#but i also have to respect them for my sanity so sdaklfsa yeah i'm a big fan of team
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi! I’m really enjoying Stain! I started reading it right after finishing Wind because I loved your writing so much, it’s actually got me back into reading fanfic after a long slump, so thank you for that! I know this is a ridiculous ask and I’m sorry for even asking, but I was just wondering if the therapist character is going to be prominent moving forward? Tim is the name of my abuser and I know it’s silly but I find it pretty triggering seeing that name when I’m not expecting it. It caught me off guard in the last chapter and now I’m just a bit shaken and worried that it’s going to kill my enjoyment of the rest of the fic. Basically I’m just wondering if he’ll be there a lot and specifically mentioned by name? Again sorry for asking I know it’s dumb. Thank you for writing these beautiful fics, I hope you’re having a great day!
Hi anon,
As someone with PTSD, who has found character names triggering in the past, all I can suggest is that you stop reading and take care of yourself, until you reach a point where the name doesn't cause the same reaction in you anymore.
I've written a story about a character who shared a name with a rapist in my past, and for most of my life I would never have been able to do that, and couldn't even be friends with people who shared his name, and then one day I could write a long multi-chaptered story, and have a lot less problems with the name. Hopefully one day you get a bit more distance that way as well. Therapy and a lot of time helped, and also just not forcing myself to be around it until I knew I could handle it better.
But until then, it's not good to push yourself, and I am not planning this story, but the therapist is definitely mentioned again by name and will likely be in at least one scene in the future.
Since you already know this makes you shaken, the best option is to simply stop reading. It's not dumb to ask at all, you're looking out for yourself, and that way I can give you an informed answer. :)
Reading a story you're enjoying is not worth being triggered, and there are millions of other fics on AO3, and quite a lot of them are good!
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