
       Steve winced a few more times, trying his best not to move too much. Eddie focused on wrapping Steve up after his wounds were clean. “Is everyone else okay?” Eddie nodded. “We were scared out of our minds, still kinda are, but we’re alright.” “...Thank you.” Eddie adjusted the final wrapping and nodded. “Of course. I mean, we can’t have our dear king Steve dying on us before the real battle starts.” If Steve didn’t know Eddie was joking, his glare could have very well killed him. The tiny smile underneath betrayed his fake annoyance at the title.
      “I can’t believe you went headfirst like that without thinking of any threats on the other side.” Steve could tell it was a compliment of sorts. He knew Eddie meant that he was brave, the Munson boy having told him more than once before that he was always one to run away. But he couldn’t let go of the words “without thinking”. He wasn’t thinking. Again. He made a stupid choice. Again. 
      “Do you think it was a dumb move?” Do you think I’m dumb? Eddie frowned. He knew what Steve really meant. He knew how Steve felt about himself. “Honestly? If I had the courage you do, I would’ve done the same thing.” Steve tilted his head and scratched the back of his neck. “Ya know, I’m not as brave as you seem to think I am.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “And you’re not a coward like you claim to be.” Eddie looked up and blinked. “W-what?” “You talk about running from your problems, but you forget to acknowledge the part where you continue going back, facing them again and again. You could’ve dropped out, but you’re still going to school, you’re still working towards graduating. You could’ve left town, finding an escape elsewhere, away from Jason and all the other players who hurt you. But you go back every day with your head high and live your life. You’ve chosen to stick it out in a place you’ve never really felt you belonged and made it your own. You–” Steve didn’t get to finish his sentence. Eddie’s lips covered his with a kiss that filled his very soul. 
       Steve started to kiss him back just as Eddie pulled away, leaning his forehead against Steve’s. “Please tell me I haven’t been reading this all wrong.” Steve’s only response was to pull Eddie in for another kiss. The two felt each other’s smiles on their lips. 
       Steve broke away first for air. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Eddie’s lips maneuvered down to his neck, speaking between kisses, “I think I have a pretty good idea.” Steve used one hand to hold himself up against the table from before and the other ran through Eddie’s hair. Eddie left one more kiss on his shoulder before leaning back just enough so he could see Steve’s face again. Thank God. The light in Steve’s eyes was brighter than ever. 
       “I told you you’re braver than you give yourself credit for.” Eddie rolled his eyes and laughed at Steve’s words. His eyes flicked down Steve’s body, making sure the wrapping was still intact and there wasn’t any blood seeping through. “Hey, I’m okay.” His eyes flicked down a second time and noticed Steve’s pants. “You sure, Stevie? Cause I can think of at least one part of you that could use more of my attention.” He grinned when Steve’s face turned pink. He didn’t expect anything, but he enjoyed teasing the Harrington boy.
        Steve surprised Eddie when he leaned in to kiss him again, whispering “please” against his lips.
You’d better hope and pray 
That you’ll make it safe back to your own world
You’d better hope and pray
That you’ll wake one day in your own world
        The boys trailed after Dustin and the girls through the Upside Down, keeping their eyes out for anything that might swoop down or sneak underneath them. “You still wanna get out of here after this is over?” With me. Eddie looked at Steve, reading his face. “Of course I do. There’s nothing I’d rather do more.” They exchanged soft smiles and kept walking. 
        The party reached its destination to split up, everyone looking between each other with worry. They went over the plan and nodded at each other. Nancy and Robin exchanged glances, Dustin hugged Steve harder than he probably should have in his recovering state and saluted the girls. 
         Steve Harrington looked into Eddie Munson’s eyes, full of hope and fear at the same time. Not caring what any of the other party members may say, the two held each other’s faces and met with a kiss. Short but filled with words that both were afraid to say out loud, “You better come back to me,” “I promise I’ll be okay.” They pulled back at the same time, each taking their own deep breaths.
  “Don’t be a hero.”
Stay with me
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