#but honestly twt can go fuck themselves aren’t they fucking tired of the shitting on people for no good reason
glamjrwi · 2 years
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ghostiewriter · 3 years
this isn’t an ask or anything, more like a rant but im fr so tired of twitter stans and the way they attack madison/jiara on ANYTHING.
i don’t necessarily agree with some things madison does but they’re not HARMFUL. like yesterday when she went live to address the people who were hating on her for her dress at the mtv awards. i don’t remember exactly what she said but ppl on twitter started calling her a “classist” ?? like what. because she said one little thing, she’s a classist..make it make sense. it’s so funny to me because everyone in the main cast with the exception of madelyn and jd (unless im missing something) have done something wrong, yet i see madison get the most hate for what she’s done? also i don’t get why people say madison is transphobic, when she’s clearly not..it’s so confusing to me. she’s spoken up about trans rights before and how we shouldn’t exclude them from black lives matter. i know she made a poor comment like two years ago but she was young and probably didn’t know any better.
and as for people who attack jiara stans/jiara, get a life?? why does it bother you what people ship...? it’s so strange, like just focus on your own ship. imagine telling someone to k*pk themselves because of what they ship 😍. i would understand if it was a toxic ship...but it’s not. hot take but tumblr stans > instagram stans > twitter stans. obx twt stans are the worst, they can’t respect anyone or anything for shit.
okay that’s all, thanks for listening to me ramble and i would love to know your thoughts as well!
I don’t know all the details of the situation, nor have I seen the “evidence” that people have for all these claims. But I have an opinion, and I’m not saying my opinion should be everyone’s but nonetheless here it is.
I tend to avoid fandom Twitter because it’s generally quite toxic, and the OBX fandom is just an example of it. They are ruthless, they interpret things how they want and then use it to “cancel” celebrities because they take clips out of context and use it as “evidence”. They seem to love targeting Maddie, most likely because she tends to respond to their claims (which honey, I wish you wouldn’t because they don’t deserve the attention ahshsbdb). But it’s not only Maddie they do this too, they like to do it to other cast members and even take it to the people around them. Then again, this isn’t just a Twitter thing, you tend to see this in every platform and within every fandom.
It’s stupid and I honestly don’t understand the point. I’m not saying people should or shouldn’t be “cancelled” but if someone’s done or said something shitty or wrong, they should be educated and learn to grow as a person. Cancelling them does nothing, tell them why they are wrong and let them learn from their mistakes. They deserve a chance to be a better person.
And as for the ship thing? It’s just simply immature. We all watched this show and loved it, we have that in common. However, we just saw the potential in different ships. That’s okay, that’s honestly completely okay. What I don’t understand is why we can’t just let each other go about with our preferred ships and leave it there. Telling people to k*ll themselves over a ship? Calling them homophobic or racist if they don’t ship the same ship as you? Like ma’am if you can’t learn to respect someone else’s opinion on something as trivial as a fictional ship in a TV show, then the internet is not the place for you. If it bothers you that much, just blog the hashtag and be done with it. No need to get hostile and say such extreme and rude things to people.
I would also like people to remember that though these actors play fictional characters we love on a show, they are also humans. Just like yourself and I. And they have boundaries and they aren’t perfect and they are bound to make mistakes. It’s not our job as their fans, and as people in general, to harass them and “cancel” them. Whatever Maddie said, I’m sure she meant no ill intention by and most likely should’ve just worded it better. I’m sure we’ve all had situations like this. But like this lovely anon said, none of it is harmful. Maddie and the rest of the OBX cast are young, they are gonna make some mistakes and they will grow from them. Unlike the rest of us, they are in the spotlight where everyone’s pointing a camera at them and waiting for them to trip up. But once again, they are still human and still deserve a chance to grow as a person and learn from their mistakes.
But if you think harassing them and “cancelling” them and bullying them is gonna solve anything, you can kindly fuck right off my blog!❤️
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